898 resultados para hybrid renewable energy systems
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
Em sistemas híbridos de geração de eletricidade (SHGEs) é fundamental avaliar corretamente o dimensionamento, a operação e a gestão do sistema, de forma a evitar seu colapso prematuro e garantir a continuidade do fornecimento de energia elétrica com a menor intervenção possível de usuários ou de empresas geradoras e distribuidoras de eletricidade. O presente trabalho apresenta propostas de otimização para as etapas de dimensionamento, operação e gestão de SHGEs atendendo minirredes de distribuição de eletricidade. É proposta uma estratégia de operação que visa otimizar o despacho de energia do sistema, identificando a melhor relação, sob aspectos técnicos e econômicos, entre o atendimento da carga exclusivamente via fontes renováveis e banco de baterias ou exclusivamente via grupo gerador, e o carregamento do banco de baterias somente pelas fontes renováveis ou também pelo grupo gerador. Desenvolve-se, também, um algoritmo de dimensionamento de SHGEs, com auxílio de algoritmos genéticos e simulated annealing, técnicas meta-heurísticas de otimização, visando apresentar a melhor configuração do sistema, em termos de equipamentos que resultem na melhor viabilidade técnica e econômica para uma dada condição de entrada definida pelo usuário. Por fim, é proposto um modelo de gestão do sistema, considerando formas de tarifação e sistemas de controle de carga, cujo objetivo é garantir uma relação adequada entre a disponibilidade energética do sistema de geração e a carga demandada. A estratégia de operação proposta combina as estratégias de operação descontínua do grupo gerador, da potência crítica e do ponto otimizado de contribuição do gerador no carregamento do banco de baterias, e seus resultados indicam que há redução nos custos de operação globais do sistema. Com relação ao dimensionamento ótimo, o algoritmo proposto, em comparação a outras ferramentas de otimização de SHGEs, apresenta bons resultados, sendo adequado à realidade nacional. O modelo de gestão do sistema propõe o estabelecimento de limites de consumo e demanda, adequados à realidade de comunidades isoladas atendidas por sistemas com fontes renováveis e, se corretamente empregados, podem ajudar a garantir a sustentabilidade dos sistemas.
Photovoltaic (PV) solar panels generally produce electricity in the 6% to 16% efficiency range, the rest being dissipated in thermal losses. To recover this amount, hybrid photovoltaic thermal systems (PVT) have been devised. These are devices that simultaneously convert solar energy into electricity and heat. It is thus interesting to study the PVT system globally from different point of views in order to evaluate advantages and disadvantages of this technology and its possible uses. In particular in Chapter II, the development of the PVT absorber numerical optimization by a genetic algorithm has been carried out analyzing different internal channel profiles in order to find a right compromise between performance and technical and economical feasibility. Therefore in Chapter III ,thanks to a mobile structure built into the university lab, it has been compared experimentally electrical and thermal output power from PVT panels with separated photovoltaic and solar thermal productions. Collecting a lot of experimental data based on different seasonal conditions (ambient temperature,irradiation, wind...),the aim of this mobile structure has been to evaluate average both thermal and electrical increasing and decreasing efficiency values obtained respect to separate productions through the year. In Chapter IV , new PVT and solar thermal equation based models in steady state conditions have been developed by software Dymola that uses Modelica language. This permits ,in a simplified way respect to previous system modelling softwares, to model and evaluate different concepts about PVT panel regarding its structure before prototyping and measuring it. Chapter V concerns instead the definition of PVT boundary conditions into a HVAC system . This was made trough year simulations by software Polysun in order to finally assess the best solar assisted integrated structure thanks to F_save(solar saving energy)factor. Finally, Chapter VI presents the conclusion and the perspectives of this PhD work.
