959 resultados para plant-growth


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We analyzed long-term submersed macrophyte presence-absence data collected from 15 stations in Kings Bay/Crystal River, Florida in relation to three major storm events. The percent occurrence of most species declined immediately after storm events but the recovery pattern after the storm differed among species. Hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata (L.F.) Royle)and Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum L.) exhibited differing recolonization behaviors. Eurasian watermilfoil recolonized quickly after storms but declined in abundance as hydrilla began to increase in abundance. Natural catastrophic events restructure submersed macrophyte communities by eliminating the dominate species, and allowing revegetation and restructuring of communities. Tidal surges may also act to maintain species diversity in the system. In addition, catastrophic events remove dense nuisance plant growth for several years, altering the public's perception of the nuisance plant problem of Kings Bay/Crystal River.


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We analyzed long-term submersed macrophyte presence-absence data collected from 15 stations in Kings Bay/Crystal River, Florida in relation to three major storm events. The percent occurrence of most species declined immediately after storm events but the recovery pattern after the storm differed among species. Hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata (L.F.) Royle)and Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum L.) exhibited differing recolonization behaviors. Eurasian watermilfoil recolonized quickly after storms but declined in abundance as hydrilla began to increase in abundance. Natural catastrophic events restructure submersed macrophyte communities by eliminating the dominate species, and allowing revegetation and restructuring of communities. Tidal surges may also act to maintain species diversity in the system. In addition, catastrophic events remove dense nuisance plant growth for several years, altering the public's perception of the nuisance plant problem of Kings Bay/Crystal River.


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The potential of mefluidide (N-(2,4-dimethyl-5[[trifluromethyl) sulfonyl] amino] phenol) acetamide) to act as a submersed aquatic plant growth regulator was evaluated using a laboratory bioassay system. Main stem elongation of hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata (L.f.) Royle) and Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum L.) was effectively reduced by mefluidide at low concentrations. The lowest effective concentration of mefluidide that reduced stem length in Eurasian watermilfoil (100 yg a.i./L) was 5 times lower than that for hydrilla (500 yg a.i./L). Short-term net photosynthetic rates of these plants were not affected by mefluidide at concentrations as high as 1000 yg a.i./L. The minimum exposure time required to maintain an inhibitory effect for at least 28 days at a concentration of 500 yg ai.i./L was 3 to 7 days for Eurasian watermilfoil and 7 to 14 days for hydrilla. The results suggest that mefluidide is a more effective growth regulator for Eurasian watermilfoil than hydrilla. Exogenously applied gibberellic acid (GA) did not completely overcome the inhibitory effect of mefluidide even when GA was added at a high concentration (10-5 M). In addition, the internodal lengths of stems treated with mefluidide were not reduced as they were when treated with gibberellin synthesis inhibitors. The reduction of main stem elongation by mefluidide appeared to be due to the inhibition of new cell and tissue development at the stem tip rather than from inhibition of GA biosynthesis.


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La contaminación del suelo es una de las principales amenazas para los ecosistemas y la salud humana. Actualmente, desde un punto de vista tanto económico como ambiental, la fitoestabilización es la mejor tecnología para remediar suelos contaminados con elevadas concentraciones de metales como son los suelos mineros. La fitoestabilización asistida consiste en el empleo de plantas y enmiendas orgánicas y/o inorgánicas con el fin de reducir la movilidad y la biodisponibilidad de los contaminantes y recuperar la salud de suelo. En este trabajo se han realizado ensayos en microcosmos y en campo centrándonos en la salud del suelo minero contaminado con Pb y Zn durante un proceso de fitoestabilización empleando enmiendas orgánicas (purines vacunos, gallinaza, estiércol de oveja y lodos de papelera mezclados con gallinaza) y/o la especie metalífera Festuca rubra con el objetivo de (i) estudiar las interacciones suelo-enmienda responsables de los cambios inducidos por el proceso de quimioestabilización en las propiedades físicoquímicas y biológicas del suelo, (ii) evaluar la efectividad del proceso de fitoestabilización sobre suelos vegetados y de la revegetación sobre suelos desnudos (iii) valorar la idoneidad de distintos indicadores químicos y biológicos (parámetros microbianos y de la vegetación) para monitorizar la efectividad de la fitoestabilización asistida en términos de reducción de la biodisponibilidad de metales en el suelo, mejora de la vegetación y de la recuperación de la salud del suelo. La aplicación de enmiendas al suelo minero supone una entrada de materia orgánica y nutrientes que conduce a una disminución de la biodisponibilidad de metales, facilitando la colonización de las plantas y el crecimiento de la vegetación nativa, además de estimular la actividad microbiana del suelo. El pH del suelo es un factor crítico que condiciona la movilidad de los metales y la toxicidad del suelo. Las poblaciones microbianas de las enmiendas no modificaron la diversidad funcional de las comunidades microbianas nativas de la mina. Los purines vacunos y los lodos de papelera mezclados con gallinaza son los tratamientos más efectivos en el proceso de fitoestabilización asistida bajo condiciones de campo. La gallinaza fue el tratamiento que más estimuló el crecimiento de la vegetación nativa y la colonización en los suelos desnudos. El bioensayo de elongación radical de lechuga es un test sensible, sencillo y barato para evaluar la biodisponibilidad de metal y la ecotoxicidad del suelo. Los tocoferoles son biomarcadores de exposición a metales con potencial para su implementación en bioensayos de toxicidad. Este trabajo permite concluir que la población metalífera de F. rubra, combinada con enmiendas orgánicas, es una excelente candidata para los proyectos de fitoestabilización asistida. Además, la monitorización simultánea de los parámetros fisicoquímicos y microbiológicos del suelo y de su ecotoxicidad permite una evaluación adecuada de la salud del suelo, así como la selección de enmiendas apropiadas para el desarrollo de un proceso fitoestabilizador.


