919 resultados para optical character recognition system


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The time-courses of orthographic, phonological and semantic processing of Chinese characters were investigated systematically with multi-channel event-related potentials (ERPs). New evidences concerning whether phonology or semantics is processed first and whether phonology mediates semantic access were obtained, supporting and developing the new concept of repetition, overlapping, and alternating processing in Chinese character recognition. Statistic parameter mapping based on physiological double dissociation has been developed. Seven experiments were conducted: I) deciding which type of structure, left-right or non-left-right, the character displayed on the screen was; 2) deciding whether or not there was a vowel/a/in the pronunciation of the character; 3) deciding which classification, natural object or non-natural object, the character was; 4) deciding which color, red or green, the character was; 5) deciding which color, red or green, the non-character was; 6) fixing on the non-character; 7) fixing on the crosslet. The main results are: 1. N240 and P240:N240 and P240 localized at occipital and prefrontal respectively were found in experiments 1, 2, 3, and 4, but not in experiments 5, 6, or 7. The difference between the former 4 and the latter 3 experiments was only their stimuli: the former's were true Chinese characters while the latter's were non-characters or crosslet. Thus Chinese characters were related to these two components, which reflected unique processing of Chinese characters peaking at about 240 msec. 2. Basic visual feature analysis: In comparison with experiment 7 there was a common cognitive process in experiments 1, 2, 4, and 6 - basic visual feature analysis. The corresponding ERP amplitude increase in most sites started from about 60 msec. 3. Orthography: The ERP differences located at the main processing area of orthography (occipital) between experiments 1, 2, 3, 4 and experiment 5 started from about 130 msec. This was the category difference between Chinese characters and non-characters, which revealed that orthographic processing started from about 130 msec. The ERP differences between the experiments 1, 2, 3 and the experiment 4 occurred in 210-250, 230-240, and 190-250 msec respectively, suggesting orthography was processed again. These were the differences between language and non-language tasks, which revealed a higher level processing than that in the above mentioned 130 msec. All the phenomena imply that the orthographic processing does not finished in one time of processing; the second time of processing is not a simple repetition, but a higher level one. 4. Phonology: The ERPs of experiment 2 (phonological task) were significantly stronger than those of experiment 3 (semantic task) at the main processing areas of phonology (temporal and left prefrontal) starting from about 270 msec, which revealed phonologic processing. The ERP differences at left frontal between experiment 2 and experiment 1 (orthographic task) started from about 250 msec. When comparing phonological task with experiment 4 (character color decision), the ERP differences at left temporal and prefrontal started from about 220 msec. Thus phonological processing may start before 220 msec. 5. Semantic: The ERPs of experiment 3 (semantic task) were significantly stronger than those of experiment 2 (phonological task) at the main processing areas of semantics (parietal and occipital) starting from about 290 msec, which revealed semantic processing. The ERP differences at these areas between experiment 3 and experiment 4 (character color decision) started from about 270 msec. The ERP differences between experiment 3 and experiment 1 (orthographic task) started from about 260 msec. Thus semantic processing may start before 260 msec. 6. Overlapping of phonological and semantic processing: From about 270 to 350 msec, the ERPs of experiment 2 (phonological task) were significantly larger than those of experiment 3 (semantic task) at the main processing areas of phonology (temporal and left prefrontal); while from about 290-360 msec, the ERPs of experiment 3 were significantly larger than those of experiment 2 at the main processing areas of semantics (frontal, parietal, and occipital). Thus phonological processing may start earlier than semantic and their time-courses may alternate, which reveals parallel processing. 7. Semantic processing needs part phonology: When experiment 1 (orthographic task) served as baseline, the ERPs of experiment 2 and 3 (phonological and semantic tasks) significantly increased at the main processing areas of phonology (left temporal and frontal) starting from about 250 msec. The ERPs of experiment 3, besides, increased significantly at the main processing areas of semantics (parietal and frontal) starting from about 260 msec. When experiment 4 (character color decision) served as baseline, the ERPs of experiment 2 and 3 significantly increased at phonological areas (left temporal and frontal) starting from about 220 msec. The ERPs of experiment 3, similarly, increased significantly at semantic areas (parietal and frontal) starting from about270 msec. Hence, before semantic processing, a part of phonological information may be required. The conclusion could be got from above results in the present experimental conditions: 1. The basic visual feature processing starts from about 60 msec; 2. Orthographic processing starts from about 130 msec, and repeats at about 240 msec. The second processing is not simple repetition of the first one, but a higher level processing; 3. Phonological processing begins earlier than semantic, and their time-courses overlap; 4. Before semantic processing, a part of phonological information may be required; 5. The repetition, overlapping, and alternating of the orthographic, phonological and semantic processing of Chinese characters could exist in cognition. Thus the problem of whether phonology mediates semantics access is not a simple, but a complicated issue.


