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The findings of a neurological evaluation in 85 patients with confirmed, acute, dengue virus infection are described. Signs of central nervous system involvement were present in IS patients (21.2%). The most frequent neurological symptom was mental confusion. The frequency of neurological involvement did not differ between patients with primary and secondary dengue infection, and the prevalence of central nervous system involvement in dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever also did not differ significantly. The presence of CNS involvement did not influence the prognosis of dengue infection. Dengue viral CSF RNA was found in 7 of 13 patients submitted to a spinal tap, the CSF viral load being less than 1000 copies/ml. PCR was negative in serum samples obtained from three patients on the same day as the CSF samples, suggesting that the dengue virus actively enters the CNS and that the presence of the virus in the CNS does not result from passive crossing of the blood-brain barrier. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
objective. To describe the management of patients with long-term central venous catheters (CVCs) during an outbreak of infection due to Pseudomonas putida and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia associated with contaminated heparin catheter-lock solution. design. Descriptive study. setting. Private, 250-bed tertiary-care hospital. methods. In March 2003, we identified 2 febrile cancer patients with P. putida bacteremia. Over 2 days, 7 cases of bacteremia were identified; lots of syringes prefilled with heparin catheter-lock solution, supplied by a compounding pharmacy, were recalled and samples were cultured. More cases of bacteremia appeared during the following days, and any patient who had had a catheter lock infused with the suspect solution was asked to provide blood samples for culture, even if the patient was asymptomatic. Isolates that were recovered from culture were typed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. Antimicrobial salvage treatment of long-term CVCs was attempted. results. A total of 154 patients had had their catheter lock infused with solution from the lots that were suspected of being contaminated. Only 48 of these patients had CVCs. By day 7 of the outbreak, 18 of these patients had become symptomatic. Twenty-six of the remaining 30 asymptomatic patients then also provided blood samples for culture, 10 of whom developed fever shortly after samples were collected. Thirty-two patients were identified who had P. putida bacteremia; 9 also had infection due to S. maltophilia. Samples from 1 of the 3 lots of prefilled syringes in use at the time of the outbreak also grew P. putida on culture. Molecular typing identified 3 different clones of P. putida from patients and heparin catheter-lock solution, and 1 clone of S. maltophilia. A total of 27 patients received antimicrobial therapy regimens, some of which included decontamination of the catheter lock with anti- infective lock solution. Of 27 patients, 19 (70%) retained their long-term CVC during the 6-month follow-up period. conclusions. To our knowledge, this is one of the largest prospective experiences in the management of bloodstream infection associated with long-term CVCs. The infections were caused by gram-negative bacilli and were managed without catheter removal, with a high response rate. We emphasize the risks of using intravenous formulations of medications supplied by compounding pharmacies that produce large quantities of drugs.
Background This article provides a summary of the current status of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Latin America, as well as an outline of the diverse responses to it. Methods A search of international databases (Pubmed and ISI-Web of Science), regional databases (Scielo and Lilacs), regional and national documents and UNAIDS reports. Data are presented according to subregion. Results In Mexico HIV remains concentrated among urban men who have sex with men (MSM), and has been growing among injecting drug users (IDU) and in rural areas in relation to migration. An increasing proportion of women among those affected is observed in all countries in Central America, the most affected region, as well as increasing the impact on other vulnerable groups, such as indigenous populations. The Andean Countries have urban epidemics concentrated among MSM. In Peru, non-traditional vulnerable populations were identified. In the Southern Cone heterosexual transmission became more relevant, probably in connection with IDU epidemics and is increasingly affecting lower income groups. Incidence rates have been declining since 2002 in Brazil, the first country to guarantee free, universal access to antiretrovirals, where one-third of drug-nave patients are still initiating treatment at an advanced stage. Generally, access to treatment has improved as a result of support from the Global Fund and other initiatives, but there are concerns regarding coverage, equity and sustainability. Conclusions HIV is still concentrated among MSM in Latin America. Non-traditional vulnerable groups such as migrants and lower income populations, usually considered part of the general population, deserve attention. Programmes confronting sexual exclusion are still needed. Access to treatment has improved over time, but inequalities persist.
