422 resultados para scientist


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Los flujos de trabajo científicos han sido adoptados durante la última década para representar los métodos computacionales utilizados en experimentos in silico, así como para dar soporte a sus publicaciones asociadas. Dichos flujos de trabajo han demostrado ser útiles para compartir y reproducir experimentos científicos, permitiendo a investigadores visualizar, depurar y ahorrar tiempo a la hora de re-ejecutar un trabajo realizado con anterioridad. Sin embargo, los flujos de trabajo científicos pueden ser en ocasiones difíciles de entender y reutilizar. Esto es debido a impedimentos como el gran número de flujos de trabajo existentes en repositorios, su heterogeneidad o la falta generalizada de documentación y ejemplos de uso. Además, dado que normalmente es posible implementar un mismo método utilizando algoritmos o técnicas distintas, flujos de trabajo aparentemente distintos pueden estar relacionados a un determinado nivel de abstracción, basándose, por ejemplo, en su funcionalidad común. Esta tesis se centra en la reutilización de flujos de trabajo y su abstracción mediante la exploración de relaciones entre los flujos de trabajo de un repositorio y la extracción de abstracciones que podrían ayudar a la hora de reutilizar otros flujos de trabajo existentes. Para ello, se propone un modelo simple de representación de flujos de trabajo y sus ejecuciones, se analizan las abstracciones típicas que se pueden encontrar en los repositorios de flujos de trabajo, se exploran las prácticas habituales de los usuarios a la hora de reutilizar flujos de trabajo existentes y se describe un método para descubrir abstracciones útiles para usuarios, basadas en técnicas existentes de teoría de grafos. Los resultados obtenidos exponen las abstracciones y prácticas comunes de usuarios en términos de reutilización de flujos de trabajo, y muestran cómo las abstracciones que se extraen automáticamente tienen potencial para ser reutilizadas por usuarios que buscan diseñar nuevos flujos de trabajo. Abstract Scientific workflows have been adopted in the last decade to represent the computational methods used in in silico scientific experiments and their associated research products. Scientific workflows have demonstrated to be useful for sharing and reproducing scientific experiments, allowing scientists to visualize, debug and save time when re-executing previous work. However, scientific workflows may be difficult to understand and reuse. The large amount of available workflows in repositories, together with their heterogeneity and lack of documentation and usage examples may become an obstacle for a scientist aiming to reuse the work from other scientists. Furthermore, given that it is often possible to implement a method using different algorithms or techniques, seemingly disparate workflows may be related at a higher level of abstraction, based on their common functionality. In this thesis we address the issue of reusability and abstraction by exploring how workflows relate to one another in a workflow repository, mining abstractions that may be helpful for workflow reuse. In order to do so, we propose a simple model for representing and relating workflows and their executions, we analyze the typical common abstractions that can be found in workflow repositories, we explore the current practices of users regarding workflow reuse and we describe a method for discovering useful abstractions for workflows based on existing graph mining techniques. Our results expose the common abstractions and practices of users in terms of workflow reuse, and show how our proposed abstractions have potential to become useful for users designing new workflows.


