977 resultados para pulp and paper mill wastewater


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kuvailla ja analysoida sellu- ja paperiteollisuudessa tehtyjä ympäristöinvestointeja. Aineisto rajattiin koskemaan vuosia 2002–2010 ja maantieteellisesti tarkastelun kohteena oli koko maailma. Tutkimuksen teoria muodostui ympäristöä ja liiketoimintaa yhdistelevästä kirjallisuudesta sekä aiemmista tutkimuksista, joista merkittävimmäksi nousi Porterin hypoteesi hyvän ympäristöasioiden hoidon positiivisista vaikutuksista yrityksen kilpailukykyyn. Empiirinen aineisto koottiin RISI – tietokannasta ja sitä kuvattiin kuvioiden ja taulukoiden avulla aineiston sisältöä eritellen. Tutkimuksessa selvisi, että maantieteellisesti Eurooppa hallitsee sellu- ja paperiteollisuuden ympäristöinvestointeja. Myös Aasian merkitys on näkyvä. Ajallisen tarkastelun osalta vuosi 2008 nousi esiin ympäristöinvestointien huippuvuotena, kun taas vuonna 2009 ympäristöhankkeiden määrä supistui huomattavasti edellisvuoteen nähden. Lähes puolet tutkimuksen kohteena olevista investoinneista kohdistui jätevesien käsittelyyn. Myös energian käyttöön liittyvien investointien merkitys on voimistunut.


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The aim of this report is to give a comprehensive overview of the opportunities integrated biorefining can offer to Finnish forest industry companies and to assess what changes it would require from these companies to implement biorefining into their business. Also the strengths and weaknesses of the Finnish forest industry companies connected to biorefining are examined through innovation management theory frames, industry comparisons, company examples and couple of case-examples. The conclusions of the report include the statement that the Finnish forest industry has a good starting point for biorefinering and many advantages compared to other countries and industries. Unfortunately the history of the industry is holding it back and the thinking patterns would have to be altered to a more innovative and co-operational direction.


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Metsäteollisuudessa on käynnissä rakennemuutos, joka tuo haasteita toimialan ympäristöasioiden hallintaan sekä ympäristölupia myöntävän ja valvovan viranomaisen toimintaan. Lähivuosina tulee myös runsaasti voimaan uutta lainsäädäntöä, joka vaikuttaa metsäteollisuuden ympäristöasioiden hallintaan. Tämän työn tarkoituksena oli arvioida Suomen kemiallisen metsäteollisuuden päästökehitystä vuoteen 2020 huomioiden metsäteollisuuden uusi tuotanto sekä lähivuosina voimaan tuleva ympäristölainsäädäntö, erityisesti päivitettävänä oleva massa- ja paperiteollisuuden BREF-asiakirja. Päästökehitystä arvioitiin viiden skenaarion avulla. Vesistöpäästöjen osalta tarkasteltiin COD- ja AOX-päästöjä sekä typpi- ja fosforipäästöjä, ja ilmapäästöjen osalta sellun tuotannon rikki- ja typpioksidi- sekä hiukkaspäästöjä. Massan- ja paperintuotannon oletettiin pysyvän muutaman prosentin nykyistä tasoa korkeammalla tasolla. Uuden tuotannon osalta kahdessa skenaariossa huomioitiin nestemäisten biopolttoaineiden tuotanto kolmella laitoksella, yhteensä 600 000 t/a. Päästölaskennassa käytettiin päivitettävänä olevan massa- ja paperiteollisuuden BREF-asiakirjan BAT-päätelmissä annettuja luonnoksia uusista päästötasoista. Skenaarioiden pohjalta havaittiin, että massa- ja paperiteollisuuden BAT-päätelmien mukaiset päästötasot eivät tuo merkittäviä muutoksia metsäteollisuuden vesistöpäästöihin vuoteen 2020 mennessä. Biojalosteiden tuotannon vaikutus vesistöpäästöihin todettiin myös hyvin vähäiseksi. Sen sijaan ilmaan johdettavat päästöt pienenevät huomattavasti: hiukkaspäästöt vähenivät 42–50 prosenttia uusien päästötasojen myötä. Biojalosteiden tuotannon vaikutus oli myös merkittävämpi kuin ilmapäästöihin kuin vesistöpäästöihin. Prosentuaalisesti eniten biojalostus lisäsi rikkidioksidipäästöjä.


