651 resultados para isochronous resonances


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The real-time dynamics of Na_n (n=3-21) cluster multiphoton ionization and fragmentation has been studied in beam experiments applying femtosecond pump-probe techniques in combination with ion and electron spectroscopy. Three dimensional wave packet motions in the trimer Na_3 ground state X and excited state B have been observed. We report the first study of cluster properties (energy, bandwidth and lifetime of intermediate resonances Na_n^*) with femtosecond laser pulses. The observation of four absorption resonances for the cluster Na_8 with different energy widths and different decay patterns is more difficult to interpret by surface plasmon like resonances than by molecular structure and dynamics. Timeresolved fragmentation of cluster ions Na_n^+ indicates that direct photo-induced fragmentation processes are more important at short times than the statistical unimolecular decay.


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The real-time dynamics of molecular (Na_2 . Na_3) and cluster Na_n (n=4-2l) multiphoton ionization and -fragmentation has been studied in beam experiments applying femtosecond pump-probe techniques in combination with ion and electron spectroscopy. Wave packet motion in the dimer Na_2 reveals two independent multiphoton ionization processes while the higher dimensional motion in the trimer Na_3 reflects the chaotic vibrational motion in this floppy system. The first studies of cluster properties (energy, bandwidth and lifetime of intermediate resonances Na^*_n) ) with femtosecond laser pulses give a striking illustration of the transition from "molecule-like" excitations to "surfaceplasma"-like resonances for increasing cluster sizes. Time-resolved fragmentation of cluster ions Na_n^* indicate that direct photo-induced fragmentation processes are more important at short times than the statistical unimolecular decay.


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The real-time dynamics of multiphoton ionization and fragmentation of molecules - Na_2 , Na_3 - and clusters - Na_n, Hg_n - has been studied in molecular beam experiments employing ion and electron spectroscopy together with femtosecond pump-probe techniques. Experiments with Na_2 and Na_3 reveal unexpected features of the dynamics of the absorption of several photons as seen in the one- and three dimensional vibrational wave packet motion in different potential surfaces and in high laser fields. Cluster size dependent studies of physical properties such as absorption resonances, lifetimes and decay channels have been performed using tunable femtosecond light pulses in resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) of the cluster size under investigation. This method failed in ns-laser experiments due to the ultrafast decay of the studied cluster. For Na_n, cluster we find that for cluster sizes n \le 21 molecular excitations and properties prevail over collective excitations of plasmon-like resonances. In the case of Hg_n cluster prompt formation of singly and doubly charged cluster are observed up to n \approx 60. The transient multiphoton ionization spectra show a 'short' time wave packet dynamics, which is identical for singly and doubly charged mercury clusters while the 'long' time fragmentation dynamics is different.


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Die photoneninduzierte Fluoreszenzspektroskopie (PIFS) wurde als Methode zur Untersuchung von Fluoreszenzspektren der Edelgasatome Krypton und Xenon nach Anregung mit Synchrotronstrahlung des Elektronenspeicherrings BESSY II, Berlin, benutzt. Die Anregung der Edelgase erfolgte bei Zimmertemperatur und einem Druck von 40mTorr mit extrem schmalbandiger Strahlung mit DeltaE=3meV bei 21,55eV. Die untersuchten Anregungsenergiebereiche waren bei Krypton zwischen 29,4eV und 29,8eV und bei Xenon zwischen 23,74eV und 23,80eV, zwischen 24,4eV und 24,7eV und zwischen 25,25eV und 25,5eV. Die Anregungsenergiebereiche waren so gewählt, um Autoionisationsresonanzen untersuchen zu können, die erstmalig von Codling und Madden [J. Res. Nat. B. Stan. 1972, 76A, 1-12] veröffentlicht worden sind. Besonders die Besetzung in Abhängigkeit der Anregungsenergie von Satellitenzuständen in den jeweiligen einfach geladenen Ionen durch vorherige Anregung der genannten Autoionisationsresonanzen war der Fokus der vorliegenden Arbeit.


