897 resultados para mass media audiences
Esta tesis investiga la obra pornográfica del escritor colombiano Hernán Hoyos que, a grandes rasgos, se trata de una serie de crónicas, reportajes, novelas, testimonios y anecdotarios que versan sobre el acto sexual. Su obra literaria se inscribe en el espacio urbano de la ciudad de Cali, durante el periodo de 1962 a 1995. Debido a la prolijidad de sus personajes, de los referentes y los modos de vida que allí se recrean su obra resulta, entre otras razones, una lectura clave para la comprensión de la cultura popular de esa temporalidad. El primer capítulo está dedicado a reflexionar sobre la noción del arquetipo en, tal vez, el libro más reconocido del autor El Tumbalocas(1972). En este apartado se posibilita un análisis sobre el tipo de recreación que se hace del arquetipo del seductor sin descanso: ‘Don Juan’. De allí que se dé importancia a los valores, expectativas e imaginarios que circularon en la novela a través de este arquetipo literario. El segundo capítulo, por otro lado, parte de una reflexión sobre la vida cotidiana y un acercamiento a lo que hemos denominado ‘los espacios para el placer’ en la década de 1960. Esto con la finalidad de comprender no solo el contexto en el que se desenvuelven los libros pornográficos de Hoyos sino, también, para entender el clima de permisividad que comportó la sociedad caleña de la época. En este capítulo se hace una incursión al tipo de representación del cuerpo en la obra del escritor, de allí que, más adelante, se realice una lectura desde la noción del ‘carnaval’ propuesta por Mijail Bajtin. Por último, el tercer capítulo brinda un acercamiento a los avatares culturales de la ciudad de Cali, su tecnificación, los mass media y, en general, los nuevos ritmos que empezaron a cargar de significados y nuevas expectativas a la sociedad de la época. Como extensión de la cultura urbana predominante, se realiza una reflexión sobre los hábitos lectores que incitaron los libros pornográficos.
El medio es el mensaje. La conocida expresión de McLuhan cobra una nueva dimensión con la asimilación de revolucionarias tecnologías por los medios de comunicación colectiva y la consecuente transformación de contenidos, productores y consumidores globales. La comunicación multimedia no volverá a difundir el mensaje de la época Gutermberg. El proceso de globalización, desarrollo de Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TIC), debilitamiento del Estado nacional-liberal y surgimiento de transnacionales de la comunicación determinan la refuncionalización de los massmedia y sus nexos con el movimiento social. El carácter de industria de la información y comunicación viabiliza la integración de los medios al conjunto de sujetos globales en expansión, como miembros de pleno derecho. La actoría económica, social y política de los grandes grupos multimedia es aceptada como parte de la lógica globalizadora. Estructuras en retroceso como Estados nacionales, clases sociales, partidos políticos y gremios que a ellos corresponden, en cambio, reclaman por la incursión de los mass-media en campos que los suponen privativos y exigen de ellos volver a su función liberal. Por su parte, sectores sociales de renovada visibilidad y protagonismo político encuentran en los escenarios de la comunicación un lugar de lucha por la significación de mensajes y sus posibles lecturas. Vivimos la batalla por el control de la información. Perdida de antemano, desde el subdesarrollo, en cuanto a la capacidad de difusión; no así, respecto de contenidos y significación. El cambio mediático no se reduce a la incorporación de tecnologías; la comunicación de masas contemporánea designa otro sensorium, modos de percibir, conocer, organizar el espacio público y privado, relacionarse con el tiempo. En este universo cambiante, los medios adquieren una polifuncionalidad propia de la transición que atraviesa al conjunto social y de la cual ellos igualmente son objeto. Su rol varía en relación con el carácter de actores sociales diversos, diferencia que se reproduce en los intereses de esa actoría, sus discursos y vinculación con la producción y difusión mediáticas. Simultáneamente, esa polivalencia también ha contribuido a opacar funciones, reproducir antiguos prejuicios y concebir renovadas ilusiones respecto de la comunicación y su potencial a inicios del siglo XXI.