There is a high prevalence of leprosy in the Amazon region of Brazil. We have developed a distance education course in leprosy for training staff of the Family Health Teams (FHTs). The course was made available through a web portal. Tele-educational resources were mediated by professors and coordinators, and included the use of theoretical content available through the web, discussion lists, Internet chat, activity diaries, 3-D video animations (Virtual Human on Leprosy), classes in video streaming and case simulation. Sixty-five FHT staff members were enrolled. All of them completed the course and 47 participants received a certificate at the end of the course. At the end of the course, 48 course-evaluation questionnaires were answered. A total of 47 participants (98%) considered the course as excellent. The results demonstrate the feasibility of an interactive, tele-education model as an educational resource for staff in isolated regions. Improvements in diagnostic skills should increase diagnostic suspicion of leprosy and may contribute to early detection.
In this study, we evaluated the acute effects of central NAC administration on baroreflex in juvenile SHR and Wistar Kyoto (WKY) rats. Male SHR and WKY rats (8 10 weeks old) were implanted with a stainless steel guide cannula into the fourth cerebral ventricle (4th V). The femoral artery and vein were cannulated for mean arterial pressure (MAP) and heart rate (HR) measurement and drug infusion, respectively. After basal MAP and HR recordings, the baroreflex was tested with a pressor dose of phenylephrine (PHE, 8 mu g/kg, bolus) and a depressor dose of sodium nitroprusside (SNP, 50 mu g/kg, bolus). Baroreflex was evaluated before, 5, 15, 30 and 60 minutes after NAC injection into the 4th V. Vehicle treatment did not change baroreflex responses in WKY and SHR. Central NAC slightly but significantly increased basal HR at 15 minutes and significantly reduced PHE-induced increase in MAP 30 and 60 minutes after NAC injection (p < 0.05) in WKY rats. In relation to SHR, NAC decreased HR range 15 and 30 minutes after its administration. In conclusion, acute NAC into the 4th V does not improve baroreflex in juvenile SHR.
Kishi D; Videira RLR Description of Nosocomial Infection Prevention Practices by Anesthesiologists in a University Hospital. Background and objectives: Anesthesiologists play an important role in the prevention of nosocomial infections. In anesthetic practice, physiologic barriers are routinely breached, allowing patient contamination with microorganisms and the consequent development of infection. The lack of adhesion to recommended practices can facilitate transmission of microorganisms. It is important to describe prophylactic practices of anesthesia-related nosocomial infections performed by anesthesiologists. Methods: Structured questionnaires were distributed to be answered voluntarily and anonymously by anesthesiologists. Results: Among 112 anesthesiologists, 75% answered the questionnaire. Surgical mask is used by 95.2% of anesthesiologists, 96.3% wear gloves frequently, 98.9% wear sterile gloves for neuraxial block, 91.3% use sterile technique for central venous puncture, 95.1% wash their hands between cases, 91.6% try to maintain the endotracheal tube sterile, 96.3% discard the prefilled propofol syringe at the end of each anesthesia, 30% clean the vials before using it in the neuraxial blocks, and 19.8% clean the vials before intravenous use. Conclusions: Respondents showed good adhesion to practices of nosocomial infection prophylaxis and to improve them educational multidisciplinary campaigns are necessary.
