484 resultados para polytechnic


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RESUMEN Este trabajo nace con la necesidad de ofrecer un Sistema de Información Geográfico implantado en un entorno Web, para una comunidad de usuarios,que proporcione información sobre recursos, instalaciones y servicios que se ofrecen localizados espacialmente. Se trata de estudiar y seleccionar ciertos objetos de interés relevantes para una Comunidad universitaria, en concreto se ha utilizado el Campus Sur de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Estos objetos serán representados en su localización geográfica, sobre el mapa de los exteriores del Campus o sobre planos digitalizados de los interiores de algunos de los edificios que lo componen. La Escuela Universitaria de Informática es la utilizada para el prototipo presentado en este trabajo. Además los objetos de interés llevarán asociada información temática con distintos formatos. Este sistema podrá aplicarse en la planificación de futuras obras, tanto nuevas como de remodelación, de los elementos que constituyen el Campus como, edificios,caminos, aparcamientos, etc. SUMMARY: This work comes with the need to provide a Geographic Information System,implanted in a web environment, for a user community, which gives information on resources, facilities and services offered at a university spatially located. That consists in to study and select some objects of interest, relevant for a University community; in particular the South Campus of the Polytechnic University of Madrid where it has been used. These objects will be represented in their geographic location, over the outside map of the Campus or over digitized maps which represent the interiors of some Campus buildings. The Computer Science University School is used in the prototype shown in this paper. Also, the interest objects will have associated thematic information in different formats. This system may be applied in the planning of future works, both new and remodeling, of the elements that constitute the Campus such as buildings,roads, car parks, etc.


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Area, launched in 1999 with the Bologna Declaration, has bestowed such a magnitude and unprecedented agility to the transformation process undertaken by European universities. However, the change has been more profound and drastic with regards to the use of new technologies both inside and outside the classroom. This article focuses on the study and analysis of the technology’s history within the university education and its impact on teachers, students and teaching methods. All the elements that have been significant and innovative throughout the history inside the teaching process have been analyzed, from the use of blackboard and chalk during lectures, the use of slide projectors and transparent slides, to the use of electronic whiteboards and Internet nowadays. The study is complemented with two types of surveys that have been performed among teachers and students during the school years 1999 - 2011 in the School of Civil Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Madrid. The pros and cons of each of the techniques and methodologies used in the learning process over the last decades are described, unfolding how they have affected the teacher, who has evolved from writing on a whiteboard to project onto a screen, the student, who has evolved from taking handwritten notes to download information or search the Internet, and the educational process, that has evolved from the lecture to acollaborative learning and project-based learning. It is unknown how the process of learning will evolve in the future, but we do know the consequences that some of the multimedia technologies are having on teachers, students and the learning process. It is our goal as teachers to keep ourselves up to date, in order to offer the student adequate technical content, while providing proper motivation through the use of new technologies. The study provides a forecast in the evolution of multimedia within the classroom and the renewal of the education process, which in our view, will set the basis for future learning process within the context of this new interactive era.


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The multimedia development that has taken place within the university classrooms in recent years has caused a revolution at psychological level within the collectivity of students and teachers inside and outside the classrooms. The slide show applications have become a key supporting element for university professors, who, in many cases, rely blindly in the use of them for teaching. Additionally, ill-conceived slides, poorly structured and with a vast amount of multimedia content, can be the basis of a faulty communication between teacher and student, which is overwhelmed by the appearance and presentation, neglecting their content. The same applies to web pages. This paper focuses on the study and analysis of the impact caused in the process of teaching and learning by the slide show presentations and web pages, and its positive and negative influence on the student’s learning process, paying particular attention to the consequences on the level of attention within the classroom, and on the study outside the classroom. The study is performed by means of a qualitative analysis of student surveys conducted during the last 8 school Civil Engineering School at the Polytechnic University of Madrid. It presents some of the weaknesses of multimedia material, including the difficulties for students to study them, because of the many distractions they face and the need for incentives web pages offer, or the insignificant content and shallowness of the studies due to wrongly formulated presentations.


