929 resultados para making of pulp
The objective of this work was to analyze the growth of champa fruit (Campomanesia lineatifolia) as a function of growing-degree days (GDD) in the municipality of Miraflores, in Boyacá, Colombia. Thirty trees were selected at random, and 100 flowers in full bloom were marked in each tree. From the 26th day after flowering until harvest, 10 samples were taken every 15 days to determine the fruit parameters and growth rate. Temperature was recorded to calculate the GDD. From flowering until harvest, 1,489.1 GDD were accumulated over 145 days. Dry and fresh matter mass of pulp, seed, and total fruit were fitted to a logistic growth model, and three growth stages (S1, S2 and S3) were defined. In the S1, growth was slow, and the relative growth remained nearly stable, whereas the absolute growth rate (AGR) increased slowly. In the S2, maximum growth was observed. In the S3, which corresponds to maturation, dry mass increased gradually, and the AGR decreased, while the fresh pulp and total mass did not cease to increase. The polar and equatorial diameters increased linearly, while the volume followed an exponential model. Champa fruit show a simple sigmoid growth curve.
Sellun valmistuksessa kuluu energiaa mm. materiaalivirtojen lämmittämiseen. Käyttämällä prosessissa syntyvä sekundäärilämpö hyödyksi säästetään energiakustannuksissa. Toimiva sekundäärilämpöjärjestelmä on yksinkertainen ja tehokas. Tässä diplomityössä tutkitaan sellutehtaan sekundäärilämpöjärjestelmän toiminta. Tehtaan sekundäärilämmön käyttö on muuttunut uusien tehdasosastojen ja jakeluun tehtyjen muutoksien jälkeen. Tavoitteena on selvittää sekundäärilämpöjärjestelmän toiminta nykytilanteessa ja etsiä käyttökohteita hyödyntämättömälle sekundäärilämmölle. Saatujen tietojen perusteella laaditaan sekundäärilämpötase talvitilanteessa ja päivitetään raportointi nykytilannetta vastaavaksi.
Due to the intense international competition, demanding, and sophisticated customers, and diverse transforming technological change, organizations need to renew their products and services by allocating resources on research and development (R&D). Managing R&D is complex, but vital for many organizations to survive in the dynamic, turbulent environment. Thus, the increased interest among decision-makers towards finding the right performance measures for R&D is understandable. The measures or evaluation methods of R&D performance can be utilized for multiple purposes; for strategic control, for justifying the existence of R&D, for providing information and improving activities, as well as for the purposes of motivating and benchmarking. The earlier research in the field of R&D performance analysis has generally focused on either the activities and considerable factors and dimensions - e.g. strategic perspectives, purposes of measurement, levels of analysis, types of R&D or phases of R&D process - prior to the selection of R&Dperformance measures, or on proposed principles or actual implementation of theselection or design processes of R&D performance measures or measurement systems. This study aims at integrating the consideration of essential factors anddimensions of R&D performance analysis to developed selection processes of R&D measures, which have been applied in real-world organizations. The earlier models for corporate performance measurement that can be found in the literature, are to some extent adaptable also to the development of measurement systemsand selecting the measures in R&D activities. However, it is necessary to emphasize the special aspects related to the measurement of R&D performance in a way that make the development of new approaches for especially R&D performance measure selection necessary: First, the special characteristics of R&D - such as the long time lag between the inputs and outcomes, as well as the overall complexity and difficult coordination of activities - influence the R&D performance analysis problems, such as the need for more systematic, objective, balanced and multi-dimensional approaches for R&D measure selection, as well as the incompatibility of R&D measurement systems to other corporate measurement systems and vice versa. Secondly, the above-mentioned characteristics and challenges bring forth the significance of the influencing factors and dimensions that need to be recognized in order to derive the selection criteria for measures and choose the right R&D metrics, which is the most crucial step in the measurement system development process. The main purpose of this study is to support the management and control of the research and development activities of organizations by increasing the understanding of R&D performance analysis, clarifying the main factors related to the selection of R&D measures and by