946 resultados para low frequency motion


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Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, mithilfe von Dressurexperimenten in Kombination mit dem Einsatz von Neuropharmaka die Bedeutung des retinalen ON-Kanals für zwei visuelle Leistungen des Goldfisches – das kontrastabhängige zeitliche Auflösungsvermögen sowie die Wellenlängenunterscheidungsfähigkeit - zu untersuchen. Da die Tiere nach der pharmakologischen Blockade keinerlei verändertes Verhalten zeigten, kann davon ausgegangen werden, dass der retinale ON-Kanal weder für die Prozessierung des kontrastabhängigen zeitlichen Auflösungsvermögens noch für die Wellenlängenunterscheidungsfähigkeit eine maßgebliche Rolle spielt. Aus den Versuchen zur Wellenlängenunterscheidungsfähigkeit kann des Weiteren abgeleitet werden, dass der ON-Kanal auch für die spektrale Empfindlichkeit der Tiere bei der gegebenen Beleuchtungs- und Dressurbedingungen (L+-Dressur) keine Bedeutung zu haben scheint. Nach den Versuchen zum kontrastabhängigen zeitlichen Auflösungsvermögen kann festgehalten werden, dass das zeitliche Auflösungsvermögen des Goldfisches sich mit abnehmendem Stimuluskontrast verändert: Der für die Tiere wahrnehmbare Flickerfrequenzbereich wird mit abnehmendem Kontrast geringer. Die Flimmerfusionsfrequenz wird im oberen Frequenzbereich früher erreicht; im unteren Flickerfrequenzbereich tritt mit abnehmendem Kontrast auch eine untere Grenze des zeitlichen Auflösungsvermögens auf. Des Weiteren zeigen die Ergebnisse aus den Verhaltensversuchen zu den kontrastabhängigen zeitlichen Übertragungseigenschaften eine gute Vergleichbarkeit zu elektrophysiologisch gewonnenen Antworten von ON bzw. OFF-Bipolarzellen. Ebenso ähneln sich die Kurvenverläufe zum kontrastabhängigen zeitlichen Auflösungsvermögen und die aus den Versuchen zur kontrastabhängigen Ganzfeldbewegungswahrnehmung – einer visuellen Leistung, deren Prozessierung eines ON-Kanal-Beitrages bedarf. Diese Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass das zeitliche Auflösungsvermögen wie auch die Ganzfeldbewegungswahrnehmung hauptsächlich von retinalen Verarbeitungsprozessen abhängen.


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Extended cluster radio galaxies show different morphologies com- pared to those found isolated in the field. Indeed, symmetric double radio galaxies are only a small percentage of the total content of ra- dio loud cluster galaxies, which show mainly tailed morphologies (e.g. O’Dea & Owen, 1985). Moreover, cluster mergers can deeply affect the statistical properties of their radio activity. In order to better understand the morphological and radio activity differences of the radio galaxies in major mergeing and non/tidal-merging clusters, we performed a multifrequency study of extended radio galax- ies inside two cluster complexes, A3528 and A3558. They belong to the innermost region of the Shapley Concentration, the most massive con- centration of galaxy clusters (termed supercluster) in the local Universe, at average redshift z ≈ 0.043. We analysed low frequency radio data performed at 235 and 610 MHz with Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT) and we combined them with proprietary and literature observations, in order to have a wide frequency range (150 MHz to 8.4 GHz) to perform the spectral analysis. The low frequency images allowed us to carry out a detailed study of the radio tails and diffuse emission found in some cases. The results in the radio band were also qualitatively compared with the X-ray information coming from XMM-Newton observations, in order to test the interaction between radio galaxies and cluster weather. We found that the brightest central galaxies (BCGs) in the A3528 cluster complex are powerful and present substantial emission from old relativistic plasma characterized by a steep spectrum (α > 2). In the light of observational pieces of evidence, we suggest they are possible re-started radio galaxies. On the other hand, the tailed radio galaxies trace the host galaxy motion with respect to the ICM, and our find- ings is consistent with the dynamical interpretation of a tidal interaction (Gastaldello et al. 2003). On the contrary, the BCGs in the A3558 clus- ter complex are either quiet or very faint radio galaxies, supporting the hypothesis that clusters mergers quench the radio emission from AGN.