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The student exchange programs being carried out at universities for over 50 years, have led to changes in the institutions, which had to adapt to accommodate these students. Despite those changes, the integration of foreign students not coming from the aforementioned exchange programs that come to our country to study at the University has been neglected. These students face many barriers (language, cultural and origin customs mainly), so a clear and detailed information would be highly desirable in order to facilitate the necessary arrangements This study aims to show the deficiencies in the integration process and hosting programs faced by a foreign student at University. The study is performed by means of an analysis of statistical data from the Polytechnic University of Madrid and the Civil Engineering School over the last 12 school years (1999 - 2000 to 2010 - 2011), as well as surveys and interviews with some of these students. The study is enhanced with the analysis of the measures and integration methods of the various minorities, which had been implemented by the foremost public universities in Spain, as well as other public and private universities abroad. It illustrates the existing backlog at the Spanish universities with regards to supporting the integration of diversity among foreign students, providing data concerning the growth of such population and its impact at the university, and on the institutions in particular. In an increasingly globalized world, we must understand and facilitate the integration of minorities at University, supplying them, from the first day, and before the enrollment process, the essential elements that will allow their adequate adaptation to the educational process at University. It concludes by identifying the main subjects that need to be tackled to endorse such integration.


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Haití, es un país claramente prioritario como receptor de cooperación para el desarrollo. Tras el terremoto del 12 de enero de 2010, se ha desarrollado un Proyecto de Cooperación Interuniversitaria entre la Universidad del Estado de Haití y la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, financiado por la Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo.El proyecto consiste en la formación y capacitación de los técnicos Haitianos para reconstruir su país. Se está trabajando en la creación de una escala macrosísmica Haitiana, partiendo como base de la Escala Macrosísmica Europea 1998. En este sentido, se hace un análisis exhaustivo de toda la documentación técnica y científica existente hasta la fecha sobre tipos de edificios, clases de vulnerabilidad y grados de daños dependiendo del tipo de edificio. Como caso de estudio se aplica en la ciudad de Puerto Príncipe.En primer lugar se ha clasificado el parque inmobiliario de Puerto Príncipe en diferentes tipologías constructivas, tras un trabajo de campo y teniendo en cuenta las guías de auto-construcción y reparación de edificios publicadas por el Ministerio de Obras Públicas, Transporte y Comunicaciones de Haití. (MTPTC).En el estudio de la vulnerabilidad, además del tipo de estructura de los edificios, se tiene en cuenta la habitabilidad básica que debe tener todo asentamiento humano, analizando no sólo el edificio, sino todo el entorno externo de espacios públicos, infraestructuras, dotaciones y servicios que, en conjunto,conforman el núcleo de cada población y permiten el funcionamiento eficiente del sistema de asentamientos del territorio habitado; pues, en última instancia, dicho territorio construido es el que mejor acota los riesgos ante la vulnerabilidad material y más garantiza la vida saludable de las personas. Los parámetros estudiados son: urbanísticos (anchos de vías, dimensiones de manzanas, trazado, infraestructuras,...), geológicos (estudios del efecto local e identificación de las fallas activas respecto a la edificación) y topográficos (implantación del edificio en zonas llanas, en laderas...). En último lugar, con todos estos datos y los daños registrados en el terremoto de enero de 2010, se hace una escala de intensidades macrosísmica y un plano de ordenación de la vulnerabilidad en Puerto Príncipe, que sirva de base a las autoridades haitianas para la planificación urbanística y la reconstrucción, mitigando de esta manera el riesgo símico. SUMMARY Haiti is a clear priority country as a recipient of development cooperation. After the earthquake of January 12, 2010, an Inter-University Cooperation Project has been developed between the State University of Haiti and the Polytechnic University of Madrid, funded by the Spanish Agency for International Development.The project consists of training and qualifying Haitian technicians to rebuild their country. We are currently working on the creation of a Haitian Macroseismic Scale,based on the European Macroseismic Scale 1998.For the accomplishment of this goal, a comprehensive (deep) analysis is being held, going through all the scientific and technical documentation to date, related to building types, kinds of vulnerability and degrees/ levels of damage depending on the type of building. As a case study, this has been applied to the city of Port-au-Prince.First of all, we have classified the housing typology of Port-au-Prince in different construction types, after carrying on field work in this area and keeping in mind the guidelines for self-construction and repairment of buildings published by the Ministry of Work, Transport and Communications of Haiti. (MTPTC).Regarding the study of vulnerability, besides the type of structure of the buildings, we take into account the basic habitability every human settlement should have, analyzing not only the building, but all the external environment of public spaces,infrastructures, amenities and services, which, as a whole, shape the core of each population and allow the efficient functioning of the settlement system on the inhabited territory. It is this territory,ultimately, the one that better narrows the risks when facing material vulnerability and that better ensures a healthy life for people. The studied parameters are: urban (lane width, block dimensions, layout, infrastructure...), geological (studies focusing on local effects and identification of the active faults in relation to the building) and topographical (implementation of the building on flat areas, slopes...)Finally, with all this data (information) and the registered damages related to the earthquake occurred in 2010, we create a Macroseismic Intensity Scale and a Management Plan of the vulnerability in Port-au-Prince. They will serve as a guideline for Haitians authorities in the urban planning and reconstruction, thus reducing seismic risk.


