536 resultados para motive
Partiendo de la asignatura de Biología de COU, iniciar a los alumnos en la metodología científica a través de un trabajo de campo realizado por ellos mismos sobre la contaminación de un rio. Se ensaya una alternativa participativa a los formatos tradicionales de docencia que motive al alumno y aúne conocimientos teóricos y prácticos. Familiarizar al alumno con la metodología experimental. El trabajo consiste en sucesivas mediciones de ocho parámetros y el análisis e interpretación de los datos recogidos. El trabajo se sitúa en el ámbito de un ecosistema acuático y su contaminación. El profesor dirige y asesora la selección de ocho parámetros a medir: presión atmosférica, temperatura, ph, dureza debida a carbonatos, dureza total, O2 disuelto, DBO2, y saturación de O2. Cada parámetro es valorado con una técnica específica. Se localizaron siete puntos de muestreo y se efectuaron ocho mediciones por punto. Esta labor fué realizada por los alumnos. El profesor efectúa el tratamiento estadístico-correlacional de los datos y los alumnos los comentarios e interpretación de gráficos. El profesor añade unos comentarios finales. Aunque el trabajo general no es propiamente experimental, la experiencia realizada responde, en gran medida, a la metodología científica. En el trabajo general, el profesor maneja información cualitativa sobre el rendimiento de la clase. Aunque no aporta datos, basa sus comentarios en sus propias observaciones. Dentro de la experiencia concreta, se utilizan métodos de valoración analítica y tratamiento correlacional de los datos. En el trabajo general no se citan técnicas de análisis, salvo la valoración cualitativa del profesor. En la actividad específica se utilizan metodología correlacional y gráficos. Tanto el profesor como los alumnos coinciden en valorar la experiencia como positiva. La aplicación de la metodología científica a casos prácticos facilita el aprendizaje y aumenta la motivación del alumno. El profesor concluye mencionando las dificultades encontradas en las diversas fases del trabajo, enfatizando los problemas ocasionados por la falta de medios y la poca operatividad que suelen tener las actividades extraescolares. El trabajo remarca las dificultades encontradas por los alumnos al aplicar el método experimental. Se mencionan problemas a la hora de seleccionar variables y de su interpretación. En general remarca las dificultades institucionales, prácticas y de medios que suponen los trabajos de campo. Se valora como positivo el hecho de aplicar a un caso concreto la metodología experimental y la necesidad de elaborar informes comunicables. También se destaca el efecto motivador que este tipo de prácticas tiene sobre el alumno.
El artículo forma parte de una sección de la revista dedicada a intercambio de experiencias.
S'exposa una experiència didàctica dirigida a alumnes de primer i segon curs de batxiller de l'IES Berenguer d'Anoia (Mallorca), amb l'objectiu de dinamitzar la biblioteca escolar, treballant be sigui: un poeta cada mes, rebent poetes locals mensualment o realitzant recitals poètics a l'espai de la biblioteca escolar, aquesta activitat estar pensada per alumnes de primer i segon del batxillerat artístic amb la finalitat de realitzar una activitat acadèmica diferent que les motivi a l'estudi de la poesia.
Aquesta tesi doctoral estudia diferents aspectes sobre els habitatges a la província de Girona, combinant l'anàlisi sobre l'evolució històrica dels habitatges, el fenomen de les segones residències i el mercat d'apartaments turístics. El paper de la població és el principal motor del creixement dels habitatges durant el segle XX. Tot i així, durant la segona meitat, el pes dels habitatges secundaris en zones turístiques com Costa Brava i municipis de muntanya han tingut el seu paper significatiu. Altres factors determinants en els darrers anys han estat la immigració i la disminució del tamany de les llars. Les segones residències a Girona s'ubiquen en gran part a la Costa Brava (al voltant del 75% del total a la província). S'observa un fenomen d'expansió en forma de "taca d'oli" des de la Costa Brava cap a l'interior i des de la Cerdanya cap a zones més orientals. Dins el mercat d'apartaments turístics, una sèrie de regressions hedòniques han posat de manifest les variables que més influeixen sobre el preu final del lloguer de l'habitatge turístic com el nombre d'habitacions, el tipus d'allotjament, la distància sobre la platja, el municipi d'ubicació i la temporada turística. Respecte als hotels (el mateix exercici) com a bé substitutiu destaquen les mateixes variables excepte la piscina (menys valorat) i el pàrking (més valorat).
