987 resultados para idrocarburi non convenzionali, shale gas, approvvigionamenti energetici, olio non convenzionale


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The sensitivity of the gas flow field to changes in different initial conditions has been studied for the case of a highly simplified cometary nucleus model. The nucleus model simulated a homogeneously outgassing sphere with a more active ring around an axis of symmetry. The varied initial conditions were the number density of the homogeneous region, the surface temperature, and the composition of the flow (varying amounts of H2O and CO2) from the active ring. The sensitivity analysis was performed using the Polynomial Chaos Expansion (PCE) method. Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) was used for the flow, thereby allowing strong deviations from local thermal equilibrium. The PCE approach can be used to produce a sensitivity analysis with only four runs per modified input parameter and allows one to study and quantify non-linear responses of measurable parameters to linear changes in the input over a wide range. Hence the PCE allows one to obtain a functional relationship between the flow field properties at every point in the inner coma and the input conditions. It is for example shown that the velocity and the temperature of the background gas are not simply linear functions of the initial number density at the source. As probably expected, the main influence on the resulting flow field parameter is the corresponding initial parameter (i.e. the initial number density determines the background number density, the temperature of the surface determines the flow field temperature, etc.). However, the velocity of the flow field is also influenced by the surface temperature while the number density is not sensitive to the surface temperature at all in our model set-up. Another example is the change in the composition of the flow over the active area. Such changes can be seen in the velocity but again not in the number density. Although this study uses only a simple test case, we suggest that the approach, when applied to a real case in 3D, should assist in identifying the sensitivity of gas parameters measured in situ by, for example, the Rosetta spacecraft to the surface boundary conditions and vice versa.


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Antisense oligonucleotides are medical agents for the treatment of genetic diseases that are designed to interact specifically with mRNA. This interaction either induces enzymatic degradation of the targeted RNA or modifies processing pathways, e.g. by inducing alternative splicing of the pre-mRNA. The latter mechanism applies to the treatment of Duchenne muscular dystrophy with a sugar-modified DNA analogue called tricyclo-DNA (tcDNA). In tcDNA the ribose sugar-moiety is extended to a three-membered ring system, which augments the binding affinity and the selectivity of the antisense oligonucleotide for its target. The advent of chemically modified nucleic acids for antisense therapy presents a challenge to diagnostic tools, which must be able to cope with a variety of structural analogues. Mass spectrometry meets this demand for non-enzyme based sequencing methods ideally, because the technique is largely unaffected by structural modifications of the analyte. Sequence coverage of a fully modified tcDNA 15mer can be obtained in a single tandem mass spectrometric experiment. Beyond sequencing experiments, tandem mass spectrometry was applied to elucidate the gas-phase structure and stability of tcDNA:DNA and tcDNA:RNA hybrid duplexes. Most remarkable is the formation of truncated duplexes upon collision-induced dissociation of these structures. Our data suggest that the cleavage site within the duplex is directed by the modified sugar-moiety. Moreover, the formation of truncated duplexes manifests the exceptional stability of the hybrid duplexes in the gas-phase. This stability arises from the modified sugar-moiety, which locks the tcDNA single strand into a conformation that is similar to RNA in A-form duplexes. The conformational particularity of tcDNA in the gas-phase was confirmed by ion mobility-mass spectrometry experiments on tcDNA, DNA, and RNA.


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Bioaccumulation of metals by zoobenthos was investigated during cruise 11A of R/V Akademik Mstislav Keldysh in the vicinity of a gas-hydrate seep off Paramushir Island in the Sea of Okhotsk. Atomic absorption studies of concentrations of Al, Fe, Mn, Ni, Cu and Zn in zoobenthos (polychaetes, bivalves, ophiurans and echinoderms) collected from depths of 700-800 m indicated that their concentrations in individuals near the seep were not significantly different from those in individuals from other communities. Obtained results indicate that sea urchins and holothurians (non-sorting bottom-feeders) can separate mineral fraction of ingested bottom material.


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During IODP Expedition 310 (Tahiti Sea Level), drowned Pleistocene-Holocene barrier-reef terraces were drilled on the slope of the volcanic island. The deglacial reef succession typically consists of a coral framework encrusted by coralline algae and later by microbialites; the latter make up < 80% of the rock volume. Lipid biomarkers were analyzed in order to identify organisms involved in reef-microbialite formation at Tahiti, as the genesis of deglacial microbialites and the conditions favoring their formation are not fully understood. Sterols plus saturated and monounsaturated short-chain fatty acids predominantly derived from both marine primary producers (algae) and bacteria comprise 44 wt% of all lipids on average, whereas long-chain fatty acids and long-chain alcohols derived from higher land plants represent an average of only 24 wt%. Bacterially derived mono-O-alkyl glycerol ethers (MAGEs) and branched fatty acids (10-Me-C16:0; iso- and anteiso-C15:0 and -C17:0) are exceptionally abundant in the microbial carbonates (average, 19 wt%) and represent biomarkers of intermediate-to-high specificity for sulfate-reducing bacteria. Both are relatively enriched in 13C compared to eukaryotic lipids. No lipid biomarkers indicative of cyanobacteria were preserved in the microbialites. The abundances of Al, Si, Fe, Mn, Ba, pyroxene, plagioclase, and magnetite reflect strong terrigenous influx with Tahitian basalt as the major source. Chemical weathering of the basalt most likely elevated nutrient levels in the reefs and this fertilization led to an increase in primary production and organic matter formation, boosting heterotrophic sulfate reduction. Based on the observed biomarker patterns, sulfate-reducing bacteria were apparently involved in the formation of microbialites in the coral reefs off Tahiti during the last deglaciation.


