839 resultados para sleep pattern
BACKGROUND: The pattern of substrate utilization with diets containing a high or a low proportion of unavailable and slowly digestible carbohydrates may constitute an important factor in the control, time course, and onset of hunger in humans. OBJECTIVE: We tested the hypothesis that isoenergetic diets differing only in their content of unavailable carbohydrates would result in different time courses of total, endogenous, and exogenous carbohydrate oxidation rates. DESIGN: Two diets with either a high (H diet) or a low (L diet) content of unavailable carbohydrates were fed to 14 healthy subjects studied during two 24-h periods in a metabolic chamber. Substrate utilization was assessed by whole-body indirect calorimetry. In a subgroup of 8 subjects, endogenous and exogenous carbohydrate oxidation were assessed by prelabeling the body glycogen stores with [(13)C]carbohydrate. Subjective feelings of hunger were estimated with use of visual analogue scales. RESULTS: Total energy expenditure and substrate oxidation did not differ significantly between the 2 diets. However, there was a significant effect of diet (P: = 0.03) on the carbohydrate oxidation pattern: the H diet elicited a lower and delayed rise of postprandial carbohydrate oxidation and was associated with lower hunger feelings than was the L diet. The differences in hunger scores between the 2 diets were significantly associated with the differences in the pattern of carbohydrate oxidation among diets (r = -0.67, P: = 0. 006). Exogenous and endogenous carbohydrate oxidation were not significantly influenced by diet. CONCLUSIONS: The pattern of carbohydrate utilization is involved in the modulation of hunger feelings. The greater suppression of hunger after the H diet than after the L diet may be helpful, at least over the short term, in individuals attempting to better control their food intake.
RésuméL'addiction aux drogues est une maladie multifactorieile affectant toutes les strates de notre société. Cependant, la vulnérabilité à développer une addiction dépend de facteurs environnementaux, génétiques et psychosociaux. L'addiction aux drogues est décrite comme étant une maladie chronique avec un taux élevé de rechutes. Elle se caractérise par un besoin irrépressible de consommer une drogue et une augmentation progressive de la consommation en dépit des conséquences néfastes. Les mécanismes cérébraux responsables des dépendances aux drogues ne sont que partiellement élucidés, malgré une accumulation croissante d'évidences démontrant des adaptations au niveau moléculaire et cellulaire au sein des systèmes dopaminergique et glutamatergique. L'identification de nouveaux facteurs neurobiologiques responsables de la vulnérabilité aux substances d'abus est cruciale pour le développement de nouveaux traitements thérapeutiques capables d'atténuer et de soulager les symptômes liés à la dépendance aux drogues.Au cours des dernières années, de nombreuses études ont démontré qu'un nouveau circuit cérébral, le système hypocrétinergique, était impliqué dans plusieurs fonctions physiologiques, tel que l'éveil, le métabolisme énergétique, la motivation, le stress et les comportements liés aux phénomènes de récompense. Le système hypocrétinergique est composé d'environ 3000-4000 neurones issus de l'hypothalamus latéral projetant dans tout ie cerveau. Des souris transgéniques pour le gène des hypocrétines ont été générées et leur phénotype correspond à celui des animaux sauvages, excepté le fait qu'elles soient atteintes d'attaques de sommeil similaires à celles observées chez les patients narcoleptiques. H semblerait que les hypocrétines soient requises pour l'acquisition et l'expression de la dépendance aux drogues. Cependant, le mécanisme précis reste encore à être élucidé. Dans ce rapport, nous rendons compte des comportements liés aux phénomènes de récompense liés à l'alcool et à la cocaine chez les souris knock-out (KO), hétérozygotes (HET) et sauvages (WT).Nous avons, dans un premier temps, évalué l'impact d'injections répétées de cocaïne (15 mg/kg, ip) sur la sensibilisation locomotrice et sur le conditionnement place préférence. Nous avons pu observer que les souris WT, HET et KO exprimaient une sensibilisation locomotrice induite par une administration chronique de cocaïne, cependant les souris déficientes en hypocrétines démontraient une sensibilisation retardée et atténuée. Π est intéressant de mentionner que les mâles HET exprimaient une sensibilisation comportementale intermédiaire. Après normalisation des données, toutes les souris exprimaient une amplitude de sensibilisation similaire, excepté les souris mâles KO qui affichaient, le premier jour de traitement, une sensibilisation locomotrice réduite et retardée, reflétant un phénotype hypoactif plutôt qu'une altération de la réponse aux traitements chroniques de cocaïne. Contre toute attente, toutes les souris femelles exprimaient un pattern similaire de sensibilisation locomotrice à la cocaïne. Nous avons ensuite évalué l'effet d'un conditionnement comportemental à un environnement associé à des injections répétées de cocaine (15 mg / kg ip). Toutes les souris, quelque soit leur sexe ou leur génotype, ont manifesté une préférence