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease characterized by inflammatory immune response directed against myelin antigens of the central nervous system. In its murine model, EAE, Th17 cells play an important role in disease pathogenesis. These cells can induce blood-brain barrier disruption and CNS immune cells activation, due to the capacity to secrete high levels of IL-17 and IL-22 in an IL-6 + TGF-beta dependent manner. Thus, using the oral tolerance model, by which 200 mu g of MOG 35-55 is given orally to C57BL/6 mice prior to immunization, we showed that the percentage of Th17 cells as well as IL-17 secretion is reduced both in the periphery and also in the CNS of orally tolerated animals. Altogether, our data corroborates with the pathogenic role of IL-17 and IFN-gamma in EAE, as its reduction after oral tolerance, leads to an overall reduction of pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-1 alpha, IL-6, IL-9, IL-12p70 and the chemokines MIP-1 beta, RANTES, Eotaxin and KC in the CNS. It is noteworthy that this was associated to an increase in IL-10 levels. Thus, our data clearly show that disease suppression after oral tolerance induction, correlates with reduction in target organ inflammation, that may be caused by a reduced Th1/Th17 response. Crown Copyright (c) 2010 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Introduction. Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection, a common complication in lung transplant (LT) patients, is associated with worse outcomes. Therefore, prophylaxis and surveillance with preemptive treatment is recommended. Objectives. Describe the epidemiology and impact on mortality of CMV infection in LT patients receiving CMV prophylaxis. Methods. Single-center retrospective cohort of LT recipients from August 2003 to March 2008. We excluded patients with survival or follow-up shorter than 30 days. We reviewed medical charts and all CMV pp65 antigen results. Results. Forty-seven patients met the inclusion criteria and 19 (40%) developed a CMV event: eight CMV infections, seven CMV syndromes, and 15 CMV diseases. The mean number of CMV events for each patient was 1.68 +/- 0.88. Twelve patients developed CMV events during prophylaxis (5/12 had CMV serology D+/R-). Forty-six of the 47 patients had at least one episode of acute rejection (mean 2.23 +/- 1.1). Median follow-up was 22 months (range = 3-50). There were seven deaths. Upon univariate analysis, CMV events were related to greater mortality (P = .04), especially if the patient experienced more than two events (P = .013) and if the first event occurred during the first 3 months after LT (P = .003). Nevertheless, a marginally significant relationship between CMV event during the first 3 months after LT and mortality was observed in the multivariate analysis (hazards ratio: 7.46; 95% confidence interval: 0.98-56.63; P = .052). Patients with CMV events more than 3 months post-LT showed the same survival as those who remained CMV-free. Conclusion. Prophylaxis and preemptive treatment are safe and effective; however, the patients who develop CMV events during prophylaxis experience a worse prognosis.
Chemokines are chemoattractant cytokines involved in the immune response of a wide variety of diseases. There are few studies assessing their role in opportunistic infections in HIV-infected patients. In this study, we measured CC and CXC chemokines in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples obtained from 40 HIV-infected patients with or without opportunistic infections of the central nervous system (CNS). CSF samples were also analyzed for quantification of total protein, cell count and HIV-1 RNA. HIV+ patients with cryptococcal meningitis had higher levels of CCL2, CCL3, CCL5, CXCL9 and CXCL10 when compared to patients without opportunistic neurological infections. Furthermore, HIV+ patients with associated cryptococcal meningitis had higher levels of CCL3, CXCL9 and CXCL10 when compared to HIV+ patients with associated toxoplasmic encephalitis. CCL3 and CXCL9 levels were positively correlated with CSF HIV-1 RNA levels, CSF protein concentration, and CSF cell count. CXCL10 level was correlated with the CSF viral load and the CSF cell count and CCL5 level was correlated with the CSF cell count. In conclusion, the profile of chemokines in CSF of HIV patients may differ according to the modality of the presented opportunistic infection and according to other biological markers, such as viral load in CSF. These differences are probably related to different patterns of neuroinflammatory responses displayed by patients with different opportunistic neurological infections. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Objective: The Purpose of this study was to determine whether handedness influences bilateral shoulder range of motion in nonathlete adult women. Methods: This was an observational Study. Shoulder range of motion (flexion, abduction, horizontal adduction, extension, external and internal rotation) was passively and bilaterally measured in 50 female, right-handed, and healthy university students, ranging from 20 to 29 years of age, who were not practicing repetitive activities with the upper limbs at the time Of this study. The assessment was performed with a universal goniometer, twice for each subject by the same examiner. irst and second measurements were correlated using the intraclass correlation coefficient, which was high for all movements and ranged from 0.80 to 0.97. The Student t test and Wilcoxon test were used to compare the range of motion between the dominant and nondominant shoulders and the mean differences between the 2 sides. The effect of size vias alpha = .05. Results: There is statistically significance difference between the 2 sides when the rotational range of motion is compared the dominant shoulder presented increased external rotation (mean, 4.74 degrees; 95% confidence interval, 1.61-7.87) and decreased internal rotation (mean, 3.52 degrees; 95% confidence interval, 1.64-5.4) compared to the opposite Shoulder. Conclusion: Dominance should be considered when shoulder rotation is evaluated even in nonathlete adult women. (J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2009;32:149-153)
Introduction: The ACCM/PALS guidelines address early correction of paediatric septic shock using conventional measures. In the evolution of these recommendations, indirect measures of the balance between systemic oxygen delivery and demands using central venous or superior vena cava oxygen saturation ( ScvO(2) >= 70%) in a goal-directed approach have been added. However, while these additional goal-directed endpoints are based on evidence-based adult studies, the extrapolation to the paediatric patient remains unvalidated. Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare treatment according to ACCM/PALS guidelines, performed with and without ScvO(2) goal-directed therapy, on the morbidity and mortality rate of children with severe sepsis and septic shock. Design, participants and interventions: Children and adolescents with severe sepsis or fluid-refractory septic shock were randomly assigned to ACCM/PALS with or without ScvO(2) goal-directed resuscitation. Measurements: Twenty-eight-day mortality was the primary endpoint. Results: Of the 102 enrolled patients, 51 received ACCM/PALS with ScvO(2) goal-directed therapy and 51 received ACCM/PALS without ScvO(2) goal-directed therapy. ScvO(2) goal-directed therapy resulted in less mortality ( 28-day mortality 11.8% vs. 39.2%, p = 0.002), and fewer new organ dysfunctions ( p = 0.03). ScvO(2) goal-directed therapy resulted in more crystalloid ( 28 ( 20-40) vs. 5 ( 0-20) ml/kg, p < 0.0001), blood transfusion ( 45.1% vs. 15.7%, p = 0.002) and inotropic ( 29.4% vs. 7.8%, p = 0.01) support in the first 6 h. Conclusions: This study supports the current ACCM/PALS guidelines. Goal-directed therapy using the endpoint of a ScvO(2) = 70% has a significant and additive impact on the outcome of children and adolescents with septic shock.
Objectives. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of thermal and mechanical cycling alone or in combination, on the flexural strength of ceramic and metallic frameworks cast in gold alloy or titanium. Methods. Metallic frameworks (25 mm x 3 mm x 0.5 mm) (N = 96) cast in gold alloy or commercial pure titanium (Ti cp) were obtained using acrylic templates. They were airborne particle-abraded with 150 mu m aluminum oxide at the central area of the frameworks (8 mm x 3 mm). Bonding agent and opaque were applied on the particle-abraded surfaces and the corresponding ceramic for each metal was fired onto them. The thickness of the ceramic layer was standardized by positioning the frameworks in a metallic template (height: I mm). The specimens from each ceramic-metal combination (N = 96, n = 12 per group) were randomly assigned into four experimental fatigue conditions, namely water storage at 37 degrees C for 24 h (control group), thermal cycling (3000 cycles, between 4 and 55 degrees C, dwell time: 10 s), mechanical cycling (20,000 cycles under 10 N load, immersion in distilled water at 37 degrees C) and, thermal and mechanical cycling. A flexural strength test was performed in a universal testing machine (crosshead speed: 1.5 mm/min). Data were statistically analyzed using two-way ANOVA and Tukey`s test (alpha = 0.05). Results. The mean flexural strength values for the ceramic-gold alloy combination (55 +/- 7.2MPa) were significantly higher than those of the ceramic-Ti cp combination (32 +/- 6.7 MPa) regardless of the fatigue conditions performed (p < 0.05). Mechanical and thermo-mechanical fatigue decreased the flexural strength results significantly for both ceramic-gold alloy (52 +/- 6.6 and 53 +/- 5.6 MPa, respectively) and ceramic-Ti cp combinations (29 +/- 6.8 and 29 +/- 6.8 MPa, respectively) compared to the control group (58 +/- 7.8 and 39 SA MPa, for gold and Ti cp, respectively) (p < 0.05) (Tukey`s test). While ceramic-Ti cp combinations failed adhesively at the metal-opaque interface, gold alloy frameworks exhibited a residue of ceramic material on the surface in all experimental groups. Significance. Mechanical and thermo-mechanical fatigue conditions decreased the flexural strength values for both ceramic-gold alloy and ceramic-Ti cp combinations with the results being significantly lower for the latter in all experimental conditions. (C) 2007 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.