providing novel types of approaches and methods for systematizing the whole strategy- and business-based selection and development process of R&D indicators.The final aim of the research is to support the management in their decision making of R&D with suitable, systematically chosen measures or evaluation methods of R&D performance. Thus, the emphasis in most sub-areas of the present research has been on the promotion of the selection and development process of R&D indicators with the help of the different tools and decision support systems, i.e. the research has normative features through providing guidelines by novel types of approaches. The gathering of data and conducting case studies in metal and electronic industry companies, in the information and communications technology (ICT) sector, and in non-profit organizations helped us to formulate a comprehensive picture of the main challenges of R&D performance analysis in different organizations, which is essential, as recognition of the most importantproblem areas is a very crucial element in the constructive research approach utilized in this study. Multiple practical benefits regarding the defined problemareas could be found in the various constructed approaches presented in this dissertation: 1) the selection of R&D measures became more systematic when compared to the empirical analysis, as it was common that there were no systematic approaches utilized in the studied organizations earlier; 2) the evaluation methods or measures of R&D chosen with the help of the developed approaches can be more directly utilized in the decision-making, because of the thorough consideration of the purpose of measurement, as well as other dimensions of measurement; 3) more balance to the set of R&D measures was desired and gained throughthe holistic approaches to the selection processes; and 4) more objectivity wasgained through organizing the selection processes, as the earlier systems were considered subjective in many organizations. Scientifically, this dissertation aims to make a contribution to the present body of knowledge of R&D performance analysis by facilitating dealing with the versatility and challenges of R&D performance analysis, as well as the factors and dimensions influencing the selection of R&D performance measures, and by integrating these aspects to the developed novel types of approaches, methods and tools in the selection processes of R&D measures, applied in real-world organizations. In the whole research, facilitation of dealing with the versatility and challenges in R&D performance analysis, as well as the factors and dimensions influencing the R&D performance measure selection are strongly integrated with the constructed approaches. Thus, the research meets the above-mentioned purposes and objectives of the dissertation from the scientific as well as from the practical point of view.
Työssä tutkittiin sulfaattisellutehtaan ECF-valkaisimon toimintaan vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Tavoitteena oli selvittää tekijöiden vaikutus massan laatuominaisuuksiin, valkaisimon kemikaalikustannuksiin ja klooridioksidin kulutukseen. Työn kirjallisuusosassa on tarkasteltu nykyaikaisen sulfaattisellutehtaan eri prosesseja. Erityistä huomiota on kiinnitetty sellun ECF-valkaisuun ja kyseisessä valkaisussa käytettäviin kemikaaleihin. Lisäksi on tarkasteltu TCF-valkaisua ja mahdollisuuksia sulkea sellutehtaan vesikiertoja. Kokeellisessa osassa selvitettiin Oy Metsä-Botnia Ab Joutsenon tehtaan kolmivaiheisen ECF-valkaisimon massan laatuominaisuuksiin, kustannuksiin ja klooridioksidin kulutukseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Tavoitteena oli vaikuttaa positiivisesti massan laatuominaisuuksiin valkaisun keinoin. Samalla pyrittiin minimoimaan valkaisusta aiheutuvia kemikaalikustannuksia ja vähentämään klooridioksidin kulutusta. Työssä käytettiin Taguchi-menetelmää. Tehdyn tutkimuksen myötä saatiin runsaasti tietoa mihin eri ominaisuuksiin tutkitut tekijät vaikuttivat. Metallien poistolla eli kelatoinnilla havaittiin olevan suuri merkitys hapettavan alkaliuuttovaiheen ja samalla koko valkaisimon toimintaan. Suurella kelatointiaineannoksella valkaisimon selektiivisyys ja tehokkuus paranivat. Muista tekijöistä happiannoksella havaittiin olevan vaikutusta vain massan paperiteknisiin ominaisuuksiin ja hiilihydraattien koostumukseen. Happiannoksen kasvattaminen paransi repäisyindeksiä ja vähensi massan jauhatustarvetta yli valkaisimon. Kyseisiin ominaisuuksiin vaikuttivat myös klooridioksidi ja sen toimintaolosuhteet. Kemikaalikustannuksiin vaikuttavista tekijöistä valkaisimon tulokapalla ja ensimmäisen klooridioksidivaiheen kemikaaliannoksella havaittiin olevan suuri merkitys. Samat tekijät vaikuttivat myös valkaisimon klooridioksidin kokonaiskulukseen.
