290 resultados para perfuração
Cementing operations are conducted at different times of the well s life and they have high importance, because the functions are fundamental to keep good properties during a long life of the well, such as, maintain the mechanical stability of the well, to promote the isolation hydraulic and support the tubing. In some situations, the rocky zones have low fractures pressures and require the use of lightweight slurries to prevent the hydrostatic pressure in the formation is greater than the pressure of fracture. There are three ways to reduce the density of cement slurries: exterders water additives, microspheres and foamed slurries. The most used extender water additive is sodium bentonite, which is a clay with a good capacity of water absorption and expansion of its volume, the main disadvantage of this additive is the reduction of the strength. Currently, the use of nanoscale particles has received special attention, mainly because they get new functionalities. Following this trend, this paper aims to use a colloidal solution of nano-silica as an exterders water additives for use in oil wells. Slurries were designed with fixed 13lb/gal density and concentration of nano silica 0.1 gpc; 0.4 gpc; 0.7 and 1gpc, the influence of nano-silica was studied at these levels in isolation and combined varying concentrations of CaCl2,. Tests including rheology, stability, strength, thickening time, porosity and permeability. Besides the API tests, microstructural characterizations were performed after 28 days of the slurries, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
One of the great challenges at present time related with the materials area concerns of products and processes for use in petroleum industry, more precisely related to the Pre-salt area. Progresses were reached in the last years allowing the drilling of the salt layer, with the time reduction for drilling and larger success at the end. For the oil wells companies the preponderant factor is the technology, however, in spite of the progress, a series of challenges is still susceptible to solutions and one of them refers to the slurries preparation for cementing in those areas. Inside of this context, this study had for objective to analyze the influence of the salts NaCl, KCl, CaSO4 and MgSO4 in strength and chemical structure of the hydrated products. As methodology, they were prepared and analyzed cement slurries with varied concentrations of these salts that are commonly found in the saline formations. The salts concentrations used in formulations of the slurries were of 5%, 15% and 30%. The slurries were formulated with specific weight of 15,8 lb / gal and the cement used was Class G. Strength tests were accomplished in samples cured by 24 hours and 28 days. Also were realized crystallographic characterization (XRD) and morphologic (SEM). In agreement with the presented results, it is observed that the largest resistance values are attributed to the slurries with concentration of 15%. There was reduction of the strength values of the slurries formulated with concentration of 30%. Through the characterization microstructural it was possible to note the salts influence in the main cement hydrated products
Ao longo dos últimos anos, tem-se verificado grandes mudanças no mercado energético global, sendo os Estados Unidos da América um dos grandes protagonistas. A presente investigação tem como principal objetivo compreender e clarificar o conceito de independência energética/auto-suficiência energética e averiguar a possibilidade e o alcance deste propósito por parte dos Estados Unidos da América, desde a Revolução do Shale. Ao longo desta investigação haverá oportunidade de estudar as políticas energéticas assumidas durante aproximadamente os últimos 40 anos, obter informações sobre a segurança energética dos Estados Unidos, bem como formas de exploração energética americana, política para exportação de energia e impactos geopolíticos. Facilmente se observa ao longo deste trabalho que a auto-suficência não pode ser vista numa perspetiva de criação de condições para o isolacionismo americano mas sim numa perspetiva de instrumentalização e proteção dos seus aliados.
