853 resultados para single-frequency fiber amplifier


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OBJECT: Fat suppressed 3D steady-state free precession (SSFP) sequences are of special interest in cartilage imaging due to their short repetition time in combination with high signal-to-noise ratio. At low-to-high fields (1.5-3.0 T), spectral spatial (spsp) radio frequency (RF) pulses perform superiorly over conventional saturation of the fat signal (FATSAT pulses). However, ultra-high fields (7.0 T and more) may offer alternative fat suppression techniques as a result of the increased chemical shift. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Application of a single, frequency selective, RF pulse is compared to spsp excitation for water (or fat) selective imaging at 7.0 T. RESULTS: For SSFP, application of a single frequency selective RF pulse for selective water or fat excitation performs beneficially over the commonly applied spsp RF pulses. In addition to the overall improved fat suppression, the application of single RF pulses leads to decreased power depositions, still representing one of the major restrictions in the design and application of many pulse sequences at ultra-high fields. CONCLUSION: The ease of applicability and implementation of single frequency selective RF pulses at ultra-high-fields might be of great benefit for a vast number of applications where fat suppression is desirable or fat-water separation is needed for quantification purposes.


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Precise measurements of ice-flow velocities are necessary for a proper understanding of the dynamics of glaciers and their response to climate change. We use stand-alone single-frequency GPS receivers for this purpose. They are designed to operate unattended for 1-3 years, allowing uninterrupted measurements for long periods with hourly temporal resolution. We present the system and illustrate its functioning using data from 9 GPS receivers deployed on Nordenskiöldbreen, Svalbard, for the period 2006-2009. The accuracy of the receivers is 1.62 m based on the standard deviation in the average location of a stationary reference station (NBRef). Both the location of NBRef and the observed flow velocities agree within one standard deviation with DGPS measurements. Periodicity (6, 8, 12, 24 h) in the NBRef data is largely explained by the atmospheric, mainly ionospheric, influence on the GPS signal. A (weighed) running-average on the observed locations significantly reduces the standard deviation and removes high frequency periodicities, but also reduces the temporal resolution. Results show annual average velocities varying between 40 and 55 m/yr at stations on the central flow-line. On weekly to monthly time-scales we observe a peak in the flow velocities (from 60 to 90 m/yr) at the beginning of July related to increased melt-rates. No significant lag is observed between the timing of the maximum speed between different stations. This is likely due to the limited temporal resolution after averaging in combination with the relatively small distance (max. ±13 km) between the stations.


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The source rock potential of Cretaceous organic rich whole rock samples from deep sea drilling project (DSDP) wells offshore southwestern Africa was investigated using bulk and quantitative pyrolysis techniques. The sample material was taken from organic rich intervals of Aptian, Albian and Turonian aged core samples from DSDP site 364 offshore Angola, DSDP well 530A north of the Walvis Ridge offshore Namibia, and DSDP well 361 offshore South Africa. The analytical program included TOC, Rock-Eval, pyrolysis GC, bulk kinetics and micro-scale sealed vessel pyrolysis (MSSV) experiments. The results were used to determine differences in the source rock petroleum type organofacies, petroleum composition, gas/oil ratio (GOR) and pressure-volume-temperature (PVT) behavior of hydrocarbons generated from these black shales for petroleum system modeling purposes. The investigated Aptian and Albian organic rich shales proved to contain excellent quality marine kerogens. The highest source rock potential was identified in sapropelic shales in DSDP well 364, containing very homogeneous Type II and organic sulfur rich Type IIS kerogen. They generate P-N-A low wax oils and low GOR sulfur rich oils, whereas Type III kerogen rich silty sandstones of DSDP well 361 show a potential for gas/condensate generation. Bulk kinetic experiments on these samples indicate that the organic sulfur contents influence kerogen transformation rates, Type IIS kerogen being the least stable. South of the Walvis Ridge, the Turonian contains predominantly a Type III kerogen. North of the Walvis Ridge, the Turonian black shales contain Type II kerogen and have the potential to generate P-N-A low and high wax oils, the latter with a high GOR at high maturity. Our results provide the first compositional kinetic description of Cretaceous organic rich black shales, and demonstrate the excellent source rock potential, especially of the Aptian-aged source rock, that has been recognized in a number of the South Atlantic offshore basins.