marquée pour l'environnement apparié à la cocaïne. Après deux semaines d'abstinence à la cocaïne, les mâles et les femelles déficientes en hypocrétines n'exprimaient plus aucune préférence pour le compartiment précédemment associé à la cocaïne. Alors que les souris WT et HET maintenaient leur préférence pour le compartiment associé à la cocaïne. Pour finir, à l'aide d'un nouveau paradigme appelé IntelliCage®, nous avons pu évaluer la consommation de liquide chez les femelles WT, HET et KO. Lorsqu'il n'y avait que de l'eau disponible, nous avons observé que les femelles KO avaient tendance à moins explorer les quatre coins de la cage. Lorsque les souris étaient exposées à quatre types de solutions différentes (eau, ImM quinine ou 0.2% saccharine, alcool 8% et alcool 16%), les souris KO avaient tendance à moins consommer l'eau sucrée et les solutions alcoolisées. Cependant, après normalisation des données, aucune différence significative n'a pu être observée entre les différents génotypes, suggérant que la consommation réduite d'eau sucrée ou d'alcool peut être incombée à l'hypoactivité des souris KO.Ces résultats confirment que le comportement observé chez les souris KO serait dû à des compensations développementales, puisque la sensibilisation locomotrice et le conditionnement comportemental à la cocaïne étaient similaires aux souris HET et WT. En ce qui concerne la consommation de liquide, les souris KO avaient tendance à consommer moins d'eau sucrée et de solutions alcoolisées. Le phénotype hypoactif des souris déficientes en hypocrétine est probablement responsable de leur tendance à moins explorer leur environnement. Il reste encore à déterminer si l'expression de ce phénotype est la conséquence d'un état de vigilance amoindri ou d'une motivation diminuée à la recherche de récompense. Nos résultats suggèrent que les souris déficientes en hypocrétine affichent une motivation certaine à la recherche de récompense lorsqu'elles sont exposées à des environnements où peu d'efforts sont à fournir afin d'obtenir une récompense.AbstractDrug addiction is a multifactorial disorder affecting human beings regardless their education level, their economic status, their origin or even their gender, but the vulnerability to develop addiction depends on environmental, genetic and psychosocial dispositions. Drug addiction is defined as a chronic relapsing disorder characterized by compulsive drug seeking, with loss of control over drug intake and persistent maladaptive decision making in spite of adverse consequences. The brain mechanisms responsible for drug abuse remain partially unknown despite accumulating evidence delineating molecular and cellular adaptations within the glutamatergic and the dopaminergic systems. However, these adaptations do not fully explain the complex brain disease of drug addiction. The identification of other neurobiological factors responsible for the vulnerability to substance abuse is crucial for the development of promising therapeutic treatments able to alleviate signs of drug dependence.For the past few years, growing evidence demonstrated that a recently discovered brain circuit, the hypocretinergic system, is implicated in many physiological functions, including arousal, energy metabolism, motivation, stress and reward-related behaviors. The hypocretin system is composed of a few thousands neurons arising from the lateral hypothalamus and projecting to the entire brain. Hypocretin- deficient mice have been generated, and unexpectedly, their phenotype resembles that of wild type mice excepting sleep attacks strikingly similar to those of human narcolepsy patients. Evidence suggesting that hypocretins are required for the acquisition and the expression of drug addiction has also been reported; however the precise mechanism by which hypocretins modulate drug seeking behaviors remains a matter of debate. Here, we report alcohol and cocaine reward-related behaviors in hypocretin-deficient mice (KO), as well as heterozygous (HET) and wild type (WT) littermates.We first evaluated the impact of repeated cocaine injections (15 mg/kg, ip) on locomotor sensitization and conditioned place preference. We observed that WT, HET and KO mice exhibited behavioral sensitization following repeated cocaine administrations, but hypocretin deficient males displayed a delayed and attenuated response to chronic cocaine administrations. Interestingly, HET males exhibited an intermediate pattern of behavioral sensitization. However, after standardization of the post-injection data versus the period of habituation prior to cocaine injections, all mice displayed similar amplitudes of behavioral sensitization, except a reduced response in KO males on the first day, suggesting that the delayed and reduced cocaine-induced locomotor sensitization may reflect a hypoactive phenotype and probably not an altered response to repeated cocaine administrations. Unexpectedly, all female mice exhibited similar patterns of cocaine-induced behavioral sensitization. We then assessed the behavioral conditioning for an environment repeatedly paired with cocaine injections (15 mg/kg ip). All mice, whatever their gender or genotype, exhibited a robust preference for the environment previously