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Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Herstellung und Anwendungen von periodischen Goldnanopartikel-Arrays (PPAs), die mit Hilfe von Nanosphären-Lithografie hergestellt wurden. In Abhängigkeit der verwendeten Nanosphären-Größe wurden dabei entweder kleine dreieckige Nanopartikel (NP) (bei Verwendung von Nanosphären mit einem Durchmesser von 330 nm) oder große dreieckige NPD sowie leicht gestreckte NP (bei Verwendung von Nanosphären mit einem Durchmesser von 1390 nm) hergestellt. Die Charakterisierung der PPAs erfolgte mit Hilfe von Rasterkraftmikroskopie, Rasterelektronenmikroskopie und optischer Spektroskopie. Die kleinen NP besitzen ein Achsverhältnis (AV) von 2,47 (Kantenlänge des NPs: (74+/-6) nm, Höhe: (30+/-4) nm. Die großen dreieckigen NP haben ein AV von 3 (Kantenlänge des NPs:(465+/-27) nm, Höhe: (1530+/-10) nm) und die leicht gestreckten NP (die aufgrund der Ausbildung von Doppelschichten ebenfalls auf der gleichen Probe erzeugt wurden) haben eine Länge von (364+/-16)nm, eine Breite von (150+/-20) nm und eine Höhe von (150+/-10)nm. Die optischen Eigenschaften dieser NP werden durch lokalisierte Oberflächenplasmon-Polariton Resonanzen (LPPRs) dominiert, d.h. von einem eingestrahlten elektromagnetischen Feld angeregte kollektive Schwingungen der Leitungsbandelektronen. In dieser Arbeit wurden drei signifikante Herausforderungen für Plasmonik-Anwendungen bearbeitet, welche die einzigartigen optischen Eigenschaften dieser NP ausnutzen. Erstens wurden Ergebnisse der selektiven und präzisen Größenmanipulation und damit einer Kontrolle der interpartikulären Abstände von den dreieckigen Goldnanopartikel mit Hilfe von ns-gepulstem Laserlicht präsentiert. Die verwendete Methode basiert hierbei auf der Größen- und Formabhängigkeit der LPPRs der NP. Zweitens wurde die sensorischen Fähigkeiten von Gold-NP ausgenutzt, um die Bildung von molekularen Drähten auf den PPAs durch schrittweise Zugabe von unterschiedlichen molekularen Spezies zu untersuchen. Hierbei wurde die Verschiebung der LSPPR in den optischen Spektren dazu ausgenutzt, die Bildung der Nanodrähte zu überwachen. Drittens wurden Experimente vorgestellt, die sich die lokale Feldverstärkung von NP zu nutze machen, um eine hochgeordnete Nanostrukturierung von Oberflächen mittels fs-gepulstem Laserlicht zu bewerkstelligen. Dabei zeigt sich, dass neben der verwendeten Fluenz die Polarisationsrichtung des eingestrahlten Laserlichts in Bezug zu der NP-Orientierung sowie die Größe der NP äußerst wichtige Parameter für die Nanostrukturierung darstellen. So konnten z.B. Nanolöcher erzeugt werden, die bei höheren Fluenzen zu Nanogräben und Nanokanälen zusammen wuchsen. Zusammengefasst lässt sich sagen, dass die in dieser Arbeit gewonnen Ergebnisse von enormer Wichtigkeit für weitere Anwendungen sind.


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We derive a universal model for atom pairs interacting with non-resonant light via the polarizability anisotropy, based on the long range properties of the scattering. The corresponding dynamics can be obtained using a nodal line technique to solve the asymptotic Schrödinger equation. It consists of imposing physical boundary conditions at long range and vanishing the wavefunction at a position separating the inner zone and the asymptotic region. We show that nodal lines which depend on the intensity of the non-resonant light can satisfactorily account for the effect of the polarizability at short range. The approach allows to determine the resonance structure, energy, width, channel mixing and hybridization even for narrow resonances.


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Non-resonant light interacting with diatomics via the polarizability anisotropy couples different rotational states and may lead to strong hybridization of the motion. The modification of shape resonances and low-energy scattering states due to this interaction can be fully captured by an asymptotic model, based on the long-range properties of the scattering (Crubellier et al 2015 New J. Phys. 17 045020). Remarkably, the properties of the field-dressed shape resonances in this asymptotic multi-channel description are found to be approximately linear in the field intensity up to fairly large intensity. This suggests a perturbative single-channel approach to be sufficient to study the control of such resonances by the non-resonant field. The multi-channel results furthermore indicate the dependence on field intensity to present, at least approximately, universal characteristics. Here we combine the nodal line technique to solve the asymptotic Schrödinger equation with perturbation theory. Comparing our single channel results to those obtained with the full interaction potential, we find nodal lines depending only on the field-free scattering length of the diatom to yield an approximate but universal description of the field-dressed molecule, confirming universal behavior.