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Los avances tecnológicos de los últimos años han modificado el panorama de las comunicaciones ópticas. Los amplificadores EDFA (Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier) han alterado dos aspectos fundamentales de los sistemas WDM (Wavelength Division Multiplexing): el aumento considerable de las distancias de regeneración y además, la tecnología WDM es un medio más económico de incrementar la capacidad de los sistemas que la tecnología TDM (Time Division Multiplexing). Sin embargo, la implementación de sistemas WDM con grandes tramos sin regeneración de señal óptica trae consigo la aparición de nuevos problemas, entre los que se encuentran las no-linealidades en fibra óptica. Estas no-linealidades en fibras de sílice se pueden clasificar en dos categorías: dispersión estimulada (de Raman y de Brillouin) y efectos debidos al índice no lineal de refracción (automodulación y modulación cruzada de fase y mezcla de cuatro ondas). Este Proyecto Fin de Carrera pretende ser un estudio teórico que refleje el actual Estado del Arte de los principales efectos no-lineales que se producen en los sistemas WDM: dispersión estimulada de Raman (SRS, Stimulated Raman Scattering), dispersión estimulada de Brillouin (SBS,Stimulated Brilfouin Scattering), automodulación de fase (SPM, Self-Phase Modulation), modulación cruzada de fase (XPM, Cross-Phase Modulation) y mezcla de cuatro ondas (FWM, Four-Wave Mixing).


