974 resultados para mutant protein


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The filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans has been used as a fungal model system to study the regulation of xylanase production. These genes are activated at transcriptional level by the master regulator the transcriptional factor XInR and repressed by carbon catabolite repression (CCR) mediated by the wide-domain repressor CreA. Here, we screened a collection of 42 A. nidulans F-box deletion mutants grown either in xylose or xylan as the single carbon source in the presence of the glucose analog 2-deoxy-D-glucose, aiming to identify mutants that have deregulated xylanase induction. We were able to recognize a null mutant in a gene (fbxA) that has decreased xylanase activity and reduced xInA and xInD mRNA accumulation. The Delta fbxA mutant interacts genetically with creAd-30, creB15, and creC27 mutants. FbxA is a novel protein containing a functional F-box domain that binds to Skp1 from the SCF-type ligase. Blastp analysis suggested that FbxA is a protein exclusive from fungi, without any apparent homologs in higher eukaryotes. Our work emphasizes the importance of the ubiquitination in the A. nidulans xylanase induction and CCR. The identification of FbxA provides another layer of complexity to xylanase induction and CCR phenomena in filamentous fungi. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The human granulocyte colony stimulating factor (hG-CSF) plays an important role in hematopoietic cell proliferation/differentiation and has been widely used as a therapeutic agent for treating neutropenias. Nartograstim is a commercial G-CSF that presents amino acid changes in specific positions when compared to the wildtype form, which potentially increase its activity and stability. The aim of this work was to develop an expression system in Escherichia coli that leads to the production of large amounts of a recombinant hG-CSF (rhG-CSF) biosimilar to Nartograstim. The nucleotide sequence of hg-csf was codon-optimized for expression in E. coli. As a result, high yields of the recombinant protein were obtained with adequate purity, structural integrity and biological activity. This protein has also been successfully used for the production of specific polyclonal antibodies in mice, which could be used in the control of the expression and purification in an industrial production process of this recombinant protein. These results will allow the planning of large-scale production of this mutant version of hG-CSF (Nartograstim), as a potential new biosimilar in the market.


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Abstract Background Despite recent advances in the understanding of lignocellulolytic enzyme regulation, less is known about how different carbon sources are sensed and the signaling cascades that result in the adaptation of cellular metabolism and hydrolase secretion. Therefore, the role played by non-essential protein kinases (NPK) and phosphatases (NPP) in the sensing of carbon and/or energetic status was investigated in the model filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans. Results Eleven NPKs and seven NPPs were identified as being involved in cellulase, and in some cases also hemicellulase, production in A. nidulans. The regulation of CreA-mediated carbon catabolite repression (CCR) in the parental strain was determined by fluorescence microscopy, utilising a CreA: GFP fusion protein. The sensing of phosphorylated glucose, via the RAS signalling pathway induced CreA repression, while carbon starvation resulted in derepression. Growth on cellulose represented carbon starvation and derepressing conditions. The involvement of the identified NPKs in the regulation of cellulose-induced responses and CreA derepression was assessed by genome-wide transcriptomics (GEO accession 47810). CreA:GFP localisation and the restoration of endocellulase activity via the introduction of the ∆creA mutation, was assessed in the NPK-deficient backgrounds. The absence of either the schA or snfA kinase dramatically reduced cellulose-induced transcriptional responses, including the expression of hydrolytic enzymes and transporters. The mechanism by which these two NPKs controlled gene transcription was identified, as the NPK-deficient mutants were not able to unlock CreA-mediated carbon catabolite repression under derepressing conditions, such as carbon starvation or growth on cellulose. Conclusions Collectively, this study identified multiple kinases and phosphatases involved in the sensing of carbon and/or energetic status, while demonstrating the overlapping, synergistic roles of schA and snfA in the regulation of CreA derepression and hydrolytic enzyme production in A. nidulans. The importance of a carbon starvation-induced signal for CreA derepression, permitting transcriptional activator binding, appeared paramount for hydrolase secretion.


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Bacterial GatCAB amidotransferases are responsible for the transamidation of mischarged glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) into glutaminyl-tRNA(Gln). Mitochondria matrix also has a multienzymatic complex necessary for the transamidation of glutamyl-tRNA(Gln). Gtf1p, Her2p and Pet112p are the constituents of mitochondrial GatFAB amidotransferase complex. Her2p is subunit A of GatFAB complex, while Gtf1p is subunit F, a connector protein between Pet112p (subunit B) and Her2p. Here we evaluate through molecular modeling and amino acid correlation analysis the HER2 protein family. Localization studies indicated that Her2p is predominantly localized in the mitochondrial outer membrane, but it is also located in the mitochondrial matrix where together with Pet112p and Gtf1p constitutes the GatFAB complex. Finally, HER2 random mutagenesis unveiled important residues that provide thermo stability for the complex and are differently suppressed by overexpression of GTF1 or PET112. For instance, her2/ts11 mutant showed its fermentative growth impaired, and poorly rescued by GTF1 indicating that Her2p unknown function in the mitochondria outer membrane affects cell viability.


