319 resultados para reflexivity


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This is a case study that analyzes photographic documents of the social protest in Spain between 2011 and 2013. The analysis is qualitative and considers the use of space, the visual expression of the messages and the orientation toward the causes or effects of political, economic and social changes. Visual sociology allows us to appreciate, in the case of the Spanish Revolution, a dynamic of “reflexivity” unrecognizable from other research approaches. Two successive waves of social mobilization in response to two different shocks can be appreciated. The first is given by political corruption, unemployment and the threat to consumer society. The second shock is caused by the savage cuts in the Welfare State. Social mobilization is expressed differently in each phase, and the forms taken by the protests show how the class structure in post industrial society shapes the reactions to the crisis of the Welfare State.


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El objetivo de esta comunicación es analizar de manera exploratoria en qué forma las letras de las canciones protesta, escritas en el entorno de las movilizaciones del 15M, contienen una visión del mundo social, económico y político. Las canciones protesta se caracterizan por la denuncia social de situaciones de explotación, discriminación o esclavitud. El rasgo común a todas ellas es la existencia de un conflicto, al que responden tomando posición por una de las partes o apelando a la paz y al consenso. En ocasiones ofrecen soluciones a dichos conflictos, si bien no es la situación más extendida. En relación a las canciones del 15M, emplearemos como referencia las disponibles en la página de la Fundación Robo. En dicha página se alojan canciones cuyo nexo de unión es la protesta por la situación que vive la sociedad española. Tomando las canciones como datos de análisis, se estudiarán los estilos más empleados para protestar, el empleo del “bricoleur” (Levi-Strauss) de músicas y letras para recomponer un nuevo mensaje y finalmente se considerará la presencia de dualizaciones como las de “nosotros” y “ellos”. Se exploran las razones que se exponen en las letras para llegar al conflicto actual y las soluciones que se proponen. Tras definir qué actores y colectivos definen cada uno de los grupos, se consideran las relaciones que se proponen entre ellos. Destacan los planteamientos que presentan la relación como de lucha o conflicto, mientras que la oferta de relaciones constructivas, ya sea de diálogo, consenso o negociación, es prácticamente inexistente. Raramente ofrecen una solución pacífica a los conflictos.


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Tese de doutoramento, Direito (Ciências Jurídico-Políticas, vertente de Direito Administrativo), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Direito, 2016


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Tese de doutoramento, Alterações Climáticas e Políticas de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (Sociologia), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, 2016


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There has been considerable debate about the need for more empirical, evidence based studies of the impact of various interventions and practices in engineering education. A number of resources including workshops to guide engineering faculty in the conduct of such studies have emerged over recent years. This paper presents a critique of the evolution of engineering education research and its underlying assumptions in the context of the systemic reform currently underway in engineering education. This critique leads to an analysis of the ways in which our current understanding of engineering, engineering education and research in engineering education is shaped by the traditions and cultural characteristics of the profession and grounded, albeit implicitly, in a particular suite of epistemological assumptions. It is argued that the whole enterprise of engineering education needs to be radically reconceptualized. A pluralistic approach to framing scholarship in engineering education is then proposed based on the principles of demonstrable practicality, critical interdisciplinarity and holistic reflexivity. This new framework has implications for engaging and developing faculty in the context of new teaching and learning paradigms, for the evaluation of the scholarship of teaching and for the research-teaching nexus.


