983 resultados para multi-commodity flow
Due to manufacturing or damage process, brittle materials present a large number of micro-cracks which are randomly distributed. The lifetime of these materials is governed by crack propagation under the applied mechanical and thermal loadings. In order to deal with these kinds of materials, the present work develops a boundary element method (BEM) model allowing for the analysis of multiple random crack propagation in plane structures. The adopted formulation is based on the dual BEM, for which singular and hyper-singular integral equations are used. An iterative scheme to predict the crack growth path and crack length increment is proposed. This scheme enables us to simulate the localization and coalescence phenomena, which are the main contribution of this paper. Considering the fracture mechanics approach, the displacement correlation technique is applied to evaluate the stress intensity factors. The propagation angle and the equivalent stress intensity factor are calculated using the theory of maximum circumferential stress. Examples of multi-fractured domains, loaded up to rupture, are considered to illustrate the applicability of the proposed method. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The main objective of this work is to present an alternative boundary element method (BEM) formulation for the static analysis of three-dimensional non-homogeneous isotropic solids. These problems can be solved using the classical boundary element formulation, analyzing each subregion separately and then joining them together by introducing equilibrium and displacements compatibility. Establishing relations between the displacement fundamental solutions of the different domains, the alternative technique proposed in this paper allows analyzing all the domains as one unique solid, not requiring equilibrium or compatibility equations. This formulation also leads to a smaller system of equations when compared to the usual subregion technique, and the results obtained are even more accurate. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A nonlinear finite element model was developed to simulate the nonlinear response of three-leaf masonry specimens, which were subjected to laboratory tests with the aim of investigating the mechanical behaviour of multiple-leaf stone masonry walls up to failure. The specimens consisted of two external leaves made of stone bricks and mortar joints, and an internal leaf in mortar and stone aggregate. Different loading conditions, typologies of the collar joints, and stone types were taken into account. The constitutive law implemented in the model is characterized by a damage tensor, which allows the damage-induced anisotropy accompanying the cracking process to be described. To follow the post-peak behaviour of the specimens with sufficient accuracy it was necessary to make the damage model non-local, to avoid mesh-dependency effects related to the strain-softening behaviour of the material. Comparisons between the predicted and measured failure loads are quite satisfactory in most of the studied cases. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper investigates the validity of a simplified equivalent reservoir representation of a multi-reservoir hydroelectric system for modelling its optimal operation for power maximization. This simplification, proposed by Arvanitidis and Rosing (IEEE Trans Power Appar Syst 89(2):319-325, 1970), imputes a potential energy equivalent reservoir with energy inflows and outflows. The hydroelectric system is also modelled for power maximization considering individual reservoir characteristics without simplifications. Both optimization models employed MINOS package for solution of the non-linear programming problems. A comparison between total optimized power generation over the planning horizon by the two methods shows that the equivalent reservoir is capable of producing satisfactory power estimates with less than 6% underestimation. The generation and total reservoir storage trajectories along the planning horizon obtained by equivalent reservoir method, however, presented significant discrepancies as compared to those found in the detailed modelling. This study is motivated by the fact that Brazilian generation system operations are based on the equivalent reservoir method as part of the power dispatch procedures. The potential energy equivalent reservoir is an alternative which eliminates problems with the dimensionality of state variables in a dynamic programming model.
This paper aims to investigate the influence of some dissolved air flotation (DAF) process variables (specifically: the hydraulic detention time in the contact zone and the supplied dissolved air concentration) and the pH values, as pretreatment chemical variables, on the micro-bubble size distribution (BSD) in a DAF contact zone. This work was carried out in a pilot plant where bubbles were measured by an appropriate non-intrusive image acquisition system. The results show that the obtained diameter ranges were in agreement with values reported in the literature (10-100mm), quite independently of the investigated conditions. The linear average diameter varied from 20 to 30mm, or equivalently, the Sauter (d(3,2)) diameter varied from 40 to 50mm. In all investigated conditions, D(50) was between 75% and 95%. The BSD might present different profile (with a bimodal curve trend), however, when analyzing the volumetric frequency distribution (in some cases with the appearance of peaks in diameters ranging from 90-100mm). Regarding volumetric frequency analysis, all the investigated parameters can modify the BSD in DAF contact zone after the release point, thus potentially causing changes in DAF kinetics. This finding prompts further research in order to verify the effect of these BSD changes on solid particle removal efficiency by DAF.
