997 resultados para rats, inbred strains


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Les traits quantitatifs complexes sont des caractéristiques mesurables d’organismes vivants qui résultent de l’interaction entre plusieurs gènes et facteurs environnementaux. Les locus génétiques liés à un caractère complexe sont appelés «locus de traits quantitatifs » (QTL). Récemment, en considérant les niveaux d’expression tissulaire de milliers de gènes comme des traits quantitatifs, il est devenu possible de détecter des «QTLs d’expression» (eQTL). Alors que ces derniers ont été considérés comme des phénotypes intermédiaires permettant de mieux comprendre l’architecture biologique des traits complexes, la majorité des études visent encore à identifier une mutation causale dans un seul gène. Cette approche ne peut remporter du succès que dans les situations où le gène incriminé a un effet majeur sur le trait complexe, et ne permet donc pas d’élucider les situations où les traits complexes résultent d’interactions entre divers gènes. Cette thèse propose une approche plus globale pour : 1) tenir compte des multiples interactions possibles entre gènes pour la détection de eQTLs et 2) considérer comment des polymorphismes affectant l’expression de plusieurs gènes au sein de groupes de co-expression pourraient contribuer à des caractères quantitatifs complexes. Nos contributions sont les suivantes : Nous avons développé un outil informatique utilisant des méthodes d’analyse multivariées pour détecter des eQTLs et avons montré que cet outil augmente la sensibilité de détection d’une classe particulière de eQTLs. Sur la base d’analyses de données d’expression de gènes dans des tissus de souris recombinantes consanguines, nous avons montré que certains polymorphismes peuvent affecter l’expression de plusieurs gènes au sein de domaines géniques de co-expression. En combinant des études de détection de eQTLs avec des techniques d’analyse de réseaux de co-expression de gènes dans des souches de souris recombinantes consanguines, nous avons montré qu’un locus génétique pouvait être lié à la fois à l’expression de plusieurs gènes au niveau d’un domaine génique de co-expression et à un trait complexe particulier (c.-à-d. la masse du ventricule cardiaque gauche). Au total, nos études nous ont permis de détecter plusieurs mécanismes par lesquels des polymorphismes génétiques peuvent être liés à l’expression de plusieurs gènes, ces derniers pouvant eux-mêmes être liés à des traits quantitatifs complexes.


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Problématique: L’hypertension artérielle essentielle, facteur de risque majeur dans le développement des maladies cardiovasculaires, est un trait multigénique complexe dont les connaissances sur le déterminisme génétique nécessitent d’être approfondies. De nombreux loci à trait quantitatif (QTLs); soit des gènes responsables de faire varier la pression artérielle (PA), ont été identifiés chez l’humain et le modèle animal. Cependant, le mystère plane encore sur la façon dont ces gènes fonctionnent ensemble pour réguler la PA. Hypothèse et objectif: Plutôt qu’une addition de QTLs ayant chacun une action infinitésimale sur la PA, une interaction épistatique entre les gènes serait responsable du phénotype hypertendu. Ainsi, l’étude de cette épistasie entre les gènes impliqués, directement ou indirectement, dans l’homéostasie de la PA nous permettrait d’explorer de nouvelles voies de régulation moléculaire en cause dans cette maladie. Méthodes: Via la réalisation de souches congéniques de rats, où un segment chromosomique provenant d’une souche receveuse hypertendue (Dahl Salt Sensitive, SS/Jr) est remplacé par son homologue provenant d’une souche donneuse normotendue (Lewis, LEW), des QTLs peuvent être mis en évidence. Dans ce contexte, la combinaison de QTLs via la création de doubles ou multiples congéniques constitue la première démonstration fonctionnelle des interactions intergéniques. Résultats: Vingt-sept combinaisons au total nous ont menés à l’appréciation d’une modularisation des QTLs. Ces derniers ont été catégorisés selon deux principaux modules épistatiques (EMs) où les QTLs appartenant à un même EM sont épistatiques entre eux et participent à une même voie régulatrice. Les EMs/cascades agissent alors en parallèle pour réguler la PA. Grâce à l’existence de QTLs ayant des effets opposés sur la PA, nous avons pu établir l’ordre hiérarchique entre trois paires de QTLs. Cependant, lorsque cette suite régulatrice ne peut être déterminée, d’autres approches sont nécessaires. Nos travaux nous ont mené à l’identification d’un QTL situé sur le chromosome 16 du rat (C16QTL), appartenant au EM1 et qui révélerait une nouvelle voie de l’homéostasie de la PA. Le gène retinoblastoma-associated protein 140 (Rap140)/family with sequence similarity 208 member A (Fam208a), présentant une mutation non synonyme entre SS/Jr et LEW est le gène candidat le plus plausible pour représenter C16QTL. Celui-ci code pour un facteur de transcription et semblerait influencer l’expression de Solute carrier family 7 (cationic amino acid transporter, y+ system) member 12 (Slc7a12), spécifiquement et significativement sous exprimé dans les reins de la souche congénique portant C16QTL par rapport à la souche SS/Jr. Rap140/Fam208a agirait comme un inhibiteur de la transcription de Slc7a12 menant à une diminution de la pression chez Lewis. Conclusions: L’architecture complexe de la régulation de la PA se dévoile mettant en scène de nouveaux acteurs, pour la plupart inconnus pour leur implication dans la PA. L’étude de la nouvelle voie de signalisation Rap140/Fam208a - Slc7a12 nous permettra d’approfondir nos connaissances quant à l’homéostasie de la pression artérielle et de l’hypertension chez SS/Jr. À long terme, de nouveaux traitements anti-hypertenseurs, ciblant plus d’une voie de régulation à la fois, pourraient voir le jour.