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In this study we present the gas-phase vibrational spectrum of vinylacetic acid with a focus on the ν = 1−5 vibrational states of the OH stretching transitions. Cross sections for ν = 1, 2, 4 and 5 of the OH stretching vibrational transitions are derived on the basis of the vapor pressure data obtained for vinylacetic acid. Ab initio calculations are used to assist in the band assignments of the experimental spectra, and to determine the threshold for the decarboxylation of vinylacetic acid. When compared to the theoretical energy barrier to decarboxylation, it is found that the νOH = 4 transition with thermal excitation of low frequency modes or rotational motion and νOH = 5 transitions have sufficient energy for the reaction to proceed following overtone excitation.


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Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) is a means to study the function and connectivity of brain areas. The present study addressed the question of hemispheric asymmetry of frontal regions and aimed to further understand the acute effects of high- and low-frequency rTMS on regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF). Sixteen healthy right-handed men were imaged using H(2)(15)O positron emission tomography (PET) immediately after stimulation. High (10 Hz)- and low (1 Hz)-frequency suprathreshold short-duration rTMS was applied over either the left or right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC). Slow and fast rTMS applied over the left DLPFC significantly increased CBF in the stimulated area. Compared to baseline, slow rTMS induced a significant increase in CBF contralateral to the stimulation site, in the right caudate body and in the anterior cingulum. Furthermore, slow rTMS decreased CBF in the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC, ipsilateral to stimulation side). Fast rTMS applied over the right DLPFC was associated with increased activity at the stimulation site, in the bilateral orbitofrontal cortex and in the left medial thalamus compared to 1-Hz rTMS. These results show that rCBF changes induced by prefrontal rTMS differ upon hemisphere stimulated and vary with stimulation frequency. These differential neurophysiological effects of short-train rTMS with respect to side and frequency suggest hemisphere-dependent functional circuits of frontal cortico-subcortical areas.


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The goal of this study was to investigate recognition memory performance across the lifespan and to determine how estimates of recollection and familiarity contribute to performance. In each of three experiments, participants from five groups from 14 up to 85 years of age (children, young adults, middle-aged adults, young-old adults, and old-old adults) were presented with high- and low-frequency words in a study phase and were tested immediately afterwards and/or after a one day retention interval. The results showed that word frequency and retention interval affected recognition memory performance as well as estimates of recollection and familiarity. Across the lifespan, the trajectory of recognition memory followed an inverse u-shape function that was neither affected by word frequency nor by retention interval. The trajectory of estimates of recollection also followed an inverse u-shape function, and was especially pronounced for low-frequency words. In contrast, estimates of familiarity did not differ across the lifespan. The results indicate that age differences in recognition memory are mainly due to differences in processes related to recollection while the contribution of familiarity-based processes seems to be age-invariant.


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he UV spectrum of the adenine analogue 9-methyl-2-aminopurine (9M-2AP) is investigated with one- and two-color resonant two-photon ionization spectroscopy at 0.3 and 0.05 cm−1 resolution in a supersonic jet. The electronic origin at 32 252 cm−1 exhibits methyl torsional subbands that originate from the 0A′′1 (l = 0) and 1E ″ (l = ±1) torsional levels. These and further torsional bands that appear up to 000+230 cm−1 allow to fit the threefold (V 3) barriers of the torsional potentials as ∣∣V′′3∣∣=50 cm−1 in the S 0 and ∣∣V′3∣∣=126 cm−1 in the S 1 state. Using the B3LYP density functional and correlated approximate second-order coupled cluster CC2 methods, the methyl orientation is calculated to be symmetric relative to the 2AP plane in both states, with barriers of V′′3=20 cm−1 and V′3=115 cm−1. The 000 rotational band contour is 75% in-plane (a/b) polarized, characteristic for a dominantly long-axis 1ππ* excitation. The residual 25% c-axis polarization may indicate coupling of the 1ππ* to the close-lying 1 nπ* state, calculated at 4.00 and 4.01 eV with the CC2 method. However, the CC2 calculated 1 nπ oscillator strength is only 6% of that of the 1ππ* transition. The 1ππ* vibronic spectrum is very complex, showing about 40 bands within the lowest 500 cm−1. The methyl torsion and the low-frequency out-of-plane ν′1 and ν′2 vibrations are strongly coupled in the 1ππ* state. This gives rise to many torsion-vibration combination bands built on out-of-plane fundamentals, which are without precedence in the 1ππ* spectrum of 9H-2-aminopurine [S. Lobsiger, R. K. Sinha, M. Trachsel, and S. Leutwyler, J. Chem. Phys.134, 114307 (2011)]. From the Lorentzian broadening needed to fit the 000 contour of 9M-2AP, the 1ππ* lifetime is τ ⩾ 120 ps, reflecting a rapid nonradiative transition.


