943 resultados para tablet-PCs (TPC)
基于Java EE技术的Web容器已经成为面向Web计算环境的主流中间件平台,它为创建、部署、运行、集成和管理企业Web组件提供了基础设施支持。然而,企业用户规模的不断增长与企业Web应用程序的日趋复杂使得Web容器的性能面临严峻的威胁。 影响服务器性能的主要因素是服务器的资源与负载。在传统服务器设计领域,研究者已经取得了一系列的研究成果,如资源管理、准入控制、动态缓存、差分服务等。然而,上述传统服务器领域的研究成果难以满足开放、动态的Web计算环境需求。首先,Web容器无法预先获知企业Web应用程序的资源需求与负载特征,这使得它不得不采用一种“尽力而为”的服务策略。其次,传统资源管理技术难以解决不同资源之间的管理冲突,影响了资源的利用率。最后,传统的负载管理技术侧重于负载规模的变化,很少考虑负载的组成特征与行为特征。为解决上述问题,论文提出了一种面向资源的分阶段体系结构ROSA,并研究了基于ROSA的动态缓存技术与差分服务技术,具体研究内容如下: 论文首先提出了面向资源的分阶段体系结构ROSA,它将请求处理所需的处理资源(主要指线程)与共享资源加以区分,并且通过分阶段体系结构设计来有效解决处理资源阻塞。同时,论文扩展Petri网模型给出了ROSA体系结构的描述模型RDM与性能模型RPM,前者用于验证ROSA体系结构设计方案的结构性质与行为性质,后者用于定量的计算ROSA体系结构设计方案的平均响应时间、吞吐率等性能指标。最后,论文提出了相关设计模式用于ROSA体系结构的开发。 论文提出了一种访问模式驱动的动态缓存机制,消除了Web容器、Web组件与动态缓存机制的耦合,并能够利用客户访问模式提高Web容器的缓存效率。首先,论文设计了Web容器动态缓存框架来缓存Web组件动态生成的Web内容,减少Web组件的重复执行。然后,论文设计了模式图描述客户的访问行为,有效的消除了传统马尔可夫模型引入的无效访问行为。最后,论文在模式图基础上分别基于会话和缓存对象设计了两个预测概率函数以及访问模式驱动的缓存替换算法,有效的提高了动态缓存机制的效率。 论文提出了一种自适应差分服务机制以满足Web容器剧烈变化的负载,同时为企业Web应用程序的差分服务需求提供支持。首先,论文基于客户行为特征设计了动态的会话优先级,弥补了传统静态优先级定义(客户优先级、请求优先级)无法描述客户行为优先级的缺点。然后,通过扩展ROSA体系结构设计,提供了准入控制、优先级调度、资源预留等多种差分服务策略,从而适应Web容器的不同负载。最后,论文设计了自适应差分服务策略选择算法,根据Web容器负载状况自适应选择差分服务策略,消除了单一差分服务策略在某些情况下出现的资源浪费、请求“饿死”、不必要的请求丢失现象,保障了关键请求的性能指标。 最后,以上研究成果已经应用在一个高性能的Web容器系统Once Web容器中。在Java EE性能测试基准TPC-W的测试中取得了较好的效果。
电子商务是一种新兴的企业运作模式。随着Internet相关技术的高速发展,电子商务企业面临着前所未有的发展机遇。与此同时,电子商务企业竞争也日益激烈,电子商务应用的服务质量成为竞争的焦点所在。电子商务应用通常基于更为基础的运行平台来构建,如应用服务器等,这些运行平台对其服务质量的保障至关重要,如何评价这些运行平台的服务质量保障能力是特别需要关注的研究问题。 测试基准因为其设计的典型性以及评价的公正性,逐渐成为电子商务企业青睐的评价手段。然而目前主流的电子商务运行平台测试基准,主要关注以吞吐量为主的峰值性能度量,而没有考虑到电子商务应用具有较为独特的业务特征,如用户对服务质量敏感而引起的行为变化,以及难以使用孤立的性能指标描述的业务特征,如会话完成情况和商业利益等。这使得目前这些测试基准并不能准确评价运行平台的服务质量保障能力。 论文分析了现有的电子商务运行平台测试基准,指出了这些测试基准,如TPC-W在评价运行平台服务质量保障能力方面的不足,提出一种面向服务质量的电子商务运行平台测试基准——Bench4Q。相比于目前测试基准普遍采用的封闭式负载仿真模式,Bench4Q采用一种开放的负载生成方式,以用户会话为核心来组织负载生成,真实可控,可以模拟更加真实的Internet负载; Bench4Q还增加了用户对服务质量的反应,增加了用户容忍度的设计,模拟了更真实的用户行为,使得测试结果更真实有效;与此同时,Bench4Q重点衡量会话完成情况,体现业务收益,关注系统的服务质量保障能力,全面衡量电子商务系统的表现。 同时,本文给出了一种面向服务质量的电子商务运行平台的测试基准的设计方案,并按照设计方案实现了Bench4Q测试工具。通过使用该测试工具对一些典型场景的测试,说明与传统的性能测试基准相比,Bench4Q能够更加准确地评价运行平台对电子商务应用的服务质量保障能力。
The band structure of 2D photonic crystals (PCs) and localized states resulting from defects are analyzed by finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) technique and Pade approximation. The effect of dielectric constant contrast and filling factor on photonic bandgap (PBG) for perfect PCs and localized states in PCs with point defects are investigated. The resonant frequencies and quality factors are calculated for PCs with different defects. The numerical results show that it is possible to modulate the location, width and number of PBGs and frequencies of the localized states only by changing the dielectric constant contrast and filling factor.
