983 resultados para nematic liquid crystals


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Ionic liquid crystals (ILCs) allow the combination of the high ionic conductivity of ionic liquids (ILs) with the supramolecular organization of liquid crystals (LCs). ILCs salts were obtained by the assembly of long-chained diketonylpyridinium cations of the type [HOO^(R(n)pyH)] + and BF_(4)^(-) , ReO_(4)^(-), NO_(3)^(-), CF_(3)SO_(3)^(-), CuCl_(4)^(2-) counter-ions. We have studied the thermal behavior of five series of compounds by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and hot stage polarized light optical microscopy (POM). All materials show thermotropic mesomorphism as well as crystalline polymorphism. X-ray diffraction of the [HOO^(R(12)pyH)][ReO_(4)] crystal reveals a layered structure with alternating polar and apolar sublayers. The mesophases also exhibit a lamellar arrangement detected by variable temperature powder X-ray diffraction. The CuCl_(4)^(2-) salts exhibit the best LC properties followed by the ReO_(4)^(-) ones due to low melting temperature and wide range of existence. The conductivity was probed for the mesophases in one species each from the ReO_(4)^(-) , and CuCl_(4)^(2-) families, and for the solid phase in one of the non-mesomorphic Cl^(-) salts. The highest ionic conductivity was found for the smectic mesophase of the ReO_(4)^(-) containing salt, whereas the solid phases of all salts were dominated by electronic contributions. The ionic conductivity may be favored by the mesophase lamellar structure.


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The recent discovery of liquid crystalline (LC) behavior of graphene oxide (GO) dispersions in various organic, and aqueous media brings added control to the assembly of larger structures using the chemical process approach.[1-3] The LC state can be used to direct the ordered assembly of nanocomponents in macroscopic structures via simple methods like wet-spinning. [3] Here, we developed a scaleable fabrication route to produce graphene fibers via a facile continuoes wetspinning methode. We develop solid understanding in the required criteria to correlate processability with LC behavior, aspect ratio and the dispersion concentration to provide a viable platform for spinning of LC GO. We demonstrate a striking result that highlits the importance of GO sheet size and polydispersity in generating wetspinnable LC GO dispersions from very low spinning dope concentrations (as low as 0.075 wt. %). The new knowledge gained through rheological investigations provides a sound explanation as to why continuous spinning of binder-free GO fibers is enabled by the LC behavior at this very low concentration.


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This thesis was focused on the development of nanostructured polymers for CO2 capture and energy storage applications, using polymerizable lyotropic liquid crystal. A combination of polarized optical microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry and Small-angle x-ray scattering has been used to characterize and understand the structure retention of these systems during photo-polymerization.


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Uniformity in bias tilt, for the polyvinyl alcohol(PVA)surface layer induced orientation of nematic liquid crystals, could be achieved for large area display panels, if one of the transparent electrodes is first directionally rubbed with fine abrasive; then both the electrodes coated with PVA, followed by directionally buffing the chemisorbed layers in the same direction. Uniformity may be due to increased 'train' configuration of the adsorbed macromolecule by falling on to microgrooves and maintaining the same sense of asymmetry for the looped segments.


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Preparation and characterization of the fullerenes, C60 and C70, are described in detail, including the design of the generators fabricated locally. The characterization techniques employed are UV-visible, IR, Raman and C-13 NMR spectroscopies, scanning as well as transmission electron microscopy and mass spectrometry. The electron energy level diagram of C60 as well as the one-electron reductions of C60 and C70 leading to various anions are discussed. Electronic absorption spectra of C60- and C60(2-) are reported. Phase transitions from the plastic to the crystalline states of C60 and C70 are examined. Based on a C-13 NMR study in a mixture of nematic liquid crystals, it has been demonstrated that C60 retains its extraordinary symmetry in solution phase as well. Interaction of C60 and C70 with strong electron-donor molecules has been investigated employing cyclic voltammetry. Superconductivity of K(x)C60 has been studied by non-resonant microwave absorption; Na(x)C60 as well as K(c)C70 are shown to be non-superconducting. Doping C60 with iodine does not make it superconducting. Interaction of C60 with SbCl5 and liquid Br2 gives rise to halogenated products.


