941 resultados para membrana ceramica idrogeno perovskite tape casting


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Chlorhexidine release from ethylcellulose films east from solvents of different dichloromethane/ethanol compositions was studied. Release rate was proportional to the square root of time. Increased ethanol content within the casting solvent significantly enhanced release rate. Release rate and cumulative mass released at different time periods (5, 10, 15 and 25 days) were proportional to the solubility parameter of the casting solvent.


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The objective of this research was to determine the surface temperature of a high pressure die casting die during casting conditions. This was achieved by instrumentation of an insert which was placed in the shotplate region of the die. This research overcame the challenge of directly measuring the die surface temperature during a HPDC production casting cycle and shows that this is an effective method to determine the die surface temperature during the casting cycle. The instrumentation results gave a peak and minimum temperature of 500 C and 240 C respectively during steady state running conditions with a molten aluminium casting temperature of 660 C. Stress analysis from the steady state measured temperature of the die surface was calculated through a simple FEA model and the resulting stress uctuation was applied to a fatigue equation for the die material, the predicted number of cycles for cracking to start was found to correlate well with observed die damage.


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A strain gauge instrumentation trial on a high pressure die casting ‘HPDC’ die was compared to a corresponding simulation model using Magmasoft® casting simulation software at two strain gauge rosette locations. The strains were measured during the casting cycle, from which the von Mises stress was determined and then compared to the simulation model. The von Mises stress from the simulation model correlated well with the findings from the instrumentation trial, showing a difference of 5.5%, ~ 10 MPa for one strain gauge rosette located in an area of low stress gradient. The second rosette was in a region of steep stress gradient, which resulted in a difference of up to 40%, ~40 MPa between the simulation and instrumentation results. Factors such as additional loading from die closure force or metal injection pressure which are not modelled by Magmasoft® were seen to have very little influence on the stress in the die, less than 7%.


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The phase instability of bismuth perovskite (BiMO3), where M is a ferromagnetic cation, is exploited to create self-assembled magnetic oxide nanocrystal arrays on oxide supports. Conditions during pulsed laser deposition are tuned so as to induce complete breakdown of the perovskite precursor into bismuth oxide (Bi2 O3 ) and metal oxide (M-Ox ) pockets. Subsequent cooling in vacuum volatizes the Bi2 O3 leaving behind an array of monodisperse nanocrystals. In situ reflective high energy electron diffraction beam is exploited to monitor the synthesis in real-time. Analysis of the patterns confi rms the phase separation and volatization process. Successful synthesis of M-Ox, where M = Mn, Fe, Co, and Cr, is shown using this template-free facile approach. Detailed magnetic characterization of nanocrystals is carried out to reveal the functionalities such as magnetic anisotropy as well as larger than bulk moments, as expected in these oxide nanostructures.


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Gas-to-liquid processes are generally used to convert natural gas or other gaseous hydrocarbons into liquid fuels via an intermediate syngas stream. This includes the production of liquid fuels from biomass-derived sources such as biogas. For example, the dry reforming of methane is done by reacting CH4 and CO2, the two main components of natural biogas, into more valuable products, i.e., CO and H2. Nickel containing perovskite type catalysts can promote this reaction, yielding good conversions and selectivities; however, they are prone to coke laydown under certain operating conditions. We investigated the addition of high oxygen mobility dopants such as CeO2, ZrO2, or YSZ to reduce carbon laydown, particularly using reaction conditions that normally result in rapid coking. While doping with YSZ, YDC, GDC, and SDC did not result in any improvement, we show that a Ni perovskite catalyst (Na0.5La0.5Ni0.3Al0.7O2.5) doped with 80.9 ZrO2 15.2 CeO2 gave the lowest amount of carbon formation at 800 °C and activity was maintained over the operating time.


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nominated for Prix Leonce Petitot, NOROIT, Arras, France


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written for and first performed by Julian Siegel (sax) and Simon Atkinson (bass clarinet)


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commissioned by ORF (Austrian Radio) Wien (Heidi Grundmann) for project 'Entree/Sortie' Broadcast 10 January 1991


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commissioned by Adventures in Motion Pictures (Matthew Bourne) for Dance Umbrella Festival< London