Power electronic converters are extensively adopted for the solution of timely issues, such as power quality improvement in industrial plants, energy management in hybrid electrical systems, and control of electrical generators for renewables. Beside nonlinearity, this systems are typically characterized by hard constraints on the control inputs, and sometimes the state variables. In this respect, control laws able to handle input saturation are crucial to formally characterize the systems stability and performance properties. From a practical viewpoint, a proper saturation management allows to extend the systems transient and steady-state operating ranges, improving their reliability and availability. The main topic of this thesis concern saturated control methodologies, based on modern approaches, applied to power electronics and electromechanical systems. The pursued objective is to provide formal results under any saturation scenario, overcoming the drawbacks of the classic solution commonly applied to cope with saturation of power converters, and enhancing performance. For this purpose two main approaches are exploited and extended to deal with power electronic applications: modern anti-windup strategies, providing formal results and systematic design rules for the anti-windup compensator, devoted to handle control saturation, and “one step” saturated feedback design techniques, relying on a suitable characterization of the saturation nonlinearity and less conservative extensions of standard absolute stability theory results. The first part of the thesis is devoted to present and develop a novel general anti-windup scheme, which is then specifically applied to a class of power converters adopted for power quality enhancement in industrial plants. In the second part a polytopic differential inclusion representation of saturation nonlinearity is presented and extended to deal with a class of multiple input power converters, used to manage hybrid electrical energy sources. The third part regards adaptive observers design for robust estimation of the parameters required for high performance control of power systems.
The promising development in the routine nanofabrication and the increasing knowledge of the working principles of new classes of highly sensitive, label-free and possibly cost-effective bio-nanosensors for the detection of molecules in liquid environment, has rapidly increased the possibility to develop portable sensor devices that could have a great impact on many application fields, such as health-care, environment and food production, thanks to the intrinsic ability of these biosensors to detect, monitor and study events at the nanoscale. Moreover, there is a growing demand for low-cost, compact readout structures able to perform accurate preliminary tests on biosensors and/or to perform routine tests with respect to experimental conditions avoiding skilled personnel and bulky laboratory instruments. This thesis focuses on analysing, designing and testing novel implementation of bio-nanosensors in layered hybrid systems where microfluidic devices and microelectronic systems are fused in compact printed circuit board (PCB) technology. In particular the manuscript presents hybrid systems in two validating cases using nanopore and nanowire technology, demonstrating new features not covered by state of the art technologies and based on the use of two custom integrated circuits (ICs). As far as the nanopores interface system is concerned, an automatic setup has been developed for the concurrent formation of bilayer lipid membranes combined with a custom parallel readout electronic system creating a complete portable platform for nanopores or ion channels studies. On the other hand, referring to the nanowire readout hybrid interface, two systems enabling to perform parallel, real-time, complex impedance measurements based on lock-in technique, as well as impedance spectroscopy measurements have been developed. This feature enable to experimentally investigate the possibility to enrich informations on the bio-nanosensors concurrently acquiring impedance magnitude and phase thus investigating capacitive contributions of bioanalytical interactions on biosensor surface.
The present PhD thesis exploits the design skills I have been improving since my master thesis’ research. A brief description of the chapters’ content follows. Chapter 1: the simulation of a complete front–end is a very complex problem and, in particular, is the basis upon which the prediction of the overall performance of the system is possible. By means of a commercial EM simulation tool and a rigorous nonlinear/EM circuit co–simulation based on the Reciprocity Theorem, the above–mentioned prediction can be achieved and exploited for wireless links characterization. This will represent the theoretical basics of the entire present thesis and will be supported by two RF applications. Chapter 2: an extensive dissertation about Magneto–Dielectric (MD) materials will be presented, together with their peculiar characteristics as substrates for antenna miniaturization purposes. A designed and tested device for RF on–body applications will be described in detail. Finally, future research will be discussed. Chapter 3: this chapter will deal with the issue regarding the exploitation of renewable energy sources for low–energy consumption devices. Hence the problem related to the so–called energy harvesting will be tackled and a first attempt to deploy THz solar energy in an innovative way will be presented and discussed. Future research will be proposed as well. Chapter 4: graphene is a very promising material for devices to be exploited in the RF and THz frequency range for a wide range of engineering applications, including those ones marked as the main research goal of the present thesis. This chapter will present the results obtained during my research period at the National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnologies (IMT) in Bucharest, Romania. It will concern the design and manufacturing of antennas and diodes made in graphene–based technology for detection/rectification purposes.
