919 resultados para numerical models
The study of the impact of climate change on the environment has been based, until very recently, on an global approach, whose interest from a local point of view is very limited. This thesis, on the contrary, has treated the study of the impact of climate change in the Adriatic Sea basin following a twofold strategy of regionalization and integration of numerical models in order to reproduce the present and future scenarios of the system through a more and more realistic and solid approach. In particular the focus of the study was on the impact on the physical environment and on the sediment transport in the basin. This latter is a very new and original issue, to our knowledge still uninvestigated. The study case of the coastal area of Montenegro was particularly studied, since it is characterized by an important supply of sediment through the Buna/Bojana river, second most important in the Adriatic basin in terms of flow. To do this, a methodology to introduce the tidal processes in a baroclinic primitive equations Ocean General Circulation Model was applied and tidal processes were successfully reproduced in the Adriatic Sea, analyzing also the impacts they have on the mean general circulation, on salt and heat transport and on mixing and stratification of the water column in the different seasons of the year. The new hydrodynamical model has been further coupled with a wave model and with a river and sea sediment transport model, showing good results in the reproduction of sediment transport processes. Finally this complex coupled platform was integrated in the period 2001-2030 under the A1B scenario of IPCC, and the impact of climate change on the physical system and on sediment transport was preliminarily evaluated.
The term "Brain Imaging" identi�es a set of techniques to analyze the structure and/or functional behavior of the brain in normal and/or pathological situations. These techniques are largely used in the study of brain activity. In addition to clinical usage, analysis of brain activity is gaining popularity in others recent �fields, i.e. Brain Computer Interfaces (BCI) and the study of cognitive processes. In this context, usage of classical solutions (e.g. f MRI, PET-CT) could be unfeasible, due to their low temporal resolution, high cost and limited portability. For these reasons alternative low cost techniques are object of research, typically based on simple recording hardware and on intensive data elaboration process. Typical examples are ElectroEncephaloGraphy (EEG) and Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT), where electric potential at the patient's scalp is recorded by high impedance electrodes. In EEG potentials are directly generated from neuronal activity, while in EIT by the injection of small currents at the scalp. To retrieve meaningful insights on brain activity from measurements, EIT and EEG relies on detailed knowledge of the underlying electrical properties of the body. This is obtained from numerical models of the electric �field distribution therein. The inhomogeneous and anisotropic electric properties of human tissues make accurate modeling and simulation very challenging, leading to a tradeo�ff between physical accuracy and technical feasibility, which currently severely limits the capabilities of these techniques. Moreover elaboration of data recorded requires usage of regularization techniques computationally intensive, which influences the application with heavy temporal constraints (such as BCI). This work focuses on the parallel implementation of a work-flow for EEG and EIT data processing. The resulting software is accelerated using multi-core GPUs, in order to provide solution in reasonable times and address requirements of real-time BCI systems, without over-simplifying the complexity and accuracy of the head models.
BTES (borehole thermal energy storage)systems exchange thermal energy by conduction with the surrounding ground through borehole materials. The spatial variability of the geological properties and the space-time variability of hydrogeological conditions affect the real power rate of heat exchangers and, consequently, the amount of energy extracted from / injected into the ground. For this reason, it is not an easy task to identify the underground thermal properties to use when designing. At the current state of technology, Thermal Response Test (TRT) is the in situ test for the characterization of ground thermal properties with the higher degree of accuracy, but it doesn’t fully solve the problem of characterizing the thermal properties of a shallow geothermal reservoir, simply because it characterizes only the neighborhood of the heat exchanger at hand and only for the test duration. Different analytical and numerical models exist for the characterization of shallow geothermal reservoir, but they are still inadequate and not exhaustive: more sophisticated models must be taken into account and a geostatistical approach is needed to tackle natural variability and estimates uncertainty. The approach adopted for reservoir characterization is the “inverse problem”, typical of oil&gas field analysis. Similarly, we create different realizations of thermal properties by direct sequential simulation and we find the best one fitting real production data (fluid temperature along time). The software used to develop heat production simulation is FEFLOW 5.4 (Finite Element subsurface FLOW system). A geostatistical reservoir model has been set up based on literature thermal properties data and spatial variability hypotheses, and a real TRT has been tested. Then we analyzed and used as well two other codes (SA-Geotherm and FV-Geotherm) which are two implementation of the same numerical model of FEFLOW (Al-Khoury model).