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Homogeneously reprocessed combined GPS/GLONASS 1- and 3-day solutions from 1994 to 2013, generated by the Center for Orbit Determination in Europe (CODE) in the frame of the second reprocessing campaign REPRO-2 of the International GNSS Service, as well as GPS- and GLONASS-only 1- and 3-day solutions for the years 2009 to 2011 are analyzed to assess the impact of the arc length on the estimated Earth Orientation Parameters (EOP, namely polar motion and length of day), on the geocenter, and on the orbits. The conventional CODE 3-day solutions assume continuity of orbits, polar motion components, and of other parameters at the day boundaries. An experimental 3-day solution, which assumes continuity of the orbits, but independence from day to day for all other parameters, as well as a non-overlapping 3-day solution, is included into our analysis. The time series of EOPs, geocenter coordinates, and orbit misclosures, are analyzed. The long-arc solutions were found to be superior to the 1-day solutions: the RMS values of EOP and geocenter series are typically reduced between 10 and 40 %, except for the polar motion rates, where RMS reductions by factors of 2–3 with respect to the 1-day solutions are achieved for the overlapping and the non-overlapping 3-day solutions. In the low-frequency part of the spectrum, the reduction is even more important. The better performance of the orbits of 3-day solutions with respect to 1-day solutions is also confirmed by the validation with satellite laser ranging.


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Characteristic remanent magnetizations derived from detailed thermal and alternating-field demagnetization of basalts recovered at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 807 on the Ontong Java Plateau reveal constant normal polarity consistent with paleontological ages from overlying sediments, suggesting deposition in early Aptian times at the beginning of the Cretaceous Normal Polarity Superchron (K-N). The paleomagnetic data can be divided into 14 distinct inclination groups, which together define a paleolatitude of 18°S, some 16° shallower than expected from a Pacific apparent polar wander path (APWP) based on nonsedimentary data. The data display a trend in paleomagnetic inclination, showing shallower values with increasing depth. We conclude that this trend is a result of local tectonic tilting during the waning phases of volcanism on the plateau. Hotspot-based plate reconstructions for the Early Cretaceous place the Ontong Java Plateau on the Louisville hotspot, presently located at 51°S, whereas the paleolatitude for Site 807 based on the Pacific APWP is 34°S. Because the nominal mean inclination from Site 807 and values derived from Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) sediments of other sites predict shallower paleolatitudes for the Ontong Java Plateau, values from the Pacific APWP provide lower bounds on true polar wander. Considering mantle plume sources on the southern and northern portions of the plateau (DSDP Site 288 and ODP Site 807, respectively), the Louisville hotspot appears to have moved 9°-17° to the south relative to the spin axis since the Early Cretaceous. This sense of motion is consistent with previous results for the Suiko Seamount (65 Ma) of the Hawaiian-Emperor Chain.