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While it is well known that it is possible to determine the effective flexoelectric coefficient of nematic liquid crystals using hybrid cells [1], this technique can be difficult due to the necessity of using a D.C. field. We have used a second method[2], requiring an A.C. field, to determine this parameter and here we compare the two techniques. The A.C. method employs the linear flexoelectrically induced linear electro-optic switching mechanism observed in chiral nematics. In order to use this second technique a chiral nematic phase is induced in an achiral nematic by the addition of a small amount of chiral additive (∼3% concentration w/w) to give helix pitch lengths of typically 0.5-1.0 μm. We note that the two methods can be used interchangeably, since they produce similar results, and we conclude with a discussion of their relative merits.


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The imminent inability of silicon-based memory devices to satisfy Moore's Law is approaching rapidly. Controllable nanodomains of ferroic systems are anticipated to enable future high-density nonvolatile memory and novel electronic devices. We find via piezoresponse force microscopy (PFM) studies on lead zirconate titanate (PZT) films an unexpected nanostructuring of ferroelectric-ferroelastic domains. These consist of c-nanodomains within a-nanodomains in proximity to a-nanodomains within c-domains. These structures are created and annihilated as pairs, controllably. We treat these as a new kind of vertex-antivertex pair and consider them in terms of the Srolovitz-Scott 4-state Potts model, which results in pairwise domain vertex instabilities that resemble the vortex-antivortex mechanism in ferromagnetism, as well as dislocation pairs (or disclination pairs) that are well-known in nematic liquid crystals. Finally, we show that these nanopairs can be scaled up to form arrays that are engineered at will, paving the way toward facilitating them to real technologies.


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An ultrasmall tunable microlens with a diameter of 1.5 μm is fabricated using nematic liquid crystals (electrically tunable medium) and vertically aligned carbon nanofibers (CNFs, electrodes). Individual CNFs are grown at the center of circular dielectric regions. This allows the CNFs to produce a more Gaussian electric field profile and hence more uniformity in lens array switching.


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Patterns forming spontaneously in extended, three-dimensional, dissipative systems are likely to excite several homogeneous soft modes (approximate to hydrodynamic modes) of the underlying physical system, much more than quasi-one- (1D) and two-dimensional (2D) patterns are. The reason is the lack of damping boundaries. This paper compares two analytic techniques to derive the pattern dynamics from hydrodynamics, which are usually equivalent but lead to different results when applied to multiple homogeneous soft modes. Dielectric electroconvection in nematic liquid crystals is introduced as a model for 3D pattern formation. The 3D pattern dynamics including soft modes are derived. For slabs of large but finite thickness the description is reduced further to a 2D one. It is argued that the range of validity of 2D descriptions is limited to a very small region above threshold. The transition from 2D to 3D pattern dynamics is discussed. Experimentally testable predictions for the stable range of ideal patterns and the electric Nusselt numbers are made. For most results analytic approximations in terms of material parameters are given. [S1063-651X(00)09512-X].


