821 resultados para networking
This paper devotes to evaluation of performance bottlenecks and algorithm deficiencies in the area of contemporary reliable multicast networking. Hereby, the impact of packet delay jitter on the end-to-end performance of multicast IP data transport is investigated. A series of tests with two most significant open-source implementations of reliable multicast is performed and analyzed. These are: UDP-based File Transfer Protocol (UFTP) and NACK-oriented Reliable multicast (NORM). Tests were targeted to simulate scenario of content distribution in WAN – sized Content Delivery Networks (CDN). Then, results were grouped and averaged, by round trip time and packet losses. This enabled us to see jitter influence independently on round trip time(RTT) and packet loss rates. Revealed jitter influence for different network conditions. Confirmed, that appearance of even small jitter causes significant data rate reduction.
This paper has three contributions. First, it shows how field work within small firms in PR Chinese has provided new evidence which enables us to measure and calibrate Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO), as ‘spirit’, and Intangible Assets (IA), as ‘material’, for use in models of small firm growth. Second, it uses inter-item correlation analysis and both exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis to provide new measures of EO and IA, in index and in vector form, for use in econometric models of firm growth. Third, it estimates two new econometric models of small firm employment growth in PR China, under the null hypothesis of Gibrat’s Law, using our two new index-based and vector-based measures of EO and IA. Estimation is by OLS with adjustment for heteroscedasticity, and for sample selectivity. Broadly, it finds that EO attributes have had little significant impact on small firm growth, and indeed innovativeness and pro-activity paradoxically may even dampen growth. However, IA attributes have had a positive and significant impact on growth, with networking, and technological knowledge being of prime importance, and intellectual property and human capital being of lesser but still significant importance. In the light of these results, Gibrat’s Law is generalized, and Jovanovic’s learning theory is extended, to emphasise the importance of IA to growth. These findings cast new empirical light on the oft-quoted national slogan in PR China of “spirit and material”. So far as small firms are concerned, this paper suggests that their contribution to PR China’s remarkable economic growth is not so much attributable to the ‘spirit’ of enterprise (as suggested by propaganda) as, more prosaically, to the pursuit of the ‘material’.
L’objectiu del projecte consisteix en l’estudi, simulació i implantació d’un conjunt d’aplicacions que permeten tenir un control sobre possibles problemes que puguin succeir a la nostra xarxa. Aquest projecte és la solució als problemes de detecció d’errors en el funcionament de les infraestructures de networking de les que disposen els nostres clients.
En una época como la actual, en la que se hace necesario disponer de equipos con grandes características y recursos para poder disfrutar de los últimos lanzamientos en juegos, no dejan de producirse equipos de bajo coste basados en microcontroladores que pueden entretener al mismo nivel que los más caros. Este proyecto reúne el diseño de la configuración, interconexión y programación de código necesarios para ejecutar un juego sencillo. Para ello se ha utilizado una pantalla LCD táctil y un microcontrolador HCS12.
The aim of the present work is to investigate innovative processes within a geographical cluster, and thus contribute to the debate on the effects of industrial clusters on innovation capacity. In particular, we would like to ascertain whether the advantages of industrial districts in promoting innovation, as already revealed by literature (diffusion of knowledge, social capital and trust, efficient networking), are also keys to success in the Tuscan shipbuilding industry of pleasure and sporting boats. First, we verify the existence of clusters of shipbuilding in Tuscany, using a specific methodology. Next, in the identified clusters, we analyse three innovative networks financed in a policy to support innovation, and examine whether the typical features of a cluster for promoting innovation are at work, using a questionnaire administered to 71 actors. Finally, we develop a performance analysis of the cluster firms and ascertain whether their different behaviours also lead to different performances. The analysis results show that our case records effects of industrial clustering on innovation capacity, such as the important role given to trust and social capital, the significant worth put in interfirm relations and in each partner’s specific competencies, or even the distinctive performance of firms belonging to a cluster.
Aim: The study aims to describe the activities of the Swiss Early Psychosis Project (SWEPP) which was founded in 1999 as a national network to further and disseminate knowledge on early psychosis (EP) and to enhance collaboration between healthcare groups. Methods: The present paper is a detailed account of the initiation and the development of the Swiss network. We describe all activities such as the several educational campaigns that were addressed to primary and secondary care groups since the early days. We also provide an overview of the current status of EP services throughout the country. Results: Today, most regions in Switzerland provide specialized EP inpatient and/or outpatient services with a clinical or combined clinical research approach that targets at-risk and/or first-episode populations. Some more recently initiated EP services have been launched as collaborative models between several local or regional psychiatric services. Conclusions: The increasing number of EP services and experts in Switzerland may mirror the catalyzing contribution of the Swiss Early Psychosis Project in this important field of health care. The country's small size and the increasing density of specialized services provide excellent bases for larger-scale networking activities in the future, both in clinical and research areas.