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This thesis work describes the creation of a pipework data structure for design system integration. Work is completed in pulp and paper plant delivery company with global engineering network operations in mind. User case of process design to 3D pipework design is introduced with influence of subcontracting engineering offices. Company data element list is gathered by using key person interviews and results are processed into a pipework data element list. Inter-company co-operation is completed in standardization association and common standard for pipework data elements is found. As result inter-company created pipework data element list is introduced. Further list usage, development and relations to design software vendors are evaluated.


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Working capital is an investment which is tied up into the inventories and accounts receivable and which is released with accounts payable. Due to the current business landscape with tightened financial conditions and finance markets, organizations emphasize efficient working capital management. With efficient working capital management, a company can reduce the need of finance, free up cash, increase profitability, improve liquidity, increase the efficiency of operations, and decrease (financing) costs. From the perspective of an individual company, efficient working capital management means decreasing inventory levels by shortening the cycle time of inventories, decreasing accounts receivable by shortening the trade credit terms and effective collection procedures, and increasing the level of accounts payable by paying the suppliers later. From an inter-organizational perspective, however, working capital should not be sub-optimized by a single company but holistic view to working capital management through the supply chain should be adopted to create value and improve performance together. The purpose of this research is to take academic research as well as practical management towards inter-organizational working capital management. The thesis discusses the benefits as well as mechanisms of working capital management in the inter-organizational context and has two main objectives: (1) to examine the effect of inter-organizational working capital management on performance in the value chain context and (2) to develop models of working capital management for internal as well as inter-organizational value chains. The results of the archival research conducted in the value chain of the pulp and paper industry and the value chain of the automotive industry indicate that companies can increase relative profitability by managing working capital comprehensively by taking into account all three components, and holistically though the value chain. Companies in the value chain benefit from different strategies in working capital management depending on the position of the company in the value chain. This can be taken into account in inter-organizational working capital management. The effects of inter-organizational working capital management actions on the financing costs of working capital were studied via simulations. Simulations also show that the value chain and individual companies benefit from an inter-organizational view to working capital management. Inter-organizational working capital management actions include for example: shortening the cycle time of inventories, reducing product costs, shifting inventories, shortening payment terms, and considering the cost of capital. The thesis also provides solutions for the practical requirements for tools to control working capital. The design science part of the research introduces the adjusted cash conversion cycle (ACCC) model for internal value chains, as well as models for working capital management in the inter-organizational value chain context: the working capital management model (WCMM) and the financial cycle time model (FCTM) designed in corporation and product levels respectively. This research contributes to literature on working capital management and interorganizational accounting. The research gives a holistic, inter-organizational view to the management of working capital. It advances the knowledge in working capital management on operational level, increases knowledge in the recently risen theme of supply chainoriented, collaborative working capital management, combines management accounting research with supply chain management research, and contributes to the demand of practical inter-organizational accounting methods. In addition, the research has strong practical focus as new managerial methods are introduced.


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Hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) is a thermochemical process used in the production of charred matter similar in composition to coal. It involves the use of wet, carbohydrate feedstock, a relatively low temperature environment (180 °C-350 °C) and high autogenous pressure (up to 2,4 MPa) in a closed system. Various applications of the solid char product exist, opening the way for a range of biomass feedstock materials to be exploited that have so far proven to be troublesome due to high water content or other factors. Sludge materials are investigated as candidates for industrial-scale HTC treatment in fuel production. In general, HTC treatment of pulp and paper industry sludge (PPS) and anaerobically digested municipal sewage sludge (ADS) using existing technology is competitive with traditional treatment options, which range in price from EUR 30-80 per ton of wet sludge. PPS and ADS can be treated by HTC for less than EUR 13 and 33, respectively. Opportunities and challenges related to HTC exist, as this relatively new technology moves from laboratory and pilot-scale production to an industrial scale. Feedstock materials, end-products, process conditions and local markets ultimately determine the feasibility of a given HTC operation. However, there is potential for sludge materials to be converted to sustainable bio-coal fuel in a Finnish context.