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El tema central de investigación en esta Tesis es el estudio del comportamientodinámico de una estructura mediante modelos que describen la distribución deenergía entre los componentes de la misma y la aplicación de estos modelos parala detección de daños incipientes.Los ensayos dinámicos son un modo de extraer información sobre las propiedadesde una estructura. Si tenemos un modelo de la estructura se podría ajustar éstepara que, con determinado grado de precisión, tenga la misma respuesta que elsistema real ensayado. Después de que se produjese un daño en la estructura,la respuesta al mismo ensayo variará en cierta medida; actualizando el modelo alas nuevas condiciones podemos detectar cambios en la configuración del modeloestructural que nos condujeran a la conclusión de que en la estructura se haproducido un daño.De este modo, la detección de un daño incipiente es posible si somos capacesde distinguir una pequeña variación en los parámetros que definen el modelo. Unrégimen muy apropiado para realizar este tipo de detección es a altas frecuencias,ya que la respuesta es muy dependiente de los pequeños detalles geométricos,dado que el tamaño característico en la estructura asociado a la respuesta esdirectamente proporcional a la velocidad de propagación de las ondas acústicas enel sólido, que para una estructura dada es inalterable, e inversamente proporcionala la frecuencia de la excitación. Al mismo tiempo, esta característica de la respuestaa altas frecuencias hace que un modelo de Elementos Finitos no sea aplicable enla práctica, debido al alto coste computacional.Un modelo ampliamente utilizado en el cálculo de la respuesta de estructurasa altas frecuencias en ingeniería es el SEA (Statistical Energy Analysis). El SEAaplica el balance energético a cada componente estructural, relacionando la energíade vibración de estos con la potencia disipada por cada uno de ellos y la potenciatransmitida entre ellos, cuya suma debe ser igual a la potencia inyectada a cadacomponente estructural. Esta relación es lineal y viene caracterizada por los factoresde pérdidas. Las magnitudes que intervienen en la respuesta se consideranpromediadas en la geometría, la frecuencia y el tiempo.Actualizar el modelo SEA a datos de ensayo es, por lo tanto, calcular losfactores de pérdidas que reproduzcan la respuesta obtenida en éste. Esta actualización,si se hace de manera directa, supone la resolución de un problema inversoque tiene la característica de estar mal condicionado. En la Tesis se propone actualizarel modelo SEA, no en término de los factores de pérdidas, sino en términos deparámetros estructurales que tienen sentido físico cuando se trata de la respuestaa altas frecuencias, como son los factores de disipación de cada componente, susdensidades modales y las rigideces características de los elementos de acoplamiento.Los factores de pérdidas se calculan como función de estos parámetros. Estaformulación es desarrollada de manera original en esta Tesis y principalmente sefunda en la hipótesis de alta densidad modal, es decir, que en la respuesta participanun gran número de modos de cada componente estructural.La teoría general del método SEA, establece que el modelo es válido bajounas hipótesis sobre la naturaleza de las excitaciones externas muy restrictivas,como que éstas deben ser de tipo ruido blanco local. Este tipo de carga es difícil dereproducir en condiciones de ensayo. En la Tesis mostramos con casos prácticos queesta restricción se puede relajar y, en particular, los resultados son suficientementebuenos cuando la estructura se somete a una carga armónica en escalón.Bajo estas aproximaciones se desarrolla un algoritmo de optimización por pasosque permite actualizar un modelo SEA a un ensayo transitorio cuando la carga esde tipo armónica en escalón. Este algoritmo actualiza el modelo no solamente parauna banda de frecuencia en particular sino para diversas bandas de frecuencia demanera simultánea, con el objetivo de plantear un problema mejor condicionado.Por último, se define un índice de daño que mide el cambio en la matriz depérdidas cuando se produce un daño estructural en una localización concreta deun componente. Se simula numéricamente la respuesta de una estructura formadapor vigas donde producimos un daño en la sección de una de ellas; como se tratade un cálculo a altas frecuencias, la simulación se hace mediante el Método delos Elementos Espectrales para lo que ha sido necesario desarrollar dentro de laTesis un elemento espectral de tipo viga dañada en una sección determinada. Losresultados obtenidos permiten localizar el componente estructural en que se haproducido el daño y la sección en que éste se encuentra con determinado grado deconfianza.AbstractThe main subject under research in this Thesis is the study of the dynamic behaviourof a structure using models that describe the energy distribution betweenthe components of the structure and the applicability of these models to incipientdamage detection.Dynamic tests are a way to extract information about the properties of astructure. If we have a model of the structure, it can be updated in order toreproduce the same response as in experimental tests, within a certain degree ofaccuracy. After damage occurs, the response will change to some extent; modelupdating to the new test conditions can help to detect changes in the structuralmodel leading to the conclusión that damage has occurred.In this way incipient damage detection is possible if we are able to detect srnallvariations in the model parameters. It turns out that the high frequency regimeis highly relevant for incipient damage detection, because the response is verysensitive to small structural geometric details. The characteristic length associatedwith the response is proportional to the propagation speed of acoustic waves insidethe solid, but inversely proportional to the excitation frequency. At the same time,this fact makes the application of a Finite Element Method impractical due to thehigh computational cost.A widely used model in engineering when dealing with the high frequencyresponse is SEA (Statistical Energy Analysis). SEA applies the energy balance toeach structural component, relating their vibrational energy with the dissipatedpower and the transmitted power between the different components; their summust be equal to the input power to each of them. This relationship is linear andcharacterized by loss factors. The magnitudes considered in the response shouldbe averaged in geometry, frequency and time.SEA model updating to test data is equivalent to calculating the loss factorsthat provide a better fit to the experimental response. This is formulated as an illconditionedinverse problem. In this Thesis a new updating algorithm is proposedfor the study of the high frequency response regime in terms of parameters withphysical meaning such as the internal dissipation factors, modal densities andcharacteristic coupling stiffness. The loss factors are then calculated from theseparameters. The approach is developed entirely in this Thesis and is mainlybased on a high modal density asumption, that is to say, a large number of modescontributes to the response.General SEA theory establishes the validity of the model under the asumptionof very restrictive external excitations. These should behave as a local white noise.This kind of excitation is difficult to reproduce in an experimental environment.In this Thesis we show that in practical cases this assumption can be relaxed, inparticular, results are good enough when the structure is excited with a harmonicstep function.Under these assumptions an optimization algorithm is developed for SEAmodel updating to a transient test when external loads are harmonic step functions.This algorithm considers the response not only in a single frequency band,but also for several of them simultaneously.A damage index is defined that measures the change in the loss factor matrixwhen a damage has occurred at a certain location in the structure. The structuresconsidered in this study are built with damaged beam elements; as we are dealingwith the high frequency response, the numerical simulation is implemented witha Spectral Element Method. It has therefore been necessary to develop a spectralbeam damaged element as well. The reported results show that damage detectionis possible with this algorithm, moreover, damage location is also possible withina certain degree of accuracy.