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FUNDAMENTO: A hipertensão arterial é uma desordem caracterizada por alterações relevantes no tecido ósseo. O alendronato sódico tem indicação no tratamento de doenças ósseas, por causa de sua afinidade pela hidroxiapatita, inibindo as reabsorções ósseas. OBJETIVO: Analisar a ação local do alendronato sódico na reparação óssea de ratos espontaneamente hipertensos (SHR). MÉTODOS: Um defeito ósseo foi criado no fêmur esquerdo de 80 ratos. de acordo com o material utilizado no local, criaram-se quatro grupos: controle (C), amido (Am), alendronato 1 mol (A1) e alendronato 2 mol (A2). Após 7 e 21 dias, os animais foram sacrificados. Foram realizadas análises histológicas e histomorfométricas e os dados foram submetidos a análise de variância (ANOVA) e teste de Tukey (5%). RESULTADOS: Aos 7 dias, observou-se, na área do defeito, tecido conjuntivo com hemorragia e inflamação em todos os grupos. Alguns apresentavam matriz osteóide. Os grupos A1 e A2 apresentaram, ainda, uma rede de fibrina. Aos 21 dias, as trabéculas ósseas fechavam praticamente a extensão do defeito nos grupos C e Am. No grupo A1 de animais machos, observaram-se trabéculas que se irradiavam do canal medular até a área do defeito. Nos grupos A1 e A2, constatou-se apenas a presença de tecido conjuntivo com mínima deposição de osteóide. Um achado histológico marcante foi a formação de tecido ósseo extracortical subperiosteal nos animais dos grupos A1 e A2. CONCLUSÃO: Concluiu-se que a administração do alendronato sódico não contribuiu para o reparo ósseo nos ratos SHR, mas possivelmente tenha sido responsável pelas formações ósseas extracorticais observadas.


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Bentonite particles coated with polysaccharide antigen or crude soluble antigen of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis were injected intradermally or intravenously in mice. In control animals that were not pre-immunized with P. brasiliensis antigens, coated and uncoated bentonite caused minimal and nonspecific inflammation around the cutaneous injection site or around the bentonite thrombi in small lung vessels after intravenous injection. However, in mice previously immunized with P. brasiliensis antigens, the coated bentonite particles boosted the humoral and cellular immune responses to P. brasiliensis and evoked intense inflammatory reactions. Twelve days after intradermal injection, the inflammatory reaction around the bentonite was rich in neutrophils, macrophages, lymphocytes and plasma cells associated with young granulation tissue. In intravenously injected mice, the pulmonary inflammation was maximal at day 2, and was characterized by a florid neutrophilic and macrophagic cellular infiltration around bentonite thrombi; in some foci, there was incipient organization to mature granuloma. However, in both models, there was no formation of epithelioid granulomata, demonstrating that in paracoccidioidomycosis cellular immunity alone, without the presence of intact micro-organisms, may not be enough for the development of this type of granuloma.


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In this study we present the technical details, adaptations and modifications of the original procedure of pancreaticoduodenal transplantation in rats described by Lee et al. in 1972. We also present the results and technical failures observed in a follow-up of 12 years. From March, 1982 to December, 1994, we performed in the Laboratory of Surgical Technique and Experimental Surgery of Faculty of Medicine, Botucatu - UNESP, Brazil, 665 duodenopancreatectomies in donor rats and 592 surgeries for revascularization of the pancreatic graft in recipient animals. The observed percentage of technical failures in donor rats was 11% due to bleeding and/or vascular complications, irregular flushing of the graft with saline and respiratory insufficiency. In recipients of grafts, we observed a percentage of technical failures of 22,5% due to porto-caval thrombosis, vascular bleeding, pancreatitis and graft ischemia. In both surgeries, the successful results are directly related to the technical performance of the surgeon and the cares in the postoperative period.