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O presente estudo tem como objetivo traçar um panorama geral sobre o trabalho infantil, no povoado de Lagoinha, Paraíba, Brasil. Para isso, fez-se necessário investigar e demonstrar as estatísticas de trabalho infantil no município de Lagoinha, investigar e demonstrar as repercussões de ações de erradicação no município de Lagoinha, verificar a procedência familiar das crianças trabalhadoras investigadas, verificar as atividades de lazer, educação e de trabalho que são executadas pelas crianças investigadas, averiguar os riscos a que estas crianças estão sujeitas, bem como suas perspectivas de futuro. Participaram deste estudo 12 crianças e adolescentes, entre 8 e 15 anos, dando ênfase às atividades por eles realizadas no comércio (venda de picolé) e carrinho de mão (carregando frutas e verduras), carvoeiras, serralharia e trabalho doméstico. Para uma melhor assimilação do estudo, a análise dos dados foi dividida por períodos. Cada período, (com a ajuda dos nossos teóricos), foi analisado sob aspectos psicológicos, social e físico, no decorrer dos 18 (dezoito) meses, visando compreender e identificar as principais problemáticas relativas à exclusão social no campo do trabalho infantil e suas formas de ressonâncias no espaço familiar, escolar e social.


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Entre el amor y el deber… es una novela histórica que posee una evidente intertextualidad con la tradición italiana, que va desde los ecos de Petrarca, a la resonancia de los largos poemas de caballería, hasta llegar a reflejar los sentimientos románticos de Giacomo Leopardi, lo que muestra que Pozo Monsalve era un buen lector y estaba versado directa o indirectamente con el fenómeno de los petrarquismos y de la tradición literaria de Italia.


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The input to soils made by pollen and its subsequent mineralization has rarely been investigated from a soil microbiological point of view even though the small but significant quantities of C and N in pollen may make an important contribution to nutrient cycling. The relative resistance to decomposition of pollen exines (outer layers) has led to much of the focus of pollen in soil being on its preservation for archaeological and palaeo-ecological purposes. We have examined aspects of the chemical composition and decomposition of pollen from birch (Betula alba) and maize (Zea mays) in soil. The relatively large N contents, small C-to-N ratios and large water-soluble contents of pollen from both species indicated that they would be readily mineralized in soil. When added to soil and incubated at 16 degrees C an amount of C equivalent to 22-26% of the added pollen C was lost as CO2 within 22 days, with the Z. mays pollen decomposing faster. For B. alba pollen, the water-soluble fraction decomposed faster than the whole pollen and the insoluble fraction decomposed more slowly over 22 days. By contrast, there were no significant differences in the decomposition rates of the different fractions from Z. mays pollen. Solid-state C-13 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) revealed no gross chemical differences between the pollen of these two species, with strong resonances in the alkyl- and methyl-C region (0-45 p.p.m.) indicative of aliphatic compounds, the O-alkyl-C (60-90 p.p.m.) and the acetal- and ketal-C region (90-110 p.p.m.) indicative of polysaccharides, and the carbonyl-C region indicative of peptides and carboxylic acids. In addition, both pollens gave a small but distinct resonance at 55 p.p.m. attributed to N-alkyl-C. The resonances attributed to polysaccharides were lost completely or substantially reduced after decomposition.