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O presente estudo consiste numa pesquisa processual, de natureza qualitativa, expresso na modalidade narrativa. Tem como pressuposto que o papel do professor implica uma tal responsabilidade que resulta em exigência de aperfeiçoamento constante, para que este profissional possa apresentar-se capaz de uma ação pedagógica bem-sucedida. Um professor, assim caracterizado, corresponde ao profissional efetivamente engajado na prática docente, manifestando atitude de reflexão sobre esta mesma prática, não apenas antes, em sua preparação, mas durante o seu desenrolar e mesmo depois desta, procurando extrair da própria ação elementos que ajudem a constantemente melhorá-la. Sob tais aspectos, destaco a prática reflexiva de Professoras do Ensino Fundamental, nos anos iniciais de escolaridade, especialmente relativa a suas ações pedagógicas bem-sucedidas em aulas, que busco enfocar como objeto de estudo e de investigação nesta dissertação. A coleta de dados da pesquisa deu-se por meio de 1) entrevistas semi-estruturadas, 2) relatos orais, 3) observação de aulas e 4) notas de campo. A análise dos dados, a discussão dos resultados e os encaminhamentos possíveis para a formação de professores foram construídos e expressos levando em conta princípios e critérios da Investigação Narrativa. Das conclusões, tecidas à luz do que resulta desta investigação, destacam-se as que são assim enunciadas: a) as Professoras realizam práticas reflexivas de tipos e níveis diferentes, contudo, tais reflexões ocorrem visivelmente atreladas às suas dificuldades e aos seus conflitos didático-pedagógicos, cada qual em seu contexto específico de ação; b) As Professoras conseguem realizar reflexões na sua ação, bem como reflexões sobre a sua ação com aproximações à literatura pedagógica, ainda que com ausência de explicitação de aspectos sociológicos, filosóficos, políticos, antropológicos, epistemológicos, enfim, dos aspectos que conferem maior criticidade e critério à reflexão, ou seja, atributos de reflexividade. Em função disso, ressalto a importância do progresso da escola em consonância com o progresso e a profissionalização do trabalho docente, através da consideração de cada contexto específico num movimento de busca de sentido para o ensino e para a aprendizagem. Nas considerações finais, propugno para o professor reflexivo compromissos evidentes com o futuro, no presente de suas salas de aula, para que possa ter maior capacidade de resposta pedagógica às necessidades educativas dos seus alunos, que se inserem e vivem na complexa sociedade deste século XXI.


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In order to reverse the use of lecture-based teaching, it is argued that personal reflection can be used as part of the quality assurance process. This paper proposes one response to personal reflection - reflective imagination, which is summarised as an action plan with six activities. It combines two conceptual issues raised in the US, the need to think creatively about learning and the reflective mindset, and one issue raised in the UK, cultivating the entrepreneurial imagination. Reflective imagination is linked to wider social science research, the place of self and reflexivity in scholarship. Finally, a personal history case study is presented which records a visit to Harvard Business School. The visit implements the six activities associated with reflective imagination. This is a method paper exploring reflective imagination.


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This thesis criticises many psychological experiments on 'pornography' which attempt to demonstrate how 'pornography' causes and/or equals rape. It challenges simplistic definitions of 'pornography', arguing that sexually explicit materials (SEM) are constructed and interpreted in a number of different ways; and demonstrates that how, when and where materials are depicted or viewed will influence perceptions and reactions. In addition, it opposes the overreliance on male undergraduates as participants in 'porn' research. Theories of feminist psychology and reflexivity are used throughout the thesis, and provide a detailed contextual framework in a complex area. Results from a number of interlinking studies which use a variety of methodological approaches (focus groups, questionnaires and content analysis), indicate how contextual issues are omitted in much existing research on SEM. These include the views and experiences participants' hold prior to completing SEM studies; their opinions about those who 'use' 'pornography'; their understanding of key terms linked with SEM (eg: pornography and erotica); and discussions of sexual magazines aimed at male and female audiences. Participants' reactions to images and texts associated with SEM presented in different contexts are discussed. Three main conclusions are drawn from this thesis. Firstly, images deemed 'pornographic' differ through historical and cultural periods' and political, economic and social climates, so 'experimental' approaches may not always be the most appropriate research tool. Secondly, there is not one definition, source, or factor which may be named 'pornography'; and thirdly the context and presentation of materials influence how images are perceived and reacted to. The thesis argues a number of factors influence view of 'pornography', suggesting SEM may be 'in the eye of the beholder'.


