993 resultados para taxa de maturação


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The objective of this work was evaluating the influence of weekly pluviometrics precipitations accumulated in physical and chemical characteristics of fruits of guava tree 'Paluma', in different ripening stadiums. The following attributes were analyzed: fresh weight, equatorial and longitudinal diameters, firmness, pH, titratable acidity, soluble solids, vitamin C, reductor sugars and total reductor sugars in three ripening stadiums defined by the color of the peel (dark green, light green and yellow green). Among the physical and chemical attributes, only the firmness diminished with the increase of the levels of weekly precipitations for the same ripening stadium and also presented decreases between the ripening stadiums. The physical and chemical attributes, with exception of the pH, decreased with the increase of the weekly precipitations accumulated and in bigger intensities for the biggest ripening stadiums.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A acerola é um fruto de grande potencial econômico e nutricional devido ao seu alto teor de vitamina C, destacando-se como alimento funcional. É comercializada principalmente na forma de polpa congelada e fruto in natura. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a qualidade dos frutos da aceroleira cv. Olivier em dois estádios de maturação. Para tanto, foram colhidas amostras de frutos em um pomar comercial no município de Junqueirópolis-SP. Foram realizadas a determinação da cor externa dos frutos e análises das características químicas de teor de sólidos solúveis, pH, acidez titulável, açúcares redutores, 'ratio' e ácido ascórbico de frutos semi-maduros e maduros. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que os frutos semimaduros apresentaram maior acidez total, menor teor de sólidos solúveis e menor concentração de açúcares; no entanto, estes frutos apresentaram maiores teores de vitamina C, expressa em ácido ascórbico. Portanto, quando se buscam altos índices de vitamina C, os frutos devem ser colhidos num estádio de maturação menos avançado, com coloração alaranjada. O estudo demonstrou também que a cv Olivier produz frutos com características adequadas tanto para o mercado in natura quanto para a indústria, apresentando boa coloração e características químicas dentro dos padrões para esta fruta.


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O leiteiro (Peschiera fuchsiaefolia) é uma infestante de pastagens de importância para as regiões Sudeste e Centro-Oeste do Brasil, cuja dispersão ocorre por sementes. Com o objetivo de avaliar a qualidade fisiológica das sementes de leiteiro, em função do estádio de maturação e armazenamento dos frutos, foram colhidos frutos em cinco regiões diferentes, constituindo cinco acessos: lote 1-Vitoriana/SP, lote 2-Botucatu/SP, lote 3Bauru/SP, lote 4-São Manuel/SP e lote 5-São Pedro/SP. Cada lote de sementes foi avaliado individualmente, seguindo-se o delineamento estatístico inteiramente casualizado, com os tratamentos dispostos em esquema fatorial 2x4, sendo dois períodos de armazenamento dos frutos (0 e 7 dias após colheita) e quatro estádios de maturação (verde-oliva, verde-limão, alaranjado-fechado e alaranjado-aberto). A polpa dos frutos foi retirada e as sementes extraídas mediante fricção em peneira sob água corrente. As sementes foram colocadas para germinar a 30 ºC com 8 h de luz, sendo as contagens realizadas semanalmente até os 42 dias do início do teste. Os resultados dos testes da primeira contagem de germinação, IVG e condutividade elétrica mostraram que o vigor das sementes foi superior em frutos colhidos nos estádios finais de maturação e que, de modo geral, o armazenamento dos frutos prejudicou a qualidade das sementes.


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O trabalho foi desenvolvido em Botucatu, SP, e teve por objetivo determinar o momento de ocorrência do máximo potencial de germinação durante a maturação das sementes de canafístula, relacionando-a com a secagem dos frutos. Cinco árvores, em final de floração, tiveram 15 inflorescências etiquetadas em 06/02/ 2002. As colheitas, realizadas semanalmente, foram iniciadas na quinta semana após a etiquetagem (35 DAE) e finalizaram quando ocorreu o início da dispersão dos frutos (98 DAE), totalizando 10 colheitas. Os frutos das cinco plantas foram colhidos e avaliados separadamente. em cada colheita, os frutos foram divididos em duas porções: uma teve as sementes extraídas (sementes frescas), e a outra foi posta para secar em ambiente natural de laboratório para, então, se extraírem as sementes (sementes secas). Determinaram-se o teor de água e a massa seca de 100 sementes frescas e 100 secas. Os testes de germinação das sementes, frescas e secas, foram realizados com e sem escarificação. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados, considerando-se a árvore e o bloco. A maior capacidade germinativa das sementes foi atingida após a ocorrência do máximo acúmulo de massa. O máximo potencial de germinação, detectado nas sementes escarificadas, foi observado no início da dispersão, quando predominavam sementes duras. A maturação, a germinação e a instalação da dormência em semente imatura foram antecipadas com a sua secagem no interior do fruto separado da planta-mãe.


