968 resultados para nylon tire cord
Short fiber reinforced thermoplastics have generated much interest these days since fibrous materials tend to increase both mechanical and thermal properties, such as tensile strength, flexural strength, flexural modulus, heat deflection temperature, creep resistance, and some times impact strength of thermoplastics. If the matrix and reinforcement are both based on polymers the composite are recyclable. The rheological behavior of recyclable composites based on nylon fiber reinforced polypropylene (PP) is reported in this paper. The rheological behavior was evaluated both using a capillary rheometer and a torque rheometer. The study showed that the composite became pseudoplastic with fiber content and hence fiber addition did not affect processing adversely at higher shear rates. The torque rheometer data resembled that obtained from the capillary rheometer. The energy of mixing and activation energy of mixing also did not show much variation from that of PP alone.
The thesis deals with the development of short nylon fiber-reclaimed rubber/elastomer composites. Three rubbers viz, natural rubber, acrylonitrile butadiene rubber and styrene butadiene rubber were selected and were partially replaced with reclaimed rubber. The blend ratio was optimized with respect to cure characteristics and mechanical properties. Reclaimed rubber replaced 40 parts of NR and SBR and 20 parts of NBR without much affecting the properties. These blends were then reinforced with short nylon fibers. The mechanical properties of the composites were studied in detail. In all the cases the tensile strength, tear strength and the abrasion resistance increased with increase in fiber content. In the case of NRlreclaimed rubber blends, the tensile strength-fiberloading relationship was non-linear where as in the case of NBRlreclaimed rubber blends and SBRlreclaimed rubber blends the tensile strength-fiber loading relationship was linear. All the composites showed anisotropy in mechanical properties. The effect of bonding system on the composite properties was also studied with respect to cure characteristics and mechanical properties. For this, a 20 phr fiber loaded reclaimed rubber/elastomer composites were selected and the effect of MDI/PEG resin system was studied. The resin used was 5 phr and the resin ratios used were 0.67: I, 1:1, 1.5:1 and 2:1. The bonding system improved the tensile strength, tear strength and abrasion resistance. The best results are with SBRlreclaimed rubber-short nylon fiber composites. The optimized resin ratio was 1:1 MDI/PEG for all the composites.
The thesis describes the development and evaluation of epoxy resin as interfacial bonding agent for short Nylon-6 fiber elastomer composites. Epoxy resin is well known for its adhesive property. The potential use of it as interfacial bonding agent in short fiber composite is not explored yet. Three rubbers viz., acrylonitrile butadiene rubber (NBR), Neoprene rubber (CR) and styrene butadiene rubber (SBR) were selected and different fiber loading were tried. The resin concentration was optimized for each fiber loading with respect to cure characteristics and mechanical properties. Rheological characteristics and thermal degradation of the composites containing different fiber loading and different resin concentrations were studied in detail to find the effect of epoxy resin bonding system. The mechanical properties were studied in detail. The short Nylon -6 fiber improved most of the mechanical properties of all the three rubbers. Tensile strength showed a dip at 10 phr fiber loading in the case of CR while it was continuously increased with fiber loading in the case of NBR and SBR. All the composites showed anisotropy in mechanical properties. The epoxy resin is an effective bonding agent for short Nylon -6 fiber reinforced NBR and CR composites. Epoxy resin improved tensile strength, abrasion resistance and modulus of these composites. SEM studies confirmed the improved bonding of fiber and matrix in the presence of epoxy bonding agent. Epoxy resin was not effective as bonding agent in the case of short Nylon fiber- SBR composite. From the rheological studies of the composites with and without bonding agent it was observed that all the composite exhibited pseudoplasticity, which decreased with temperature. At higher shear rates all the mixes showed plug flow. SEM pictures showed that maximum orientation of fibers occured at a shear rate, just before the onset of plug flow. The presence of fiber reduced the temperature sensitivity of the flow at a given shear rate. Die swell was reduced in the presence of fiber. Shear viscosity of the composite was increased in the presence of resin. Die swell was increased in the presence of epoxy resin for composites at all shear rates. The thermal degradation of NBR and SBR composites with and without bonding agent followed single step degradation pattern. Thermal stability of the composites was improved in the presence of bonding agent. The degradation of virgin elastomer and the composites followed first order kinetics.