本论文由四部分组成。第一部分报道了佛手参提取物的化学成分研究,建立了活性成分含量测定的高效液相测定和指纹图谱研究,采用液质联用技术鉴定了主要色谱峰;第二部分报道了丹参及其复方制剂的特征图谱研究;第三部分探讨了两面针生物碱的电喷雾质谱裂解规律,并采用液质联用技术分离鉴定了提取物中的多种生物碱。第四部分概述了液质联用在药物代谢研究中的运用。 第一部分包括第一、第二和第三章。第一章针对佛手参(Gymnadeniaconopsea)块茎的甲醇提取物,采用大孔树脂和反相硅胶柱层析等各种分离方法,共分离鉴定出4 个化合物,通过波谱分析将它们的结构确定为dactylorhin B (1)、loroglossin (2)、dactylorhin A (3)和militarine (4)。这4 个化合物均是首次从佛手参中分离得到的琥珀酸葡萄糖苷类成分。第二章采用高效液相色谱法对西藏、四川、河北、青海和尼泊尔等不同地区产的十个佛手参样品进行腺嘌呤核苷和对羟基苯甲醇的定量分析,结果表明这2 个成份可视为佛手参的特征成分,但也注意到产地不同该2 个特征成分的含量也有所不同。第三章采用标准中药指纹图谱相似度计算软件,以10 个佛手参样品HPLC 图谱的平均值为相似性评价对照模板,对10 个样品进行了相似度评价,并经液质联用分析指认了7 个共有峰,分别为腺嘌呤核苷(1)、对羟基苯甲醇(2)、对羟基苯甲醛(3) 、dactylorhin B(4) 、loroglossin(5)、dactylorhin A(6)和militarine(7)。 第二部分包括第四、第五、第六和第七章。第四章运用电喷雾质谱检测了对照药材和五个不同产地的丹参药材中脂溶性和水溶性成分,系统地探讨了多种成分的电喷雾质谱规律,并以对照药材为标准建立了特征指纹图谱。五个产地的药II材通过与对照药材相对比,采用聚类分析的方法,得到了定性的鉴别与判断。并采用液质联用技术对丹参药材提取液中的化学成份进行分析,推测了九个特征峰,并对六样品的液相色谱图进行了聚类分析。第五章探讨了三七皂苷的电喷雾质谱电离和裂解规律,并采用电喷雾质谱法对三七标准药材,血通片中的皂苷成分进行了分析。第六章运用电喷雾质谱研究复方丹参片提取液的特征图谱,并和单味药材丹参和三七的特征图谱进行了对比研究。并运用HPLC-ESI MSn 分析鉴定了复方丹参片提取液中的化学成分,推测了12 个色谱峰。第七章总结了电喷雾质谱和液质联用技术在丹参药材,三七药材及复方丹参制剂中的运用的优势和局限性。 第三部分(第八章)研究了两面针生物碱中二氢白屈菜红碱(1)、二氢两面针碱(2)、8-酮基二氢白屈菜红碱(3)、8-丙酮基二氢两面针碱(4)、两面针碱(5)、和1,3-二(8-二氢两面针碱)丙酮(6)等六个苯并菲啶型生物碱的电喷雾质谱裂解规律,其中二氢两面针碱和二氢白屈菜红碱,8-丙酮基二氢两面针碱和8-酮基二氢白屈菜红碱是两对二个甲氧基分别在C-9 和C-10,C-10 和C-11 的同分异构体。实验结果表明,在相同的碰撞能下,这类位置异构体的ESI MS2 质谱二级碎片离子的相对峰度存在很大差异,这可以用于区分该类同分异构体,采用液-质联用可以对两面针的总生物碱提取物中的这些同分异构体加于区分。同时在本实验采用的液相色谱条件下,多种生物碱得到较好的分离,通过和对照品的保留时间,紫外吸收光谱及电喷雾质谱图对照,鉴定了11 个主要色谱峰。 第四部分(第九章)对液质联用技术在药物代谢中的运用进行了综述。 This dissertation consisted of four sections. The first two sections elaborated thephytochemical investigation of the rhizomes Gymnadenia conopsea R. Br., methoddevelopment for rapid identifying and qutifying the chemical condtituent of thistibetant medicine, and the chemical fingerprint analysis of rhizomes of G. conopsea,Salviae miltiorrhiza and P. notoginseng. The third section studied the fragmentationmechanism of six alkaloids from Zanthoxylum nitidium and method development forrapid identifying varieties of alkaloids from the extract of this herbal medicine. Thefourth section reviewed HPLC- MS method in drug metabolism studies. The first section consisted of chapters 1, 2, 3. Chapter 1 elaborated the phytochemicalinvestigation of Gymnadenia conopsea R. Br. Four succinate derivative esters wereisolated from the methanol extract of the rhizomes of G. conopsea through repeatedcolumn chromatography on normal and reversed phase silica gel, their structures weredetermined by ESI-MS, 1D and 2D NMR evidence. They were firstly discoveredfrom this species. In chapter 2, a high-performance liquid chromatography.diodearray detection (HPLC-DAD) method has been firstly developed for quantitation oftwo characteristic constituents, adenosine and 4-hydroxybenzyl alcohol, from theextract of rhizomes of G. conopsea. All 10 samples of G. conopsea contained differentamount of adenosine and 4-hydroxybenzyl alcohol. Adenosine and the4-hydroxybenzyl alcohol can be applied in identification and quality control for theroots of G. conopsea. In chapter 3, a high-performance liquid chromatography.diodearray detection.tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-DAD-MSn) method has been firstly developed for chemical fingerprint analysis of rhizomes of G. conopsea andrapid identification of major compounds in the fingerprints. Comparing the UV andMS spectra with those of authentic compounds, seven main peaks in the fingerprintswere identified as adenosine, 4-hydroxybenzyl alcohol, 4-hydroxybenzyl aldehyde,dactylorhin B, loroglossin, dactylorhin A and militarine. The Computer AidedSimilarity Evaluation System for Chromatographic Fingerprint of TraditionalChinese Medicine (CASES) was employed to evaluate the similarities of 10 samplesof the rhizomes of G. conopsea collected from Sichuan, Qinghai and Hebei provincesand Tibet autonomous region of China, and Nepal. These samples from differentsources had similar chemical fingerprints to each other. The second section consisted of chapters 4, 5, 6 and 7. In chapter 4,both thecharacteristic spectra of liposoluble tanshinones and aqueous-soluble salvianolic