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This work targetet the caprine ice cream production added with probiotic bacteria Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis. It is divided into two parts. In the first one, four caprine ice cream formulations were evaluated, in which it was used hydrogenated fat (F1 and F3) or fat substitute (F2 and F4) in two different flavors (F1 and F2, passion fruit, F3 and F4, guava). Statistical differences (p<0.05) were detected for their physical-chemical properties, mainly for total solids and fat, but no differences were observed for melting test results. When it went to sensory acceptance, all four ice cream formulations reached high acceptance indexes, mostly formulation F4, which was selected for further studies. In the second part, F4 formulation was prepared with the addition of probiotic bacteria Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis. The growth kinetics was studied and it was observed that the cellular concentration peak was reached after four fermentation hours (10.14 log UFC/g). This time was selected for pre-fermentation procedure and posterior addition at ice cream syrup. In this part of the study, two experimental groups were evaluated: group G1, in which the probiotic addition occurred before the maturation step and group G2, which included a pre-fermentation step and probiotic addition after ice cream maturation. The physical-chemical properties of these two ice cream groups were similar, except for pH, which was higher for group G2 (p<0.05). G1 samples had superior melting rate (3.566 mL/min) and both groups presented microbiological and sanitary results in accordance to current Brazilian legislation. Also, G1 and G2 were considered sensory accepted due to their acceptance indexes higher than 70%. G1 and G2 sensory profiles were similar (p>0.05), and both ice cream samples exhibited high creaminess (6.76 to 6.91) and mouth melting sensation (6.53 to 6.67) scores, while low sandiness scores (0.85 to 0.86) were observed, positive characteristics for this kind of food product. During the first 24 hours after ice cream production, the population of B. animalis subsp. lactis decreased, reaching 7.15 e 6.92 log CFU/g for G1 and G2, respectively. Probiotic bacteria counts fluctuated in ice cream samples during the first 108 days at frozen storage, especially for G2 group. Decreased probiotic viability was observed for G1 samples during the first 35 days of frozen storage, mild variation between 35 and 63 days and stabilized counts were observed after this time. After 21 days at frozen storage, ice cream samples of G1 and G2 groups reached 1.2 x 109 and 1.3 x 109 CFU/portion, respectively. After 108 days under these storage conditions, the survival rate of B. animalis subsp. lactis was 94.26% and 81.10% for G1 and G2 samples, respectively. After simulation of gastroenteric conditions, G2 group reached 9.72 x 105 CFU/portion. Considering the current requirements of Brazilian legislation, which stipulates that functional foods must have minimum probiotic count between 108 and 109 CFU/portion and detectable probiotic bacteria after being submitted to gastroenteric conditions, it is concluded that the ice cream with the addition of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis made as shown in this work, can be considered as a dairy functional food


