995 resultados para right hemisphere lesions
A 45-year-old woman presented with a 3-year history of cutaneous lesions. Clinical examination revealed red-yellow to brownish infiltrated papules coalescing into annular-shaped plaques of several sizes with a hyperpigmented center affecting the abdomen and lower limbs, as well as multiple firm nodules on the right palm, elbows, and knees (Fig. 1a-c). The patient also reported sporadic arthralgia and low fever. She had been treated for leprosy for 2 years with multidrug therapy (clofazimine, dapsone, and rifampicin), with complete remission of the lesions during treatment, but recurrence after discontinuation. Histologic examination of a biopsy specimen taken from the cutaneous lesions showed an interstitial inflammatory infiltrate with the presence of many neutrophils and occasional foamy histiocytes (Fig. 2a). A pattern of perivascular eosinophilic fibrosis was observed in a biopsy specimen from a nodule (Fig. 2b). Special stains for acid-fast bacilli and fungi were negative. Laboratory findings included elevated immunoglobulin A (IgA) serum levels (1016 mg/dL; normal range, 69-382 mg/dL), elevated beta-globulin, and strong tuberculin reactivity. Normal or negative tests included direct immunofluorescence, serum immunofixation, anti-streptolysin O, and chest radiography. Autoimmune disorders and inflammatory intestinal diseases were excluded. The patient was treated with dapsone, 100 mg/day, with great improvement of the clinical picture. Hyperpigmented residual macules and some fibrotic nodules remained after 3 months.
Pityriasis lichenoides (PL) is an inflammatory skin disease of unknown etiology. Nitric oxide (NO) has emerged as an important mediator of many physiological functions. The importance of NO-mediated signaling in skin diseases has been reported by several studies. A review of clinical records and histopathological slides of 34 patients diagnosed with PL was performed. Three different groups of skin biopsies including PL chronica (24 patients), PL et varioliformis acuta (10 patients) and 15 normal skin samples were subjected to the immunohistochemistry technique for inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) detection. Normal skin group exhibited a few number of iNOS-positive cells in the dermis and rare positive cells in the upper epidermis, unlike abundant epidermal and dermal iNOS expression observed in both PL groups. According to our results, we hypothesize that NO produced by iNOS could participate in PL pathogenesis. Abnormal and persistent responses to unknown antigens, probably a pathogen, associated with NO immunoregulatory functions could contribute to the relapsing course observed in PL. NO anti-apoptotic effect on T-cell lymphocytes could play a role on maintenance of reactive T cells, leading to a T-cell lymphoid dyscrasia. Di Giunta G, Goncalves da Silva AM, Sotto MN. Inducible nitric oxide synthase in pityriasis lichenoides lesions.J Cutan Pathol 2009; 36: 325-330. (C) Blackwell Munksgaard 2008.
Background Liver resection is the definitive treatment for unilateral hepatolithiasis [1]. Recently, laparoscopic major hepatectomias have become more common and are being performed in highly specialized centers [2-4]. However, few laparoscopic liver resections for hepatolithiasis have been reported. Chen et al. [5] reported two cases of laparoscopic left lobectomy for hepatolithiasis, but to our knowledge, right hepatectomy has never been reported to date. This video demonstrates technical aspects of a totally laparoscopic right hepatectomy in a patient with hepatolithiasis. Methods A 21-year-old woman with right-sided nonoriental primary intrahepatic stones [1] was referred for surgical treatment. The operation followed four distinct phases: liver mobilization, dissection of the right portal vein and right hepatic artery, extrahepatic dissection of the right hepatic vein, and parenchymal transection with harmonic shears and linear staplers for division of segment 5 and 8 branches of the middle hepatic vein. No Pringles` maneuver was used. In contrast to liver resection for other indications, the right bile duct was enlarged and filled with stones. It was divided during parenchymal transection and left open. After removal of the surgical specimen, the biliary tree was flushed with saline until stone clearance, under radioscopic surveillance, was complete. The right hepatic duct then was closed with running suture. Results The operative time was 240 min, and the estimated blood loss was 120 ml, with no blood transfusion. The hospital stay was 5 days. At this writing, the patient is well and asymptomatic 7 months after the procedure. Conclusion Laparoscopic liver resection is safe and feasible for patients with hepatolithiasis and should be considered for those suffering from intrahepatic stones.