The demands in production and associate costs at power generation through non renewable resources are increasing at an alarming rate. Solar energy is one of the renewable resource that has the potential to minimize this increase. Utilization of solar energy have been concentrated mainly on heating application. The use of solar energy in cooling systems in building would benefit greatly achieving the goal of non-renewable energy minimization. The approaches of solar energy heating system research done by initiation such as University of Wisconsin at Madison and building heat flow model research conducted by Oklahoma State University can be used to develop and optimize solar cooling building system. The research uses two approaches to develop a Graphical User Interface (GUI) software for an integrated solar absorption cooling building model, which is capable of simulating and optimizing the absorption cooling system using solar energy as the main energy source to drive the cycle. The software was then put through a number of litmus test to verify its integrity. The litmus test was conducted on various building cooling system data sets of similar applications around the world. The output obtained from the software developed were identical with established experimental results from the data sets used. Software developed by other research are catered for advanced users. The software developed by this research is not only reliable in its code integrity but also through its integrated approach which is catered for new entry users. Hence, this dissertation aims to correctly model a complete building with the absorption cooling system in appropriate climate as a cost effective alternative to conventional vapor compression system.
As continued global funding and coordination are allocated toward the improvement of access to safe sources of drinking water, alternative solutions may be necessary to expand implementation to remote communities. This report evaluates two technologies used in a small water distribution system in a mountainous region of Panama; solar powered pumping and flow-reducing discs. The two parts of the system function independently, but were both chosen for their ability to mitigate unique issues in the community. The design program NeatWork and flow-reducing discs were evaluated because they are tools taught to Peace Corps Volunteers in Panama. Even when ample water is available, mountainous terrains affect the pressure available throughout a water distribution system. Since the static head in the system only varies with the height of water in the tank, frictional losses from pipes and fittings must be exploited to balance out the inequalities caused by the uneven terrain. Reducing the maximum allowable flow to connections through the installation of flow-reducing discs can help to retain enough residual pressure in the main distribution lines to provide reliable service to all connections. NeatWork was calibrated to measured flow rates by changing the orifice coefficient (θ), resulting in a value of 0.68, which is 10-15% higher than typical values for manufactured flow-reducing discs. NeatWork was used to model various system configurations to determine if a single-sized flow-reducing disc could provide equitable flow rates throughout an entire system. There is a strong correlation between the optimum single-sized flow- reducing disc and the average elevation change throughout a water distribution system; the larger the elevation change across the system, the smaller the recommended uniform orifice size. Renewable energy can jump the infrastructure gap and provide basic services at a fraction of the cost and time required to install transmission lines. Methods for the assessment of solar powered pumping systems as a means for rural water supply are presented and assessed. It was determined that manufacturer provided product specifications can be used to appropriately design a solar pumping system, but care must be taken to ensure that sufficient water can be provided to the system despite variations in solar intensity.
The progressive depletion of fossil fuels and their high contribution to the energy supply in this modern society forces that will be soon replaced by renewable fuels. But the dispersion and alternation of renewable energy production also undertake to reduce their costs to use as energy storage and hydrogen carrier. It is necessary to develop technologies for hydrogen production from all renewable energy storage technologies and the development of energy production from hydrogen fuel cells and cogeneration and tri generation systems. In order to propel this technological development discussed where the hydrogen plays a key role as energy storage and renewable energy, the National Centre of Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology Experimentation in Spain equipped with installations that enable scientific and technological design, develop, verify, certify, approve, test, measure and, more importantly, the facility ensures continuous operation for 24 hours a day, 365 days year. At the same time, the system is scalable so as to allow continuous adaptation of new technologies are developed and incorporated into the assembly to verify integration at the same time it checks the validity of their development. The transformation sector can be said to be the heart of the system, because without neglecting the other sectors, this should prove the validity of hydrogen as a carrier - energy storage are important efforts that have to do to demonstrate the suitability of fuel cells or internal combustion systems to realize the energy stored in hydrogen at prices competitive with conventional systems. The multiple roles to meet the fuel cells under different conditions of operation require to cover their operating conditions, many different sizes and applications. The fourth area focuses on integration is an essential complement within the installation. We must integrate not only the electricity produced, but also hydrogen is used and the heat generated in the process of using hydrogen energy. The energy management in its three forms: hydrogen chemical, electrical and thermal integration requires complicated and require a logic and artificial intelligence extremes to ensure maximum energy efficiency at the same time optimum utilization is achieved. Verification of the development and approval in the entire production system and, ultimately, as a demonstrator set to facilitate the simultaneous evolution of production technology, storage and distribution of hydrogen fuel cells has been assessed.
