882 resultados para the plastic arts


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L’evolució de l’escriptura musical és el resultat d’una progressió lingüística que s’ha anat forjant durant anys com a resposta a la necessitat de plasmar gràficament el nostre entorn sonor. Refer els passos de recerca seguits per l’home occidental, per tal de representar per escrit els sons, i utilitzar com a principal eina d’anàlisi cadascun dels dibuixos aportats pels infants com a resposta gràfica a diferents estímuls sonors (intensitat, altura, durada i timbre), ha permès als alumnes d’educació infantil acostar-se al món de la composició, al llenguatge i la sonoritat contemporanis, i a la conjunció de diferents arts plàstiques, com el dibuix i la música.


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The levels of health-related phytochemicals were determined in lettuce leaf and in strawberry, raspberry and blueberry fruits grown in near-commercial conditions under plastic films of three different UV transparencies. In the red lettuce Lollo Rosso, total phenolics, anthocyanin, luteolin and quercetin levels were all raised by changing from a UV blocking film to a film of low UV transparency, and to a film of high UV transparency. The related green lettuce, Lollo Biondo, cultivated under the same conditions, showed virtually no phytochemical responses to the same variation in UV levels. Overall, the phenolic levels of strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries were unresponsive to the UV transparency of the plastic film under which the crops were grown. The significance of these findings is discussed in relation to the nutritional quality of soft fruit and salad crops which are increasingly being grown commercially under plastic tunnels.


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The effectiveness of a formulated product containing spores of the naturally occurring fungus Paecilomyces lilacinus, strain 251, was evaluated against root-knot nematodes in pot and greenhouse experiments. Decrease of second-stage juveniles hatching from eggs was recorded by using the bio-nematicide at a dose of 4 kg ha(-1), while a further decrease was recorded by doubling the dose. However, the mortality rate decreased by increasing the inoculum level. Application of P. lilacinus and Bacillus firmus, singly or together in pot experiments, provided effective control of second-stage juveniles, eggs or egg masses of root-knot nematodes. In a greenhouse experiment, the bio-nematicide was evaluated for its potential to control root-knot nematodes either as a stand-alone method or in combination with soil solarization. Soil was solarized for 15 d and the bio-nematicide was applied just after the removal of the plastic sheet. Soil solarization for 15 d either alone or combined with the use of P. lilacinus did not provide satisfactory control of root-knot nematodes. The use of oxamyl, which was applied 2 weeks before and during transplanting, gave results similar to the commercial product containing P. lilacinus but superior to soil solarization. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The effectiveness of a formulated bio-nematicide product containing lyophilized bacteria spores of Bacillus firmus was evaluated against root-knot nematodes (RKN) in greenhouse and field experiments. A decrease of second stage juveniles hatching from eggs was recorded by using the bio-nematicide at a dose of 0.9 g kg(-1) of soil while further a decrease was recorded by doubling the dose. However, the mortality rate decreased as the inoculurn level increased. Exposure of either second stage juveniles or egg masses to temperatures of 35-40 degrees C for 1-4 weeks had a marked effect on their survival. In a field experiment, the bio-nematicide was evaluated for its potential to control RKN either as a stand-alone method or in combination with soil solarization. The latter was tested for 15-30 days and the bionematicide was applied just before soil coverage with the plastic sheet or just after its removal. Soil solarization either for 15-30 days provided satisfactory control of RKN. The combination of soil solarization with the bio-nematicide improved nematode control and gave results similar to the chemical treatment. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The parasitoid Encarsia formosa Gahan (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) has been used successfully for the control of Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). The development of UV-blocking plastic films has added a new component to future integrated pest management systems by disrupting insect pest infestation when UV light is excluded. Because both T. vaporariorum and E. formosa are reported to have similar spectral efficiency, there was a need to identify the impact of UV-blocking films on the dispersal behavior of both the pest and the natural enemy. In field studies, using choice-chamber experiments, E. formosa showed some preference to disperse into compartments where less UV light was blocked. However, further studies indicated that the effect was primarily attributable to the different light diffusion properties of the films tested. Thus, unlike its whitefly host, when the UV-absorbing properties of the films were similar, but the light diffusion properties differed, E.formosa adults preferred to disperse into compartments clad with films that had high light diffusion properties. When the plastic films differed most in their UV-absorbing capacity and had no light-diffusion capability, the initial dispersal of E. formosa between treatments was similar, although a small preference toward the environment with UV light was observed over time. When parasitoid dispersal was measured 3 h after release, more parasitoids were found on plants, suggesting that the parasitoids would search plants for whitefly hosts, even in a UV-blocked light environment. The potential for the integration of UV-blocking films with E. formosa in an advanced whitefly management system is discussed.