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This contribution presents results of an incompressible two-dimensional flow over an open cavity of fixed aspect ratio (length/depth) L/D = 2 and the coupling between the three dimensional low frequency oscillation mode confined in the cavity and the wave-like disturbances evolving on the downstream wall of the cavity in the form of Tollmien-Schlichting waves. BiGlobal instability analysis is conducted to search the global disturbances superimposed upon a two-dimensional steady basic flow. The base solution is computed by the integration of the laminar Navier-Stokes equations in primitive variable formulation, while the eigenvalue problem (EVP) derived from the discretization of the linearized equations of motion in the BiGlobal framework is solved using an iterative procedure. The formulation of the BiGlobal EVP for the unbounded flow in the open cavity problem introduces additional difficulties regarding the flow-through boundaries. Local analysis has been utilized for the determination of the proper boundary conditions in the upper limit of the downstream region


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La necesidad de desarrollar técnicas para predecir la respuesta vibroacústica de estructuras espaciales lia ido ganando importancia en los últimos años. Las técnicas numéricas existentes en la actualidad son capaces de predecir de forma fiable el comportamiento vibroacústico de sistemas con altas o bajas densidades modales. Sin embargo, ambos rangos no siempre solapan lo que hace que sea necesario el desarrollo de métodos específicos para este rango, conocido como densidad modal media. Es en este rango, conocido también como media frecuencia, donde se centra la presente Tesis doctoral, debido a la carencia de métodos específicos para el cálculo de la respuesta vibroacústica. Para las estructuras estudiadas en este trabajo, los mencionados rangos de baja y alta densidad modal se corresponden, en general, con los rangos de baja y alta frecuencia, respectivamente. Los métodos numéricos que permiten obtener la respuesta vibroacústica para estos rangos de frecuencia están bien especificados. Para el rango de baja frecuencia se emplean técnicas deterministas, como el método de los Elementos Finitos, mientras que, para el rango de alta frecuencia las técnicas estadísticas son más utilizadas, como el Análisis Estadístico de la Energía. En el rango de medias frecuencias ninguno de estos métodos numéricos puede ser usado con suficiente precisión y, como consecuencia -a falta de propuestas más específicas- se han desarrollado métodos híbridos que combinan el uso de métodos de baja y alta frecuencia, intentando que cada uno supla las deficiencias del otro en este rango medio. Este trabajo propone dos soluciones diferentes para resolver el problema de la media frecuencia. El primero de ellos, denominado SHFL (del inglés Subsystem based High Frequency Limit procedure), propone un procedimiento multihíbrido en el cuál cada subestructura del sistema completo se modela empleando una técnica numérica diferente, dependiendo del rango de frecuencias de estudio. Con este propósito se introduce el concepto de límite de alta frecuencia de una subestructura, que marca el límite a partir del cual dicha subestructura tiene una densidad modal lo suficientemente alta como para ser modelada utilizando Análisis Estadístico de la Energía. Si la frecuencia de análisis es menor que el límite de alta frecuencia de la subestructura, ésta se modela utilizando Elementos Finitos. Mediante este método, el rango de media frecuencia se puede definir de una forma precisa, estando comprendido entre el menor y el mayor de los límites de alta frecuencia de las subestructuras que componen el sistema completo. Los resultados obtenidos mediante la aplicación de este método evidencian una mejora en la continuidad de la respuesta vibroacústica, mostrando una transición suave entre los rangos de baja y alta frecuencia. El segundo método propuesto se denomina HS-CMS (del inglés Hybrid Substructuring method based on Component Mode Synthesis). Este método se basa en la clasificación de la base modal de las subestructuras en conjuntos de modos globales (que afectan a todo o a varias partes del sistema) o locales (que afectan a una única subestructura), utilizando un método de Síntesis Modal de Componentes. De este modo es posible situar espacialmente los modos del sistema completo y estudiar el comportamiento del mismo desde el punto de vista de las subestructuras. De nuevo se emplea el concepto de límite de alta frecuencia de una subestructura para realizar la clasificación global/local de los modos en la misma. Mediante dicha clasificación se derivan las ecuaciones globales del movimiento, gobernadas por los modos globales, y en las que la influencia del conjunto de modos locales se introduce mediante modificaciones en las mismas (en su matriz dinámica de rigidez y en el vector de fuerzas). Las ecuaciones locales se resuelven empleando Análisis Estadístico de Energías. Sin embargo, este último será un modelo híbrido, en el cual se introduce la potencia adicional aportada por la presencia de los modos globales. El método ha sido probado para el