Diplomityön tavoitteena oli kartoittaa kemiallisesti parhaita käytäntöjä sellutehtaiden kemikaalien talteenottoprosessissa. Kirjallisuudesta ei löytynyt lipeäkiertoon liittyvää kemiallista tietoutta. Laiteteknisten ratkaisujen kautta yritettiin saada selville parhaat käytännöt. Teoriaosassa on myös käsitelty lipeäkierrossa esiintyvien vierasaineiden lähteitä, rikastumista ja poistumista prosessista. Työ tehtiin Stora Enson Suomessa sijaitseville tehtaille. Kokeellisessa osassa on suoritettu tehtailta saadun materiaalin perusteella tunnuslukujen laskentaa sekä PCA-analyysin teko. Työssä tarkastelualueena on lipeäkierto liuottajasta meesauuniin. Kaukopäässä on käytössä lipeäkierrossa kaksi lipeälinjaa ja muilla tehtailla vain yksi. Saatujen tunnuslukujen perusteella tehtaille on annettu pisteitä nollasta viiteen. Viisi pistettä on saanut parhaan arvon saanut tehdas ja nolla pistettä kaukana parhaasta arvosta olevat. Tunnuslukuja on valittu 14 ja edellä esitetyllä tavalla pisteytettynä on parhaaksi tehtaaksi saatu Kaukopään 1-lipeälinja ja huonoin on Kemijärvi. Huomioitavaa on Kaukopään 2-lipeälinjan sijoittuminen vasta neljänneksi, vaikka lipeälinjoilla on valkolipeän ja meesan käsittelyssä yhteiset syöttösäiliöt. PCA-analyysin perusteella havaittiin, että kuukausikeskiarvoja käytettäessä tulokset tasoittuvat verrattuna päiväarvoilla tehtyyn analyysiin. Analyysi osoittaa, että tehtailla lipeäkierto ei ole täysin hallinnassa. Tämä ilmenee suurina objektien liikkeinä kuvissa. Päiväarvoilla analyysi tehtiin vain Oulun tehtaalle. Tarkastelussa valittiin kuukauden mittainen ajanjakso niin hyvää kuin huonoakin jaksoa. Mallien selitysasteista voidaan nähdä eroja hyvän ja huonon jakson välillä. Tämä ilmenee niin, että hyvän jakson mallin selitysaste on korkeampi kuin huonon jakson. Objektien sijoittuminen kuvissa on myös erilainen. Hyvän jakson aikana objektit ovat pieninä ryhminä, kun huonon jakson objektit ovat hajonneet yksittäisiksi arvoiksi ja päivien väliset erot ovat suuret.
The main purpose of this study was to examine and compare the possibilities of profit repatriation from the point of view of tax planning of an international corporation, in such a case that a Finnish parent company has a subsidiary in Poland. The main research problem was divided into two sub research problems: 1) to examine concepts and principles of international taxation and tax planning from the point of view of international corporations and 2) to discuss the main features of Polish Companies-, Accounting- and Tax Act from the point of view a Finnish parent company. The research method of this study is mainly decision making, comparative analysis. In this study have been discussed the possibilities of international profit repatriation for supporting the decision making of the management of a Finnish parent company. In addition different repatriation possibilities have been compared. In this study has been noticed that a Finnish parent company can repatriate profit of its Polish subsidiary either directly as dividends or by using indirect methods such as interests, royalties, management fees and transfer pricing of goods. The total tax burden of dividends is heavier than the tax burden of indirect methods. It was also concluded that during the last years the Polish legislation has been renewed in order to prevent hidden dividend distribution. This has been done by implementing new rules of transfer pricing and thin capitalization.
