992 resultados para polymer optical flber (POF)


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A novel, colorimetric, temperature-activated humidity indicator is presented, with a colour change based on the semi-reversible aggregation of thiazine dyes (esp. methylene blue, MB) encapsulated within the polymer, hydroxypropyl cellulose (HPC). The initially purple MB/HPC film is activated by heat treatment at 370 °C for 4 s, at which point the film (with a colour associated with a highly aggregated form of MB; λmax = 530 nm) becomes blue (indicating the presence of monomeric and dimeric MB; i.e. with λmax = 665; 605 nm respectively). The blue, heat-treated MB/HPC films respond to an ambient environment with a relative humidity (RH) exceeding 70% at 21 °C within seconds, returning to their initial purple colour. This colour change is irreversible until the film is heat-treated once more. When exposed to a lower RH of up to ca. 47%, the film is stable in its blue form. In contrast, a MB/HPC film treated only at 220 °C for 15 s also turns a blue colour and responds in the same way to a RH value of ca. 70%, but it is unstable at moderate RH 37-50% values, so that it gradually returns to its purple form over a period of approximately 6 hours. The possible use of the high heat-treated MB/HPC humidity indicator in the packaging of goods that cannot tolerate high RH, such as dry foods and electronics, is discussed.


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In dieser Arbeit werden optische Filterarrays für hochqualitative spektroskopische Anwendungen im sichtbaren (VIS) Wellenlängenbereich untersucht. Die optischen Filter, bestehend aus Fabry-Pérot (FP)-Filtern für hochauflösende miniaturisierte optische Nanospektrometer, basieren auf zwei hochreflektierenden dielektrischen Spiegeln und einer zwischenliegenden Resonanzkavität aus Polymer. Jeder Filter erlaubt einem schmalbandigem spektralen Band (in dieser Arbeit Filterlinie genannt) ,abhängig von der Höhe der Resonanzkavität, zu passieren. Die Effizienz eines solchen optischen Filters hängt von der präzisen Herstellung der hochselektiven multispektralen Filterfelder von FP-Filtern mittels kostengünstigen und hochdurchsatz Methoden ab. Die Herstellung der multiplen Spektralfilter über den gesamten sichtbaren Bereich wird durch einen einzelnen Prägeschritt durch die 3D Nanoimprint-Technologie mit sehr hoher vertikaler Auflösung auf einem Substrat erreicht. Der Schlüssel für diese Prozessintegration ist die Herstellung von 3D Nanoimprint-Stempeln mit den gewünschten Feldern von Filterkavitäten. Die spektrale Sensitivität von diesen effizienten optischen Filtern hängt von der Genauigkeit der vertikalen variierenden Kavitäten ab, die durch eine großflächige ‚weiche„ Nanoimprint-Technologie, UV oberflächenkonforme Imprint Lithographie (UV-SCIL), ab. Die Hauptprobleme von UV-basierten SCIL-Prozessen, wie eine nichtuniforme Restschichtdicke und Schrumpfung des Polymers ergeben Grenzen in der potenziellen Anwendung dieser Technologie. Es ist sehr wichtig, dass die Restschichtdicke gering und uniform ist, damit die kritischen Dimensionen des funktionellen 3D Musters während des Plasmaätzens zur Entfernung der Restschichtdicke kontrolliert werden kann. Im Fall des Nanospektrometers variieren die Kavitäten zwischen den benachbarten FP-Filtern vertikal sodass sich das Volumen von jedem einzelnen Filter verändert , was zu einer Höhenänderung der Restschichtdicke unter jedem Filter führt. Das volumetrische Schrumpfen, das durch den Polymerisationsprozess hervorgerufen wird, beeinträchtigt die Größe und Dimension der gestempelten Polymerkavitäten. Das Verhalten des großflächigen UV-SCIL Prozesses wird durch die Verwendung von einem Design mit ausgeglichenen Volumen verbessert und die Prozessbedingungen werden optimiert. Das Stempeldesign mit ausgeglichen Volumen verteilt 64 vertikal variierenden Filterkavitäten in Einheiten von 4 Kavitäten, die ein gemeinsames Durchschnittsvolumen haben. Durch die Benutzung der ausgeglichenen Volumen werden einheitliche Restschichtdicken (110 nm) über alle Filterhöhen erhalten. Die quantitative Analyse der Polymerschrumpfung wird in iii lateraler und vertikaler Richtung der FP-Filter untersucht. Das Schrumpfen in vertikaler Richtung hat den größten Einfluss auf die spektrale Antwort der Filter und wird durch die Änderung der Belichtungszeit von 12% auf 4% reduziert. FP Filter die mittels des Volumengemittelten Stempels und des optimierten Imprintprozesses hergestellt wurden, zeigen eine hohe Qualität der spektralen Antwort mit linearer Abhängigkeit zwischen den Kavitätshöhen und der spektralen Position der zugehörigen Filterlinien.