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Some poems are inherently dramatic due to their narrative content or the events, characters, places and emotions that are their subject. Others have the potential for dramatisation because of some aural or visual quality of their poetic form. However, if dramatising poems is to be meaningful and effective children need to be taught something about the art form of drama rather than just being left to their own devices. This chapter explores the learning potential of considering the printed text of a poem as a notation of sound, movement, gesture and use of space. The chapter recognises a progression from simple nursery rhymes to the sophisticated use of poetic language in different types of literature that is mirrored in the journey from infants’ clapping games to the dramatic juxtaposition of aural and visual images in theatre and the performing arts.


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The intellectual societies known as Academies played a vital role in the development of culture, and scholarly debate throughout Italy between 1525-1700. They were fundamental in establishing the intellectual networks later defined as the ‘République des Lettres’, and in the dissemination of ideas in early modern Europe, through print, manuscript, oral debate and performance. This volume surveys the social and cultural role of Academies, challenging received ideas and incorporating recent archival findings on individuals, networks and texts. Ranging over Academies in both major and smaller or peripheral centres, these collected studies explore the interrelationships of Academies with other cultural forums. Individual essays examine the fluid nature of academies and their changing relationships to the political authorities; their role in the promotion of literature, the visual arts and theatre; and the diverse membership recorded for many academies, which included scientists, writers, printers, artists, political and religious thinkers, and, unusually, a number of talented women. Contributions by established international scholars together with studies by younger scholars active in this developing field of research map out new perspectives on the dynamic place of the Academies in early modern Italy. The publication results from the research collaboration ‘The Italian Academies 1525-1700: the first intellectual networks of early modern Europe’ funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council and is edited by the senior investigators.


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Philosophy has repeatedly denied cinema in order to grant it artistic status. Adorno, for example, defined an ‘uncinematic’ element in the negation of movement in modern cinema, ‘which constitutes its artistic character’. Similarly, Lyotard defended an ‘acinema’, which rather than selecting and excluding movements through editing, accepts what is ‘fortuitous, dirty, confused, unclear, poorly framed, overexposed’. In his Handbook of Inaesthetics, Badiou embraces a similar idea, by describing cinema as an ‘impure circulation’ that incorporates the other arts. Resonating with Bazin and his defence of ‘impure cinema’, that is, of cinema’s interbreeding with other arts, Badiou seems to agree with him also in identifying the uncinematic as the location of the Real. This article will investigate the particular impurities of cinema that drive it beyond the specificities of the medium and into the realm of the other arts and the reality of life itself. Privileged examples will be drawn from various moments in film history and geography, starting with the analysis of two films by Jafar Panahi: This Is Not a Film (In film nist, 2011), whose anti-cinema stance in announced in its own title; and The Mirror (Aineh, 1997), another relentless exercise in self-negation. It goes on to examine Kenji Mizoguchi’s deconstruction of cinematic acting in his exploration of the geidomono genre (films about theatre actors) in The Story of the Last Chrysanthemums (Zangigku monogatari, 1939), and culminates in the conjuring of the physical experience of death through the systematic demolition of film genres in The Act of Killing (Joshua Oppenheimer et al., 2012).


