862 resultados para idrodinamica, fluidi, Navier-Stokes, Kelvin, Jeans


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degli elementi vegetali nella dinamica e nella dispersione degli inquinanti nello street canyon urbano. In particolare, è stato analizzata la risposta fluidodinamica di cespugli con altezze diverse e di alberi con porosità e altezza del tronco varianti. Il modello analizzato consiste in due edifici di altezza e larghezza pari ad H e lunghezza di 10H, tra i quali corre una strada in cui sono stati modellizati una sorgente rappresentativa del traffico veicolare e, ai lati, due linee di componenti vegetali. Le simulazioni sono state fatte con ANSYS Fluent, un software di "Computational Fluid Dynamics"(CFD) che ha permesso di modellizare la dinamica dei flussi e di simulare le concentrazioni emesse dalla sorgente di CO posta lungo la strada. Per la simulazione è stato impiegato un modello RANS a chiusura k-epsilon, che permette di parametrizzare i momenti secondi nell'equazione di Navier Stokes per permettere una loro più facile risoluzione. I risultati sono stati espressi in termini di profili di velocità e concentrazione molare di CO, unitamente al calcolo della exchange velocity per quantificare gli scambi tra lo street canyon e l'esterno. Per quanto riguarda l'influenza dell'altezza dei tronchi è stata riscontrata una tendenza non lineare tra di essi e la exchange velocity. Analizzando invece la altezza dei cespugli è stato visto che all'aumentare della loro altezza esiste una relazione univoca con l'abbassamento della exchange velocity. Infine, andando a variare la permeabilità delle chiome degli alberi è stata trovatta una variazione non monotonica che correla la exchange velocity con il parametro C_2, che è stata interpretata attraverso i diversi andamenti dei profili sopravento e sottovento. In conclusione, allo stadio attuale della ricerca presentata in questa tesi, non è ancora possibile correlare direttamente la exchange velocity con alcun parametro analizzato.


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La compréhension de l'aérothermique d'un véhicule durant sa phase de développement est une question essentielle afin d'assurer, d'une part, un bon refroidissement et une bonne efficacité de ses composants et d'autre part de réduire la force de traînée et évidement le rejet des gaz à effet de serre ou la consommation d'essence. Cette thèse porte sur la simulation numérique et la validation expérimentale de l'aérothermique d'un véhicule à trois roues dont deux, en avant et une roue motrice en arrière. La simulation numérique est basée sur la résolution des équations de conservation de la masse, de la quantité de mouvement et de l'énergie en utilisant l'approche RANS (Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes). Le rayonnement thermique est modélisé grâce à la méthode S2S (Surface to Surface) qui suppose que le milieu séparant les deux surfaces rayonnantes, ici de l'air, ne participe pas au processus du rayonnement. Les radiateurs sont considérés comme des milieux poreux orthotropes où la perte de pression est calculée en fonction de leurs propriétés inertielle et visqueuse; leur dissipation thermique est modélisée par la méthode Dual flow. Une première validation de l'aérodynamique est faite grâce à des essais en soufflerie. Ensuite, une deuxième validation de la thermique est faite grâce à des essais routiers. Un deuxième objectif de la thèse est consacré à la simulation numérique de l'aérodynamique en régime transitoire du véhicule. La simulation est faite à l'aide de l'approche Detached eddy simulation (DES). Une validation expérimentale est faite à partir d'étude en soufflerie grâce à des mesures locales de vitesse à l'aide de sondes cobra.


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The application of Computational Fluid Dynamics based on the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes equations to the simulation of bluff body aerodynamics has been thoroughly investigated in the past. Although a satisfactory accuracy can be obtained for some urban physics problems their predictive capability is limited to the mean flow properties, while the ability to accurately predict turbulent fluctuations is recognized to be of fundamental importance when dealing with wind loading and pollution dispersion problems. The need to correctly take into account the flow dynamics when such problems are faced has led researchers to move towards scale-resolving turbulence models such as Large Eddy Simulations (LES). The development and assessment of LES as a tool for the analysis of these problems is nowadays an active research field and represents a demanding engineering challenge. This research work has two objectives. The first one is focused on wind loads assessment and aims to study the capabilities of LES in reproducing wind load effects in terms of internal forces on structural members. This differs from the majority of the existing research, where performance of LES is evaluated only in terms of surface pressures, and is done with a view of adopting LES as a complementary design tools alongside wind tunnel tests. The second objective is the study of LES capabilities in calculating pollutant dispersion in the built environment. The validation of LES in this field is considered to be of the utmost importance in order to conceive healthier and more sustainable cities. In order to validate the numerical setup adopted, a systematic comparison between numerical and experimental data is performed. The obtained results are intended to be used in the drafting of best practice guidelines for the application of LES in the urban physics field with a particular attention to wind load assessment and pollution dispersion problems.


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A broad sector of literature focuses on the relationship between fluid dynamics and gravitational systems. This thesis presents results that suggest the existence of a new kind of fluid/gravity duality not based on the holographic principle. The goal is to provide tools that allow us to systematically unearth hidden symmetries for reduced models of cosmology. The focus is on the field space of these models, i.e. the superspace. In fact, conformal isometries of the supermetric leave geodesics in the field space unaltered; this leads to symmetries of the models. An innovative aspect is the use of the Eisenhart-Duval’s lift. Using this method, systems constrained by a potential can be treated as free ones. Moreover, charges explicitly dependent on time, i.e. dynamical, can be found. A detailed analysis is carried out on three basic models of homogenous cosmology: i) flat Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker’s isotropic universe filled with a massless scalar field; ii) Schwarzschild’s black hole mechanics and its extension to vacuum (A)dS gravity; iii) Bianchi’s anisotropic type I universe with a massless scalar field. The results show the presence of a hidden Schrödinger’s symmetry which, being intrinsic to both Navier-Stokes’ and Schrödinger’s equations, indicates a correspondence between cosmology and hydrodynamics. Furthermore, the central extension of this algebra explicitly relates two concepts. The first is the number of particles coming from the fluid picture; while the second is the ratio between the IR and UV cutoffs that weighs how much a theory has of “classical” over “quantum”. This suggests a spacetime that emerges from an underlying world which is described by quantum building blocks. These quanta statistically conspire to appear as gravitational phenomena from a macroscopic point of view.