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Das WSCP (water-soluble chlorophyll protein) der Brassicaceen ist das einzig bekannte Chlorophyll-bindende Protein, welches keine Carotinoide bindet. Es ist ein wasserlösliches, ca. 80 kDa großes Homotetramer mit 1-4 gebundenen Chlorophyllen. Das Protein ist äußerst stabil und vermag die gebundenen Chlorophylle vor Photooxidation zu schützen. Seine Funktion in der Pflanze ist bis heute ein Rätsel und sollte in dieser Arbeit zusammen mit seinen biochemischen Eigenschaften weiter aufgeklärt werden. Es wurden Versuche durchgeführt mit nativem und rekombinantem WSCP aus Blumenkohl (BoWSCP bzw. BoWSCPhis) und aus Arabidopsis thaliana (AtWSCP bzw. AtWSCPhis). Die Expressionsausbeute von BoWSCPhis konnte verbessert werden und zusätzlich wurde die Rekonstitutionsmethode für das rekombinante WSCP optimiert, sodass das pigmentierte Protein mit hoher Ausbeute und großer Reinheit gewonnen werden konnte. Zudem wurde ein neuer WSCP-Klon hergestellt, mBoWSCPhis, der in seiner Sequenz dem maturen nativen BoWSCP entspricht und weitaus weniger Aggregationsprobleme zeigte als BoWSCPhis. Weiterführende Versuche zur Stabilität und dem Oligomerisierungsgrad von WSCP haben die neue Erkenntnis erbracht, dass die Phytolschwänze der von WSCP gebundenen Chlorophylle zwar essentiell sind für die Stabilität von WSCP-Oligomeren, nicht aber für die Oligomerisierung selbst, wie es in der Literatur bislang postuliert wurde. Zusätzlich zu ihrer außerordentlichen Hitzestabilität erwiesen sich die Chl-WSCP-Komplexe als stabil in einem breiten pH-Spektrum. AtWSCPhis besaß eine vergleichbare Stabilität, und auch das Oligomerisierungsverhalten zeigte Ähnlichkeiten zu BoWSCPhis. Im Rahmen einer Forschungskooperation mit dem Institut für Optik und Atomare Physik der TU Berlin wurden zeitaufgelöste Absorptionsspektren sowie Tieftemperatur-Fluoreszenzspektren an Chl-WSCP-Komplexen gemessen. Die Ergebnisse zeigten deutlich, dass die WSCP-gebundenen Chlorophylle excitonisch gekoppelt sind und wiesen zudem auf unterschiedliche Chl-Bindungsmodi hin. Aufgrund seines einfachen Aufbaus und seines geringen Chlorophyllgehalts hat sich WSCP bei diesen Versuchen als sehr geeignetes Modellsystem erwiesen, um Messungen zur Chlorophyllbindung mit Vorhersagen aus theoretischen Modellen zu vergleichen. Bei den Experimenten zur biologischen Funktion wurden einerseits Arabidopsis thaliana WSCP-„knock-out“-Pflanzen unter verschiedenen Bedingungen charakterisiert, andererseits wurden Experimente mit rekombinantem WSCP durchgeführt, um eine mögliche Interaktion mit anderen Proteinen zu detektieren. Die vegetativen Stadien der Mutante zeigten keinen Phänotyp; das native Arabidopsis-WSCP konnte später bei der Wildtyp-Pflanze ausschließlich in jungen Schoten lokalisiert werden, was eine Erklärung hierfür lieferte. Rekombinantes WSCP konnte Chlorophylle aus nativem LHCII entfernen, eine Interaktion mit Chlorophyllase konnte jedoch nicht nachgewiesen werden; daher konnte auch die Hypothese, WSCP sei ein Chl-Carrier beim Chl-Abbau, nicht untermauert werden. Bei den durchgeführten Enzym-Assays wurde eine geringfügige Inhibition der Cysteinprotease Papain beobachtet, aber keine Inhibition der Serinprotease Trypsin, obwohl Blumenkohl-WSCP N-proximal das Motiv der Künitz-Proteaseinhibitoren besitzt. Die Frage nach der biologischen Funktion von WSCP bleibt also weiterhin offen.