Nei processi di progettazione e produzione tramite tecnologie di colata di componenti in alluminio ad elevate prestazioni, risulta fondamentale poter prevedere la presenza e la quantità di difetti correlabili a design non corretti e a determinate condizioni di processo. Fra le difettologie più comuni di un getto in alluminio, le porosità con dimensioni di decine o centinaia di m, note come microporosità, hanno un impatto estremamente negativo sulle caratteristiche meccaniche, sia statiche che a fatica. In questo lavoro, dopo un’adeguata analisi bibliografica, sono state progettate e messe a punto attrezzature e procedure sperimentali che permettessero la produzione di materiale a difettologia e microstruttura differenziata, a partire da condizioni di processo note ed accuratamente misurabili, che riproducessero la variabilità delle stesse nell’ambito della reale produzione di componenti fusi. Tutte le attività di progettazione delle sperimentazioni, sono state coadiuvate dall’ausilio di software di simulazione del processo fusorio che hanno a loro volta beneficiato di tarature e validazioni sperimentali ad hoc. L’apparato sperimentale ha dimostrato la propria efficacia nella produzione di materiale a microstruttura e difettologia differenziata, in maniera robusta e ripetibile. Utilizzando i risultati sperimentali ottenuti, si è svolta la validazione di un modello numerico di previsione delle porosità da ritiro e gas, ritenuto ad oggi allo stato dell’arte e già implementato in alcuni codici commerciali di simulazione del processo fusorio. I risultati numerici e sperimentali, una volta comparati, hanno evidenziato una buona accuratezza del modello numerico nella previsione delle difettologie sia in termini di ordini di grandezza che di gradienti della porosità nei getti realizzati.
Sea-level variability is characterized by multiple interacting factors described in the Fourth Assessment Report (Bindoff et al., 2007) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that act over wide spectra of temporal and spatial scales. In Church et al. (2010) sea-level variability and changes are defined as manifestations of climate variability and change. The European Environmental Agency (EEA) defines sea level as one of most important indicators for monitoring climate change, as it integrates the response of different components of the Earths system and is also affected by anthropogenic contributions (EEA, 2011). The balance between the different sea-level contributions represents an important source of uncertainty, involving stochastic processes that are very difficult to describe and understand in detail, to the point that they are defined as an enigma in Munk (2002). Sea-level rate estimates are affected by all these uncertainties, in particular if we look at possible responses to sea-level contributions to future climate. At the regional scale, lateral fluxes also contribute to sea-level variability, adding complexity to sea-level dynamics. The research strategy adopted in this work to approach such an interesting and challenging topic has been to develop an objective methodology to study sea-level variability at different temporal and spatial scales, applicable in each part of the Mediterranean basin in particular, and in the global ocean in general, using all the best calibrated sources of data (for the Mediterranean): in-situ, remote-sensig and numerical models data. The global objective of this work was to achieve a deep understanding of all of the components of the sea-level signal contributing to sea-level variability, tendency and trend and to quantify them.