paired with cocaine administrations. Noteworthy, following two weeks of cocaine abstinence, hypocretin-deficient males and females no longer exhibited any preference for the compartment previously paired with cocaine rewards whereas both WT and HET mice continued manifesting a robust preference. We finally assessed drinking behaviors in WT, HET and KO female mice using a novel paradigm, the IntelliCages®. We report here that KO females tended to less explore the four cage comers where water was easily available. When exposed to four different kinds of liquid solutions (water, ImM quinine or saccharine 0.2%, alcohol 8% and alcohol 16%), KO mice tended to less consume the sweet and the alcoholic beverages. However, after data standardization, no significant differences were noticed between genotypes suggesting that the hypoactive phenotype is most likely accountable for the trend regarding the reduced sweet or alcohol intake in KO.Taken together, the present findings confirm that the behavior seen in Hcrt KO mice likely reflects developmental compensations since only a slightly altered cocaine-induced behavioral sensitization and a normal behavioral conditioning with cocaine were observed in these mice compared to HET and WT littermates. With regards to drinking behaviors, KO mice barely displayed any behavioral changes but a trend for reducing sweet and alcoholic beverages. Overall, the most striking observation is the constant hypoactive phenotype seen in the hypocretin-deficient mice that most likely is accountable for their reduced tendency to explore the environment. Whether this hypoactive phenotype is due to a reduced alertness or reduced motivation for reward seeking remains debatable, but our findings suggest that the hypocretin-deficient mice barely display any altered motivation for reward seeking in environments where low efforts are required to access to a reward.
STUDY OBJECTIVES: Hemispheric stroke in humans is associated with sleep-wake disturbances and sleep electroencephalogram (EEG) changes. The correlation between these changes and stroke extent remains unclear. In the absence of experimental data, we assessed sleep EEG changes after focal cerebral ischemia of different extensions in mice. DESIGN: Following electrode implantation and baseline sleep-wake EEG recordings, mice were submitted to sham surgery (control group), 30 minutes of intraluminal middle cerebral artery (MCA) occlusion (striatal stroke), or distal MCA electrocoagulation (cortical stroke). One and 12 days after stroke, sleep-wake EEG recordings were repeated. The EEG recorded from the healthy hemisphere was analyzed visually and automatically (fast Fourier analysis) according to established criteria. MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: Striatal stroke induced an increase in non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep and a reduction of rapid eye movement sleep. These changes were detectable both during the light and the dark phase at day 1 and persisted until day 12 after stroke. Cortical stroke induced a less-marked increase in NREM sleep, which was present only at day 1 and during the dark phase. In cortical stroke, the increase in NREM sleep was associated in the wake EEG power spectra, with an increase in the theta and a reduction in the beta activity. CONCLUSION: Cortical and striatal stroke lead to different sleep-wake EEG changes in mice, which probably reflect variable effects on sleep-promoting and wakefulness-maintaining neuronal networks.
To determine the frequency and predictors of sleep disorders in children with cerebral palsy (CP) we analyzed the responses of 173 parents who had completed the Sleep Disturbance Scale for Children. The study population included 100 males (57.8%) and 73 females (42.2%; mean age 8y 10mo [SD 1y 11mo]; range 6y-11y 11mo). Eighty-three children (48.0%) had spastic diplegia, 59 (34.1%) congenital hemiplegia, 18 (10.4%) spastic quadriplegia, and 13 (7.5%) dystonic/dyskinetic CP. Seventy-three children (42.2%) were in Gross Motor Function Classification System Level I, 33 (19.1%) in Level II, 30 (17.3%) in Level III, 23 (13.3%) in Level IV, and 14 (8.1%) in Level V. Thirty children (17.3%) had epilepsy. A total sleep problem score and six factors indicative of the most common areas of sleep disorder in childhood were obtained. Of the children in our study, 23% had a pathological total sleep score, in comparison with 5% of children in the general population. Difficulty in initiating and maintaining sleep, sleep-wake transition, and sleep breathing disorders were the most frequently identified problems. Active epilepsy was associated with the presence of a sleep disorder (odds ratio [OR]=17.1, 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.5-115.3), as was being the child of a single-parent family (OR=3.9, 95% CI 1.3-11.6). Disorders of initiation and maintenance of sleep were more frequent in children with spastic quadriplegia (OR=12.9, 95% CI 1.9-88.0), those with dyskinetic CP (OR=20.6, 95% CI 3.1-135.0), and those with severe visual impairment (OR=12.5, 95% CI 2.5-63.1). Both medical and environmental factors seem to contribute to the increased frequency of chronic sleep disorders in children with CP.