Introduction Pituitary carcinomas account for 0.1 or 0.2% of pituitary tumors. The authors report a rare case of a pituitary carcinoma mimicking a radio-induced meningioma. Case report Fifty-five years-old male presents a previous history of transcranial surgery in 1983 for invasive pituitary adenoma followed by whole-brain radiotherapy (5100 cGy). After three years he presented worsening of visual deficits and MRI evidenced recurrence of the lesion. In 1992, he underwent a transcranial approach to treat recurrent supraselar disease, followed by stereoctatic radiotherapy. In 2006, clinical condition was stable; however three right frontal extra-axial lesions were diagnosed by MRI, compatible with meningioma. The histological examination revealed pituitary adenoma. No lesions were found in craniospinal axis. Further treatment was not recommended by radiotherapists due previous actinic treatments. Two years radiological follow-up revealed no recurrence. Conclusion In these high risk cases, active and constant surveillance must be pertained, regardless the time of follow-up.
In this study, the effectiveness of a group-based attention and problem solving (APS) treatment approach to executive impairments in patients with frontal lobe lesions was investigated. Thirty participants with lesions in the frontal lobes, 16 with left frontal (LF) and 14 with right frontal (RF) lesions, were allocated into three groups, each with 10 participants. The APS treatment was initially compared to two other control conditions, an information/education (IE) approach and treatment-as-usual or traditional rehabilitation (TR), with each of the control groups subsequently receiving the APS intervention in a crossover design. This design allowed for an evaluation of the treatment through assessment before and after treatment and on follow up, six months later. There was an improvement on some executive and functional measures after the implementation of the APS programme in the three groups. Size, and to a lesser extent laterality, of lesion affected baseline performance on measures of executive function, but there was no apparent relationship between size, laterality or site of lesion and level of benefit from the treatment intervention. The results were discussed in terms of models of executive functioning and the effectiveness of domain specific interventions in the rehabilitation of executive dysfunction.
Objectives: In cases of partial lesions of the intratemporal segment of the facial nerve, should the surgeon perform an intraoperative partial reconstruction, or partially remove the injured segment and place a graft? We present results from partial lesion reconstruction on the intratemporal segment of the facial nerve. Methods: A retrospective study on 42 patients who presented partial lesions on the intratemporal segment of the facial nerve was performed between 1988 and 2005. The patients were divided into 3 groups based on the procedure used: interposition of the partial graft on the injured area of the nerve (group 1; 12 patients); keeping the preserved part and performing tubulization (group 2; 8 patients); and dividing the parts of the injured nerve (proximal and distal) and placing a total graft of the sural nerve (group 3; 22 patients). Results: Fracture of the temporal bone was the most frequent cause of the lesion in all groups, followed by iatrogenic causes (p < 0.005). Those who obtained results lower than or equal to III on the House-Brackmann scale were 1 (8.3%) of the patients in group 1, none (0.0%) of the patients in group 2, and 15 (68.2%) of the patients in group 3 (p < 0.001). Conclusions: The best surgical technique for therapy of a partial lesion of the facial nerve is still questionable. Among these 42 patients, the best results were those from the total graft of the facial nerve.
Successful surgical treatment of deep bowel endometriosis depends on obtaining detailed information about the lesions, prior to the procedure. The objective of this study was to determine the capability of transvaginal ultrasonography with bowel preparation (TVUS-BP) to predict the presence of one or more rectosigmoid nodules and the deepest bowel layer affected by the disease. A prospective study of 194 patients with clinical and TVUS-BP suspected deep endometriosis submitted to videolaparoscopy. Image data were compared with surgical and histological results. With respect to bowel nodule detection and presence of at least two rectosigmoid lesions, TVUS-BP had a sensitivity of 97 and 81%, specificity 100 and 99%, positive predictive value (PPV) 100 and 93% and negative predictive value (NPV) 98 and 96%, respectively. Regarding diagnosis of infiltration of the submucosal/mucosal layer, TVUS-BP had a sensitivity of 83%, specificity 94%, PPV 77%, NPV 96%. These findings show that TVUS-BP is an adequate exam for evaluating the presence of one or more rectosigmoid nodules and the deepest layer affected in deep infiltrating bowel endometriosis, confirming the importance of this technique for defining the most appropriate surgical strategy to be implemented.
