950 resultados para lower urinary tract symptoms
Pós-graduação em Microbiologia Agropecuária - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB
Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
As beta-lactamases são produzidas por bactérias gram-positivas e gram-negativas. Cerca de 40% a 50% das mulheres desenvolveram um infecção urinária durante a sua vida adulta. O objetivo o presente trabalho foi realizar a caracterização dos genes Bla SHV, Bla TEM e Bla CTX-M produtoras de beta-lactamases de espectro estendido em E. coli e Klebsiella spp isoladas de gestante com infecção do trato urinário atendidas na Unidade Básica de Saúde de Imperatriz - MA no período de maio a agosto de 2012. Participaram do presente estudo 50 de mulheres grávidas maiores de 18 anos, que apresentaram sintomas com caracterização clínica de infecção do trato urinário (ITU), referenciadas no ambulatório na Unidade Básica de Saúde Imperatriz - MA. Foi coletada urina, para realização da urinocultura e antibiograma, posteriormente foi realizado a Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase (PCR) detectar a presença dos genes Bla SHV, Bla TEM e Bla CTX-M produtores das enzimas Beta-lactamases. A média de idade destes pacientes foi de 21 anos, sendo 42% estando na faixa etária de 18 a 25 anos, 70% destas tem residência fixa em Imperatriz e os outros 30% são oriundos de outros municípios. Entre estas, 24% das voluntárias já apresentaram ITU durante a gravidez e fora do estado gravídico e 80% delas afirmaram fazer o uso de antibióticos sem prescrição médica. Das 12 amostras com crescimento microbiológico positivo, 11 foram positivas para Escherichia coli com resultados do antibiograma que apresentaram resistência para o antibiótico cefalotina, em 91,7%. Sendo isolado, uma cepa de Klebsiella ssp, e esta apresentou resistência a todos os antibióticos testados. Pela análise dos resultados da PCR das amostras isoladas, os três genes Bla SHV, Bla TEM e Bla CTX-M, não foram observadas nas amostras P9, P11 e P12, porém nas demais amostras houve a ocorrência de pelo menos um dos genes. Este estudo confirmou a presença dos três tipos de genes (Bla SHV, Bla TEM e Bla CTX-M) entre as amostras estudada.
The Rooming favors the permanence of the mother with the newborn, thus establishing a stronger link between the mother and baby, in addition, care assistance and guidance are essential to both through the health care team because they recognize the moments critical that their interventions are necessary to ensure the health of both. The educational lecture was an option to have the opportunity to assist, guide and answer possible questions that may arise for mothers, and also to assess the knowledge of puéperas regarding the care of babies and self care. There was participation from 40 patients. In the study methodology was developed a questionnaire containing two subjects (self-care and care for newborns) was given to patients before and after the lecture held by the author in a rooming Maternity HC de Botucatu. The results were analyzed statistically and studied by the author, allowing note that many significant results were obtained after the lecture, which we realize that the same intervention on self-care was significant in respect of: bleeding, infection in the genital tract and urinary tract, surgical dehiscence , care of the lower limbs and constipation, how to care for the newborn was the significance to the questions about the hygiene of the umbilical stump, cramps, hunger, weeping and pacifiers. In the pre-lecture questions 73.00% of 27.00% were right and wrong. Our conclusion is that the mothers have a high level of prior knowledge and educational lectures enriches their knowledge in a creative and participatory
Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB
Purpose: Dynamic near infrared fluorescence imaging of the urinary tract provides a promising way to diagnose ureteropelvic junction obstruction. Initial studies demonstrated the ability to visualize urine flow and peristalsis in great detail. We analyzed the efficacy of near infrared imaging in evaluating ureteropelvic junction obstruction, renal involvement and the anatomical detail provided compared to conventional imaging modalities. Materials and Methods: Ten swine underwent partial or complete unilateral ureteral obstruction. Groups were survived for the short or the long term. Imaging was performed with mercaptoacetyltriglycine diuretic renogram, magnetic resonance urogram, excretory urogram, ultrasound and near infrared imaging. Scoring systems for ureteropelvic junction obstruction were developed for magnetic resonance urogram and near infrared imaging. Physicians and medical students graded ureteropelvic junction obstruction based on magnetic resonance urogram and near infrared imaging results. Results: Markers of vascular and urinary dynamics were quantitatively consistent among control renal units. The same markers were abnormal in obstructed renal units with significantly different times of renal phase peak, start of pelvic phase and start of renal uptake. Such parameters were consistent with those obtained with mercaptoacetyltriglycine diuretic renography. Near infrared imaging provided live imaging of urinary flow, which was helpful in identifying the area of obstruction for surgical planning. Physicians and medical students categorized the degree of obstruction appropriately for fluorescence imaging and magnetic resonance urogram. Conclusions: Near infrared imaging offers a feasible way to obtain live, dynamic images of urine flow and ureteral peristalsis. Qualitative and quantitative parameters were comparable to those of conventional imaging. Findings support fluorescence imaging as an accurate, easy to use method of diagnosing ureteropelvic junction obstruction.