Los estudios sobre mass-media tienden a suponer que un medio de comunicación estatal es o debe ser, por su determinación de propiedad, un medio público y, bajo esta segunda denominación, acumulan características que parten de distintas definiciones de lo público y también de diferentes conceptos de Estado. Este ensayo explora cuatro elementos distintos en la forma como los medios de comunicación de propiedad estatal se articulan a los procesos de control ideológico que posibilitan la reproducción de las relaciones de poder y que suponen formas específicas de concebir al Estado y a lo público: medios con administración gubernamental, servicio o bienes públicos, espacios de participación ciudadana, productos de la globalización. Se concluye en que la construcción de lo público no tiene vínculo directo con la propiedad del medio. La determinación no está en la discrepancia entre lo privado y lo público, como tampoco debe buscársela entre lo privado y lo estatal, sino en la naturaleza de clase que conduce al Estado y sus formas de reproducción ideológica.
El propósito fundamental de este trabajo fue que a través de un análisis de la cultura de entretenimiento en la televisión, se estudió un caso específico relacionado con la popularidad y la recepción del programa Showmatch, conducido por el presentador argentino Marcelo Tinelli, donde se abordaron varios temas que cotidianamente se presentan en dicho programa. Los contenidos del estudio tienen varias aristas, se refieren a la popularidad y la recepción del programa en un sector determinado de la población quiteña. Otro de los tópicos tratados es el entretenimiento y el consumo que producen estos programas televisivos en la gente y como afectan en sus emociones y sensibilidades, logrando identificarse con sus actores y su conductor. Es importante el tratamiento que se da al carisma y popularidad del presentador de televisión, Marcelo Tinelli y su influencia dentro de la sociedad argentina y sus repercusiones en Sudamérica. La investigación tiene dos capítulos, que habla entre otras cosas, del desarrollo cultural, los mass media, la televisión, el consumo, la recepción, el entretenimiento, indicadores de estudio, características del programa en cuestión, etc., todo ello, tomando en cuenta la opinión de varios autores. El objetivo de mostrar una mirada desde el campo académico a los entretelones de un programa de televisión muy popular en Argentina y que tiene una apreciable audiencia en la ciudad de Quito, se cumplió porque se evidencia el comportamiento de la audiencia y sus reacciones ante un producto comunicacional enmarcado dentro de la cultura popular. Productos de este tipo se presentan a diario en los medios de comunicación a nivel nacional e internacional, unos con mejor producción que otros, (Showmatch se caracteriza por una gran producción) aunque los contenidos no varíen demasiado y por eso la importancia del estudio.
This article begins by identifying a close relationship between the image of children generated by several sociologists working within the new sociology of childhood perspective and the claims and ambitions of the proponents of children's autonomy rights. The image of the child as a competent, self-controlled human agent are then subjected to observation from the perspective of Niklas Luhmann's social systems theory. The new sociology of childhood's constructivist approach is compared and contrasted with Niklas Luhmann's theory of 'operational constructivism'. The article applies tenets of Luhmann's theory, to the emergence of the new childhood sociologist's image of the child as a competent, self-controlled social agent, to the epistemological status of this image and, in particular, to claims that it derives from scientific endeavour. The article proceeds to identify two theoretical developments within sociology - sociology of identity and social agency - which have brought about fundamental changes in what may be considered 'sociological' and so 'scientific' and paved the way for sociological communications about what children,really are'. In conclusion, it argues that the merging of sociology with polemics, ideology, opinion and personal beliefs and, at the level of social systems, between science and politics represents in Luhmann's terms 'dedifferentiation'- a tendency he claims may have serious adverse consequences for modern society. This warning is applied to the scientific status of sociology - its claim to be able to produce 'facts' for society, upon which social systems, such as politics and law, may rely. Like the mass media, sociology may now be capable of producing only information, and not facts, about children.
This paper analyses tendencies in debates about cultural representations of terrorism to assume that artists make critical interventions, while the mass media circulates stereotypes. Some recent feminist analyses of female terrorist acts have re-instituted essentialist arguments in which violence and terrorism is described as inherently masculine, while women are by nature pacifist, so that femininity is the antithesis of militarism. More progressive analyses mostly tend to expose the circulation of stereotypes and their gender bias, in order to protest the misrepresentation of women in violence. These analyses do not construct alternative accounts. Through an analysis of two works by artists Hito Steyerl and Sharon Hayes, the paper argues that some of the moves to re-image the question of women, violence and agency have already been made in contemporary art practices. Through analysing legacies of terrorism and feminism, it becomes possible to rethink the question of agency, militancy and the nature of political art. The paper appears in an edited interdiscplinary collection arising from a conference at Universität der Bundeswehr in Munich. It relates to wider projects involving collaborations with Birkbeck and Edinburgh on representations of terrorism and on violence and contemporary art.
