429 resultados para immunoblotting


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Ocular enucleation induces profound morphological alterations in central visual areas. However, little is known about the response of glial cells and possible inflammatory processes in visual brain areas resulting from eye enucleation. In this study, immunoblotting and immunostaining assays revealed increased expression of astrocyte and microglia markers in the rat superior colliculus (SC) between 1 and 15 days after contralateral enucleation. A transient increase of neuronal COX-2 protein expression was also found in the SC. To evaluate the role of an anti-inflammatory drug in attenuating both COX-2 and glial cell activation, the synthetic glucocorticoid dexamethasone (DEX) was administered (1mg/kg i.p., for 3 days) to enucleated rats. Immunoblotting data revealed that DEX treatment significantly inhibited COX-2 protein expression. Postlesion immunostaining for astrocyte and microglia markers was also significantly reduced by DEX treatment. These findings suggest that the removal of retinal ganglion cell input generates inflammatory responses in central retinorecipient structures


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[EN] Chronic hypoxia is accompanied by changes in blood and skeletal muscle acid-base control. We hypothesized that the underlying mechanisms include altered protein expression of transport systems and the enzymes involved in lactate, HCO3- and H+ fluxes in skeletal muscle and erythrocytes. Immunoblotting was used to quantify densities of the transport systems and enzymes. Muscle and erythrocyte samples were obtained from eight Danish lowlanders at sea level and after 2 and 8 weeks at 4100 m (Bolivia). For comparison, samples were obtained from eight Bolivian natives. In muscle membranes there were no changes in fibre-type distribution, lactate dehydrogenase isoforms, Na+,K+-pump subunits or in the lactate-H+ co-transporters MCT1 and MCT4. The Na+-H+ exchanger protein NHE1 was elevated by 39 % in natives compared to lowlanders. The Na+-HCO3- co-transporter density in muscle was elevated by 47-69 % after 2 and 8 weeks at altitude. The membrane-bound carbonic anhydrase (CA) IV in muscle increased in the lowlanders by 39 %, whereas CA XIV decreased by 23-47 %. Levels of cytosolic CA II and III in muscle and CA I and II in erythrocytes were unchanged. The erythrocyte lactate-H+ co-transporter MCT1 increased by 230-405 % in lowlanders and was 324 % higher in natives. The erythrocyte inorganic anion exchanger (Cl--HCO3- exchanger AE1) was increased by 149-228 %. In conclusion, chronic hypoxia induces dramatic changes in erythrocyte proteins, but only moderate changes in muscle proteins involved in acid-base control. Together, these changes suggest a hypoxia-induced increase in the capacity for lactate, HCO3- and H+ fluxes from muscle to blood and from blood to erythrocytes.