Abstract Background To study the effects of household crowding upon the respiratory health of young children living in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. Methods Case-control study with children aged from 2 to 59 months living within the boundaries of the city of São Paulo. Cases were children recruited from 5 public hospitals in central São Paulo with an acute episode of lower respiratory disease. Children were classified into the following diagnostic categories: acute bronchitis, acute bronchiolitis, pneumonia, asthma, post-bronchiolitis wheezing and wheezing of uncertain aetiology. One control, crudely matched to each case with regard to age (<2, 2 years old or more), was selected among healthy children living in the neighborhood of the case. All buildings were surveyed for the presence of environmental contaminants, type of construction and building material. Plans of all homes, including measurements of floor area, height of walls, windows and solar orientation, was performed. Data were analysed using conditional logistic regression. Results A total of 313 pairs of children were studied. Over 70% of the cases had a primary or an associated diagnosis of a wheezing illness. Compared with controls, cases tended to live in smaller houses with less adequate sewage disposal. Cases and controls were similar with respect to the number of people and the number of children under five living in the household, as well the number of people sharing the child's bedroom. After controlling for potential confounders, no evidence of an association between number of persons sharing the child's bedroom and lower respiratory disease was identified when all cases were compared with their controls. However, when two categories of cases were distinguished (infections, asthma) and each category compared separately with their controls, crowding appeared to be associated with a 60% reduction in the incidence of asthma but with 2 1/2-fold increase in the incidence of lower respiratory tract infections (p = 0.001). Conclusion Our findings suggest that household crowding places young children at risk of acute lower respiratory infection but may protect against asthma. This result is consistent with the hygiene hypothesis.
In dieser Arbeit wurden zytotoxische Effekte sowie die inflammatorische Reaktionen des distalen respiratorischen Traktes nach Nanopartikelexposition untersucht. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit lag auch auf der Untersuchung unterschiedlicher zellulärer Aufnahmewege von Nanopartikeln wie z.B. Clathrin- oder Caveolae-vermittelte Endozytose oder auch Clathrin- und Caveolae-unabhängige Endozytose (mit möglicher Beteiligung von Flotillinen). Drei unterschiedliche Nanopartikel wurden hierbei gewählt: amorphes Silica (aSNP), Organosiloxan (AmorSil) und Poly(ethyleneimin) (PEI). Alle unterschiedlichen Materialien gewinnen zunehmend an Interesse für biomedizinische Forschungsrichtungen (drug and gene delivery). Insbesondere finden aSNPs auch in der Industrie vermehrt Anwendung, und stellen somit ein ernstzunehmendes Gesundheitsrisiko dar. Dieser wird dadurch zu einem begehrten Angriffsziel für pharmazeutische Verabreichungen von Medikamenten über Nanopartikel als Vehikel aber bietet zugleich auch eine Angriffsfläche für gesundheitsschädliche Nanomaterialien. Aus diesem Grund sollten die gesundheitsschädigenden Risiken, sowie das Schicksal von zellulär aufgenommenen NPs sorgfältig untersucht werden. In vivo Studien an der alveolaren-kapillaren Barriere sind recht umständlich. Aus diesem Grund wurde in dieser Arbeit ein Kokulturmodel benutzt, dass die Alveolar-Kapillare Barrier in vivo nachstellt. Das Model besteht aus dem humanen Lungenepithelzelltyp (z.B. NCI H441) und einem humanen microvasculären Endothelzelltyp (z.B. ISO-HAS-1), die auf entgegengesetzten Seiten eines Transwell-Filters ausgesät werden und eine dichte Barriere ausbilden. Die NP Interaktion mit Zellen in Kokultur wurde mit denen in konventioneller Monokultur verglichen, in der Zellen 24h vor dem Experiment ausgesät werden. Diese Studie zeigt, dass nicht nur die polarisierte Eigenschaft der Zellen in Kokultur sondern auch die unmittelbare Nähe von Epithel und Endothelzelle ausschlaggebend für durch aSNPs verursachte Effekte ist. Im