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In many university courses such as Building Engineering or Technical Architectural, the high density of the contents included in the curriculum, make the student, after graduation, unable to develop the skills already acquired and evaluated in the disciplines of the first courses. From the Group of Educational Innovation at the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM) "Teaching of Structural Concrete" (GIEHE) we have conducted a study in which are valued specific skills acquired by students after the first courses of career. We have worked with students from UPM fourth-year career and with Technical Architecture students who have completed their studies and also have completed the Adaptation Course of Technical Architecture to the Building Engineer. The work is part of the Educational Innovation Project funded by the UPM "Integration of training and assessment of generic and specific skills in structural concrete" We have evaluated specific skills learned in the areas of durability and control of structural concrete structures. The results show that overall, students are not able to fully develop the skills already acquired earlier, even being these essential to their professional development. Possibly, the large amount of content taught in these degrees together with a teaching and assessment of "flat profile", ie, which are presented and evaluated with the same intensity as the fundamental and the accessory, are causes enough to cause these results.


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El presente proyecto engloba el estudio del potencial fotovoltaico del Campus Sur de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Este estudio se divide en tres partes. En primer lugar, se calcula la productividad del campus. En segundo lugar, se diseña la disposición de los generadores fotovoltaicos en los terrenos disponibles. Como paso final, se realiza un estudio económico de distintos supuestos. Para realizar los cálculos de productividad, se utiliza IESPRO, un programa desarrollado en Matlab©, junto con una aplicación complementaria desarrollada en el mismo lenguaje. Gracias a estos dos software es posible obtener una estimación muy realista de la energía anual generada. El aprovechamiento del terreno se estudia con la ayuda del software libre Sketchup©. Gracias a esta aplicación, es posible la reconstrucción del Campus Sur en 3D. Dicha reconstrucción incluye edificaciones y vegetación, facilitando la distribución de los generadores fotovoltaicos en todas las zonas, pudiendo evitar zonas con sombreado o no aptas para la instalación, y maximizando la utilización del terreno. El conjunto de los análisis anteriores permiten determinar el rendimiento energético del Campus Sur en sus distintas configuraciones, es decir, únicamente instalando generadores fotovoltaicos en las azoteas de los edificios, o la instalación en todo el terreno disponible, el cual incluye las azoteas y los descampados. Este rendimiento energético, comparado con el consumo anual de todo el campus, permite estimar el coste financiero de llevar a cabo la instalación y su rentabilidad, todo ello detallado en el estudio económico. El estudio económico se basa en dos supuestos, el primero de ellos, únicamente tiene en cuenta la instalación en las azoteas de los edificios. El segundo estudio, incluye los descampados y las azoteas. Con estos dos estudios se puede verificar la viabilidad del proyecto, facilitando datos concretos sobre las ventajas de cada uno de ellos. ABSTRACT. The aim of this work is to study the photovoltaic potential in the South Campus of the Polytechnic University of Madrid. The work has been divided into three parts. The first one is focused on the calculus of the solar harvesting productivity of the South Campus. The second part is centered in the development of the complete photovoltaic system layout design, taking into account the available placement. In the third part, an economic study considering several different scenarios is carried out. In order to calculate the solar productivity, the MATLAB based software tool IESPRO together with a complementary application developed in MATLAB as well, have been used. These programs allow to obtain an accurate estimation of the generated annual energy. The land use is studied with the help of free software SketchUp. With this application, it is possible to rebuild the South Campus in 3D. This reconstruction includes: buildings and vegetation, facilitating the distribution of photovoltaic generators in all areas, to avoid shaded or unsuitable areas for the installation, and maximizing land use. All the above analysis allow determining the energy efficiency of the South Campus for two different configurations, i.e., installing solar photovoltaic arrays only on the roofs of the buildings, or installing solar photovoltaic arrays throughout the land available, including vacant lots and rooftops. The facilities final cost and the cost effectiveness are estimated by comparing the energy efficiency with the South Campus total consumption. This study is based on two different scenarios: the first one considers the solar arrays installation in the buildings roofs, and the second one includes in the layout the vacant lots and rooftops. These studies allow verifying the feasibility of the project, and provide specific information related to the advantages and drawbacks of each scenario.