La Comunità Europea, alla luce dei recenti eventi alluvionali occorsi nei Paesi Membri ed al progressivo aumento dei danni economici da essi provocati, ha recentemente emanato una direttiva (Direttiva Europea 2007/60/CE, Flood Directive) per la valutazione e la predisposizione di piani di gestione del rischio idraulico alluvionale. Con riferimento a tale contesto l’attività di ricerca condotta si è concentrata sulla valutazione delle potenzialità offerte dalla modellistica numerico-idraulica mono e bidimensionale quale strumento per l’attuazione della Direttiva 2007/60. Le attività sono state affrontate ponendo particolare attenzione alla valutazione dei termini di incertezza che caratterizzano l’applicazione dei modelli numerico-idraulici, esaminando i possibili effetti di tale incertezza sulla mappatura della pericolosità idraulica. In particolare, lo studio si concentra su diversi tratti fluviali del corso medio inferiore del Fiume Po e si articola in tre parti: 1) analisi dell’incertezza connessa alla definizione delle scale di deflusso in una generica sezione fluviale e valutazione dei suoi effetti sulla calibrazione dei modelli numerici quasi-bidimensionali (quasi-2D); 2) definizione di mappe probabilistiche di allagamento per tratti fluviali arginati in presenza di tre sorgenti di incertezza: incertezza nelle condizioni al contorno di monte, nelle condizioni di valle e nell’identificazione delle eventuali brecce arginali; 3) valutazione dell’applicabilità di un modello quasi-2D per la definizione, a grande scala spaziale, di strategie alternative al tradizionale rialzo dei manufatti arginali per la mitigazione del rischio alluvionale associato a eventi di piena catastrofici. Le analisi condotte, oltre ad aver definito e valutato le potenzialità di metodologie e modelli idraulici a diversa complessità, hanno evidenziato l’entità e l’impatto dei più importanti elementi d’incertezza, sottolineando come la corretta mappatura della pericolosità idraulica debba sempre essere accompagnata da una valutazione della sua incertezza.
L'obiettivo della tesi è stato quello di indagare il complesso problema della vulnerabilità sismica dei ponte in muratura ad arco utilizzando modelli semplificati. Dopo una descrizione dei materiali da costruzione impiegati nella realizzazione e dei principali elementi dei un ponti in muratura, si è indirizzato lo studio di un ponte ad arco situato nel comune di San Marcello Pistoiese. Viene mostrato un modello numerico che permette di descrivere il comportamento strutturale del ponte sotto azione sismica e di valutare la capacità di carico del ponte sottoposto ad una azione trasversale. In un secondo momento viene descritta la realizzazione di un modello in scala del ponte, che è stato sottoposto a prove distruttive effettuate per valutare la capacità di carico del ponte rispetto ad un ipotetica azione orizzontale. Si è cercato poi di inquadrare il problema in un modello teorico che faccia riferimento all'analisi limite. Esso descrive un cinematismo di collasso a telaio che prende spunto dal quadro fessurativo del modello in muratura. Infine sono stati presentati modelli FEM numerici in ordine di complessità crescente, cercando di inquadrare il comportamento meccanico del prototipo del ponte. Tre tipi di modelli sono rappresentati: un telaio incernierato alle estremità costituito da elementi beam con resistenza alla flessione . Il secondo tipo è costituito da una reticolare equivalente che mima lo schema del ponte ed è formato solo da bielle. Infine, il terzo tipo cerca di descrivere l'intero modello con elementi tridimensionali.
Environmental computer models are deterministic models devoted to predict several environmental phenomena such as air pollution or meteorological events. Numerical model output is given in terms of averages over grid cells, usually at high spatial and temporal resolution. However, these outputs are often biased with unknown calibration and not equipped with any information about the associated uncertainty. Conversely, data collected at monitoring stations is more accurate since they essentially provide the true levels. Due the leading role played by numerical models, it now important to compare model output with observations. Statistical methods developed to combine numerical model output and station data are usually referred to as data fusion. In this work, we first combine ozone monitoring data with ozone predictions from the Eta-CMAQ air quality model in order to forecast real-time current 8-hour average ozone level defined as the average of the previous four hours, current hour, and predictions for the next three hours. We propose a Bayesian downscaler model based on first differences with a flexible coefficient structure and an efficient computational strategy to fit model parameters. Model validation for the eastern United States shows consequential improvement of our fully inferential approach compared with the current real-time forecasting system. Furthermore, we consider the introduction of temperature data from a weather forecast model into the downscaler, showing improved real-time ozone predictions. Finally, we introduce a hierarchical model to obtain spatially varying uncertainty associated with numerical model output. We show how we can learn about such uncertainty through suitable stochastic data fusion modeling using some external validation data. We illustrate our Bayesian model by providing the uncertainty map associated with a temperature output over the northeastern United States.