acidswere established by the electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI MS)technique and the differences between standard and crude rhizomes of Salviaemiltiorrhiza Bge. from 5 sources were analyzed. The law of electrospray ion trap mass(ESI ITMS) of typical tanshinones and salvianolic acids is studied.The analysis of the chemical constituent of rhizomes of Salviae miltiorrhiza Bge. byliquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrum (LC/MS) technique wasestablished,and the distances among standard herb and crude herb from 5 sourceswere calculated by clustering analysis. According the DAD spectra and MS2 data,9tanshinones could be speculated. In chapter 5, the character spectra of total saponinsin P. notoginseng extracts were established by ESI ITMS and selective ion monitoring(SIM) technology. The law of notoginsenosides by ESI MS2 was studied. In chapter 6,the characteristic spectra of Compound Danshen Tablet established and compared byESI-MS and HPLC/DAD/MS, 6 known tanshinones and 3 saponins were speculated.In chapter 7, the advantage and disadvantage of the strategy, using the ESI ITMS andLC/MS techniques for study of characteristic spetra of danshen and Compound Danshen Tablet, were summerized. The third section (chapter 8) studied the fragmentation mechanism of six alkaloids,dihydronitidine, dihydrochelerythrine, 8-acetonyl dihydronitidine,8-acetonyldrochelerythrine, nitidine and 1,3-bis (8-dihydronitidinyl)-acetone, by ESIMSn. Tandem mass spectrometry experiments indicated that different substitutionsites of the methoxyl groups at C-9 and C-10 or at C-10 and C-11 determined thedifferent abundances of the MS2 fragmentation ions using the same collision energy.According to the different abundances of MS2 product ions, positional isomericbenzo[c] phenanthridine alkaloids can be differentiated. Moreover, ten constituents inthe crude alkaloids extract from the roots of Zanthoxylum nitidium were rapidlyidentified by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem massspectrometry (HPLC-MSn), through comparing the retention times and ESI MSn spectra with the authentic standards. The fourth section (chapter 9) is a review on HPLC-MS method development in drug metabolism studies.
米亚罗地区是四川西部较为典型的亚高山针叶林区域之一。为建立该地区主要针叶树种岷江冷杉、云杉、紫果云杉和红杉的年轮宽度年表资料,了解不同海拔高度岷江冷杉原始林和不同恢复过程的人工针叶林及次生混交林树木径向生长规律,结合样地调查,用生长锥钻取了树木芯样做年轮生态学分析。芯样经过标准化程序固定和打磨抛光后,用WinDENDRO图像分析系统测量年轮宽度序列,用COFECHA程序交叉定年和控制测量数据质量,用ARSTAN程序建立了4个主要针叶树种的地区年表和不同海拔高度岷江冷杉林及人工针叶林和次生混交林针叶树的样地年表。 4个主要针叶树种年轮宽度年表的平均敏感度低于0.2,而其晚材宽度年表都具相对较高的平均敏感度。早材宽度与年轮总宽度标准化年表间的相关系数均在0.9以上;晚材宽度与年轮总宽度标准化年表间的相关系数则种间差异较大,红杉的最高,岷江冷杉的最低。岷江冷杉晚材宽度与年轮总宽度的相关性从1970年以后明显下降,而其他种的相关系数则随时间变化较小。树种之间标准化年表显著正相关,而云杉与紫果云杉和红杉与岷江冷杉之间相关系数明显较高。年表序列的第1主分量表达了4个树种树木共同径向生长变化格局;第2至第4主分量分别表达了云杉属和冷杉属、常绿针叶树种和落叶针叶树种以及云杉和紫果云杉树木径向生长变化差异。 不同海拔高度的8个岷江冷杉样地年轮宽度年表序列敏感度大体上随海拔高度升高而降低。各样地早材宽度与年轮总宽度年表之间的相关系数均在0.9以上,且随海拔高度变化不大;晚材宽度与年轮总宽度之间的相关系数随海拔高度的变化较大,并有随海拔升高而降低的趋势。样地年表序列之间相关系数差异很大,高海拔样地年表间多为显著正相关;低海拔样地年表间的相关系数变化不一;高海拔和低海拔样地年表之间相关性较差,且多不显著。样地年表的第1主分量能解释年表序列总方差的37.5%,反映了不同海拔高度岷江冷杉林木共同的径向生长变化格局;第2和第3主分量分别解释总方差的24.5%和18.2%,表现出明显的高海拔和低海拔样地树木间不同的径向生长变化,除一些样地例外,它们一般与低海拔样地年表有正相关,与高海拔样地年表有负相关。在那些另外的样地,海拔以外的其他因素可能也影响了树木径向生长变化。不同海拔高度样地林木的生长抑制和生长释放频率在不同时期表现出较大的差异,表明了不同的干扰历史和林木补充时间。 人工针叶林和次生混交林各样地林木早材宽度与其年轮总宽度年表之间相关系数均高达0.9以上;晚材宽度与年轮总宽度年表之间也都显著正相关,但人工针叶林样地的明显较高。样地年表序列之间的相关关系表现为,林分起源和经营管理相似的样地年表之间的相关系数明显较高,如人工针叶林与人工针叶林尽管树种不同,但样地年表之间显著正相关,而与次生混交林样地年表间关系不显著;反之亦然。综合比较各项生长参数及不同时期的树木径向生长速率,人工针叶林树木的胸径增长至少在40年以内是优于次生混交林的同种(或不同种)针叶树的。不同样地林木生长释放和生长抑制及人工针叶林树木胸高断面积增长分析表明,除严重的人为干扰外,林分郁闭后林木密度过大是造成高频率生长抑制的主要原因,在林分发育的适当时期通过抚育间伐等措施调控林分密度,是保证林木胸高断面积在一定时期内保持较高的连年增长的关键。日本落叶松作为引进的树种,在海拔3100 m左右种植表现良好,近30年来各项生长指标均高于林龄相近的云杉人工林,因此,适当用其作为川西亚高山针叶林采伐迹地快速恢复是合理的。 