967 resultados para teste de esforço


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Morbidly obese patients present an increase in heart rate, blood pressure and perceived exertion besides lower walking ability compared to normal weight people. However, little is known about how these variables are presented after bariatric surgery. Moreover, despite the distance walked during the six-minute walk (6MWT) improve after surgery is not well established if the level of physical activity influences this improvement. Objective: To evaluate cardiovascular performance, perceived effort, ability of walking and physical activity level of patients with morbid obesity before and after bariatric surgery. Methods: The cardiovascular performance, perception of effort, the ability to walk and level of physical activity were assessed in 22 patients before (BMI = 50.4 kg/m2) and after (BMI = 34.8 kg/m2) bariatric surgery through the 6MWT. The heart rate, blood pressure and perceived exertion were assessed at rest, at the end of the 6MWT and in the second minute post-test (HR recovery). The ability to walk was measured by total distance walked at the end of the test while the level of physical activity was estimated by applying the Baecke questionnaire, analyzing domains occupation, leisure and locomotion and leisure and physical activity. Results: The HR at rest and recovery decreased significantly (91.2 ± 15.8 bpm vs. 71.9 ± 9.8 bpm, 99.5 ± 15.3 bpm vs 82.5 ± 11.1 bpm, respectively), as well as all the arterial pressure and perceived exertion after surgery. The distance achieved by the patients increased by 58.4 m (p = 0.001) postoperatively. Time postoperatively had correlation with the percentage of excess weight lost (r = 0.48, p = 0.02), BMI (r =- 0.68, p = 0.001) and the Baecke (r = 0.52, p = 0.01) which did not happen with the distance walked (r = 0.37, p = 0.09). Despite weight loss, patients showed no difference in the level of physical activity in any of the areas before and after surgery. Conclusion: The cardiovascular performance, the perception of effort and ability to walk seem to improve after bariatric surgery. However, despite improvement in the ability to walk by the distance achieved in the 6MWT after weight loss, this is not reflected in an increase in physical activity level of obese patients after surgery


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Backgroud: Obesity is a major public health problem and is related to the low physical capacity when obese are compared to no-obese people, however the cause of this limitation is not completely understood. The measurement associated of physiological response to the telemetric 6MWT adds information of metabolic and respiratory system for diagnose of the functional limitation. Objective: Analyze physiological, metabolic and ventilatory responses in women with different body fat during the 6MWT. Methods: 32 women (8 non-obese, 8 Overweight, 8 Obese and 8 morbidly obese) were evaluated for anthropometry, lung function and exercise capacity. Results: Morbidly obese walked the shortest distance (400.2±38.7m), had lower VO2/Kg (12.75±3.20l/Kg/min) and lower R (0.74± 0.11) in the 6MWT compared to other groups. Analyses of metabolic (VO2 and VCO2) and respiratory (VE, VT and BF) during the test did not identify differences between groups. The evaluation of cardiac function (O2 pulse) found higher values in the OM (12.3 ± 4.9ml/bat). Conclusion: The OM had worse performance in the 6MWT compared to other groups. The physical performance may be reduced in this population related to a protocol-dependent response because the speed of 6MWT is self-adjusted allows the individual himself select the intensity of the test, making it set at a speed where there is energy saving


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The term fatigability concerns the degree of fatigue associated with performing an activity of any type (physical, mental, emotional and / or social). Recently scales for assessing fatigue in the English language were created, however, gaps exist regarding the validity of these scales in relation to oxygen consumption and levels of perceived fatigue. Objective: To investigate the validity of perceived fatigability scale in older women frail and non-frail by the expired gases kinetics. Methods: This is a study of type validation, where were evaluated 48 elderly. The evaluation was conducted at two different sessions. In the first, data were collected demographic partners, as well as assessment of cognitive function, physical health, and the phenotype of frailty. The second was composed by the test 6-minute walk (6MWT) associated the expired gases kinects and assessment of perceived fatigability. Statistical analysis was performed a descriptive analysis and then we used the Pearson correlation test to evaluate the relationship between the measure of perceived fatigue and variables oxygen consumption (VO2), carbon dioxide production (VCO2), respiratory exchange ratio (RER)before and after 6MWT. We used a linear regression model initially considering the following explanatory variable: age, Body Mass Index (BMI), presence of frailty, comorbidities, level of physical activity, distance covered in the 6MWT , the energy cost of walking and severity of fatigability on performance. Results: The final sample consisted of 44 elderly women, 4 elderly were excluded because they didn t complete all phases of this study. The mean age obtained was 75 years (± 7.2 years). There was no significant correlation between fatigability measures and the values of VO2 ( r = .09 , p = .56 ) , VCO2 ( r = .173 , p = .26 ) , RER ( r = - .121 , p = .43 ). The final linear regression model showed that the energy cost of walking, the usual level of physical activity and the performance severity of fatigability explained 83.5 % (R2 = 0.835, p < 0.01) of the variation in the perceived fatigability. Conclusion: Our findings indicate a relationship between greater severity of fatigability and lower levels of physical activity and increased energy cost in walking, suggesting that the fatigability analyses using a simple numeric scale is valid and viable for assessment of fatigue in older women