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The aim of this study was to analyze the plastic effects of moderate exercise upon the motor cortex (M1 and M2 areas), cerebellum (Cb), and striatum (CPu) of the rat brain This assessment was made by verifying the expression of AMPA type glutamate receptor subunits (GluR1 and GluR2/3) We used adult Wistar rats, divided into 5 groups based on duration of exercise training, namely 3 days (EX3), 7 days (EX7) 15 days (EX15) 30 days (EX30), and sedentary (S) The exercised animals were subjected to a treadmill exercise protocol at the speed of the 10 meters/min for 40 mm After exercise, the brains were subjected to immunohistochemistry and immunoblotting to analyze changes of GluR1 and GluR2/3, and plasma cortcosterone was measured by ELISA in order to verify potential stress induced by physical training Overall the results of immunohistochemistry and immunoblotting were similar and revealed that GluR subunits show distinct responses over the exercise periods and for the different structures analyzed In general, there was increased expression of GluR subunits after longer exercise periods (such as EX30) although some opposite effects were seen after short periods of exercise (Ex3) In a few cases biphasic patterns with decreases and subsequent increases of GluR expression were seen and may represent the outcome of exercise dependent, complex regulatory processes The data show that the protocol used was able to promote plastic GluR changes during exercise, suggesting a specific involvement of these receptors in exercise induced plasticity processes in the brain areas tested (C) 2010 Elsevier B V All rights reserved


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A dislocation model, accurately describing the uniaxial plastic stress-strain behavior of dual phase (DP) steels, is proposed and the impact of martensite content and ferrite grain size in four commercially produced DP steels is analyzed. It is assumed that the plastic deformation process is localized to the ferrite. This is taken into account by introducing a non-homogeneity parameter, f(e), that specifies the volume fraction of ferrite taking active part in the plastic deformation process. It is found that the larger the martensite content the smaller the initial volume fraction of active ferrite which yields a higher initial deformation hardening rate. This explains the high energy absorbing capacity of DP steels with high volume fractions of martensite. Further, the effect of ferrite grain size strengthening in DP steels is important. The flow stress grain size sensitivity for DP steels is observed to be 7 times larger than that for single phase ferrite.


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Three people are posed in front of the Lithographic Technical Foundation, Inc. booth at the Lithographic Technical Forum. The Lithographic Technical Foundation was founded in 1924 as an industry organization to promote research and education. In the 1960s the foundation changed its name to the Graphic Arts Technical Foundation and in the late 1990s merged with Printing Industry America. The organization ha a number of educational materials about lithography on display. Black and white photograph.


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Este trabalho - As imagens do povo e o espaço vazio da arte - educação - é o desenvolvimento de uma reflexãos sobre a arte, suas condições de produção e o seu conteudo, na busca de subsídio para o desenvolvimento da educação artística no contexto da Educação Formal. Esta refleção se fundamenta no pressuposto de que a arte não ê um momento separado da praxis humana, mas que se constitui num objeto de apropriação do real, que ao expressá-lo cria uma realidade humano-social e a ela se integra, estabelecendo uma rede de interações. A metodologia empregada para as verificações concernentes aos pressupostos teóricos, situa-se no que se convencionou denominar "estudo de caso". Analisa-se a produção do artista plástico, Antônio Poteiro, ceramista e pintor, de origem popular, procurando nela instâncias de crítica e renovação social. Do ponto de vista da apresentação, este estudo se constitui de quatro partes. Na primeira parte, introdutória, sao abordados aspectos teóricos da arte em sua relação com a realidade social. Enfatiza-se o problema da fruição nas artes figurativas.A segunda é dedicada à vida do artista. Faz-se transcrição da história de vida, segue-se um comentário evidenciando aspectos da capacidade criadora do artista. A terceira é dedicada a sua obra, pintura e escultura. Procede-se o deciframento de um conjunto de obras, a partir de um tema recorrente. Numa fase final, reunem-se as questões concernentes a produção do artista, para que venham contribuir para a educação, supondo-se que a arte ocupe nos processos educacionais, um espaço que leve ao desenvolvimento da sensibilidade humana.