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The aim of this thesis was to establish a method for repeated transfection of in vitro transcribed RNA (IVT-RNA) leading to a sustained protein expression lasting for days or even weeks. Once transfected cells recognize IVT-RNA as "non-self" and initiate defense pathways leading to an upregulated interferon (IFN) response and stalled translation. In this work Protein Kinase R (PKR) was identified as the main effector molecule mediating this cellular response. We assessed four strategies to inhibit PKR and the IFN response: A small molecule PKR inhibitor enhanced protein expression and hampered the induction of IFN-transcripts, but had to be excluded due to cytotoxicity. A siRNA mediated PKR knockdown and the overexpression of a kinase inactive PKR mutant elevated the protein expression, but the down-regulation of the IFN response was insufficient. The co-transfer of the viral inhibitors of PKR and the IFN response was most successful. The use of E3, K3 and B18R co-transfection enabled repeated IVT-RNA-based transfection of human fibroblasts. Thus, the developed protocol allows a continuous IVT-RNA encoded protein expression of proteins, which could be the basis for the generation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS) for several therapeutic applications in regenerative medicine or drug research.


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Canine distemper virus (CDV) causes in dogs a severe systemic infection, with a high frequency of demyelinating encephalitis. Among the six genes transcribed by CDV, the P gene encodes the polymerase cofactor protein (P) as well as two additional nonstructural proteins, C and V; of these V was shown to act as a virulence factor. We investigated the molecular mechanisms by which the P gene products of the neurovirulent CDV A75/17 strain disrupt type I interferon (IFN-alpha/beta)-induced signaling that results in the establishment of the antiviral state. Using recombinant knockout A75/17 viruses, the V protein was identified as the main antagonist of IFN-alpha/beta-mediated signaling. Importantly, immunofluorescence analysis illustrated that the inhibition of IFN-alpha/beta-mediated signaling correlated with impaired STAT1/STAT2 nuclear import, whereas the phosphorylation state of these proteins was not affected. Coimmunoprecipitation assays identified the N-terminal region of V (VNT) responsible for STAT1 targeting, which correlated with its ability to inhibit the activity of the IFN-alpha/beta-mediated antiviral state. Conversely, while the C-terminal domain of V (VCT) could not function autonomously, when fused to VNT it optimally interacted with STAT2 and subsequently efficiently suppressed the IFN-alpha/beta-mediated signaling pathway. The latter result was further supported by a single mutation at position 110 within the VNT domain of CDV V protein, resulting in a mutant that lost STAT1 binding while retaining a partial STAT2 association. Taken together, our results identified the CDV VNT and VCT as two essential modules that complement each other to interfere with the antiviral state induced by IFN-alpha/beta-mediated signaling. Hence, our experiments reveal a novel mechanism of IFN-alpha/beta evasion among the morbilliviruses.


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Calretinin (CR) and calbindin D-28k (CB) are cytosolic EF-hand Ca(2+)-binding proteins and function as Ca(2+) buffers affecting the spatiotemporal aspects of Ca(2+) transients and possibly also as Ca(2+) sensors modulating signaling cascades. In the adult hippocampal circuitry, CR and CB are expressed in specific principal neurons and subsets of interneurons. In addition, CR is transiently expressed within the neurogenic dentate gyrus (DG) niche. CR and CB expression during adult neurogenesis mark critical transition stages, onset of differentiation for CR, and the switch to adult-like connectivity for CB. Absence of either protein during these stages in null-mutant mice may have functional consequences and contribute to some aspects of the identified phenotypes. We report the impact of CR- and CB-deficiency on the proliferation and differentiation of progenitor cells within the subgranular zone (SGZ) neurogenic niche of the DG. Effects were evaluated (1) two and four weeks postnatally, during the transition period of the proliferative matrix to the adult state, and (2) in adult animals (3 months) to trace possible permanent changes in adult neurogenesis. The absence of CB from differentiated DG granule cells has no retrograde effect on the proliferative activity of progenitor cells, nor affects survival or migration/differentiation of newborn neurons in the adult DG including the SGZ. On the contrary, lack of CR from immature early postmitotic granule cells causes an early loss in proliferative capacity of the SGZ that is maintained into adult age, when it has a further impact on the migration/survival of newborn granule cells. The transient CR expression at the onset of adult neurogenesis differentiation may thus have two functions: (1) to serve as a self-maintenance signal for the pool of cells at the same stage of neurogenesis contributing to their survival/differentiation, and (2) it may contribute to retrograde signaling required for maintenance of the progenitor pool.