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The input to soils made by pollen and its subsequent mineralization has rarely been investigated from a soil microbiological point of view even though the small but significant quantities of C and N in pollen may make an important contribution to nutrient cycling. The relative resistance to decomposition of pollen exines (outer layers) has led to much of the focus of pollen in soil being on its preservation for archaeological and palaeo-ecological purposes. We have examined aspects of the chemical composition and decomposition of pollen from birch (Betula alba) and maize (Zea mays) in soil. The relatively large N contents, small C-to-N ratios and large water-soluble contents of pollen from both species indicated that they would be readily mineralized in soil. When added to soil and incubated at 16 degrees C an amount of C equivalent to 22-26% of the added pollen C was lost as CO2 within 22 days, with the Z. mays pollen decomposing faster. For B. alba pollen, the water-soluble fraction decomposed faster than the whole pollen and the insoluble fraction decomposed more slowly over 22 days. By contrast, there were no significant differences in the decomposition rates of the different fractions from Z. mays pollen. Solid-state C-13 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) revealed no gross chemical differences between the pollen of these two species, with strong resonances in the alkyl- and methyl-C region (0-45 p.p.m.) indicative of aliphatic compounds, the O-alkyl-C (60-90 p.p.m.) and the acetal- and ketal-C region (90-110 p.p.m.) indicative of polysaccharides, and the carbonyl-C region indicative of peptides and carboxylic acids. In addition, both pollens gave a small but distinct resonance at 55 p.p.m. attributed to N-alkyl-C. The resonances attributed to polysaccharides were lost completely or substantially reduced after decomposition.


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A simple model for the effective vibrational hamiltonian of the XH stretching vibrations in H2O, NH3 and CH4 is considered, based on a morse potential function for the bond stretches plus potential and kinetic energy coupling between pairs of bond oscillators. It is shown that this model can be set up as a matrix in local mode basis functions, or as a matrix in normal mode basis functions, leading to identical results. The energy levels obtained exhibit normal mode patterns at low vibrational excitation, and local mode patterns at high excitation. When the hamiltonian is set up in the normal mode basis it is shown that Darling-Dennison resonances must be included, and simple relations are found to exist between the xrs, gtt, and Krrss anharmonic constants (where the Darling-Dennison coefficients are denoted K) due to their contributions from morse anharmonicity in the bond stretches. The importance of the Darling-Dennison resonances is stressed. The relationship of the two alternative representations of this local mode/normal mode model are investigated, and the potential uses and limitations of the model are discussed.


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It is now possible to calculate the nine-dimensional rovibrational wavefunctions of sequentially bonded four-atom molecules variationally without dynamical approximation. In the case of HCCH, the simplest such molecule, many hundreds of rovibrational (J = 0, 1, 2) levels can be converged to better than 1.5 cm −1. Variational calculations of this kind are used here systematically to refine the well-known quartic valence-coordinate forcefleld of Strey and Mills [J.Mol. Spectrosc.59, 103-115 (1976)] against experimental term values up to three C-H stretch quanta for the principal and two deuterated isotopomers, yielding a new surface that reproduces the energies of all the known Σ, Π, and Δ states of these species up to the energy of two C-H stretch quanta with an rms error of 3 cm−1 . The refined forcefield is used to study the resonances associated with the accidental degeneracies (ν2 + ν4 + ν5, ν3) and (ν2 + 2ν5, ν1) in the principal isotopomer, leading to a clarification of the assignment of she experimentally detected states in the 2ν3 and 3ν3, polyads, and to the finding that vibrational Coriolis (kinetic energy) terms, rather than quartic anharmonicities in the potential, are the primary cause of the resonant interactions. Using a new cubic ab initio electric dipole field to calculate IR absorption coefficients, 24 undetected Σ and Π states of 1H12C12C1H and 5 undetected Σ states of D12C12CD are identified as candidates for experimental study, and their calculated energies and assignments are given.


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High-resolution vibration-rotation spectra of monofluoroacetylene are reported for many bands in the region 1700 to 7500 cm−1. The spectra were observed on Nicolet 7199 and Bruker IFS 120 Fourier spectrometers, with resolutions of about 0.06 and 0.003 cm−1, respectively. About 130 bands have been observed in this region, of which about 80 have been rotationally analyzed. The assignment of vibrational labels to the higher energy levels is complicated by the effects of strong Fermi resonances, and many weak localized rotational resonances are observed.


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The vibrational structure of C---H stretching states in gas-phase cyclobutene was studied using FTIR spectroscopy in the range 700–9000 cm−1. The structure was modelled using two effective vibrational Hamiltonians, one for each type of C---H bond present, consisting of local mode basis functions subject to coupling with symmetrically equivalent bonds and to Fermi resonances with suitable low frequency vibrations. Best-fit model parameters were determined using least-squares routines and the model predictions are compared to the observed band positions and intensities. Some discussion is given of the relevance of the observed couplings to intramolecular vibrational redistribution (IVR) which results in the observation of statistical behaviour in cyclobutene isomerization induced by excitation of C---H stretching overtones in the visible region.