914 resultados para post-industrial society
Huntingtin regulates post-Golgi trafficking of secreted proteins. Here, we studied the mechanism by which mutant huntingtin impairs this process. Colocalization studies and Western blot analysis of isolated Golgi membranes showed a reduction of huntingtin in the Golgi apparatus of cells expressing mutant huntingtin. These findings correlated with a decrease in the levels of optineurin and Rab8 in the Golgi apparatus that can be reverted by overexpression of full-length wild-type huntingtin. In addition, immunoprecipitation studies showed reduced interaction between mutant huntingtin and optineurin/Rab8. Cells expressing mutant huntingtin produced both an accumulation of clathrin adaptor complex 1 at the Golgi and an increase of clathrin-coated vesicles in the vicinity of Golgi cisternae as revealed by electron microscopy. Furthermore, inverse fluorescence recovery after photobleaching analysis for lysosomal-associated membrane protein-1 and mannose-6-phosphate receptor showed that the optineurin/Rab8-dependent post-Golgi trafficking to lysosomes was impaired in cells expressing mutant huntingtin or reducing huntingtin levels by small interfering RNA. Accordingly, these cells showed a lower content of cathepsin D in lysosomes, which led to an overall reduction of lysosomal activity. Together, our results indicate that mutant huntingtin perturbs post-Golgi trafficking to lysosomal compartments by delocalizing the optineurin/Rab8 complex, which, in turn, affects the lysosomal function.
Using a matched sample of 1091 inmates released between April 1,1999 and June 30, 2001, Prison Industries Enhancement Certification Program (PIECP) participants re-enter society more successfully than Traditional Industries (TI) or other than work (OTW) releasees in terms of employment. The primary findings of this research are that Iowa state prison inmates who worked in open-market jobs in PIECP were found to be significantly more successful in post-release employment. That is to say, they became tax-paying citizens quicker and remain in that status longer than TI and OTW releasees. Additionally, PIECP releasees were incarcerated post release at a slower rate than OTW releasees.
Objective: To compare effects of a non-renin-angiotensin system (RAS) blocker, using a CCB, or a RAS blocker, using an ARB regimen on the arterial stiffness reduction in postmenopausal hypertensive women. Methods: In this prospective study, a total of 125 hypertensive women (age: 61.4_6 yrs; 98% Caucasian; BW: 71.9_14 kg; BMI: 27.3_5 kg/m2; SBP/ DBP: 158_11/92_9 mmHg) were randomized between ARB (valsartan 320mg_HCTZ) and CCB (amlodipine 10mg _ HCTZ). The primary outcome was carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity (PWV) changes after 38 weeks of treatment. Results: There were no significant differences in baseline demographic data between the two groups. Both treatments effectively lowered BP at the end of the study with similar (p>0.05) reductions in the valsartan (_22.9/_10.9 mmHg) and amlodipine based (_25.2/_11.7 mmHg) treatment groups. Despite a lower (p<0.05 for DBP) central SBP/DBP in the CCB group (_19.2/_10.3 mmHg) compared to the valsartan group (_15.7/_7.6 mmHg) at week 38, a similar reduction in carotid-femoral PWV (_1.7 vs _1.9 m/sec; p>0.05) was observed between both groups. The numerically larger BP reduction observed in the CCB group was associated with a much higher incidence of peripheral edema (77% vs 14%) than the valsartan group. Conclusion: In summary, BP lowering in postmenopausal women led to a reduction in arterial stiffness assessed by PWV measurement. Both regimens reduced PWV at 38 weeks of treatment to a similar degree, despite differences in BP lowering suggesting that the effect of RAS blockade to influence PWV may partly be independent of BP.
Objective: To investigate the association between fear of falling appearing within one month after discharge from post-acute rehabilitation and functional status in elderly patients. Methods: Participants (N=180, mean age 81.37.1 years, 75.6% women) were patients consecutively admitted to rehabilitation over a 6-month period. Demographics, functional, cognitive and affective status were assessed upon admission; functional status was assessed at discharge; history of falls since discharge, functional and affective status were assessed by phone one month after discharge. Fear of falling was assessed using the question: "Are you afraid of falling?". Results: Among patients without fear of falling at discharge (N=95), 20.0% (N=19) reported new fear of falling one month after discharge. Living alone (adjOR=4.9, 95%CI 1.04-23.16, P=.045), functional status at discharge (adjOR=0.5, 95%CI 0.32-0.88, P=.014), and depressive symptoms (adjOR=5.4, 95%CI 1.20-24.32, P=.028) independently predicted fear of falling at one month. There was weak evidence that history of falls since discharge (adjOR=4.1, 95%CI 0.81-21.31, P=.088) was associated with new fear of falling. Developing fear of falling was also associated with reduced functional status at one month (mean basic ADL score: fearful 5.20.8; confident: 5.80.4,P<.001). This association remained after controlling for demographics, functional status at discharge, depressive symptoms, and history of falls since discharge (coef =-0.4, 95%CI -0.73 to -0.16, P=.003). Conclusion: Fear of falling appearing within one month after discharge from post-acute rehabilitation was associated with reduced functional status in elderly patients. Further studies should determine whether early interventions targeting specifically fear of falling in these patients would improve their functional status.