L'objectiu central de la tesi és estudiar els processos que permeten aconseguir un desenvolupament local a llarg termini de les ciutats mitjanes a partir de la implantació d'una gran infrastructura com el Tren d'Alta Velocitat (TAV). Es parteix de la hipòtesi que el desenvolupament local urbà a partir del TAV depèn de factors objectius i de factors subjectius (dels subjectes), uns factors que prenen una forma particular en el desenvolupament de les ciutats mitjanes. La tesi es divideix en una primera part teòrica i segona de més aplicada. Diversos autors han arribat a la conclusió que la relació tradicional que s'ha donat entre les infrastructures de transport i territori parteix d'uns paradigmes deterministes, que s'exemplifiquen amb una relació de "causa-efecte". Per aquest motiu, s'han criticat els estudis sobre els efectes socioeconòmics de les infrastructures de transport, així com el mateix concepte d'"efecte". Aquesta crítica es repeteix els estudis sobre el TAV i les ciutats mitjanes, que arriben a la conclusió que el desenvolupament econòmic no és un fet automàtic i que no es poden predir les conseqüències a mig i llarg termini del TAV. El desenvolupament local a partir del TAV, doncs, estaria relacionat amb tres elements principals. En primer lloc, entendre que la ciutat -i el territori- és un fenomen complex i, com a tal, cal abordar-lo des de la teoria dels sistemes complexos. En segon lloc, la gran infrastructura ha de convertir-se en un recurs endogen (interconnexió amb la xarxa local d'actors i territorialització en el milieu de la ciutat) per a que pugui contribuir al desenvolupament. En tercer lloc, la dinàmica de governance dels actors és primordial, i es divideix en la gestió interna de la xarxa local (projecte local) i la gestió multinivell de les administracions. En base als referents teòrics, es construeix una metodologia per avaluar el grau de desenvolupament local que ha comportat el TAV en tres ciutats mitjanes de l'arc mediterrani europeu, Lleida, Avinyó i Novara, situades respectivament a Espanya, França i Itàlia. La metodologia preveu l'estudi d'aspectes tècnics de la ciutat com els de transport (Posició territorial de la ciutat a partir del TAV, Característiques de l'estació TAV), urbanístics (Model urbanístic a escala municipal/urbana, Model urbanístic a escala de l'estació) i econòmics (Diferents projectes econòmics de la ciutat relacionats amb el TAV). També preveu l'estudi d'aspectes organitzatius externs (Els agents supralocals i els seus projectes, Grau de conflictivitat i cooperació en les relacions dels agents locals i supralocals) i interns (Capacitat de creació d'un projecte de ciutat a partir del TAV, Agents que participen en el projecte local i la seva dinàmica, Àmbit territorial dels projectes). Finalment s'efectua una avaluació del procés i dels resultats del desenvolupament local. Com a conclusió es demostra que el procés de desenvolupament local a partir de les grans infrastructures de transport depèn, en bon part, de la capacitat de governance. Depèn, per un cantó, de la capacitat dels agents locals d'elaborar un projecte de desenvolupament i liderar unes estratègies d'aprofitament i, de l'altre, de la capacitat dels agents del territori (estatals, regionals, locals) de crear aliances i cooperació per planificar la infrastructura de transport. Finalment es presenten un seguit de recomanacions a les ciutats que volen planificar l'arribada del TAV per a que contribueixi a un desenvolupament amb les característiques d'eficàcia, sostenibilitat, productivitat i equitat.
During the long history of Western thought, silence has always represented the main condition for the development of a deep meditation about the Self. Through this activity, which could seem to be in contrast with social life and philosophical praxis, several thinkers have tried to reach the spiritual nature of human beings. However, when they had to assign a foundation to it, the same meditation, which had started from the same bases, brought them to opposite conclusions. The motive for this divergence is grounded on the fact that materiality is not the only component that constitutes silence, since it has indeed a complex nature and so it consists also of an immaterial part. In addition, this inner and more hidden aspect could only be perceived through a direct contact that is rarely and personally achieved. As a consequence of this complexity, beside an interpretation of silence as a manifestation of God’s voice and a proof of the transcendent peculiarity of human beings, another reading has developed along a parallel path. This interpretation has represented silence as an expression of an utterly immanent spirituality that characterizes humanity. Two authors, in particular, can exhibit this frequently forgotten second stream of Western thought that has unceasingly run from Hellenistic age to contemporary culture: they are Michel de Montaigne and Martin Heidegger. This essay seeks to rebuild this long and complex plot of the history of Western thought through the texts’ recourse. At the same time, it seeks to grasp, in the relationship between men and silence, some fundamental prerequisites that could be considered absolutely necessary in order to design an anthropology and, consequently, an ethics with the characteristics of a recovered authenticity. These two renovated categories, according to the immanent feature of silence, have their own justification exclusively in the voice of human conscience and their purpose lies precisely in the relationship with others.