Purpose: To phenotype a large 3 generation Swiss family with pattern dystrophy and to report a successful result of treatment with ranibizumab of a subfoveal choroidal neovascularisation (CNV) associated with pattern dystrophy in 1 patient Patients and methods: 4 affected and 3 unaffected patients (3 female 4 male, age range: 19 - 80 years) were assessed with a complete ophthalmologic examination. AF images were taken using Heidelberg Retina Angiograph and the digital color photos, fluorescein angiogragraphy (FFA) using the same TOPCON 501 camera. Electroretinogram (full-field and multifocal) was performed in 1 affected patient. One 48 years old patient developed a subfoveal CNV, which was treated with 2 injections of ranibizumab, at 3 months interval. Blood sample was taken for molecular analysis (screening of the gene RDS). Results: Two patients had a typical fundoscopic appearance of pattern dystrophy with butterfly shaped deposit at the fovea and some peripheral flecks, as shown with AF imaging.. Two others affected patients had a more unusual appearance with some macular atrophy in one or both eyes, surrounded by flecks. The visual acuity ranged from 1.0 to 0.1 according to Snellen EDTRS chart. The patient with subfoveal CNV presented a drop of vision form 1.0 to 0.6 within 10 days prior to the diagnosis and also reported some metamorphopsia. FFA and optical computerized tomography (OCT) confirmed a classic CNV. After the 1st injection her vision improved to 1.0 but persistent metamorphopsia and fluid on OCT motivated a second injection. One month after the second injection the OCT was flat and the patient had no symptoms. The results of RDS screening will be presented at the meeting. Conclusion: We present a family with pattern dystrophy, with some members having an unusual fundus appearance, which was mistaken for an early onset dry AMD. The AF imaging is a useful tool in diagnosing this condition. A CNV associated with pattern dystrophy a rare. This is the first report of a successful treatment of the CNV with anti-VEGF intravitreal injections.
The presence of Vibrio cholerae non-O1 in water supplies for human consumption in the city of Campeche and rural locality of Bécal was investigated. V. cholerae non-O1 was detected in 5.9% of the samples obtained in deep pools of Campeche. Studies conducted in Bécal and neighbourhood of Morelos in Campeche indicated that collected samples harbored V. cholerae non-O1 in 31.5% and 8.7% respectively. There was a particular pattern of distribution of V. cholerae non-O1 serotypes among different studied regions. Accordingly, V. cholerae non-O1 serotype O14 predominated in the deep pools of Campeche and together with V. cholerae non-O1, O155 were preferentially founds in samples taken from intradomiciliary faucets in the neighbourhood of Morelos. Samples from Bécal predominantly presented the serotype O112. 60% and 53.8% of all studied strains of V. cholerae non-O1 proved to be resistant to ampicillin and carbenicillin. 3.1%, 7.7% and 6.2% presented resistant to doxycycline, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole and erythromycin respectively. The study showed the necessity of performing a strong epidemiologic surveillance for emergence and distribution of V. cholerae non-O1
Micro-RNAs (miRNAs) are key, post-transcriptional regulators of gene expression and have been implicated in almost every cellular process investigated thus far. However, their role in sleep, in particular the homeostatic aspect of sleep control, has received little attention. We here assessed the effects of sleep deprivation on the brain miRNA transcriptome in the mouse. Sleep deprivation affected miRNA expression in a brain-region specific manner. The forebrain expression of the miRNA miR-709 was affected the most and in situ analyses confirmed its robust increase throughout the brain, especially in the cerebral cortex and the hippocampus. The hippocampus was a major target of the sleep deprivation affecting 37 miRNAs compared to 52 in the whole forebrain. Moreover, independent from the sleep deprivation condition, miRNA expression was highly region-specific with 45% of all expressed miRNAs showing higher expression in hippocampus and 55% in cortex. Next we demonstrated that down-regulation of miRNAs in Com/c2o-expressing