1000 resultados para méthode alternative
The United States has invested large sums of resources in multiple conservation programs for agriculture over the past century. In this paper we focus on the impacts of program interactions. Specifically, using an integrated economic and bio-physical modeling framework, we consider the impacts of the presence of working land programs on a land retirement for an important agricultural region—the Upper Mississippi River Basin (UMRB). Compared to a land retirement only program, we find that the presence of a working land program for conservation tillage results in significantly lower predicted signups for land retirement at a given rental rate. We also find that the presence of both a large working land and land retirement program can result in more environmental benefits and income transfers than a land retirement only program can achieve.
Cell death is achieved by two fundamentally different mechanisms: apoptosis and necrosis. Apoptosis is dependent on caspase activation, whereas the caspase-independent necrotic signaling pathway remains largely uncharacterized. We show here that Fas kills activated primary T cells efficiently in the absence of active caspases, which results in necrotic morphological changes and late mitochondrial damage but no cytochrome c release. This Fas ligand-induced caspase-independent death is absent in T cells that are deficient in either Fas-associated death domain (FADD) or receptor-interacting protein (RIP). RIP is also required for necrotic death induced by tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL). In contrast to its role in nuclear factor kappa B activation, RIP requires its own kinase activity for death signaling. Thus, Fas, TRAIL and TNF receptors can initiate cell death by two alternative pathways, one relying on caspase-8 and the other dependent on the kinase RIP.
The human TPTE (Transmembrane Phosphatase with TEnsin homology) gene family encodes a PTEN-related tyrosine phosphatase with four potential transmembrane domains. Chromosomal mapping revealed multiple copies of the TPTE gene on chromosomes 13, 15, 21, 22 and Y. Human chromosomes 13 and 21 copies encode two functional proteins, TPIP (TPTE and PTEN homologous Inositol lipid Phosphatase) and TPTE, respectively, whereas only one copy of the gene exists in the mouse genome. In the present study, we show that TPTE and TPIP proteins are expressed in secondary spermatocytes and/or prespermatids. In addition, we report the existence of several novel alternatively spliced isoforms of these two proteins with variable number of transmembrane domains. The latter has no influence on the subcellular localization of these different peptides as shown by co-immunofluorescence experiments. Finally, we identify another expressed TPTE copy, mapping to human chromosome 22, whose transcription appears to be under the control of the LTR of human endogenous retrovirus RTVL-H3.
Introduction : Au CHUV, les contrôles microbiologiques des préparations pharmaceutiques stériles produites par la pharmacie de l'hôpital se basent sur l'essai de stérilité de la Pharmacopée Européenne. Avant 2000, une méthode en circuit ouvert était utilisée, puis, dès l'année 2000, une nouvelle méthode développée par H. Ing du service de pharmacie des HUG a été adoptée (méthode « Ing »). Cette dernière permet d'opérer en circuit fermé et de filtrer le milieu de culture. De plus, elle utilise du matériel bon marché (trousse de perfusion, filtres à usage unique). Objectifs : Le présent travail avait pour but : 1) l'évaluation préliminaire de cette méthode (validation). 2) l'évaluation du bénéfice apporté en terme d'incidence de faux positifs sur les préparations stériles filtrables. Matériel et méthode : La validation a été effectuée en analysant des flexs de NaCl 0.9% préalablement inoculés avec 10-100 CFU de 6 souches microbiennes décrites dans la Pharmacopée pour le test de validation, ainsi qu'un flex « contrôle » non inoculé. Le bénéfice de la méthode a été évalué à partir des résultats des essais de routine effectués au laboratoire. Un taux de faux positifs imputable à chaque méthode a ainsi pu être déterminé (i.e. croissance microbienne due à une contamination lors de l'essai et non à une contamination initiale de la préparation pharmaceutique) et la comparaison a été effectuée à l'aide du test statistique de Fisher. Résultats : Une croissance a été observée dans toutes les préparations préalablement inoculées par des micro-organismes. La méthode a donc pu être implantée dans le laboratoire pour les analyses de routine dès février 2000. L'analyse rétrospective des résultats des essais de stérilité effectués sur une période de plus de 4 ans (2 ans avec l'ancienne méthode (système ouvert) et de presque 3 ans avec la nouvelle méthode) montre que l'ancienne méthode produisait un taux de faux positifs de 1.57 %, alors que ce taux n'est que de 0.21% avec la méthode « Ing ». Cette dernière se caractérise donc par un taux de faux positifs significativement plus bas que celui de l'ancienne méthode (p < 0.0001). Conclusion : La méthode « Ing » constitue une technique bien adaptée à l'essai de stérilité pour l'hôpital, suffisamment sensible et conforme aux recommandations de la Pharmacopée. En maintenant le produit dans un espace clos, elle permet de diminuer les risques de contamination susceptibles de se produire lors de l'essai.