Superconduttori bulk in MgB2, ottenuti con tecnologia Mg-RLI brevettata da Edison Spa, sono stati oggetto di un'approfondita analisi in termini di forze di levitazione. Questo studio è stato preliminare per la progettazione di un innovativo sistema di levitazione lineare. I risultati ottenuti sperimentalmente sono stati validati attraverso modelli numerici sviluppati ad hoc. I campioni oggetto dello studio sono tre bulk in MgB2 rappresentativi delle tipiche forme usate nelle applicazioni reali: un disco, un cilindro, una piastra. I bulk sono stati misurati con un sistema di misura per le forze di levitazione realizzato a tale scopo. Un protocollo sperimentale è stato seguito per la caratterizzazione di base, sia in condizioni Field Cooling sia Zero Field Cooling, al quale sono state affiancate prove specifiche come la possibilità di mantenere inalterate le proprietà superconduttive attraverso la giunzione di più campioni con la tecnologia Mg-RLI. Un modello numerico è stato sviluppato per convalidare i risultati sperimentali e per studiare l'elettrodinamica della levitazione. Diverse configurazioni di rotori magnetici sono state accoppiate con un cilindro in MgB2 con lo scopo di valutare la soluzione ottimale; questo tema è stato apporofondito attraverso lo sviluppo di un software di simulazione che può tenere conto sia del numero di magneti sia della presenza di anelli in materiale magneti intercalati fra di essi. Studi analoghi sono stati portati avanti su una piastra di MgB2 per simulare il comportamento di una geometria piana. Un sistema di raffreddamento innovativo basato sull'azoto solido è stato studiato per poterlo accoppiare con un sistema di levitazione. Il criostato progettato è costituito da due dewar, uno dentro l'altro; quello interno ha lo scopo di raffreddare l'MgB2 mentre quello esterno di limitare delle perdite verso l'esterno. Il criopattino così ottenuto è accoppiato in condizioni FC ad una rotaia formata da magneti permanenti in NdFeB.
The atmosphere is a global influence on the movement of heat and humidity between the continents, and thus significantly affects climate variability. Information about atmospheric circulation are of major importance for the understanding of different climatic conditions. Dust deposits from maar lakes and dry maars from the Eifel Volcanic Field (Germany) are therefore used as proxy data for the reconstruction of past aeolian dynamics.rnrnIn this thesis past two sediment cores from the Eifel region are examined: the core SM3 from Lake Schalkenmehren and the core DE3 from the Dehner dry maar. Both cores contain the tephra of the Laacher See eruption, which is dated to 12,900 before present. Taken together the cores cover the last 60,000 years: SM3 the Holocene and DE3 the marine isotope stages MIS-3 and MIS-2, respectively. The frequencies of glacial dust storm events and their paleo wind direction are detected by high resolution grain size and provenance analysis of the lake sediments. Therefore two different methods are applied: geochemical measurements of the sediment using µXRF-scanning and the particle analysis method RADIUS (rapid particle analysis of digital images by ultra-high-resolution scanning of thin sections).rnIt is shown that single dust layers in the lake sediment are characterized by an increased content of aeolian transported carbonate particles. The limestone-bearing Eifel-North-South zone is the most likely source for the carbonate rich aeolian dust in the lake sediments of the Dehner dry maar. The dry maar is located on the western side of the Eifel-North-South zone. Thus, carbonate rich aeolian sediment is most likely to be transported towards the Dehner dry maar within easterly winds. A methodology is developed which limits the detection to the aeolian transported carbonate particles in the sediment, the RADIUS-carbonate module.rnrnIn summary, during the marine isotope stage MIS-3 the storm frequency and the east wind frequency are both increased in comparison