446 resultados para nodule
We collected 20 carbonate nodules from the inner trench slope deposits of the Middle America Trench area off Mexico. Carbonate nodules are found only within the methane-rich layer beneath the mixed layer of methane and hydrogen sulfide. They have been investigated by microscopic, scanning electron microscopic (SEM), X-ray diffraction, and stable isotopic analytical methods. Calcite, magnesian calcite, dolomite, and rhodochrosite were recognized as carbonate minerals. Each carbonate nodule is usually represented by single species of carbonate minerals. Carbonate nodules are subdivided into micrite nodules and recrystallized nodules according to textural features. The carbonate crystallites in each micrite nodule are equidimensional. Their sizes range from several to 30 µm, as revealed by SEM micrographs. The chemical composition of calcite is changed from pure calcite to high magnesian calcite, as shown by the shift of the (104) reflection in X-ray diffraction patterns. Fe substitution for Ca in dolomite was also observed. Carbon isotopic composition shows an unusually wide range - from -42.9 to +13.5 per mil - in PDB scale, whereas oxygen isotopic compositions of almost all the carbonate nodules are constantly enriched in 18O from +3.4 to +7.60 per mil in PDB scale. These wide variations in carbon isotopic composition indicate several sources for the carbon in carbonate nodules. Carbon with a negative d13C value was derived from biochemical oxidation of methane with a negative d13C value. On the other hand, carbon with positive d13C value was probably formed during methane production in an anoxic condition.
The monograph has been written on the base of data obtained from samples and materials collected during the 19-th cruise of RV ''Akademik Vernadsky'' to the Northern and Equatorial Indian Ocean. Geological features of the region (stratigraphy, tectonic structure, lithology, distribution of ore-forming components in bottom sediments, petrography of igneous rocks, etc.) are under consideration. Regularities of trace element concentration in Fe-Mn nodules, nodule distribution in bottom sediments, and engineering-geological properties of sediments within the nodule fields have been studied. Much attention is paid to ocean crust rocks. The wide range of ore mineralization (magnetite, chromite, chalcopyrite, pyrite, pentlandite, and other minerals) has been ascertained.
Nodules occur in the siliceous calcareous ooze and siliceous marl at Site 503 in the eastern equatorial Pacific. They are present below a depth of about 11 meters throughout the green-colored reduced part of the section down to 228 meters, although they are most abundant between 30 and 85 meters. They are cylindrical or barrel-shaped, up to 70 mm long, and usually have an axial channel through them or are hollow. They appear to have formed around and/or within burrows. XRD studies and microprobe analyses show that they are homogeneous and consist of calcian rhododrosite and minor calcite; Mn is present to the extent of about 30%. Isotopic analyses of the carbonate give carbon values which range from -1.2 per mil to -3.8 per mil, and oxygen isotope compositions vary from +4.0 per mil to +6.0 per mil. These values are different from those for marine-derived carbonates as exemplified by the soft sediment filling of a burrow: d13C, -0.26 per mil; d18O, +1.05 per mil. The carbon isotope data indicate that carbonate derived (possibly indirectly) from seawater was mixed with some produced by organic diagenesis to form the nodules. The d18O values suggest that although they formed near the sediment surface, some modification or the introduction of additional diagenetic carbonate occurred during burial.