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This paper describes the objectives, contents learning methodology and results of an on-line course about History of Algorithms for engineering students of the Polytechnic University of Madrid. This course is conducted in a virtual environment based on Moodle, with an educational model centered at student which includes a detailed planning of learning activities. . Our experience indicates that this subject is is highly motivating for students and the virtual environment facilitates competencies development.


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Desde el año 2008 hasta finales de 2012 se han publicado dieciséis proyectos de fin de carrera realizados por alumnos de la Escuela Técnica de Ingenieros de Montes en tres de las escuelas del Sistema de Universidades Estatales de Oaxaca (SUNEO), México que se han analizado en este estudio. Los proyectos son muy diversos donde se profundizan temáticas muy distintas, pero todos tienen un fondo en común: la gestión del medio ambiente y el desarrollo de las comunidades indígenas oaxaqueñas. Sin embargo es necesario y siempre enriquecedor, saber qué ha pasado con posterioridad a la publicación de dichos proyectos, en qué han quedado los esfuerzos de los estudiantes hoy ingenieros y de ambas universidades implicadas, las del SUNEO por un lado como universidades receptoras que acogieron a los estudiantes que guiaron en el desarrollo de los proyectos, y por otro lado la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, que formó a los ahora ingenieros y que les apoyó económicamente para realizar estos trabajos. Esta evaluación es un reto dada la diversidad de los proyectos y las distintas fechas en que fueron realizados. Algunos de ellos son de publicación reciente y apenas han empezado a dar sus frutos, pero es posible prever qué consecuencias van a tener si estudiamos las acciones que se están tomando actualmente para sacar el máximo provecho de toda la información generada en beneficio de las comunidades. Algunos proyectos son directamente y potencialmente ejecutables, otros (la mayoría) son de investigación, pero ellos no significa que no puedan tener efectos positivos sobre el entorno. Las formas de evaluar el efecto de proyectos ejecutados están ya muy estandarizadas, pero sin embargo no es así para los de investigación. Este documento tiene también como objeto dar pautas para poder evaluar este tipo de proyectos así como documentar las buenas prácticas y los factores de fracaso para aumentar la probabilidad de que estos trabajos alcancen el mayor impacto positivo posible en el futuro. From 2008 to the present many projects have been published by students from ETSI Montes UPM which were developed in three of the University Schools in the State University System of Oaxaca (SUNEO), Mexico. Until the end of 2012, sixteen projects had been published and these have been analyzed and included in this study. The projects are very diverse, and they all explore different themes but they all have a common background: environmental management and development of Oaxacan indigenous communities. However it is necessary to know what happened after the publication of such projects, and to observe the impact of them. It has been a joint effort between the two universities, on the one hand the SUNEO Universities which have received, hosted and guided the development of projects, and on the other hand the Polytechnic University of Madrid, who trained the current engineers and financed them to undertake these jobs. This evaluation is a challenge due to the diversity of the projects and the different dates on which they were carried out; some of them were recently published and are just beginning to bear fruit, but it is possible to predict what kind of impact they will produce if we study the actions currently being undertaken in order to take full advantage of all the information generated for the benefit of communities. Some projects are directly and potentially executable, others (the majority) are research works, but this does not mean they cannot have an impact. The way to evaluate the impact of technical projects is already very standardized, but there is not one for the research ones yet. This document will also give guidelines to assess the impacts of such projects and will also document good practices and actions to avoid in order to increase the likelihood that these projects achieve the greatest positive impact.