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There are high levels of uncertainty about how coastal ecosystems will be affected by rapid ocean acidification caused by anthropogenic CO2, due to a lack of data. The few experiments to date have been short-term (< 1 year) and reveal mixed responses depending on the species examined and the culture conditions used. It is difficult to carry out long-term manipulations of CO2 levels, therefore areas with naturally high CO2 levels are being used to help understand which species, habitats and processes are resilient to the effects of ocean acidification, and which are adversely affected. Here we describe the effects of increasing CO2 levels on macroalgal communities along a pH gradient caused by volcanic vents. Macroalgal habitat differed at taxonomic and morphological group levels along a pH gradient. The vast majority of the 101 macroalgal species studied were able to grow with only a 5% decrease in species richness as the mean pH fell from 8.1 to 7.8. However, this small fall in species richness was associated with shifts in community structure as the cover of turf algae decreased disproportionately. Calcitic species were significantly reduced in cover and species richness whereas a few non-calcified species became dominant. At mean pH 6.7, where carbonate saturation levels were < 1, calcareous species were absent and there was a 72% fall in species richness. Under these extremely high CO2 conditions a few species dominated the simplified macroalgal assemblage and a very few exhibited enhanced reproduction, although high CO2 levels seemed to inhibit reproduction in others. Our data show that many macroalgal species are tolerant of long-term elevations in CO2 levels but that macroalgal habitats are altered significantly as pH drops, contributing to a scant but growing body of evidence concerning the long-term effects of CO2 emissions in vegetated marine systems. Further study is now needed to investigate whether the observed response of macroalgal communities can be replicated in different seasons and from a range of geographical regions for incorporation into global modelling studies to predict effects of CO2 emissions on Earth's ecosystems.


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Results of studying isotopic composition of helium in underground fluids of the Baikal-Mongolian region during the last quarter of XX century are summarized. Determinations of 3He/4He ratio in 139 samples of gas phase from fluids, collected at 104 points of the Baikal rift zone and adjacent structures are given. 3He/4He values lie within the range from 1x10**-8 (typical for crustal radiogenic helium) to 1.1x10**-5 (close to typical MORB reservoir). Repeated sampling in some points during more than 20 years showed stability of helium isotopic composition in time in each of them at any level of 3He/4He values. There is no systematic differences of 3He/4He in samples from surface water sources and deeper intervals of boreholes in the same areas. Universal relationship between isotopic composition of helium and general composition of gas phase is absent either, but the minimum 3He/4He values occurred in methane gas of hydrocarbon deposits, whereas in nitrogen and carbon dioxide gases of helium composition varied (in the latter maximum 3He/4He values have been measured). According to N2/Ar_atm ratio nitrogen gases are atmospheric. In carbonic gas fN2/fNe ratio indicates presence of excessive (non-atmogenic) nitrogen, but the attitude CO2/3He differs from one in MORB. Comparison of helium isotopic composition with its concentration and composition of the main components of gas phase from fluids shows that it is formed under influence of fractionation of components with different solubility in the gas-water system and generation/consumption of reactive gases in the crust. Structural and tectonic elements of the region differ from the spectrum of 3He/4He values. At the pre-Riphean Siberian Platform the mean 3He/4He = (3.6+/-0.9)x10**- 8 is very close to radiogenic one. In the Paleozoic crust of Khangay 3He/4He = (16.3+/-4.6)x10**-8, and the most probable estimate is (12.3+/-2.9)x10**-8. In structures of the eastern flank of the Baikal rift zone (Khentei, Dauria) affected by the Mz-Kz activization 3He/4He values range from 4.4x10**-8 to 2.14x10**-6 (average 0.94x10**-6). Distribution of 3He/4He values across the strike of the Baikal rift zone indicates advective heat transfer from the mantle not only in the rift zone, but also much further to the east. In fluids of the Baikal rift zone range of 3He/4He values is the widest: from 4x10**-8 to 1.1x10**-5. Their variations along the strike of the rift zone are clearly patterned, namely, decrease of 3He/4He values in both directions from the Tunka depression. Accompanied by decrease in density of conductive heat flow and in size of rift basins, this trend indicates decrease in intensity of advective heat transfer from the mantle to peripheral segments of the rift zone. Comparing this trend with data on other continental rift zones and mid-ocean ridges leads to the conclusion about fundamental differences in mechanisms of interaction between the crust and the mantle in these environments.