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Interest towards working capital management increased among practitioners and researchers because the financial crisis of 2008 caused the deterioration of the general financial situation. The importance of managing working capital effectively increased dramatically during the financial crisis. On one hand, companies highlighted the importance of working capital management as part of short-term financial management to overcome funding difficulties. On the other hand, in academia, it has been highlighted the need to analyze working capital management from a wider perspective namely from the value chain perspective. Previously, academic articles mostly discussed working capital management from a company-centered perspective. The objective of this thesis was to put working capital management in a wider and more academic perspective and present case studies of the value chains of industries as instrumental in theoretical contributions and practical contributions as complementary to theoretical contributions and conclusions. The principal assumption of this thesis is that selffinancing of value chains can be established through effective working capital management. Thus, the thesis introduces the financial value chain analysis method which is employed in the empirical studies. The effectiveness of working capital management of the value chains is studied through the cycle time of working capital. The financial value chain analysis method employed in this study is designed for considering value chain level phenomena. This method provides a holistic picture of the value chain through financial figures. It extends the value chain analysis to the industry level. Working capital management is studied by the cash conversion cycle that measures the length (days) of time a company has funds tied up in working capital, starting from the payment of purchases to the supplier and ending when remittance of sales is received from the customers. The working capital management practices employed in the automotive, pulp and paper and information and communication technology industries have been studied in this research project. Additionally, the Finnish pharmaceutical industry is studied to obtain a deeper understanding of the working capital management of the value chain. The results indicate that the cycle time of working capital is constant in the value chain context over time. The cash conversion cycle of automotive, pulp and paper, and ICT industries are on average 70, 60 and 40 days, respectively. The difference is mainly a consequence of the different cycle time of inventories. The financial crisis of 2008 affected the working capital management of the industries similarly. Both the cycle time of accounts receivable and accounts payable increased between 2008 and 2009. The results suggest that the companies of the automotive, pulp and paper and ICT value chains were not able to self-finance. Results do not indicate the improvement of value chains position in regard to working capital management either. The findings suggest that companies operating in the Finnish pharmaceutical industry are interested in developing their own working capital management, but collaboration with the value chain partners is not considered interesting. Competition no longer occurs between individual companies, but between value chains. Therefore the financial value chain analysis method introduced in this thesis has the potential to support value chains in improving their competitiveness.


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli hahmottaa paperi- ja selluteollisuuden nykytilaa ja tulevaisuutta kirjallisuuden sekä empiirisen tutkimuksen avulla. Tutkimuksen avulla hahmotettiin erityisesti kestävän kehityksen ja CSR:n merkitystä paperi- ja selluteollisuudessa, paperi- ja selluteollisuuden tämänhetkistä tilannetta sekä kilpailuedun lähteitä ja liiketoiminnan mahdollisuuksia alalla tulevaisuudessa. Tutkimuksen tutkimusmenetelmä oli kvalitatiivinen ja tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin Delfoi-menetelmää. Tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan todeta, että kestävä kehitys on tärkeä aihe paperi- ja selluteollisuudessa ja sen voidaan olettaa tulevaisuudessa olevan alalla vieläkin merkityksellisempi. Ympäristöllisistä tekijöistä ja näkökulmista on metsäteollisuudessa puhuttu jo vuosikymmenten ajan ja alan kansainvälistyminen sekä alalla viime aikoina tapahtuneet muutokset ovat nostaneet kiinnostusta kestävää kehitystä kohtaan entisestään. Tutkimuksen mukaan paperi- ja selluteollisuuden nykytilanne on tällä hetkellä haastava ja kilpailu alalla on kovaa. Syitä alan haastavaan tilanteeseen ovat alalla viime aikoina tapahtuneet muutokset ja kilpailun kiristyminen. Tulevaisuuden kilpailuedun lähteinä alalla voidaan nähdä muun muassa kestävään kehitykseen liittyvät tekijät, uudet tuotteet sekä materiaalit, markkinarakojen hyödyntäminen sekä kannattavuuden parantaminen. Uusia liiketoiminnan mahdollisuuksia alalla tulevaisuudessa ovat erikoistuotteet, bioenergia, innovaatiot, sivutuotteiden käyttö, kierrätettävät materiaalit, pakkausmateriaalit sekä biotalous.