Introduction: The Alternative Lengthening of Telomeres (ALT) mechanism is a significant prognostic factor for longer survival in patients with GBM, irrespective of age. The reasons for this are unknown. We considered two possibilities; firstly that ALT identifies a subset of less aggressive GBMs, or alternatively, a group of tumours that respond more favourably to adjuvant therapy. Methods: ALT was determined by staining for ALT Associated PML Bodies (APBs) in archival tissue in a retrospective analysis of 573 GBM patients. IDH1 mutation was determined by immunohistochemistry in a subset of these. Results: We identified the presence of the telomerase-independent ALT in 15% of GBM patients and found that it correlated with survival (22% of ALT patients survive more than 2 years compared to 9% for non-ALT). This survival advantage was independent of surgery type (biopsy or full resection) and treatment (radiotherapy and chemotherapy). Interestingly ALT conferred a significant survival advantage for patients who only received surgery (13.3 months compared to 5.5 months) (19% vs 1% .2 year survival). This survival benefit was also observed in GBM patients who received surgery and radiotherapy (18.5% vs 2.4%. 2 year survival), but less so for chemotherapy (21% vs 17% . 2 year survival). For the ALT patients the fraction surviving more than 2 years did not improve significantly with adjuvant therapy. IDH1 mutation also associated with ALT. Conclusions: These data indicate ALT+ tumours are biologically distinct and associated with improved patient survival, probably due to less aggressive/invasive growth. However they respond poorly to current adjuvant treatment and therefore new therapies are urgently needed for this group.
1) Etat des connaissances : Actuellement, les indications à la transplantation pulmonaire sont bien décrites et validées. Par contre, lors d'une retransplantation, les résultats restent encore discutés : la retransplantation pulmonaire reste la seule option thérapeutique dans certains cas de rejet du greffon, de syndrome de bronchiolite oblitérante avancée et aussi lors de graves affections respiratoires, principalement de sténose cicatricielle. Malgré cela, son utilité a été mise en doute en raison de la pénurie de donneurs d'organes et des rapports indiquant des résultats insatisfaisants. 2) But de l'étude : Ce travail est une étude d'évaluation méthodologique dans lequel on utilisera un questionnaire DELPHI auprès de 10 soignants engagés dans le programme Vaud-Genève de transplantation pulmonaire afin de déterminer les critères de sélection qui mèneraient à la pratique d'une retransplantation. 3) Objectifs : Ce projet a pour but d'élaborer un consensus local sur les critères et les contre-indications à une retransplantation pulmonaire, dans le cadre du programme Vaud-Genève et du système d'allocation d'organes en vigueur en Suisse. D'où la question : ''Quelles sont les indications potentielles à une retransplantation pulmonaire ?'' 4) Justification : Dans une situation de pénurie explicite de ressources (manque de donneurs), l'utilisation des greffons doit être basée à la fois sur des critères d'équité et d'efficacité médicale. En l'absence de données claires dans la littérature sur les indications à la retransplantation pulmonaire, la recherche d'une attitude pragmatique au sein du programme local est justifiée. 5) Méthode : Cette étude monocentrique multisite est une étude clinique ouverte où les personnes interrogées restent en insu: un questionnaire DELPHI sera envoyé à 10 soignants spécialisés dans le domaine de la transplantation pulmonaire issus du programme Vaud-Genève. La méthode Delphi a pour but de mettre en évidence des convergences d'opinions afin de trouver des consensus grâce à l'interrogation de différents experts par le biais de questionnaires successifs. L'objectif des études Delphi est d'apporter l'éclairage des experts sur des zones d'incertitude en vue d'une aide à la décision. 6) Sélection des sujets : Les ''sujets'' éligibles sont un groupe de 10 experts anonymes spécialisés dans le domaine de la retransplantation pulmonaire du canton de Vaud et de Genève. 6.1 Critères d'inclusion : Personnel médical et paramédical directement impliqué dans le cadre du programme de transplantation Vaud-Genève. 6.2 Critère d'exclusion : Toute personne qui est elle-même directement impliquée dans l'analyse de l'étude. 7) Déroulement de l'étude et investigations prévues: L'étude aura lieu au CHUV et au HUG pour une durée de 2 ans. Les investigations seront effectuées par le biais de questionnaires envoyés par courrier électronique et seront analysées au CHUV.