The book is a collection of cutting edge essay on the politics of the environment covering and analysing important topics, such as the Kyoto protocol and deforestation, this book provides extensive coverage of all aspects of environmental politics. This unbiased survey is of interest to students, academics, business people and general researchers. Four sections present a thorough overview of current issues in the politics of the environment in historical perspective. The first section consists of essays written by a variety of academic and other experts on topics including Globalization: The Environment and Development Debate; The State, International Relations and the Environment; Environmental Movements; Mass Media and Environmental Politics; and The Ethical Dimensions of Global Environmental Change
This paper describes the recent development of identity and community among gay men in China. It focuses both on the ways emerging forms of gay identity relate to larger ideological and discursive shifts within society, and on the ways these new forms of identity and community affect situated social interaction among gay men themselves. In particular, it addresses the question of how these emerging forms of gay identity and gay community affect the ways gay men in China understand the threat of HIV and make concrete decisions about sexual risk and safety. Among the chief tactics used by gay men in China to forge identity and community involves appropriating and adapting elements from dominant discourses of the Party-State and the mass media. This strategy has opened up spaces within which gay men can claim “cultural citizenship” in a society in which they have been heretofore marginalized. At the same time, this strategy also implicated in the formation of attitudes and social practices that potentially increase the vunerability of Chinese gay men to HIV infection.
Genre stratification and the mass media’s neutralization of the critique of ADHD: A sociology of knowledge perspective This study examines how the Swedish mass media has dealt with the opposition against the neuropsychiatric diagnosis ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). Drawing on empirical data from eight of the largest newspapers in Sweden (n=778 articles) the study focuses on the scientific controversy of DAMP, 2000–2006. DAMP (Dysfunction in Attention, Motor Control and Perception) is a diagnostic term denoting difficulties similar to ADHD, and which was used in Sweden at the time of the controversy. The study uncovers the ideological role played by the mass media during the DAMP-controversy, and demonstrates the significance of genre. While the spokespersons for DAMP/ADHD were given exclusive and systematic access to the news genre, the forum of fact-production in the mass media, the critics of DAMP/ADHD were confined to arguing and expressing their opinions in the debate genre. Based on the various effects of genre differences a comprehensive analytical tool for the sociology of knowledge, called genre stratification, is developed in the study
Consensus and personified conflicts: representations of elderly care issues in Swedish newspapers Elderly care issues are commonly framed in public discourse. In mass media the representations of such issues are influenced by media logic. The purpose of this paper is to describe and analyse how elderly care issues were represented in three Swedish newspapers during the first half of 2007. How were the problems characterized? How were different actors characterized and which roles were they assigned? How are conflicts of interests described? Finally, we aim to discuss how media contribute to an understanding of the complexity of elderly care as a whole. Taken together, the articles do not provide a coherent picture. However, costs, quality of care and demographic issues were common themes. The elderly were commonly represented in personal narratives about problems that occurred when they needed elderly care. The elderly in the future are projected as more active and demanding than the elderly today. The care workers were active voices in discussions about working conditions, but absent in discussions about their education and professional identity, which was an issue commonly advocated by politicians. Many issues were represented as conflicts between the individual elderly and the care system or between care workers and their employers. More elaborated discussions about how to prioritize between different needs and demands were rare. This can be seen as examples of how the media tends to use personification, simplification and polarization as means to tell interesting stories.