This study verifies the potential applicability of horizontal-flow anaerobic immobilized biomass (HAIB) reactors to pentachlorophenol (PCP) dechlorination. Two bench-scale HAIB reactors (R1 and R2) were filled with cubic polyurethane foam matrices containing immobilized anaerobic sludge. The reactors were then continuously fed with synthetic wastewater consisting of PCP, glucose, acetic acid, and formic acid as co-substrates for PCP anaerobic degradation. Before being immobilized in polyurethane foam matrices, the biomass was exposed to wastewater containing PCP in reactors fed at a semi-continuous rate of 2.0 mu g PCP g(-1) VS. The applied PCP loading rate was increased from 0.05 to 2.59 mg PCP l(-1) day(-1) for RI, and from 0.06 to 4.15 mg PCP l(-1) day(-1) for R2. The organic loading rates (OLR) were 1.1 and 1.7 kg COD m(-3) day(-1) at hydraulic retention times (HRT) of 24 h for R1 and 18 In for R2. Under such conditions, chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiencies of up to 98% were achieved in the HAIB reactors. Both reactors exhibited the ability to remove 97% of the loaded PCP. Dichlorophenol (DCP) was the primary chlorophenol detected in the effluent. The adsorption of PCP and metabolites formed during PCP degradation in the packed bed was negligible for PCP removal efficiency. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Two bench-scale horizontal anaerobic fixed bed reactors were tested to remove both sulfate and organic matter from wastewater. First, the reactors (R1 and R2) were supplied with synthetic wastewater containing sulfate and a solution of ethanol and volatile fatty acids. Subsequently, RI and R2 were fed with only ethanol or acetate, respectively. The substitution to ethanol in R1 increased the sulfate reduction efficiency from 83% to nearly 100% for a chemical oxygen demand to sulfate (COD/sulfate) ratio of 3.0. In contrast, in R2, the switch in carbon source to acetate strongly decreased sulfidogenesis and the maximum sulfate reduction achieved was 47%. Process stability in long-term experiments and high removal efficiencies of both organic matter and sulfate were achieved with ethanol as the sole carbon source. The results allow concluding that syntrophism instead of competition between the sulfate reducing bacteria and acetoclastic methanogenic archaeal populations prevailed in the reactor. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The anaerobic biological treatment of pentachlorophenol (PCP) and methanol as the main carbon source was investigated in a horizontal-flow anaerobic immobilized biomass (HAIB) reactor at 30 +/- 1 degrees C, during a 220-day trial period. The reactor biomass was developed as an attached biofilm on polyurethane foam particles, with 24 h of hydraulic retention time. The PCP concentrations, which ranged from 2.0 to 13.0 mg/L, were controlled by adding synthetic substrate. The HAIB reactor reduced 97% of COD and removed 99% of PCP. The microbial biofilm communities of the HAIB reactor amended with PCP, without previous acclimatization, were characterized by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis (ARDRA) with specific Archaea oligonucleotide primers. The ARDRA technique provided an adequate analysis of the community, revealing the profile of the selected population along the reactor. The biomass activities in the HAIB reactor at the end of the experiments indicated the development of PCP degraders and the maintenance of the population of methanogenic Archaea, ensuring the high efficiency of the system treating PCP with added methanol as the cosubstrate. The use of the simplified ARDRA method enabled us to monitor the microbial population with the addition of high concentrations of toxic compounds and highlighting a selection of microorganisms in the biofilm. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
The purpose of this work was to assess the degradation of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS) in a horizontal-flow anaerobic immobilized biomass (HAIB) reactor. The reactor was filled with polyurethane foam where the sludge from a sanitary sewage treatment was immobilized. The hydraulic detention time (HDT) used in the experiments was of 12 h. The reactor was fed with synthetic substrate (410 mg l(-1) of meat extract, 115 mg l(-1) of starch, 80 mg l(-1) of saccharose, 320 mg l(-1) of sodium bicarbonate and 5 ml l(-1)of salt solution) in the following stages of operation: SI-synthetic substrate, SII-synthetic substrate with 7 mg l(-1) of LAS, SIII-synthetic substrate with 14 mg l(-1) of LAS and SIV-synthetic substrate containing yeast extract (substituting meat extract) and 14 mg l(-1) of LAS, without starch. At the end of the experiment (313 days) a degradation of similar to 35% of LAS was achieved. The higher the concentration of LAS, the greater the amount of foam for its adsorption. This is necessary because the isotherm of LAS adsorption in the foam is linear for the studied concentrations (2 to 50 mg l(-1)). Microscopic analyses of the biofilm revealed diverse microbial morphologies, while Denaturing Gradient Gel Eletrophoresis (DGGE) profiling showed variations in the population of total bacteria and sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB). The 16S rRNA gene sequencing and phylogenetic analyses revealed that the members of the order Clostridiales were the major components of the bacterial community in the last reactor operation step.
A modeling study was completed to develop a methodology that combines the sequencing and finite difference methods for the simulation of a heterogeneous model of a tubular reactor applied in the treatment of wastewater. The system included a liquid phase (convection diffusion transport) and a solid phase (diffusion reaction) that was obtained by completing a mass balance in the reactor and in the particle, respectively. The model was solved using a pilot-scale horizontal-flow anaerobic immobilized biomass (HAIB) reactor to treat domestic sewage, with the concentration results compared with the experimental data. A comparison of the behavior of the liquid phase concentration profile and the experimental results indicated that both the numerical methods offer a good description of the behavior of the concentration along the reactor. The advantage of the sequencing method over the finite difference method is that it is easier to apply and requires less computational time to model the dynamic simulation of outlet response of HAIB.