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Con el objetivo de consolidar los conocimientos en Sistemas de Telecomunicación, se pretende diseñar una red para la distribución de servicios avanzados, como televisión, internet de banda ancha y telefonía, mediante el uso de la tecnología FTTH. La red será totalmente pasiva, óptica, y de gran ancho de banda, Tipo PON (Passive Optical Network), de manera que el haz de luz del emisor se distribuye hacia múltiples fibras siguiendo diferentes direcciones, o las confina en el sentido opuesto usando técnicas WDM y TDMA. En primer lugar, es preciso realizar un estudio teórico sobre las características de la fibra óptica, junto con las propiedades de los elementos activos y pasivos que interactúan con ella, para poder comprender la tecnología en la que se basa y así ofrecer una solución final acorde a las necesidades que se presenten. Tras un vistazo general a la tecnología de fibra óptica, se procede a estudiar las características y topologías de las redes de acceso basadas en la misma, junto con los requisitos de cara al diseño de la redes y a la gestión de proyectos. Se definirán los objetivos de la red, ya que la complejidad de la red depende de factores como la extensión y cobertura de la misma, o el ancho de banda. Posteriormente se irá diseñando la red en una arquitectura descendente hasta destinar una única fibra óptica para cada hogar dentro de la cobertura de la red. Se detallarán todas las especificaciones necesarias para definir la red, (potencias, modulaciones y tipos de fibra) así como el instrumental y demás medios necesarios para operar con la misma. Aunque el diseño de una red FTTH contempla muchos más aspectos de los estudiados en el presente proyecto, se tomó como objetivo el diseño y planificación correspondientes a una sección de un área de escasa población donde la instalación se tomó como viable, obviando así pequeños detalles y centrándose en el despliegue de fibra óptica. Se pretende así ofrecer una solución de infraestructura doméstica de telecomunicaciones, apta para las futuras necesidades que implican la creciente demanda de servicios como internet de banda ancha o almacenamiento y procesado de aplicaciones en nube. La fibra óptica tiene mucho que ofrecer a las telecomunicaciones, y cada vez es más frecuente encontrar redes de fibra óptica como parte de un servicio de telecomunicaciones, tanto como para particulares como empresas. ABSTRACT. Aiming to strengthen knowledge in Telecommunications Systems, is intended to design a network for advanced services broadcasting, including digital TV, broadband internet and telephony, by using FTTH technology. This network will be entirely passive optic, and high bandwidth, PON type (Passive Optical Network) so that the transmitter beam is broadcasting to multiple optical fibers, branching out in different ways or joining them in the opposite. First, it is necessary to perform a theoretical study on the characteristics of the optical fiber, along with the properties of the active and passive elements that interact with it, to understand the technology that is based and offer a final solution according needs that arise. After an overview of the optical fiber technology, we proceed to study the characteristics and topologies access networks based on that, together with the requirements to face the network design and project management. System objectives will be determined, since the complexity of the network depends on factors such as the size and scope of it, or bandwidth. Later, the network will be designing in downstream architecture to deliver a single optical fiber to each household within the network area. All necessary specifications to define the network (power, modulation and fiber types) will be determined, as instruments and other means to operate it. Although FTTH network design includes many more aspects of those studied in this project, it was taken as objective the network design and planning corresponding to a section of a sparsely populated area where the facility was taken as feasible thus obviating small details and focus on the deployment of optical fiber. This is intended to provide a solution of household telecommunications infrastructure suitable for future needs involving the growing demand for services such as broadband internet or processing storage and cloud applications. The optical fiber has much to offer to telecommunications, and it is increasingly common to find fiber optic networks as part of a telecommunications service, both to individuals and businesses.