You Know How I Know You're Gay?: Masculinity and Homophobia in Contemporary Mainstream Comedy is a three-part senior scholars project that consists of a critical analysis of homophobic humor in contemporary mainstream comedy, an original feature-length comedy script entitled Don 't Be that Freshman, and a DVD of selected scenes from Don't Be that Freshman. The critical analysis first establishes the existence of homophobic humor in mainstream comedy and then links this homophobia to masculine anxiety, applying the ideas set forth in Michael Kimmel's essay, "Masculinity as Homophobia," to contemporary, mainstream, homosocial comedies. The paper goes on to examine audience reactions to this homophobic humor, focusing on audience members who enjoy these movies, yet consider themselves to be accepting of homosexuality and against homophobia. I discuss ways of resistance and the importance of opposing homophobic humor, and finally, I look at comedy as a potentially transgressive medium that could be used to fight homophobia and social inequality. The critical analysis, therefore, leads into Don't Be that Freshman, a film that uses progressive humor to oppose homophobia and expose the potential dangers and pitfalls of conforming to social constructions of gender. Don't Be that Freshman is a film about three pairs of college roommates in their first semester at college who become each other's first friends on campus. It is a character-driven comedy that attempts to normalize non-heterosexual sexual orientation and gender non-conformity, to advocate a type of living that does not conform to problematic social constructions and cultural ideologies, and at the same time to appeal to a mainstream audience. The film version is twenty-five minutes long and consists of ten scenes from the script.
O presente estudo foi concebido com o intuito de levantar e compilar informações, do ponto de vista conceitual, para a fundamentação da crítica quanto à influência e interferência dos meios de comunicação de massa nos assuntos de segurança pública, uma dupla temática real, mas não problematizada. Abordam-se os aspectos relativos ao histórico da instituição policial e sua estrutura permanente em contextos diferenciados, bem como a premência por um modelo que melhor se adapte ao sistema democrático, ao Estado de Direito. Enfocam-se questões referentes à visão dos meios de comunicação enquanto agentes econômicos e políticos, à liberdade de imprensa, às responsabilidades da mídia e à ética na comunicação. Constata-se, na pesquisa, que a conjunção dos temas 'meios de comunicação e aparato policial' carece de tratamento sistematizado, no meio literário, acadêmico. Busca-se, portanto, trazê-la à discussão, considerando o poder adquirido pela mídia nos últimos tempos e sua penetração na dinâmica social e no próprio aparato policial. Evidencia-se, ainda, a resultante dessa relação para o trato dos assuntos de segurança pública, relegados ao plano comercial da notícia e tratados sob a ótica de mercadoria com potencial gerador de altos índices de audiência.
The aim of this study is to look into the benefits provided to social inclusion by cultural activities carried out in a cultural place with great seriousness at Rio de Janeiro. To accomplish that, the author attempt to deepen into the social exclusion/inclusion in brazilian urban context, spotlighting the historic reality of the urban process of the city. Afterwards, by means of a quality research, document files from the cultural spot were consulted and looked into the view of customers, trustees and managers. For customers were applied questionnaires with open and close questions, with trustees and managers were made interviews, and also a documentary research with opinions available in mass media. This study fits into public politics, cultural and institutional marketing, for presenting examples of how cultural activities are essential tools for completely social inclusion of people in community, demonstrating that often marketing enterprises in culture area can result in benefits for society, even no being these their main purposes.
The objective of this dissertation is to discover and to analyze the way how the consumer uses his/her perception to decide contracting a health plan, to supply elements that can serve to subsidize the State, the market and the consumers, in relation to the knowledge on the process of choice of the consumer and the decisions of purchase and contracting services of private health. The estimated one is to evidence that the brand of health plan is an important variable and decisive to the consumer contracting the service of a company that operates in these sector, because mean for the consumer security about the product, through the symbolism that the same one represents, despite the consumer not knowing to the certainty what is contracting in quality and amount. The theoretical construction is carried through using literature of anthropology of the consumption, theory of modernity, theory of the regulation, economic utilitarism, and marketing. Moreover, referential specific theoretician on the regulation of the market of health plans in Brazil. The health plan market in Brazil is anti-symmetrical and the consumer doesn¿t have knowledge technician who makes possible it to form judgment and to carry through rationality choices. Than the consumer uses to his/her decision symbolic elements that are available to his/her and supply to his/her the security that is look likes in the consumption of this kind of good. These symbolic elements related the confidence and security and are into the strong brands of the companies and are transmitted to the consumer through the mass media. In this dissertation are used as sources of data some information of the regulatory agency of the sector ¿ ANS -, a research of public opinion with health plans users and the results of the application of proper questionnaires for this research.