The oil wells cementing is a critical step during the phase of well drilling, because problems during the operation of slurry pumping and an incomplete filling of the annular space between the metal casing and the formation can cause the slurry loss. Therefore, the slurry adopted in primary cementing an oil well must be properly dosed so that these problems are avoided during its pumping. When you drill a well in a weak rock formation requires even more careful, because should be a limit of hydrostatic pressure exerted during cementation, that does not occur rock collapse. With the objective of performing the cementing of a well whose formation is weak or unconsolidated are employed lighter slurries. Thus, this study used slurries with sodium silicate and nano silica in concentrations of 0,1; 0,4; 0,7 e 1,0 gpc, in which the slurries with nano silica showed the rheological parameters higher concentrations of up to 0.7 gpc and for concentration of 1.0 the slurry with sodium silicate obtained the highest values, remaining above the limits for application in fields, mainly wells with low fracture gradient, because a significant increase in viscosity may result in an increase in pressure pumping in operations of secondary cementations. Furthermore, there was no decrease in strength with increasing concentration of additive. Then, it is possible use of these additives to formulate Lighter slurry
The materials engineering includes processes and products involving several areas of engineering, allowing them to prepare materials that fulfill the needs of various new products. In this case, this work aims to study a system composed of cement paste and geopolymers, which can contribute to solving an engineering problem that directly involves the exploitation of oil wells subject to loss of circulation. To correct it, has been already proposed the use of granular materials, fibers, reducing the drilling fluid or cement paste density and even surface and downhole mixed systems. In this work, we proposed the development of a slurry mixed system, the first was a cement-based slurry and the second a geopolymer-based slurry. The cement-based slurry was formulated with low density and extenders, 12.0 ppg (1.438 g/cm ³), showing great thixotropic characteristics. It was added nano silica at concentrations of 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 gps (66.88, 133.76 and 200.64 L/m3) and CaCl2 at concentrations of 0.5, 1, 0 and 1.5%. The second system is a geopolymer-based paste formulated from molar ratios of 3.5 (nSiO2/nAl2O3), 0.27 (nK2O/nSiO2), 1.07 (nK2O/nAl2O3) and 13.99 (nH2O/nK2O). Finally, we performed a mixture of these two systems, for their application for correction of circulation lost. To characterize the raw materials, XRD, XRF, FTIR analysis and titration were performed. The both systems were characterized in tests based on API RP10B. Compressive strength tests were conducted after curing for 24 hours, 7 and 28 days at 58 °C on the cement-based system and the geopolymer-based system. From the mixtures have been performed mixability tests and micro structural characterizations (XRD, SEM and TG). The results showed that the nano silica, when combined with CaCl2 modified the rheological properties of the cement slurry and from the concentration of 1.5 gpc (200.64 L / m³) it was possible to obtain stable systems. The system mixture caused a change in the microstructure of the material by favoring the rate of geopolymer formation to hinder the C3S phase hydration, thus, the production of CSH phases and Portlandite were harmed. Through the mixability tests it can be concluded that the system, due to reduced setting time of the mixture, can be applied to plug lost circulation zones when mixed downhole
The new oil reservoirs discoveries in onshore and ultra deep water offshore fields and complex trajectories require the optimization of procedures to reduce the stops operation during the well drilling, especially because the platforms and equipment high cost, and risks which are inherent to the operation. Among the most important aspects stands out the drilling fluids project and their behavior against different situations that may occur during the process. By means of sedimentation experiments, a correlation has been validated to determe the sedimentation particles velocity in variable viscosity fluids over time, applying the correction due to effective viscosity that is a shear rate and time function. The viscosity evolution over time was obtained by carrying out rheologic tests using a fixed shear rate, small enough to not interfere in the fluid gelling process. With the sedimentation particles velocity and the fluid viscosity over time equations an iterative procedure was proposed to determine the particles displacement over time. These equations were implemented in a case study to simulate the cuttings sedimentation generated in the oil well drilling during stops operation, especially in the connections and tripping, allowing the drilling fluid project in order to maintain the cuttings in suspension, avoiding risks, such as stuck pipe and in more drastic conditions, the loss of the well