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The increasing of quality fruit demanded by the consumers is originating an advance in the development and application of sensors capable of measuring parameters of quality (sugar, acids, firmness, etc) on a non destructive way. Some of these sensors are already operative for their use in laboratory and even in lines. The Physical Properties laboratory of the Polytechnic University of Madrid, is developing different sensors for their implementation in lines. One of them is a non destructive impact sensor to measure fruit firmness.


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The degradation observed on a 7-kWp Si-x photovoltaic array after 17 years of exposure on the roof of the Solar Energy Institute of the Polytechnic University of Madrid is presented. The mean peak power degradation has been 9% over this time, or an equivalent to 0.53% per year, whereas peak power standard deviation has remained constant. The main visual defects are backsheet delamination at the polyester/polyvinyl fluoride outer interface and cracks in the terminal boxes and at the joint between the frame and the laminate. Insulation resistance complies well with the requirements of the International Electrotechnical Commission 61215 tests.


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Automatic Control Teaching in the new degree syllabus has reduced both, its contents and its implementation course, with regard to traditional engineering careers. On the other hand, where the qualification is not considered as automatic control specialist, it is required an adapted methodology to provide the minimum contents that the student needs to assimilate, even in the case that students do not perceive these contents as the most important in their future career. In this paper we present the contents of a small automatic course taught Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Degrees at the School of Naval Engineering of the Polytechnic University of Madrid. We have included the contents covered using the proposed methodology which is based on practical work after lectures. Firstly, the students performed exercises by hand. Secondly, they solve the exercises using informatics support tools, and finally, they validate their previous results and their knowledge in the laboratory platforms.


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This article is intended to state that Technical Drawing is a multiple tool of expression and communication essential to develop inquiry processes, the scientifically basis and comprehension of drawings and technological designs that can be manufactured. We demonstrate graphically and analytically that spatial vision and graphic thinking allow us to identify graphically real life problems, develop proposals of solutions to be analysed from different points of view, plan and develop the project, provide information needed to make decisions on objects and technological processes. From the knowledge of Technical Drawing and CAD tools we have developed graphic analyses to improve and optimize our proposed modification of the geometry of the rectangular cells of conventional bricks by hexagonal cells, which is protected by a Spanish patent owned by the Polytechnic University of Madrid. This new internal geometry of the bricks will improve the efficiency and the acoustic damping of walls built with the ceramic bricks of horizontal hollow, maintaining the same size of the conventional bricks, without increasing costs either in the manufacture and the sale. A single brick will achieve the width equivalent to more than FOUR conventional bricks.