The purpose of this study was to increase the understanding of the role and nature of trust in asymmetric technology partnership formation. In the knowledge-based "learning race" knowledge is considered as a primary source for competitive advantage. In the emerging ICT sector the high pace of technological change, the convergence of technologies and industries as well as the increasing complexity and uncertainty have forced even the largest players to seek cooperation for complementary knowledge and capabilities. Small technology firms need the complementary resources and legitimacy of the large firms to grow and compete in the global market place. Most of the earlier research indicates, however, that partnerships with asymmetric size, managerial resources and cultures have failed. A basic assumption supported by earlier research was that trust is a critical factor in asymmetric technology partnership formation. Asymmetric technology partnership formation is a dynamic and multi-dimensional process, and consequently a holistic research approach was selected. Research issue was approached from different levels: the individual decision-maker, the firm and the relationship between the parties. Also the impact of the dynamic environment and technology content was analyzed. A multitheoretical approach and a qualitative research method with in-depth interviews in five large ICT companies and eight small ICT companies enabled a holistic and rich view of the research issue. Study contributes on the scarce understanding on the nature and evolution of trust in asymmetric technology partnership formation. It sheds also light on the specific nature of asymmetric technology partnerships. The partnerships were found to be tentative and the diverse strategic intent of small and large technology firms appeared as a major challenge. The role of the boundary spanner was highlighted as a possibility to match the incompatible organizational cultures. A shared vision was found to be a pre-condition for individual-based fast trust leading to intuitive decision-making and experimentation. The relationships were tentative and they were continuously re-evaluated through the key actors' sense making of the technology content, asymmetry and the dynamic environment. A multi-dimensional conceptualization for trust was created and propositions on the role and nature of trust for further research are given. The purpose of this study was to increase the understanding of the role and nature of trust in asymmetric technology partnership formation. In the knowledge-based "learning race" knowledge is considered as a primary source for competitive advantage. In the emerging ICT sector the high pace of technological change, the convergence of technologies and industries as well as the increasing complexity and uncertainty have forced even the largest players to seek cooperation for complementary knowledge and capabilities. Small technology firms need the complementary resources and legitimacy of the large firms to grow and compete in the global market place. Most of the earlier research indicates, however, that partnerships with asymmetric size, managerial resources and cultures have failed. A basic assumption supported by earlier research was that trust is a critical factor in asymmetric technology partnership formation. Asymmetric technology partnership formation is a dynamic and multi-dimensional process, and consequently a holistic research approach was selected. Research issue was approached from different levels: the individual decision-maker, the firm and the relationship between the parties. Also the impact of the dynamic environment and technology content was analyzed. A multitheoretical approach and a qualitative research method with in-depth interviews in five large ICT companies and eight small ICT companies enabled a holistic and rich view of the research issue. Study contributes on the scarce understanding on the nature and evolution of trust in asymmetric technology partnership formation. It sheds also light on the specific nature of asymmetric technology partnerships. The partnerships were found to be tentative and the diverse strategic intent of small and large technology firms appeared as a major challenge. The role of the boundary spanner was highlighted as a possibility to match the incompatible organizational cultures. A shared vision was found to be a pre-condition for individual-based fast trust leading to intuitive decision-making and experimentation. The relationships were tentative and they were continuously re-evaluated through the key actors' sense making of the technology content, asymmetry and the dynamic environment. A multi-dimensional conceptualization for trust was created and propositions on the role and nature of trust for further research are given.
Lime kiln is used as a part of the modern kraft pulp process in order to produce burnt lime from lime mud. This rotating kiln is supported by support rollers, which are traditionally supported by journal bearings. Since the continuous growth in the production of pulp mills requires larger lime kilns, the traditional bearing construction has become unreliable. The main problem especially involves the running-in phase of the bearings. In the present thesis, a new type of support roller was developed by using the systematic approach of machine design. Structural analysis was conducted on the critical parts of the selected structure by the finite element method. The operation of hydrodynamic bearings was examined by analytical methods. As a result of this work, a new type of support for rotating kilns was designed, which is more reliable and easier to service. A new support roller geometry is described, which pro¬vides for significant cost savings.
COD discharges out of processes have increased in line with elevating brightness demands for mechanical pulp and papers. The share of lignin-like substances in COD discharges is on average 75%. In this thesis, a plant dynamic model was created and validated as a means to predict COD loading and discharges out of a mill. The assays were carried out in one paper mill integrate producing mechanical printing papers. The objective in the modeling of plant dynamics was to predict day averages of COD load and discharges out of mills. This means that online data, like 1) the level of large storage towers of pulp and white water 2) pulp dosages, 3) production rates and 4) internal white water flows and discharges were used to create transients into the balances of solids and white water, referred to as “plant dynamics”. A conversion coefficient was verified between TOC and COD. The conversion coefficient was used for predicting the flows from TOC to COD to the waste water treatment plant. The COD load was modeled with similar uncertainty as in reference TOC sampling. The water balance of waste water treatment was validated by the reference concentration of COD. The difference of COD predictions against references was within the same deviation of TOC-predictions. The modeled yield losses and retention values of TOC in pulping and bleaching processes and the modeled fixing of colloidal TOC to solids between the pulping plant and the aeration basin in the waste water treatment plant were similar to references presented in literature. The valid water balances of the waste water treatment plant and the reduction model of lignin-like substances produced a valid prediction of COD discharges out of the mill. A 30% increase in the release of lignin-like substances in the form of production problems was observed in pulping and bleaching processes. The same increase was observed in COD discharges out of waste water treatment. In the prediction of annual COD discharge, it was noticed that the reduction of lignin has a wide deviation from year to year and from one mill to another. This made it difficult to compare the parameters of COD discharges validated in plant dynamic simulation with another mill producing mechanical printing papers. However, a trend of moving from unbleached towards high-brightness TMP in COD discharges was valid.