cálculo de la respuesta de estructuras sometidas tanto a cargas estructurales como acústicas. Ambos métodos han sido probados inicialmente en estructuras sencillas para establecer las bases e hipótesis de aplicación. Posteriormente, se han aplicado a estructuras espaciales, como satélites y reflectores de antenas, mostrando buenos resultados, como se concluye de la comparación de las simulaciones y los datos experimentales medidos en ensayos, tanto estructurales como acústicos. Este trabajo abre un amplio campo de investigación a partir del cual es posible obtener metodologías precisas y eficientes para reproducir el comportamiento vibroacústico de sistemas en el rango de la media frecuencia. ABSTRACT Over the last years an increasing need of novel prediction techniques for vibroacoustic analysis of space structures has arisen. Current numerical techniques arc able to predict with enough accuracy the vibro-acoustic behaviour of systems with low and high modal densities. However, space structures are, in general, very complex and they present a range of frequencies in which a mixed behaviour exist. In such cases, the full system is composed of some sub-structures which has low modal density, while others present high modal density. This frequency range is known as the mid-frequency range and to develop methods for accurately describe the vibro-acoustic response in this frequency range is the scope of this dissertation. For the structures under study, the aforementioned low and high modal densities correspond with the low and high frequency ranges, respectively. For the low frequency range, deterministic techniques as the Finite Element Method (FEM) are used while, for the high frequency range statistical techniques, as the Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA), arc considered as more appropriate. In the mid-frequency range, where a mixed vibro-acoustic behaviour is expected, any of these numerical method can not be used with enough confidence level. As a consequence, it is usual to obtain an undetermined gap between low and high frequencies in the vibro-acoustic response function. This dissertation proposes two different solutions to the mid-frequency range problem. The first one, named as The Subsystem based High Frequency Limit (SHFL) procedure, proposes a multi-hybrid procedure in which each sub-structure of the full system is modelled with the appropriate modelling technique, depending on the frequency of study. With this purpose, the concept of high frequency limit of a sub-structure is introduced, marking out the limit above which a substructure has enough modal density to be modelled by SEA. For a certain analysis frequency, if it is lower than the high frequency limit of the sub-structure, the sub-structure is modelled through FEM and, if the frequency of analysis is higher than the high frequency limit, the sub-structure is modelled by SEA. The procedure leads to a number of hybrid models required to cover the medium frequency range, which is defined as the frequency range between the lowest substructure high frequency limit and the highest one. Using this procedure, the mid-frequency range can be define specifically so that, as a consequence, an improvement in the continuity of the vibro-acoustic response function is achieved, closing the undetermined gap between the low and high frequency ranges. The second proposed mid-frequency solution is the Hybrid Sub-structuring method based on Component Mode Synthesis (HS-CMS). The method adopts a partition scheme based on classifying the system modal basis into global and local sets of modes. This classification is performed by using a Component Mode Synthesis, in particular a Craig-Bampton transformation, in order to express the system modal base into the modal bases associated with each sub-structure. Then, each sub-structure modal base is classified into global and local set, fist ones associated with the long wavelength motion and second ones with the short wavelength motion. The high frequency limit of each sub-structure is used as frequency frontier between both sets of modes. From this classification, the equations of motion associated with global modes are derived, which include the interaction of local modes by means of corrections in the dynamic stiffness matrix and the force vector of the global problem. The local equations of motion are solved through SEA, where again interactions with global modes arc included through the inclusion of an additional input power into the SEA model. The method has been tested for the calculation of the response function of structures subjected to structural and acoustic loads. Both methods have been firstly tested in simple structures to establish their basis and main characteristics. Methods are also verified in space structures, as satellites and antenna reflectors, providing good results as it is concluded from the comparison with experimental results obtained in both, acoustic and structural load tests. This dissertation opens a wide field of research through which further studies could be performed to obtain efficient and accurate methodologies to appropriately reproduce the vibro-acoustic behaviour of complex systems in the mid-frequency range.