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Actualmente existen aplicaciones que permiten simular el comportamiento de bacterias en distintos hábitats y los procesos que ocurren en estos para facilitar su estudio y experimentación sin la necesidad de un laboratorio. Una de las aplicaciones de software libre para la simulación de poblaciones bacteriológicas mas usada es iDynoMiCS (individual-based Dynamics of Microbial Communities Simulator), un simulador basado en agentes que permite trabajar con varios modelos computacionales de bacterias en 2D y 3D. Este simulador permite una gran libertad al configurar una numerosa cantidad de variables con respecto al entorno, reacciones químicas y otros detalles importantes. Una característica importante es el poder simular de manera sencilla la conjugación de plásmidos entre bacterias. Los plásmidos son moléculas de ADN diferentes del cromosoma celular, generalmente circularles, que se replican, transcriben y conjugan independientemente del ADN cromosómico. Estas están presentes normalmente en bacterias procariotas, y en algunas ocasiones en eucariotas, sin embargo, en este tipo de células son llamados episomas. Dado el complejo comportamiento de los plásmidos y la gama de posibilidades que estos presentan como mecanismos externos al funcionamiento básico de la célula, en la mayoría de los casos confiriéndole distintas ventajas evolutivas, como por ejemplo: resistencia antibiótica, entre otros, resulta importante su estudio y subsecuente manipulación. Sin embargo, el marco operativo del iDynoMiCS, en cuanto a simulación de plásmidos se refiere, es demasiado sencillo y no permite realizar operaciones más complejas que el análisis de la propagación de un plásmido en la comunidad. El presente trabajo surge para resolver esta deficiencia de iDynomics. Aquí se analizarán, desarrollarán e implementarán las modificaciones necesarias para que iDynomics pueda simular satisfactoriamente y mas apegado a la realidad la conjugación de plásmidos y permita así mismo resolver distintas operaciones lógicas, como lo son los circuitos genéticos, basadas en plásmidos. También se analizarán los resultados obtenidos de acuerdo a distintos estudios relevantes y a la comparación de los resultados obtenidos con el código original de iDynomics. Adicionalmente se analizará un estudio comparando la eficiencia de detección de una sustancia mediante dos circuitos genéticos distintos. Asimismo el presente trabajo puede tener interés para el grupo LIA de la Facultad de Informática de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, el cual está participando en el proyecto europeo BACTOCOM que se centra en el estudio de la conjugación de plásmidos y circuitos genéticos. --ABSTRACT--Currently there are applications that simulate the behavior of bacteria in different habitats and the ongoing processes inside them to facilitate their study and experimentation without the need for an actual laboratory. One of the most used open source applications to simulate bacterial populations is iDynoMiCS (individual-based Dynamics of Microbial Communities Simulator), an agent-based simulator that allows working with several computer models of 2D and 3D bacteria in biofilms. This simulator allows great freedom by means of a large number of configurable variables regarding environment, chemical reactions and other important details of the simulation. Within these characteristics there exists a very basic framework to simulate plasmid conjugation. Plasmids are DNA molecules physically different from the cell’s chromosome, commonly found as small circular, double-stranded DNA molecules that are replicated, conjugated and transcribed independently of chromosomal DNA. These bacteria are normally present in prokaryotes and sometimes in eukaryotes, which in this case these cells are called episomes. Plasmids are external mechanisms to the cells basic operations, and as such, in the majority of the cases, confer to the host cell various evolutionary advantages, like antibiotic resistance for example. It is mperative to further study plasmids and the possibilities they present. However, the operational framework of the iDynoMiCS plasmid simulation is too simple, and does not allow more complex operations that the analysis of the spread of a plasmid in the community. This project was conceived to resolve this particular deficiency in iDynomics, moreover, in this paper is discussed, developed and implemented the necessary changes to iDynomics simulation software so it can satisfactorily and realistically simulate plasmid conjugation, and allow the possibility to solve various ogic operations, such as plasmid-based genetic circuits. Moreover the results obtained will be analyzed and compared with other relevant studies and with those obtained with the original iDynomics code. Conjointly, an additional study detailing the sensing of a substance with two different genetic circuits will be presented. This work may also be relevant to the LIA group of the Faculty of Informatics of the Polytechnic University of Madrid, which is participating in the European project BACTOCOM that focuses on the study of the of plasmid conjugation and genetic circuits.