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La reproducibilidad de estudios y resultados científicos es una meta a tener en cuenta por cualquier científico a la hora de publicar el producto de una investigación. El auge de la ciencia computacional, como una forma de llevar a cabo estudios empíricos haciendo uso de modelos matemáticos y simulaciones, ha derivado en una serie de nuevos retos con respecto a la reproducibilidad de dichos experimentos. La adopción de los flujos de trabajo como método para especificar el procedimiento científico de estos experimentos, así como las iniciativas orientadas a la conservación de los datos experimentales desarrolladas en las últimas décadas, han solucionado parcialmente este problema. Sin embargo, para afrontarlo de forma completa, la conservación y reproducibilidad del equipamiento computacional asociado a los flujos de trabajo científicos deben ser tenidas en cuenta. La amplia gama de recursos hardware y software necesarios para ejecutar un flujo de trabajo científico hace que sea necesario aportar una descripción completa detallando que recursos son necesarios y como estos deben de ser configurados. En esta tesis abordamos la reproducibilidad de los entornos de ejecución para flujos de trabajo científicos, mediante su documentación usando un modelo formal que puede ser usado para obtener un entorno equivalente. Para ello, se ha propuesto un conjunto de modelos para representar y relacionar los conceptos relevantes de dichos entornos, así como un conjunto de herramientas que hacen uso de dichos módulos para generar una descripción de la infraestructura, y un algoritmo capaz de generar una nueva especificación de entorno de ejecución a partir de dicha descripción, la cual puede ser usada para recrearlo usando técnicas de virtualización. Estas contribuciones han sido aplicadas a un conjunto representativo de experimentos científicos pertenecientes a diferentes dominios de la ciencia, exponiendo cada uno de ellos diferentes requisitos hardware y software. Los resultados obtenidos muestran la viabilidad de propuesta desarrollada, reproduciendo de forma satisfactoria los experimentos estudiados en diferentes entornos de virtualización. ABSTRACT Reproducibility of scientific studies and results is a goal that every scientist must pursuit when announcing research outcomes. The rise of computational science, as a way of conducting empirical studies by using mathematical models and simulations, have opened a new range of challenges in this context. The adoption of workflows as a way of detailing the scientific procedure of these experiments, along with the experimental data conservation initiatives that have been undertaken during last decades, have partially eased this problem. However, in order to fully address it, the conservation and reproducibility of the computational equipment related to them must be also considered. The wide range of software and hardware resources required to execute a scientific workflow implies that a comprehensive description detailing what those resources are and how they are arranged is necessary. In this thesis we address the issue of reproducibility of execution environments for scientific workflows, by documenting them in a formalized way, which can be later used to obtain and equivalent one. In order to do so, we propose a set of semantic models for representing and relating the relevant information of those environments, as well as a set of tools that uses these models for generating a description of the infrastructure, and an algorithmic process that consumes these descriptions for deriving a new execution environment specification, which can be enacted into a new equivalent one using virtualization solutions. We apply these three contributions to a set of representative scientific experiments, belonging to different scientific domains, and exposing different software and hardware requirements. The obtained results prove the feasibility of the proposed approach, by successfully reproducing the target experiments under different virtualization environments.