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Transverse galloping is a type of aeroelastic instability characterized by large amplitude, low frequency, normal to wind oscillations that appear in some elastic two-dimensional bluff bodies when subjected to a fluid flow, provided that the flow velocity exceeds a threshold critical value. Such an oscillatory motion is explained because of the energy transfer from the flow to the two-dimensional bluff body. The 7 amount of energy that can be extracted depends on the cross section of the galloping prism. Assuming that the Glauert-Den Hartog quasistatic criterion for galloping instability is satisfied in a first approximation, the suitability of a given cross section for energy harvesting is evaluated by analyzing the lateral aerodynamic force coefficient, fitting a function with a power series in tan a (a being the angle of attack) to 10 available experimental data. In this paper, a fairly large number of simple prisms (triangle, ellipse, biconvex, and rhombus cross sections, as well 11 as D-shaped bodies) is analyzed for suitability as energy harvesters. The influence of the fitting process in the energy harvesting efficiency evaluation is also demonstrated. The analysis shows that the more promising bodies are those with isosceles or approximate isosceles cross sections.


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The three-dimensional wall-bounded open cavity may be considered as a simplified geometry found in industrial applications such as leading gear or slotted flats on the airplane. Understanding the three-dimensional complex flow structure that surrounds this particular geometry is therefore of major industrial interest. At the light of the remarkable former investigations in this kind of flows, enough evidences suggest that the lateral walls have a great influence on the flow features and hence on their instability modes. Nevertheless, even though there is a large body of literature on cavity flows, most of them are based on the assumption that the flow is two-dimensional and spanwise-periodic. The flow over realistic open cavity should be considered. This thesis presents an investigation of three-dimensional wall-bounded open cavity with geometric ratio 6:2:1. To this aim, three-dimensional Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) and global linear instability have been performed. Linear instability analysis reveals that the onset of the first instability in this open cavity is around Recr 1080. The three-dimensional shear layer mode with a complex structure is shown to be the most unstable mode. I t is noteworthy that the flow pattern of this high-frequency shear layer mode is similar to the observed unstable oscillations in supercritical unstable case. DNS of the cavity flow carried out at different Reynolds number from steady state until a nonlinear saturated state is obtained. The comparison of time histories of kinetic energy presents a clearly dominant energetic mode which shifts between low-frequency and highfrequency oscillation. A complete flow patterns from subcritical cases to supercritical case has been put in evidence. The flow structure at the supercritical case Re=1100 resembles typical wake-shedding instability oscillations with a lateral motion existed in the subcritical cases. Also, This flow pattern is similar to the observations in experiments. In order to validate the linear instability analysis results, the topology of the composite flow fields reconstructed by linear superposition of a three-dimensional base flow and its leading three-dimensional global eigenmodes has been studied. The instantaneous wall streamlines of those composited flows display distinguish influence region of each eigenmode. Attention has been focused on the leading high-frequency shear layer mode; the composite flow fields have been fully recognized with respect to the downstream wave shedding. The three-dimensional shear layer mode is shown to give rise to a typical wake-shedding instability with a lateral motions occurring downstream which is in good agreement with the experiment results. Moreover, the spanwise-periodic, open cavity with the same length to depth ratio has been also studied. The most unstable linear mode is different from the real three-dimensional cavity flow, because of the existence of the side walls. Structure sensitivity of the unstable global mode is analyzed in the flow control context. The adjoint-based sensitivity analysis has been employed to localized the receptivity region, where the flow is more sensible to momentum forcing and mass injection. Because of the non-normality of the linearized Navier-Stokes equations, the direct and adjoint field has a large spatial separation. The strongest sensitivity region is locate in the upstream lip of the three-dimensional cavity. This numerical finding is in agreement with experimental observations. Finally, a prototype of passive flow control strategy is applied.