Concentrations of Fe, Mg, Ca, Sr, Mn, Zn, and other heavy metals were analyzed by atomic absorption spectrometry in 27 chert samples from the Pacific deep sea, 17 chert samples from land, and 4 associated sediments from the Pacific Ocean. Among the elements, Fe and Mg concentrations are highly correlatable as are the relationships between Ca and Sr, or between Ca and CO2. The correlation between Fe and Mg is particularly high for Pacific deep-sea flints and cherts, and for cherts of deep-sea origin from outcrops on land. Enrichments in heavy metals were recognized in some deep-sea cherts; volcanogenic cherts are enriched in Fe, a chert nodule containing basaltic fragments is enriched in Zn and Cr, and biogenically enclosed carbonates in flint nodules are enriched in Mn. The correlation of Fe and Mg and their constant ratio [Mg(%)/Fe(%)] of around 0.33 might be characteristic features in the pelagic clays contained in deep-sea flints and cherts, and the concentrations of heavy metals in them would be controlled by the concentrations of Fe-Mg correlated clays. Although the mineralogical nature of the Fe-Mg clay in deep-sea cherts was not clarified by dissolution experiments on opaline minerals in chert, the high concentrations of Fe-montmorillonite and fine-grained olivine or other ferromagnesian silicate minerals in the clay may result in the high correlations between Fe and Mg.
Concretions of manganese have been discovered by the geological expedition to the islands of the Timor group in 1910-1912 in triassic and jurassic deep-sea deposits, on the Island of Timor, and also well developed in similar jurassic deposits on the island of Rotti, and previously, in 1894, the author noticed them in abysmal deposits of the pre-cretaceous probably jurassic Danau formation, occurring in West and East Borneo. On the island of Rotti nodules of manganese were found in several localities in siliceous limestones, marls, siliceous and calcareous clayshales along with concretions and nodules of chert of jurassic age, full of tests of radiolaria.
Platinoid element contents were determined in 16 samples of Fe-Mn crusts and nodules collected during dredging deep-sea mound slopes of the Pacific Ocean from the equator to 27°N. The method of neutron activation analysis with pre-concentration of the platinoids was used for these determinations. There is no relationship between platinoid contents in deep-sea (>3000 m) Fe-Mn nodules with depth of sampling, as well as with age of nodule layers. It is concludet that ultramafic rocks are the primary source of platinoids in Fe-Mn nodules.
Results of mineralogical and isotopic analyzes of sulfur and carbon in carbonate nodules and host bottom sediments and results of 14C measurement in carbonate nodules are reported. It is proved that the carbonate nodules formed 11-22 thousand years ago in anaerobic diagenesis of bottom sediments rich in organic matter. Isotopic light metabolic carbon dioxide was a source of carbonate for nodules. It formed during microbial degradation of organic matter of bottom sediments.
The area in study is characterized by a regional stratigraphic hiatus from Early Miocene to Quaternary. Deposits from Late Eocene to Early Miocene occur on the bottom surface or under a thin sedimentary cover. Ferromanganese nodules, mostly of Oligocene age, formed on surface layers of Tertiary or Quaternary sediments. A detailed micropaleontological study of a block of dense ancient clay coated with a ferromanganese crust was carried out. Composition of found radiolarian and diatomaceous complexes proved that the crust formed in Quaternary on an eroded surface of Late Oligocene clay. In Quaternary Neogene sediments were eroded and washed away by bottom currents. It is likely that the erosion began 0.9-0.7 Ma at the beginning of the "Glacial Pleistocene". The erosion could be initiated by loosening and resuspension of surface sediments resulting from seismic activity generated by strong earthquakes in the Central America subduction zone. The same vibration maintained residual nodules at the seafloor surface. Thus, for the area in study a common reason and a common Quaternary interval for formation of the following features is supposed: a regional stratigraphic hiatus, formation of residual nodule fields, and position of ancient nodules on the surface of Quaternary sediments.
Fossil Mn nodules of Cretaceous age from western Timor exhibit chemical, structural and radioisotope compositions consistent with their being of deep-sea origin. These nodules show characteristics similar to nodules now found at depths of 3,500-5,000 m in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Slight differences in the fine structure and chemistry of these nodules and modern deep-sea nodules are attributed to diagenetic alteration after uplift of enclosing sediments.
