981 resultados para septic cardiomyopathy
The relevance of tissue oxygenation in the pathogenesis of organ dysfunction during sepsis is controversial. We compared oxygen transport, lactate metabolism, and mitochondrial function in pigs with septic shock, cardiogenic shock, or hypoxic hypoxia.
Mutations in the plakoglobin (JUP) gene have been identified in arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (ARVC) patients. However, the mechanisms underlying plakoglobin dysfunction involved in the pathogenesis of ARVC remain poorly understood. Plakoglobin is a component of both desmosomes and adherens junctions located at the intercalated disc (ICD) of cardiomyocytes, where it functions to link cadherins to the cytoskeleton. In addition, plakoglobin functions as a signaling protein via its ability to modulate the Wnt/beta-catenin signaling pathway. To investigate the role of plakoglobin in ARVC, we generated an inducible cardiorestricted knockout (CKO) of the plakoglobin gene in mice. Plakoglobin CKO mice exhibited progressive loss of cardiac myocytes, extensive inflammatory infiltration, fibrous tissue replacement, and cardiac dysfunction similar to those of ARVC patients. Desmosomal proteins from the ICD were decreased, consistent with altered desmosome ultrastructure in plakoglobin CKO hearts. Despite gap junction remodeling, plakoglobin CKO hearts were refractory to induced arrhythmias. Ablation of plakoglobin caused increase beta-catenin stabilization associated with activated AKT and inhibition of glycogen synthase kinase 3beta. Finally, beta-catenin/TCF transcriptional activity may contribute to the cardiac hypertrophy response in plakoglobin CKO mice. This novel model of ARVC demonstrates for the first time how plakoglobin affects beta-catenin activity in the heart and its implications for disease pathogenesis.
Cardiomyopathies are severe degenerative disorders of the myocardium that lead to heart failure. During the last three decades bovine dilated cardiomyopathy (BDCMP) was observed worldwide in cattle of Holstein-Friesian origin. In the Swiss cattle population BDCMP affects Fleckvieh and Red Holstein breeds. The heart of affected animals is enlarged due to dilation of both ventricles. Clinical signs are caused by systolic dysfunction and affected individuals die as a result of severe heart insufficiency. BDCMP follows an autosomal recessive pattern of inheritance and the disease-causing locus was mapped to bovine chromosome 18 (BTA18). In the present study we describe the successful identification of the causative mutation in the OPA3 gene located on BTA18 that was previously reported to cause 3-methylglutaconic aciduria type III in Iraqi-Jewish patients. We demonstrated conclusive genetic and functional evidence that the nonsense mutation c.343C>T in the bovine OPA3 gene causes the late-onset dilated cardiomyopathy in Red Holstein cattle.
Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is a heterogeneous group of heart diseases with a strong genetic background. Currently, many human DCM cases exist where no causative mutation can be identified. DCM also occurs with high prevalence in several large dog breeds. In the Doberman Pinscher a specific DCM form characterized by arrhythmias and/or echocardiographic changes has been intensively studied by veterinary cardiologists. We performed a genome-wide association study in Doberman Pinschers. Using 71 cases and 70 controls collected in Germany we identified a genome-wide significant association to DCM on chromosome 5. We validated the association in an independent cohort collected in the United Kingdom. There is no known DCM candidate gene under the association signal. Therefore, DCM in Doberman Pinschers offers the chance of identifying a novel DCM gene that might also be relevant for human health.
A 37-year-old man with advanced Friedreich's ataxia was referred to our emergency department with acute exacerbated abdominal pain of unclear aetiology. Laboratory tests showed slightly increased inflammatory parameters, elevated troponin and B-type natriuretic peptide, as well as minimal proteinuria. Transthoracic echocardiography revealed a pre-existing dilated cardiomyopathy. Abdominal sonography showed no pathological alterations. Owing to persistent pain under analgesia, a contrast-enhanced CT-abdomen was performed, which revealed a non-homogeneous perfusion deficit of the right kidney, although neither abdominal vascular alteration, cardiac thrombus, deep vein thrombosis nor a patent foramen ovale could be detected. Taking all clinical and radiological results into consideration, the current incident was diagnosed as a thromboembolic kidney infarction. As a consequence, lifelong oral anticoagulation was initiated.