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We discuss a strategy for visual recognition by forming groups of salient image features, and then using these groups to index into a data base to find all of the matching groups of model features. We discuss the most space efficient possible method of representing 3-D models for indexing from 2-D data, and show how to account for sensing error when indexing. We also present a convex grouping method that is robust and efficient, both theoretically and in practice. Finally, we combine these modules into a complete recognition system, and test its performance on many real images.


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This paper introduces BoostMap, a method that can significantly reduce retrieval time in image and video database systems that employ computationally expensive distance measures, metric or non-metric. Database and query objects are embedded into a Euclidean space, in which similarities can be rapidly measured using a weighted Manhattan distance. Embedding construction is formulated as a machine learning task, where AdaBoost is used to combine many simple, 1D embeddings into a multidimensional embedding that preserves a significant amount of the proximity structure in the original space. Performance is evaluated in a hand pose estimation system, and a dynamic gesture recognition system, where the proposed method is used to retrieve approximate nearest neighbors under expensive image and video similarity measures. In both systems, BoostMap significantly increases efficiency, with minimal losses in accuracy. Moreover, the experiments indicate that BoostMap compares favorably with existing embedding methods that have been employed in computer vision and database applications, i.e., FastMap and Bourgain embeddings.


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A common design of an object recognition system has two steps, a detection step followed by a foreground within-class classification step. For example, consider face detection by a boosted cascade of detectors followed by face ID recognition via one-vs-all (OVA) classifiers. Another example is human detection followed by pose recognition. Although the detection step can be quite fast, the foreground within-class classification process can be slow and becomes a bottleneck. In this work, we formulate a filter-and-refine scheme, where the binary outputs of the weak classifiers in a boosted detector are used to identify a small number of candidate foreground state hypotheses quickly via Hamming distance or weighted Hamming distance. The approach is evaluated in three applications: face recognition on the FRGC V2 data set, hand shape detection and parameter estimation on a hand data set and vehicle detection and view angle estimation on a multi-view vehicle data set. On all data sets, our approach has comparable accuracy and is at least five times faster than the brute force approach.


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CONFIGR (CONtour FIgure GRound) is a computational model based on principles of biological vision that completes sparse and noisy image figures. Within an integrated vision/recognition system, CONFIGR posits an initial recognition stage which identifies figure pixels from spatially local input information. The resulting, and typically incomplete, figure is fed back to the “early vision” stage for long-range completion via filling-in. The reconstructed image is then re-presented to the recognition system for global functions such as object recognition. In the CONFIGR algorithm, the smallest independent image unit is the visible pixel, whose size defines a computational spatial scale. Once pixel size is fixed, the entire algorithm is fully determined, with no additional parameter choices. Multi-scale simulations illustrate the vision/recognition system. Open-source CONFIGR code is available online, but all examples can be derived analytically, and the design principles applied at each step are transparent. The model balances filling-in as figure against complementary filling-in as ground, which blocks spurious figure completions. Lobe computations occur on a subpixel spatial scale. Originally designed to fill-in missing contours in an incomplete image such as a dashed line, the same CONFIGR system connects and segments sparse dots, and unifies occluded objects from pieces locally identified as figure in the initial recognition stage. The model self-scales its completion distances, filling-in across gaps of any length, where unimpeded, while limiting connections among dense image-figure pixel groups that already have intrinsic form. Long-range image completion promises to play an important role in adaptive processors that reconstruct images from highly compressed video and still camera images.