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Purpose - To investigate the participation of contractile state and relaxation in cardiac muscle dysfunction during the transition from stable hypertrophy to cardiac decompensation in aging spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Methods - isolated left ventricular papillary muscle function was studied in SHR with heart failure (SHR-F), in age-matched SHR without evidence of heart failure (SHR-NF), and in nonhypertensive controls Wistar-Kyoto rats (WKY). Muscles were analised in isometric and isotonic contractions in Krebs-Henseleit solution with calcium concentration of 1.25mM at 28°C. Results - Papillary muscles from SHR-F and SHR-NF demonstrated decreased active tension development and shortening velocity relative to normotensive WKY (p<0.05). SHR-F and SHR-NF did not differ. Compared with SHR-NF and WKY, muscle passive stiffness was increased in the failing SHR (p<0.05 versus WKY and SHR-NF). This parameter did not differ between SHR-NF and WKY (p> 0.05). Conclusion - These data suggest that the progression from stable hypertrophy to heart failure is associated with changes in the passive stiffness and is not related to depression of myocardial contractile function.


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Objective: Understand the effect of chronic alcohol on the progression of periodontitis induced in Fischer-344 rats. Methods: For the study, 22 Fischer-344 rats, two months old were used, divided into groups: alcohol (n=8), ligature (n=7) and control (n=7). On the first day, the animals in the alcohol group were exposed to ingestion of a water solution containing 20% alcohol (size/size), up to day 90. After thirty days from the beginning of the experiment, the animals in the alcohol group and the ligature group were submitted to the placement of a silk thread around the right maxillary second molar. Nothing was performed on the left side, serving as control. All the groups were submitted to euthanasia 60 days after ligature placement. To assess the destruction of periodontitis, a radiographic exam was used to measure the destruction of bone height. Results: The results of the study showed that on the side in which periodontitis was induced, the group that ingested alcohol suffered an increase in destruction, with statistical differences when compared with the ligature and control groups and increased bone destruction in the ligature group when compared to control. Conclusion: Within the limitations of the study, it was concluded that chronic alcohol consumption by Fischer-344 rats led to greater progression of induced periodontitis.


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To examine the evolution of endurance-exercise behaviour, we have selectively bred four replicate lines of laboratory mice (Mus domesticus) for high voluntary wheel running ('high runner' or HR lines), while also maintaining four non-selected control (C) lines. By generation 16, HR mice ran ∼2.7-fold more than C mice, mainly by running faster (especially in females), a differential maintained through subsequent generations, suggesting an evolutionary limit of unknown origin. We hypothesized that HR mice would have higher glycogen levels before nightly running, show greater depletion of those depots during their more intense wheel running, and have increased glycogen synthase activity and GLUT-4 protein in skeletal muscle. We sampled females from generation 35 at three times (photophase 07:00 h-19:00 h) during days 5-6 of wheel access, as in the routine selection protocol: Group 1, day 5, 16:00 h-17:30 h, wheels blocked from 13:00 h; Group 2, day 6, 02:00 h-03:30 h (immediately after peak running); and Group 3, day 6, 07:00 h-08:30 h. An additional Group 4, sampled 16:00 h-17:30 h, never had wheels. HR individuals with the mini-muscle phenotype (50% reduced hindlimb muscle mass) were distinguished for statistical analyses comparing C, HR normal, and HR mini. HR mini ran more than HR normal, and at higher speeds, which might explain why they have been favored by the selective-breeding protocol. Plasma glucose was higher in Group 1 than in Group 4, indicating a training effect (phenotypic plasticity). Without wheels, no differences in gastrocnemius GLUT-4 were observed. After 5 days with wheels, all mice showed elevated GLUT-4, but HR normal and mini were 2.5-fold higher than C. At all times and irrespective of wheel access, HR mini showed approximately three-fold higher [glycogen] in gastrocnemius and altered glycogen synthase activity. HR mini also showed elevated glycogen in soleus when sampled during peak running. All mice showed some glycogen depletion during nightly wheel running, in muscles and/or liver, but the magnitude of this depletion was not large and hence does not seem to be limiting to the evolution of even-higher wheel running.


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In 1996 the Brazilian Institute for the Environment (IBAMA) officially adopted a variation of the multiorgan initiation-promotion DMBDD bioassay as a valid source of evidence of the carcinogenic potential of pesticides. The protocol adopted by IBAMA was a modification of the one originally proposed by researchers led by Nobuyuki Ito, from the Nagoya City University Medical School. Among the modifications established in the Brazilian protocol were the use of both sexes of the outbreed Wistar strain of rats and two positive control test chemicals. The adoption of the modified DMBDD protocol was instrumental during the last decade for qualifying technical people and to spread knowledge on chemical carcinogenesis in Brazil.