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La degradación del suelo ha adquirido una magnitud preocupante. Los métodos tradicionales de descontaminación, son costosos e insuficientes. La fitorremediación representa una alternativa eficaz, de bajo coste, respetuosa con el medio ambiente, que además mejora las propiedades del suelo, si bien ha habido desarrollos relevantes en la última década. Desde el punto de vida científico, el reto principal es descifrar las rutas metabólicas implicadas en respuesta a contaminantes y comprender su regulación. Esta información es imprescindible si aspiramos a mejorar las capacidades naturales de algunas especies vegetales para remediar los suelos contaminados. Los estudios de esta Tesis se han centrado en Populus, el mejor modelo forestal disponible a raíz de la secuenciación de su genoma completo. Por otra parte, Populus tiene una gran capacidad natural para la degradación de contaminantes orgánicos, lo que explica su predominio en los programas forestales de fitorremediación que se desarrollan actualmente. Hemos elegido en concreto al híbrido Populus tremula x P. alba, por la facilidad con que se cultiva y su particular interés biotecnológico. La presente Tesis plantea un estudio comprehensivo de la respuesta molecular a bifenilos policlorados (PCBs), una familia de contaminantes orgánicos persistentes de particular relevancia a escala mundial. Se ha utilizado para ello una aproximación transcriptómica, basada en tecnología RNA-seq, para identificar los genes implicados en el metabolismo de los compuestos in planta y cuantificar sus niveles de activación en distintas situaciones controladas. La tesis pretende asimismo definir el control transcripcional subyacente a la respuesta bioquímica frente a este tipo de contaminantes. Resulta sorprendente que dicha respuesta sea prácticamente desconocida a nivel molecular, a pesar de su gran potencial aplicado en el contexto de la tecnología fitorremediadora. Para desarrollar este proyecto aplicamos a nuestros cultivos de chopo híbridos concentraciones diferentes de Aroclor 1221, una mezcla de PCBs muy utilizada a nivel comercial durante décadas, su uso está prohibido hoy internacionalmente. Y tomamos muestras de RNA a dos concentraciones y dos momentos distintos de exposición al contaminante, generando así una matriz de cuatro elementos con sus controles correspondientes. Con el fin de incrementar la especificidad de nuestro análisis, consideramos sobre todo los genes diferencialmente expresados más significativos según cuatro algoritmos estadísticos distintos. Por otra parte, realizamos análisis funcionales con herramientas bioinformáticas basadas en comparaciones de secuencias y en redes de co-expresión génica. La respuesta de los genes de particular interés fue validada mediante tecnología qRT-PCR (reacción de la polimerasa en cadena cuantitativa en tiempo real). Se trata del primer estudio comprehensivo de la respuesta de un organismo vegetal ante la presencia de PCBs. Este estudio nos ha permitido identificar una cantidad considerable de genes estructurales y reguladores, definiendo nuevos factores de transcripción cuya expresión es proporcional a la concentración de contaminante en el medio o al tiempo de exposición al mismo. Los análisis de correlación nos permiten afirmar en que la respuesta metabólica a PCBs, incluyendo posibles rutas degradadoras, participan en al menos quince factores de transcripción y unas cuarenta proteínas o enzimas que resultan particularmente inducidas. Entre las familias implicadas destacan los citocromos P450, la glutatión transferasas, las deshidrogenasas reductasas (short-chain dehydrogenase reductase) y las proteínas MDR (multi-drug resistance). Mientras que los factores de transcripción encontrados pertenecen a la familia de ZF-TF, MYBs, WRKYs entre otros. También identificamos proteínas de función desconocida que no se habían vinculado previamente a este tipo de respuestas en plantas, como la CSP (cold-shock domain proteins). Para estudiar su posible relación con la presencia de PCBs, se caracterizó un gen de esta familia detectado mediante espectrometría de masas en tándem (MS/MS) a partir de mapas IEF x SDS-PAGE (isoelectro focusing x sodium dodecyl sulphate- polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis) de alta resolución. Mediante qRT-PCR pudimos confirmar la inducción del gen correspondiente, ortólogo a PtCSP4 de P. trichocarpa (Potri.004g172600), en respuesta a Aroclor 1221. El análisis fenotípico de las líneas transgénicas de Arabidopsis thaliana que sobre-expresaba la proteína CSP de chopo híbrido confirmó un papel para la misma tolerancia a PCBs, posiblemente a través de mecanismos reguladores que activan proteínas MDR. Este trabajo, además de aportar datos novedosos sobre los mecanismos moleculares desencadenados por la presencia de un PCB en Populus, utilizado aquí como sistema modelo. Con ello se demuestra el potencial de las especies arbóreas no solo como agentes descontaminantes, ya explotado comercialmente, sino también como fuente potencial de genes interesantes. Entre los genes identificados en esta Tesis hay candidatos evidentes a participar en mecanismos de tolerancia al estrés inducido por la contaminación y también rutas metabólicas degradadores de PCBs. Precisamente la posibilidad de degradar al contaminante confiere particular interés a este tipo de estudios frente a la fitorremediación de metales pesados y otros contaminantes elementales. La comparación de los datos generados en este estudio con estudios análogos que se realicen en el futuro con otras especies y xenobióticos, contribuirán a definir mejor la respuesta de las plantas ante la contaminación orgánica y mejorar su potencial descontaminante. ABSTRACT Soil degradation has acquired a disturbing magnitude. Traditional methods of decontamination are expensive and insufficient. Phytoremediation represent an effective alternative, low cost, respectful of the environment, that also improves soil properties, although there have been relevant developments in the last decade. From a life scientist, the challenge is to decipher the major metabolic pathways involved in response to pollutants and understand their regulation. This information is essential if we desire to enhance the natural abilities of some plant species to remediate contaminated soils. This thesis studies have focused on Populus, the best available forestry model following the sequencing of the entire genome. Moreover, Populus has a natural ability to degrade organic pollutants, which explains its predominance in phytoremediation forestry programs currently being developed. We have chosen specifically to hybrid Populus tremula x P. alba, the ease with which it is grown and its particular biotechnological interest. This thesis presents a comprehensive study of the molecular response to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), a family of persistent organic pollutants of particular relevance worldwide. It has been used for a transcriptomic approach using RNA-seq technology, to identify genes involved in the metabolism of compounds in plant and quantify their levels of activation in different controlled situations. The thesis also aims to define the underlying transcriptional control the biochemical response to these pollutants. It is surprising that the response is virtually unknown at the molecular level, despite its great potential applied in the context of phytoremediation technology. To develop this project we applied our hybrid poplar crops different concentrations of Aroclor 1221, a mixture of PCBs widely used commercially for decades, its use is now banned internationally. And we RNA samples at two different concentrations and times of exposure to the pollutant, generating an array of four elements with their corresponding controls. In order to increase the specificity of our analysis, we consider mainly the most significant differentially expressed genes in four different statistical algorithms. Moreover, functional analyzes conducted with bioinformatics tools based on sequence comparisons and networks gene co-expression. The response of genes of particular interest was validated by qRT-PCR (polymerase reaction chain in real-time quantitative. This is the first comprehensive study of the response of a plant organism in the presence of PCBs. This study allowed us to identify a considerable amount of structural and regulatory genes, defining new transcription factors whose expression is proportional to the concentration of contaminant in the middle or at the time of exposure. Correlation analyzes allow us to affirm that the metabolic response to PCBs, including possible degradative pathways, at least fifteen involved in transcription factors and forty proteins or enzymes which are particularly induced. Among the families involved include cytochromes P450, the glutathione transferases, dehydrogenases reductases (short -chain dehydrogenase reductase) and MDR proteins (multi - drug resistance). While transcription factors belong to the family found ZF-TF, MYBs, WRKYs among others. We also identify proteins of unknown function that had not been previously linked to such responses in plants such as CSP (cold- shock domain proteins). To study their possible relationship with the presence of PCBs, a gene in this family was characterized and was detected by tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) from maps IEF x SDS -PAGE (sodium dodecyl isoelectro x sulphate- polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis) of high resolution. By qRT -PCR could confirm the induction of the corresponding gene, ortholog to PtCSP4 of P. trichocarpa (Potri.004g172600), in response to Aroclor 1221. Phenotypic analysis of transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana lines over- expressing the protein CSP poplar hybrid confirmed a role for PCBs same tolerance, possibly through regulatory mechanisms activated MDR proteins. This work, in addition to providing new data on the molecular mechanisms triggered by the presence of PCBs in Populus, used here as a model system. Thus the potential of tree species not only as decontamination agents, and commercially exploited, but also as a potential source of interesting genes is shown. Among the genes identified in this thesis there are evident candidates to participate in tolerance mechanisms to stress induced by pollution and degrading metabolic pathways of PCBs. Precisely the possibility of degrading the pollutant attaches particular interest to this type of study off the phytoremediation of heavy metals and other elemental pollutants. The comparison of the data generated in this study with similar studies carried out in the future with other species and xenobiotics contribute to better define the response of plants to organic pollution and improve their decontamination potential.