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Debido a la complejidad de los procesos que controlan el intercambio de gases de carbono (C) y nitrógeno (N) entre el suelo y la atmósfera, en los sistemas forestales y agroforestales, son comprensibles las incógnitas existentes respecto a la estimación de los flujos de los gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) y la capacidad como reservorios de carbono de los suelos, bajo diferentes formas de uso y regímenes de alteración a escala regional y global. Esta escasez de información justifica la necesidad de caracterizar la dinámica de intercambio de GEI en los ecosistemas Mediterráneos, en especial en el contexto actual de cambio climático, y el incremento asociado de temperatura y periodos de sequía, alteración de los patrones de precipitación, y el riesgo de incendios forestales; cuyas consecuencias afectarán tanto a los compartimentos de C y de N del suelo como a la capacidad de secuestro de C de estos ecosistemas. Dentro de este contexto se enmarca la presente tesis doctoral cuyo objetivo ha sido cuantificar y caracterizar los flujos de dióxido de carbono (CO2), de oxido nitroso (N2O) y de metano (CH4), junto con los stocks de C y N, en suelos forestales de Quercus ilex, Quercus pyrenaica y Pinus sylvestris afectados por incendios forestales; así como el estudiar el efecto de la gestión y la cubierta arbórea en la respiración del suelo y los stocks de C y N en una dehesa situada en el centro de la Península Ibérica. De manera que los flujos de CO2, N2O y CH4; y los parámetros físico-químicos y biológicos del suelo fueron estudiados en los diferentes tratamientos y ecosistemas a lo largo del trabajo que se presenta. Los resultados obtenidos muestran la existencia de variaciones temporales y espaciales de la respiración del suelo dentro de una escala geográfica pequeña, controladas principalmente por la temperatura y la humedad del suelo; y por los contenidos de C y N del suelo en un bosque de Pinus sylvestris en la vertiente norte de la Sierra de Guadarrama , en España. El análisis de los efectos de los incendios forestales a largo plazo (6-8 años) revela que las pérdidas anuales de C a través de la respiración del suelo en las zonas quemadas de Quercus ilex, Quercus pyrenaica y Pinus sylvestris fueron 450 gCm-2yr-1, 790 gCm-2yr-1 y 1220 gCm-2yr-1, respectivamente; lo que representa una reducción del 43%, 22% y 11% en comparación con las zonas no quemadas de dichas especies, debido a la destrucción de la masa arbórea. El efecto del fuego también alteró los flujos N2O y CH4 del suelo, de una forma diferente en los distintos ecosistemas y estacionalidades estudiadas. De tal modo, que los suelos quemados mostraron una mayor oxidación del CH4 en las masas de Q. ilex, y una menor oxidación en las de P. sylvestris; además de una disminución de los flujos de N2O en Q. pyrenaica. Los incendios también afectaron los parámetros microclimáticos de los suelos forestales, observándose un incremento de la temperatura del suelo y una disminución de la humedad en los emplazamientos quemados que en los no quemados. Los cationes intercambiables, el pH, el cociente C/N, el contenido en raicillas y la biomasa microbiana también disminuyeron en las zonas quemadas. Aunque el C orgánico del suelo no se alteró de manera significativa, si lo hizo la calidad de la materia orgánica, disminuyendo el carbono lábil y aumentando las formas recalcitrantes lo que se tradujo en menor sensibilidad de la respiración del suelo a la temperatura (valores de Q10) en las zonas quemadas. Los resultados del estudio realizado en la Dehesa muestran que las actividades silvopastorales estudiadas afectaron levemente y de forma no constante a la respiración del suelo y las condiciones microclimáticas del suelo. Se observó una reducción 12% de la respiración del suelo por efecto del pastoreo no intensivo. Sin embargo, se observaron incrementos de 3Mg/ha en los stocks de C y de 0.3 Mg/ha en los stocks de N en los suelos pastoreados en comparación con los no pastoreados. Aunque, no se observó un claro efecto de la labranza sobre la respiración del suelo en nuestro experimento, sin embargo si se observó una disminución de 3.5 Mg/ha en las reservas de C y de 0.3 Mg/ ha en las de N en los suelos labrados comparados con los no labrados. La copa del arbolado influyó de forma positiva tanto en la respiración del suelo, como en los stocks de C y N de los suelos. La humedad del suelo jugó un papel relevante en la sensibilidad de la respiración a la temperatura del suelo. Nuestros resultados ponen de manifiesto la sensibilidad de la respiración del suelo a cambios en la humedad y los parámetros edáficos, y sugieren que la aplicación de modelos estándar para estimar la respiración del suelo en áreas geográficas pequeñas puede no ser adecuada a menos que otros factores sean considerados en combinación con la temperatura del suelo. Además, las diferentes respuestas de los flujos de gases de efecto invernadero a los cambios, años después de la ocurrencia de incendios forestales, destaca la necesidad de incluir estos cambios en las futuras investigaciones de la dinámica del carbono en los ecosistemas mediterráneos. Por otra parte, las respuestas divergentes en los valores de respiración del suelo y en los contenidos de C y N del suelo observados en la dehesa, además de la contribución de la copa de los árboles en los nutrientes del suelo ilustran la importancia de mantener la gestión tradicional aplicada en beneficio de la capacidad de almacenar C en la dehesa estudiada. La información obtenida en este trabajo pretende contribuir a la mejora del conocimiento de la dinámica y el balance de C en los sistemas mediterráneos, además de ayudar a predecir el impacto del cambio climático en el intercambio de C entre los ecosistemas forestales y agroforestales y la atmósfera. ABSTRACT Due to the complexity of the processes that control the exchange of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) gasses between soils and the atmosphere in forest and agroforestry ecosystems, understandable uncertainties exist as regards the estimation of greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes and the soil sink capacity at regional and global scale under different forms of land use and disturbance regimes. These uncertainties justify the need to characterize the exchange dynamics of GHG between the atmosphere and soils in Mediterranean terrestrial ecosystems, particularly in the current context of climate change and the associated increase in temperature, drought periods, heavy rainfall events, and increased risk of wildfires, which affect not only the C and N pools but also the soil C sink capacity of these ecosystems. Within this context, the aims of the present thesis were, firstly, to quantify and characterize the fluxes of carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4) as well as the C and N stocks in Quercus ilex, Quercus pyrenaica and Pinus sylvestris stands affected by wildfires, and secondly, to study the effects of Quercus ilex canopy and management on both soil respiration and C and N pools in dehesa systems in the center of Iberian Peninsula. Soil CO2, N2O and CH4 fluxes, and soil physical-chemical and biological parameters were studied under the different treatments and ecosystems considered in this study. The results showed seasonal and spatial variations in soil respiration within small geographic areas, mainly controlled by soil temperature and moisture in addition to soil carbon and nitrogen stocks in mixed pine–oak forest ecosystems on the north facing slopes of the Sierra de Guadarrama in Spain. The analysis of long term effects of wildfires (6–8 years) revealed that annual carbon losses through soil respiration from burned sites in Quercus ilex, Quercus pyrenaica and Pinus sylvestris stands were 450 gCm-2yr-1, 790 gCm-2yr-1 and 1220 gCm-2yr-1, respectively; with burned sites emitting 43%, 22% and 11% less in burned as opposed to non-burned sites due the loss of trees. Fire may alter both N2O and CH4 fluxes although the magnitude of such variation depends on the site, soil characteristics and seasonal climatic conditions. The burned sites showed higher CH4 oxidation in Q.ilex stands, and lower oxidation rates in P. sylvestris stands. A reduction in N2O fluxes in Q. pyrenaica stands was detected at burned sites along with changes in soil microclimate; higher soil temperature and lower soil moisture content. Exchangeable cations, the C/N ratio, pH, fine root and microbial biomass were also found to decrease at burned sites. Although the soil organic carbon was not significantly altered, the quality of the organic matter changed, displaying a decrease in labile carbon and a relative increase in refractory forms, leading to lower sensitivity of soil respiration to temperature (Q10 values) at burned sites. The results from the dehesa study show that light grazing and superficial tilling practices used in the studied dehesa system in Spain had a slight but non-consistent impact on soil respiration and soil microclimate over the study period. The reduction in soil respiration in the dehesa system due to the effects of grazing was around 12 %. However, increments of 3Mg/ha in C stocks and 0.3 Mg/ha in N stocks in grazed soils were observed. Although no clear effect of tilling on soil respiration was found, a decrease of 3.5 Mg/ha in C stocks and 0.3 Mg/ha in N stocks was detected for tilled soils. The presence of a tree canopy induced increases in soil respiration, soil C and N stocks, while soil moisture was found to play an important role in soil respiration temperature response. Our results suggest that the use of standard models to estimate soil respiration in small geographical areas may not be adequate unless other factors are considered in addition to soil temperature. Furthermore, the different responses of GHG flux to climatic shifts, many years after the occurrence of wildfire, highlight the need to include these shifts in C dynamics in future research undertaken in Mediterranean ecosystems. Furthermore, divergent responses in soil respiration and soil C and N stocks to grazing or tilling practices in Dehesa systems, and the influence of tree canopy on soil respiration and soil nutrient content, illustrate the importance of maintaining beneficial management practices. Moreover, the carbon sequestration capacity of the Dehesa system studied may be enhanced through improvements in the management applied. It is hoped that the information obtained through this research will contribute towards improving our understanding of the dynamics and balance of C in Mediterranean systems, and help predict the impact of climate change on the exchange of C between forest and agroforestry ecosystems and the atmosphere.