Hinblick auf inflammatorische Marker (sICAM, IL-6, IL8-Ausschüttung), reagiert die Kokultur auf aSNPs empfindlicher als die konventionelle Monokultur, wohingegen die Epithelzellen in der Kokultur auf zytotoxikologischer Ebene (LDH-Ausschüttung) unempfindlicher auf aSNPs reagierten als die Zellen in Monokultur. Aufnahmestudien haben gezeigt, dass die Epithelzellen in Kokultur entschieden weniger NPs aufnehmen. Somit zeigen die H441 in der Kokultur ähnliche epitheliale Eigenschaften einer schützenden Barriere, wie sie auch in vivo zu finden sind. Obwohl eine ausreichende Aufnahme von NPs in H441 in Kokultur erreicht werden konnte, konnte ein Transport von NPs durch die epitheliale Schicht und eine Aufnahme in die endotheliale Schicht mit den gewählten Inkubationszeiten nicht gezeigt werden. Eine Clathrin- oder Caveolae-vermittelte Endozytose von NPs konnte mittels Immunfluoreszenz weder in der Mono- noch in der Kokultur nachgewiesen werden. Jedoch zeigte sich eine Akkumulation von NPs in Flotillin-1 und-2 enthaltende Vesikel in Epithelzellen aus beiden Kultursystemen. Ergebnisse mit Flotillin-inhibierten (siRNA) Epithelzellen, zeigten eine deutlich geringere Aufnahme von aSNPs. Zudem zeigte sich eine eine reduzierte Viabilität (MTS) von aSNP-behandelten Zellen. Dies deutet auf eine Beteiligung von Flotillinen an unbekannten (Clathrin oder Caveolae -unabhängig) Endozytosemechanismen und (oder) endosomaler Speicherung. Zusammenfassend waren die Aufnahmemechanismen für alle untesuchten NPs in konventioneller Monokultur und Kokultur vergleichbar, obwohl sich die Barriereeigenschaften deutlich unterscheiden. Diese Arbeit zeigt deutlich, dass sich die Zellen in Kokultur anders verhalten. Die Zellen erreichen hierbei einen höheren Differenzierungsgrad und eine Zellkommunikation mit anderen relevanten Zelltypen wird ermöglicht. Durch das Einbringen eines dritten relevanten Zelltyps in die Kokultur, des Alveolarmakrophagen (Zelllinie THP-1), welcher die erste Verteidigungsfront im Alveolus bildet, wird diese Aussage weiter bekräftigt. Erste Versuche haben gezeigt, dass die Triplekultur bezüglich ihrer Barriereeigenschaften und IL-8-Ausschüttung sensitiver auf z.B. TNF- oder LPS-Stimulation reagiert als die Kokultur. Verglichen mit konventionellen Monokulturen imitieren gut ausgebildete, multizelluräre Kokulturmodelle viel präziser das zelluläre Zusammenspiel im Körper. Darum liefern Nanopartikelinteraktionen mit dem in vitro-Triplekulturmodel aufschlussreichere Ergebnisse bezüglich umweltbedingter oder pharmazeutischer NP-Exposition in der distalen Lung als es uns bisher möglich war.
BACKGROUND:: Children with petechial rash are more likely to undergo invasive diagnostics, to be treated with antibiotics for potential bacterial infection and to be hospitalized. However, viruses have also been associated with petechial rash. Nonetheless, a systematic analysis of viral infections with modern available techniques as quantitative real time polymerase chain reaction (q-PCR) in the context of petechial rash is lacking. The purpose of this pediatric study was to prospectively uncover viral pathogens that may promote the emergence of petechiae and to analyze the correlation with the clinical characteristics and course. METHODS:: We conducted a prospective study in children (0 to 18 years) presenting with petechiae and signs or symptoms of infection at the emergency department between November 2009 and March 2012. In nasopharyngeal aspirates the following viruses were analyzed by q-PCR: Cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, parvovirus B19, Influenza A and B, parainfluenza viruses, human respiratory syncytial virus A and B, human metapneumovirus, rhinovirus, enterovirus, adenovirus, human coronavirus OC43, 229E, NL63 and human bocavirus. RESULTS:: A viral pathogen was identified in 67% of the analyzed 58 cases with petechial rash. Virus positive patients showed a significantly higher incidence of lower respiratory tract infections. Forty-one percent were viral co-infections, which were significantly younger than virus negative patients, had a higher leukocyte count and were hospitalized for a longer time. CONCLUSIONS:: A petechial rash is frequently associated viral single- and co-infections and can rapidly be identified via q-PCR.