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Many diversified activities can be reported from the Spanish INHIGEO group. The International Year of Crystallography was celebrated on St. Albertus Magnus Day (January 28) at the National University of Distance Education at (Madrid). The scientist Santiago Garcia Granda, President of the European Association of Crystallography, was commissioned to present a lecture titled, Crystals and diffraction: 100 years of scientific milestones. An exhibition of minerals was held at the Madrid Mining School (November 24-29).


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Este trabalho traça um diagnóstico sobre o processo de comunicação e as ações de divulgação científica desenvolvidas pela Diretoria de Comunicação Social da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU) e de suas relações com a comunidade acadêmica, com a mídia e, conseqüentemente, com a sociedade em geral. Desenvolve uma reflexão sobre o papel do jornalista na disseminação do conhecimento científico. Chama a atenção para a responsabilidade social do jornalista, que deve trabalhar em regime de parceria com o cientista na prática da divulgação científica para a democratização do conhecimento. Aponta lacunas no processo comunicacional da Universidade e sugere ações complementares para o aprimoramento da divulgação científica.


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Este trabalho traça um diagnóstico sobre o processo de comunicação e as ações de divulgação científica desenvolvidas pela Diretoria de Comunicação Social da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU) e de suas relações com a comunidade acadêmica, com a mídia e, conseqüentemente, com a sociedade em geral. Desenvolve uma reflexão sobre o papel do jornalista na disseminação do conhecimento científico. Chama a atenção para a responsabilidade social do jornalista, que deve trabalhar em regime de parceria com o cientista na prática da divulgação científica para a democratização do conhecimento. Aponta lacunas no processo comunicacional da Universidade e sugere ações complementares para o aprimoramento da divulgação científica.


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The Health Services Research Unit receives funding from the Chief Scientist Office of the Scottish Government Health and Social Care Directorates. The opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors alone. The GEOS study was funded by the North of Scotland Planning Group.


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Acknowledgements We thank Ms Katie Wilde, Data Management Team, University of Aberdeen and Lynsey Waugh, Information and Services Division of NHS Scotland for their help with data extraction and linkage. Funding sources This work was supported by funding from the Chief Scientist Office, Scotland. We also acknowledge support from Tommy’s and the British Heart Foundation. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. None of the authors are related to any of the funders


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This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. Acknowledgements: We thank Ms Margaret Fraser, Ms Samantha Flannigan, and Dr Wing Yee Kwong for their expert assistance. The staff at Grampian NHS Pregnancy Counselling Service were essential for collecting fetuses. We thank Professor Geoffrey Hammond and Dr Marc Simard, University of British Colombia for helpful comments on the manuscript. Supported by grants as follows: Scottish Senior Clinical Fellowship (AJD); Chief Scientist Office (Scottish Executive, CZG/1/109 to PAF, & CZG/4/742 (PAF & PJOS); NHS Grampian Endowments 08/02 (PAF, SB & PJOS); the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no 212885 (PAF & SMR); the Medical Research Council grants MR/L010011/1 (PAF & PJOS) and MR/K018310/1 (AJD). None of the funding bodies played any role in the design, collection, analysis, and interpretation of data, in the writing of the manuscript, nor in the decision to submit the manuscript for publication