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Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) have been studied as a prominent class of high performance electronic materials for next generation electronics. Their geometry dependent electronic structure, ballistic transport and low power dissipation due to quasi one dimensional transport, and their capability of carrying high current densities are some of the main reasons for the optimistic expectations on SWNTs. However, device applications of individual SWNTs have been hindered by uncontrolled variations in characteristics and lack of scalable methods to integrate SWNTs into electronic devices. One relatively new direction in SWNT electronics, which avoids these issues, is using arrays of SWNTs, where the ensemble average may provide uniformity from device to device, and this new breed of electronic material can be integrated into electronic devices in a scalable fashion. This dissertation describes (1) methods for characterization of SWNT arrays, (2) how the electrical transport in these two-dimensional arrays depend on length scales and spatial anisotropy, (3) the interaction of aligned SWNTs with the underlying substrate, and (4) methods for scalable integration of SWNT arrays into electronic devices. The electrical characterization of SWNT arrays have been realized by polymer electrolyte-gated SWNT thin film transistors (TFTs). Polymer electrolyte-gating addresses many technical difficulties inherent to electrical characterization by gating through oxide-dielectrics. Having shown polymer electrolyte-gating can be successfully applied on SWNT arrays, we have studied the length scaling dependence of electrical transport in SWNT arrays. Ultrathin films formed by sub-monolayer surface coverage of SWNT arrays are very interesting systems in terms of the physics of two-dimensional electronic transport. We have observed that they behave qualitatively different than the classical conducting films, which obey the Ohm’s law. The resistance of an ultrathin film of SWNT arrays is indeed non-linear with the length of the film, across which the transport occurs. More interestingly, a transition between conducting and insulating states is observed at a critical surface coverage, which is called percolation limit. The surface coverage of conducting SWNTs can be manipulated by turning on and off the semiconductors in the SWNT array, leading to the operation principle of SWNT TFTs. The percolation limit depends also on the length and the spatial orientation of SWNTs. We have also observed that the percolation limit increases abruptly for aligned arrays of SWNTs, which are grown on single crystal quartz substrates. In this dissertation, we also compare our experimental results with a two-dimensional stick network model, which gives a good qualitative picture of the electrical transport in SWNT arrays in terms of surface coverage, length scaling, and spatial orientation, and briefly discuss the validity of this model. However, the electronic properties of SWNT arrays are not only determined by geometrical arguments. The contact resistances at the nanotube-nanotube and nanotube-electrode (bulk metal) interfaces, and interactions with the local chemical groups and the underlying substrates are among other issues related to the electronic transport in SWNT arrays. Different aspects of these factors have been studied in detail by many groups. In fact, I have also included a brief discussion about electron injection onto semiconducting SWNTs by polymer dopants. On the other hand, we have compared the substrate-SWNT interactions for isotropic (in two dimensions) arrays of SWNTs grown on Si/SiO2 substrates and horizontally (on substrate) aligned arrays of SWNTs grown on single crystal quartz substrates. The anisotropic interactions associated with the quartz lattice between quartz and SWNTs that allow near perfect horizontal alignment on substrate along a particular crystallographic direction is examined by Raman spectroscopy, and shown to lead to uniaxial compressive strain in as-grown SWNTs on single crystal quartz. This is the first experimental demonstration of the hard-to-achieve uniaxial compression of SWNTs. Temperature dependence of Raman G-band spectra along the length of individual nanotubes reveals that the compressive strain is non-uniform and can be larger than 1% locally at room temperature. Effects of device fabrication steps on the non-uniform strain are also examined and implications on electrical performance are discussed. Based on our findings, there are discussions about device performances and designs included in this dissertation. The channel length dependences of device mobilities and on/off ratios are included for SWNT TFTs. Time response of polymer-electrolyte gated SWNT TFTs has been measured to be ~300 Hz, and a proof-of-concept logic inverter has been fabricated by using polymer electrolyte gated SWNT TFTs for macroelectronic applications. Finally, I dedicated a chapter on scalable device designs based on aligned arrays of SWNTs, including a design for SWNT memory devices.