Study Objective: To estimate the relationship between the depth of lesions of rectal endometriosis and the percentage of the circumference of the bowel segment affected by the disease. Design: A prospective pathologic analysis of 45 surgical specimens of bowel endometriosis obtained by laparoscopic segmental resection of the rectosigmoid (Canadian Task Force classification II-1). Setting: Tertiary referral hospital. Patients: forty-five patients were submitted to a segmental resection of the rectum due to endometriosis between July 2004 and September 2006. Interventions: Morphometric aspects of endometriotic lesions were analyzed, such as size and thickness of the lesion, deepest layer of bowel affected by lesion, and percentage of circumference of bowel affected by endometriosis. Measurements and Main Results: Results showed that in lesions that reached the submucous layer of the bowel, the circumference affected was 31.6% greater than in lesions that reached only the outer muscular layer, whereas in lesions that reached the mucous layer, the circumference affected was 52.5% greater than in those that reached the outer muscular layer of the bowel. In addition, 89.3% of lesions with an affected circumference greater than 40% were those affecting the submucous or mucous layers of the bowel. These results suggest that when a lesion reaches these 2 deepest layers of the rectosiamoid, risk increases that the circumference affected will be greater than 40% (relative risk = 1.5; 95% CI: 1.0-2.3; p =.03). Conclusion: In endometriotic lesions affecting the rectosigmoid beyond the inner muscular layer of the bowel wall, more than 40% of the circumference of the rectosigmoid is affected by the disease, confirming the recommendation of segmental resection of the bowel for this form of the disease.
Study design: Experimental, controlled, animal study. Objectives: To evaluate the effect of GM1 ganglioside, hyperbaric oxygen and both in combination, in the treatment of experimental spinal cord lesions in rats. Setting: Brazil. Methods: Thirty-two Wistar rats with spinal cord lesions were divided into four groups: one group received GM1 ganglioside, one was submitted to hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), the third received both treatments and the fourth received no treatment (control). Results: There were no significant differences between the groups in the histological analysis, for any of the variables (necrosis, hemorrhage, hyperemia, cystic degeneration, P>0.06). Neither were there any significant differences in the comparison of left and right sides in the functional tests (P>0.06 for all). No significant differences were found in the locomotor ratings, in the comparison of groups at 2, 7, 21 and 28 days after the surgical procedure. However, in the evaluation on day 14, group 3, which received the combined therapy, showed a significantly higher Basso Beattie and Bresnahan score than the other groups (P = 0.015). Conclusion: The therapeutic effect of GM1 in locomotor evaluation of rats submitted to spinal cord lesion is anticipated by HBOT. Spinal Cord (2010) 48, 808-813; doi:10.1038/sc.2010.37; published online 27 April 2010
Introduction: Churg-Strauss syndrome (CSS) is a systemic granulomatous vasculitis rarely described in children, particularly associated with neurological involvement, exceptionally chorea. To our knowledge there are only 35 children and adolescent patients with CSS described in the literature. During a 25-year period 5283 patients were followed up at the Pediatric Rheumatology Unit of our University Hospital and only one (0.02%) presented CSS. Case report: A 7-year-old boy suffered from severe asthma, eosinophilia, history of allergy, recurrent non-fixed pulmonary infiltrates, several nodular lesions in both lungs and maxillary sinusitis. Transthoracic biopsy of the right lung revealed necrotizing extravascular eosinophilic infiltrates and the diagnosis of CSS was established. During the follow-up he had persistent vasculitis skin lesions and hemichorea. Despite the treatment with immunosuppressive drugs and intravenous immunoglobulin, he died because of pulmonary abscess and sepsis. Discussion: A rare case of CSS with chorea was reported, reinforcing the possibility of this disease in children with asthma, allergic rhinitis, hypereosinophilia and cutaneous vasculitis.