Renewable energy hybrid systems and mini-grids for electrification of rural areas are known to be reliable and more cost efficient than grid extension or only-diesel based systems. However, there is still some uncertainty in some areas, for example, which is the most efficient way of coupling hybrid systems: AC, DC or AC-DC? With the use of Matlab/Simulink a mini-grid that connects a school, a small hospital and an ecotourism hostel has been modelled. This same mini grid has been coupled in the different possible ways and the system’s efficiency has been studied. In addition, while keeping the consumption constant, the generation sources and the consumption profile have been modified and the effect on the efficiency under each configuration has also been analysed. Finally different weather profiles have been introduced and, again, the effect on the efficiency of each system has been observed.
Isolated electrical systems lack electrical interconnection to other networks and are usually placed in geographically isolated areas—mainly islands or locations in developing countries. Until recently, only diesel generators were able to assure a safe and reliable supply in exchange for very high costs for fuel transportation and system operation. Transmission system operators (TSOs) are increasingly seeking to replace traditional energy models based on large groups of conventional generation units with mixed solutions where diesel groups are held as backup generation and important advantages are provided by renewable energy sources. The grid codes determine the technical requirements to be fulfilled by the generators connected in any electrical network, but regulations applied to isolated grids are more demanding. In technical literature it is rather easy to find and compare grid codes for interconnected electrical systems. However, the existing literature is incomplete and sparse regarding isolated grids. This paper aims to review the current state of isolated systems and grid codes applicable to them, specifying points of comparison and defining the guidelines to be followed by the upcoming regulations.
In this paper the power-frequency control of hydropower plants with long penstocks is addressed. In such configuration the effects of pressure waves cannot be neglected and therefore commonly used criteria for adjustment of PID governors would not be appropriate. A second-order Π model of the turbine-penstock based on a lumped parameter approach is considered. A correction factor is introduced in order to approximate the model frequency response to the continuous case in the frequency interval of interest. Using this model, several criteria are analysed for adjusting the PI governor of a hydropower plant operating in an isolated system. Practical criteria for adjusting the PI governor are given. The results are applied to a real case of a small island where the objective is to achieve a generation 100% renewable (wind and hydro). Frequency control is supposed to be provided exclusively by the hydropower plant. It is verified that the usual criterion for tuning the PI controller of isolated hydro plants gives poor results. However, with the new proposed adjustment, the time response is considerably improved
Electrical power systems are changing their traditional structure, which was based on a little number of large generating power plants placed at great distances from loads by new models that tend to split the big production nodes in many smaller ones. The set of small groups which are located close to consumers and provide safe and quality energy is called distributed generation (DG). The proximity of the sources to the loads reduces losses associated with transportation and increases overall system efficiency. DG also favors the inclusion of renewable energy sources in isolated electrical systems or remote microgrids, because they can be installed where the natural resource is located. In both cases, as weak grids unable to get help from other nearby networks, it is essential to ensure appropriate behavior of DG sources to guarantee power system safety and stability. The grid codes sets out the technical requirements to be fulfilled for the sources connected in these electrical networks. In technical literature it is rather easy to find and compare grid codes for interconnected electrical systems. However, the existing literature is incomplete and sparse regarding isolated electrical systems and this happens due to the difficulties inherent in the pursuit of codes. Some countries have developed their own legislation only for their island territory (as Spain or France), others apply the same set of rules as in mainland, another group of island countries have elaborated a complete grid code for all generating sources and some others lack specific regulation. This paper aims to make a complete review of the state of the art in grid codes applicable to isolated systems, setting the comparison between them and defining the guidelines predictably followed by the upcoming regulations in these particular systems.