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Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida contains a functional type III secretion system that is responsible for the secretion of the ADP-ribosylating toxin AexT. In this study, the authors identified AopP as a second effector protein secreted by this system. The aopP gene was detected in both typical and atypical A. salmonicida isolates and was found to be encoded on a small plasmid of approximately 6.4 kb. Sequence analysis indicates that AopP is a member of the YopJ family of effector proteins, a group of proteins that interfere with mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and/or nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappaB) signalling pathways. AopP inhibits the NF-kappaB pathway downstream of IkappaB kinase (IKK) activation, while a catalytically inactivated mutant, AopPC177A, does not possess this inhibitory effect. Unlike other effectors of the YopJ family, such as YopJ and VopA, AopP does not inhibit the MAPK signalling pathway.


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OBJECTIVE: A severely virilized 46, XX newborn girl was referred to our center for evaluation and treatment of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) because of highly elevated 17alpha-hydroxyprogesterone levels at newborn screening; biochemical tests confirmed the diagnosis of salt-wasting CAH. Genetic analysis revealed that the girl was compound heterozygote for a previously reported Q318X mutation in exon 8 and a novel insertion of an adenine between nucleotides 962 and 963 in exon 4 of the CYP21A2 gene. This 962_963insA mutation created a frameshift leading to a stop codon at amino acid 161 of the P450c21 protein. AIM AND METHODS: To better understand structure-function relationships of mutant P450c21 proteins, we performed multiple sequence alignments of P450c21 with three mammalian P450s (P450 2C8, 2C9 and 2B4) with known structures as well as with human P450c17. Comparative molecular modeling of human P450c21 was then performed by MODELLER using the X-ray crystal structure of rabbit P450 2B4 as a template. RESULTS: The new three dimensional model of human P450c21 and the sequence alignment were found to be helpful in predicting the role of various amino acids in P450c21, especially those involved in heme binding and interaction with P450 oxidoreductase, the obligate electron donor. CONCLUSION: Our model will help in analyzing the genotype-phenotype relationship of P450c21 mutations which have not been tested for their functional activity in an in vitro assay.


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African trypanosomes undergo differentiation in order to adapt to the mammalian host and the tsetse fly vector. To characterize the role of a mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase homologue, TbMAPK5, in the differentiation of Trypanosoma brucei, we constructed a knockout in procyclic (insect) forms from a differentiation-competent (pleomorphic) stock. Two independent knockout clones proliferated normally in culture and were not essential for other life cycle stages in the fly. They were also able to infect immunosuppressed mice, but the peak parasitemia was 16-fold lower than that of the wild type. Differentiation of the proliferating long slender to the nonproliferating short stumpy bloodstream form is triggered by an autocrine factor, stumpy induction factor (SIF). The knockout differentiated prematurely in mice and in culture, suggestive of increased sensitivity to SIF. In contrast, a null mutant of a cell line refractory to SIF was able to proliferate normally. The differentiation phenotype was partially rescued by complementation with wild-type TbMAPK5 but exacerbated by introduction of a nonactivatable mutant form. Our results indicate a regulatory function for TbMAPK5 in the differentiation of bloodstream forms of T. brucei that might be exploitable as a target for chemotherapy against human sleeping sickness.


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Vitamin E deficiency increases expression of the CD36 scavenger receptor, suggesting specific molecular mechanisms and signaling pathways modulated by alpha-tocopherol. We show here that alpha-tocopherol down-regulated CD36 expression (mRNA and protein) in oxidized low density lipoprotein (oxLDL)-stimulated THP-1 monocytes, but not in unstimulated cells. Furthermore, alpha-tocopherol treatment of monocytes led to reduction of fluorescent oxLDL-3,3'-dioctadecyloxacarbocyanine perchlorate binding and uptake. Protein kinase C (PKC) appears not to be involved because neither activation of PKC by phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate nor inhibition by PKC412 was affected by alpha-tocopherol. However, alpha-tocopherol could partially prevent CD36 induction after stimulation with a specific agonist of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma (PPARgamma; troglitazone), indicating that this pathway is susceptible to alpha-tocopherol action. Phosphorylation of protein kinase B (PKB) at Ser473 was increased by oxLDL, and alpha-tocopherol could prevent this event. Expression of PKB stimulated the CD36 promoter as well as a PPARgamma element-driven reporter gene, whereas an inactive PKB mutant had no effect. Moreover, coexpression of PPARgamma and PKB led to additive induction of CD36 expression. Altogether, our results support the existence of PKB/PPARgamma signaling pathways that mediate CD36 expression in response to oxLDL. The activation of CD36 expression by PKB suggests that both lipid biosynthesis and fatty acid uptake are stimulated by PKB.