The search for an effective treatment for septic arthritis is ongoing. Current therapies are expensive since they require repeated joint lavage and long term antibiotic treatment. Local application of antimicrobial drugs is advantageous because high concentrations can be attained at the infection site, although repeated injections increase the risk of superinfection of the joint. Thus, slow release formulations, which have the advantage of local treatment yet single application of the drug, are appealing. Antibiotics used in slow release formulations are selected for tissue compatibility, an appropriate antibacterial spectrum, and stability both during the mixing procedure and within the carrier during the release period. Ideally the carriers should be bioresorbable. Promising reports on the clinical use of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) mixed with several different antibiotics, and of collagen sponges impregnated with gentamicin, should encourage the search for formulations optimally adapted to veterinary medical requirements.
Current therapy of septic/vasodilatory cardiovascular failure includes volume resuscitation and infusion of inotropic and vasopressor agents. Norepinephrine is the first-line vasoconstrictor, and can stabilize hemodynamic variables in most patients. Nonetheless, irreversible cardiovascular failure which is resistant to conventional hemodynamic therapies still is the main cause of death in patients with severe sepsis and septic shock. In such advanced, catecholamine-resistant shock states, arginine-vasopressin (AVP) has repeatedly caused an increase in mean arterial blood pressure, a decrease in toxic norepinephrine-dosages, as well as further beneficial hemodynamic, endocrinologic and renal effects. Although AVP exerted negative inotropic effects in previous clinical trials and in selected animal experiments, a continuous low-dose AVP infusion during advanced septic/vasodilatory shock caused a decrease in cardiac index only in patients with a hyperdynamic circulation. Adverse effects on gastrointestinal circulation and the systemic microcirculation can not be excluded, but have not yet been confirmed in clinical prospective trials. Negative side effects of a supplementary AVP therapy are an increase in total bilirubin concentrations, and a decrease in platelet count. A transient increase in hepatic transaminases during AVP infusion is most likely related to preceding hypotensive episodes. Important points which must be considered when using AVP as a "rescue vasopressor" in septic/vasodilatory shock states are: 1) AVP infusion only in advanced shock states that can not be adequately reversed by conventional hemodynamic therapy (e.g. norepinephrine >0,5-0,6 mug/kg/min), 2) presence of normovolemia, 3) AVP infusion only in combination with norepinephrine, 4) strict avoidance of bolus injections and dosages >4 IU/h. Effects of a supplementary AVP infusion in advanced vasodilatory shock on survival are currently examined in a large, prospective multicenter trial in North America and Australia.
Bovine dilated cardiomyopathy (BDCMP) is a severe and terminal disease of the heart muscle observed in Holstein-Friesian cattle over the last 30 years. There is strong evidence for an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance for BDCMP. The objective of this study was to genetically map BDCMP, with the ultimate goal of identifying the causative mutation. A whole-genome scan using 199 microsatellite markers and one SNP revealed an assignment of BDCMP to BTA18. Fine-mapping on BTA18 refined the candidate region to the MSBDCMP06-BMS2785 interval. The interval containing the BDCMP locus was confirmed by multipoint linkage analysis using the software loki. The interval is about 6.7 Mb on the bovine genome sequence (Btau 3.1). The corresponding region of HSA19 is very gene-rich and contains roughly 200 genes. Although telomeric of the marker interval, TNNI3 is a possible positional and a functional candidate for BDCMP given its involvement in a human form of dilated cardiomyopathy. Sequence analysis of TNNI3 in cattle revealed no mutation in the coding sequence, but there was a G-to-A transition in intron 6 (AJ842179:c.378+315G>A). The analysis of this SNP using the study's BDCMP pedigree did not conclusively exclude TNNI3 as a candidate gene for BDCMP. Considering the high density of genes on the homologous region of HSA19, further refinement of the interval on BTA18 containing the BDCMP locus is needed.
A 4-year-old, neutered female, domestic shorthair cat admitted to the animal hospital for recurrent constipation presumed to be due to post-traumatic injuries, went into shock with signs including fever and ataxia followed by stupor. On the fifth day of hospitalization, the cat developed severe, diffuse oedema of the ventral abdomen with multifocal to coalescing erythematous areas and small vesicle formation. The results of bacteriological cultures of liver, spleen and kidney specimens led to the diagnosis of Acinetobacter baumannii sepsis. Histopathological findings of skin samples taken during necropsy showed an extensive epidermal and dermal necrosis with septic vasculitis and numerous intralesional gram-negative bacteria. Detection of the bla(OXA-51-like) gene specific for A. baumannii by PCR, performed retrospectively on samples of the deep layers of the skin, confirmed the presence of A. baumannii also in the cutaneous lesions. To our knowledge this is the first report of a necrotizing fasciitis with septic shock in a cat caused by A. baumannii.