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A neural network theory of :3-D vision, called FACADE Theory, is described. The theory proposes a solution of the classical figure-ground problem for biological vision. It does so by suggesting how boundary representations and surface representations are formed within a Boundary Contour System (BCS) and a Feature Contour System (FCS). The BCS and FCS interact reciprocally to form 3-D boundary and surface representations that arc mutually consistent. Their interactions generate 3-D percepts wherein occluding and occluded object completed, and grouped. The theory clarifies how preattentive processes of 3-D perception and figure-ground separation interact reciprocally with attentive processes of spatial localization, object recognition, and visual search. A new theory of stereopsis is proposed that predicts how cells sensitive to multiple spatial frequencies, disparities, and orientations are combined by context-sensitive filtering, competition, and cooperation to form coherent BCS boundary segmentations. Several factors contribute to figure-ground pop-out, including: boundary contrast between spatially contiguous boundaries, whether due to scenic differences in luminance, color, spatial frequency, or disparity; partially ordered interactions from larger spatial scales and disparities to smaller scales and disparities; and surface filling-in restricted to regions surrounded by a connected boundary. Phenomena such as 3-D pop-out from a 2-D picture, DaVinci stereopsis, a 3-D neon color spreading, completion of partially occluded objects, and figure-ground reversals are analysed. The BCS and FCS sub-systems model aspects of how the two parvocellular cortical processing streams that join the Lateral Geniculate Nucleus to prestriate cortical area V4 interact to generate a multiplexed representation of Form-And-Color-And-Depth, or FACADE, within area V4. Area V4 is suggested to support figure-ground separation and to interact. with cortical mechanisms of spatial attention, attentive objcect learning, and visual search. Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART) mechanisms model aspects of how prestriate visual cortex interacts reciprocally with a visual object recognition system in inferotemporal cortex (IT) for purposes of attentive object learning and categorization. Object attention mechanisms of the What cortical processing stream through IT cortex are distinguished from spatial attention mechanisms of the Where cortical processing stream through parietal cortex. Parvocellular BCS and FCS signals interact with the model What stream. Parvocellular FCS and magnocellular Motion BCS signals interact with the model Where stream. Reciprocal interactions between these visual, What, and Where mechanisms arc used to discuss data about visual search and saccadic eye movements, including fast search of conjunctive targets, search of 3-D surfaces, selective search of like-colored targets, attentive tracking of multi-element groupings, and recursive search of simultaneously presented targets.


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This work employs a custom built body area network of wireless inertial measurement technology to conduct a biomechanical analysis of precision targeted throwing in competitive and recreational darts. The solution is shown to be capable of measuring key biomechanical factors including speed, acceleration and timing. These parameters are subsequently correlated with scoring performance to determine the affect each variable has on outcome. For validation purposes an optical 3D motion capture system provides a complete kinematic model of the subject and enables concurrent benchmarking of the 'gold standard' optical inertial measurement system with the more affordable and proactive wireless inertial measurement solution developed as part of this work.


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This paper presents a new approach to speech enhancement from single-channel measurements involving both noise and channel distortion (i.e., convolutional noise), and demonstrates its applications for robust speech recognition and for improving noisy speech quality. The approach is based on finding longest matching segments (LMS) from a corpus of clean, wideband speech. The approach adds three novel developments to our previous LMS research. First, we address the problem of channel distortion as well as additive noise. Second, we present an improved method for modeling noise for speech estimation. Third, we present an iterative algorithm which updates the noise and channel estimates of the corpus data model. In experiments using speech recognition as a test with the Aurora 4 database, the use of our enhancement approach as a preprocessor for feature extraction significantly improved the performance of a baseline recognition system. In another comparison against conventional enhancement algorithms, both the PESQ and the segmental SNR ratings of the LMS algorithm were superior to the other methods for noisy speech enhancement.


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This paper presents a new approach to single-channel speech enhancement involving both noise and channel distortion (i.e., convolutional noise). The approach is based on finding longest matching segments (LMS) from a corpus of clean, wideband speech. The approach adds three novel developments to our previous LMS research. First, we address the problem of channel distortion as well as additive noise. Second, we present an improved method for modeling noise. Third, we present an iterative algorithm for improved speech estimates. In experiments using speech recognition as a test with the Aurora 4 database, the use of our enhancement approach as a preprocessor for feature extraction significantly improved the performance of a baseline recognition system. In another comparison against conventional enhancement algorithms, both the PESQ and the segmental SNR ratings of the LMS algorithm were superior to the other methods for noisy speech enhancement. Index Terms: corpus-based speech model, longest matching segment, speech enhancement, speech recognition