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Acknowledgments The staff at Grampian National Health Service Pregnancy Counseling Service were essential for collecting fetuses. We thank the Aberdeen Proteomics Core Facility (University of Aberdeen) for their expert assistance. Support for the study was provided by the Chief Scientist Office (Scottish Executive, CZG/1/109, & CZG/4/742), National Health Service Grampian Endowments (08/02), the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013) under grant agreement no 212885, and the Medical Research Council, UK (MR/L010011/1).


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We dedicate this paper to the memory of Prof. Andres Perez Estaún, who was a great and committed scientist, wonderful colleague and even better friend. The datasets in this work have been funded by Fundación Ciudad de la Energía (Spanish Government, www.ciuden.es) and by the European Union through the “European Energy Programme 15 for Recovery” and the Compostilla OXYCFB300 project. Dr. Juan Alcalde is currently funded by NERC grant NE/M007251/1. Simon Campbell and Samuel Cheyney are acknowledged for thoughtful comments on gravity inversion


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Open Access funded by Parkinson's UK Financial support: This study was funded by Parkinson’s UK, the Scottish Chief Scientist Office, NHS Grampian endowments, the BMA Doris Hillier award, RS Macdonald Trust, the BUPA Foundation, and SPRING. The funders had no involvement in the study. We acknowledge funding for the PINE study from Parkinson’s UK (G-0502, G-0914 G-1302), the Scottish Chief Scientist Office (CAF/12/05), the BMA Doris Hillier award, RS Macdonald Trust, the BUPA Foundation, NHS Grampian endowments and SPRING. We thank the patients and controls for their participation and the research staff who collected data and supported the study database.


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ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We acknowledge the data management support of Grampian Data Safe Haven (DaSH) and the associated financial support of NHS Research Scotland, through NHS Grampian investment in the Grampian DaSH. S.S. is supported by a Clinical Research Training Fellowship from the Wellcome Trust (Ref 102729/Z/13/Z). We also acknowledge the support from The Farr Institute of Health Informatics Research. The Farr Institute is supported by a 10-funder consortium: Arthritis Research UK, the British Heart Foundation, Cancer Research UK, the Economic and Social Research Council, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, the Medical Research Council, the National Institute of Health Research, the National Institute for Social Care and Health Research (Welsh Assembly Government), the Chief Scientist Office (Scottish Government Health Directorates) and the Wellcome Trust (MRC Grant Nos: Scotland MR/K007017/1).


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Acknowledgements We would like to thank all of the patients, relatives and control individuals who participated in the study. We are indebted to the late Prof. Walter Muir, Chair of Developmental Psychiatry and Honorary Consultant in Learning Disability Psychiatry, University of Edinburgh, who initiated these studies and whose work was dedicated to the welfare of the patients who generously participated. We are also grateful to Mrs. Pat Malloy for her assistance with DNA collection and MAQ assays screening of the Scottish samples. The Scottish sample collection was supported by a grant from the Chief Scientist Office (CSO), part of the Scottish Government Health and Social Care Directorates. This research was funded by grants from the CSO to B.S.P. (grant CZB/4/610), The Academy of Medical Sciences/Wellcome Trust to M.J. (grant R41455) and The RS Macdonald Charitable Trust (grant D21419 together with J.H.), the Swedish Research Council (grants 2003-5158 and 2006-4472), the Medical Faculty, Umeå University, and the County Councils of Västerbotten and Norrbotten, Sweden, as well as by grants from the Fund for Scientific Research Flanders (FWO-F), the Industrial Research Fund (IWT) and the Special Research Fund of the University of Antwerp, Belgium. M.J. is funded by a Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Fellowship for MB PhD graduates (R42811). We acknowledge the contribution of the personnel of the VIB Genetic Service Facility (http://www.vibgeneticservicefacility.be/) for the genetic analysis of the Swedish samples. Research nurses Gunnel Johansson, Lotta Kronberg, Tage Johansson and Lisbeth Bertilsson are thankfully acknowledged for their help and expertise. The Betula Study was funded by the Swedish Research Council (grants 345-2003-3883 and 315-2004-6977). We also acknowledge the contribution by the staff in the Betula project