369 resultados para nonclinical panic


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In order to determine the modulation of anxiolytic and panicolytic-like effects of diazepam by the hormonal cycle of female rats, male and female rats – the latter divided per estrous cycle phase (estrus, diestrus, metaestrus and proestrus) – were tested in the elevated T-maze, a behavioral model of panic and anxiety. Diazepam (0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 mg/kg) or saline solution was injected in individual animals that were submitted to one session in the elevated T-maze 25 min after drug/saline administration. The test consisted of three avoidance trials and one escape trial, separated by a 30 s interval, during which the animals were isolated in individual cages. The avoidance trials began with the animal being placed at the end of the maze's enclosed arm. The time necessary for the animal to leave the central square was considered as the response's latency. The trials that exceeded 300 s were considered as failures. Results demonstrate a decrease in the effects of diazepam in inhibitory avoidance (anxiety) trials in females in diestrus and proestrus, but no relation of gender or estrous cycle on diazepam effects on escape trials (fear). The results support the hypothesis that down-regulation of GABAA receptors by activation of nuclear estrogen receptors and induction of PKC-mediated GABAA receptor phosphorylation by activation of surface estrogen receptors in raphe neurons underlie the modulation of diazepam sensitivity by estrogen.


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Esta pesquisa privilegia, a priori, cinco aspectos importantes concernentes à influência do Surrealismo na produção literária de Murilo Mendes, especialmente em A Poesia em Pânico, tais como: a poética da construção por vias da negação; a conciliação de objetos e idéias divergentes que acena para a busca da totalidade; o duplo, indiretamente ligado aos temores da repressão; a mulher e o amor, como confluências necessárias para o estabelecimento do projeto de construção surrealista; e a poesia como espaço da palavra salvadora. Tais aspectos estão em consonância com os estudos propostos por André Breton, Ferdinand Alquié, Chénieux-Gendron, Walter Benjamin e outros. Relacionada à produção de poetas simbolistas e surrealistas, a obra em foco deixa-se ilustrar por alguns trabalhos artísticos do pintor paraense Ismael Nery ¾ com quem Murilo Mendes estabelece grande amizade ¾ e fragmentos de textos de poetas tais como Artur Rimbaud, Charles Baudelaire, Lautréamont, Stéphane Mallarmé, André Breton. Murilo Mendes, para quem as idéias não tem fronteiras, foi um dos autores mais representativos da escrita surrealista no Brasil que, embora notificada aqui em apenas uma de suas obras, constitui traço permanente em toda a sua trajetória poética.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Biociências - FCLAS


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Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB


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Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB


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This work deals with the stages of the process of renewal of a Notice of Inspection of Fire Department (AVCB) set of structural measures, technical and organizational integrated to ensure the building an optimum level of protection in the security segment fire and panic according to the laws of fire safety standards. The work presented all the literature about the process, their justifications to force deploy in a company to fire safety, the benefits that this standard offers, the facilities in a company that has a AVCB and the great importance in society, presents some examples where there contained the fire safety regulations and their unhappy outcomes, difficulties encountered, examples of how to proceed, step by step and the lesson that this process requires great care, dedication, professionals with the required knowledge and severity to completion


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This work deals with the stages of the process of renewal of a Notice of Inspection of Fire Department (AVCB) set of structural measures, technical and organizational integrated to ensure the building an optimum level of protection in the security segment fire and panic according to the laws of fire safety standards. The work presented all the literature about the process, their justifications to force deploy in a company to fire safety, the benefits that this standard offers, the facilities in a company that has a AVCB and the great importance in society, presents some examples where there contained the fire safety regulations and their unhappy outcomes, difficulties encountered, examples of how to proceed, step by step and the lesson that this process requires great care, dedication, professionals with the required knowledge and severity to completion


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Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Based on systemic-cybernetic-new paradigm vision and social constructionism, the paper is an invitation to reflect on the importance of language in the maintenance and the possibility of changing unequal relational patterns, mainly related to issues of gender. Studies on language and verbal behavior of women and men, besides their representation in the media, are examples to illustrate the need advocated here, to changing patterns of inequality guided by gender differences that influence and are influenced by the culture, conveyed in our social network. This paper is a contribution for the clinical work with families and couples, from the perspective of the current behaviors, based on refrains spread by the media which became popular, since it is based on clinical and nonclinical observations about human relationships and its representation in the media and artistic productions.


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The objectives this research are: (a) describing positive interactions established between teacher and student, considering clinical group to behavior problems and non-clinical one; (b) describing behavior repertoire (social skills and behavior problems) of children with and without clinical classification to behavior problems, according to TRF, teacher version. The participants this study were 16 female teachers who indicated and evaluated 32 students - 16 of them presented behavior problems (with BP – clinical group), whereas the other 16 did not (without BP – non clinical group). Students aged 6 years were enrolled in the first year of elementary school. Data collection was conducted through the application of three instruments: TRF, RE-HSE-Pr and QRSH-Pr, as an interview with teachers. Data were categorized and analyzed to compare the clinical and nonclinical groups (Mann-Whitney Test). Overall, this research found that female teachers exert different practices among students who have behavior problems that do not show, being more skilled in the interactions with children without behavior problems and more agressive to those with behavioral problems. Implications for interventions and public policies are discussed.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Academics across the country are having an allergic reaction to the corporate model of operation being adopted by many universities. Terms like branding, collateral materials, budget controls, marketing strategies, and outcomes are causing a panic among faculty who believe that a customer satisfaction approach to higher education is anti-intellectual and that it leads to grade inflation, teaching toward evaluations, and learning as product, not process. Honors programs in particular, often the standard bearers of undergraduate academic standards, are being asked to market themselves not only to the top prospective students, but also to the university administration at large. Honors is frequently the default focus group expected to show the rest of the university programs and departments ‘How it is done,’ or rather, ‘How it is done according to standard.’ By ‘it,’ of course, I mean marketing our curriculum, selling our program, and branding our product.