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Interference lithography can create large-area, defect-free nanostructures with unique optical properties. In this thesis, interference lithography will be utilized to create photonic crystals for functional devices or coatings. For instance, typical lithographic processing techniques were used to create 1, 2 and 3 dimensional photonic crystals in SU8 photoresist. These structures were in-filled with birefringent liquid crystal to make active devices, and the orientation of the liquid crystal directors within the SU8 matrix was studied. Most of this thesis will be focused on utilizing polymerization induced phase separation as a single-step method for fabrication by interference lithography. For example, layered polymer/nanoparticle composites have been created through the one-step two-beam interference lithographic exposure of a dispersion of 25 and 50 nm silica particles within a photopolymerizable mixture at a wavelength of 532 nm. In the areas of constructive interference, the monomer begins to polymerize via a free-radical process and concurrently the nanoparticles move into the regions of destructive interference. The holographic exposure of the particles within the monomer resin offers a single-step method to anisotropically structure the nanoconstituents within a composite. A one-step holographic exposure was also used to fabricate self- healing coatings that use water from the environment to catalyze polymerization. Polymerization induced phase separation was used to sequester an isocyanate monomer within an acrylate matrix. Due to the periodic modulation of the index of refraction between the monomer and polymer, the coating can reflect a desired wavelength, allowing for tunable coloration. When the coating is scratched, polymerization of the liquid isocyanate is catalyzed by moisture in air; if the indices of the two polymers are matched, the coatings turn transparent after healing. Interference lithography offers a method of creating multifunctional self-healing coatings that readout when damage has occurred.


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The main task is to analyze the state of the art of grating couplers production and low-cost polymer substrates. Then to provide a recommendation of a new or adapted process for the production of metallic gratings on polymer sheets, based on a Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA). In order to achieve that, this thesis is divided into four chapters. After the first introductory chapter, the second section provides details about the state-of-the-art in optical technology platforms with focus on polymers and their main features for the aimed application, such as flexibility, low cost and roll to roll compatibility. It defines then the diffraction gratings and their specifications and closes with the explanation of adhesion mechanisms of inorganic materials on polymer substrates. The third chapter discusses processing of grating couplers. It introduces the basic fabrication methods and details a selection of current fabrication schemes found in literature with an assessment of their potential use for the desired application. The last chapter is a FMEA analysis of the retained fabrication process, called Flip and Fuse, in order to check its capability to realize the grating structure.


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Microfluidic technologies have great potential to help create automated, cost-effective, portable devices for rapid point of care (POC) diagnostics in diverse patient settings. Unfortunately commercialization is currently constrained by the materials, reagents, and instrumentation required and detection element performance. While most microfluidic studies utilize planar detection elements, this dissertation demonstrates the utility of porous volumetric detection elements to improve detection sensitivity and reduce assay times. Impedemetric immunoassays were performed utilizing silver enhanced gold nanoparticle immunoconjugates (AuIgGs) and porous polymer monolith or silica bead bed detection elements within a thermoplastic microchannel. For a direct assay with 10 µm spaced electrodes the detection limit was 0.13 fM AuIgG with a 3 log dynamic range. The same assay was performed with electrode spacing of 15, 40, and 100 µm with no significant difference between configurations. For a sandwich assay the detection limit was10 ng/mL with a 4 log dynamic range. While most impedemetric assays rely on expensive high resolution electrodes to enhance planar senor performance, this study demonstrates the employment of porous volumetric detection elements to achieve similar performance using lower resolution electrodes and shorter incubation times. Optical immunoassays were performed using porous volumetric capture elements perfused with refractive index matching solutions to limit light scattering and enhance signal. First, fluorescence signal enhancement was demonstrated with a porous polymer monolith within a silica capillary. Next, transmission enhancement of a direct assay was demonstrated by infusing aqueous sucrose solutions through silica bead beds with captured silver enhanced AuIgGs yielding a detection limit of 0.1 ng/mL and a 5 log dynamic range. Finally, ex situ functionalized porous silica monolith segments were integrated into thermoplastic channels for a reflectance based sandwich assay yielding a detection limit of 1 ng/mL and a 5 log dynamic range. The simple techniques for optical signal enhancement and ex situ element integration enable development of sensitive, multiplexed microfluidic sensors. Collectively the demonstrated experiments validate the use of porous volumetric detection elements to enhance impedemetric and optical microfluidic assays. The techniques rely on commercial reagents, materials compatible with manufacturing, and measurement instrumentation adaptable to POC diagnostics.


