761 resultados para web service gamification marketing prossimità proximity turismo tourism


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One of the current challenges of Ubiquitous Computing is the development of complex applications, those are more than simple alarms triggered by sensors or simple systems to configure the environment according to user preferences. Those applications are hard to develop since they are composed by services provided by different middleware and it is needed to know the peculiarities of each of them, mainly the communication and context models. This thesis presents OpenCOPI, a platform which integrates various services providers, including context provision middleware. It provides an unified ontology-based context model, as well as an environment that enable easy development of ubiquitous applications via the definition of semantic workflows that contains the abstract description of the application. Those semantic workflows are converted into concrete workflows, called execution plans. An execution plan consists of a workflow instance containing activities that are automated by a set of Web services. OpenCOPI supports the automatic Web service selection and composition, enabling the use of services provided by distinct middleware in an independent and transparent way. Moreover, this platform also supports execution adaptation in case of service failures, user mobility and degradation of services quality. The validation of OpenCOPI is performed through the development of case studies, specifically applications of the oil industry. In addition, this work evaluates the overhead introduced by OpenCOPI and compares it with the provided benefits, and the efficiency of OpenCOPI s selection and adaptation mechanism


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The visualization of three-dimensional(3D)images is increasigly being sed in the area of medicine, helping physicians diagnose desease. the advances achived in scaners esed for acquisition of these 3d exames, such as computerized tumography(CT) and Magnetic Resonance imaging (MRI), enable the generation of images with higher resolutions, thus, generating files with much larger sizes. Currently, the images of computationally expensive one, and demanding the use of a righ and computer for such task. The direct remote acess of these images thruogh the internet is not efficient also, since all images have to be trasferred to the user´s equipment before the 3D visualization process ca start. with these problems in mind, this work proposes and analyses a solution for the remote redering of 3D medical images, called Remote Rendering (RR3D). In RR3D, the whole hedering process is pefomed a server or a cluster of servers, with high computational power, and only the resulting image is tranferred to the client, still allowing the client to peform operations such as rotations, zoom, etc. the solution was developed using web services written in java and an architecture that uses the scientific visualization packcage paraview, the framework paraviewWeb and the PACS server DCM4CHEE.The solution was tested with two scenarios where the rendering process was performed by a sever with graphics hadwere (GPU) and by a server without GPUs. In the scenarios without GPUs, the soluction was executed in parallel with several number of cores (processing units)dedicated to it. In order to compare our solution to order medical visualization application, a third scenario was esed in the rendering process, was done locally. In all tree scenarios, the solution was tested for different network speeds. The solution solved satisfactorily the problem with the delay in the transfer of the DICOM files, while alowing the use of low and computers as client for visualizing the exams even, tablets and smart phones


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Web services are computational solutions designed according to the principles of Service Oriented Computing. Web services can be built upon pre-existing services available on the Internet by using composition languages. We propose a method to generate WS-BPEL processes from abstract specifications provided with high-level control-flow information. The proposed method allows the composition designer to concentrate on high-level specifi- cations, in order to increase productivity and generate specifications that are independent of specific web services. We consider service orchestrations, that is compositions where a central process coordinates all the operations of the application. The process of generating compositions is based on a rule rewriting algorithm, which has been extended to support basic control-flow information.We created a prototype of the extended refinement method and performed experiments over simple case studies


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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Web services are loosely coupled applications that use XML documents as a way of integrating distinct systems on the internet. Such documents are used by in standards such as SOAP, WSDL and UDDI which establish, respectively, integrated patterns for the representation of messages, description, and publication of services, thus facilitating the interoperability between heterogeneous systems. Often one single service does not meet the users needs, therefore new systems can be designed from the composition of two or more services. This which is the design goal behind the of the Service Oriented Architecture. Parallel to this scenario, we have the PEWS (Predicate Path-Expressions for Web Services) language, which speci es behavioural speci cations of composite web service interfaces.. The development of the PEWS language is divided into two parts: front-end and back-end. From a PEWS program, the front-end performs the lexical analysis, syntactic and semantic compositions and nally generate XML code. The function of the back-end is to execute the composition PEWS. This master's dissertation work aims to: (i) reformulate the proposed architecture for the runtime system of the language, (ii) Implement the back-end for PEWS by using .NET Framework tools to execute PEWS programs using the Windows Work ow Foundation