Deep bed filtration occurs in several industrial and environmental processes like water filtration and soil contamination. In petroleum industry, deep bed filtration occurs near to injection wells during water injection, causing injectivity reduction. It also takes place during well drilling, sand production control, produced water disposal in aquifers, etc. The particle capture in porous media can be caused by different physical mechanisms (size exclusion, electrical forces, bridging, gravity, etc). A statistical model for filtration in porous media is proposed and analytical solutions for suspended and retained particles are derived. The model, which incorporates particle retention probability, is compared with the classical deep bed filtration model allowing a physical interpretation of the filtration coefficients. Comparison of the obtained analytical solutions for the proposed model with the classical model solutions allows concluding that the larger the particle capture probability, the larger the discrepancy between the proposed and the classical models
Cementation operation consists in an extremely important work for the phases of perforation and completion of oil wells, causing a great impact on the well productivity. Several problems can occur with the cement during the primary cementation, as well as throughout the productive period. The corrective operations are frequent, but they are expensive and demands production time. Besides the direct cost, prejudices from the interruption of oil and gas production till the implementation of a corrective operation must be also taken into account. The purpose of this work is the development of an alternative cement paste constituted of Portland cement and porcelainized stoneware residue produced by ceramic industry in order to achieve characteristics as low permeability, high tenacity, and high mechanical resistance, capable of supporting various operations as production or oil wells recuperation. Four different concentration measures of hydrated paste were evaluated: a reference paste, and three additional ones with ceramic residue in concentrations of the order of 10%, 20% and 30% in relation to cement dough. High resistance and low permeability were found in high concentration of residues, as well as it was proved the pozolanic reactivity of the residue in relation to Portland cement, which was characterized through x-ray and thermogravimetry assays. It was evident the decrease of calcium hydroxide content, once it was substituted by formation of new hydrated products as it was added ceramic residue
The primary cementing is an important step in the oilwell drilling process, ensuring the mechanical stability of the well and the hydraulic isolation between casing and formation. For slurries to meet the requirements for application in a certain well, some care in the project should be taken into account to obtain a cement paste with the proper composition. In most cases, it is necessary to add chemicals to the cement to modify its properties, according to the operation conditions and thus obtain slurries that can move inside the jacket providing a good displacement to the interest area. New technologies of preparation and use of chemicals and modernization of technological standards in the construction industry have resulted in the development of new chemical additives for optimizing the properties of building materials. Products such as polycarboxylate superplasticizers provide improved fluidity and cohesion of the cement grains, in addition to improving the dispersion with respect to slurries without additives. This study aimed at adapting chemical additives used in civil construction to be used use in oilwell cement slurries systems, using Portland cement CPP-Special Class as the hydraulic binder. The chemical additives classified as defoamer, dispersant, fluid loss controller and retarder were characterized by infrared absorption spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analyses and technological tests set by the API (American Petroleum Institute). These additives showed satisfactory results for its application in cement slurries systems for oil wells. The silicone-based defoamer promoted the reduction of air bubbles incorporated during the stirring of the slurries. The dispersant significantly reduced the rheological parameters of the systems studied. The tests performed with the fluid loss controller and the retarder also resulted in suitable properties for application as chemical additives in cement slurries