The study shows that standard plastics like polypropylene and high density polyethylene can be reinforced by adding nylon short fibres. Compared to the conventional glass reinforced thermoplastics this novel class of reinforced thermoplastics has the major advantage of recyclability. Hence such composites represent a new spectrum of recyclable polymer composites. The fibre length and fibre diameter used for reinforcement are critical parameters While there is a critical fibre length below which no effective reinforcement takes place, the reinforcement improves when the fibre diameter decreases due to increased surface area.While the fibres alone give moderate reinforcement, chemical modification of the matrix can further improve the strength and modulus of the composites. Maleic anhydride grafting in presence of styrene was found to be the most efficient chemical modification. While the fibre addition enhances the viscosity of the melt at lower shear rates, the enhancement at higher shear rate is only marginal. This shows that processing of the composite can be done in a similar way to that of the matrix polymer in high shear operations such as injection moulding. Another significant observation is the decrease in melt viscosity of the composite upon grafting. Thus chemical modification of matrix makes processing of the composite easier in addition to improving the mechanical load bearing capacity.For the development of a useful short fibre composite, selection of proper materials, optimum design with regard to the particular product and choosing proper processing parameters are most essential. Since there is a co-influence of many parameters, analytical solutions are difficult. Hence for selecting proper processing parameters 'rnold flow' software was utilized. The orientation of the fibres, mechanical properties, temperature profile, shrinkage, fill time etc. were determined using the software.Another interesting feature of the nylon fibre/PP and nylon fibre/HDPE composites is their thermal behaviour. Both nylon and PP degrade at the same temperature in single steps and hence the thermal degradation behaviour of the composites is also being predictable. It is observed that the thermal behaviour of the matrix or reinforcement does not affect each other. Almost similar behaviour is observed in the case of nylon fibre/HDPE composites. Another equally significant factor is the nucleating effect of nylon fibre when the composite melt cools down. In the presence of the fibre the onset of crystallization occurs at slightly higher temperature.When the matrix is modified by grafting, the onset of crystallization occurs at still higher temperature. Hence it may be calculated that one reason for the improvement in mechanical behaviour of the composite is the difference in crystallization behaviour of the matrix in presence of the fibre.As mentioned earlier, a major advantage of these composites is their recyclability. Two basic approaches may be employed for recycling namely, low temperature recycling and high temperature recycling. In the low temperature recycling, the recycling is done at a temperature above the melting point of the matrix, but below that of the fibres while in the high temperature route. the recycling is done at a temperature above the melting points of both matrix and fibre. The former is particularly interesting in that the recycled material has equal or even better mechanical properties compared to the initial product. This is possible because the orientation of the fibre can improve with successive recycling. Hence such recycled composites can be used for the same applications for which the original composite was developed. In high temperature recycling, the composite is converted into a blend and hence the properties will be inferior to that of the original composite, but will be higher than that of the matrix material alone.