El tema de la investigación propuesto aquí, se centra en el malestar social, y la representación de éste desde un punto de vista personal y autobiográfico, algo que en estas página denomino Autorepresentación del malestar social. ¿Cómo se autorepresenta el malestar y qué prácticas artísticas se emplean para ello? ¿Cuáles son la transformaciones que provocan estas prácticas artísticas en el terreno audiovisual? En este sentido, exploraremos dos vías de análisis: por un lado nos interesa observar cuales han sido las modificaciones que el poder ha desarrollado para establecer nuevas formas de explotación, y por otro lado, veremos como estas modificaciones están generando una nueva praxis social donde las prácticas artísticas cobran un nuevo y reforzado sentido, así como una nueva capacidad política, individual y colectiva a un mismo tiempo, cargada de una fuerza transformadora capaz de componer nuevos espacios de sujeto. Analizaremos, desde la representación del yo en la vida cotidiana, el género y las relaciones interpersonales, hasta las transformaciones contemporáneas del trabajo, y los cambios en la construcción de la subjetividad. El principal elemento en el que se apoyaran nuestras investigaciones será el anàlisis de producciones audiovisuales contemporáneas y la distribución de estas en algunas de las redes de comunicación contemporáneas, intentando mostrar, de esta manera, la interacción y los efectos directos que provocan en la realidad social.
Anàlisi de la institució del Teatre Fortuny de Reus, que té un important fons documental i peces susceptibles de formar part d'un museu. Proposta de Museu del Teatre i de Centre de Documentació de les Arts Escèniques, aprofitament de les TIC i del treball en xarxa per tal de potenciar els aspectes més destacats i de superar algunes limitacions detectades en aquesta anàlisi (l'espai, la difusió, la conservació, etc.). Des d'una vessant tant teòrica com practica, vol ser una eina d'utilitat per al Teatre Fortuny a l'hora de tirar endavant un museu del teatre.
 This is a generic policy framework for rare diseases. Its scope is broad and it applies to all rare diseases, which can number up to 8,000 diseases affecting millions of EU citizens. This policy framework envisages a combined approach with our EU partners and Northern Ireland to diagnose and treat people with rare diseases. We must deepen links with facilities and institutions in other countries where specialist services are available that may be absent in Ireland. The plan elaborates on Ireland’s participation in European Reference Networks, which is the networking of knowledge and expertise through reference centres and teams of experts. These links are emphasized in the report to address the care of patients with rare diseases at both national and European levels. Download the report here
National Rare Disease Plan for Ireland 2014-2018 This is a generic policy framework for rare diseases. Its scope is broad and it applies to all rare diseases, which can number up to 8,000 diseases affecting millions of EU citizens. This policy framework envisages a combined approach with our EU partners and Northern Ireland to diagnose and treat people with rare diseases. We must deepen links with facilities and institutions in other countries where specialist services are available that may be absent in Ireland. The plan elaborates on Irelandâ?Ts participation in European Reference Networks, which is the networking of knowledge and expertise through reference centres and teams of experts. These links are emphasized in the report to address the care of patients with rare diseases at both national and European levels. Download the report here Â
Gortin Community Seasonal Eating is based within Owenkillew Development Company in the rural village of Gortin. They are establishing a community garden which will help to develop sustainable living through encouraging growing their own food, developing healthy options which are available locally and educating both providers and consumers in healthy food options. Their aims are to improve access to and availability of healthy food options through community growing and harvesting of fruit and vegetables and eating locally produced and procured ingredients. They will educate parents through targeting both the children and parents of local schools and play/toddler groups. They will use community networking of social media such as facebook, twitter and community newspaper to promote messages and events etc. They will promote awareness of healthy eating and will aim to challenge public policy on food poverty at regional and national levels. Part of theCFI Programme 2013-2015 Initiative Type Community Food Growing Projects Location Tyrone Partner Agencies safefood
Actualment en el món de les xarxes i el de les aplicacions mòbils està en contínua evolució i cada dia sorgeixen noves idees e implementacions que aprofundeixen en aquests aspectes. Aquest projecte uneix en un mateix desenvolupament tots dos punts presentant una aplicació Android per a connectar-se a la xarxa de microblogging lliure StatusNet.
La intenció d'aquest article és detallar l'abast del capital social als esdeveniments culturals celebrats a Catalunya i analitzar la influència sobre l'atracció turística dels mateixos. Es pretén determinar també quin és l'impacte que tres elements de capital social que intervenen en l'organització d'esdeveniments (elements de motivació, creació de xarxes internes i lideratge) tenen sobre el sector turístic local. L'estudi parteix d'una mostra de 263 esdeveniments als quals s'ha adreçat una enquesta per determinar la presència i pes dels factors de capital social. Aquesta informació s'ha creuat amb dades sobre impactes i atracció turística obtingudes també a partir de la mateixa enquesta i, a partir de l'aplicació del test del chi quadrat, s'ha contrastat si les diferències existents entre els diferents factors del capital social són estadísticament significatives. Les conclusions principals obtingudes indiquen que els esdeveniments que tenen elements de capital social que els reforça la seva cohesió social entenen i justifiquen la celebració com a fet socialitzador, independentment del seu abast turístic. A més es detecta que la creació de xarxes de relació enforteix la cohesió interna, la representativitat i el sentit d'identitat de la comunitat. Finalment es constata que la presència d'elements de lideratge que donen visibilitat i vinculen l'esdeveniment amb xarxes externes explica la diferència existent en la capacitat d'atracció i impactes turístics dels esdeveniments. La principal aportació del treball és posar de manifest el paper del capital social com a factor que incideix en la repercussió social i turística dels esdeveniments catalans. La diagnosi efectuada permet recomanar la incorporació del capital social com un actiu estratègic per a la gestió i per a la creació de nous productes i polítiques turístiques centrades en els esdeveniments culturals.