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Este proyecto consiste en el diseño completo, de una red de distribución de TDT, a nivel local, mediante difusión SFN, Single Frequency Network. Este tipo de difusión, tiene la capacidad de difundir los servicios de televisión en una única frecuencia, cubriendo un área, ya sea local o estatal, aprovechando en las zonas de interferencia los rebotes de la señal y así evitar el uso de una frecuencia distinta por cada centro de emisión, todos los que componen un área de cobertura. Para el diseño de la red, se ha optado por diseñar una red IP, mediante distribución multicast, ya que esta es la tecnología imperante a día de hoy, quedando obsoleta ya, la distribución analógica, ya que consume muchos más recursos y por consiguiente mucho más costosa de implementar. El documento se divide en cuatro capítulos. En el primer capítulo se realizará una introducción teórica a las redes de distribución SFN, centrándose en el cálculo de los retardos, punto fundamental en el diseño de este tipo de redes. Se continuará unas nociones básicas de redes IP y el protocolo multicast, en el que se basa el trasporte de la señal. El capítulo dos, se centra en el diseño de la red, desde los centros de producción, donde se generan los programas a emitir, hasta los diferentes centros de difusión que cubrirán todo el área de cobertura requerida, pasando por el centro de multiplexación, donde se sitúa la cabecera que compondrá el múltiplex a difundir. Se describirán los equipos y el diseño de los distintos centros que conforman la red, centros de producción, multiplexación y difusión. A demás se realizará el cálculo de retardo de la señal, necesario en este tipo de redes. Se continuará con el capítulo tres, donde se describirá la configuración de la red, tanto a nivel de equipamiento, como el diseño y asignación IP de toda la red, separando la red de servicio de la red de gestión para una mayor confiabilidad y eficiencia de la red. Se finalizará con la descripción de la gestión de la red, que mediante diferentes herramientas, proporcionan un monitoreado en tiempo real de todo el sistema, dando la posibilidad de adelantarsey previniendo posibles incidencias que, puedan causar alguna deficiencia en el servicio que se entrega al usuario final. ABSTRACT. This project involves the complete design of a network´s TDT distribution, locally, by broadcast SFN (Single Frequency Network). This type of broadcast, has the ability to broadcast television´s services on a single frequency, covering an area, whether local or state, drawing on the interference zones, signal´s rebounds, to avoid the use of a different frequency each broadcast center, all those who make a coverage area. For the design of the network, has been chosen to design an IP network using multicast distribution, since this is the prevailing technology today, as the analogue distribution, consumes more resources and therefore, much more costly to implement. The document is divided into four chapters. In the first chapter you can find a theoretical introduction to SFN distribution networks, focusing on the calculation of delays, fundamental point, in the design of these networks. A basic understanding of IP networks and the multicast protocol, in which the transport of the signal is based, will continue. Chapter two focuses on the design of the network, from production centers, where the programs are created to broadcast, to different distribution centers covering the entire area of coverage required, through the multiplexing center, where the head is located, which comprise the multiplex. Also, the equipment and design of the various centers in the network, production centers, multiplexing center and distribution centers, are described. Furthermore, the calculation of signal delay, necessary in such networks, is performed. We will continue with the chapter three, where the network configuration will be described, both in termsofequipment, such as design IP mapping of the entire network, separating the service network and management network, for increased the reliability and efficiency of the network. It will be completed with the description of the management of the network, using different tools provide real-time monitoring of the entire system, making it possible, to anticipate and prevent any incidents that might cause a deficiency in the service being delivered to final user.