Miyaluo area is one of the typical regions covered by subalpine coniferous forests in western Sichuan province of southwestern China. To develop the regional tree-ring width chronology series for the dominant conifers such as Abies faxoniana, Picea asperata, P. purpurea and Larix potaninii, and to understand the radial growth patterns of conifers in Abies faxoniana natural forest stands at different altitudes, and in coniferous plantations and natural regenerated mixed stands in their different restoring processes as well, increment cores were sampled in the field together with conventional plots investigations for dendroecological analyses. After the increment cores being prepared according to standard procedures, the ring widths (total-ring and intra-ring widths) were measured with a WinDENDRO image-analysis system, and the measured tree-ring sequences were crossdated and quality-controlled with the software COFECHA. Using the software ARSTAN, we developed tree-ring width based chronology series of the four dominant conifers, eight site-specific Abies faxoniana chronologies, and seven site-specific chronologies of conifers in coniferous plantations and natural regenerated mixed stands. Mean sensitivities for total ring width chronologies of the four sampled dominant conifers were all below 0.2, while those for the latewood width chronologies of the same species were relatively much higher. Correlation coefficients between standard earlywood and total ring width chronologies of the four conifers were all above 0.9, but those between standard latewood and total ring width chronologies exhibited differences among species, with the coefficient of Larix potaninii the highest and that of Abies faxoniana the lowest. Correlation coefficients between latewood and total ring width of A. faxoniana obviously decreased from 1920-1970 for successive 50-year segments with 10-years lag analyses, though the same for the other three species changed unnoticeably with time. Tree-ring standard chronologies among species showed significant positive correlations, with the correlation coefficients between chronologies of Picea asperata and P. purpurea, and of Larix potaninii and Abies faxoniana relatively much higher. The first principal component of tree-ring chronologies represented the common radial growth patterns of the four conifers in Miyaluo area. The second, third and fourth PCs expressed the differences in radial growth responses for the genus Picea and Abies, for the evergreen and deciduous confers, and for the two species of the genus Picea, respectively. In general, mean sensitivities of the eight Abies faxoniana site-specific tree-ring width chronologies decreased with increasing altitude. The correlation coefficients between earlywood and total ring width chronologies for all sites reached 0.9, which did not change much with altitude; but those between latewood and total ring width chronologies diversified, with a decreasing tendency from lower altitudinal sites to higher altitudinal sites. Correlation coefficients among site chronologies varied considerably, with significant positive correlations among higher site chronologies, mixed results among lower site chronologies, and poor and insignificant correlations between chronologies of higher site and lower site. The first PC, which represents 37.5% of the total variance, reflected a common radial growth response at sites of different altitudes, and it showed a tendency of explaining more variance with increasing altitude. The second and the third PCs contributed to 24.5% and 18.2% of the total variance, respectively, exhibiting distinctive differences in radial growth responses between low- and high-altitudinal sites. With some exceptions, the radial growth represented by the second and third PCs had a positive correlation with that at the low-altitudinal sites and a negative correlation with that at the high-altitudinal sites. For those exceptional sites, factors other than altitude might also play a role in affecting tree-ring growth variations. Trees in stands of different altitudes showed great differences in frequencies of growth suppressions and releases through times, suggesting different disturbance histories and periods when trees recruiting to the canopy. Correlation coefficients between earlywood and total ring width chronologies for all sites of coniferous plantations and natural regenerated mixed stands were also above 0.9; and the same between latewood width and total