AIMS: Cardiac myopathies are the second leading cause of death in patients with Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy, the two most common and severe forms of a disabling striated muscle disease. Although the genetic defect has been identified as mutations of the dystrophin gene, very little is known about the molecular and cellular events leading to progressive cardiac muscle damage. Dystrophin is a protein linking the cytoskeleton to a complex of transmembrane proteins that interact with the extracellular matrix. The fragility of the cell membrane resulting from the lack of dystrophin is thought to cause an excessive susceptibility to mechanical stress. Here, we examined cellular mechanisms linking the initial membrane damage to the dysfunction of dystrophic heart. METHODS AND RESULTS: Cardiac ventricular myocytes were enzymatically isolated from 5- to 9-month-old dystrophic mdx and wild-type (WT) mice. Cells were exposed to mechanical stress, applied as osmotic shock. Stress-induced cytosolic and mitochondrial Ca(2+) signals, production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), and mitochondrial membrane potential were monitored with confocal microscopy and fluorescent indicators. Pharmacological tools were used to scavenge ROS and to identify their possible sources. Osmotic shock triggered excessive cytosolic Ca(2+) signals, often lasting for several minutes, in 82% of mdx cells. In contrast, only 47% of the WT cardiomyocytes responded with transient and moderate intracellular Ca(2+) signals. On average, the reaction was 6-fold larger in mdx cells. Removal of extracellular Ca(2+) abolished these responses, implicating Ca(2+) influx as a trigger for abnormal Ca(2+) signalling. Our further experiments revealed that osmotic stress in mdx cells produced an increase in ROS production and mitochondrial Ca(2+) overload. The latter was followed by collapse of the mitochondrial membrane potential, an early sign of cell death. CONCLUSION: Overall, our findings reveal that excessive intracellular Ca(2+) signals and ROS generation link the initial sarcolemmal injury to mitochondrial dysfunctions. The latter possibly contribute to the loss of functional cardiac myocytes and heart failure in dystrophy. Understanding the sequence of events of dystrophic cell damage and the deleterious amplification systems involved, including several positive feed-back loops, may allow for a rational development of novel therapeutic strategies.
BACKGROUND: Insufficient control of von Willebrand factor (VWF) multimer size as a result of severely deficient ADAMTS-13 activity results in thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura associated with microvascluar thrombosis and platelet consumption, features not seldom seen in severe sepsis and septic shock. METHODS: ADAMTS-13 activity and VWF parameters of 40 patients with severe sepsis or septic shock were compared with those of 40 healthy controls of the same age and gender and correlated with clinical findings and sepsis outcome. RESULTS: ADAMTS-13 activity was significantly lower in patients than in healthy controls [median 60% (range 27-160%) vs. 110% (range 63-200%); P < 0.001]. VWF parameters behaved reciprocally and both VWF ristocetin cofactor activity (RCo) and VWF antigen (VWF:Ag) were significantly (P < 0.001) higher in patients compared with controls. Neither ADAMTS-13 activity nor VWF parameters correlated with disease severity, organ dysfunction or outcome. However, a contribution of acute endothelial dysfunction to renal impairment in sepsis is suggested by the significantly higher VWF propeptide and soluble thrombomodulin levels in patients with increased creatinine values as well as by their strong positive correlations (creatinine and VWF propeptide r(s) = 0.484, P < 0.001; creatinine and soluble thrombomodulin r(s) = 0.596, P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: VWF parameters are reciprocally correlated with ADAMTS-13 activity in severe sepsis and septic shock but have no prognostic value regarding outcome.