to MIS-2. These results leads to the suggestion that atmospheric circulation was affected by more turbulent conditions during MIS-3 in comparison to the more stable atmospheric circulation during the full glacial conditions of MIS-2.rnThe results of the investigations of the dust records are finally evaluated in relation a study of atmospheric general circulation models for a comprehensive interpretation. Here, AGCM experiments (ECHAM3 and ECHAM4) with different prescribed SST patterns are used to develop a synoptic interpretation of long-persisting east wind conditions and of east wind storm events, which are suggested to lead to an enhanced accumulation of sediment being transported by easterly winds to the proxy site of the Dehner dry maar.rnrnThe basic observations made on the proxy record are also illustrated in the 10 m-wind vectors in the different model experiments under glacial conditions with different prescribed sea surface temperature patterns. Furthermore, the analysis of long-persisting east wind conditions in the AGCM data shows a stronger seasonality under glacial conditions: all the different experiments are characterized by an increase of the relative importance of the LEWIC during spring and summer. The different glacial experiments consistently show a shift from a long-lasting high over the Baltic Sea towards the NW, directly above the Scandinavian Ice Sheet, together with contemporary enhanced westerly circulation over the North Atlantic.rnrnThis thesis is a comprehensive analysis of atmospheric circulation patterns during the last glacial period. It has been possible to reconstruct important elements of the glacial paleo climate in Central Europe. While the proxy data from sediment cores lead to a binary signal of the wind direction changes (east versus west wind), a synoptic interpretation using atmospheric circulation models is successful. This shows a possible distribution of high and low pressure areas and thus the direction and strength of wind fields which have the capacity to transport dust. In conclusion, the combination of numerical models, to enhance understanding of processes in the climate system, with proxy data from the environmental record is the key to a comprehensive approach to paleo climatic reconstruction.rn
Flow features inside centrifugal compressor stages are very complicated to simulate with numerical tools due to the highly complex geometry and varying gas conditions all across the machine. For this reason, a big effort is currently being made to increase the fidelity of the numerical models during the design and validation phases. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) plays an increasing role in the assessment of the performance prediction of centrifugal compressor stages. Historically, CFD was considered reliable for performance prediction on a qualitatively level, whereas tests were necessary to predict compressors performance on a quantitatively basis. In fact "standard" CFD with only the flow-path and blades included into the computational domain is known to be weak in capturing efficiency level and operating range accurately due to the under-estimation of losses and the lack of secondary flows modeling. This research project aims to fill the gap in accuracy between "standard" CFD and tests data by including a high fidelity reproduction of the gas domain and the use of advanced numerical models and tools introduced in the author's OEM in-house CFD code. In other words, this thesis describes a methodology by which virtual tests can be conducted on single stages and multistage centrifugal compressors in a similar fashion to a typical rig test that guarantee end users to operate machines with a confidence level not achievable before. Furthermore, the new "high fidelity" approach allowed understanding flow phenomena not fully captured before, increasing aerodynamicists capability and confidence in designing high efficiency and high reliable centrifugal compressor stages.