neurons of adult mice, through a conditional and inducible Dicer knockout mice model (cKO), results in an altered homeostatic response after sleep deprivation eight weeks following the tamoxifen-induced recombination. Dicer cKO mice showed a larger increase in the electro-encephalographic (EEG) marker of sleep pressure, EEG delta power, and a reduced Rapid Eye Movement sleep rebound, compared to controls, highlighting a functional role of miRNAs in sleep homeostasis. Beside a sleep phenotype, Dicer cKO mice developed an unexpected, severe obesity phenotype associated with hyperphagia and altered metabolism. Even more surprisingly, after reaching maximum body weight 5 weeks after tamoxifen injection, obese cKO mice spontaneously started losing weight as rapidly as it was gained. Brain transcriptome analyses in obese mice identified several obesity-related pathways (e.g. leptin, somatostatin, and nemo-like kinase signaling), as well as genes involved in feeding and appetite (e.g. Pmch, Neurotensin). A gene cluster with anti-correlated expression in the cerebral cortex of post-obese compared to obese mice was enriched for synaptic plasticity pathways. While other studies have identified a role for miRNAs in obesity, we here present a unique model that allows for the study of processes involved in reversing obesity. Moreover, our study identified the cortex as a brain area important for body weight homeostasis. Together, these observations strongly suggest a role for miRNAs in the maintenance of homeostatic processes in the mouse, and support the hypothesis of a tight relationship between sleep and metabolism at a molecular - Les micro-ARNS (miARNs) sont des régulateurs post-transcriptionnels de l'expression des gènes, impliqués dans la quasi-totalité des processus cellulaires. Cependant, leur rôle dans la régulation du sommeil, et en particulier dans le maintien de l'homéostasie du sommeil, n'a reçu que très peu d'attention jusqu'à présent. Dans cette étude, nous avons étudié les conséquences d'une privation de sommeil sur l'expression cérébrale des miARNs chez la souris, et observé des changements dans l'expression de nombreux miARNs. Dans le cerveau antérieur, miR-709 est le miARN le plus affecté par la perte de sommeil, en particulier dans le cortex cérébral et l'hippocampe. L'hippocampe est la région la plus touchée avec 37 miARNs changés comparés à 52 dans le cerveau entier. Par ailleurs, indépendamment de la privation de sommeil, certains miARNs sont spécifiquement enrichis dans certaines aires cérébrales, 45% des miARNs étant surexprimés dans l'hippocampe contre 55% dans le cortex. Dans une seconde étude, nous avons observé que la délétion de DICER, enzyme essentielle à la biosynthèse des miARNs, et la perte subséquente des miARNs dans les neurones exprimant la protéine CAMK2a altère la réponse homéostatique à une privation de sommeil, 8 semaines après l'induction de la recombinaison génétique par le tamoxifen. Les souris sans Dicer (cKO) ont une plus large augmentation de l'EEG delta power, le principal marqueur électro-encéphalographique du besoin de sommeil, comparée aux contrôles, ainsi qu'un rebond en sommeil paradoxal plus petit. De façon surprenante, les souris Dicer cKO développent une obésité rapide, sévère et transitoire, associée à de l'hyperphagie et une altération de leur métabolisme énergétique. Après avoir atteint un pic maximal d'obésité, les souris cKO entrent spontanément dans une période de perte de poids rapide. L'analyse du transcriptome cérébral des souris obèses nous a permis d'identifier des voies associées à l'obésité (leptine, somatostatine et nemo-like kinase), et à la prise alimentaire (Pmch, Neurotensin), tandis que celui des souris post-obèses a révélé un groupe de gènes liés à la plasticité synaptique. Au-delà des nombreux modèles d'obésité existant chez la souris, notre étude présente un modèle unique permettant d'étudier les mécanismes sous-jacent la perte de poids. De plus, nous avons mis en évidence un rôle important du cortex cérébral dans le maintien de la balance énergétique. En conclusion, toutes ces observations soutiennent l'idée que les miARNs sont des régulateurs cruciaux dans le maintien des processus homéostatiques et confortent l'hypothèse d'une étroite relation moléculaire entre le sommeil et le métabolisme.