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La catena respiratoria mitocondriale è principalmente costituita da proteine integrali della membrana interna, che hanno la capacità di accoppiare il flusso elettronico, dovuto alle reazioni redox che esse catalizzano, al trasporto di protoni dalla matrice del mitocondrio verso lo spazio intermembrana. Qui i protoni accumulati creano un gradiente elettrochimico utile per la sintesi di ATP ad opera dell’ATP sintasi. Nonostante i notevoli sviluppi della ricerca sulla struttura e sul meccanismo d’azione dei singoli enzimi della catena, la sua organizzazione sovramolecolare, e le implicazioni funzionali che ne derivano, rimangono ancora da chiarire in maniera completa. Da questa problematica trae scopo la presente tesi volta allo studio dell’organizzazione strutturale sovramolecolare della catena respiratoria mediante indagini sia cinetiche che strutturali. Il modello di catena respiratoria più accreditato fino a qualche anno fa si basava sulla teoria delle collisioni casuali (random collision model) che considera i complessi come unità disperse nel doppio strato lipidico, ma collegate funzionalmente tra loro da componenti a basso peso molecolare (Coenzima Q10 e citocromo c). Recenti studi favoriscono invece una organizzazione almeno in parte in stato solido, in cui gli enzimi respiratori si presentano sotto forma di supercomplessi (respirosoma) con indirizzamento diretto (channeling) degli elettroni tra tutti i costituenti, senza distinzione tra fissi e mobili. L’importanza della comprensione delle relazioni che si instaurano tra i complessi , deriva dal fatto che la catena respiratoria gioca un ruolo fondamentale nell’invecchiamento, e nello sviluppo di alcune malattie cronico degenerative attraverso la genesi di specie reattive dell’ossigeno (ROS). E’ noto, infatti, che i ROS aggrediscono, anche i complessi respiratori e che questi, danneggiati, producono più ROS per cui si instaura un circolo vizioso difficile da interrompere. La nostra ipotesi è che, oltre al danno a carico dei singoli complessi, esista una correlazione tra le modificazioni della struttura del supercomplesso, stress ossidativo e deficit energetico. Infatti, la dissociazione del supercomplesso può influenzare la stabilità del Complesso I ed avere ripercussioni sul trasferimento elettronico e protonico; per cui non si può escludere che ciò porti ad un’ulteriore produzione di specie reattive dell’ossigeno. I dati sperimentali prodotti a sostegno del modello del respirosoma si riferiscono principalmente a studi strutturali di elettroforesi su gel di poliacrilammide in condizioni non denaturanti (BN-PAGE) che, però, non danno alcuna informazione sulla funzionalità dei supercomplessi. Pertanto nel nostro laboratorio, abbiamo sviluppato una indagine di tipo cinetico, basata sull’analisi del controllo di flusso metabolico,in grado di distinguere, funzionalmente, tra supercomplessi e complessi respiratori separati. Ciò è possibile in quanto, secondo la teoria del controllo di flusso, in un percorso metabolico lineare composto da una serie di enzimi distinti e connessi da intermedi mobili, ciascun enzima esercita un controllo (percentuale) differente sull’intero flusso metabolico; tale controllo è definito dal coefficiente di controllo di flusso, e la somma di tutti i coefficienti è uguale a 1. In un supercomplesso, invece, gli enzimi sono organizzati come subunità di una entità singola. In questo modo, ognuno di essi controlla in maniera esclusiva l’intero flusso metabolico e mostra un coefficiente di controllo di flusso pari a 1 per cui la somma dei coefficienti di tutti gli elementi del supercomplesso sarà maggiore di 1. In questa tesi sono riportati i risultati dell’analisi cinetica condotta su mitocondri di fegato di ratto (RLM) sia disaccoppiati, che accoppiati in condizioni fosforilanti (stato 3) e non fosforilanti (stato 4). L’analisi ha evidenziato l’associazione preferenziale del Complesso I e Complesso III sia in mitocondri disaccoppiati che accoppiati in stato 3 di respirazione. Quest’ultimo risultato permette per la prima volta di affermare che il supercomplesso I+III è presente anche in mitocondri integri capaci della fosforilazione ossidativa e che il trasferimento elettronico tra i due complessi possa effettivamente realizzarsi anche in condizioni fisiologiche, attraverso un fenomeno di channeling del Coenzima Q10. Sugli stessi campioni è stata eseguita anche un analisi strutturale mediante gel-elettroforesi (2D BN/SDS-PAGE) ed immunoblotting che, oltre a supportare i dati cinetici sullo stato di aggregazione dei complessi respiratori, ci ha permesso di evidenziare il ruolo del citocromo c nel supercomplesso, in particolare per il Complesso IV e di avviare uno studio comparativo esteso ai mitocondri di cuore bovino (BHM), di tubero di patata (POM) e di S. cerevisiae.


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OBIETTIVI: Valutazione del rischio di trasmissione verticale e delle conseguenze dell’infezione congenita da cytomegalovirus (CMV) in caso di infezione non primaria versus l’outcome delle gravidanze complicate da infezione primaria. MATERIALI E METODI: Studio retrospettivo di coorte di gravide con infezione recente da CMV diagnosticata c/o il nostro centro negli anni 2000-2013. Le pazienti sono state suddivise in 2 gruppi in base al risultato delle indagini sierologiche (avidità IgG e immunoblot): il primo con profilo sierologico compatibile con infezione non primaria e l'altro compatibile con infezione primaria da CMV. Sono stati confrontati il rischio di trasmissione e di infezione congenita sintomatica nei due gruppi. RISULTATI: Il follow-up è risultato disponibile in 1122 casi di cui 182 con infezione materna non-primaria e 940 con infezione primaria materna. L’infezione congenita è stata diagnosticata in 7 (3.86%) feti/neonati nei casi di infezione non primaria e in 217 (23%) feti/neonati nei casi di infezione primaria (p<0.001). Tra gli infetti, erano sintomatici 43 (19,8%) e 3 (42,8%) rispettivamente nell’infezione primaria e non primaria. COMMENTO: La preesistente immunità materna offre una protezione contro la trasmissione intrauterina nell’infezione da CMV ma non protegge dalla malattia congenita sintomatica.


