959 resultados para suppressive soils


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Selostus: Pitkäaikaisen fosforilannoituksen vaikutus Suomen peltojen fosforitilaan. 2. Kemiallisten testien muutokset suhteessa fosforitaseeseen sekä aikaisemmin ja koevuosina lisätyn fosforin multaussyvyyteen


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A plot study was conducted to assess changes in Cd phytoavailability to a tomato cultivar in an agricultural soil in Southeastern Spain amended in two different ways (A and B), under controlled conditions. The experimental soil corresponded to a fine-loamy carbonatic thermic Calcidic Haploxeroll (Soil Survey Staff, 1998). A) Soil was amended with a single application of sewage sludge from a municipal source that had a total Cd concentration of 0.5 mg kg-1 at a rate that represented a final average concentration in the mixture of soil and sludge of less than 50 µg Cd kg-1. B) The amendment consisted of the addition of a mineral fertiliser with the same amount of NPK as in the sewage sludge application. The final levels of Cd were supposed to be negligible. A plot series without amendments was also performed (C). DTPA plus triethanolamine, and ammonium acetate extractable fractions in soils were analysed for all the plots. The time-dependent Cd accumulation in different parts of the tomato plants was studied by means of a Cd salt treatment. For each block (A, B, and C) four levels of Cd (0, 3, 30, 100 mg kg-1) were added as CdCl2. There was a significant increase in plant Cd after the initial cropping. Tomato stems, leaves and fruits were analysed separately for Cd determination. Differential Cd distribution and accumulation in tomato parts was detected.


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The abandonment of agricultural land in mountainous areas has been an outstanding problem along the last century and has captured the attention of scientists, technicians and administrations, for the dramatic consequences sometimes occurred due to soil instability, steep slopes, rainfall regimes and wildfires. Hidromorfological and pedological alterations causing exceptional floods and accelerated erosion processes has therefore been studied, identifying the cause in the loss of landscape heterogeneity. Through the disappearance of agricultural works and drainage maintenance, slope stability has resulted severely affected. The mechanization of agriculture has caused the displacement of vines, olives and corks trees cultivation in terraced areas along the Mediterranean catchment towards more economically suitable areas. On the one hand, land use and management changes have implicated sociological changes as well, transforming areas inhabited by agricultural communities into deserted areas where the colonization of disorganized spontaneous vegetation has buried a valuable rural patrimony. On the other hand, lacking of planning and management of the abandoned areas has produced badlands and infertile soils due to wildfire and high erosion rates strongly degrading the whole ecosystems. In other cases, after land abandonment a process of soil regeneration has been recorded. Investigations have been conducted in a part of NE Spain where extended areas of terraced soils previously cultivated have been abandoned in the last century. The selected environments were semi-abandoned vineyards, semi-abandoned olive groves, abandoned stands of cork trees, abandoned stands of pine trees, scrubland of Cistaceaea, scrubland of Ericaceaea, and pasture. The research work was focused on the study of most relevant physical, chemical and biological soil properties, as well as runoff and erosion under soils with different plant cover to establish the abandonment effect on soil quality, due to the peculiarity and vulnerability of these soils with a much reduced depth. The period of observation was carried out from autumn 2009 to autumn 2010. The sediment concentration of soil erosion under vines was recorded as 34.52 g/l while under pasture it was 4.66 g/l. In addition, the soil under vines showed the least amount of organic matter, which was 12 times lower than all other soil environments. The carbon dioxide (CO2) and total glomalin (TG) ratio to soil organic carbon (SOC) in this soil was 0.11 and 0.31 respectively. However, the soil under pasture contained a higher amount of organic matter and showed that the CO2 and TG ratio to SOC was 0.02 and 0.11 respectively indicating that the soil under pasture better preserves the soil carbon pool. A similar trend was found in the intermediate soils in the sequence of land use change and abandonment. Soil structural stability increased in the two soil fractions investigated (0.25-2.00 mm, 2.0-5.6 mm) especially in those soils that did not undergo periodical perturbations like wildfires. Soil quality indexes were obtained by using relevant physical and chemical soil parameters. Factor analysis carried out to study the relationship between all soil parameters allowed to related variables and environments and identify those areas that better contribute to soil quality towards others that may need more attention to avoid further degradation processes


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Mercury (II) adsorption studies in top soils (top 10 cm) from the Rio Negro basin show this process depends strongly on some selected parameters of the aqueous phase in contact with the soils. Maximum adsorption occurred in the pH range 3.0-5.0 (>90%). Dissolved organic matter shows an inhibitory effect on the availability of Hg (II) to be adsorbed by the soils, whereas a higher chloride content of the solution resulted in a lower adsorption of Hg (II) at pH 5.0. Soils with higher organic matter content were less affected by changes in the salinity. An increase in the initial Hg (II) concentration increased the amount of Hg (II) adsorbed by the soil and decreased the time needed to reach equilibrium. A Freundlich isotherm provided a good model for Hg (II) adsorption in the two types of soil studied. The kinetics of Hg (II) adsorption on Amazonian soils showed to be very fast and followed pseudo-second order kinetics. An environmental implication of these results is discussed under the real scenario present in the Negro River basin, where acidic waters are in contact with a soil naturally rich in mercury.


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The 1980-1990 Amazonian gold rush left an enormous liability that increasingly has been substituted by developing fish aquaculture. This work aimed at the identification of the mercury levels in the environment, associated with fish farms located in the North of Mato Grosso State, Southern Amazon. Sediment and soil samples were analyzed for total organic carbon and total mercury. Results indicate that the chemical characteristics of the sediment largely depend on the management procedures of the fish pond (liming, fish food used and fish population). The soils presented relatively low concentrations when compared with other data from the literature.


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A rapid and low cost method to determine Cr(VI) in soils based upon alkaline metal extraction at room temperature is proposed as a semi-quantitative procedure to be performed in the field. A color comparison with standards with contents of Cr(VI) in the range of 10 to 150 mg kg-1 was used throughout. For the different types of soils studied, more than 75% of the fortified soluble Cr(VI) were recovered for all levels of spike tested for both the proposed and standard methods. Recoveries of 83 and 99% were obtained for the proposed and the standard methods, respectively, taking into account the analysis of a heavily contaminated soil sample.


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Selective papers of the workshop on "Development of models and forest soil surveys for monitoring of soil carbon", Koli, Finland, April 5-9 2006.


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Selective papers of the workshop on "Development of models and forest soil surveys for monitoring of soil carbon", Koli, Finland, April 5-9 2006.


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Selective papers of the workshop on "Development of models and forest soil surveys for monitoring of soil carbon", Koli, Finland, April 5-9 2006.


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Tobacco cultivation in shallow soils and steep landscape under intense use of agrochemicals contributes to environment degradation. In this study, we assessed the concentration of agrochemicals in draw wells used for human consumption and a creek in a small catchment predominantly cropped to tobacco. Chlorpyrifos, flumetralin, and iprodione were determined by gas chromatography with electron capture detection, while imidalcloprid, atrazine, simazine, and clomazone were quantified by high-performance liquid chromatography with UV detection. Considering all sampling sites, all agrochemicals were detected at least once, except for flumetralin. The occurrence of agrochemicals in tobacco crops is a consequence of their fast transfer to surface water.