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This thesis is done as a part of the NEOCARBON project. The aim of NEOCARBON project is to study a fully renewable energy system utilizing Power-to-Gas or Power-to-Liquid technology for energy storage. Power-to-Gas consists of two main operations: Hydrogen production via electrolysis and methane production via methanation. Methanation requires carbon dioxide and hydrogen as a raw material. This thesis studies the potential carbon dioxide sources within Finland. The different sources are ranked using the cost and energy penalty of the carbon capture, carbon biogenity and compatibility with Power-to-Gas. It can be concluded that in Finland there exists enough CO2 point sources to provide national PtG system with sufficient amounts of carbon. Pulp and paper industry is single largest producer of biogenic CO2 in Finland. It is possible to obtain single unit capable of grid balancing operations and energy transformations via Power-to-Gas and Gas-to-Power by coupling biogas plants with biomethanation and CHP units.


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Työn tavoitteena oli tehdä elinkaariarviointi (LCA) prosessiteollisuuden sekoittimelle Helmix HF-80 ja analysoida LCA-tulokset, vaikutus ilmaston lämpenemisen potentiaalin (GWP) suhteen, sekä tutkia GWP-vaikutuksen pienentämisen mahdollisuuksia. Tutkittavan sekoittimen mahdolliset käyttökohteet ovat sellu- ja paperiteollisuus, raskaiden jätenesteiden käsittely, sekä muut teollisuusalueet, joissa käytetään tämän tyyppisiä laitteita. Työssä on muun muassa käsitelty sekoitusprosessit, sekoituslaitteiden tyypit, niiden rakenteiden ominaisuudet, käyttötarkoitus, toimintaperiaatteet, sekä sellu- ja paperi-teollisuudessa käytettävien sekoittimien yleiskatsaus. Työssä on myös kuvattu elinkaariarviointi (LCA) -menetelmä ja sen käyttötarkoitus. Tärkeimmistä tuloksista voi mainita sen, että sekoittimen (ilman säiliötä, sähkömoottoria ja vaihteistoa) kokoelinkaaren ilmastonlämpenemisen potentiaali (GWP) on noin 750 000 kg CO2-Equiv. Sekoittimen tuotanto- ja kierrätysaikana syntyy vain 1200 kg CO2-Equiv. ja suurin osa 748 000 kg CO2-Equiv. johtuu sähköenergian kulutuksesta käytön aikana. Käyttöajan vaikutusta voisi pienentää arvoksi 0 kg CO2-Equiv. käyttämällä pelkästään uusiutuvaa energiaa. Jos tuotantoaikana käytetty energia myös korvataan uusiutuvalla energialla, niin GWP-arvo koko elinkaaren aikana laskee arvoon 1006 kg CO2eqv., mikä on vain 0,13 % saaduista tuloksista. Suurin osa tästä arvosta liittyy sekoittimen materiaalin, tässä tapauksessa ruostumattoman teräksen tuotantoon.


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The strongest wish of the customer concerning chemical pulp features is consistent, uniform quality. Variation may be controlled and reduced by using statistical methods. However, studies addressing the application and benefits of statistical methods in forest product sector are scarce. Thus, the customer wish is the root cause of the motivation behind this dissertation. The research problem addressed by this dissertation is that companies in the chemical forest product sector require new knowledge for improving their utilization of statistical methods. To gain this new knowledge, the research problem is studied from five complementary viewpoints – challenges and success factors, organizational learning, problem solving, economic benefit, and statistical methods as management tools. The five research questions generated on the basis of these viewpoints are answered in four research papers, which are case studies based on empirical data collection. This research as a whole complements the literature dealing with the use of statistical methods in the forest products industry. Practical examples of the application of statistical process control, case-based reasoning, the cross-industry standard process for data mining, and performance measurement methods in the context of chemical forest products manufacturing are brought to the public knowledge of the scientific community. The benefit of the application of these methods is estimated or demonstrated. The purpose of this dissertation is to find pragmatic ideas for companies in the chemical forest product sector in order for them to improve their utilization of statistical methods. The main practical implications of this doctoral dissertation can be summarized in four points: 1. It is beneficial to reduce variation in chemical forest product manufacturing processes 2. Statistical tools can be used to reduce this variation 3. Problem-solving in chemical forest product manufacturing processes can be intensified through the use of statistical methods 4. There are certain success factors and challenges that need to be addressed when implementing statistical methods