ring width chronologies all positively correlated, too, with the coefficients of the coniferous plantations obviously much higher. Correlations among site chronologies showed that the coefficients among sites with similar stand origin and management regimes were much higher than those among sites with different stand origin and management regimes. For example, significant positive correlations were found for chronologies among different coniferous plantations, irrespective of species differences; while insignificant correlations between chronologies of the same conifer from a coniferous plantation and a natural regenerated mixed stand, and vise versa. Integrative comparisons of different tree growth parameters and radial growth rates at different stages indicated that the diameter at breast height (DBH) increments for trees in coniferous plantations were faster than those for trees of the same (or different) species in the natural regenerated mixed stands, at least within their first 40 years of stand development. Analyses of growth releases and suppressions, and basal area increments of trees in different stands demonstrated that over-dense individuals after canopy closure was the main factor resulting in high frequencies of radial growth suppressions, with some exceptions of severe man-made disturbances. Therefore, to ensure a continuous basal area current annual increment in certain periods, tree density controlling through thinning in due time during the stand development process are necessary. It should be mentioned that, as an introduced conifer to Miyaluo area, Larix kaempferi grew quite well at altitude of ca. 3100 m after planting in 1970s. In their near 30 years of stand development, Larix kaempferi trees exhibited faster growth in various parameters than Picea asperata trees of the similar stand age did. Thus we think it reasonable to use Larix kaempferi as a fast restoring species at appropriate sites of cutting blanks of subalpine coniferous forests in western Sichuan.
土壤是人类赖以生存的自然环境和农业生产的重要资源,世界面临的粮食、资源和环境问题与土壤密切相关,目前危害土壤的主要因素是干旱和重金属污染。杨树具有适应性强、生长快和丰产等特性,本论文以青杨组杨树为模式植物,采用植物生态、生理及生物化学等方法,研究杨树对土壤干旱和锰胁迫的生态生理反应以及种群间差异,研究成果可为我国干旱半干旱地区营造人工林、防止沙漠化提供理论依据,也为恢复与重建重金属污染地区退化生态系统提供科学指导。主要研究结果如下: 1. 青海杨不同种群对干旱胁迫的响应差异 干旱胁迫显著降低了两个青海杨种群(干旱种群和湿润种群)生物量积累,包括株高、基径、干物质积累等,通过植物结构的调整,有更多的生物量向根部分配。干旱胁迫还显著降低了叶绿素和类胡萝卜素含量,增加了游离脯氨酸和总氨基酸含量。另一方面,干旱胁迫诱导了活性氧的积累,作为第二信使,激活了抗氧化系统,包括抗坏血酸(ASA)含量和酶系统如超氧化物歧化酶(SOD),愈创木酚过氧化物酶(GPX),抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)和谷胱甘肽还原酶(GR)。这样,杨树既有避旱机制又有耐旱机制,使其在干旱胁迫下有相当程度的可塑性。与湿润种群相比,干旱种群杨树有更多的生物量分配到根部,积累了更多的游离脯氨酸和总氨基酸来进行渗透调节,并且有更有效的抗氧化系统,包括更高含量的ASA 和更高活性的APX 和GR,这些使得干旱种群杨树比湿润种群杨树对干旱有更好的耐性。 2. 喷施硝普钠(SNP)对青海杨阿坝种群干旱胁迫耐性的影响 干旱胁迫显著的降低了青海杨阿坝种群的生长和生物量积累以及叶片相对含水量,还诱导了脯氨酸的合成以进行渗透调节。干旱胁迫下过氧化氢(H2O2)显著累积从而造成对膜脂和蛋白的伤害,使得丙二醛和蛋白羰基含量升高。干旱胁迫下喷施SNP可以减轻干旱胁迫造成的伤害,包括增加叶片的相对含水量,增加脯氨酸和总氨基酸的积累,并激活抗氧化酶系统如SOD,GPX和APX,从而减少丙二醛(MDA)和蛋白羰基(C=O)的积累,但是在水分良好情况下SNP的效果不显著。 3. 青杨不同种群对锰胁迫的生长与形态响应差异 在同一锰浓度下,干旱种群的耐性指数都要高于湿润种群,这表明青杨对干旱和高锰胁迫具有交叉耐性。两个种群的株高,生物量和叶绿素含量都随锰浓度的升高而逐渐下降。就累积浓度而言,0 和0.1 mM 锰胁迫下,干旱种群积累的锰浓度要高于湿润种群,而在高浓度锰胁迫下(0.5 和1 mM),湿润种群要高于干旱种群。在0,0.1 和0.5 mM下,锰大多积累在根中,叶片次之,茎中最少。而在1 mM,锰更多的积累在叶片中。就累积总量而言,在各个锰浓度胁迫下,根,茎和叶相比,两个种群青杨都是叶片累积的锰总量要高于根和茎。两个种群间比较,对照中没有显著区别,0.1 mM 锰胁迫下,湿润种群根中累积的锰要高于干旱种群,而在地上部中,干旱种群要高于湿润种群。而0.5 和1 mM 锰胁迫下,根、叶、茎+叶、根+茎+叶中,锰累积总量都是湿润种群高于干旱种群。锰胁迫下,青杨叶片数和叶面积包括总叶面积和平均叶面积都显著降低。叶片横切面的光学显微观察结果表明未经锰胁迫的栅栏组织的细胞饱满,海绵组织发达、清晰;胁迫后杨树叶片栅栏组织细胞出现不同程度的皱缩,海绵组织几乎不可见,此外还发现输导组织在胁迫下密度变小和分生组织严重割裂等现象。 4. 青杨不同种群对锰胁迫的生理与生化响应差异 青杨两个种群脱落酸(ABA)含量在锰胁迫下都显著增加,干旱种群的增幅更大。三种多胺含量在锰胁迫下显示了不同的响应趋势:腐胺在两个种群的各个锰处理下都增加,亚精胺只在干旱种群中显著增加,而精胺除了干旱种群在1 mM 下有所增加外,在锰胁迫下变化很小。谷胱甘肽含量随锰浓度升高而增加,在0.5 mM 锰时达到最高值,1mM 时有所下降。植物络合素(PCs)含量与非蛋白巯基(NP-SH)趋势相似,随锰浓度的升高而增加,且干旱种群中含量要高于湿润种群。锰处理还引起氧化胁迫,表现为过氧化氢和丙二醛含量增加。SOD 活性在湿润种群中,在0 到0.5 mM 锰胁迫下活性升高,但在1 mM 锰胁迫时,其活性有所下降。而在干旱种群中,SOD 活性变化较小,并始终维持在一个较高的水平。APX 活性在两个种群中都随锰浓度的升高而增加,干旱种群活性要高于湿润种群。锰胁迫还显著增加了酚类物质的含量,同时GPX 和多酚氧化酶(PPO)活性也随锰浓度的升高而增加。干旱种群的酚类含量和GPX 与PPO 活性都要高于湿润种群。锰胁迫还改变了氨基酸的含量和构成,根据锰胁迫下浓度变化的不同,可以将游离氨基酸分为三组:第一组包括,谷氨酸,丙氨酸和天门冬氨酸,这一组氨基酸含量在锰胁迫下有所下降。第二组包括缬氨酸,亮氨酸和苏氨酸含量在锰胁迫下基本不变化或变化很小。剩下的氨基酸为第三组,这组氨基酸含量在锰胁迫下显著增加,而根据增加的幅度又可以将它们分为两个亚组,丝氨酸,酪氨酸,苯丙氨酸,组氨酸和脯氨酸,在1 mM 下的含量是对照的4 倍以上。