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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[ES] Este trabajo detalla las diferentes etapas del desarrollo de construcción del prototipo Clever Socket, abarcando desde su análisis, a su diseño e implementación.
Clever Socket es un conjunto hardware y software que facilita el control del encendido y el apagado de los aparatos electrónicos conectados a él a través de redes de comunicación LAN y WAN. Para lograr este propósito, el artefacto se apoya en la placa de desarrollo electrónico Arduino UNO y la placa Arduino WiFi Shield –que posibilita su conexión inalámbrica a la red–.
El dispositivo cuenta con cuatro bases de enchufe controladas a través de relés, que permiten la gestión de hasta cuatro dispositivos electrónicos de manera simultánea.
 En el lado del software se presentan tres componentes:
Un servicio web de bajo nivel destinado a la gestión de la placa Arduino. Permite la comunicación con la placa, la lectura y escritura de sus pines.
 Un servicio web específico del dispositivo Clever Socket. Facilita la comunicación con el prototipo hardware, permitiendo así la gestión de diferentes operaciones que se llevan a cabo sobre los aparatos conectados a sus enchufes.
 Una aplicación web. Actúa como interfaz entre el usuario y el servicio web de Clever Socket, permitiendo la gestión del dispositivo. El diseño de la aplicación es responsive, lo que posibilita su correcta visualización en todo tipo de dispositivos, tanto móviles como de escritorio.


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[ES] El Trabajo de Fin de Grado, Diseño e Implementación de un Convertidor Numérico como Aplicación Android es una aplicación desarrollada para terminales móviles con SO Android. Esta desarrollada en el entorno de desarrollo Eclipse, sobre el lenguaje de programación Java y hace uso de diferentes herramientas, las más importante de ellas el SDK TOOLS para Android. El objetivo o principal motivación por el cual he creado dicha aplicación es facilitarle al usuario final una forma más fácil y amena de acceder a toda la información proporcionada por el Servicio Web Números TIP. Esta aplicación podría tener gran uso en el campo de las enseñanzas primarias para enseñar a los niños a escribir números con letras y también podría ser de gran utilidad para las personas que no tengan un dominio extenso de nuestro idioma. La principal funcionalidad de la aplicación es realizar una consulta al Servicio Web Números TIP y luego mostrar por pantalla todos los datos devueltos. Todo el proceso de dibujo de la interfaz de usuario se realiza de manera dinámica y en tiempo de ejecución, logrando de esta manera adaptarnos a los datos que devuelva el servicio web. Para realizar la consulta al Servicio Web Números TIP el usuario introduce una ristra de caracteres sobre la cual se realizan determinadas comprobaciones en el servidor y se dibuja en la interfaz de usuario la respuesta devuelta. Esta ristra de caracteres puede contener cualquier signo, letra o número y el servicio web se encarga de devolver un error o reconocer un número, ya sea en su forma entera, fraccionaria, decimal o romana. La aplicación esta estandarizada para los cuatro tamaños generales reconocidos por Android y para sus densidades. Además se podría decir que la aplicación reconoce el idioma pre configurado en el teléfono y en base a ello solicita al servicio web las respuestas en español o en inglés.


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[ES] Desarrollo de un servicio web para convertir números a texto en inglés. Dado un número, se obtienen distintos resultados alternativos de su conversión a texto : en cardinal, ordinal, escala corta, escala larga, etc.


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In this report it was designed an innovative satellite-based monitoring approach applied on the Iraqi Marshlands to survey the extent and distribution of marshland re-flooding and assess the development of wetland vegetation cover. The study, conducted in collaboration with MEEO Srl , makes use of images collected from the sensor (A)ATSR onboard ESA ENVISAT Satellite to collect data at multi-temporal scales and an analysis was adopted to observe the evolution of marshland re-flooding. The methodology uses a multi-temporal pixel-based approach based on classification maps produced by the classification tool SOIL MAPPER ®. The catalogue of the classification maps is available as web service through the Service Support Environment Portal (SSE, supported by ESA). The inundation of the Iraqi marshlands, which has been continuous since April 2003, is characterized by a high degree of variability, ad-hoc interventions and uncertainty. Given the security constraints and vastness of the Iraqi marshlands, as well as cost-effectiveness considerations, satellite remote sensing was the only viable tool to observe the changes taking place on a continuous basis. The proposed system (ALCS – AATSR LAND CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM) avoids the direct use of the (A)ATSR images and foresees the application of LULCC evolution models directly to „stock‟ of classified maps. This approach is made possible by the availability of a 13 year classified image database, conceived and implemented in the CARD project (http://earth.esa.int/rtd/Projects/#CARD).The approach here presented evolves toward an innovative, efficient and fast method to exploit the potentiality of multi-temporal LULCC analysis of (A)ATSR images. The two main objectives of this work are both linked to a sort of assessment: the first is to assessing the ability of modeling with the web-application ALCS using image-based AATSR classified with SOIL MAPPER ® and the second is to evaluate the magnitude, the character and the extension of wetland rehabilitation.