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In the mammalian cochlea, the basilar membrane's (BM) mechanical responses are amplified, and frequency tuning is sharpened through active feedback from the electromotile outer hair cells (OHCs). To be effective, OHC feedback must be delivered to the correct region of the BM and introduced at the appropriate time in each cycle of BM displacement. To investigate when OHCs contribute to cochlear amplification, a laser-diode interferometer was used to measure tone-evoked BM displacements in the basal turn of the guinea pig cochlea. Measurements were made at multiple sites across the width of the BM, which are tuned to the same characteristic frequency (CF). In response to CF tones, the largest displacements occur in the OHC region and phase lead those measured beneath the outer pillar cells and adjacent to the spiral ligament by about 90°. Postmortem, responses beneath the OHCs are reduced by up to 65 dB, and all regions across the width of the BM move in unison. We suggest that OHCs amplify BM responses to CF tones when the BM is moving at maximum velocity. In regions of the BM where OHCs contribute to its motion, the responses are compressive and nonlinear. We measured the distribution of nonlinear compressive vibrations along the length of the BM in response to a single frequency tone and estimated that OHC amplification is restricted to a 1.25- to 1.40-mm length of BM centered on the CF place.


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We present a new approach for crosshole radio tomography. Conductivity images of the investigated area are reconstructed from the ratio of the electric field intensities measured at two similar frequencies. The method largely avoids assumptions about the radiation pattern and in-situ intensity of the transmitting antenna, which introduce errors in conventional single-frequency crosshole electromagnetic-absorption tomography. Application of the method to field data achieved an improvement in resolution of anomalies over traditional single-frequency absorption tomography. The dual-frequency method is not a universal approach; it is suitable for moderately conductive media (>0.01 S/m) over the approximate frequency range 1-100 MHz.


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Bioelectrical impedance measurements are widely used for the study of body composition. Commonly measurements are made at 50 kHz to estimate total body water or at low frequencies (< 10 kHz) to estimate extracellular fluid volume. These measurements can be obtained as single measurements at discrete frequencies, or as fitted data interpolated from plots of measurements made at multiple frequencies. This study compared single frequency and multiple frequency (MF) measurements taken in the intensive care environment. MF bioimpedance (4-1000 kHz) was measured on an adult with and without cardiorespiratory monitoring, and on babies in the neonatal intensive care unit. Measurements obtained at individual frequencies were plotted against frequency and examined for the presence of outlying points. Fitted data for measurements obtained at 5 kHz and 50 kHz with and without cardiorespiratory monitoring were compared. Significant artefacts were detected in measurements at approximately 50 kHz and at integral divisions of this frequency as a result of interference from cardiorespiratory monitors. Single frequency measurements taken at these frequencies may be subject to errors that would be difficult to detect without the aid of information obtained from MF measurements.


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The gain-switched, single frequency operation of an external cavity grating-coupled surface emitting laser with a wavelength tuning range of 100 nm was presented. The light in the grating section was coupled out of the laser at a specific angle to the surface of the device. Analysis showed that within the driving current range, lasing in the device only occurred when the external cavity was properly aligned.


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An astigmatic scheme of a laser wavelength meter based on a single air-gap Fizeau interferometer is described. For a multimode laser, the accuracy in determining the center of gravity of a spectrum is within 1GHz. Two complementary testing techniques are proposed for the instrument. By using them, it was shown for the first time that, for this type of meters, a systematic error arises and increases with a decrease in the radiation-spectrum width. The effect is periodic in the lasing frequency and results from a weak beam that is brought about by a reflection from the front surface of the interferometer. Moreover, in the previously designed optical schemes, this effect is so strong that unambiguous determination of the wavelength of a single-frequency radiation is impossible. The use of an astigmatic scheme helps additionally attenuate the influence of the third beam, thus eliminating the ambiguity in the results and reducing the absolute error to a value of &plusmn;1.5 GHz.


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We demonstrate that the transmission of 40 Gbits/s return-to-zero differential phase-shift keying (RZ-DPSK) signals is robust to lumped dispersion mapping on a typical installed terrestrial single-mode fiber/dispersion compensating fiber (SMF-DCF) link and will withstand, in this case, propagation through over 800 km of SMF with zero in-line group-velocity dispersion compensation while maintaining similar performance to configurations with periodic mapping. We establish that upgrading similar point-to-point links, which have lumped dispersion maps, are compatible with 40 Gbits/s RZ-DPSK and that economic benefits can be realized when implementing lumped dispersion mapping in new 40 Gbits/s RZ-DPSK terrestrial links, while incurring a relatively low performance penalty. (c) 2008 Optical Society of America.