异亮氨酸,赖氨酸,精氨酸和甘氨酸含量在1 mM 下是对照含量的2 倍以下。同时,同一锰浓度下,干旱种群比湿润种群积累的氨基酸含量要高。 Soil is the indispensable environment for human survival and important resource foragriculture development. Food and environmental problems facing the world are all closelyrelated to soil and nowadays it is threatened by many factors, among which drought stress andheavy metal pollution are the most serious ones. Poplars (Populus spp.) are importantcomponents of ecosystem and suitable as a source of fuel, fiber and lumber due to their fastgrowth. In this study, different populations of Section Tacamahaca spach were used as modelplants to investigate the adaptability to drought stress and manganese toxicity and differencesbetween populations from dry and wet climate regions. Our results can provide theoreticalevidence for the afforestation and prevention of desertification in the arid and semi-arid areas,and also can supply scientific direction for the reconstruction and rehalibitation of ecosystemscontaminated by heavy metals. The results are as follows: 1. Differences in ecophysiological responses to drought stress in two contrastingpopulations of Populus przewalskii Drought stress not only significantly affected dry mass accumulation and allocation, butalso significantly decreased chlorophyll pigment contents and accumulated free proline andtotal amino acids. On the other hand, drought also significantly increased the levels ofabscisic acid and reactive oxygen species, as secondary messengers, to induce the entire set ofantioxidative systems including the increase of reduced ascorbic acid content and the activities of superoxide dismutase, guaiacol peroxidase, ascorbate peroxidase and glutathioneredutase. Thus the combination of drought avoidance and tolerance mechanisms conferredpoplar a high degree of plasticity in response to drought stress. Compared with the wetclimate population, the dry climate population showed lower dry matter accumulation andallocated more biomass to root systems, and accumulated more free proline and total aminoacids for osmotic adjustment. The dry climate population also showed more efficientantioxidant systems with higher content of ascorbic acid and higher activities of ascorbateperoxidase and glutathione redutase than the wet climate population. All these made the dryclimate population superior in adaptation to drought stress than the wet climate population. 2. Effect of exogenous applied SNP on drought tolerance in Populus przewalskii Drought stress significantly increased hydrogen peroxide content and caused oxidativestress to lipids and proteins assessed by the increase in malondialdehyde and total carbonylcontents, respectively. The cuttings of P. przewalskii accumulated proline and other aminoacids for osmotic adjustment to lower water potential, and activated the antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase, guaiacol peroxidase and ascorbate peroxidase to maintain thebalance of generation and quenching of reactive oxygen species. Moreover, exogenous SNPapplication significantly heightened the growth performance of P. przewalskii cuttings underdrought treatment by promotion of proline accumulation and activation of antioxidant enzymeactivities, while under well-watered treatment the effect of SNP application was very little. 3. Morphological responses to manganese toxicity in the two contrasting populations ofPopulus cathayana High concentration of manganese caused significant decrease in shoot height andbiomass accumulation. The tolerance index of the dry climate population was significantlyhigher than that of the wet climate population, suggesting the superior Mn tolerance in theformer and the existence of cross-tolerance of drought stress and high Mn toxicity. Injuries tothe leaf anatomical features were also found as the reduced thickness in palisade and spongyparenchyma, the decreased density in the conducting tissue and the collapse and split in themeristematic tissue in the central vein. As for the Mn concentrations in the plant tissues, under0, 0.1 and 0.5 mM, most of the