Este ensayo revisa elementos presentes en La emancipada (1863), texto que funda la novela ecuatoriana, y que representa por primera vez el territorio de esta nación. Revisa las relaciones de esta novela con otros discursos, como el refrán tradicional que afirma «La letra con sangre entra», en referencia a la dominación y el control ejercido por las élites sobre sujetos subalternos (en este caso los indios y las mujeres). Resalta el hecho de que la protagonista da validez a un texto ajeno, al poner su firma en una carta redactada por su padre, aunque escribe en el reverso del papel su propio mensaje, éste no llega con claridad a su destino. El motivo con el que se inicia la literatura ecuatoriana es revelador de otros elementos que contribuyeron a la formación de las naciones hispanoamericanos americanas en el siglo XIX.
This paper focuses upon a comparatively overlooked issue with regard to the scope of self-defence in international law: whether the subjective ‘psychological’ positions of the states concerned in a dispute involving the use force have any impact upon the lawfulness of an action avowedly taken in self-defence. There exists a long standing conception that the motives of a state responding in self-defence are relevant to the lawfulness of that response. The purity (or impurity) of a state's motive forms the basis of a distinction for many writers between a lawful self-defence action and an unlawful armed reprisal. Similarly, in recent decisions of the ICJ, the implication has been that the subjective intention of the attacking state may be relevant to the question of whether the attack perpetrated by that state can trigger the right of self-defence. The conclusion is reached here that the lawfulness of an avowed self-defence action should be premised upon objective criteria alone. Moreover, this reflects the law as it is in fact applied in practice. It is argued that the subjective ‘psychological’ position of either the responding or attacking state has no place in the final analysis of whether an action in self-defence was lawful or unlawful.
An animated film commissioned and screened by Art Review Magazine on their website (Oct-Dec 2010), and a double page comic strip (Art Review, Oct 2010. The project addresses a key problem with contemporary debates regarding ideas of ‘performativity’ and ‘fictioning’ (Foucault/Deleuze/Butler) whereby the structural requirement for an ‘End’ pre-determines or back-codes the ‘story’ or progression of events leading up to this ‘End’ and therefore cuts against the potentials claimed for ‘performance’ and ‘performativity’. Film credits Primary soundtrack: Music: Rose Kallal. Spoken word: Mark Beasley Voices: Katie Barrington, Marnie Watts, Maria Deegan & John Russell Sound engineer: Bob Geal PLUS Special bonus track: (after 'The End'): 'Strychnine Motive' (2011) by Gum Takes Tooth
The article confronts some key issues raised in the literature on public participation via a series of interrogatory questions drawn from rational choice theory. These are considered in relation to the design and process of public participation opportunities in planning and wider processes of local governance at the neighbourhood scale. In doing this, the article draws on recent research that has looked in some depth at a form of community-led planning (CLP) in England. The motives and expectations of participants, the abilities of participants, as well as the conditions in which participation takes place are seen as important factors. It is contended that the issues raised by rational choice theory are pertinent to emerging efforts to engage communities. As such, the article concludes that advocates of public participation or community engagement should not be afraid of responding to the challenges posed by questions of motive and reward of participants if lasting and worthwhile participation is to be established. Indeed, questions such as 'what's in it for me?' should be regarded as legitimate, necessary and indeed standard, in order to co-devise meaningful and durable participation opportunities and appropriate institutional environments. However, it is also maintained that wider considerations and capacity questions will also need to be confronted if participation is to become embedded as part of participatory neighbourhood-scale planning.