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Since the majority of the population of the world lives in cities and that this number is expected to increase in the next years, one of the biggest challenges of the research is the determination of the risk deriving from high temperatures experienced in urban areas, together with improving responses to climate-related disasters, for example by introducing in the urban context vegetation or built infrastructures that can improve the air quality. In this work, we will investigate how different setups of the boundary and initial conditions set on an urban canyon generate different patterns of the dispersion of a pollutant. To do so we will exploit the low computational cost of Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) simulations to reproduce the dynamics of an infinite array of two-dimensional square urban canyons. A pollutant is released at the street level to mimic the presence of traffic. RANS simulations are run using the k-ɛ closure model and vertical profiles of significant variables of the urban canyon, namely the velocity, the turbulent kinetic energy, and the concentration, are represented. This is done using the open-source software OpenFOAM and modifying the standard solver simpleFoam to include the concentration equation and the temperature by introducing a buoyancy term in the governing equations. The results of the simulation are validated with experimental results and products of Large-Eddy Simulations (LES) from previous works showing that the simulation is able to reproduce all the quantities under examination with satisfactory accuracy. Moreover, this comparison shows that despite LES are known to be more accurate albeit more expensive, RANS simulations represent a reliable tool if a smaller computational cost is needed. Overall, this work exploits the low computational cost of RANS simulations to produce multiple scenarios useful to evaluate how the dispersion of a pollutant changes by a modification of key variables, such as the temperature.


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Questo elaborato si propone di dare una panoramica generale delle basi della Dinamica dei Fluidi e della sua importanza nel contesto astrofisico; è strutturato in modo da fornire le nozioni fondamentali necessarie in tali campi e le essenziali informazioni sul formalismo correntemente utilizzato, per poi concludere con l'analisi del fenomeno dell'instabilità di Jeans.


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The classical model of capillary equilibrium in cylindrical pores is modified here by the introduction of molecular concepts and the solid fluid interaction potential. The new approach accurately predicts capillary coexistence and criticality, with results quantitatively matching those from density functional theory for nitrogen adsorption, while also predicting condensation pressures in agreement with reported experimental findings for MCM-41. The larger critical pore size for nitrogen adsorption in these materials, however, suggests a modification of the potential function parameters, evaluated here from data for hydroxylated silica.


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We investigate nonclassical Stokes-operator variances in continuous-wave polarization-squeezed laser light generated from one and two optical parametric amplifiers. A general expression of how Stokes-operator variances decompose into two-mode quadrature operator variances is given. Stokes parameter variance spectra for four different polarization-squeezed states have been measured and compared with a coherent state. Our measurement results are visualized by three-dimensional Stokes-operator noise volumes mapped on the quantum Poincare sphere. We quantitatively compare the channel capacity of the different continuous-variable polarization states for communication protocols. It is shown that squeezed polarization states provide 33% higher channel capacities than the optimum coherent beam protocol.


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In this paper we propose a stabilized conforming finite volume element method for the Stokes equations. On stating the convergence of the method, optimal a priori error estimates in different norms are obtained by establishing the adequate connection between the finite volume and stabilized finite element formulations. A superconvergence result is also derived by using a postprocessing projection method. In particular, the stabilization of the continuous lowest equal order pair finite volume element discretization is achieved by enriching the velocity space with local functions that do not necessarily vanish on the element boundaries. Finally, some numerical experiments that confirm the predicted behavior of the method are provided.


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Référence bibliographique : Rol, 55010


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Este crucero oceanográfico 0409-10, se realizó entre el 24 setiembre y 7 octubre 2004; abarcó el área entre Punta Caballas (15°S) y Paita (5°S), hasta 190 mn de la costa. El objetivo era conocer las características del ambiente marino y establecer sus relaciones con un probable evento cálido. Las observaciones más importantes fueron: (1) ondas Kelvin, ya registradas en el invierno, motivaron proyección de aguas ecuatoriales superficiales hacia el sur y suroeste, entre los 5-7,5°S, provocando condiciones ligeramente cálidas en la zona oceánica, con un pequeño núcleo de anomalía térmica de +2,3 °C en la zona costera de Paita; (2) al sur de los 6°S (Punta La Negra) dentro de las 100 mn hubo anomalías térmicas próximas a lo normal; (3) el afloramiento costero se desarrolló moderadamente en el área de estudio en una franja de 10 a 25 mn de la costa, excepto en la zona frente a Paita; (4) las aguas subtropicales superficiales (ASS) se ubicaron fuera de las 50 mn entre 9-12°S, por fuera de las 160 mn al norte de esa latitud y a 25 mn de Pucusana, alcanzando 90 m de profundidad frente a Chimbote; (5) la isoterma de 15 °C se registró entre 11 a 100 m, con mayor profundidad frente a Chimbote, por fuera de 100 mn, mostrando que los flujos predominantes provinieron del sur; (6) la Extensión Sur de la Corriente de Cromwell (ESCC) mostró profundización de la isoterma de 14 °C y no con la de 15 °C como es normal; (7) vientos predominantes del SE con 4 a 7 m/s fueron característicos durante el crucero, excepto frente a Paita, Chicama y de regreso al Callao donde se registraron velocidades entre 7 a 11 m/s.