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Optical waveguides have shown promising results for use within printed circuit boards. These optical waveguides have higher bandwidth than traditional copper transmission systems and are immune to electromagnetic interference. Design parameters for these optical waveguides are needed to ensure an optimal link budget. Modeling and simulation methods are used to determine the optimal design parameters needed in designing the waveguides. As a result, optical structures necessary for incorporating optical waveguides into printed circuit boards are designed and optimized. Embedded siloxane polymer waveguides are investigated for their use in optical printed circuit boards. This material was chosen because it has low absorption, high temperature stability, and can be deposited using common processing techniques. Two sizes of waveguides are investigated, 50 $unit{mu m}$ multimode and 4 - 9 $unit{mu m}$ single mode waveguides. A beam propagation method is developed for simulating the multimode and single mode waveguide parameters. The attenuation of simulated multimode waveguides are able to match the attenuation of fabricated waveguides with a root mean square error of 0.192 dB. Using the same process as the multimode waveguides, parameters needed to ensure a low link loss are found for single mode waveguides including maximum size, minimum cladding thickness, minimum waveguide separation, and minimum bend radius. To couple light out-of-plane to a transmitter or receiver, a structure such as a vertical interconnect assembly (VIA) is required. For multimode waveguides the optimal placement of a total internal reflection mirror can be found without prior knowledge of the waveguide length. The optimal placement is found to be either 60 µm or 150 µm away from the end of the waveguide depending on which metric a designer wants to optimize the average output power, the output power variance, or the maximum possible power loss. For single mode waveguides a volume grating coupler is designed to couple light from a silicon waveguide to a polymer single mode waveguide. A focusing grating coupler is compared to a perpendicular grating coupler that is focused by a micro-molded lens. The focusing grating coupler had an optical loss of over -14 dB, while the grating coupler with a lens had an optical loss of -6.26 dB.


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This paper reports the first demonstration of a silica fibre Bragg grating (SOFBG) embedded in an FDM 3-D printed housing to yield a dual grating temperature-compensated strain sensor. We also report the first ever integration of polymer fibre Bragg grating (POFBG) within a 3-D printed sensing patch for strain or temperature sensing. The cyclic strain performance and temperature characteristics of both devices are examined and discussed. The strain sensitivities of the sensing patches were 0.40 and 0.95 pm/μϵ for SOFBG embedded in ABS, 0.38 pm/μμ for POFBG in PLA, and 0.15 pm/μμ for POFBG in ABS. The strain response was linear above a threshold and repeatable. The temperature sensitivity of the SOFBG sensing patch was found to be up to 169 pm/°C, which was up to 17 times higher than for an unembedded silica grating. Unstable temperature response POFBG embedded in PLA was reported, with temperature sensitivity values varying between 30 and 40 pm/°C.


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Ultrafast laser owns extreme small beam size and high pulse intensity which enable spatial localised modification either on the surface or in the bulk of materials. Therefore, ultrafast laser has been widely used to micromachine optical fibres to alter optical structures. In order to do the precise control of the micromachining process to achieve the desired structure and modification, investigations on laser parameters control should be carried out to make better understanding of the effects in the laser micromachining process. These responses are important to laser machining, most of which are usually unknown during the process. In this work, we report the real time monitored results of the reflection of PMMA based optical fibre Bragg gratings (POFBGs) during excimer ultraviolet laser micromachining process. Photochemical and thermal effects have been observed during the process. The UV radiation was absorbed by the PMMA material, which consequently induced the modifications in both spatial structure and material properties of the POFBG. The POFBG showed a significant wavelength blue shift during laser micromachining. Part of it attributed to UV absorption converted thermal energy whilst the other did not disappear after POFBG cooling off, which attributed to UV induced photodegradation in POF.


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Abstract: We present an optical sensing methodology to estimate the fatigue damage stateof structures made of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP), by measuring variations on the surface roughness. Variable amplitude loads (VAL), which represent realistic loads during aeronautical missions of fighter aircraft (FALSTAFF) have been applied to coupons until failure. Stiffness degradation and surface roughness variations have been measured during the life of the coupons obtaining a Pearson correlation of 0.75 between both variables. The data were compared with a previous study for Constant Amplitude Load (CAL) obtaining similar results. Conclusions suggest that the surface roughness measured in strategic zones is a useful technique for structural health monitoring of CFRP structures, and that it is independent of the type of load applied. Surface roughness can be measured in the field by optical techniques such as speckle, confocal perfilometers and interferometry, among others.