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Stroke is the leading cause of combined motor and cognitive disability worldwide. The rehabilitation of stroke patients is mostly directed towards motor recovery through the training of the affected member under supervision of a Physical Therapist. In the present study we introduce a new approach for both cognitive and motor therapy, which relies on motor imagery of the upper limbs and working memory training. This therapy should be utilized as an adjuvant to physical therapy. Ten individuals (5 men and 5 women) were selected for the pilot study, all of them in the acute phase of the first ischemic stroke episode. The control group had 5 individuals who were submitted to physical therapy only, whilst the other 5 patients in the experimental group also performed the cognitive and motor training with a video game specially built for this study. Two patients left the experimental group before the end. Total training lasted for 9 weeks, 2 times a week, for half an hour. Patients reported they enjoyed playing the game, even though it required a lot of mental effort, according to them. Plus, they considered it had a beneficial influence in their activities of daily living. No side effects were reported. Preliminary results suggest there is a difference between groups in cognitive and upper limb motor evaluation following the intervention. It is important to notice that our conclusions are limited due the small sample number. Overall, this work is supported by other studies in literature focused in rehabilitation with motor imagery and working memory and indicate a continuity of the research, increasing total training hours


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The increase of elderly population in the world and in Brazil has indicated the necessity of health systems capable to evaluate, to diagnose and to intervene in the conditions of health and disease of that segment. During that stage of human development, physical and cognitive changes happen and they are capable to influence the functional acting. It s important to distinguish the limit between the normal and the pathological. Besides the common changes during the aging, biological rhithmicity changes happen, as alterations in the cycle vigil-sleep that can influence in certain tasks performance. This study aimed to verify the influence of the age, of the sex and of the hour in a maze test performance. Eighty individuals were evaluated, 40 youths (20 men and 20 women) and 40 senior (20 men and 20 women). They were separated in 2 different groups that were tested at 9:00 o clock and at 15:00 o clock. Initially they were submitted to health evaluation, cognitive evaluation and of sleep quality and chronotype. They were instructed to accomplish the maze test whose time of execution was timed and registered. Significant differences were observed according to age for the masculine group between elderly in the morning and in the afternoon and in the feminine group between youth and elderly in the test accomplished in the morning and in the afternoon. Significant differences were not observed according to sex and hour of the day and also between attempts. In compare between the 30th and the31st, accomplished in a 15minutes of interval, significant difference was observed just for the elderly group in the morning and in the afternoon. We observed significant correlations in the maze test performance with the cronotype, with the age, with the education and with the cognitive acting. The maze test was capable to detect differences between age in the acting profile and in the evaluation of the information maintenance after 15 minutes, however it was not possible to verify difference between sex and hour of the day. Finally the correlations of the maze test with another varied may indicate your importance as coadjutant instrument in those functions evaluation


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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This study investigates the chemical species produced water from the reservoir areas of oil production in the field of Monte Alegre (onshore production) with a proposal of developing a model applied to the identification of the water produced in different zones or groups of zones.Starting from the concentrations of anions and cátions from water produced as input parameters in Linear Discriminate Analysis, it was possible to estimate and compare the model predictions respecting the particularities of their methods in order to ascertain which one would be most appropriate. The methods Resubstitution, Holdout Method and Lachenbruch were used for adjustment and general evaluation of the built models. Of the estimated models for Wells producing water for a single production area, the most suitable method was the "Holdout Method and had a hit rate of 90%. Discriminant functions (CV1, CV2 and CV3) estimated in this model were used to modeling new functions for samples ofartificial mixtures of produced water (producedin our laboratory) and samples of mixtures actualproduced water (water collected inwellsproducingmore thanonezone).The experiment with these mixtures was carried out according to a schedule experimental mixtures simplex type-centroid also was simulated in which the presence of water from steam injectionin these tanks fora part of amostras. Using graphs of two and three dimensions was possible to estimate the proportion of water in the production area