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We have here demonstrated for the first time that nitrate not only accelerates testa rupture of non- AR seeds but also modifies expression pattern of the cell-wall remodeling proteins (mannanases; SoMAN6 and SoMAN7) and key genes belonging to metabolism and signaling of ABA (SoNCED6, SoNCED9, SoCYP707A2 and SoABI5) and GAs (SoGA3ox, SoGA20ox, SoGA2ox and SoRGL2). These results were obtained during Sisymbrium officinale seed imbibition in the absence of endosperm rupture. Exogenous ABA induced a notable inhibition of testa rupture in both absence and presence of nitrate being this effect sharply reversed by GA4+7. However, nitrate was capable to provoke testa rupture in absence of ABA synthesis. The expression of SoMAN6 and SoMAN7 were positively altered by nitrate. Although ABA synthesis seems apparent at the start of non-AR seed imbibition, taken together the results of SoNCED6, SoNCED9 and SoCYP707A2 expression seem to suggest that nitrate leads to a strong net ABA decrease. Likewise, nitrate positively affected the SoABI5 expression when the SoNCED9 expression was also stimulated. By contrast, at the early and final of imbibition, nitrate clearly inhibited the SoABI5 expression. The expression of SoGA2ox6 and SoGA3ox2 are strongly inhibited by nitrate whereas of SoGA20ox6 was stimulated. On the other hand, SoRGL2 transcript level decreased in the presence of nitrate. Taken together, the results presented here suggest that the nitrate signaling is already operative during the non-AR S. officinale seeds imbibition. The nitrate, in cross-talk with the AR network likely increases the favorable molecular conditions that trigger germination.