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Some researchers argue that the top team, rather than the CEO, is a better predictor of an organisation’s fate (Finkelstein & Hambrick, 1996; Knight et al., 1999). However, others suggest that the importance of the top management team (TMT) composition literature is exaggerated (West & Schwenk, 1996). This has stimulated a need for further research on TMTs. While the importance of TMT is well documented in the innovation literature, the organisational environment also plays a key role in determining organisational outcomes. Therefore, the inclusion of both TMT characteristics and organisational variables (climate and organisational learning) in this study provides a more holistic picture of innovation. The research methodologies employed includes (i) interviews with TMT members in 35 Irish software companies (ii) a survey completed by managerial respondents and core workers in these companies (iii) in-depth interviews with TMT members from five companies. Data were gathered in two phases, time 1 (1998-2000) and time 2 (2003). The TMT played an important part in fostering innovation. However, it was a group process, rather than team demography, that was most strongly associated with innovation. Task reflexivity was an important predictor of innovation time 1, time 2). Only one measure of TMT diversity was associated with innovation - tenure diversity -in time 2 only. Organisational context played an important role in determining innovation. This was positively associated with innovation - but with one dimension of organisational learning only. The ability to share information (access to information) was not associated with innovation but the motivation to share information was (perceiving the sharing of information to be valuable). Innovative climate was also associated with innovation. This study suggests that this will lead to innovative outcomes if employees perceive the organisation to support risk, experimentation and other innovative behaviours.


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Based on a corpus of English, German, and Polish spoken academic discourse, this article analyzes the distribution and function of humor in academic research presentations. The corpus is the result of a European research cooperation project consisting of 300,000 tokens of spoken academic language, focusing on the genres research presentation, student presentation, and oral examination. The article investigates difference between the German and English research cultures as expressed in the genre of specialist research presentations, and the role of humor as a pragmatic device in their respective contexts. The data is analyzed according to the paradigms of corpus-assisted discourse studies (CADS). The findings show that humor is used in research presentations as an expression of discourse reflexivity. They also reveal a considerable difference in the quantitative distribution of humor in research presentations depending on the educational, linguistic, and cultural background of the presenters, thus confirming the notion of different research cultures. Such research cultures nurture distinct attitudes to genres of academic language: whereas in one of the cultures identified researchers conform with the constraints and structures of the genre, those working in another attempt to subvert them, for example by the application of humor. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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This research addressed the question: "Which factors predict the effectiveness of healthcare teams?" It was addressed by assessing the psychometric properties of a new measure of team functioning with the use of data collected from 797 team members in 61 healthcare teams. This new measure is the Aston Team Performance Inventory (ATPI) developed by West, Markiewicz and Dawson (2005) and based on the IPO model. The ATPI was pilot tested in order to examine the reliability of this measure in the Jordanian cultural context. A sample of five teams comprising 3-6 members each was randomly selected from the Jordan Red Crescent health centers in Amman. Factors that predict team effectiveness were explored in a Jordanian sample (comprising 1622 members in 277 teams with 255 leaders from healthcare teams in hospitals in Amman) using self-report and Leader Ratings measures adapted from work by West, Borrill et al (2000) to determine team effectiveness and innovation from the leaders' point of view. The results demonstrate the validity and reliability of the measures for use in healthcare settings. Team effort and skills and leader managing had the strongest association with team processes in terms of team objectives, reflexivity, participation, task focus, creativity and innovation. Team inputs in terms of task design, team effort and skills, and organizational support were associated with team effectiveness and innovation whereas team resources were associated only with team innovation. Team objectives had the strongest mediated and direct association with team effectiveness whereas task focus had the strongest mediated and direct association with team innovation. Finally, among leadership variables, leader managing had the strongest association with team effectiveness and innovation. The theoretical and practical implications of this thesis are that: team effectiveness and innovation are influenced by multiple factors that must all be taken into account. The key factors managers need to ensure are in place for effective teams are team effort and skills, organizational support and team objectives. To conclude, the application of these findings to healthcare teams in Jordan will help improve their team effectiveness, and thus the healthcare services that they provide.