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Stabilization pond system consisting in more sewage treatment used in Rio Grande do Norte (RN), Brazil, representing about 90% of all systems. Fecal bacteria are removed mainly facultative ponds and in maturation ponds. Many factors influence bacterial decay, such as the levels of pH and DO, temperature, light intensity, HDT and nutrient availability. The bacterial decay rate (Kb) is calculated considering many variables, but the hydraulic regime is a significant influence for microorganisms removal, and the dispersed flow which best characterizes a stabilization pond. However, some authors developed equations for the Kb accordant plug flow and complete mixing. This research study aimed to evaluate the bacterial decay of fecal coliform and Enterococcus sp. in stabilization ponds designed to treat domestic sewage, full-scale, in RN. All systems have assessed pretreatment, a facultative pond (LF) followed by two maturation (LM1 and LM2). The parameters availed were: temperature, pH, DO, BOD5, COD, fecal coliform, Enterococcus sp., Chlorophyll a, total suspended solids, fixed and volatile. In general, there were not significant differences for pH, DO and temperature in the ponds, except for the new systems, since they have low flow and hydraulic loads. The removal of organic matter in the ponds was low, about 70%, and nearly all are overloaded organic and operational problems. The bacterial removals were low, with average 96% for LF for fecal coliform, and 98% for Enterococcus sp.; LM1 were in itself a removal for fecal coliform about 71%, and 81% for Enterococcus sp.; LM2 have efficiency of 69% for fecal coliform, and 68% for Enterococcus sp. The equation proposed by Von Sperling (1999), according to the dispersed flow regime, generated empirical values of Kb more approximate to calculated values of Kb. On average, the calculated Kb to coliforms in the LF was 0.31 d-1, and for both maturation ponds were 0.35 d-1. For Enterococcus sp. the average was 0.40 d-1 for LF, 0.55 d-1 for LM1, and 0.58 d-1 for LM2. These results also showed that the Kb obtained in full-scale systems are smaller than those found in pilot-scale ponds. Moreover, one can say that the equation proposed by Marais (1974), according to the complete-mix regime, overestimates Kb. Actual results of Kb indicated that fecal coliforms are more resistant to adverse conditions present in stabilization ponds than Enterococcus sp., therefore, an indicator of microbiological safety and efficiency. The factors significant interventions in the rate of bacterial decay were concentrations of COD, the organic loading and HDT. The few Kb relationship between pH, DO and temperature were not significant. Finally, we conclude that it s essential to correct operation and maintenance, for not performing these activities is one of the main factors contributing to low rates of bacterial decay.


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Experience in the use of stabilization ponds shows that this is a system with low cost, easy operation and maintenance and suitable for tropical countries. One of its disadvantages is due to high concentrations of suspended solids, mainly due to algal biomass in the effluents. Accordingly, the dissolved air flotation has been shown to be an efficient post-treatment technology. However, the efficiency of this process is related to coagulation and flocculation steps, as well as the adjustment of the involved variables in the process. The objective of this work was to evaluate the algae removal efficiency from wastewater stabilization ponds and the influence of the factors involved in the process using dissolved air flotation. For this, we used primary facultative and maturation effluents of ETE Ponta Negra in Natal. We did tests of coagulation, flocculation and flotation with the samples, using the equipment flotatest. In this process were tested coagulants aluminum sulfate and ferric chloride, and varied the factors pH, coagulant concentration, polymer concentration and rate of recirculation. At the end of the experiments were analyzed turbidity, suspended solids, color, COD and chlorophyll "a". These results were submitted to descriptive statistics to verify the efficiency of the process in general, and regression analysis to identify models that describe the process and demonstrate the factors that have greater influence on flotation. After step methodology, high values were found removal efficiency of suspended solids, reaching values greater than 90% in the best cases. It was concluded that flotation is more efficient in the facultative pond effluent using ferric chloride, and the variability of algae may negatively influence the process. Regression analyzes showed that pH is the most influential variable in the coagulation-flocculation-flotation, and its optimal value among the tested is 5.5 for both coagulants


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Hebb postulated that memory could be stored thanks to the synchronous activity of many neurons, building a neural assembly. Knowing of the importance of the hippocampal structure to the formation of new explicit memories, we used electrophysiological recording of multiple neurons to access the relevance of rate coding from neural firing rates in comparison to the temporal coding of neural assemblies activity in the consolidation of an aversive memory in rats. Animals were trained at the discriminative avoidance task using a modified elevated plus-maze. During experimental sessions, slow wave sleep periods (SWS) were recorded. Our results show an increase in the identified neural assemblies activity during post-training SWS, but not for the neural firing rate. In summary, we demonstrate that for this particular task, the relevant information needed for a proper memory consolidation lies within the temporal patters of synchronized neural activity, not in its firing rate