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Hylocereus undatus (Haw.), popularmente conhecida como pitaia vermelha é uma cactácea para a qual se tem registrado um aumento de consumo nos últimos anos e, por ser ainda pouco explorada, vários aspectos referentes à sua propagação ainda são desconhecidos. Até o momento, não existem critérios para a execução de testes de germinação para sementes dessa espécie, publicados nas Regras para Análise de Sementes. Nesse sentido, objetivou-se com este trabalho adequar a metodologia quanto ao substrato, temperatura e tempo de contagem inicial e final para o teste de germinação. Foram testados quatro substratos (rolo de papel, areia, vermiculita e solo) e quatro temperaturas (20, 25, 30 e 20-30°C). O efeito dos substratos no desempenho germinativo das sementes foi avaliado pelo teste de germinação e de primeira contagem instalado com quatro subamostras de 50 sementes. Foram feitas contagens diárias do número de plântulas emergidas até atingirem a estabilidade e, no final do experimento, foram avaliados a porcentagem de germinação das sementes, considerando as plântulas normais, anormais e sementes mortas. Concluiu-se que o teste de germinação de sementes de pitaia vermelha deve ser realizado à temperatura constante de 25°C em rolo de papel, com contagens inicial e final aos cinco e dez dias após a semeadura, respectivamente.


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O trabalho teve por objetivo estudar metodologias para a condução do teste de condutividade elétrica, verificando sua eficiência na identificação de diferentes níveis de vigor de lotes de sementes de rúcula. Para tanto, o estudo foi conduzido utilizando cinco lotes de sementes de Rúcula Cultivada e cinco lotes de sementes de Rúcula Gigante. Foram realizados os testes de germinação, primeira contagem de germinação, emergência de plântulas em casa de vegetação e variações no teste de condutividade elétrica (temperaturas de 20ºC, 25ºC e 30ºC; volumes de 25mL, 50mL e 75mL de água; 25 e 50 sementes; e períodos de 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16 e 24 horas). Diante dos resultados obtidos, verificou-se que o tempo de embebição para o teste de condutividade elétrica pode ser reduzido para 4 horas e o volume de água utilizado pode ser reduzido para 25 ou 50mL. As combinações de 50 sementes apresentaram menor coeficiente de variação e as temperaturas mais adequadas foram de 25ºC e 30ºC. Assim, concluiu-se que a condição mais adequada para o teste de condutividade elétrica em sementes de rúcula é a utilização de 50 sementes em 50mL de água por 4 horas, a 25ºC.


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The high quality of seed trading for producers is very important to obtain high productivity. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of different periods of artificial seed aging on contents of sugars, proteins, amino acids and ions, on imbibition solution of electrical conductivity test, as well as its relationships with standard germination and vigor in bean seeds at the Perola cultivar. The research was carried out at the Laboratory of Seed Analysis - Faculdade de Engenharia - Unesp - Campus de Ilha Solteira. The experimental design was in completely randomized blocks. The seeds were submitted to eight accelerated aging conditions (zero, 24, 48, 72, 96, 120, 144 and 168 hours). The seed germination, seed vigor and leakage contents in exudates of bulk conductivity were Influenced by the increase in the time of seed exposition to accelerated aging. After seventy-two hours of exposition to the aging, a considerable decline in seed germination and vigor was observed. There was also an increase of leakage contents, such as amino acids, sugars, potassium and phosphorus ions. The increase of leakage contents is inversely related to seeds germination and vigor.


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The use of high vigor seed constitutes basic and fundamental. Given the increasing development os the seeds industry and the improvement of vigor tests used to differentiate subtle variations in the quality of seeds of vegetable crops, is needed. The objective was to study variations in conducting the accelerated aging test, to verify their sensitivity for identifying different vigor levels of arugula seed. Were used the cultivars Cultivada and Gigante, using five lots of seeds for each. The seeds were subjected to the determination of water content, germination, first germination, emergence of seedlings and variations in the accelerated aging test, without salt solution ( traditional procedure) and with salt solution in 48, 72 and 96 hours; at 38 degrees C, 41 degrees C and 45 degrees C. The accelerated aging test in traditional procedure is not efficient to evaluation the vigor of arugula seeds. The accelerated aging test with saline solution using the combination 41 degrees C for 72 hours, was sensitive to evaluated of the physiological potential of arugula seeds.