The study examines international cooperation in product development in software development organisations. The software industry is known for its global nature and knowledge-intensity, which makes it an interesting setting to examine international cooperation in. Software development processes are increasingly distributed worldwide, but for small or even medium-sized enterprises, typical for the software industry, such distribution of operations is often possible only in association with crossing the company’s boundaries. The strategic decision-making of companies is likely to be affected by the characteristics of the industry, and this includes decisions about cooperation or sourcing. The objective of this thesis is to provide a holistic view on factors affecting decisions about offshore sourcing in software development. Offshore sourcing refers to a cooperative mode of offshoring, where a firm does not establish its own presence in a foreign country, but utilises a local supplier. The study examines product development activities that are distributed across organisational and geographical boundaries. The objective can be divided into two subtopics: general reasons for international cooperation in product development and particular reasons for cooperation between Finnish and Russian companies. The focus is on the strategic rationale at the company level, in particular in small and medium-sized enterprises. The theoretical discourse of the study builds upon the literature on international cooperation and networking, with particular focus on cooperation with foreign suppliers and within product development activities. The resource-based view is also discussed, as heterogeneity and interdependency of the resources possessed by different firms are seen as factors motivating international cooperation. Strategically, sourcing can be used to access resources possessed by an industrial network, to enhance the product development of a firm, or to optimise its cost structure. In order to investigate the issues raised by the theoretical review, two empirical studies on international cooperation in software product development have been conducted. The emphasis of the empirical part of the study is on cooperation between Finnish and Russian companies. The data has been gathered through four case studies on Finnish software development organisations and four case studies on Russian offshore suppliers. Based on the material from the case studies, a framework clarifying and grouping the factors that influence offshore sourcing decisions has been built. The findings indicate that decisions regarding offshore sourcing in software development are far more complex than generally assumed. The framework provides a holistic view on factors affecting decisions about offshore sourcing in software development, capturing the multidimensionality of motives for entering offshore cooperation. Four groups of factors emerged from the data: A) strategy-related aspects, B) aspects related to resources and capabilities, C) organisation-related aspects, and D) aspects related to the entrepreneur or management. By developing a holistic framework of decision factors, the research offers in-depth theoreticalunderstanding of offshore sourcing rationale in product development. From the managerial point of view, the proposed framework sums up the issues that a firm should pay attention to when contemplating product development cooperation with foreign suppliers. Understanding different components of sourcing decisions can lead to improved preconditions for strategising and engaging in offshore cooperation. A thorough decisionmaking process should consider all the possible benefits and risks of product development cooperation carefully.