The present study deals with the Cholinergic Receptor subtypes functional regulation in spinal cord injured monoplegic rats: Effect of 5-HT GABA and bone marrow cells.Spinal cord injury causes permanent and irrevocable motor deficits and neurodegeneration. Disruption of the spinal cord leads to diminished transmission of descending control from the brain to motor neurons and ascending sensory information. Behavioural studies showed deficits in motor control and coordination in SCI rats. Cholinergic system plays an important role in SCI, the evaluation of which provides valuable insight on the underlying mechanisms of motor deficit that occur during SCI. The cholinergic transmission was studied by assessing the muscarinic and nicotinic receptors; cholinergic enzymes- ChAT and AChE; second messenger enzyme PLC; transcription factor CREB and second messengers - IP3, cAMP and cGMP. We observed a decrease in the cholinergic transmission in the brain and spinal cord of SCI rats. The disrupted cholinergic system is the indicative of motor deficit and neuronal degeneration in the spinal cord and brain regions. SCI mediated oxidative stress and apoptosis leads to neuronal degeneration in SCI rats. The decreased expression of anti oxidant enzymes – SOD, GPx and neuronal cell survival factors - BDNF, GDNF, IGF-1, Akt and cyclin D2 along with increased expression of apoptotic factors – Bax, caspase-8, TNFa and NF-kB augmented the neuronal degeneration in SCI condition. BMC administration in combination with 5-HT and GABA in SCI rats showed a reversal in the impaired cholinergic neurotransmission and reduced the oxidative stress and apoptosis. It also enhanced the expression of cell survival factors in the spinal cord region. In SCI rats treated with 5-HT and GABA, the transplanted BMC expressed NeuN confirming that 5-HT and GABA induced the differentiation and proliferation of BMC to neurons in the spinal cord. Neurotrophic factors and anti-apoptotic elements in SCI rats treated with 5-HT and GABA along with BMC rendered neuroprotective effects accompanied by improvement in behavioural deficits. This resulted in a significant reversal of altered cholinergic neurotransmission in SCI. The restorative and neuro protective effects of BMC in combination with 5-HT and GABA are of immense therapeutic significance in the clinical management of SCI.
The thesis describes studies on development of short Nylon-6 fibre composites based on rubber-toughened polystyrene (PS). Toughening was done using natural rubber (NR), styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) and whole tyre reclaim (WTR). The composites were prepared by melt mixing in an internal mixer at 170 oC. It was found that the optimum blend ratio was 85/15 for PS/NR, 90/10 for PS/SBR and 90/22 for PS/WTR blends. The effect of dynamic vulcanisation on 85/15 PS/NR and 90/10 PS/SBR blends using dicumyl peroxide (DCP) at various concentrations were also studied. The dynamic crosslinking improved the tensile properties, flexural properties, impact strength and dynamic mechanical properties of both the blends. The effect of unmodified and resorcinol formaldehyde latex (RFL)-coated short Nylon-6 fibres on the mechanical properties, morphology and dynamic mechanical properties of 85/15 PS/NR, 90/10 PS/SBR and 90/22 PS/WTR blends were studied. Fibre loading was varied from 0 to 3 wt.%. For 85/15 PS/NR blend, there was a significant enhancement in tensile properties, flexural properties and impact strength with 1 wt.% of both unmodified and RFL-coated fibres. Dynamic mechanical analysis revealed that the storage modulus at room temperature was maximum at 1 wt.% fiber loading for both composites. The surface functionality of the fiber was improved by giving alkali treatment. Maleic anhydride-grafted-polystyrene (MA-g-PS) was prepared and used as a compatibiliser. The effect of MA-g-PS on the composites was investigated with respect to mechanical properties, morphology and dynamic mechanical properties. The compatibiliser loading was varied from 0 to 2 wt.%. The properties were enhanced significantly in the case of treated and untreated fibre composites at a compatibiliser loading of 0.75 wt.%. SEM analysis confirmed better bonding between the fibre and the matrix. Dynamic mechanical studies showed that the storage modulus at room temperature improved for treated fibre composites in the presence of compatibiliser. In the case of 90/10 PS/SBR composites, the addition of short Nylon-6 fibres at 1 wt.% loading improved the tensile modulus, flexural properties and impact strength while the tensile strength was marginally reduced. The surface treated fibers along with compatibiliser at 0.5 wt.% improved the tensile properties, flexural properties and impact strength. DMA reveale that the storage modulus at room temperature was better for composites containing untreated fibre and the compatibiliser. In the case of 90/22 PS/WTR blends, 1 wt.% unmodified fibre and 0.5 wt.% RFL-coated fibres improved tensile modulus, flexural properties and impact strength. Tensile strength was improved marginally. The surface treatment of Nylon fibre and the addition of compatibiliser at 0.5 wt.% enhanced the tensile properties, flexural properties and impact strength. The dynamic mechanical analysis showed that the storage modulus at room temperature was better for untreated fibre composites in conjunction with the compatibiliser. The thermal stability of PS/NR was studied by TGA. Thermal stability of the blends improved with dynamic vulcanisation and with the incorporation of RFL-coated Nylon fibres. The untreated and partially hydrolyzed fibre composites in conjunction with the compatibiliser enhanced the thermal stability. Kinetic studies showed that the degradation of the blends and the composites followed first order kinetics.