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With the increasing complexity of software systems, there is also an increased concern about its faults. These faults can cause financial losses and even loss of life. Therefore, we propose in this paper the minimization of faults in software by using formally specified tests. The combination of testing and formal specifications is gaining strength in searches mainly through the MBT (Model-Based Testing). The development of software from formal specifications, when the whole process of refinement is done rigorously, ensures that what is specified in the application will be implemented. Thus, the implementation generated from these specifications would accurately depict what was specified. But not always the specification is refined to the level of implementation and code generation, and in these cases the tests generated from the specification tend to find fault. Additionally, the generation of so-called "invalid tests", ie tests that exercise the application scenarios that were not addressed in the specification, complements more significantly the formal development process. Therefore, this paper proposes a method for generating tests from B formal specifications. This method was structured in pseudo-code. The method is based on the systematization of the techniques of black box testing of boundary value analysis, equivalence partitioning, as well as the technique of orthogonal pairs. The method was applied to a B specification and B test machines that generate test cases independent of implementation language were generated. Aiming to validate the method, test cases were transformed manually in JUnit test cases and the application, created from the B specification and developed in Java, was tested. Faults were found with the execution of the JUnit test cases


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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OBJETIVO: A massa magra corporal (MMC) tem sido associada à mortalidade em pacientes com DPOC, mas seu impacto na limitação funcional é pouco conhecido. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar as variáveis cardiopulmonares em pacientes com DPOC, com ou sem depleção da MMC, antes e após a realização do teste de caminhada de seis minutos (TC6). MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados pacientes com DPOC, 36 sem depleção de MMC e 32 com depleção de MMC. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos à avaliação clínica, espirometria, avaliação da composição da massa corpórea e TC6 e responderam a questionários de qualidade de vida e de percepção de dispnéia. RESULTADOS: Não foram observadas diferenças significativas na gravidade de obstrução das vias aéreas, na percepção da dispnéia e na qualidade de vida entre os grupos. A distância percorrida no TC6 foi similar nos pacientes com DPOC com e sem depleção de MMC (470,3 ± 68,5 m vs. 448,2 ± 89,2 m). Entretanto, durante a realização do teste, os pacientes com depleção de MMC apresentaram aumento significativamente maior na diferença entre os valores final e basal da frequência cardíaca e do índice da escala de Borg para cansaço dos membros inferiores. A distância percorrida no TC6 apresentou correlação significativa positiva com o VEF1 (r = 0,381; p = 0,01). CONCLUSÕES: Não houve influência da depleção da MMC na capacidade funcional de exercício e na qualidade de vida dos pacientes estudados. Entretanto, os pacientes com depleção de MMC apresentam sintomas de fadiga dos membros inferiores mais acentuados durante o TC6, o que reforça a importância da avaliação e tratamento das manifestações sistêmicas da DPOC.


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INTRODUÇÃO: O ensaio do cometa ou técnica da eletroforese de células isoladas é largamente empregado para avaliação de danos e reparo do DNA em células individuais. O material pode ser corado por técnicas de fluorescência ou por sal de prata. Este último apresenta vantagens técnicas, como o tipo de microscópio utilizado e a possibilidade de armazenamento das lâminas. A análise dos cometas pode ser feita de modo visual, porém há a desvantagem da subjetividade dos resultados, que pode ser minimizada por análise digital automatizada. OBJETIVOS: Desenvolvimento e validação de método de análise digital de cometas corados por sal de prata. MÉTODOS: Cinquenta cometas foram fotografados de maneira padronizada e impressos em papel. Além de medidas manualmente, essas imagens foram classificadas em cinco categorias por três avaliadores, antes e depois de pré-processadas automaticamente pelo software ImageJ 1.38x. As estimativas geradas pelos avaliadores foram comparadas quanto sua correlação e reprodutibilidade. em seguida, foram desenvolvidos algoritmos de análise digital das medidas, com base em filtros estatísticos de mediana e de mínimo. Os valores obtidos foram comparados com os estimados manual e visualmente após o pré-processamento. RESULTADOS: As medidas manuais das imagens pré-processadas apresentaram maior correlação intraclasse do que as imagens preliminares. Os parâmetros automatizados apresentaram alta correlação com as medidas manuais pré-processadas, sugerindo que este sistema aumenta a objetividade da análise, podendo ser utilizado na estimativa dos parâmetros dos cometas. CONCLUSÃO: A presente análise digital proposta para o teste do cometa corado pela prata mostrou-se factível e de melhor reprodutibilidade que a análise visual.