Mountainous areas are prone to natural hazards like rockfalls. Among the many countermeasures, rockfall protection barriers represent an effective solution to mitigate the risk. They are metallic structures designed to intercept rocks falling from unstable slopes, thus dissipating the energy deriving from the impact. This study aims at providing a better understanding of the response of several rockfall barrier types, through the development of rather sophisticated three-dimensional numerical finite elements models which take into account for the highly dynamic and non-linear conditions of such events. The models are built considering the actual geometrical and mechanical properties of real systems. Particular attention is given to the connecting details between the structural components and to their interactions. The importance of the work lies in being able to support a wide experimental activity with appropriate numerical modelling. The data of several full-scale tests carried out on barrier prototypes, as well as on their structural components, are combined with results of numerical simulations. Though the models are designed with relatively simple solutions in order to obtain a low computational cost of the simulations, they are able to reproduce with great accuracy the test results, thus validating the reliability of the numerical strategy proposed for the design of these structures. The developed models have shown to be readily applied to predict the barrier performance under different possible scenarios, by varying the initial configuration of the structures and/or of the impact conditions. Furthermore, the numerical models enable to optimize the design of these structures and to evaluate the benefit of possible solutions. Finally it is shown they can be also used as a valuable supporting tool for the operators within a rockfall risk assessment procedure, to gain crucial understanding of the performance of existing barriers in working conditions.
The way mass is distributed in galaxies plays a major role in shaping their evolution across cosmic time. The galaxy's total mass is usually determined by tracing the motion of stars in its potential, which can be probed observationally by measuring stellar spectra at different distances from the galactic centre, whose kinematics is used to constrain dynamical models. A class of such models, commonly used to accurately determine the distribution of luminous and dark matter in galaxies, is that of equilibrium models. In this Thesis, a novel approach to the design of equilibrium dynamical models, in which the distribution function is an analytic function of the action integrals, is presented. Axisymmetric and rotating models are used to explain observations of a sample of nearby early-type galaxies in the Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area survey. Photometric and spectroscopic data for round and flattened galaxies are well fitted by the models, which are then used to get the galaxies' total mass distribution and orbital anisotropy. The time evolution of massive early-type galaxies is also investigated with numerical models. Their structural properties (mass, size, velocity dispersion) are observed to evolve, on average, with redshift. In particular, they appear to be significantly more compact at higher redshift, at fixed stellar mass, so it is interesting to investigate what drives such evolution. This Thesis focuses on the role played by dark-matter haloes: their mass-size and mass-velocity dispersion correlations evolve similarly to the analogous correlations of ellipticals; at fixed halo mass, the haloes are more compact at higher redshift, similarly to massive galaxies; a simple model, in which all the galaxy's size and velocity-dispersion evolution is due to the cosmological evolution of the underlying halo population, reproduces the observed size and velocity-dispersion of massive compact early-type galaxies up to redshift of about 2.
In der Archäologie werden elektrische Widerstandsmessungen routinemäßig zur Prospektion von Fundstellen eingesetzt. Die Methode ist kostengünstig, leicht anwendbar und liefert in den meisten Fällen zuverlässige und leicht zu interpretierende Ergebnisse. Dennoch kann die Methode die archäologischen Strukturen in manchen Fällen nur teilweise oder gar nicht abbilden, wenn die bodenphysikalischen und bodenchemischen Eigenschaften des Bodens und der archäologischen Strukturen dies nicht zulassen. Der spezifische elektrische Widerstand wird durch Parameter wie Wassergehalt, Bodenstruktur, Bodenskelett, Bodentextur, Salinität und Bodentemperatur beeinflusst. Manche dieser Parameter, wie z.B. der Wassergehalt und die Bodentemperatur, unterliegen einer saisonalen Veränderung. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht den spezifischen elektrischen Widerstand von archäologischen Steinstrukturen und evaluiert die Möglichkeit, auf Grundlage von Geländemessungen und Laboranalysen archäologische Strukturen und Böden als numerische Modelle darzustellen. Dazu wurde eine Kombination von verschiedenen bodenkundlichen, geoarchäologischen und geophysikalischen Methoden verwendet. Um archäologische Strukturen und Bodenprofile als numerische Widerstandsmodelle darstellen zu können, werden Informationen zur Geometrie der Strukturen und ihren elektrischen Widerstandswerten benötigt. Dabei ist die Qualität der Hintergrundinformationen entscheidend für die Genauigkeit des Widerstandsmodells. Die Geometrie der Widerstandsmodelle basiert auf den Ergebnissen von Rammkernsondierungen und archäologische Ausgrabungen. Die an der Ausbildung des elektrischen Widerstands beteiligten Parameter wurden durch die Analyse von Bodenproben gemessen und ermöglichen durch Pedotransfer-Funktion, wie die Rhoades-Formel, die Abschätzung des spezifischen elektrischen Widerstandes des Feinbodens. Um den Einfluss des Bodenskeletts auf den spezifischen elektrischen Widerstand von Bodenprofilen und archäologischen Strukturen zu berechnen, kamen die Perkolationstheorie und die Effective Medium Theory zum Einsatz. Die Genauigkeit und eventuelle Limitierungen der Methoden wurden im Labor durch experimentelle Widerstandsmessungen an ungestörten Bodenproben und synthetischen Materialien überprüft. Die saisonale Veränderung des Wassergehalts im Boden wurde durch numerische Modelle mit der Software HYDRUS simuliert. Die hydraulischen Modelle wurden auf Grundlage der ermittelten bodenkundlichen und archäologischen Stratigraphie erstellt und verwenden die Daten von lokalen Wetterstationen als Eingangsparameter. Durch die Kombination der HYDRUS-Ergebnisse mit den Pedotransfer-Funktionen konnte der Einfluss dieser saisonalen Veränderung auf die Prospektionsergebnisse von elektrischen Widerstandsmethoden berechnet werden. Die Ergebnisse der Modellierungsprozesse wurden mit den Geländemessungen verglichen. Die beste Übereinstimmung zwischen Modellergebnissen und den Prospektionsergebnissen konnte für die Fallstudie bei Katzenbach festgestellt werden. Bei dieser wurden die Modelle auf Grundlage von archäologischen Grabungsergebnissen und detaillierten bodenkundlichen Analysen erstellt. Weitere Fallstudien zeigen, dass elektrische Widerstandsmodelle eingesetzt werden können, um den Einfluss von ungünstigen Prospektionsbedingungen auf die Ergebnisse der elektrischen Widerstandsmessungen abzuschätzen. Diese Informationen unterstützen die Planung und Anwendung der Methoden im Gelände und ermöglichen eine effektivere Interpretation der Prospektionsergebnisse. Die präsentierten Modellierungsansätze benötigen eine weitere Verifizierung durch den Vergleich der Modellierungsergebnisse mit detailliertem geophysikalischem Gelände-Monitoring von archäologischen Fundstellen. Zusätzlich könnten elektrische Widerstandsmessungen an künstlichen Mauerstrukturen unter kontrollierten Bedingungen zur Überprüfung der Modellierungsprozesse genutzt werden.
The goal of this study was to propose a general numerical analysis methodology to evaluate the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-safety of active implants. Numerical models based on the finite element (FE) technique were used to estimate if the normal operation of an active device was altered during MRI imaging. An active implanted pump was chosen to illustrate the method. A set of controlled experiments were proposed and performed to validate the numerical model. The calculated induced voltages in the important electronic components of the device showed dependence with the MRI field strength. For the MRI radiofrequency fields, significant induced voltages of up to 20 V were calculated for a 0.3T field-strength MRI. For the 1.5 and 3.0T MRIs, the calculated voltages were insignificant. On the other hand, induced voltages up to 11 V were calculated in the critical electronic components for the 3.0T MRI due to the gradient fields. Values obtained in this work reflect to the worst case situation which is virtually impossible to achieve in normal scanning situations. Since the calculated voltages may be removed by appropriate protection circuits, no critical problems affecting the normal operation of the pump were identified. This study showed that the proposed methodology helps the identification of the possible incompatibilities between active implants and MR imaging, and can be used to aid the design of critical electronic systems to ensure MRI-safety