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Il web è cambiato! In questi ultimi anni internet ha subito grandi cambiamenti, è passato da un web formato da sole pagine ad un web fornitore di servizi. Questi servizi chiamati ‘Web Service’ vengono utilizzati ampiamente per sviluppare la maggior parte delle applicazioni web. A questo proposito, viene presentata brevemente la tecnologia dei Web Service, per passare successivamente ad analizzare due tipi di standard: quelli basati su SOAP con disegni strettamente accoppiati simili a chiamate di procedura e quelli basati su REST con disegni debolmente accoppiati, simili alla navigazione di link. Questa tesi si pone l’obiettivo di fornire informazioni sulle caratteristiche, l’interoperabilità, le differenze e l’implementazione dei due standard, descrivendo l’utilizzo di queste architetture in un contesto di informatica gestionale, nello specifico, lo scenario di Infor ERP LN.


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Questo testo si pone come obbiettivo l'analisi di fattibilità tecnica e l'introduzione all'implementazione di sistemi che permettano il riutilizzo di codice sorgente di applicazioni con necessità simili su dispositivi Smartphone. In particolare su sistemi Google Android. Questo è il concetto di personalizzazione di applicazioni, in pratica la costruzione di sistemi che permettano di generare applicazioni mobile attraverso interfacce user-friendly e mediante l'uso di codice modulare. L'obbiettivo è fornire una visione globale delle soluzioni e delle problematiche di questo campo, poste come linee guida per chi intendesse studiare questo contesto o dovesse sviluppare un progetto, anche complesso, inerente alla personalizzazione di applicazioni. Sarà implementato come esempio, un web service per la personalizzazione di applicazioni Android, in particolare webview, soffermandosi in particolare sulle problematiche legate alla paternità del software e delle firme digitali necessarie per la pubblicazione sul market Android. Saranno definite alcune scelte da prendere se si sviluppano applicazioni per terzi che in seguito saranno rilasciate sul market. Nella ultima parte sarà analizzata una strategia di customizzazione attraverso alcune buone pratiche, che permette attraverso l'uso di progetti libreria e direttamente nell'ambiente di sviluppo, di realizzare codice modulare e pronto per il market Android in diverse versioni.


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In questo documento di tesi viene descritta la progettazione e la realizzazione di estensioni per il sistema di authoring AContent. L'idea è di creare un'estensione dell'authoring tool che implementi il concetto di template ovvero strumenti di grande efficacia e di facile utilizzo nelle fasi di redazione dei contenuti. Si prevede di aggiungerli ad AContent senza la necessità di integrare un intero motore di template ma utilizzando strutture dati esistenti e specifiche standard di e-learning. I servizi aggiuntivi da offrire agli autori sono stati organizzati secondo tre approcci diversi da cui sono emersi tre livelli di template. Il Template di Layout che determina l'aspetto grafico dei contenuti, il Template di Pagina che definisce la struttura di ogni singola pagina e il Template di Struttura che propone e imposta un modello per la struttura dell'intero contenuto didattico. Il documento è costituito da una seconda parte di progetto che va a coinvolgere il sistema ATutor e pone grande attenzione sulle caratteristiche di interoperabilità fra l'authoring AContent e il LCMS ATutor. Lo scopo è quello di estendere le funzionalità di integrazione dei contenuti del sistema così da presentare materiale didattico esterno archiviato in AContent. Viene trattata l'integrazione di LTI all'interno dei due sistemi considerati assegnando i ruoli di Tool Provider (AContent), fornitore di contenuti didattici remoti e Tool Consumer (ATutor), richiedente di tali contenuti. Sono considerati, infine, i due moduli di ATutor AContent Repository e External Tool che si occupano di importare materiale didattico da AContent tramite il Web Service REST. Si prevede la loro modifica affinché, attraverso il canale di comunicazione LTI stabilito, siano in grado di creare dei Live Content Link ovvero riferimenti a contenuti remoti (esterni alla piattaforma utilizzata) aggiornati in tempo reale. Infatti, a differenza di una normale importazione di un LO esterno è previsto che venga creano un "riferimento". In questo modo, la modifica di una pagina sul Tool Provider AContent si ripercuoterà istantaneamente su tutti i contenuti dei Tool Consumer che hanno instaurato un Live Content Link con il provider.


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Sviluppo applicazione per condividere contatti da SugarCRM con Google Contacts