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Aims The macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is an intracellular inhibitor of the central nervous system actions of angiotensin II on blood pressure. Considering that angiotensin II actions at the nucleus of the solitary tract are important for the maintenance of hypertension in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs), we tested if increased MIF expression in the nucleus of the solitary tract of SHR alters the baseline high blood pressure in these rats.Methods and resultsEight-week-old SHRs or normotensive rats were microinjected with the vector AAV2-CBA-MIF into the nucleus of the solitary tract, resulting in MIF expression predominantly in neurons. Rats also underwent recordings of the mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) and heart rate (via telemetry devices implanted in the abdominal aorta), cardiac- and baroreflex function. Injections of AAV2-CBA-MIF into the nucleus of the solitary tract of SHRs produced significant decreases in the MAP, ranging from 10 to 20 mmHg, compared with age-matched SHRs that had received identical microinjections of the control vector AAV2-CBA-eGFP. This lowered MAP in SHRs was maintained through the end of the experiment at 31 days, and was associated with an improvement in baroreflex function to values observed in normotensive rats. In contrast to SHRs, similar increased MIF expression in the nucleus of the solitary tract of normotensive rats produced no changes in baseline MAP and baroreflex function.ConclusionThese results indicate that an increased expression of MIF within the nucleus of the solitary tract neurons of SHRs lowers blood pressure and restores baroreflex function. © 2012 Published on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology. All rights reserved.


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Few studies have focused on the impact of hypertension on the progression of periodontitis (PD). The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether hypertension affects PD by enhancing bone loss even after the stimulus for PD induction is removed. Ligature-induced PD was created on the first mandibular molars of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and normotensive rats (Wistar Kyoto-WKY). The animals were assigned to non-ligated controls (C) and PD groups: WKY-C, WKY-PD, SHR-C, and SHR-PD. After 10 days, five animals of each group were killed and the ligatures of the other animals were removed. On the 21st day (11 days without PD induced), the remaining animals were killed. The jaws were defleshed and the amount of bone loss was measured. After 10 days, the PD groups showed more bone loss than its controls (P < .05); SHR-PD = 0.72 ± 0.05 mm, SHR-C = 0.39 ± 0.04 mm, WKY-PD = 0.75 ± 0.04 mm, and WKY-C = 0.56 ± 0.04 mm. The cumulative bone loss on day 21 (0.94 ± 0.13 mm) was significantly worse than on day 10 only in SHR-PD group (P < .05). The final bone loss differences between PD and C groups accounted for 102% (SHR) and 26% (WKY) increase in comparison with the initial control levels. Hypertension is associated with progressive alveolar bone loss even when the stimulus for PD induction is removed and it may be speculated that host condition perpetuates alveolar bone loss. © 2013 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.


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Background: The current treatments for anxiety disorders and depression have multiple adverse effects in addition to a delayed onset of action, which has prompted efforts to find new substances with potential activity in these disorders. Citrus aurantium was chosen based on ethnopharmacological data because traditional medicine refers to the Citrus genus as useful in diminishing the symptoms of anxiety or insomnia, and C. aurantium has more recently been proposed as an adjuvant for antidepressants. In the present work, we investigated the biological activity underlying the anxiolytic and antidepressant effects of C. aurantium essential oil (EO), the putative mechanism of the anxiolytic-like effect, and the neurochemical changes in specific brain structures of mice after acute treatment. We also monitored the mice for possible signs of toxicity after a 14-day treatment.Methods: The anxiolytic-like activity of the EO was investigated in a light/dark box, and the antidepressant activity was investigated in a forced swim test. Flumazenil, a competitive antagonist of benzodiazepine binding, and the selective 5-HT1A receptor antagonist WAY100635 were used in the experimental procedures to determine the mechanism of action of the EO. To exclude false positive results due to motor impairment, the mice were submitted to the rotarod test.Results: The data suggest that the anxiolytic-like activity observed in the light/dark box procedure after acute (5 mg/kg) or 14-day repeated (1 mg/kg/day) dosing was mediated by the serotonergic system (5-HT1A receptors). Acute treatment with the EO showed no activity in the forced swim test, which is sensitive to antidepressants. A neurochemical evaluation showed no alterations in neurotransmitter levels in the cortex, the striatum, the pons, and the hypothalamus. Furthermore, no locomotor impairment or signs of toxicity or biochemical changes, except a reduction in cholesterol levels, were observed after treatment with the EO.Conclusion: This work contributes to a better understanding of the biological activity of C. aurantium EO by characterizing the mechanism of action underlying its anxiolytic-like activity. © 2013 Costa et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Horticultura) - FCA