Työn tarkoituksena oli hakea mittausjärjestelmän raja-arvoja optiselle kamerapohjaiselle roskalaskentajärjestelmälle sekä testata roskalaskentajärjestelmän toimivuus käytännössä. Tavoitteena oli tuotteistaa kamerapohjainen roskalaskenta-analyysi palvelutuotteeksi, jota voitaisiin hyödyntää sihtien kuntokartoituksessa ja ongelmanratkaisuvälineenä. Teoriaosa koostui kahdesta kokonaisuudesta: sulpun epäpuhtauksista, roskalaskennan teoriasta ja epäpuhtauksien mittausmenetelmistä sekä markkinoinnista, tuotteistamis- ja lanseerausprosessista palvelutuotteen näkökulmasta. Kokeellisessa osassa selvitettiin kamerapohjaiseen roskalaskentaanalyysiin vaikuttavia tekijöitä: kameran tarkennus, kuvan terävyys, analysoitavan arkin väri, neliömassa ja roskapitoisuus, impregnointi, valonlähde, kuvan muokkaus, tiedostomuoto ja pikselimäärä. Kamerapohjaisen roskalaskenta-analyysin soveltuvuus käytäntöön testattiin tehdasesimerkin avulla. Havaittiin, että kamerapohjaista roskalaskenta-analyysiä voitaisiin käyttää lähes kaikille massatyypeille. Työssä määriteltiin kalibrointimenetelmä kameran tarkentamiseksi arkin tasoon sekä suljinnopeusanalyysi massatyypistä riippuvan suljinnopeuden selvitykseen. Kamerapohjaisessa roskalaskenta-analyysissä määritettiin käytettäväksi arkin neliömassana 60 g/m2, suljinaukkoa F5 ja terävyysasetusta 5. Tulokseksi saatiin, että analysoitavia arkkeja ei tarvitse impregnoida tai jälkikäsitellä. Korrelaatiota Somerville-erotustehokkuuteen ei löytynyt. Esimerkkitehtaasta selvitettiin primääriportaan roskapitoisuudet ja erotustehokkuudet. Tehdasesimerkin tulosten perusteella havaittiin happivaiheen ja D0-vaiheen olleen tehokkaimpia epäpuhtauksien poistajia.
The amount of water available is usually restricted, which leads to a situation where a complete understanding of the process, including water circulations and the influence of water components, is essential. The main aim of this thesis was to clarify the possibilities for the efficient use of residual peroxide by means of water circulation rearrangements. Rearranging water circulations and the reduction of water usage may cause new problems, such as metal induced peroxide decomposition that needs to be addressed. This thesis introduces theoretical methods of water circulations to combine two variables; effective utilization of residual peroxide and avoiding manganese in the alkaline peroxide bleaching stage. Results are mainly based on laboratory and mill site experiments concerning the utilization of residual peroxide. A simulation model (BALAS) was used to evaluate the manganese contents and residual peroxide doses. It was shown that with optimum recirculation of residual peroxide the brightness can be improved or chemical costs can be decreased. From the scientific perspective, it was also very important to discover that recycled peroxide was more effective pre-bleaching agent compared to fresh peroxide. This can be due to the organic acids i.e. per acetic acid in wash press filtrate that have been formed in alkaline bleaching stage. Even short retention time was adequate and the activation of residual peroxide using sodium hydroxide was not necessary. There are several possibilities for using residual peroxide in practice regarding bleaching. A typical modern mechanical pulping process line consist of defibering, screening, a disc filter, a bleach press, high consistency (HC) peroxide bleaching and a wash press. Furthermore there usually is not a particular medium consistency (MC) pre-bleaching stage that includes additional thickening equipment. The most advisable way to utilize residual peroxide in this kind of process is to recycle the wash press filtrate to the dilution of disc filter pulp (low MC pre-bleaching stage). An arrangement such as this would be beneficial in terms of the reduced convection of manganese to the alkaline bleaching stage. Manganese originates from wood material and will be removed to the water phase already in the early stages of the process. Recycling residual peroxide prior to the disc filter is not recommended because of low consistencies. Regarding water circulations, the novel point of view is that, it would be beneficial to divide water circulations into two sections and the critical location for the division is the disc filter. Both of these two sections have their own priority. Section one before the disc filter: manganese removal. Section two after the disc filter: brightening of pulp. This division can be carried out if the disc filter pulp is diluted only by wash press filtrate before the MC storage tower. The situation is even better if there is an additional press after the disc filter, which will improve the consistency of the pulp. This has a significant effect on the peroxide concentration in the MC pre-bleaching stage. In terms of manganese content, it is essential to avoid the use of disc filter filtrate in the bleach press and wash press showers. An additional cut-off press would also be beneficial for manganese removal. As a combination of higher initial brightness and lower manganese content, the typical brightness increase varies between approximately 0.5 and 1% ISO units after the alkaline peroxide bleaching stage. This improvement does not seem to be remarkable, but as it is generally known, the final brightness unit is the most expensive and difficult to achieve. The estimation of cost savings is not unambiguous. For example in GW/TMP mill case 0.6% ISO units higher final brightness gave 10% savings in the costs of bleaching chemicals. With an hypothetical 200 000 ton annual production, this means that the mill could save in the costs of bleaching chemicals more than 400 000 euros per year. In general, it can be said that there were no differences between the behavior of different types of processes (GW, PGW, TMP and BCTMP). The enhancement of recycling gave a similar response in all cases. However, we have to remember that the utilization of residual peroxide in older mills depends a great deal on the process equipment, the amount of water available and existing pipeline connections. In summary, it can be said that processes are individual and the same solutions cannot be applied to all cases.