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Vertebrate sensory hair cells achieve high sensitivity and frequency selectivity by adding self-generated mechanical energy to low-level signals. This allows them to detect signals that are smaller than thermal molecular motion and to achieve significant resonance amplitudes and frequency selectivity despite the viscosity of the surrounding fluid. In nonmammals, a great deal of in vitro evidence indicates that the active process responsible for this amplification is intimately associated with the hair cells' transduction channels in the stereovillar bundle. Here, we provide in vivo evidence of hair-cell bundle involvement in active processes. Electrical stimulation of the inner ear of a lizard at frequencies typical for this hearing organ induced low-level otoacoustic emissions that could be modulated by low-frequency sound. The unique modulation pattern permitted the tracing of the active process involved to the stereovillar bundles of the sensory hair cells. This supports the notion that, in nonmammals, the cochlear amplifier in the hair cells is driven by a bundle motor system.


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We review the mechanical origin of auditory-nerve excitation, focusing on comparisons of the magnitudes and phases of basilar-membrane (BM) vibrations and auditory-nerve fiber responses to tones at a basal site of the chinchilla cochlea with characteristic frequency ≈ 9 kHz located 3.5 mm from the oval window. At this location, characteristic frequency thresholds of fibers with high spontaneous activity correspond to magnitudes of BM displacement or velocity in the order of 1 nm or 50 μm/s. Over a wide range of stimulus frequencies, neural thresholds are not determined solely by BM displacement but rather by a function of both displacement and velocity. Near-threshold, auditory-nerve responses to low-frequency tones are synchronous with peak BM velocity toward scala tympani but at 80–90 dB sound pressure level (in decibels relative to 20 microPascals) and at 100–110 dB sound pressure level responses undergo two large phase shifts approaching 180°. These drastic phase changes have no counterparts in BM vibrations. Thus, although at threshold levels the encoding of BM vibrations into spike trains appears to involve only relatively minor signal transformations, the polarity of auditory-nerve responses does not conform with traditional views of how BM vibrations are transmitted to the inner hair cells. The response polarity at threshold levels, as well as the intensity-dependent phase changes, apparently reflect micromechanical interactions between the organ of Corti, the tectorial membrane and the subtectorial fluid, and/or electrical and synaptic processes at the inner hair cells.


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This paper studies the fracturing process in low-porous rocks during uniaxial compressive tests considering the original defects and the new mechanical cracks in the material. For this purpose, five different kinds of rocks have been chosen with carbonate mineralogy and low porosity (lower than 2%). The characterization of the fracture damage is carried out using three different techniques: ultrasounds, mercury porosimetry and X-ray computed tomography. The proposed methodology allows quantifying the evolution of the porous system as well as studying the location of new cracks in the rock samples. Intercrystalline porosity (the smallest pores with pore radius < 1 μm) shows a limited development during loading, disappearing rapidly from the porosimetry curves and it is directly related to the initial plastic behaviour in the stress–strain patterns. However, the biggest pores (corresponding to the cracks) suffer a continuous enlargement until the unstable propagation of fractures. The measured crack initiation stress varies between 0.25 σp and 0.50 σp for marbles and between 0.50 σp and 0.85 σp for micrite limestone. The unstable propagation of cracks is assumed to occur very close to the peak strength. Crack propagation through the sample is completely independent of pre-existing defects (porous bands, stylolites, fractures and veins). The ultrasonic response in the time-domain is less sensitive to the fracture damage than the frequency-domain. P-wave velocity increases during loading test until the beginning of the unstable crack propagation. This increase is higher for marbles (between 15% and 30% from initial vp values) and lower for micrite limestones (between 5% and 10%). When the mechanical cracks propagate unstably, the velocity stops to increase and decreases only when rock damage is very high. Frequency analysis of the ultrasonic signals shows clear changes during the loading process. The spectrum of treated waveforms shows two main frequency peaks centred at low (~ 20 kHz) and high (~ 35 kHz) values. When new fractures appear and grow the amplitude of the high-frequency peak decreases, while that of the low-frequency peak increases. Besides, a slight frequency shift is observed towards higher frequencies.