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Liquid-fueled burners are used in a number of propulsion devices ranging from internal combustion engines to gas turbines. The structure of spray flames is quite complex and involves a wide range of time and spatial scales in both premixed and non-premixed modes (Williams 1965; Luo et al. 2011). A number of spray-combustion regimes can be observed experimentally in canonical scenarios of practical relevance such as counterflow diffusion flames (Li 1997), as sketched in figure 1, and for which different microscalemodelling strategies are needed. In this study, source terms for the conservation equations are calculated for heating, vaporizing and burning sprays in the single-droplet combustion regime. The present analysis provides extended formulation for source terms, which include non-unity Lewis numbers and variable thermal conductivities.


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Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) plants typically incorporate one or various auxiliary boilers operating in parallel to the solar field to facilitate start up operations, provide system stability, avoid freezing of heat transfer fluid (HTF) and increase generation capacity. The environmental performance of these plants is highly influenced by the energy input and the type of auxiliary fuel, which in most cases is natural gas (NG). Replacing the NG with biogas or biomethane (BM) in commercial CSP installations is being considered as a means to produce electricity that is fully renewable and free from fossil inputs. Despite their renewable nature, the use of these biofuels also generates environmental impacts that need to be adequately identified and quantified. This paper investigates the environmental performance of a commercial wet-cooled parabolic trough 50 MWe CSP plant in Spain operating according to two strategies: solar-only, with minimum technically viable energy non-solar contribution; and hybrid operation, where 12 % of the electricity derives from auxiliary fuels (as permitted by Spanish legislation). The analysis was based on standard Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology (ISO 14040-14040). The technical viability and the environmental profile of operating the CSP plant with different auxiliary fuels was evaluated, including: NG; biogas from an adjacent plant; and BM withdrawn from the gas network. The effect of using different substrates (biowaste, sewage sludge, grass and a mix of biowaste with animal manure) for the production of the biofuels was also investigated. The results showed that NG is responsible for most of the environmental damage associated with the operation of the plant in hybrid mode. Replacing NG with biogas resulted in a significant improvement of the environmental performance of the installation, primarily due to reduced impact in the following categories: natural land transformation, depletion of fossil resources, and climate change. However, despite the renewable nature of the biofuels, other environmental categories like human toxicity, eutrophication, acidification and marine ecotoxicity scored higher when using biogas and BM.