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In this paper it is proposed an indirect method to evaluate the corrosion rate of an aluminum and zinc alloy in alkaline solution by using a well-known device for collecting gases over water. The hydrogen gas formation, a corrosion product, is monitored at different time intervals and associated with the alloy mass loss. It has been suggested that the students should work in groups, which may make feasible the social interaction among them and that results discussion may be done collectively under a professor orientation. This proposal may propitiate the learning of terminology and involved concepts as well as contribute to a better understanding of corrosion phenomena that occur in their everyday life.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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OBJETIVO: Correlacionar a taxa de elocução com as rupturas da fluência em pessoas com taquifemia e comparar com pessoas sem taquifemia. MÉTODOS: Participaram dessa investigação 14 indivíduos na faixa etária de 8 a 40 anos e 11 meses de idade, de ambos os gêneros, divididos em dois grupos pareados por idade e gênero. O GI foi composto por sete pessoas com taquifemia e o GII por sete pessoas sem taquifemia. Um protocolo de avaliação da fluência da fala foi utilizado para obter e analisar a amostra de fala, que considera a frequência das disfluências e a taxa de elocução. RESULTADOS: Os dados indicaram que quanto maiores os fluxos de sílabas e de palavras por minuto, maior o número de rupturas na fala, tanto nas pessoas com taquifemia como nas pessoas sem taquifemia. Quanto à comparação entre os grupos, houve correlação tanto para sílabas por minuto como para palavras por minuto apenas no grupo de pessoas sem taquifemia. CONCLUSÃO: O grupo de taquifêmicos apresentou aumento na taxa de elocução e disfluências comuns excessivas. Nos dois grupos analisados ocorreu uma tendência em se obter maiores valores de disfluências comuns à medida que a taxa de elocução aumentava. Porém, na análise comparativa entre o grupo de pessoas com e sem taquifemia, a correlação foi significativa apenas no grupo de pessoas sem taquifemia.


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Nowadays several electronics devices support digital videos. Some examples of these devices are cellphones, digital cameras, video cameras and digital televisions. However, raw videos present a huge amount of data, millions of bits, for their representation as the way they were captured. To store them in its primary form it would be necessary a huge amount of disk space and a huge bandwidth to allow the transmission of these data. The video compression becomes essential to make possible information storage and transmission. Motion Estimation is a technique used in the video coder that explores the temporal redundancy present in video sequences to reduce the amount of data necessary to represent the information. This work presents a hardware architecture of a motion estimation module for high resolution videos according to H.264/AVC standard. The H.264/AVC is the most advanced video coder standard, with several new features which allow it to achieve high compression rates. The architecture presented in this work was developed to provide a high data reuse. The data reuse schema adopted reduces the bandwidth required to execute motion estimation. The motion estimation is the task responsible for the largest share of the gains obtained with the H.264/AVC standard so this module is essential for final video coder performance. This work is included in Rede H.264 project which aims to develop Brazilian technology for Brazilian System of Digital Television


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Este trabalho aborda o problema de otimização em braquiterapia de alta taxa de dose no tratamento de pacientes com câncer, com vistas à definição do conjunto de tempos de parada. A técnica de solução adotada foi a Transgenética Computacional apoiada pelo método L-BFGS. O algoritmo desenvolvido foi empregado para gerar soluções não denominadas cujas distribuições de dose fossem capazes de eiminar o câncer e ao mesmo tempo preservar as regiões normais


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a cistatina C como marcador de função renal em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia de cardíaca com circulação extracorpórea, comparando com a dosagem sérica de creatinina. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados 50 pacientes consecutivos submetidos à cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio. A função renal foi avaliada com a dosagem sérica de cistatina C e de creatinina no pré-operatório, no primeiro e no quinto dia de pós-operatório. Foram utilizadas as fórmulas de Cockcroft-Gault (CG) e Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) para calcular a taxa de filtração glomerular estimada (TFG) através da creatinina, e a fórmula de Larsson para a TFG estimada através da cistatina C (TFG-Cis). RESULTADOS: A creatinina e o TFG através das fórmulas de CG e MDRD não mostraram diferença significativa nos momentos estudados. Após a agressão renal pela cirurgia, houve um aumento da cistatina C no 1º e 5º pós-operatório, sendo que no 5º pós-operatório com diferença estatisticamente significativa (P < 0,01). Houve uma queda da TFG estimada pela cistatina C de 105,2 ± 41,0 ml/min, no pré-operatório, para 89,5 ± 31,5 ml/min no 5º dia pós-operatório (P < 0,012). CONCLUSÃO: A cistatina C e a TFG-Cis apresentaram mudanças significativas no pós-operatório de cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio quando comparadas a creatinina e a respectiva TFG estimada pelas fórmulas de Cockcroft-Gault e MDRD