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160 p. (Bibliogr. 141-160)


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O amendoim cultivado (Arachis hypogaea) possui várias substâncias com capacidade antioxidante que apresentam efeitos benéficos para a saúde humana. Entretanto, a produção dessas substâncias ainda não foi observada em outras espécies do gênero. O objetivo deste trabalho foi o estabelecimento de sistemas de cultura in vitro para Arachis villosulicarpa, visando o desenvolvimento de alternativas para a produção metabólitos especiais. Segmentos nodais, internodais e foliares foram excisados de plantas in vitro e inoculados em meio MS suplementado com BAP, ANA, PIC ou 2,4-D. Os explantes apresentaram respostas distintas de acordo com o regulador de crescimento utilizado. Na presença de PIC, foi observada a formação de calos friáveis levemente oxidados em todos os explantes. Por outro lado, quando cultivados na presença de BAP ou 2,4-D, os explantes apresentaram a formação de calos compactos, com formação de brotos em diferentes taxas. Na presença de ANA, segmentos nodais e internodais não apresentaram resposta, enquanto que segmentos foliares apresentaram a formação de raízes adventícias em todas as concentrações testadas. Neste trabalho foi realizado uma avaliação comparativa da produção de metabólitos especiais e da atividade biológica em extratos de calos oriundos de folíolos inoculados em BAP 8,8 M, plantas in vitro e plantas ex vitro . Nas análises por meio do HPTLC e do HPLC foi possível demonstrar a diferença na produção de algumas substâncias e indicar a presença de flavonóides e polifenóis nos materiais analisados. Além disso, a partir das atividades biológicas foi possível identificar tanto a atividade antioxidante quanto a não mutagênica dos extratos. Dessa forma, estudos visando à detecção de metabólitos especiais em A. villosulicarpa podem expandir o conhecimento sobre as possibilidades de utilização de espécies do gênero Arachis.


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The toxicity of the herbicide glyphosate was tested on water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) samples cultivated in glass aquariums. The lowest dose (0.09 g.m-2) leads to an increasing plant growth rate. This growth rate decreases with intermediate doses (0.18 and 0.36 g.m-2), the consequence of which is to increase stolons (vegetative reproduction). On the other hand, the dose of 0.72 g.m-2 leads to a total and irreversible destruction of plants.


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Phosphorus is an essential element for living organisms and exists in waterbodies as dissolved and particulate forms. Phosphorus is required for optimum growth, feed efficiency, bone development and maintenance of acid-base regulation in fish. The presence of high concentration of phosphates in water may indicate presence of pollution as it may accelerate plant growth and disrupt the aquatic ecosystem thereby benefiting certain species and altering species diversity in affected areas. Eutrophication of waterbodies is often correlated with the phosphorus loading into the environment and aquaculture has been identified as one of the sources of phosphorus pollution. Details of the impacts of eutrophication is given in Bernhardt (1981). Phosphorus must be provided in fish feed because of its low concentration in water. Studies made in Europe and Northern America have revealed a phosphorus surplus in most commercial feeds which is above actual requirements; or is supplied in a form which is unavailable to the fish. Surplus phosphorus is excreted, while unavailable phosphorus is passed out in the feces. Discharge of phosphorus from fish farms and hatchery effluents have caused phosphorus pollution in Nordic countries, North America and Europe. This article examines the path of phosphorus pollution, quantification/prediction of phosphorus load from aquaculture and remedial measures.


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Cadmium (Cd) is a toxic, biologically non-essential and highly mobile metal that has become an increasingly important environmental hazard to both wildlife and humans. In contrast to conventional remediation technologies, phytoremediation based on legume rhizobia symbiosis has emerged as an inexpensive decontamination alternative which also revitalize contaminated soils due to the role of legumes in nitrogen cycling. In recent years, there is a growing interest in understanding symbiotic legume rhizobia relationship and its interactions with Cd. The aim of the present review is to provide a comprehensive picture of the main effects of Cd in N-2-fixing leguminous plants and the benefits of exploiting this symbiosis together with plant growth promoting rhizobacteria to boost an efficient reclamation of Cd-contaminated soils.


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Plant growth at extremely high elevations is constrained by high daily thermal amplitude, strong solar radiation and water scarcity. These conditions are particularly harsh in the tropics, where the highest elevation treelines occur. In this environment, the maintenance of a positive carbon balance involves protecting the photosynthetic apparatus and taking advantage of any climatically favourable periods. To characterize photoprotective mechanisms at such high elevations, and particularly to address the question of whether these mechanisms are the same as those previously described in woody plants along extratropical treelines, we have studied photosynthetic responses in Polylepis tarapacana Philippi in the central Andes (18 degrees S) along an elevational gradient from 4300 to 4900 m. For comparative purposes, this gradient has been complemented with a lower elevation site (3700 m) where another Polylepis species (P. rugulosa Bitter) occurs. During the daily cycle, two periods of photosynthetic activity were observed: one during the morning when, despite low temperatures, assimilation was high; and the second starting at noon when the stomata closed because of a rise in the vapour pressure deficit and thermal dissipation is prevalent over photosynthesis. From dawn to noon there was a decrease in the content of antenna pigments (chlorophyll b and neoxanthin), together with an increase in the content of xanthophyll cycle carotenoids. These results could be caused by a reduction in the antenna size along with an increase in photoprotection. Additionally, photoprotection was enhanced by a partial overnight retention of de-epoxized xanthophylls. The unique combination of all of these mechanisms made possible the efficient use of the favourable conditions during the morning while still providing enough protection for the rest of the day. This strategy differs completely from that of extratropical mountain trees, which uncouple light-harvesting and energy-use during long periods of unfavourable, winter conditions.