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Zusammenfassung: Thema dieser Arbeit ist der Einfluss von elektrischen Feldern auf die Viskosität nematischer Flüssigkristalle sowie isotroper Polymerlösungen.Für zwei thermotrope nematische Flüssigkristalle, 4-(trans-4'-n-Pentylcyclohexyl)-benzonitril (PCH-5) und 4-n-Pentyl-4'-cyanobiphenyl (5CB), wurde die Viskosität mit elektrorheologischen Messungen in Abhängigkeit von Feldstärke und Scherrate bestimmt. Alle Messwerte kommen bei Auftragung gegen E?/? auf einer Masterkurve zu liegen. Die Anpassung dieser Daten mit einer auf der Theorie von Ericksen und Leslie basierenden Gleichung liefert gleichzeitig die Scherviskositäten ? und ? sowie die Rotationsviskosität ? in guter Übereinstimmung mit Literaturwerten. Elektrorheologische Messungen stellen somit eine Methode zur Bestimmung dieser Viskositätskoeffizienten für Nematen dar, wenn diese eine ausreichend große positive dielektrische Anisotropie aufweisen. Bei den isotropen Polymerlösungen ließ sich der elektrorheologische Effekt des Systems Decalin/Polystyrol im Bereich der Entmischungstemperatur klären. Während im Ein-Phasen-Gebiet nur eine geringe Viskositätsänderung im E-Feld aufgrund elektrohydrodynamischer Strömungen zu beobachten ist, tritt unterhalb der Entmischungstemperatur ein deutlicher, aber nicht reproduzierbarer ER-Effekt auf. Dieser ist auf einen Einfluss des E-Felds auf die Zwei-Phasen-Morphologie zurückzuführen.Für das System Diethylbenzol/Isopentylcellulose wurde ein negativer elektrorheologischer Effekt auf die Dissoziation von assoziierten Polymermolekülen zurückgeführt. Die Dissoziation erfolgt aufgrund der Wirkung des elektrischen Feldes auf freie Ladungen.


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When a liquid crystal is confined to a cavity its director field becomes subject to competing forces: on the one hand, the surface of the cavity orients the director field (``surface anchoring''), on the other hand deformations of the director field cost elastic energy. Hence the equilibrium director field is determined by a compromise between surface anchoring and elasticity. One example of a confined liquid crystal that has attracted particular interest from physicists is the nematic droplet. In this thesis a system of hard rods is considered as the simplest model for nematic liquid crystals consisting of elongated molecules. First, systems of hard spherocylinders in a spherical geometry are investigated by means of canonical Monte Carlo simulations. In contrast to previous simulation work on this problem, a continuum model is used. In particular, the effects of ordering near hard curved walls are studied for the low-density regime. With increasing density, first a uniaxial surface film forms and then a biaxial surface film, which eventually fills the entire cavity. We study how the surface order, the adsorption and the shape of the director field depend on the curvature of the wall. We find that orientational ordering at a curved wall in a cavity is stronger than at a flat wall, while adsorption is weaker. For densities above the isotropic-nematic transition, we always find bipolar configurations. As a next step, an extension of the Asakura-Oosawa-Vrij model for colloid-polymer mixtures to anisotropic colloids is considered. By means of computer simulations we study how droplets of hard, rod-like particles optimize their shape and structure under the influence of the osmotic compression caused by the presence of spherical particles that act as depletion agents. At sufficiently high osmotic pressures the rods that make up the drops spontaneously align to turn them into uniaxial nematic liquid crystalline droplets. The nematic droplets or ``tactoids'' that so form are not spherical but elongated, resulting from the competition between the anisotropic surface tension and the elastic deformation of the director field. In agreement with recent theoretical predictions we find that sufficiently small tactoids have a uniform director field, whilst large ones are characterized by a bipolar director field. From the shape and director-field transformation of the droplets we estimate the surface anchoring strength.


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Using the Monte Carlo method the behavior of a system of true hard cylinders has been studied. Values of the length-to-breadth ratio L/D and packing fraction η have been chosen similar to those of real nematic liquid crystals. Results include radial distribution function g(r), structure factor S(k), and orientational order parameter M. These results lead to the conclusion that the hard cylinder model may be a useful reference for real mesomorphic phases.


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Acknowledgements This work was supported by NSF DMR-1410378 and DMR-1121288. We thank V. Borshch for helping with preparation of illustrations, to Y. K. Kim for the help in experiments, V. A. Belyakov and S. V. Shiyanovskii for useful discussions.