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The fear related to dental procedures can be acquired through disturbing experiences and/or negative cultural influences related in experiences of previous generations. Such influences may be present in diverse forms of cultural expression: in the cinema, plastic arts, music, literature, and diverse vehicles of printed and visual media. This research aimed investigates the images of fear related to the dental service and dentist in motion pictures. The study has qualitative approach, which used the documentary analysis of movies. The data collection was accomplished through research in the Internet by means of the Google tool (http://www.google.com.br), using the describing words filme and dentista . A total of 44 films were found. Of these, after selective criterion for films with scenes showing interaction between dentist and patient in the execution of clinical procedure, only 24 films were enclosed. Then, these were registered in data base created for this research. After second selective criterion of inclusion (scenes with suggestion of dental anxiety), 15 films remained. As regards cinematographic gender, the films with scenes showing "dental anxiety" varied between comedy (8), horror (3), drama (2), thriller (1) and childish (1). Of these films, scenes with images of situations that suggest fear of the dentist and his job were selected and described. The images were categorized by the identification of negative characteristics that incite "dental anxiety". Then, the classification of the categories was proceeded detaching the most recurrent characteristics in the scenes: situation of fear in the waiting-room; pain; instrument coarse/rudimentary; coarseness of the dentist; torture; and low qualification technique. The waiting-room was observed as a place of great tension, due to the noises coming from the dental attendance. The pain related to the Dentistry was the predominant subject in the majority of films (14), associated to others negative characteristics. The rudimentary aspects of procedures and instruments, and the coarse attitudes of the professional could be observed too. The dentist was characterized as confused, sadist, violent, insensitive, incompetent person and disturbed. Such results suggest that, despite the technological advances of the profession, the image of the dentist and his job is still transmitted in a negative way aspect and reinforces the dental anxiety


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objective: To determine the effects of storage of arterial and venous blood samples in ice water on blood gas and acid-base measurements.Design: Prospective, in vitro, laboratory study.Setting: School of veterinary medicine.Subjects: Six healthy dogs.Measurements and main results: Baseline measurements of partial pressure of oxygen (PO2), partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PCO2), pH, hemoglobin concentration (tHb), oxyhemoglobin saturation, and oxygen content (ContO(2)) were made. Bicarbonate (HCO3) and standard base excess (SBE) were calculated. Arterial and venous blood samples were separated into 1 and 3 mL samples, anaerobically transferred into 3 mL plastic syringes, and stored in ice water for 6 hours. Measurements were repeated at 15, 30 minutes, and 1, 2, 4, and 6 hours after baseline measurements. Arterial (a) PO2 increased significantly from baseline after 30 minutes of storage in the 1 mL samples and after 2 hours in the 3 mL samples. Venous (v) PO2 was significantly increased from baseline after 4 hours in the 1 mL samples and after 6 hours in the 3 mL samples. The pHa significantly decreased after 2 hours of storage in the 1 mL samples and after 4 hours in the 3 mL samples. In both the 1 and 3 mL samples, pHv decreased significantly only after 6 hours. Neither the arterial nor the venous PCO2 values changed significantly in the 1 mL samples and increased only after 6 hours in the 3 mL samples. No significant changes in tHb, ContO(2), SBE, or HCO3 were detected.Conclusions: the PO2 of arterial and venous blood increased significantly when samples were stored in plastic syringes in ice water. These increases are attributable to the diffusion of oxygen from and through the plastic of the syringe into the blood, which occurred at a rate that exceeded metabolic consumption of oxygen by the nucleated cells.