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Apparent mineralocorticoid excess (AME) is a severe form of hypertension that is caused by impaired activity of 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 (11beta-HSD2), which converts biologically active cortisol into inactive cortisone. Mutations in HSD11B2 result in cortisol-induced activation of mineralocorticoid receptors and cause hypertension with hypokalemia, metabolic alkalosis, and suppressed circulating renin and aldosterone concentrations. This study uncovered the first patient with AME who was described in the literature, identified the genetic defect in HSD11B2, and provided evidence for a novel mechanism of reduced 11beta-HSD2 activity. This study identified a cluster of amino acids (335 to 339) in the C-terminus of 11beta-HSD2 that are essential for protein stability. The cluster includes Tyr(338), which is mutated in the index patient, and Arg(335) and Arg(337), previously reported to be mutated in hypertensive patients. It was found that wild-type 11beta-HSD2 is a relatively stable enzyme with a half-life of 21 h, whereas that of Tyr(338)His and Arg(337)His was 3 and 4 h, respectively. Enzymatic activity of Tyr(338)His was partially retained at 26 degrees C or in the presence of the chemical chaperones glycerol and dexamethasone, indicating thermodynamic instability and misfolding. The results provide evidence that the degradation of both misfolded mutant Tyr(338)His and wild-type 11beta-HSD2 occurs through the proteasome pathway. Therefore, impaired 11beta-HSD2 protein stability rather than reduced gene expression or loss of catalytic activity seems to be responsible for the development of hypertension in some individuals with AME.


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Invasion of non-professional phagocytes is a strategy employed by several mucosal pathogens, but has not been investigated in detail for Moraxella catarrhalis, a major cause of human respiratory tract infections. We investigated the role of outer membrane protein (OMP) UspA1 and lipooligosaccharide (LOS) in M. catarrhalis invasion into epithelial cells. An isogenic mutant of strain O35E, which lacked expression of the UspA1 adhesin, demonstrated not only severely impaired adherence (86%) to but also reduced invasion (77%) into Chang conjunctival cells in comparison with the wild-type strain. The isogenic, LOS-deficient mutant strain O35E.lpxA was attenuated in adherence (93%) and its capacity to invade was severely reduced (95%), but not abolished. Inhibition assays using sucrose and cytochalasin D, respectively, demonstrated that clathrin and actin polymerization contribute to internalization of M. catarrhalis by Chang cells. Furthermore, inhibition of UspA1-mediated binding to cell-associated fibronectin and alpha5beta1 integrin decreased invasion of M. catarrhalis strain O35E (72% and 41%, respectively). These data indicate that OMP UspA1 and LOS profoundly affect the capacity of M. catarrhalis to invade epithelial cells.


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A heterozygous missense mutation in the GH-1 gene converting codon 77 from arginine (R) to cysteine (C), which was previously reported to have some GH antagonistic effect, was identified in a Syrian family. The index patient, a boy, was referred for assessment of his short stature (-2.5 SDS) at the age of 6 years. His mother and grandfather were also carrying the same mutation, but did not differ in adult height from the other unaffected family members. Hormonal examination in all affected subjects revealed increased basal GH, low IGF-I concentrations, and subnormal IGF-I response in generation test leading to the diagnosis of partial GH insensitivity. However, GH receptor gene (GHR) sequencing demonstrated no abnormalities. As other family members carrying the GH-R77C form showed similar alterations at the hormonal level, but presented with normal final height, no GH therapy was given to the boy, but he was followed through his pubertal development which was delayed. At the age of 20 years he reached his final height, which was normal within his parental target height. Functional characterization of the GH-R77C, assessed through activation of Jak2/Stat5 pathway, revealed no differences in the bioactivity between wild-type-GH (wt-GH) and GH-R77C. Detailed structural analysis indicated that the structure of GH-R77C, in terms of disulfide bond formation, is almost identical to that of the wt-GH despite the introduced mutation (Cys77). Previous studies from our group demonstrated a reduced capability of GH-R77C to induce GHR/GH-binding protein (GHBP) gene transcription rate when compared with wt-GH. Therefore, reduced GHR/GHBP expression might well be the possible cause for the partial GH insensitivity found in our patients. In addition, this group of patients deserve further attention because they could represent a distinct clinical entity underlining that an altered GH peptide may also have a direct impact on GHR/GHBP gene expression causing partial GH insensitivity. This might be responsible for the delay of growth and pubertal development. Finally, we clearly demonstrate that GH-R77C is not invariably associated with short stature, but that great care needs to be taken in ascribing growth failure to various heterozygous mutations affecting the GH-IGF axis and that careful functional studies are mandatory.