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Breast cancer (BC) is the most often diagnosed cancer entity of women worldwide. No molecular biomarkers are usable in the clinical routine for the early detection of BC. Proteomics is one of the dynamic tools for the successful examination of changes on the protein level. In this thesis different proteomics-based investigations were performed for the detection of protein and autoantibody biomarkers in serum samples of BC and healthy (CTRL) subjects. First, protein levels of candidates from previous profiling studies were investigated via antibody-microarray platform. Three proteins were found in distinct levels in both groups: secretoglobin family 1D member 1, alpha-2 macroglobulin and inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain family member 4. The second part was dedicated to the de novo exploration of potentially immunogenic tumor antigens (TA’s) with immunoprecipitation and Western immunoblotting followed by identification over mass spectrometry. Autoantibody levels were verified in individual serum profiling via the protein microarray platform. Two autoantibody’ cohorts (anti-Histone 2B and anti-Recoverin) were found in different levels in both groups. The findings of this PhD thesis underline deregulated serum protein and autoantibody levels in the presence of BC. Further investigations are needed to confirm the results in an independent study population.


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Herzwirksame Glykoside sind in der Natur sowohl im Tier- als auch im Pflanzenreich zu finden und werden regelmäßig zur Therpaie von Herzinsuffizienz eingesetzt. In letzter Zeit belegten viele Studien, dass herzwirksame Glykoside vielversprechende Substanzen für die Behandlung von Krebs darstellen. Ihr Wirkmechanismus basiert auf der Hemmung der Na+/K+-ATPase. Die Na+/K+-ATPase spielt neuerdings eine wichtige Rolle in der Krebsbiologie, da sie viele relevante Signalwege beeinflusst. Multiresistenzen gegen Arzneimittel sind oftmals verantwortlich für das Scheitern einer Chemotherapie. Bei multi-drug-resistenten Tumoren erfolgt ein Transport der Chemotherapeutika aus der Krebszelle hinaus durch das Membranprotein P-Glykoprotein. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Zytotoxizität von 66 herzwirksamen Glykosiden und ihren Derivaten in sensitiven und resistenten Leukämie-Zellen getestet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass diese Naturstoffe die Zell-Linien in verschiedenen molaren Bereichen abtöten. Allerdings waren die Resistenz-Indizes niedrig (d. h. die IC50 Werte waren in beiden Zell-Linien ähnlich). Die untersuchten 66 Substanzen besitzen eine große Vielfalt an chemischen Substituenten. Die Wirkung dieser Substituenten auf die Zytotoxizität wurde daher durch Struktur-Aktivitäts-Beziehung (SAR) erforscht. Des Weiteren wiesen quantitative Struktur-Aktivitäts-Beziehung (QSAR) und molekulares Docking darauf hin, dass die Na+/K+-ATPase in sensitiven und resistenten Zellen unterschiedlich stark exprimiert wird. Eine Herunterregulation der Na+/K+-ATPase in multi-drug-resistenten Zellen wurde durch Western Blot bestätigt und die Wirkung dieser auf relevante Signalwege durch Next-Generation-Sequenzierung weiter verfolgt. Dadurch konnte eine Verbindung zwischen der Überexpression von P-Glykoprotein und der Herunterregulation der Na+/K+-ATPase hergestellt werden. Der zweite Aspekt der Arbeit war die Hemmung von P-Glykoprotein durch herzwirksame Glykoside, welche durch Hochdurchsatz-Durchflusszytometrie getestet wurde. Sechs wirksame Glykoside konnten den P-Glykoprotein-vermittelten Transport von Doxorubicin inhibieren. Zudem konnte die Zytotoxität von Doxorubicin in multi-drug-resistenten Zellen teilweise wieder zurück erlangt werden. Unabhängig von herzwirksamen Glykosiden war die Bewertung der Anwendung von molekularem Docking in der P-Glykoprotein Forschung ein weiterer Aspekt der Arbeit. Es ließ sich schlussfolgern, dass molekulares Docking fähig ist, zwischen den verschiedenen Molekülen zu unterscheiden, die mit P-Glykoprotein interagieren. Die Anwendbarkeit von molekularem Docking in Bezug auf die Bestimmung der Bindestelle einer Substanz wurde ebenfalls untersucht.