The search for new materials especially those possessing special properties continues at a great pace because of ever growing demands of the modern life. The focus on the use of intrinsically conductive polymers in organic electronic devices has led to the development of a totally new class of smart materials. Polypyrrole (PPy) is one of the most stable known conducting polymers and also one of the easiest to synthesize. In addition, its high conductivity, good redox reversibility and excellent microwave absorbing characteristics have led to the existence of wide and diversified applications for PPy. However, as any conjugated conducting polymer, PPy lacks processability, flexibility and strength which are essential for industrial requirements. Among various approaches to making tractable materials based on PPy, incorporating PPy within an electrically insulating polymer appears to be a promising method, and this has triggered the development of blends or composites. Conductive elastomeric composites of polypyrrole are important in that they are composite materials suitable for devices where flexibility is an important parameter. Moreover these composites can be moulded into complex shapes. In this work an attempt has been made to prepare conducting elastomeric composites by the incorporation of PPy and PPy coated short Nylon-6 fiber with insulating elastomer matrices- natural rubber and acrylonitrile butadiene rubber. It is well established that mechanical properties of rubber composites can be greatly improved by adding short fibers. Generally short fiber reinforced rubber composites are popular in industrial fields because of their processing advantages, low cost, and their greatly improved technical properties such as strength, stiffness, modulus and damping. In the present work, PPy coated fiber is expected to improve the mechanical properties of the elastomer-PPy composites, at the same time increasing the conductivity. In addition to determination of DC conductivity and evaluation of mechanical properties, the work aims to study the thermal stability, dielectric properties and electromagnetic interference shielding effectiveness of the composites. The thesis consists of ten chapters.
Ferrite composites are magnetic composites consisting of fine particles of metal ferrites dispersed in the polymer matrix. These composites have a variety of applications as flexible magnets, pressure/photo sensors and microwave absorbers. Polymers and magnetic materials play a very important role in our day to day life. Both natural and synthetic polymers are today indispensable to mankind. The polymers, which include rubber, plastics and fibers, make life easier and more comfortable.
The use of biofeedback in the spinal cord injuryperson rehabilitation has been increasing eventhough there are no data about the effi cacy of suchtechnique. The study aimed to evaluate the effi cacyof the technique in the motor rehabilitation ofspinal cord injured patients with different lesions.Using case studies, three participants, two paraplegicsand one quadriplegic, with different lesionlevels and degrees of defi ciency were exposed toelectromyography biofeedback training sessions.Data were obtained from the training sessions withbiofeedback, from three manual test examinationsof the muscles straight and from the reports of theparticipants after the training process. These sourcesof data were compared and the results of all thethree different sources showed improvement forall the participants. The study concluded that theelectromyography biofeedback technique can bean important tool in the rehabilitation process ofpatients with this kind of lesion.
Objective: To establish a prediction model of the degree of disability in adults with Spinal CordInjury (SCI ) based on the use of the WHO-DAS II . Methods: The disability degree was correlatedwith three variable groups: clinical, sociodemographic and those related with rehabilitation services.A model of multiple linear regression was built to predict disability. 45 people with sci exhibitingdiverse etiology, neurological level and completeness participated. Patients were older than 18 andthey had more than a six-month post-injury. The WHO-DAS II and the ASIA impairment scale(AIS ) were used. Results: Variables that evidenced a significant relationship with disability were thefollowing: occupational situation, type of affiliation to the public health care system, injury evolutiontime, neurological level, partial preservation zone, ais motor and sensory scores and number ofclinical complications during the last year. Complications significantly associated to disability werejoint pain, urinary infections, intestinal problems and autonomic disreflexia. None of the variablesrelated to rehabilitation services showed significant association with disability. The disability degreeexhibited significant differences in favor of the groups that received the following services: assistivedevices supply and vocational, job or educational counseling. Conclusions: The best predictiondisability model in adults with sci with more than six months post-injury was built with variablesof injury evolution time, AIS sensory score and injury-related unemployment.