Load transfer across transverse joints has always been a factor contributing to the useful life of concrete pavements. For many years, round steel dowels have been the conventional load transfer mechanism. Many problems have been associated with the round steel dowels. The most detrimental effect of the steel dowel is corrosion. Repeated loading over time also damages joints. When a dowel is repeatedly loaded over a long period of time, the high bearing stresses found at the top and bottom edge of a bar erode the surrounding concrete. This oblonging creates multiple problems in the joint. Over the past decade, Iowa State University has performed extensive research on new dowel shapes and materials to mitigate the effects of oblonging and corrosion. This report evaluates the bearing stress performance of six different dowel bar types subjected to two different shear load laboratory test methods. The first load test is the AASHTO T253 method. The second procedure is an experimental cantilevered dowel test. The major objective was to investigate and improve the current AASHTO T253 test method for determining the modulus of dowel support, k0. The modified AASHTO test procedure was examined alongside an experimental cantilever dowel test. The modified AASHTO specimens were also subjected to a small-scale fatigue test in order to simulate long-term dowel behavior with respect to concrete joint damage. Loss on ignition tests were also performed on the GFRP dowel specimens to determine the resin content percentage. The study concluded that all of the tested dowel bar shapes and materials were adequate with respect to performance under shear loading. The modified AASHTO method yielded more desirable results than the ones obtained from the cantilever test. The investigators determined that the experimental cantilever test was not a satisfactory test method to replace or verify the AASHTO T253 method.
Spermatogenesis is a temporally regulated developmental process by which the gonadotropin-responsive somatic Sertoli and Leydig cells act interdependently to direct the maturation of the germinal cells. The metabolism of Sertoli and Leydig cells is regulated by the pituitary gonadotropins FSH and LH, which, in turn, activate adenylate cyclase. Because the cAMP-second messenger pathway is activated by FSH and LH, we postulated that the cAMP-responsive element-binding protein (CREB) plays a physiological role in Sertoli and Leydig cells, respectively. Immunocytochemical analyses of rat testicular sections show a remarkably high expression of CREB in the haploid round spermatids and, to some extent, in pachytene spermatocytes and Sertoli cells. Although most of the CREB antigen is detected in the nuclei, some CREB antigen is also present in the cytoplasm. Remarkably, the cytoplasmic CREB results from the translation of a unique alternatively spliced transcript of the CREB gene that incorporates an exon containing multiple stop codons inserted immediately up-stream of the exons encoding the DNA-binding domain of CREB. Thus, the RNA containing the alternatively spliced exon encodes a truncated transcriptional transactivator protein lacking both the DNA-binding domain and nuclear translocation signal of CREB. Most of the CREB transcripts detected in the germinal cells contain the alternatively spliced exon, suggesting a function of the exon to modulate the synthesis of CREB. In the Sertoli cells we observed a striking cyclical (12-day periodicity) increase in the levels of CREB mRNA that coincides with the splicing out of the restrictive exon containing the stop codons. Because earlier studies established that FSH-stimulated cAMP levels in Sertoli cells are also cyclical, and the CREB gene promoter contains cAMP-responsive enhancers, we suggest that the alternative RNA splicing controls a positive autoregulation of CREB gene expression mediated by cAMP.
Natural rubber, obtained almost exclusively from the Para rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis), is a unique biopolymer of strategic importance that, in many of its most significant applications, cannot be replaced by synthetic rubber alternatives. Several pressing motives lead to the search for alternative sources of natural rubber. These include increased evidence of allergenic reactions to Hevea rubber, the danger that the fungal pathogen Microcyclus ulei, causative agent of South American Leaf Blight (SALB), might spread to Southeast Asia, which would severely disrupt rubber production, potential shortages of supply due to increasing demand and changes in land use, and a general trend towards the replacement of petroleum-derived chemicals with renewables. Two plant species have received considerable attention as potential alternative sources of natural rubber: the Mexican shrub Guayule (Parthenium argentatum Gray) and the Russian dandelion (Taraxacum koksaghyz). This review will summarize the current production methods and applications of natural rubber (dry rubber and latex), the threats to the production of natural rubber from the rubber tree, and describe the current knowledge of the production of natural rubber from guayule and Russian dandelion.