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Pemphigus herpetiformis (PH) is a rare dapsone-responsive variant of pemphigus, characterized by annular and vesiculopustular cutaneous lesions. Most PH serum samples contain autoantibodies against desmoglein (Dsg)1, but not Dsg3, and the presence of the latter is almost invariably associated with mucosal involvement, as predicted based on the 'Dsg compensation theory'. We describe a patient with features characteristic of PH with histologically eosinophilic spongiosis who repeatedly tested positive for anti-Dsg3 but not anti-Dsg1 autoantibodies by ELISA. To investigate whether the peculiar clinical phenotype was due to a distinct immunological profile, the patient's serum was tested by ELISA and immunoblotting using recombinant forms of Dsg3. Serum samples were found to have low and high reactivity against the EC1 and the EC4 domains of Dsg3, respectively, whereas the autoantibodies belonged predominantly to the IgG1 and IgG4 subclasses. The overall immunological profile was typical of pemphigus vulgaris. The patient finally developed isolated oral erosions 22 months after initial presentation, without significant changes in the autoantibody profile and of the targeted antigenic sites. Our patient presented features characteristic of PH. Although circulating anti-Dsg3 antibodies were present, the patient had only cutaneous involvement for a long period. Our findings indicate that the proposed Dsg compensation theory cannot always explain the clinical phenotype, changes in which may occur without apparent modification of the autoantibody profile and antibody specificity. Hence, additional factors, such as Fcgamma-dependent neutrophil activation, may critically affect the clinical presentation of pemphigus.


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In skeletal muscles, the expression of neuronal NO synthase (nNOS) isoforms is uncharacterized at the protein level. We therefore conducted epitope mapping with anti-peptide-antibodies. Antibodies specific for the nNOS N-terminus recognized the 160-kDa alpha-isoform. In contrast, antibodies against the middle portion or the C-terminus of nNOS bound additionally to the truncated 140-kDa beta-isoform which lacks the PDZ-domain present in the alpha-isoform. All nNOS immunohistochemical reactivity was confined to the sarcolemma. Consistently, immunoblotting disclosed both nNOS-isoforms to be co-enriched in the membrane-associated fractions. The beta-isoform was co-immunoprecipitated with alpha-isoform antibodies in muscle extracts indicating an association of both nNOS-isoforms to direct the beta-variant to the sarcolemma.


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The contribution of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) to angiogenesis in human skeletal muscle after endurance exercise is controversially discussed. We therefore ascertained whether the expression of nNOS is associated with the capillary density in biopsies of the vastus lateralis (VL) muscle that had been derived from 10 sedentary male subjects before and after moderate training (four 30-min weekly jogging sessions for 6 months, with a heart-rate corresponding to 75% VO(2)max). In these biopsies, nNOS was predominantly expressed as alpha-isoform with exon-mu and to a lesser extent without exon-mu, as determined by RT-PCR. The mRNA levels of nNOS were quantified by real-time PCR and related to the capillary-to-fibre ratio and the numerical density of capillaries specified by light microscopy. If the VL biopsies of all subjects were co-analysed, mRNA levels of nNOS were non-significantly elevated after training (+34%; P > 0.05). However, only five of the ten subjects exhibited significant (P ≤ 0.05) elevations in the capillary-to-fibre ratio (+25%) and the numerical density of capillaries (+21%) and were thus undergoing angiogenesis. If the VL biopsies of these five subjects alone were evaluated, the mRNA levels of nNOS were significantly up-regulated (+128%; P ≤ 0.05) and correlated positively (r = 0.8; P ≤ 0.01) to angiogenesis. Accordingly, nNOS protein expression in VL biopsies quantified by immunoblotting was significantly increased (+82%; P ≤ 0.05) only in those subjects that underwent angiogenesis. In conclusion, the expression of nNOS at mRNA and protein levels was statistically linked to capillarity after exercise suggesting that nNOS is involved in the angiogenic response to training in human skeletal muscle.