POPULATION = Terme générique pour désigner l’adhésion d’une population, ou d’un groupe significatif de citoyens d’un territoire d’appartenance, au projet de muséologie sociale. Celle-ci se mesure par le degré de participation, d’implication et de vision partagée, d’interaction au sein de la collectivité territoriale, son fief. PARTICIPANTS = Sont les acteurs actifs au sein de la population adhérante, partie prenante au projet de muséologie social. La participation se mesure selon le degré d’implication dans le projet et de compréhension de celui-ci (Intérêt, gestion partagée, militance, volonté de capacitation...) COOPÉRANT = Par solidarité, par engagement, il s’insère dans le système de l’action ccopérative, possédant ses règles propres, offrant sa contribution à l’unité de production conciliant la dimension sociale (de la muséologie), son idée au regroupement de personnes désireuses de contribuer à la production commune de biens de qualité au service de la population dont ils sont issus.
Context: Pregnant tissues express corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF), a peptide modulating fetal and placental ACTH and cortisol secretion. These actions are modulated by the locally expressed CRF-binding protein (CRF-BP). Objective: The objective of the study was to determine whether CRF, CRF-BP, ACTH, and cortisol concentrations change in amniotic fluid and umbilical cord plasma in the presence of intraamniotic infection/inflammation (IAI) in women with spontaneous labor at term. Design: This was a cross-sectional study. Setting: The study was conducted at a tertiary referral center for obstetric care. Patients: Patients included women in active labor at term with (n = 39) and without (controls; n = 78) IAI. Main Outcome Measures: Amniotic fluid and umbilical cord plasma concentrations of CRF, CRF-BP, ACTH, and cortisol measured by RIA and immunoradiometric assays were measured. Results: In patients with IAI, amniotic fluid CRF (0.97 +/- 0.18 ng/ml) and CRF-BP (33.06 +/- 5.54 nmol/liter) concentrations were significantly (P < 0.001) higher than in controls (CRF: 0.32 +/- 0.04 ng/ml; CRF-BP: 14.69 +/- 2.79 ml). The umbilical cord plasma CRF and CRF-BP concentrations were significantly (P < 0.001 for all) higher in women with IAI than in controls (CRF: 2.96 +/- 0.35 ng/ml vs. 0.38 +/- 0.18 ng/ml; CRF-BP: 152.12 +/- 5.94 nmol/liter vs. 106.9 +/- 5.97 nmol/liter). In contrast, amniotic fluid and umbilical cord plasma ACTH and cortisol concentrations did not differ between groups. Conclusions: Amniotic fluid and umbilical cord plasma CRF and CRF-BP concentrations are increased in women with spontaneous labor at term and IAI. CRF-BP may modulate CRF actions on ACTH and cortisol secretion, playing a pivotal role in limiting the inflammatory process and thus avoiding an overactivation of the fetal/placental hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis at birth.
The diazirine functionalised fluorenone, 3-[3-(trifluoromethyl)diazirin-3-yl]phenyl-9-oxo-9H-fluorene-2-carboxyla te was synthesised to act as a model compound capable of modifying a wide variety of polymeric substrates. Photochemical activation of the diazirine moiety of the fluorenone derivative was utilised to afford highly reactive carbenes capable of insertion into or addition to a wide variety of functionalities. In this paper the photoinduced attachment of a fluorenone derivative to nylon 6,6 has been studied using UV-visible spectroscopic analysis. Incorporation of the fluorenone chromophore onto the backbone of nylon at different loading levels and after different coating cycles has been investigated and is detailed in this paper.