Further knowledge of the processes conditioning nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) is of great relevance to crop productivity. The aim of this paper was characterise C and N partitioning during grain filling and their implications for NUE. Cereals such as bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L. cv Califa sur), triticale (× Triticosecale Wittmack cv. Imperioso) and tritordeum (× Tritordeum Asch. & Graebn line HT 621) were grown under low (LN, 5 mm NH4NO3) and high (HN, 15 mm NH4NO3) N conditions. We conducted simultaneous double labelling (12CO2 and 15NH415NO3) in order to characterise C and N partitioning during grain filling. Although triticale plants showed the largest total and ear dry matter values in HN conditions, the large investment in shoot and root biomass negatively affected ear NUE. Tritordeum was the only genotype that increased NUE in both N treatments (NUEtotal), whereas in wheat, no significant effect was detected. N labelling revealed that N fertilisation during post-anthesis was more relevant for wheat and tritordeum grain filling than for triticale. The study also revealed that the investments of C and N in flag leaves and shoots, together with the"waste" of photoassimilates in respiration, conditioned the NUE of plants, and especially under LN. These results suggest that C and N use by these plants needs to be improved in order to increase ear C and N sinks, especially under LN. It is also remarkable that even though tritordeum shows the largest increase in NUE, the low yield of this cereal limits its agronomic value.
Background: Postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD) occurs frequently after cardiac surgery. Some data suggest that inflammation plays a key role in the development of POCD. N-3 fatty acids have been shown to have a beneficial effect on inflammation. We hypothesised that perioperative n-3 enriched nutrition therapy would reduce the incidence of POCD in this group of patients. Methods: Randomized, double blind placebo controlled trial in patients aged 65 or older undergoing elective cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass. 2x 250 mL placebo (Ensure Plus™, Abbott Nutrition) or n-3 enriched nutrition therapy (ProSure™ Abbott Nutrition) were administered for ten days starting 5 days prior to surgery. Cognition was assessed preoperatively and 7 days after surgery with the Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer's Disease - Neuropsychological Assessment Battery (CERAD-NAB) [1]. Results: 16 patients were included. Mean age was 72 } 5.3 for placebo and 75 } 4.8 for ProSure™ respectively. CRP and IL-6 did not differ significantly between groups preoperatively and on postoperative days 1, 3, and 7. Preoperative CERAD total scores were 86 } 10 and 81 } 9 (p = n.s.) for Placebo and ProSure™, respectively. Postoperative scores were 88 } 12, and 77 } 19 (p = n.s.) The change in score was not different between the two groups (Placebo: +3 } 5; ProSure: -5 } 11). Conclusion: In this very small sample no effect of preoperatively started n-3 enriched nutritional supplements on inflammation or cognitive functions were detected. However, there is a large likelihood of a type II error and more patients need to be included to assess possible beneficial effects of this intervention in elderly patients undergoing elective cardiac surgery. 1 Chandler MJ, et al. Neurology. 2005;65:102-6.
Manufactured nanoparticles are introduced into industrial processes, but they are suspected to cause similar negative health effects as ambient particles. The poor knowledge about the scale of this introduction did not allow global risk analysis so far. In 2006 a targeted telephone survey among Swiss companies (1) showed the usage of nanoparticles in a few selected companies but did not provide data to extrapolate on the totality of the Swiss workforce. To gain this kind of information a layered representative questionnaire survey among 1'626 Swiss companies was conducted in 2007. Data was collected about the number of potentially exposed persons in the companies and their protection strategy. The response rate was 58.3%. An expected number of 586 companies (95%−confidence interval 145 to 1'027) was shown by this study to use nanoparticles in Switzerland. Estimated 1'309 (1'073 to 1'545) workers do their job in the same room as a nanoparticle application. Personal protection was shown to be the predominant type of protection means. Companies starting productions with nanomaterials need to consider incorporating protection measures into the plans. This will not only benefit the workers' health, but will also likely increase the competitiveness of the companies. Technical and organisational protection means are not only more cost−effective on the long term, but are also easier to control. Guidelines may have to be designed specifically for different industrial applications, including fields outside nanotechnology, and adapted to all sizes of companies.
