403 resultados para simbolismo.
O parto é um evento natural e fisiológico permeado por aspectos culturais de grande simbolismo nas sociedades humanas. Representa um ritual de chegada ao mundo e reflete nossos valores a respeito de conceitos como vida e natureza. Dentro da discussão sobre o pensamento técnico científico e os novos paradigmas, o tema é atual e importante para as questões da saúde e do desenvolvimento social. Procuro ilustrar os paralelos existentes entre as práticas culturais que envolvem o parto e a relação homem-natureza, tendo na figura das parteiras tradicionais um eixo de conexão. O trabalho aborda também o saber tradicional representando uma forma mais saudável, sistêmica, integrada e ecológica de bem-nascer. As parteiras assumem uma importante função social nas comunidades em que se encontram, são acolhedoras da vida, curandeiras, benzedeiras, detentoras de uma sabedoria tradicional em muitos casos passada por gerações através da oralidade e pela vivência, caracterizando o tradicionalismo nessas comunidades quanto às questões de cura e saúde. Para tanto será utilizada uma revisão bibliográfica somada a reflexões e discussão sobre o tema a partir da literatura
Esta pesquisa analisa a concepção do corpo a partir dos aspectos que explicitam suas implicações sobre as metodologias empregadas nas práticas de ensino em estudos biológicos como, por exemplo, a vivissecção, bem como sobre os efeitos observados nos corpos dos estudantes. Nossa pesquisa delimita o seu objeto de estudo em um recorte que considera a dinâmica de constituição do corpo em sua dimensão material, esta que se assenta nas condições biológicas do existir humano. Propusemos outra passagem pelo trânsito de territórios nos quais os nossos corpos se investem de simbolismo e de elementos oriundos do universo cultural. Esta passagem na metodologia da análise implica nossa condição de pesquisadores situados na fronteira que se desenha entre os estudos da Biologia, Filosofia e Psicanálise. Consideramos o corpo em sua constituição, mas analisamos os modos como esta base material vem sendo tratada nos processos de subjetivação da sociedade contemporânea. Assim, nosso recorte incide sobre o corpo que se faz no espaço que cada sujeito abre para as relações com a alteridade. Acrescentamos que ao optarmos pelo estudo sobre políticas de subjetivação a partir de suas implicações corporais, observamos o cuidado com este corpo que padece, não somente por um aspecto físico, compreendido como participante da ecologia da natureza, mas também como aquele que sustenta os sentimentos, emoções, compreendido como a ecologia dos ambientes grupais e o aspecto da constituição de si, compreendido como a ecologia do ambiente subjetivo.
The aim of this study is to investigate the importance of playfulness and interpersonal relationships at school. The methodology of the study was divided into three phases: the first phase was a survey and analysis of studies in the field of childhood playfulness and interpersonal relationships, from a reference from a multidisciplinary reference, supported in the areas of Educational Psychology and history and sociology of childhood and the second was the realization of an empirical study in a classroom of 1st year of elementary school, in which we use as instruments the use of participant observation, semistructured interviews with six selected students and collected school records and the third phase focused on analysis of data from a qualitative perspective with dialogues between literature in the area and data analysis. Among the main directions of study have the following problematizations: school world not adapted in order to enroll in elementary school, lack of playfulness, interpersonal relations in this context. By analyzing this information and the main results we have the advancement of education in the new environment where playfulness, as the jokes were not taken during the year by the teacher, but remained present in the actions of children, highlighting also the symbolism and sets of rules. Interpersonal relationships were present at all times, between being a friend, share and discuss, through the interactions. Therefore, we consider that there are still challenges to deal with this new child who enters school as it relates to your mood, the play, study or friendship
This monograph aims contribute to point out the presence of technical procedures, formal and thematic elements, typical of the Symbolist/Decadentism aesthetic in lyric poetry of Al Berto (1948-1997), using the Camilo Pessanha’s (1867-1926) work as tool to comparison. To achieve this goal, we analyze the corpus selected for research, consisting of three Pessanha’s poems taken from the book that brings together his work, Clepsidra, “Caminho I”, “Caminho II” e “[Depois das bodas de oiro]”, and three poems of Al Berto, taken from the book O Medo, which is the combination of his work too: “Os dias sem ninguém - 4”, “Doze moradas de silêncio – I” and “[no exíguo espaço do corpo ou da casa]”. Through the comparison between the analysis of the poems from Al Berto and Camilo Pessanha it was found resemblances, in fact, - and obviously some differences - between both. Furthermore, it was verified that Al Berto, a contemporary poet, rescues numerous traits of the decadent aesthetic, whose Camilo Pessanha is one of the greatest representatives
This investigation aims to observe play contents and elements that make it possible to notice if a child is at the imitation stage. First of all, this study reviews Piaget’s findings about the origins of imitation, and how it develops into representation. After that, “game” is analyzed in order to understand the cognitive representation and how children develop the ability to use symbols. Based on these assumptions, a study was developed into a public school (Profª Maria Teixeira Fittipaldi) with 9 children, aged between 1 to 3. Methodology included the observation of play and activity time; a diary to record the observations; and the analysis of the collected data, based on Piaget’s research into the classification and development of symbolic play. The results show that all observed situations were at the “first stage”, which reveal the apogee of ludic symbolism, and that the kind of game varied according to the child’s age. Moreover, it was possible to notice the importance of symbolic play at preschool, since it triggers world knowledge development and helps interpersonal relationship growth.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Partindo da conceituação de termos caros à teoria e à crítica da poesia lírica, perfaço um breve estudo da poesia em prosa do simbolista brasileiro Cruz e Sousa (1861-1898), consubstanciada nos livros Missal (1893) e Evocações (1898). Procurei evidenciar o processo de composição das duas obras e as diferenças entre ambas, frisando inclusive o modo pelo qual o poeta configura suas imagens poéticas. Assim, articulando os conceitos de Imagem e Epifania – utilizados pelo poeta de maneira moderna e original –, busquei ressaltar sua importância no processo construtivo de Cruz e Sousa, salientando, por fim, o lugar de destaque que o poeta ocupa nos quadros da poesia brasileira.