Mn accumulated in the roots, then leaves, and stem the least, while under 1 mM, most of the Mn accumulated in the leaves. As far as the total amounts ofMn extraction are concerned, the leaf extracted more Mn than the root and stem in the twopopulations under various Mn concentrations. There is no difference between the twopopulations under control. Under 0.1 mM, the wet climate population extracted higher Mn inthe root than the dry climate population, while in the shoot, the dry climate populationextracted much more Mn. Under 0.5 and 1 mM, the wet climate population translocated moreMn both in the root and the shoot than the dry climate population. 4. Physiological and biochemical responses to manganese toxicity in the two contrastingpopulations of Populus cathayana Mn treatment resulted in oxidative stress indicated by the oxidation to lipids, proteinsand DNA. A regulated network of defence strategies was employed for the chelation,detoxification and tolerance of Mn including the enhanced synthesis of ABA and polyamines,the accumulation of free amino acids, especially His and Pro, and the activation of theenzymes superoxide dismutase and guaiacol peroxidase. Contents of non-protein thiol,reduced glutathione, phytochelatins and phenolics compounds and activities of superoxide dismutase, guaiacol peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase also increased significantly forantioxidant or chelation functions. The wet climate population not only accumulated lessabscisic acid, free amino acids, phytochelatins and phenolics compounds, but also exhibitedlower activities of superoxide dismutase, guaiacol peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase thusresulting in more serious oxidative damage and more curtained growth.
在HIRFL-CSR上筹建的兰州强子谱仪(HPLUS)中,前角区径迹探测器(FTD)对于粒子鉴别以及系统的触发都是非常重要的部分之一。计划中的FTD是由五块平面型的多丝漂移室组成,主要用来测量在前角区出射的带电粒子的径迹 (和能损),实现粒子动量测量和粒子鉴别,而联合其它探测器(如TOF和TPC)则可能提高由于取样数限制的粒子鉴别。实现探测器构型的优化和对拟建装置上物理目标的可行性预研是模拟工作的重要目的。快模拟是对拟建装置进行快速优化的有效方法。在Geant4环境对拟建装置的细致模拟,是进一步优化探测器结构、充分的估计探测器整体性能的必要步骤,为将来的谱仪的制造和可能的物理实验提供可靠的参考。 本论文的主要工作包括以下两个方面。(1)在HPLUS概念设计的基础上,发展了局域化的多径迹查找和径迹重建算法,对产物在前角区分布的典型反应道pp→pp+φ(→K+K-)进行了可行性预研,得到FTD对φ的几何覆盖率为83.5%,由于漂移室空间分辨对的动量分辨的贡献为1.3%,并在考虑了本底道pp→pp+K+K-的影响下,重建了φ的不变质量谱,得到φ峰宽度和信噪比分别为1.51MeV和4.36。在考虑到前角区径迹探测器的占有空间和探测要求的情况下对HPLUS构型做出了一定的优化,为全模拟提供了一组FTD参数。(2)基于快模拟得到的参数和参考了PANDA探测器漂移室的情况下,完成了FTD的初步设计并对其中的物质分布进行了预算,通过经验公式得到FTD的空间分辨和多次散射对K+动量分辨的贡献为1.34%和0.34%。在HPLUS模拟平台上,用GDML语言完成了对前角区径迹探测器的构建
移动计算是当今主流的计算模式之一,以MID、UMPC、Tablet PC、PDA为代表的移动设备为移动计算的实现提供了可行性。在办公软件领域,随着用户需求的多样化发展,办公软件的非结构化、自由化输入是未来发展的趋势,以鼠标、键盘为主的传统办公软件已不能适应移动设备的需求。 思维是人接受信息、存贮信息、加工信息以及输出信息的活动过程。知识工作者是思维最为活跃的人群,是开发和使用知识的人。笔记是思维重要的呈现方式,笔记采集是知识工作者主要的活动之一。笔记采集正朝着个性化、智能化的方向发展,传统的办公软件已不能适应笔记采集的需求,以笔记采集为主要内容的移动办公软件将是办公软件发展的方向之一。 为适应笔记采集的移动性、自由性特点,本文设计和开发了面向知识工作者的笔记采集工具。本文的主要工作如下: 1. 笔记采集工具的需求分析 通过分析知识工作者的代表人群(老师和学生)在特定场景下的手写材料,总结得到笔记采集工具的功能需求。笔记采集工具需要支持笔迹的输入、笔迹结构的高级理解(如概念图理解等)以及一些特定领域下的功能(如动态几何作图等)。 2. 笔记采集工具的系统设计 依据PIBG界面范式,设计了笔记采集工具。具体地,通过剖析笔迹信息处理的层次关系,设计出笔迹处理解析机制;按照功能将系统划分为四个模块:笔迹采集、笔迹编辑、笔迹理解和笔迹管理;设计出包含交互层、任务层、算法层和数据层的软件体系结构。 3. 笔记采集工具的主要算法和特色功能 笔记采集工具的个性化和自由化需要各种高级功能(如概念图理解、动态几何)的支持。工具中采用的算法包括$1模板匹配算法、数学公式理解、概念图结构理解、笔迹搜索以及几何约束求解相关的算法。工具设计了一套笔手势,并为手势交互提供了有效的可视化反馈。 4. 笔记采集工具的实现与应用实例 实现了笔记采集原型工具,并给出一个学生使用该工具进行学习的实例。该工具的主要功能包括笔手势交互、动态几何、手写数学公式输入、概念图结构化编辑、笔迹搜索等。
Aptamers, which are in vitro selected functional oligonucleotides, have been employed to design novel biosensors (i.e., aptasensors) due to their inherent selectivity, affinity, and their multifarious advantages over traditional recognition elements. In this work, we reported a multifunctional reusable label-free electrochemical biosensor based on an integrated aptamer for parallel detection of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and alpha-thrombin, by using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and cyclic voltammetry (CV). A An electrode as the sensing surface was modified with a part DNA duplex which contained a 5'-thiolated partly complementary strand (PCS) and a mixed aptamer (MBA).