Objective: To investigate the relationship between falls efficacy at admission and functional status reported one month after discharge from post-acute rehabilitation in a cohort of elderly patients. Methods: Participants were elderly patients admitted to postacute rehabilitation in an academic geriatric facility. Data on demographics and affective status were collected upon admission; functional status and gait speed were measured at admission and at discharge; self-reported functional status and history of falls since discharge were collected one month after discharge (follow-up). Falls efficacy was measured using the Fall Efficacy Scale, that assesses confidence in performing 12 activities of daily living without falling (range 0 to 100, higher score indicating higher confidence). Patients were classified using the median FES score at baseline (95) as cut-off to divide the population into "confident" and "fearful" groups. Results: Participants' (N=180, mean age 81.3±7.1 years, 75.6% women) mean FES score was 92.3±8.7 at baseline (range 60-100). Basic ADL score averaged 3.5±1.6 at baseline, 4.7±1.3 at discharge, and 5.5±0.7 at follow-up (self-reported). Baseline FES score was positively correlated with basic ADL at follow-up (rho=0.35, p<.001). At follow-up, 58.7% of the patients were fully independent in basic ADL, this proportion being significantly higher in confident than fearful patients (70.7% vs 42.4%, p<.001). Compared to confident patients, those fearful had significantly lower odds (OR 0.3, 95%CI 0.2-0.6, p<.001) to report full independence at follow-up. This relationship remained (adjOR = 0.4, 95%CI 0.2-0.8, p=.01) after controlling for demographics, baseline gait speed, depressive symptoms, functional status at discharge, and history of falls since discharge. Conclusion: In this cohort of older rehab patients, poor falls efficacy at admission was associated with lower function reported one month after discharge even after controlling for initial mobility performance and functional status at discharge. Further studies should determine whether interventions aiming at falls efficacy improvement will also result in improved function in fearful subjects undergoing rehabilitation.
Background: Screening for osteoporosis is important in older patients admitted to post-acute rehabilitation. However, DXA measurement is sometimes difficult to perform because of difficulties in positioning the patient and artefacts (osteoarthritis, prosthesis). The objectives were to determine the prevalence of unknown clinical osteoporosis in rehab patients and to determine new strategies for identifying clinical osteoporosis in this population. Method: Over a 9-months period, patients consecutively admitted to post-acute rehabilitation were included in th stdy. Patients with osteoporosis diagnosis, and those with terminal illness or severe physical limitations were excluded. Patients underwent Bone Mineral Density (BMD) by DXA and Vertebral Fracture Assessment (VFA). Clinical osteoporosis was defined as BMD ≤-2.5 SD at any site (lumbar spine, femoral neck, total hip or distal radius), ≥1 vertebral fracture, ≥1 hip fracture, or another fragility fracture and BMD ≤-2 SD. Results: Overall, 102 (17.0%) of the 600 patients admitted to rehab refused to participate in the study or were unable to consent. Among the 498 remaining patients, 99 (19.9%) were excluded because of already known diagnosis of osteoporosis, 101 (20.3%) were excluded because of terminal illness, severe physical limitations, and 45 (9.0%) because of inability to perform DXA during the stay (death, hospital transfer). Overall, 253 patients were assessed with DXA and VFA (166 women, mean age 83±7 years, mean BMI 27±6 kg/m2, and 87 men, mean age 82±6 yrs, mean BMI 27±5 kg/m2). Of these, 70% had history of fall during the last 6 months and 9.1% had hip fracture history. Prevalence of osteoporotic vertebral fracture was 36% in women and 32% in men. Overall, 152 (60.1%) patients had clinical osteoporosis (women: 67%; men: 46%) according to above criteria. Hip fracture history and vertebral fracture assessment identified correctly 105 (69.1%) of these 152 patients. Conclusion: A high prevalence of osteoporosis was observed in this population of rehab patients. Osteoporosis status should be systematically assessed in these patients at high fall risk, at least with careful history of hip fracture and an assessment for vertebral fractures with spine X-ray.