The aim of this paper is to show some aspects of the aesthetic of Jules Laforgue, French symbolistic poet, who used verbal creations such as neologisms, archaism, foreignism revealing how creative and modern he was in his period.
We briefl y present here a dramatic work of the French Symbolist poet Jules Laforgue – Le Concile Féerique. During the analysis, we see collages of Fleurs de bonne volonté poems, conceived in a dialogued and original way, showing us, mostly, in the work of the French poet, the modernity and the persistence of poetry.
Jules Laforgue is a French Symbolist poet, he wrote poetry works such as Les complaintes, L’imitation de Notre-Dame, la lune, Le sanglot de la terre. In spite of mostly of symbolist poets write only poetry, he also dedicated himself to prose works such as Moralités Légendaires, a particular work in prose and extreme today as in the nineteenth century, he devoted himself to parody and irony. The novels that make up this book are the work of writing and tone of nuance. They refer to literary genres, without, however, respect their definitions. There are demarcation of famous texts, but that refer more to modes, themes, and aesthetic conventions. Here, the poet makes variations on familiar themes, and explore his Moralités arguments that belong to a cultural background: the myth of Hamlet, approached the novel here mentioned belong to a cultural heritage that an author set for posterity. In other novels, the author makes use of myths Greco-Latin and Judeo-Christian myths rewriting so parodic, ironic, looking for originality, doing the work of Symbolist and modern poet.
Pós-graduação em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa - FCLAR
By the reading of news, reviews and essays published in Rio de Janeiro’s newspapers and periodicals, one intends to analyse how occured the perception and recognition of esthetic innovations introduced in Brazilian poetry by Fantos, by Lopes Filho, and Broquéis, by Cruz e Sousa.
Current paper discusses manifestations of the sublime in Pedro Kilkerry´s poetry as one of the distinguishing characteristics within the Parnassian orientations predominant in his cultural context. The particular way that Kilkerry employs the sublime´s expedients demonstrates the dialogue of his poetry with Romantic ideals, whose traits in his lyrical stance are directly linked to Symbolist influence, far from traditional Parnassian models. The sublime in Kilkerry develops through an elliptical and suggestive language that demonstrates the impossibility of the ideal being directly expressed and shows the affinity of his poetic work with the idealist crisis that marks post-Romantic poetry and provides the basis on which the poetics of Modernity is structured. The poetry of Pedro Kilkerry develops within a complex zone of convergence between the models provided by the Parnassian aesthetic, Romantic idealism with an atavic presence to Symbolism, and the search for new answers to old idealistic concerns. The meeting of these three conflictive currents, perceptible in the manifestations of the sublime in Pedro Kilkerry´s poetry, demonstrates his lyrical sensitivity to the trends of Modernity.
The ambivalent image of the sea is recurrent in Bojunga Nunes’s work. It receives a lot of symbolic meanings in her production, being sometimes a positive and sometimes a negative element. Thus, the sea is used in a utopic way, as a place for pleasure and leisure, and in a dystopic way, as scenery of a rite of passage, which includes the pain and suffering, part of the rite of passage that characterizes the bildungsromans. So, if in some texts the sea assumes a utopic character, being a place of snuggle, security, the ideal to reach, in others it is represented as dystopic, a place of distress, asphyxia and death. In this text we will study the hypothesis that, even in its dark symbolic meaning, in the author’s work the sea is an element of reflection and revelation. Thereby, it assumes metaphorically a sense of magnification of the reader’s expectative, being an element of emancipation. The objective of this text is to present a reflection on the sea’s symbolism on the mentioned texts and its importance for the reader’s formation.