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Desde que surgiu há mais de 50 anos, a televisão sofreu muitas transformações, tanto ao nível tecnológico (por exemplo com a passagem da emissão a preto/branco para cor, o som analógico para digital, a difusão digital) como a nível da sua influência nas sociedades. Entre outros fatores de ordem tecnológica, a consolidação da Internet com o seu elevado nível de personalização, da experiência de utilização, e a sua enorme quantidade de conteúdos disponíveis, catapultou a televisão no sentido de esta se tornar mais interativa. Assim, o telespectador passou a poder usufruir de uma experiência televisiva que pode, por um lado, ser mais participativa, sendo-lhe possível, por exemplo, alvitrar sobre a qualidade de um programa enquanto assiste à sua exibição, e, por outro, ser mais personalizada, possibilitando-lhe, por exemplo, receber conteúdos automaticamente adequados ao seu perfil e contexto. No entanto, esta experiência mais participativa e personalizável carece de uma identificação, idealmente automática e não intrusiva, de quem pode beneficiar da mesma – o telespectador. Contudo, e apesar de significativos avanços na área da televisão interativa, tanto ao nível da infraestrutura de suporte como ao nível dos serviços disponibilizados, a identificação dos utilizadores é, ainda, uma área de estudo com muitos aspetos por compreender. Os seniores, em particular, são grandes consumidores de televisão e representam uma fatia muito considerável das pessoas que podem beneficiar das potencialidades disponibilizadas pela interatividade presente em muitos serviços atuais. Um número crescente destes serviços são desenhados com o objetivo de promoverem um envelhecimento ativo e um concreto apoio à vida, pelo que os seniores podem beneficiar, em vários aspetos do seu quotidiano, se os utilizarem. Nesta faixa etária, a identificação de utilizadores tem, como elemento potenciador da experiência de utilização, um papel especialmente importante ao nível de um aproveitamento personalizado e dirigido destes serviços. No entanto, atendendo às diferentes combinações de características físicas, sensoriais, cognitivas e, mesmo, de literacia digital que tipificam os seniores, perspetivou-se existir uma dependência do perfil do utilizador na seleção do método de identificação mais adequado, os quais podem ser baseados, por exemplo, num leitor de impressões digitais, instalado no telecomando; na leitura de uma wearable tag ou de um cartão RFiD; no reconhecimento da face e, eventualmente, na voz do utilizador. Assim, a inerente investigação desenrolou-se em várias fases, no sentido de permitir alicerçar a construção de uma matriz de decisão tecnológica que, em função do perfil de utilizador, selecione o sistema de identificação mais adequado. O procedimento metodológico inerente à construção desta matriz de decisão, passou por um longo processo envolvendo utilizadores reais, que se iniciou com a realização de entrevistas exploratórias com o objetivo de permitir conhecer melhor os seniores e a forma como estes encaram a tecnologia e, mais concretamente, a televisão interativa. Foi depois implementado um protótipo de alta-fidelidade, completamente funcional, para a realização de testes com o objetivo de perceber qual a preferência relativamente a um subconjunto de tecnologias de identificação. Estes testes, uma vez que não permitiram testar todas as tecnologias em estudo, revelaram-se inconclusivos, porém permitiram reforçar a necessidade de identificar e caracterizar os referidos aspetos do perfil do utilizador que podem interferir na sua preferência relativamente ao sistema de identificação. As características identificadas constituíram-se como os parâmetros de entrada da matriz, sendo que para preencher as respetivas células realizaramse testes de aceitação, com um conjunto de seniores, tendo por base um protótipo, wizard of oz, especificamente implementado para permitir experienciar todas as tecnologias em estudo. Estes testes foram precedidos pela avaliação das capacidades funcionais dos participantes, nos diversos parâmetros definidos. Este texto relata, assim, todo o processo de investigação que foi conduzido, terminando com uma descrição de exemplos de utilização da matriz de decisão implementada e com a identificação de potenciais caminhos de desenvolvimento deste trabalho.


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In addition to phonological deficits, difficulties at the level of the visual recognition system (i. e. , the mechanisms that could affect the induction of orthographic representations or the connection of visual to lexical codes) constitute potential sources of the poor reading and visual naming that characterize dyslexia.