A recurrent but relatively unquestioned element in the canonisation of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is that the novel is about securing a meaningful way forward for the American child. The sense is that the novel deserves to live and to have a future because it is about a child, and tied in with the need for the young nation to project and to determine its future. This might seem, to apply the terms of queer debate, to lend weight to ‘reproductive futurism’: the child and ‘American family values’ are to the fore, while sexual minorities and alternative social models are excluded. The present essay re-reads Huckleberry Finn and Twain’s other Huck narratives, using the coordinates of queer theory. The result is a more equivocal picture. Twain does use Huck to assert the rights of the white American family, but he also uses him to explore alternative ideas of social organisation. More fundamentally, Twain increasingly finds that the idea of the child is no longer a sufficient motive for believing in and projecting a future. Rather, his writing leads the reader towards the impossibility of the future, both for the nation and its child.
Customer loyalty is fundamental to the profitability and survival of e-tailers. Yet research on antecedents of e-loyalty is relatively limited. This study contributes to the literature by investigating the effect of motives for online shopping on e-satisfaction and e-loyalty. A structural equations model is developed and tested through data from an online survey involving 797 customers of two UK-based e-tailers focussing on hedonic products. The results suggest that convenience, variety seeking, and social interaction help predict e-satisfaction, and that social interaction is the only shopping motive examined with a direct relationship to e-loyalty. Data also show that e-satisfaction is a strong determinant of e-loyalty. These findings are discussed in the light of previous research and avenues of future research are proposed.
We evaluate a number of real estate sentiment indices to ascertain current and forward-looking information content that may be useful for forecasting the demand and supply activities. Our focus lies on sector-specific surveys targeting the players from the supply-side of both residential and non-residential real estate markets. Analyzing the dynamic relationships within a Vector Auto-Regression (VAR) framework, we test the efficacy of these indices by comparing them with other coincident indicators in predicting real estate returns. Overall, our analysis suggests that sentiment indicators convey important information which should be embedded in the modeling exercise to predict real estate market returns. Generally, sentiment indices show better information content than broad economic indicators. The goodness of fit of our models is higher for the residential market than for the non-residential real estate sector. The impulse responses, in general, conform to our theoretical expectations. Variance decompositions and out-of-sample predictions generally show desired contribution and reasonable improvement respectively, thus upholding our hypothesis. Quite remarkably, consistent with the theory, the predictability swings when we look through different phases of the cycle. This perhaps suggests that, e.g. during recessions, market players’ expectations may be more accurate predictor of the future performances, conceivably indicating a ‘negative’ information processing bias and thus conforming to the precautionary motive of consumer behaviour.
Government and institutionally-driven ‘good practice transfer’ initiatives are consistently presented as a means to enhance construction firm and industry performance. Two implicit tenets of these initiatives appear to be: knowledge embedded in good practice will transfer automatically; and, the potential of implementing good practice will be capitalised regardless of the context where it is to be used. The validity of these tenets is increasingly being questioned and, concurrently, more nuanced knowledge production understandings are being developed which recognise and incorporate context-specificity. This research contributes to this growing, more critical agenda by examining the actual benefits accrued from good practice transfer from the perspective of a small specialist trade contracting firm. A concept model for successful good practice transfer is developed from a single longitudinal case study within a small heating and plumbing firm. The concept model consists of five key variables: environment, strategy, people, technology, and organisation of work. The key findings challenge the implicit assumptions prevailing in the existing literature and support a contingency approach that argues successful good practice transfer is not just adopting and mechanistically inserting into the firm, but requires addressing ‘behavioural’ aspects. For successful good practice transfer, small specialist trade contracting firms need to develop and operationalise organisation slack, mechanisms for scanning external stimuli and absorbing knowledge. They also need to formulate and communicate client-driven external strategies; to motive and educate people at all levels; to possess internal or accessible complementary skills and knowledge; to have ‘soft focus’ immediate/mid-term benefits at a project level; and, to embed good practice in current work practices.
Achievement motivation represents the energization and direction of competence-based behavior. Despite the ubiquity and importance of achievement motivation across the life span, developmental research in this area is quite sparse. In this chapter, we discuss developmental considerations and provide an overview of the developmentally relevant research that has been conducted on achievement motivation. Our review focuses specifically on the two most prominent constructs that have emerged in the achievement motivation literature in the past century: Motive dispositions (the need for achievement and fear of failure) and goals (mastery-approach, performance-approach, mastery-avoidance, and performance-avoidance achievement goals). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)(chapter)