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La tesis está centrada en el patrimonio industrial, y trata de ahondar en los temas enunciados en el título, Criterios de restauración, intervención y revitalización del patrimonio industrial (capítulo 1). La fábrica de gas de San Paolo en Roma (capítulo 2): En el primer capítulo, se profundiza en los criterios institucionalizados de actuación en el patrimonio, pero también se habla sobre la singularidad, los valores originales, estratificados en cada construcción y su contexto. Ello resume la intención de la doctoranda al entender la necesidad del análisis de cada obra en modo profundo, concreto y abierto a novedosos acercamientos, antes de su transformación. Al hablar de intervención frente a restauración, se aborda la conocida polémica que plantea el modo de acercarse al legado histórico. Parece necesario enunciar cómo se consideran en el trabajo estos términos. Mientras la restauración (como diría Cesare Brandi, constituye el momento metodológico del reconocimiento de la obra de arte en su consistencia física y en su doble polaridad estética e histórica, en orden a su transmisión al futuro) es una acción más restrictiva, que implica atención suma a la recuperación y conservación de los valores significativos y únicos del bien, en comunicación con un (posible) equipo interdisciplinar; por intervención se entiende aquí un desarrollo más personal y libre por parte del proyectista, en el que se produce un proceso dialéctico entre la preexistencia y el posicionamiento crítico adoptado a la hora de dar un obligado nuevo uso a ese bien. Es decir, el contraste está en el diferente reconocimiento de la materialidad física y sus significados. En torno a la restauración/intervención, se analizan las perspectivas de actuación en España e Italia, contrastando factores como la formación del arquitecto o el entorno laboral-cultural, y utilizando el método analítico comparativo de casos. Habría un tercer concepto: el de revitalización del patrimonio industrial, Éste hace referencia a su transformación, a sus usos más comunes y compatibles, a la redimensión artística que ha experimentado la arquitectura industrial gracias al arte contemporáneo y a su relación con la Modernidad. Por último, se enuncia en el título el caso de estudio, la Fábrica, que ocupa el segundo capítulo. Se trata de un enorme conjunto industrial singular semi abandonado en el confín del centro histórico, cuyo protagonista es un gran gasómetro, que la autora ha tenido la oportunidad de descubrir en su estancia en la Ciudad Eterna. Este barrio constituyó el primer y único sector industrial de la Roma moderna a inicios del siglo XX. Por varias causas históricas y voluntad política, la ciudad prácticamente no tuvo más desarrollo industrial que el área mencionada, donde se implantaron servicios y actividades de gran transformación (Matadero, Mercados Generales, Almacenes Fluviales, Central Montemartini o esta fábrica). A partir de 1920, se empezó a construir un tejido productivo que la llevó de la situación de posguerra al milagro económico. Frente al mito de la Roma monumental o de la Roma cotidiana, aparece el aspecto industrial como mito de la contemporaneidad. Sin embargo, esta ciudad es demasiado antigua como para convertirse en moderna, y su proceso industrial en contraste con su larga historia resulta breve. La inmediata relación de la fase industrial romana con el resultado de este desarrollo viene identificada con las instalaciones señaladas, más significativas por su excepcionalidad que por la duración del momento irrepetible que representan. Su presencia física perdura a pesar de su abandono, aisladas tras su muro perimetral y casi desconocidas. Esto las hace apetecibles para la especulación inmobiliaria y resultan un caso de estudio ideal para realizar un Plan de Intervención Global, en el que determinar una serie de intervenciones necesarias, usos compatibles y directrices para la ordenación del conjunto, coherentes con los conceptos manejados en el primer capítulo. ABSTRACT The thesis focuses on industrial heritage, delving into the topics listed in its title, Criteria for the restoration, intervention and revitalisation of industrial heritage (chapter 1). The San Paolo gas factory in Rome (chapter 2): Chapter one elaborates on the official criteria to take action on heritage, but also deals with the singularity and original values unique to each construction and its context. This underlines the PhD candidate’s intentions by understanding the need for an in-depth and specific analysis, open to novel approaches to each site before its transformation. When speaking of intervention, as opposed to restoration, we address the well-known controversy that stems from the different ways of approaching historical heritage. It seems necessary to explain how these terms are interpreted in this piece of work. Whereas restoration (as Cesare Brandi would say, constitutes the methodological moment in which the work of art is appreciated in its material form and in its historical and aesthetic duality, with a view to transmitting it to the future) is a more restrictive action, demanding the utmost attention to the recovery and preservation of the piece of heritage’s defining and exceptional values, (ideally) in communication with a interdisciplinary team. By intervention, we hereby understand a more personal and free procedure carried out by the designer in which a dialectical process takes place between preexistence and the critical stance taken in order to give that good a much needed new use. That is, contrast lies in the different recognition of physical materiality and its meanings. As for the restoration/intervention dilemma, the different courses of action followed in Spain and Italy will be analysed, contrasting the architects’ training, the labourcultural environment and taking an analytical comparative case study method. There is a third concept: the revitalisation of industrial