Os poços HPHT atravessam zonas anormalmente pressurizadas e com altos gradientes de temperatura. Esses poços apresentam elevadas concentrações de tensões produzidas pelas operações de perfuração e fraturamento hidráulico, flutuações da pressão e temperatura, forças dinâmicas geradas durante a perfuração, formações inconsolidadas, entre outros aspectos, podendo resultar em falhas mecânicas na bainha de cimento. Tais falhas comprometem a estabilidade mecânica do poço e o isolamento das zonas produtoras de óleos e/ou gás. Para que operações corretivas não se façam necessárias, é preciso adequar as pastas às condições de cada poço. Sistemas de pastas de cimento para poços HPHT requerem um bom controle de suas propriedades termo-mecânicas. Visto que a temperaturas superiores a 110 oC (230 oF) o cimento, após alcançar um valor máximo de resistência, inicia um processo de perda de resistência (retrogressão). Para prevenir esse efeito substitui-se parcialmente o cimento Portland por sílica com objetivo de incrementar a reação pozolânica. Esta reação modifica a trajetória do processo natural de hidratação do cimento, o gel de silicato de cálcio hidratado (C-S-H) se converte em várias outras fases com maior resistência. Polímeros também são adicionados para proporcionar maior flexibilidade e agir como barreira à propagação de trincas desenvolvidas sob tensão. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estudar o comportamento do sistema cimento/sílica/polímero quando submetido às condições de alta temperatura e alta pressão. Foram formuladas pastas de cimento puro, pastas contendo 40 % BWOC de sílica flour e pastas com diferentes concentrações de poliuretana (5 % a 25 %) e 40 % BWOC de sílica flour. O peso específico das pastas foi fixado em 1,87 g/cm3 (15,6 lb/gal). Os resultados demonstram que as resistências da pasta contendo 40% de sílica e das com adição de polímero foram muito superiores a da pasta de cimento puro, não ocorrendo o efeito da retrogressão. As pastas com polímero apresentaram um crescente aumento da tenacidade com o aumento da concentração da mesma, sendo assim capaz de suportar as tensões. Além de se manterem estáveis termicamente acima de 180 ºC. O sistema também apresentou excelentes resultados de filtrado, reologia, água livre, estabilidade e permeabilidade. Sendo assim, o mesmo mostrou ser aplicável a poços HPHT
Stimulation operations have with main objective restore or improve the productivity or injectivity rate in wells. Acidizing is one of the most important operations of well stimulation, consist in inject acid solutions in the formation under fracture formation pressure. Acidizing have like main purpose remove near wellbore damage, caused by drilling or workover operations, can be use in sandstones and in carbonate formations. A critical step in acidizing operation is the control of acid-formation reaction. The high kinetic rate of this reaction, promotes the consumed of the acid in region near well, causing that the acid treatment not achive the desired distance. In this way, the damage zone can not be bypassed. The main objective of this work was obtain stable systems resistant to the different conditions found in field application, evaluate the kinetic of calcite dissolution in microemulsion systems and simulate the injection of this systems by performing experiments in plugs. The systems were obtained from two non ionic surfactants, Unitol L90 and Renex 110, with sec-butanol and n-butanol like cosurfactants. The oily component of the microemlsion was xilene and kerosene. The acqueous component was a solution of HCl 15-26,1%. The results shown that the microemulsion systems obtained were stable to temperature until 100ºC, high calcium concentrations, salinity until 35000 ppm and HCl concentrations until 25%. The time for calcite dissolution in microemulsion media was 14 times slower than in aqueous HCl 15%. The simulation in plugs showed that microemulsion systems promote a distributed flux and promoted longer channels. The permeability enhancement was between 177 - 890%. The results showed that the microemulsion systems obtained have potential to be applied in matrix acidizing
The method "toe-to-heel air injection" (THAITM) is a process of enhanced oil recovery, which is the integration of in-situ combustion with technological advances in drilling horizontal wells. This method uses horizontal wells as producers of oil, keeping vertical injection wells to inject air. This process has not yet been applied in Brazil, making it necessary, evaluation of these new technologies applied to local realities, therefore, this study aimed to perform a parametric study of the combustion process with in-situ oil production in horizontal wells, using a semi synthetic reservoir, with characteristics of the Brazilian Northeast basin. The simulations were performed in a commercial software "STARS" (Steam, Thermal, and Advanced Processes Reservoir Simulator), from CMG (Computer Modelling Group). The following operating parameters were analyzed: air rate, configuration of producer wells and oxygen concentration. A sensitivity study on cumulative oil (Np) was performed with the technique of experimental design, with a mixed model of two and three levels (32x22), a total of 36 runs. Also, it was done a technical economic estimative for each model of fluid. The results showed that injection rate was the most influence parameter on oil recovery, for both studied models, well arrangement depends on fluid model, and oxygen concentration favors recovery oil. The process can be profitable depends on air rate