OBJECTIVE: In sepsis, activation of coagulation and inhibition of fibrinolysis lead to microvascular thrombosis. Thus, clot stability might be a critical issue in the development of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome. Activated FXIII (FXIIIa) forms stable fibrin clots by covalently cross-linking fibrin monomers. Therefore, we investigated the impact of FXIII antigen and activity levels on disease severity and fatality in sepsis patients. PATIENTS AND METHODS: FXIII subunit A (FXIIIA) and FXIII cross-linking activity (FXIIICA) were measured in 151 controls, in 32 patients with severe sepsis and 8 with septic shock. In addition, FXIII subunit B (FXIIIB) was measured in the sepsis patients. Moreover, clotting parameters were determined. RESULTS: Patients suffering from sepsis (n=40) had significantly (p<0.005) lower FXIIIA levels (median [range]: 36.5% [8.8-127.4%]) and FXIIICA levels (76.5% [9.4-266%]) as compared to healthy controls (n=151, 119% [31.3-283.2] and 122.4% [40.6-485.3], respectively). No difference in FXIIIA, FXIIIB and FXIIICA levels between survivors and non-survivors, nor between patients with severe sepsis and septic shock was found. The specific activity of FXIII (FXIIICA/FXIIIA, SA(FXIII)) was significantly (p<0.001) higher in sepsis patients (2.0 [0.8-5.3]) as compared to healthy controls (1.0 [0.4-5.1]). SA(FXIII) significantly (p<0.05) increased with fatality (non-survivors [n=13] vs. survivors [n=27]: 3.3 [1.2-5.0] vs. 1.9 [0.8-5.3]) and disease severity (septic shock vs. severe sepsis: 3.4 [1.8-4.3] vs. 1.9 [0.8-5.3]). CONCLUSION: We show decreased FXIIICA and FXIIIA levels, but higher SA(FXIII) in sepsis as compared to controls. Increased SA(FXIII) correlates with disease severity and fatality in sepsis patients.
INTRODUCTION: Vasopressin has been shown to increase blood pressure in catecholamine-resistant septic shock. The aim of this study was to measure the effects of low-dose vasopressin on regional (hepato-splanchnic and renal) and microcirculatory (liver, pancreas, and kidney) blood flow in septic shock. METHODS: Thirty-two pigs were anesthetized, mechanically ventilated, and randomly assigned to one of four groups (n = 8 in each). Group S (sepsis) and group SV (sepsis/vasopressin) were exposed to fecal peritonitis. Group C and group V were non-septic controls. After 240 minutes, both septic groups were resuscitated with intravenous fluids. After 300 minutes, groups V and SV received intravenous vasopressin 0.06 IU/kg per hour. Regional blood flow was measured in the hepatic and renal arteries, the portal vein, and the celiac trunk by means of ultrasonic transit time flowmetry. Microcirculatory blood flow was measured in the liver, kidney, and pancreas by means of laser Doppler flowmetry. RESULTS: In septic shock, vasopressin markedly decreased blood flow in the portal vein, by 58% after 1 hour and by 45% after 3 hours (p < 0.01), whereas flow remained virtually unchanged in the hepatic artery and increased in the celiac trunk. Microcirculatory blood flow decreased in the pancreas by 45% (p < 0.01) and in the kidney by 16% (p < 0.01) but remained unchanged in the liver. CONCLUSION: Vasopressin caused marked redistribution of splanchnic regional and microcirculatory blood flow, including a significant decrease in portal, pancreatic, and renal blood flows, whereas hepatic artery flow remained virtually unchanged. This study also showed that increased urine output does not necessarily reflect increased renal blood flow.
BACKGROUND: Vasopressin increases arterial pressure in septic shock even when alpha-adrenergic agonists fail. The authors studied the effects of vasopressin on microcirculatory blood flow in the entire gastrointestinal tract in anesthetized pigs during early septic shock. METHODS: Thirty-two pigs were intravenously anesthetized, mechanically ventilated, and randomly assigned to one of four groups (n=8 in each; full factorial design). Group S (sepsis) and group SV (sepsis-vasopressin) were made septic by fecal peritonitis. Group C and group V were nonseptic control groups. After 300 min, group V and group SV received intravenous infusion of 0.06 U.kg.h vasopressin. In all groups, cardiac index and superior mesenteric artery flow were measured. Microcirculatory blood flow was recorded with laser Doppler flowmetry in both mucosa and muscularis of the stomach, jejunum, and colon. RESULTS: While vasopressin significantly increased arterial pressure in group SV (P<0.05), superior mesenteric artery flow decreased by 51+/-16% (P<0.05). Systemic and mesenteric oxygen delivery and consumption decreased and oxygen extraction increased in the SV group. Effects on the microcirculation were very heterogeneous; flow decreased in the stomach mucosa (by 23+/-10%; P<0.05), in the stomach muscularis (by 48+/-16%; P<0.05), and in the jejunal mucosa (by 27+/-9%; P<0.05), whereas no significant changes were seen in the colon. CONCLUSION: Vasopressin decreased regional flow in the superior mesenteric artery and microcirculatory blood flow in the upper gastrointestinal tract. This reduction in flow and a concomitant increase in the jejunal mucosa-to-arterial carbon dioxide gap suggest compromised mucosal blood flow in the upper gastrointestinal tract in septic pigs receiving low-dose vasopressin.