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El presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado se enmarca dentro del sistema web de la asignaturade Procesadores de Lenguajes perteneciente al departamento de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos e Ingeniería de Software de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Informáticos de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Este Trabajo consta de varias líneas de desarrollo, que se engloban dentro de dicho marco y surgen de la necesidad de mejorar el sistema para hacer que éste sea accesible a todo tipo de usuarios, y a la vez se mantenga actualizado según las tecnologías más recientes. En primer lugar, el presente Trabajo se centra en estudiar la accesibilidad de la web de la asignatura de Procesadores de Lenguajes siguiendo las Pautas de Accesibilidad al Contenido en la Web (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, WCAG) en su segunda versión (2.0). Para ello, se ha llevado a cabo un informe detallado que recoge los resultados de este estudio sobre los criterios de aceptación de las WCAG, y posteriormente se han implementado los cambios necesarios para solucionar los criterios erróneos detectados. De esta manera se puede asegurar que la web es accesible para personas con distintos tipos de discapacidad. Así mismo, y siguiendo el criterio de conseguir una web más accesible, se ha adaptado el sistema a tecnologías más recientes. En el momento de empezar el Trabajo, el sistema web contaba con una serie de páginas estáticas (XHTML 1.1 + CSS 2.1) y una serie de páginas dinámicas (XHTML 1.1 + CSS 2.1 + PHP + MySQL). Estas páginas han sido actualizadas a sus versiones más recientes (HTML 5 y CSS 3). La web cuenta también con un sistema de creación de grupos de prácticas que facilita su gestión tanto a profesores como a alumnos, además de facilitar el alta de los estudiantes de la asignatura. El sistema posee además un módulo de administración para que el personal docente pueda gestionarlo. Sobre este sistema web implantado en la actualidad, se ha realizado una batería de pruebas para garantizar su correcto funcionamiento, y se han corregido todos los errores detectados durante dicho proceso. Al mismo tiempo, se han implementado nuevas funcionalidades que han ido surgiendo desde la creación del sistema hasta el momento presente. Por último, se ha desarrollado un sistema de avisos RSS que permite a los alumnos de la asignatura permanecer al corriente de los avisos y noticias publicados en el tablón de anuncios de la web. Este sistema de avisos RSS servirá también para otros sitios web del Centro que utilicen el tablón de avisos multipropósito y podrá ser visualizado tanto en inglés como en español. ---ABSTRACT---The present final year project is set within the framework of the subject “Procesadores de Lenguajes”, that belongs to the “Computer Languages and Systems and Software Engineering” department of the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Informáticos of the Polytechnic University of Madrid. This study is divided in several angles of development that are included inside the abovementioned framework. They all emerge from the necessity of upgrading the system in order to make it accessible to everybody and the same time bringing it up to date to the latest technologies. First of all, it is focused on the study of the accessibility of the web site of the subject Procesadores de Lenguajes, following the second version of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0). In order to do this, an in-depth report containing the results of the study on the acceptance criteria of the WCAG has been developed. Right afterwards, necessary changes were implemented to correct the erroneous criteria detected. Similarly, and following the criteria of achieving a more accessible web site, the system has been adapted to updated technologies. At the start point, the web system consisted in a series of static pages (XHTML 1.1 + CSS 2.1) and a series of dynamic ones (XHTML 1.1 + CSS 2.1 + PHP + MySQL). These pages have been updated to their latest versions (HTML 5 and CSS 3). The web site has a system for the creation of working groups that makes their management easier, both for the teachers and for the students, as well as the registration process. The teaching staff can also manage the system through the administration module. Over the current web system, sets of several tests have taken place in order to guarantee its correct functioning and all the errors that appeared have been corrected. Likewise, new functionalities have been implemented, and those have been arising since the creation of the system till the present time. Finally, an RSS alert system has been developed, allowing students to keep updated on the news and alerts published in the website noticeboard. This RSS alert system will be shared with other websites of the School using the multipurpose noticeboard, and will be available both in Spanish and English.