A 19-year-old female patient with hypercalciuria and recurrent nephrolithiasis/urinary tract infection unresponsive to thiazide type diuretics is presented. The patient first experienced nephrolithiasis at the age of 4 years. Afterwards, recurrent passages of stones and urinary tract infection occurred. On diagnostic evaluation at the age of 19 years, she also had hypocitraturia and hypomagnesemia. Her serum calcium concentrations were near the lower limit of normal (8.5-8.8 mg/dl; normal range: 8.5-10.5), her serum magnesium concentrations were 1.15-1.24 mg/dl (normal range: 1.4-2.5) and urinary calcium excretion was 900 mg/24 h. PTH concentrations were increased (110-156 pg/ml; normal range: 10-65). We tried to treat the patient with hydrochlorothiazide at a dose of 50 mg/day. During treatment with thiazide diuretics, PTH concentration remained high and the patient had recurrent urinary tract infections and passages of stones. Serum magnesium concentration did not normalize even under the parenteral magnesium infusion. Her mother had a history of nephrolithiasis 20 years ago. Severe hypomagnesemia in association with hypercalciuria/urinary stones is reported as a rare autosomal recessive disorder caused by impaired reabsorption of magnesium and calcium in the thick assending limp of Henle's loop. Recent studies showed that mutations in the CLDN16 gene encoding paracellin-1 cause the disorder. In exon 4, a homozygous nucleotide exchange (G679C) was identified for the patient. This results in a point mutation at position Glycine227, which is replaced by an Arginine residue (G227R). The mother was heterozygous for this mutation. G227 is located in the fourth transmembrane domain and is highly conserved in the claudin gene family. This case indicates the pathogenetic role of paracellin-1 mutation in familial hypomagnesemia with hypercalciuria and nephrocalcinosis and further underlines the risk of stone formation in heterozygous mutation carriers.
OBJECTIVE: To report our experience with the successful removal of visible tension-free vaginal tape (TVT) by standard transurethral electroresection, as intravesical tape erosion after TVT is a rare complication, and removal can be challenging, with few cases reported. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Five patients presenting with TVT erosion into the bladder were treated at our institutions from December 2004 to July 2007; all had standard transurethral electroresection. Their records were reviewed retrospectively to retrieve data on presenting symptoms, diagnostic tests, surgical procedures and outcomes. RESULTS: The median (range) interval between the TVT procedure and the onset of symptoms was 17 (1-32) months. The predominant symptoms were painful micturition, recurrent urinary tract infection (UTI), urgency and urge incontinence. There were no complications during surgery. The storage symptoms and UTI resolved completely after removing the eroded mesh in all but one patient. Cystoscopy at 1 month after surgery showed complete healing of the bladder mucosa. CONCLUSION: Although TVT erosion into the bladder is rare, persistent symptoms, particularly recurrent UTIs, must raise some suspicion for this condition. Standard transurethral electroresection seems to be a safe, simple, minimally invasive and successful treatment option for TVT removal.
Background Molecular methods based on phylogenetic differences in the 16S rRNA gene are able to characterise the microbiota of the respiratory tract in health and disease. Objectives Our goals were (1) to characterise bacterial communities in lower and upper airways of patients with interstitial lung disease (ILD) and (2) to compare the results with the microbiota of patients with Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) and normal controls. Methods We examined the upper and lower respiratory tract of 18 patients with ILD of whom 5, 6, and 7 had idiopathic interstitial pneumonia (IIP), non-IIP and sarcoidosis, respectively. In addition, six immune-compromised patients with PCP and nine healthy subjects were included as controls. Exclusion criteria were recent bacterial/viral respiratory tract infection, HIV-positivity and subjects receiving antibiotic therapy. Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and oropharyngeal swabs were simultaneously collected, and microbiota was characterised by ultra-deep 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Results The microbiota in lower airways of the majority of patients (30; 90%) primarily consisted of Prevotellaceae, Streptococcaceae and Acidaminococcaceae. α and β diversity measurements revealed no significant differences in airway microbiota composition between the five different groups of patients. Comparison of bacterial populations in upper and lower respiratory tract showed significant topographical discontinuities for 7 (23%) individuals. Conclusions IIP, non-IIP and sarcoidosis are not associated with disordered airway microbiota and a pathogenic role of commensals in the disease process is therefore unlikely. Nevertheless, molecular analysis of the topographical microbiota continuity along the respiratory tract may provide additional information to assist management of individual patients.