heritage, which refers to its transformation, its most common and compatible uses, the artistic redimensioning that industrial architecture has experienced thanks to contemporary art, and its relationship with Modernity. Lastly, the title refers to the case study, i.e., the analysis of the Factory, which makes up chapter 2. It is an enormous and semiabandoned peerless industrial complex on the edge of the historical city centre whose main landmark is a huge gasometer, which the author had the chance to discover during her stay in the Eternal City. This district made up the first and only industrial sector in the modern Rome of the early 20th century. Due to a number of reasons, both historical and political, barely no further industrial development took place in the city beyond the mentioned area, where processing services and activities were set up (Slaughterhouse, General Markets, Riverside Warehouses, Montemartini Power Plant or the said factory). In the 1920s began the construction of the productive fabric that raised the city from its postwar plight to the economic miracle. As opposed to the myth of monumental Rome and daily-life Rome, this industrial Rome rose as contemporaneity’s myth. However, this city is too ancient to become modern, and its industrial process strikes us as brief when confronted with its long history. The close relationship between Rome’s industrial stage and the consequences of this development is best represented by the aforementioned facilities, more relevant due to their uniqueness than the length of the once-in-a-lifetime moment they represent. Their physical presence lives on despite abandonment and isolation, as they stand vastly unknown behind their perimeter walls. This renders them appealing to property speculators, becoming an ideal case study for the creation of a Global Intervention Plan in which to determine a series of necessary actions, compatible uses and directives, all of them consistent with the concepts dealt with in chapter 1. RIASSUNTO La tesi è focalizzata sul patrimonio industriale e cerca di approfondire le tematiche contenute nel titolo, Criteri di restauro, intervento e rivitalizzazione del patrimonio industriale (capitolo 1). La Fabbrica del gas di San Paolo a Roma (capitolo 2): Nel primo capitolo vengono presi in esame i criteri istituzionalizzati di attuazione nel patrimonio, ma si parla anche della unicità, i valori originali, stratificati in ogni costruzione ed il suo contesto. Questo riassume l’intenzione della dottoranda di capire la necessità dell’analisi di ogni opera in modo profondo, concreto e aperto a nuovi approcci, prima della sua trasformazione. Nel parlare di intervento versus restauro, si affronta la famosa polemica che considera il modo di avicinarsi all’eredità storica. Appare necessario precisare come questi termini sono considerati in questo lavoro. Mentre il restauro (come direbbe Cesare Brandi, costituisce il momento metodologico del riconoscimento dell’opera d’arte nella sua consistenza fisica e nella duplice polarità estetica e storica, in vista della sua trasmissione nel futuro) è un’azione più restrittiva, e quindi implica massima attenzione al recupero e conservazione dei valori significativi ed unici del bene, in comunicazione con una (eventuale) squadra interdisciplinare; per intervento si intende qui un processo più personale e libero del progettista, nel quale si produce uno sviluppo dialettico tra la preesistenza e la posizione critica adottata quando si deve dare un nuovo uso di quel bene. Vale a dire che il contrasto risiede nel diverso riconoscimento della materialità fisica e i loro significati. Intorno al restauro / intervento, si analizzano le prospettive di attuazione in Spagna e Italia, contrastando diversi fattori come la formazione dell’architetto o l’ambiente lavorativo-culturale, ed impiegando il metodo analitico comparativo dei casi. Ci sarebbe un terzo concetto: quello della rivitalizzazione del patrimonio industriale. Questo fa riferimento alla sua trasformazione, ai suoi usi più comuni e compatibili, al ridimensionamento artistico vissuto dall’archeologia industriale grazie all’arte contemporanea ed al suo rapporto con la Modernità. In ultimo, si enuncia nel titolo il caso di studio, ovvero l’analisi della Fabbrica, che occupa il secondo capitolo. Si tratta di un enorme complesso industriale semi-abbandonato al confine con il centro storico, il cui protagonista è un grande gasometro, che l’autrice ha avuto modo di scoprire durante il suo soggiorno nella Città Eterna. Questo quartiere costituì il primo e unico moderno settore industriale della Roma moderna all’inizio del Novecento. Per diverse ragioni storiche e volontà politiche, la città praticamente non ha subito ulteriore sviluppo industriale oltre l’area citata, dove si impiantarono servizi e attività di grande trasformazione (Mattatoio, Mercati Generali, Magazzini Generali, Centrale Montemartini o questa fabbrica). Dal 1920, si inizió a costruire un tessuto prodottivo che portò la città dalla situazione post-bellica al miracolo economico. Di fronte al mito della Roma monumentale o della Roma quotidiana, appare questa Roma industriale come mito della contemporaneità. Tuttavia, questa città è troppo antica per diventare moderna, ed il suo processo industriale in contrasto con la sua lunga storia risulta breve. Il rapporto diretto della fase industriale romana con il risultato di questo sviluppo viene identificato con gli impianti segnalati, più significativi per la loro unicità che per la durata del momento irripetibile che rappresentano. La loro presenza fisica perdura nonostante l’abbandono, isolati dietro il loro muro di cinta e quasi sconosciuti. Questo li rende auspicabile per la speculazione immobiliare e sono un caso ideale per eseguire un Piano di Intervento Globale, che determini una serie di interventi necessari, usi compatibili e linee guida per la pianificazione del tutto, in linea con i concetti utilizzati nel primo capitolo.