The effects of pulp processing on softwood fiber properties strongly influence the properties of wet and dry paper webs. Pulp strength delivery studies have provided observations that much of the strength potential of long fibered pulp is lost during brown stock fiber line operations where the pulp is merely washed and transferred to the subsequent processing stages. The objective of this work was to study the intrinsic mechanisms which maycause fiber damage in the different unit operations of modern softwood brown stock processing. The work was conducted by studying the effects of industrial machinery on pulp properties with some actions of unit operations simulated in laboratory scale devices under controlled conditions. An optical imaging system was created and used to study the orientation of fibers in the internal flows during pulp fluidization in mixers and the passage of fibers through the screen openings during screening. The qualitative changes in fibers were evaluated with existing and standardized techniques. The results showed that each process stage has its characteristic effects on fiber properties: Pulp washing and mat formation in displacement washers introduced fiber deformations especially if the fibers entering the stage were intact, but it did not decrease the pulp strength properties. However, storage chests and pulp transfer after displacement washers contributed to strength deterioration. Pulp screening proved to be quite gentle, having the potential of slightly evening out fiber deformations from very deformed pulps and vice versa inflicting a marginal increase in the deformation indices if the fibers were previously intact. Pulp mixing in fluidizing industrial mixers did not have detrimental effects on pulp strength and had the potential of slightly evening out the deformations, provided that the intensity of fluidization was high enough to allow fiber orientation with the flow and that the time of mixing was short. The chemical and mechanical actions of oxygen delignification had two distinct effects on pulp properties: chemical treatment clearly reduced pulp strength with and without mechanical treatment, and the mechanical actions of process machinery introduced more conformability to pulp fibers, but did not clearly contribute to a further decrease in pulp strength. The chemical composition of fibers entering the oxygen stage was also found to affect the susceptibility of fibers to damage during oxygen delignification. Fibers with the smallest content of xylan were found to be more prone to irreversibledeformations accompanied with a lower tensile strength of the pulp. Fibers poor in glucomannan exhibited a lower fiber strength while wet after oxygen delignification as compared to the reference pulp. Pulps with the smallest lignin content on the other hand exhibited improved strength properties as compared to the references.
Interest in recovery of valuable components from process streams has increased in recent years. Purpose of biorefinery is to utilize components that otherwise would go to waste. Hemicelluloses, for example, could be utilized in production of many valuable products. One possible way to separate and fractionate hemicelluloses is membrane filtration. In the literature part of this work membrane fouling in filtration processes of pulp and paper process- and wastewaters was investigated. Especially purpose was to find out the possible fouling compounds, after which facilities to remove or modify such components less harmful were studied. In the experimental part different pretreatment methods, mainly to remove or degrade lignin from wood hydrolysate, were studied. In addition, concentration of hemicelluloses and separation from lignin were examined with two ultrafiltration membranes; UFX5 and RC70PP. Changes in feed solution, filtration capacity and fouling of membranes were used to evaluate the effects of pretreatment methods. Changes in hydrolysate composition were observed with different analysis methods. Filtration of hydrolysate proved to be challenging, especially with the UFX5 membrane. The more hydrophilic RC70PP membrane did not seem to be fouled as severely as the UFX5 membrane, according to pure water flux measurements. The UFX5 membrane retained hemicelluloses rather well, but problems arose from rapid flux decline resulting from concentration polarization and fouling of membrane. Most effective pretreatment methods in the case with the UFX5 membrane proved to be prefiltration with the RC70PP membrane, activated carbon adsorption and photocatalytic oxidation using titanium dioxide and UV radiation. An additional experiment with PHW extract showed that pulsed corona discharge treatment degraded lignin quite efficiently and thus improved filtration capacity remarkably, even over six times compared to the filtration with untreated extract.