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To evaluate the use of optical and nonoptical aids during reading and writing activities in individuals with acquired low vision. This study was performed using descriptive and cross-sectional surveys. The data collection instrument was created with structured questions that were developed from an exploratory study and a previous test based on interviews, and it evaluated the following variables: personal characteristics, use of optical and nonoptical aids, and activities that required the use of optical and nonoptical aids. The study population included 30 subjects with acquired low vision and visual acuities of 20/200-20/400. Most subjects reported the use of some optical aids (60.0%). Of these 60.0%, the majority (83.3%) cited spectacles as the most widely used optical aid. The majority (63.3%) of subjects also reported the use of nonoptical aids, the most frequent ones being letter magnification (68.4%), followed by bringing the objects closer to the eyes (57.8%). Subjects often used more than one nonoptical aid. The majority of participants reported the use of optical and nonoptical aids during reading activities, highlighting the use of spectacles, magnifying glasses, and letter magnification; however, even after the use of these aids, we found that the subjects often needed to read the text more than once to understand it. During writing activities, all subjects reported the use of optical aids, while most stated that they did not use nonoptical aids for such activities.


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The goal of this cross-sectional observational study was to quantify the pattern-shift visual evoked potentials (VEP) and the thickness as well as the volume of retinal layers using optical coherence tomography (OCT) across a cohort of Parkinson's disease (PD) patients and age-matched controls. Forty-three PD patients and 38 controls were enrolled. All participants underwent a detailed neurological and ophthalmologic evaluation. Idiopathic PD cases were included. Cases with glaucoma or increased intra-ocular pressure were excluded. Patients were assessed by VEP and high-resolution Fourier-domain OCT, which quantified the inner and outer thicknesses of the retinal layers. VEP latencies and the thicknesses of the retinal layers were the main outcome measures. The mean age, with standard deviation (SD), of the PD patients and controls were 63.1 (7.5) and 62.4 (7.2) years, respectively. The patients were predominantly in the initial Hoehn-Yahr (HY) disease stages (34.8% in stage 1 or 1.5, and 55.8 % in stage 2). The VEP latencies and the thicknesses as well as the volumes of the retinal inner and outer layers of the groups were similar. A negative correlation between the retinal thickness and the age was noted in both groups. The thickness of the retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL) was 102.7 μm in PD patients vs. 104.2 μm in controls. The thicknesses of retinal layers, VEP, and RNFL of PD patients were similar to those of the controls. Despite the use of a representative cohort of PD patients and high-resolution OCT in this study, further studies are required to establish the validity of using OCT and VEP measurements as the anatomic and functional biomarkers for the evaluation of retinal and visual pathways in PD patients.


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Purpose. To investigate misalignments (MAs) on retinal nerve fiber layer thickness (RNFLT) measurements obtained with Cirrus(©) SD-OCT. Methods. This was a retrospective, observational, cross-sectional study. Twenty-seven healthy and 29 glaucomatous eyes of 56 individuals with one normal exam and another showing MA were included. MAs were defined as an improper alignment of vertical vessels in the en face image. MAs were classified in complete MA (CMA) and partial MA (PMA), according to their site: 1 (superior, outside the measurement ring (MR)), 2 (superior, within MR), 3 (inferior, within MR), and 4 (inferior, outside MR). We compared RNFLT measurements of aligned versus misaligned exams in all 4 sectors, in the superior area (sectors 1 + 2), inferior area (sectors 3 + 4), and within the measurement ring (sectors 2 + 3). Results. RNFLT measurements at 12 clock-hour of eyes with MAs in the superior area (sectors 1 + 2) were significantly lower than those obtained in the same eyes without MAs (P = 0.043). No significant difference was found in other areas (sectors 1 + 2 + 3 + 4, sectors 3 + 4, and sectors 2 + 3). Conclusion. SD-OCT scans with superior MAs may present lower superior RNFLT measurements compared to aligned exams.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact and fracture resistance of acrylic resins: a heat-polymerized resin, a high-impact resin and an experimental polymethyl methacrylate with elastomer in different proportions (10, 20, 40 and 60%). 120 specimens were fabricated and submitted to conventional heat-polymerization. For impact test, a Charpy-type impact tester was used. Fracture resistance was assessed with a 3-point bending test by using a mechanical testing machine. Ten specimens were used for each test. Fracture (MPa) and impact resistance values (J.m-1) were submitted to ANOVA - Bonferroni's test - 5% significance level. Materials with higher amount of elastomer had statistically significant differences regarding to impact resistance (p < 0.05). Fracture resistance was superior (p < 0.01) for high-resistance acrylic resin. The increase in elastomer concentration added to polymethyl methacrylate raised the impact resistance and decreased the fracture resistance. Processing the material by injection decreased its resistance to impact and fracture.