364 resultados para proprietários


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Pets bring expressive benefits into the life of the elderly, so it becomes necessary to emphasize some of the concepts regarding responsible ownership consisting of a set of important attitudes that accounts for the well-being of all. In this context, non-governmental institutions represent an excellent mean of communication and information. Besides, the increase of the third aged people population indicates that a survey of parameters to this respect is necessary. Being thus, the objective of this work was to analyze the aged ones´ level of knowledge regarding their responsibility for their pet. A questionnaire was applied to 134 aged people, members of non-governmental organizations in the city of Araçatuba, SP, in order to find out how they took care of their pet animals. The pets aged from 2 to 336 months, being 43,3% mixed-breed animals. Out of that, 60,9% were male dogs and among cats, 65.2% were female cats. There was a 69.4% preference for dogs and a 17.9% preference for cats, only 10.5% of the elderly had preference for birds. From the descriptive statistics analysis it could be observed that 69.40% did not have any access to the street and that 50% did not have a veterinarian follow-up. Regarding vaccination it could be observed that 71.64% had received the rabies vaccine and 70.9% had received the combination vaccine. Also, 74.63% did not know the right moment to give medicines against animal worms. Another important fact was that 85.07% of the animals were not castrated and 84.91% were not under any preventive contraception method. In regard to food 50.75% of the animals were fed strictly with animal food, 12.69% with domestic food and 36.57% with both. Finally, 78.36% of the pets had never been ill. In this way, we can assure the importance of making responsible pet ownership measures well-known among third-aged people.


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This work aimed to assess the bacteriological quality of water used in the irrigation of vegetable gardens in the municipalities of Araraquara, Boa Esperança do Sul and Ibitinga, São Paulo, Brazil. A total of 80 samples of water used in the irrigation of 40 vegetable gardens were analyzed, two samples coming from each vegetable garden. They were collected at the same site in different months, which resulted in two sample collection groups. The most probable number (MPN/100mL) of total coliforms, thermotolerant coliforms and enterococci was identifi ed by means of the multiple tube technique. The analysis of the fi rst group samples showed quantities of thermotolerant coliforms above the amount allowed by current law for irrigation water (CONAMA Resolution n. 357) in nine cases. The owners of those vegetable gardens were then instructed in water disinfection procedures. After the analysis of the second group samples, it was noticed that only one sample did not meet the quality standards, and it was collected at a site where no disinfection procedure had been carried out. According to the results, 77.5% of the vegetable gardens were using water whose samples meet the quality standards. After the owners were instructed with regard to disinfection procedures, that number changed to 97.5%, which confi rms the importance of controlling and supervising irrigation water quality


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Historically the evolution of the occupation of ararense territory was due to the expansion of agricultural activities. Such activities were intensified with the transformations engendered by the Green Revolution, increasing the exploitation, the area occupied by agriculture and the deforestation and consequent environmental degradation. Therefore the current reality of rural areas in Araras/SP has shown that part of agricultural practices made it does not guarantee the effectiveness of environmental legislation and the sustainability of farms. Considering the recently implemented environmental policies, such as Law nº 12.651 / 2012, better known as New Forest Code and Decree nº 8.235 / 2014 establishing a period of one year to rural property registered with the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR), as tools targeting to reduce environmental degradation and contribute to building a sustainable rural development. This work aims to analyze the dynamics of the rural municipality of Araras on the environmental situation in some rural properties and actions to be taken by the owners to the full compliance of its properties before the environmental public policy


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The blue-fronted parrot (Amazona aestiva) belongs to the order Psittaciformes and family Pscittacidae. It is widely held as a pet because of its peculiar characteristics. The owners of such animals, however, frequently report behavioral problems. The absence of proper environmental stimuli generated by confinement and lack of social engagement can predispose these animals to characteristic behaviors related to stress, which can be manifested as a feather plucking syndrome. The present study reports the case of a blue-fronted Amazon parrot with a two-year history of feather plucking. The psychosomatic disease was halted once the animal created an emotional bond with a human being. This finding reinforces the social nature of this species and raises questions about the welfare of captive birds of this order.


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A contracepção cirúrgica é utilizada no controle populacional, por impedir definitivamente a reprodução e ser mais econômica em relação à eutanásia. As complicações ocorrem pela intervenção cirúrgica ou por efeitos sistêmicos da privação do estrógeno. Objetivou-se monitorar o período pós-operatório de cadelas e gatas castradas em projeto de extensão universitária, com o intuito de avaliar os benefícios e a incidência de efeitos adversos. Foram questionados por telefone os proprietários de 178 fêmeas castradas (135 caninas e 43 felinas), entre um e dois anos após a cirurgia. As questões envolviam o estado atual do animal, possível mortalidade, neste caso a causa da morte e quanto tempo após a cirurgia ocorreu, se ocorreram alterações físicas como ganho de peso, incontinência urinária e dermatite peri-vulvar e alterações comportamentais positivas, como docilidade e diminuição do comportamento de perambulação, ou negativas, como apatia, agressividade e agitação excessiva. Das 135 cadelas castradas, 12 (8,89%) apresentaram óbito, apenas um relacionado à cirurgia, 87 (64,44%) apresentaram ganho de peso após a cirurgia, uma (0,74%) apresentou incontinência urinária e quatro (2,96%) dermatite peri-vulvar. Alterações de comportamento positivas foram relatadas em 38 (28,15%) cadelas e negativas em seis (4,44%). Das 43 gatas castradas, seis (13,95%) apresentaram óbito, nenhum relacionado à cirurgia, 25 (58,14%) apresentaram ganho de peso, uma (2,32%) incontinência urinária e duas (4,65%) dermatite peri-vulvar . Alterações de comportamento positivas ocorreram em 20 fêmeas (46,51%) e alterações negativas em nenhuma fêmea (0%). Pode-se concluir que a contracepção cirúrgica apresenta boa relação custo-benefício no que diz respeito a alterações pós-operatórias de longo prazo.


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This study was to evaluate the profitability of land use for production of sugar cane in the São Paulo North Region, under risk conditions, from two views: the owner operator and the cash rental operator. The owner operators have higher levels of profitability comparing to cash rental owners, but with higher levels of risk. The land owners aversive to risk fits better to rent system, since the minimum return is greater than the profitability of owners operators. Moreover, if the producer is willing to production risk, the income may reach approximately 3 times that one obtained by the tenants.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This thesis presents a way to plan and deploy the strategy of a small retailing company with use of lean six sigma technics. In small companies there are mostly no future strategic planning based on the external market and customer needs. Aiming for effective strategies, it is necessary to deal with significant information and transparency of plans and targets. With lean six sigma method it can be achieved and this Thesis has the purpose of analysis of the method application in the creation of a strategy for a small company in the city of Franca, state of São Paulo. The outcomes are a financial and market analysis, a structured strategic planning, an employees function outline, the creation of plans, indicators and targets, and the employees and owners' opinion regarding the new way of working


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This thesis presents a way to plan and deploy the strategy of a small retailing company with use of lean six sigma technics. In small companies there are mostly no future strategic planning based on the external market and customer needs. Aiming for effective strategies, it is necessary to deal with significant information and transparency of plans and targets. With lean six sigma method it can be achieved and this Thesis has the purpose of analysis of the method application in the creation of a strategy for a small company in the city of Franca, state of São Paulo. The outcomes are a financial and market analysis, a structured strategic planning, an employees function outline, the creation of plans, indicators and targets, and the employees and owners' opinion regarding the new way of working


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)