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Sorafenib targets the Raf/mitogen-activated protein kinase, VEGF, and platelet-derived growth factor pathways and prolongs survival patients in advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Everolimus inhibits the mammalian target of rapamycin, a kinase overactive in HCC. To investigate whether the antitumor effects of these agents are additive, we compared a combined and sequential treatment regimen of everolimus and sorafenib with monotherapy. After hepatic implantation of Morris Hepatoma (MH) cells, rats were randomly allocated to everolimus (5 mg/kg, 2×/week), sorafenib (7.5 mg/kg/d), combined everolimus and sorafenib, sequential sorafenib (2 weeks) then everolimus (3 weeks), or control groups. MRI quantified tumor volumes. Erk1/2, 4E-BP1, and their phosphorylated forms were quantified by immunoblotting. Angiogenesis was assessed in vitro by aortic ring and tube formation assays, and in vivo with Vegf-a mRNA and vascular casts. After 35 days, tumor volumes were reduced by 60%, 85%, and 55%, relative to controls, in everolimus, the combination, and sequential groups, respectively (P < 0.01). Survival was longest in the combination group (P < 0.001). Phosphorylation of 4E-BP1 and Erk1/2 decreased after everolimus and sorafenib, respectively. Angiogenesis decreased after all treatments (P < 0.05), although sorafenib increased Vegf-a mRNA in liver tumors. Vessel sprouting was abundant in control tumors, lower after sorafenib, and absent after the combination. Intussusceptive angiogenic transluminal pillars failed to coalesce after the combination. Combined treatment with everolimus and sorafenib exerts a stronger antitumoral effect on MH tumors than monotherapy. Everolimus retains antitumoral properties when administered sequentially after sorafenib. This supports the clinical use of everolimus in HCC, both in combination with sorafenib or after sorafenib.


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ADAMTS1 inhibits capillary sprouting, and since capillary sprouts do not experience the shear stress caused by blood flow, this study undertook to clarify the relationship between shear stress and ADAMTS1. It was found that endothelial cells exposed to shear stress displayed a strong upregulation of ADAMTS1, dependent upon both the magnitude and duration of their exposure. Investigation of the underlying pathways demonstrated involvement of phospholipase C, phosphoinositide 3-kinase, and nitric oxide. Forkhead box protein O1 was identified as a likely inhibitor of the system, as its knockdown was followed by a slight increase in ADAMTS1 expression. In silico prediction displayed a transcriptional binding site for Forkhead box protein O1 in the promotor region of the ADAMTS1 gene, as well as sites for nuclear factor 1, SP1, and AP-1. The anti-angiogenic effects of ADAMTS1 were attributed to its cleavage of thrombospondin 1 into a 70-kDa fragment, and a significant enhancement of this fragment was indeed demonstrated by immunoblotting shear stress-treated cells. Accordingly, scratch wound closure displayed a slowdown in conditioned medium from shear stress-treated endothelial cells, an effect that could be completely blocked by a knockdown of thrombospondin 1 and partially blocked by a knockdown of ADAMTS1. Non-perfused capillary sprouts in rat mesenteries stained negative for ADAMTS1, while vessels in the microcirculation that had already experienced blood flow yielded the opposite results. The shear stress-dependent expression of ADAMTS1 in vitro was therefore also demonstrated in vivo and thereby confirmed as a mechanism connecting blood flow with the regulation of angiogenesis.


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Considerable efforts have been directed toward the identification of small-ruminant prion diseases, i.e., classical and atypical scrapie as well as bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). Here we report the in-depth molecular analysis of the proteinase K-resistant prion protein core fragment (PrP(res)) in a highly scrapie-affected goat flock in Greece. The PrP(res) profile by Western immunoblotting in most animals was that of classical scrapie in sheep. However, in a series of clinically healthy goats we identified a unique C- and N-terminally truncated PrP(res) fragment, which is akin but not identical to that observed for atypical scrapie. These findings reveal novel aspects of the nature and diversity of the molecular PrP(res) phenotypes in goats and suggest that these animals display a previously unrecognized prion protein disorder.