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The Association of Major Power Consumers in Ontario (AMPCO) was founded as the Niagara Basic Power Users' Association in the early 1960s. It was a coalition of seven companies in the chemical, pulp and paper, and abrasives industries within the Niagara region. The Association was formed to address increasing electricity rates. In 1974, the name changed to the Association of Direct Customers of Ontario. This change reflected the expansion of the regional Association to a provincial one, which grew in response to Ontario Hydro’s proposed rate increases of over 30 per cent. In 1975, the Association adopted its current name. AMPCO continues to advocate for “electricity rates that are competitive, fair and efficient, and a reliable supply of electrical energy across Ontario.”


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Xylanases with hydrolytic activity on xylan, one of the hemicellulosic materials present in plant cell walls, have been identified long back and the applicability of this enzyme is constantly growing. All these applications especially the pulp and paper industries require novel enzymes. There has been lot of documentation on microbial xylanases, however, none meeting all the required characteristics. The characters being sought are: higher production, higher pH and temperature optima, good stabilities under these conditions and finally the low associated cellulase and protease production. The present study analyses various facets of xylanase biotechnology giving emphasis on bacterial xylanases. Fungal xylanases are having problems like low pH values for both enzyme activity and growth. Moreover, the associated production of cellulases at significant levels make fungal xylanases less suitable for application in paper and pulp industries.Bacillus SSP-34 selected from 200 isolates was clearly having xylan catabolizing nature distinct from earlier reports. The stabilities at higher temperatures and pH values along with the optimum conditions for pH and temperature is rendering Bacillus SSP-34 xylanase more suitable than many of the previous reports for application in pulp and paper industries.Bacillus SSP-34 is an alkalophilic thertmotolerant bacteria which under optimal cultural conditions as mentioned earlier, can produce 2.5 times more xylanase than the basal medium.The 0.5% xylan concentration in the medium was found to the best carbon source resulting in 366 IU/ml of xylanase activity. This induction was subjected to catabolite repression by glucose. Xylose was a good inducer for xylanase production. The combination of yeast extract and peptone selected from several nitrogen sources resulted in the highest enzyme production (379+-0.2 IU/ml) at the optimum final concentration of 0.5%. All the cultural and nutritional parameters were compiled and comparative study showed that the modified medium resulted in xylanase activity of 506 IU/ml, 5 folds higher than the basal medium.The novel combination of purification techniques like ultrafiltraton, ammonium sulphate fractionation, DEAE Sepharose anion exchange chromatography, CM Sephadex cation exchange chromatography and Gel permeation chromatography resulted in the purified xylanase having a specific activity of 1723 U/mg protein with 33.3% yield. The enzyme was having a molecular weight of 20-22 kDa. The Km of the purified xylanase was 6.5 mg of oat spelts xylan per ml and Vmax 1233 µ mol/min/mg protein.Bacillus SSP-34 xylanase resulted in the ISO brightness increase from 41.1% to 48.5%. The hydrolytic nature of the xylanase was in the endo-form.Thus the organism Bacillus SSP-34 was having interesting biotechnological and physiological aspects. The SSP-34 xylanase having desired characters seems to be suited for application in paper and pulp industries.


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El propósito es establecer los mecanismos que debe implementar la industria papelera bogotana para mantener su supremacía dentro del mercado colombiano en marco del ALCA y para alcanzarlo, se hace necesario un análisis de competitividad de la industria papelera bogotana,


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