This research employs solid-state actuators for delay of flow separation seen in airfoils at low Reynolds numbers. The flow control technique investigated here is aimed for a variable camber airfoil that employs two active surfaces and a single four-bar (box) mechanism as the internal structure. To reduce separation, periodic excitation to the flow around the leading edge of the airfoil is induced by a total of nine piezocomposite actuated clamped-free unimorph benders distributed in the spanwise direction. An electromechanical model is employed to design an actuator capable of high deformations at the desired frequency for lift improvement at post-stall angles. The optimum spanwise distribution of excitation for increasing lift coefficient is identified experimentally in the wind tunnel. A 3D (non-uniform) excitation distribution achieved higher lift enhancement in the post-stall region with lower power consumption when compared to the 2D (uniform) excitation distribution. A lift coefficient increase of 18.4% is achieved with the identified non-uniform excitation mode at the bender resonance frequency of 125 Hz, the flow velocity of 5 m/s and at the reduced frequency of 3.78. The maximum lift (Clmax) is increased 5.2% from the baseline. The total power consumption of the flow control technique is 639 mW(RMS).
The research presented here employs solid-state actuators for flow separation delay or for forced attachment of separated flow seen in airfoils at low Reynolds numbers. To reduce separation, periodic excitation to the flow around the leading edge of the airfoil is induced by Macro-Fiber Composite actuated clamped-free unimorph benders. An electromechanical model of the unimorph is briefly presented and parametric study is conducted to aid the design of a unimorph to output high deformation at a desired frequency. The optimum frequency and amplitude for lift improvement at post-stall angles are identified experimentally. Along with aerodynamic force and structural displacement measurements, helium bubble flow visualization is used to verify existing separated flow, and the attached flow induced by flow control. The lift enhancement induced by several flow control techniques is compared. A symmetric and non-uniform (3D) flow excitation results in the maximum lift enhancement at post-stall region at the lowest power consumption level. A maximum lift coefficient increase of 27.5% (in the post-stall region) is achieved at 125 Hz periodic excitation, with the 3D symmetric actuation mode at 5 m/s and the reduced frequency of 3.78. C(l,max) is increased 7.6% from the baseline.
The flow in the automotive catalytic converter is, in general, not uniform. This significantly affects cost, service life, and performance, in particular, during cold startup. The current paper reports on a device that provided a large improvement in flow uniformity. The device is to be placed in the converter inlet diffuser and is constructed out of ordinary screens. It is cheap and easy to install. Moreover, the device does not present most of the undesired effects, such as increase in pressure drop and time to light off, often observed in other devices developed for the same purpose.
In this article, dispersed flow of viscous oil and water is investigated. The experimental work was performed in a 26.2-mm-i.d. 12-m-long horizontal glass pipe using water and oil (viscosity of 100 mPa s and density of 860 kg/m(3)) as test fluids. High-speed video recording and a new wire-mesh sensor based on capacitance (permittivity) measurements were used to characterize the flow. Furthermore, holdup data were obtained using quick-closing-valves technique (QCV). An interesting finding was the oil-water slip ratio greater than one for dispersed flow at high Reynolds number. Chordal phase fraction distribution diagrams and images of the holdup distribution over the pipe cross-section obtained via wire-mesh sensor indicated a significant amount of water near to the pipe wall for the three different dispersed flow patterns identified in this study: oil-in-water homogeneous dispersion (o/w H), oil-in-water non-homogeneous dispersion (o/w NH) and Dual continuous (Do/w & Dw/o). The phase slip might be explained by the existence of a water film surrounding the homogeneous mixture of oil-in-water in a hidrofilic-oilfobic pipe. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
An updated flow pattern map was developed for CO2 on the basis of the previous Cheng-Ribatski-Wojtan-Thome CO2 flow pattern map [1,2] to extend the flow pattern map to a wider range of conditions. A new annular flow to dryout transition (A-D) and a new dryout to mist flow transition (D-M) were proposed here. In addition, a bubbly flow region which generally occurs at high mass velocities and low vapor qualities was added to the updated flow pattern map. The updated flow pattern map is applicable to a much wider range of conditions: tube diameters from 0.6 to 10 mm, mass velocities from 50 to 1500 kg/m(2) s, heat fluxes from 1.8 to 46 kW/m(2) and saturation temperatures from -28 to +25 degrees C (reduced pressures from 0.21 to 0.87). The updated flow pattern map was compared to independent experimental data of flow patterns for CO2 in the literature and it predicts the flow patterns well. Then, a database of CO2 two-phase flow pressure drop results from the literature was set up and the database was compared to the leading empirical pressure drop models: the correlations by Chisholm [3], Friedel [4], Gronnerud [5] and Muller-Steinhagen and Heck [6], a modified Chisholm correlation by Yoon et al. [7] and the flow pattern based model of Moreno Quiben and Thome [8-10]. None of these models was able to predict the CO2 pressure drop data well. Therefore, a new flow pattern based phenomenological model of two-phase flow frictional pressure drop for CO2 was developed by modifying the model of Moreno Quiben and Thome using the updated flow pattern map in this study and it predicts the CO2 pressure drop database quite well overall. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.