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SUMMARY: In Neospora caninum and Toxoplasma gondii, the parasitophorous vacuole (PV) is synthesized at the time of infection. During tachyzoite-to-bradyzoite stage conversion, the PV is later transformed into a tissue cyst that allows parasites to survive in their host for extended periods of time. We report on the characterization of NcMAG1, the N. caninum orthologue of T. gondii MAG1 (matrix antigen 1; TgMAG1). The 456 amino acid predicted NcMAG1 protein is 54% identical to TgMAG1. By immunoblotting, a rabbit antiserum raised against recombinant NcMAG1 detected a major product of approximately 67 kDa in extracts of N. caninum tachyzoite-infected Vero cells, which was stained more prominently in extracts of infected Vero cells treated to induce in vitro bradyzoite conversion. Immunofluorescence and TEM localized the protein mainly within the cyst wall and the cyst matrix. In both tachyzoites and bradyzoites, NcMAG1 was associated with the parasite dense granules. Comparison between NcMAG1 and TgMAG1 amino acid sequences revealed that the C-terminal conserved regions exhibit 66% identity, while the N-terminal variable regions exhibit only 32% identity. Antibodies against NcMAG1-conserved region cross-reacted with the orthologuous protein in T. gondii but those against the variable region did not. This indicates that the variable region possesses unique antigenic characteristics.


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OBJECTIVE: This investigation was a basal study that used a mouse model of xerostomia to identify protein biomarkers of xerostomia in saliva. We identified genes expressed differently in parotid glands from non-obese diabetic mice with diabetes and those from control mice; subsequently, we investigated expression of the proteins encoded by these genes in parotid glands and saliva. MATERIALS AND METHODS: DNA microarray and real-time PCR analyses were performed to detect differences between NOD/ShiJcl and C57BL/6JJcl (control) female mice in gene expression from parotid glands or parotid acinar cells. Subsequently, protein expression was assessed using immunoblotting and immunohistochemistry. Similarly, enzyme activity in saliva was assessed using zymography. RESULTS: Based on gene expression analyses, Chia expression was higher in diabetic mice than non-diabetic mice and control mice; similarly, expression of chitinase, the protein encoded by Chia, was higher in diabetic mice. Saliva from NOD/ShiJcl mice had more chitinase than saliva from control mice. CONCLUSIONS: Chitinase was highly expressed in parotid acinar cells from diabetic mice compared with non-diabetic and control mice. Increased chitinase expression and enzyme activity may characterize the autoimmune diabetes in mice; however, further investigation is required to assess its use as a biomarker of xerostomia in humans.


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Enterovirus is the most common pathogen causing viral meningitis especially in children. Besides the blood-brain barrier (BBB) the choroid plexus, which forms the blood-cerebrospinal-fluid (CSF) barrier (BCSFB), was shown to be involved in the pathogenesis of enteroviral meningitis. In a human in vitro model of the BCSFB consisting of human choroid plexus papilloma cells (HIBCPP), the permissiveness of plexus epithelial cells for Echovirus 30 (EV30) was analyzed by immunoblotting and quantitative real-time PCR (Q-PCR). HIBCPP could be directly infected by EV30 from the apical as well as from the physiological relevant basolateral side. During an infection period of 5h no alterations of barrier function and cell viability could be observed. Analysis of the cytokine/chemokine-profile following enteroviral infection with a cytometric bead array (CBA) and Q-PCR revealed an enhanced secretion of PanGRO (CXCL1, CXCL2 and CXCL3), IL8 and CCL5. Q-PCR showed a significant upregulation of CXCL1, CXCL2 and CXCL3 in a time dependant manner. However, there was only a minor effect of HIBCPP-infection with EV30 on transepithelial T lymphocyte migration with or without the chemoattractant CXCL12. Moreover, CXCL3 did not significantly enhance T cell migrations. Therefore additional factors must be involved for the in vivo reported enhanced T cell migration into the CNS in the context of enteroviral meningitis. As HIBCPP are permissive for infection with EV30, they constitute a valuable human in vitro model to study viral infection at the BCSFB.