Sleep is regulated by a homeostatic process that determines its need and by a circadian process that determines its timing. By using sleep deprivation and transcriptome profiling in inbred mouse strains, we show that genetic background affects susceptibility to sleep loss at the transcriptional level in a tissue-dependent manner. In the brain, Homer1a expression best reflects the response to sleep loss. Time-course gene expression analysis suggests that 2,032 brain transcripts are under circadian control. However, only 391 remain rhythmic when mice are sleep-deprived at four time points around the clock, suggesting that most diurnal changes in gene transcription are, in fact, sleep-wake-dependent. By generating a transgenic mouse line, we show that in Homer1-expressing cells specifically, apart from Homer1a, three other activity-induced genes (Ptgs2, Jph3, and Nptx2) are overexpressed after sleep loss. All four genes play a role in recovery from glutamate-induced neuronal hyperactivity. The consistent activation of Homer1a suggests a role for sleep in intracellular calcium homeostasis for protecting and recovering from the neuronal activation imposed by wakefulness.
IPH has developed a discussion paper on food security on the island. This makes the case that health is and needs to be central to food and agricultural policy. Population health, food systems and agricultural production are intimately linked. A clear framework on food security is needed in both parts of the island of Ireland and this offers a key opportunity for cooperation. This article has been published in the latest edition of The Journal of Cross Border Studies in Ireland - No 6 launched on 8 March 2011.
In a field collection performed at Pan de Azúcar Island in Northern Chile, 95 specimens representing all instars of Mepraia spinolai were collected. The intestinal contents of 55 specimens were examined for Trypanosoma cruzi infection and were found to be negative. This is the first record of an insular habitat for M. spinolai, where the insects had fed mainly on seabirds (78%), some on marine mammals (5%), and some on reptiles (7%).
Sleep disorders are very prevalent and represent an emerging worldwide epidemic. However, research into the molecular genetics of sleep disorders remains surprisingly one of the least active fields. Nevertheless, rapid progress is being made in several prototypical disorders, leading recently to the identification of the molecular pathways underlying narcolepsy and familial advanced sleep-phase syndrome. Since the first reports of spontaneous and induced loss-of-function mutations leading to hypocretin deficiency in human and animal models of narcolepsy, the role of this novel neurotransmission pathway in sleep and several other behaviors has gained extensive interest. Also, very recent studies using an animal model of familial advanced sleep-phase syndrome shed new light on the regulation of circadian rhythms.
BACKGROUND: We have previously reported that the expression of circadian clock-genes increases in the cerebral cortex after sleep deprivation (SD) and that the sleep rebound following SD is attenuated in mice deficient for one or more clock-genes. We hypothesized that besides generating circadian rhythms, clock-genes also play a role in the homeostatic regulation of sleep. Here we follow the time course of the forebrain changes in the expression of the clock-genes period (per)-1, per2, and of the clock-controlled gene albumin D-binding protein (dbp) during a 6 h SD and subsequent recovery sleep in three inbred strains of mice for which the homeostatic sleep rebound following SD differs. We reasoned that if clock genes are functionally implicated in sleep homeostasis then the SD-induced changes in gene expression should vary according to the genotypic differences in the sleep rebound. RESULTS: In all three strains per expression was increased when animals were kept awake but the rate of increase during the SD as well as the relative increase in per after 6 h SD were highest in the strain for which the sleep rebound was smallest; i.e., DBA/2J (D2). Moreover, whereas in the other two strains per1 and per2 reverted to control levels with recovery sleep, per2 expression specifically, remained elevated in D2 mice. dbp expression increased during the light period both during baseline and during SD although levels were reduced during the latter condition compared to baseline. In contrast to per2, dbp expression reverted to control levels with recovery sleep in D2 only, whereas in the two other strains expression remained decreased. CONCLUSION: These findings support and extend our previous findings that clock genes in the forebrain are implicated in the homeostatic regulation of sleep and suggest that sustained, high levels of per2 expression may negatively impact recovery sleep.
Combination antiretroviral therapy has dramatically decreased the incidence of HIV-related mortality and serious opportunistic diseases, among which is HIV- associated dementia. However, minor forms of cognitive dysfunction have not disappeared and may even have increased in frequency. Aging of HIV+ patients, insufficient penetration of antiretroviral drugs into the brain with continuous low- grade viral production and inflammation may play a role. A putative neurotoxicity of combination antiretroviral therapy is controversial. In this article, we will discuss these aspects, as well as clinical and pathophysiological features shared by HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders and other neurodegenerative diseases, especially Alzheimer's disease. This article will briefly summarize the current clinical trials on neuroprotective agents, and the management of patients with neurocognitive disorders will be discussed