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The present study examined individual differences in Absorption and fantasy, as well as in Achiievement and achievement striving as possible moderators of the perceptual closure effect found by Snodgrass and Feenan (1990). The study also examined whether different instructions (experiential versus instrumental) interact with the personality variables to moderate the relationship between priming and subsequent performance on a picture completion task. 1 28 participants completed two sessions, one to fill out the MPQ and NEO personality inventories and the other to complete the experimental task. The experimental task consisted of a priming phase and a test phase, with pictures presented on a computer screen for both phases. Participants were shown 30 pictures in the priming phase, and then shovm the 30 primed pictures along with 30 new pictures for the test phase. Participants were randomly assigned to receive one of the two different instruction sets for the task. Two measures of performance were calculated, most fragmented measure and threshold. Results of the present study confirm that a five-second exposure time is long enough to produce the perceptual closure effect. The analysis of the two-way interaction effects indicated a significant quadratic interaction of Absorption with priming level on threshold performance. The results were in the opposite direction of predictions. Possible explanations for the Absorption results include lack of optimal conditions, lack of intrinsic motivation and measurement problems. Primary analyses also revealed two significant between-subject effects of fantasy and achievement striving on performance collapsed across priming levels. These results suggest that fantasy has a beneficial effect on performance at test for pictures primed at all levels, whereas achievement striving seems to have an adverse effect on performance at test for pictures primed at all levels. Results of the secondary analyses with a revised threshold performance measure indicated a significant quadratic interaction of Absorption, condition and priming level. In the experiential condition, test performance, based on Absorption scores for pictures primed at level 4, showed a positive slope and performance for pictures primed at levels 1 and 7 based on Absorption showed a negative slope. The reverse effect was found in the instrumental condition. The results suggest that Absorption, in combination with experiential involvement, may affect implicit memory. A second significant result of the secondary analyses was a linear three-way interaction of Achievement, condition and priming level on performance. Results suggest that as Achievement scores increased, test performance improved for less fragmented primed pictures in the instrumental condition and test performance improved for more highly fragmented primes in the experiential condition. Results from the secondary analyses suggest that the revised threshold measure may be more sensitive to individual differences. Results of the exploratory analyses with Openness to Experience, Conscientiousness and agentic positive emotionality (PEM-A) measures indicated no significant effects of any of these personality variables. Results suggest that facets of the scales may be more useful with regard to perceptual research, and that future research should examine narrowly focused personality traits as opposed to broader constructs.


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Lexical processing among bilinguals is often affected by complex patterns of individual experience. In this paper we discuss the psychocentric perspective on language representation and processing, which highlights the centrality of individual experience in psycholinguistic experimentation. We discuss applications to the investigation of lexical processing among multilinguals and explore the advantages of using high-density experiments with multilinguals. High density experiments are designed to co-index measures of lexical perception and production, as well as participant profiles. We discuss the challenges associated with the characterization of participant profiles and present a new data visualization technique, that we term Facial Profiles. This technique is based on Chernoff faces developed over 40 years ago. The Facial Profile technique seeks to overcome some of the challenges associated with the use of Chernoff faces, while maintaining the core insight that recoding multivariate data as facial features can engage the human face recognition system and thus enhance our ability to detect and interpret patterns within multivariate datasets. We demonstrate that Facial Profiles can code participant characteristics in lexical processing studies by recoding variables such as reading ability, speaking ability, and listening ability into iconically-related relative sizes of eye, mouth, and ear, respectively. The balance of ability in bilinguals can be captured by creating composite facial profiles or Janus Facial Profiles. We demonstrate the use of Facial Profiles and Janus Facial Profiles in the characterization of participant effects in the study of lexical perception and production.