Objectives. This study was aimed to test if the frequency of oral lesions bears statistical correlation or not with the condition of cutaneous psoriasis. Study design. Two groups were examined, one made up of 166 patients with skin psoriasis and the other with the same number of individuals with a negative history of skin diseases (control group), matched by age, race, and sex. Patients with psoriasis were grouped according to their having localized or generalized forms of the disease. The oral mucosa was thoroughly examined in both groups. Data were analyzed using chi-square test, Fisher`s test, the odds ratio (OR) with a 95% confidence interval (CI), and the Ryan-Holm step-down Bonferroni procedure. The overall significance was set at P <= 0.05. Results. The oral lesions significantly associated with psoriasis were fissured tongue (FT, OR=2.7; 95% CI: 1.3-5.6), and geographic tongue (GT, OR=5.0; 95% CI: 1.5-16.8). Other factors analyzed, such as topical and/or systemic medication for treatment of psoriasis versus nontreated patients, and localized versus generalized forms of psoriasis presented no statistical association with the frequency of FT or GT lesions (P > 0.05). Conclusions. Patients with psoriasis presented no specific oral lesion different from those seen in the control group. Although further investigation is warranted to establish whether or not either FT or GT can be characterized as an oral expression of psoriasis, the present investigation did find for both these types of lesions that the frequency of each bore a statistically significant relation with the presence of cutaneous psoriasis.
The traditional methods employed to detect atherosclerotic lesions allow for the identification of lesions; however, they do not provide specific characterization of the lesion`s biochemistry. Currently, Raman spectroscopy techniques are widely used as a characterization method for unknown substances, which makes this technique very important for detecting atherosclerotic lesions. The spectral interpretation is based on the analysis of frequency peaks present in the signal; however, spectra obtained from the same substance can show peaks slightly different and these differences make difficult the creation of an automatic method for spectral signal analysis. This paper presents a signal analysis method based on a clustering technique that allows for the classification of spectra as well as the inference of a diagnosis about the arterial wall condition. The objective is to develop a computational tool that is able to create clusters of spectra according to the arterial wall state and, after data collection, to allow for the classification of a specific spectrum into its correct cluster.
Although dogs are considered the main domestic reservoirs for Visceral Leishmaniosis (VL), which is caused in the Americas by Leishmania chagasi, infected cats have also been recently found in endemic areas of several countries and became a public health concern. Accordingly, the purpose of this study was to evaluate cats with dermatologic lesions from an endemic area of VL and the natural infection of L. chagasi. A total of 55 cats were selected between April 2008 and November 2009 from two major animal shelters of Aracatuba, Southeastern Brazil. All cats underwent general and dermatologic examinations, followed by direct parasitological examination of lymphoid organs, immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and indirect immunofluorescence (IFAT). In addition, detection of amastigotes was performed by immunohistochemistry (IHC) in skin lesions of all cats. VL was diagnosed in 27/55 (49.1%) cats with dermatological problems. Amastigotes were found in lymphoid organs of 10/27 (37.0%) cats; serology of 14/27 (51.9%), 6/27 (22.2%) and 5/27 (18.5%) cats was positive for ELISA, IFAT and both, respectively. The IHC identified 9/27 (33.3%) cats; 5/27 (18.5%) were positive only for IHC and therefore increased the overall sensitivity. Specific FIV antibodies were found in 6/55(10.9%) cats, of which 5/6 (83.3%) had leishmaniosis. Real time PCR followed by amplicon sequencing successfully confirmed L chagasi infection. In conclusion, dermatological lesions in cats from endemic areas was highly associated to visceral leishmaniosis, and therefore skin IHC and differential diagnosis of LV should be always conducted in dermatological patients in such areas. (c) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.