The study of complex systems has become a prestigious area of science, although relatively young . Its importance was demonstrated by the diversity of applications that several studies have already provided to various fields such as biology , economics and Climatology . In physics , the approach of complex systems is creating paradigms that influence markedly the new methods , bringing to Statistical Physics problems macroscopic level no longer restricted to classical studies such as those of thermodynamics . The present work aims to make a comparison and verification of statistical data on clusters of profiles Sonic ( DT ) , Gamma Ray ( GR ) , induction ( ILD ) , neutron ( NPHI ) and density ( RHOB ) to be physical measured quantities during exploratory drilling of fundamental importance to locate , identify and characterize oil reservoirs . Software were used : Statistica , Matlab R2006a , Origin 6.1 and Fortran for comparison and verification of the data profiles of oil wells ceded the field Namorado School by ANP ( National Petroleum Agency ) . It was possible to demonstrate the importance of the DFA method and that it proved quite satisfactory in that work, coming to the conclusion that the data H ( Hurst exponent ) produce spatial data with greater congestion . Therefore , we find that it is possible to find spatial pattern using the Hurst coefficient . The profiles of 56 wells have confirmed the existence of spatial patterns of Hurst exponents , ie parameter B. The profile does not directly assessed catalogs verification of geological lithology , but reveals a non-random spatial distribution
Cementing operation is one of the most important stages in the oil well drilling processes and has main function to form hydraulic seal between the various permeable zones traversed by the well. However, several problems may occur with the cement sheath, either during primary cementing or during the well production period. Cements low resistance can cause fissures in the cement sheath and compromise the mechanical integrity of the annular, resulting in contamination of groundwater and producing zones. Several researches show that biomass ash, in particular, those generated by the sugarcane industry have pozzolanic activity and can be added in the composition of the cementing slurries in diverse applications, providing improvements in mechanical properties, revenue and cement durability. Due to the importance of a low cost additive that increases the mechanical properties in a well cementing operations, this study aimed to potentiate the use of sugarcane bagasse ash as pozzolanic material, evaluate the mechanisms of action of this one on cement pastes properties and apply this material in systems slurries aimed to cementing a well with 800 m depth and geothermal gradient of 1.7 °F/100 ft, as much primary cementing operations as squeeze. To do this, the ash beneficiation methods were realized through the processes of grinding, sifting and reburning (calcination) and then characterization by X-ray fluorescence, XRD, TG / DTG, specific surface area, particle size distribution by laser diffraction and mass specific. Moreover, the ash pozzolanic activity added to the cement at concentrations of 0%, 20% and 40% BWOC was evaluated by pozzolanic activity index with lime and with Portland cement. The evaluation of the pozzolanic activity by XRD, TG / DTG and compressive strength confirmed the ash reactivity and indicated that the addition of 20% in the composition of cement slurries produces improvement 34% in the mechanical properties of the slurry cured. Cement slurries properties evaluated by rheological measurements, fluid loss, free fluid, slurry sedimentation, thickening time and sonic strength (UCA) were satisfactory and showed the viability of using the sugarcane ash in cement slurries composition for well cementing
With the growth of energy consumption worldwide, conventional reservoirs, the reservoirs called "easy exploration and production" are not meeting the global energy demand. This has led many researchers to develop projects that will address these needs, companies in the oil sector has invested in techniques that helping in locating and drilling wells. One of the techniques employed in oil exploration process is the reverse time migration (RTM), in English, Reverse Time Migration, which is a method of seismic imaging that produces excellent image of the subsurface. It is algorithm based in calculation on the wave equation. RTM is considered one of the most advanced seismic imaging techniques. The economic value of the oil reserves that require RTM to be localized is very high, this means that the development of these algorithms becomes a competitive differentiator for companies seismic processing. But, it requires great computational power, that it still somehow harms its practical success. The objective of this work is to explore the implementation of this algorithm in unconventional architectures, specifically GPUs using the CUDA by making an analysis of the difficulties in developing the same, as well as the performance of the algorithm in the sequential and parallel version