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Lors d'une intervention conversationnelle, le langage est supporté par une communication non-verbale qui joue un rôle central dans le comportement social humain en permettant de la rétroaction et en gérant la synchronisation, appuyant ainsi le contenu et la signification du discours. En effet, 55% du message est véhiculé par les expressions faciales, alors que seulement 7% est dû au message linguistique et 38% au paralangage. L'information concernant l'état émotionnel d'une personne est généralement inférée par les attributs faciaux. Cependant, on ne dispose pas vraiment d'instruments de mesure spécifiquement dédiés à ce type de comportements. En vision par ordinateur, on s'intéresse davantage au développement de systèmes d'analyse automatique des expressions faciales prototypiques pour les applications d'interaction homme-machine, d'analyse de vidéos de réunions, de sécurité, et même pour des applications cliniques. Dans la présente recherche, pour appréhender de tels indicateurs observables, nous essayons d'implanter un système capable de construire une source consistante et relativement exhaustive d'informations visuelles, lequel sera capable de distinguer sur un visage les traits et leurs déformations, permettant ainsi de reconnaître la présence ou absence d'une action faciale particulière. Une réflexion sur les techniques recensées nous a amené à explorer deux différentes approches. La première concerne l'aspect apparence dans lequel on se sert de l'orientation des gradients pour dégager une représentation dense des attributs faciaux. Hormis la représentation faciale, la principale difficulté d'un système, qui se veut être général, est la mise en œuvre d'un modèle générique indépendamment de l'identité de la personne, de la géométrie et de la taille des visages. La démarche qu'on propose repose sur l'élaboration d'un référentiel prototypique à partir d'un recalage par SIFT-flow dont on démontre, dans cette thèse, la supériorité par rapport à un alignement conventionnel utilisant la position des yeux. Dans une deuxième approche, on fait appel à un modèle géométrique à travers lequel les primitives faciales sont représentées par un filtrage de Gabor. Motivé par le fait que les expressions faciales sont non seulement ambigües et incohérentes d'une personne à une autre mais aussi dépendantes du contexte lui-même, à travers cette approche, on présente un système personnalisé de reconnaissance d'expressions faciales, dont la performance globale dépend directement de la performance du suivi d'un ensemble de points caractéristiques du visage. Ce suivi est effectué par une forme modifiée d'une technique d'estimation de disparité faisant intervenir la phase de Gabor. Dans cette thèse, on propose une redéfinition de la mesure de confiance et introduisons une procédure itérative et conditionnelle d'estimation du déplacement qui offrent un suivi plus robuste que les méthodes originales.


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L’optogénétique est une technique prometteuse pour la modulation de l’activité neuronale. Par l’insertion d’une opsine microbienne dans la membrane plasmique de neurones et par son activation photonique, il devient possible de réguler l’activité neuronale avec une grande résolution temporelle et spatiale. Beaucoup de travaux ont été faits pour caractériser et synthétiser de nouvelles opsines. Ainsi, plusieurs variétés d’opsines sont désormais disponibles, chacune présentant des cinétiques et sensibilités à des longueurs d’onde différentes. En effet, il existe des constructions optogénétiques permettant de moduler à la hausse ou à la baisse l’activité neuronale, telles la channelrhodopsine-2 (ChR2) ou la halorhodopsine (NpHR), respectivement. Les promesses de cette technologie incluent le potentiel de stimuler une région restreinte du cerveau, et ce, de façon réversible. Toutefois, peu d’applications en ce sens ont été réalisées, cette technique étant limitée par l’absorption et la diffusion de la lumière dans les tissus. Ce mémoire présente la conception d’une fibre optique illuminant à un angle de 90° à sa sortie, capable de guider la lumière à des structures bien précises dans le système nerveux central. Nous avons conduit des tests in vivo dans le système visuel de souris transgéniques exprimant la ChR2 dans l’ensemble du système nerveux central. Dans le système visuel, les signaux rétiniens sont conduits au corps genouillé latéral (CGL) avant d’être relayés au cortex visuel primaire (V1). Pour valider la capacité de mon montage optogénétique à stimuler spécifiquement une sous-population de neurones, nous avons tiré profit de l’organisation rétinotopique existant dans le système visuel. En stimulant optogénétiquement le CGL et en tournant la fibre optique sur elle-même à l’aide d’un moteur, il devient possible de stimuler séquentiellement différentes portions de cette structure thalamique et conséquemment, différentes représentations du champ visuel. L’activation des projections thalamiques sera enregistrée au niveau de l’aire V1 à l’aide de l’imagerie optique intrinsèque, une technique qui permet d’imager les variations de la concentration d’oxygène et du volume sanguin dans le tissu neuronal, sur une grande surface corticale. Comme l’organisation rétinotopique est maintenue au niveau de l’aire V1, l’espace activé au niveau du cortex révèlera l’étendue spatiale de notre stimulation optogénétique du CGL. Les expériences in vivo démontrèrent qu’en déplaçant la fibre optique dans le CGL, il nous était possible de stimuler différents sous- ensembles de neurones dans cette structure thalamique. En conclusion, cette étude montre notre capacité à développer un système à base de fibre optique capable de stimuler optogénétiquement une population de neurone avec une grande précision spatiale.