Lanthanum magnesium hexaalumminate (LMA) is an important candidate for thermal barrier coatings due to its thermal stability and low thermal conductivity. On the other hand, laser glazing method can potentially make thermal barrier coatings impermeable, resistant to corrosion on the surface and porous at bulk. LMA powder was synthesized at 1600 degrees C by solid-state reaction, pressed into tablet and laser glazed with a 5-kW continuous wave CO2 laser.
The characterization of free base porphyrin 2,3,7,8,12,13,17,18-octakis(hexyl-thio) tetraazaporphyrin (H(2)OHTTAP) and its zinc(II) complexes [Zn(II)OHTTAP] containing eight thioether groups at the beta -pyrrole positions of the macrocycle was reported. Results obtained by cyclic voltammetry and differential pulse voltammetry indicated a five-electron reduction in five steps for each complex. They were oxidized in two single-electron-transfer steps to yield pi -cation radicals and dications and reduced in three single-electron-transfer steps to yield pi -anion radicals, dianions and trianions, respectively. The redox property of H(2)OHTTAP was unusual as compared to porphyrins (PPs) and phthalocyanines (Pcs). Each process was monitored by in situ thin-layer spectroelectrochemistry, which indicated that only the Ligand was electroactive. The existence of the eight hexylthio groups was responsible for the intrastack interactions and enhanced intracolumnar and intercolumnar electron motions, resulting in improved conductivity. Copyright (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Currently, antioxidants are added in the human diet to prevent free radical-induced cell damage, and there has been an explosive interest in the use of antioxidant nutritional supplements. The effects of different factors on the antioxidant activity of phycocyanins (PCs) were studied. The results showed that PCs generated hydroxyl radicals in the light, while scavenging them in the dark. When PCs were denatured by sodium dodecyl sulfate, urea and in alkaline condition, their ability to generate hydroxyl radicals disappeared and that of scavenging them greatly increased. This showed that the phycobilin moiety is the main part of PC involved in scavenging hydroxyl radicals. Trypsin hydrolysis of PCs showed that the apoprotein portion of the molecule also made a significant contribution to the antioxidant activity.
The extracts obtained from 28 species of marine algae were evaluated for their antioxidant activity (AA) versus the positive controls butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), gallic acid (GA), and ascorbic acid (AscA). Most of the tested samples displayed antioxidant activity to various degrees. Among them, the extract of Symphyocladia latiuscula exhibited the strongest AA, which was comparable to BHT, GA, and AscA in radical scavenging activity, as shown in the DPPH (alpha,alpha-diphenyl-beta-picrylhydrazyl) assay, and higher than those of the positive controls in beta-carotene-linoleate assay system. In addition, the ethyl acetate-soluble fraction isolated from the crude extract of S. latiuscula exhibited the highest antioxidant activity in both assay systems. This fraction was further fractionated into seven subfractions (F1-F7) by vacuum liquid chromatography (VLC). F1 and F4 were found to be the most effective subfractions in scavenging DPPH radical assay and in the beta-carotene-linoleate assay, respectively. The total phenolic content (TPC) and reducing power (RP) for all of the extracts, fractions, and subfractions (F1-F7) were also determined. The TPC of the 28 extracts ranged from 0.10 to 8.00 gallic acid equivalents (mg/g seaweed dry weight) while the RP ranged from 0.07 to 11.60 ascorbic acid equivalents (mg center dot g(-1) seaweed dry weight). Highly positive relationships between AA and TPC as well as between AA and RP were found for the extracts and fractions, while for the subfractions F1-F7 only weak or no such relations were found. The results obtained from this study indicate that further analysis is needed of those marine algal species that contain the most antioxidant activity in order to identify the active principles.