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Thermal degradation of PLA is a complex process since it comprises many simultaneous reactions. The use of analytical techniques, such as differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetry (TGA), yields useful information but a more sensitive analytical technique would be necessary to identify and quantify the PLA degradation products. In this work the thermal degradation of PLA at high temperatures was studied by using a pyrolyzer coupled to a gas chromatograph with mass spectrometry detection (Py-GC/MS). Pyrolysis conditions (temperature and time) were optimized in order to obtain an adequate chromatographic separation of the compounds formed during heating. The best resolution of chromatographic peaks was obtained by pyrolyzing the material from room temperature to 600 °C during 0.5 s. These conditions allowed identifying and quantifying the major compounds produced during the PLA thermal degradation in inert atmosphere. The strategy followed to select these operation parameters was by using sequential pyrolysis based on the adaptation of mathematical models. By application of this strategy it was demonstrated that PLA is degraded at high temperatures by following a non-linear behaviour. The application of logistic and Boltzmann models leads to good fittings to the experimental results, despite the Boltzmann model provided the best approach to calculate the time at which 50% of PLA was degraded. In conclusion, the Boltzmann method can be applied as a tool for simulating the PLA thermal degradation.


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Results of a systematic study concerning non-spectral interferences from sulfuric acid containing matrices on a large number of elements in inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) are presented in this work. The signals obtained with sulfuric acid solutions of different concentrations (up to 5% w w− 1) have been compared with the corresponding signals for a 1% w w− 1− nitric acid solution at different experimental conditions (i.e., sample uptake rates, nebulizer gas flows and r.f. powers). The signals observed for 128Te+, 78Se+ and 75As+ were significantly higher when using sulfuric acid matrices (up to 2.2-fold for 128Te+ and 78Se+ and 1.8-fold for 75As+ in the presence of 5 w w-1 sulfuric acid) for the whole range of experimental conditions tested. This is in agreement with previously reported observations. The signal for 31P+ is also higher (1.1-fold) in the presence of sulfuric acid. The signal enhancements for 128Te+, 78Se+, 75As+ and 31P+ are explained in relation to an increase in the analyte ion population as a result of charge transfer reactions involving S+ species in the plasma. Theoretical data suggest that Os, Sb, Pt, Ir, Zn and Hg could also be involved in sulfur-based charge transfer reactions, but no experimental evidence has been found. The presence of sulfuric acid gives rise to lower ion signals (about 10–20% lower) for the other nuclides tested, thus indicating the negative matrix effect caused by changes in the amount of analyte loading of the plasma. The elemental composition of a certified low-density polyethylene sample (ERM-EC681K) was determined by ICP-MS after two different sample digestion procedures, one of them including sulfuric acid. Element concentrations were in agreement with the certified values, irrespective of the acids used for the digestion. These results demonstrate that the use of matrix-matched standards allows the accurate determination of the tested elements in a sulfuric acid matrix.


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Since the beginning of 3D computer vision problems, the use of techniques to reduce the data to make it treatable preserving the important aspects of the scene has been necessary. Currently, with the new low-cost RGB-D sensors, which provide a stream of color and 3D data of approximately 30 frames per second, this is getting more relevance. Many applications make use of these sensors and need a preprocessing to downsample the data in order to either reduce the processing time or improve the data (e.g., reducing noise or enhancing the important features). In this paper, we present a comparison of different downsampling techniques which are based on different principles. Concretely, five different downsampling methods are included: a bilinear-based method, a normal-based, a color-based, a combination of the normal and color-based samplings, and a growing neural gas (GNG)-based approach. For the comparison, two different models have been used acquired with the Blensor software. Moreover, to evaluate the effect of the downsampling in a real application, a 3D non-rigid registration is performed with the data sampled. From the experimentation we can conclude that depending on the purpose of the application some kernels of the sampling methods can improve drastically the results. Bilinear- and GNG-based methods provide homogeneous point clouds, but color-based and normal-based provide datasets with higher density of points in areas with specific features. In the non-rigid application, if a color-based sampled point cloud is used, it is possible to properly register two datasets for cases where intensity data are relevant in the model and outperform the results if only a homogeneous sampling is used.


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L’energia è uno dei più importanti fattori dello sviluppo di ogni attività sociale ed economica. La carenza o addirittura l’assenza di risorse energetiche nazionali non può che incidere negativamente sullo sviluppo di un Paese. La disponibilità, in particolare, di fonti energetiche fossili da valorizzare accortamente influisce positivamente sulle possibilità di sviluppo socio-economico, industriale ed occupazionale di un Paese e quindi sul benessere sociale, oltre a costituire valida alternativa alla loro importazione con ovvi benefici sulla riduzione o addirittura azzeramento della dipendenza da altri Paesi produttori e quindi sulla bilancia dei pagamenti. A causa delle ridotte potenzialità giacimentologiche, tali che la produzione di idrocarburi liquidi e gassosi si attesti attualmente su valori inferiori al 10% rispetto al fabbisogno energetico, l’Italia è altamente dipendente dall’importazione di combustibili fossili e ha quindi evidente necessità di utilizzare appieno le riserve nazionali di idrocarburi oltre che di incrementare la fase di ricerca nell’ottica di scoperta di nuovi giacimenti che possono reintegrare le riserve prodotte. Gli idrocarburi esistenti nel sottosuolo marino nazionale costituiscono una risorsa che contribuisce apprezzabilmente alla sicurezza energetica del Paese, poiché gran parte della percentuale di produzione nazionale deriva da quanto prodotto nell’offshore italiano. L’industria italiana degli idrocarburi ha avuto da sempre particolare attenzione alla ricerca tecnologica, alla capacità tecnico-professionale, alla cultura mineraria nelle sue diverse diramazioni disciplinari, adottando metodologie operative improntate al rigoroso rispetto della normativa nazionale di settore che si colloca tra le più rigide in campo internazionale, sia per quanto riguarda la sicurezza delle operazioni e degli addetti ai lavori sia la tutela ambientale.