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Purpose: The ubiquity and value of teams in healthcare are well acknowledged. However, in practice, healthcare teams vary dramatically in their structures and effectiveness in ways that can damage team processes and patient outcomes. The aim of this paper is to highlight these characteristics and to extrapolate several important aspects of teamwork that have a powerful impact on team effectiveness across healthcare contexts. Design/methodology/approach: The paper draws upon the literature from health services management and organisational behaviour to provide an overview of the current science of healthcare teams. Findings: Underpinned by the input-process-output framework of team effectiveness, team composition, team task, and organisational support are viewed as critical inputs that influence key team processes including team objectives, leadership and reflexivity, which in turn impact staff and patient outcomes. Team training interventions and care pathways can facilitate more effective interdisciplinary teamwork. Originality/value: The paper argues that the prevalence of the term "team" in healthcare makes the synthesis and advancement of the scientific understanding of healthcare teams a challenge. Future research therefore needs to better define the fundamental characteristics of teams in studies in order to ensure that findings based on real teams, rather than pseudo-like groups, are accumulated. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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Purpose of review: It has recently been argued that the future of intensive care medicine will rely on high quality management and teamwork. Therefore, this review takes an organizational psychology perspective to examine the most recent research on the relationship between teamwork, care processes, and patient outcomes in intensive care. Recent findings: Interdisciplinary communication within a team is crucial for the development of negotiated shared treatment goals and short-team patient outcomes. Interventions for maximizing team communication have received substantial interest in recent literature. Intensive care coordination is not a linear process, and intensive care teams often fail to discuss how to implement goals, trigger and align activities, or reflect on their performance. Despite a move toward interdisciplinary team working, clinical decision-making is still problematic and continues to be perceived as a top-down and authoritative process. The topic of team leadership in intensive care is underexplored and requires further research. Summary: Based on findings from the most recent research evidence in medicine and management, four principles are identified for improving the effectiveness of team working in intensive care: engender professional efficacy, create stable teams and leaders, develop trust and participative safety, and enable frequent team reflexivity.


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The way interviews are used in accounting research, and the way this research is written up, suggests that there is only one way to interpret these interviews. This invests the author(s) with great perceptive power and storytelling ability. What if different assumptions are used about how to interpret research, and how to present the ensuing findings? We give an illustration of what this might imply, using the notion of 'reflexivity'. The setting for our illustration concerns a series of interviews with management accountants on the dilemmas they face in their daily work. We apply Alvesson's ideas on how to use metaphors to open up the interpretation of interview accounts. The aim of the paper is to shed a different light on the way interviews can be used and interpreted in accounting research. We assert that allowing for reflexive accounts is likely to require substantially differently written research papers, in which the process of discovery is emphasized. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.


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If history matters for organization theory, then we need greater reflexivity regarding the epistemological problem of representing the past; otherwise, history might be seen as merely a repository of ready-made data. To facilitate this reflexivity, we set out three epistemological dualisms derived from historical theory to explain the relationship between history and organization theory: (1) in the dualism of explanation, historians are preoccupied with narrative construction, whereas organization theorists subordinate narrative to analysis; (2) in the dualism of evidence, historians use verifiable documentary sources, whereas organization theorists prefer constructed data; and (3) in the dualism of temporality, historians construct their own periodization, whereas organization theorists treat time as constant for chronology. These three dualisms underpin our explication of four alternative research strategies for organizational history: corporate history, consisting of a holistic, objectivist narrative of a corporate entity; analytically structured history, narrating theoretically conceptualized structures and events; serial history, using replicable techniques to analyze repeatable facts; and ethnographic history, reading documentary sources "against the grain." Ultimately, we argue that our epistemological dualisms will enable organization theorists to justify their theoretical stance in relation to a range of strategies in organizational history, including narratives constructed from documentary sources found in organizational archives. Copyright of the Academy of Management, all rights reserved.