Ferruginate shells and tubular worm burrows from the oxygenated zone of the Black Sea (Kalamit Bay and Danube River mouth) are studied by transmission and scanning electron microscopy combined with analyses of elemental composition. Iron and manganese oxyhydroxide nodules considered here are enriched in phosphorus. They contain variable amounts of terrigenous and biogenic material derived from host sediments. Oxyhydroxides are mainly characterized by colloform structure, whereas globular and crystalline structures are less common. The dominating iron phase is represented by ferroxyhite and protoferroxyhite, whereas the manganese phase is composed of Fe-free vernadite. Concentrations of Mn, As, and Mo are 12-18 times higher relative to sediments, while concentrations of Fe, P, Ni, and Co increase 5-7 times during nodule formation.
Fluorine concentrations were determined ionometrically with an error of 0.02% in iron-manganese materials of the ocean. They were: 0.02-0.04% in ocean iron-manganese nodules, with the exception of two specimens (0.08% and 0.20% F); up to 0.02% in iron-manganese nodules of seas; 0.02-1.17% in ore crusts from ocean seamounts; and 0.02% in ore sediments of the Red Sea. Elevated fluorine content of ore crusts is associated with presence of calcium phosphate inclusions in them. Fluorine is not accumulated during iron-manganese nodule mineralization. Its average concentration in the nodules is half that in host deep-sea sediments.
The porewater and sediment composition of two boxcores and of a small gravity core, taken on a manganese-nodule-covered hill and in the Madeira Abyssal Plain proper respectively, are compared. The pore-water study of the two boxcores indicates that oxic conditions prevail in both cores. In addition, it indicates that no detectable fluxes of Mn or Fe occur from the porewater to the ocean bottom water. Variations in the geochemical composition of the sediments can be explained by fluctuations in the amount of carbonate, which acts as a diluting agent. A clear carbonate minimum is observed at 20-22 cm depth in the two cores. This minimum is likely to be associated with the last glacial period (10-20 kyr B.P.). This association is supported by the sediment accumulation rate of 15 mm/kyr as found by extrapolation from the rate for pelagic sediments in the Madeira Abyssal Plain. The bulk composition of the manganese nodules recovered from the submarine hill is chemically almost identical to the average composition of Atlantic nodules. The trace metal and Rare Earth Elements composition indicate a hydrogenous origin for the manganese nodules of this study. On the basis of the chemical composition, and that of nodules relative to that of the adjacent sediments, an average nodule accretian rate of 2.8-3.3 mm/myr has been calculated. Although the analyses of the entire ferromanganese nodules that have been studied seem to indicate a homogenous composition, internal structures of the nodules reveal great inhomogeneity, both visually and chemically. These fluctuations may be related to variations in the fluxes of Mn and Fe, which in turn could be climate-related.
The monograph considers facial conditions of ore-formation in the Central Equatorial Pacific, as well as lithostratigraphy and local variability of bottom sediments. Mineral composition of nodules, forms of occurrence of chemical elements in sediments and nodules, composition of interstitial waters, age of nodules, regularities and processes of ore formation in the radiolarian belt of the Pacific Ocean zone are also under consideration.
226Ra is used to document the growth histories of six manganese nodules from Oneida Lake, New York. Detailed sectioning and analysis reveal that there are discontinuous gradients in 226Ra content in these samples. These gradients result from periods of rapid growth (>1 mm/100 years) separated by periods of no growth of erosion. Although the 226Ra 'age' of the nodules approximates the age of Oneida Lake, the nodules are not sediment-covered because they occur only in areas of the lake where fine-grained sediments are not accumulating.
Typomorphic features of the main morphogenetic types of Fe-Mn nodules from the radiolarian belt have been considered on materials from polygons in the Clarion-Clipperton ore province and in the Central Basin of the Pacific Ocean. By character of surfaces, features of internal structure, mineral and chemical compositions, behavior of trace elements at selective leaching three genetic types of nodules have been divided: predominantly sedimentary, diagenetic, and sedimentary diagenetic. Their formation results from mechanism of growth.