998 resultados para human schistosomiasis mansoni


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The authors present a case of non-frequent intra-abdominal pseudotumor form of mansoni schistosomiasis in which the only symptom was a dull pain in hypogastric. Both ultrasonography and tomography (CT san) demonstrated a solid mass on the left side of the bladder. At laparotomy a solid tumor was shown, pediculated and adhered to the sigmoid colon. A schistosomotic pseudotumor was revealed after microscopic pathological examination.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Foram estudados 408 pacientes, portadores de esquistossomose mansônica, atendidos no ambulatório do Núcleo de Medicina Tropical da Universidade Federal do Pará, na área metropolitana de Belém, no período de 1997 a 1999 (retrospectivamente) e de 2000 a 2001 (retrospectivamente). Estes foram divididos em dois grupos: grupo I, constituído de 105 pacientes da demanda espontânea do ambulatório, e grupo II, constituido de 303 pacientes triados pela Fundação Nacional de Saúde (FNS), por inquérito coproscópico. A análise estatística revelou não haver diferenças entre os grupos, para as variáveis estudadas (sexo, faixa etária, procedência, carga parasitária, ocupação, escolaridade, forma clínica e classificação epidemiológica do caso). Assim, em ambos os grupos, observou-se o seguinte perfil clínico epidemiológico: ser da faixa etária entre a0 a a9 anos, sexo masculino, morador do bairro do Telégrafo, apresentar carga parasitária inferior a 200 ovos/g de fezes, sr estudante, de baixa escolaridade e apresentar a forma clínica intestinal. Os principais fatores de risco observados foram as condições de moradia em áreas alagadiças, o saneamento básico precário, associados ao baixo nível socioeconômico e educacional da população. A área é de baixa endemicidade principalmente as comunidades menos assistidas e apresentando alta autoctomia. A baixa endemicidade, apesar do intenso processo migratório e da presença de planorbídeos vetores na região é explicada por fatores limitantes ao avanço desta endemia, tais como o grande volume dos rios, a forte correnteza e o pH ácido de suas águas.


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A esquistossomose mansônica é uma das doenças parasitárias mais difundidas no mundo e tem prevalência maior nos países em desenvolvimento, constituindo atualmente um sério problema de saúde pública no Brasil. Em Belém-PA, no Distrito Administrativo de Mosqueiro (DAMOS), há possibilidades de ocorrência de casos autoctones de esquistosomose mansônica, devido a proximidade geográfica com outras áreas onde há registros deste agravo, bem como, pela presença de outros fatores ambientais de risco, como a presença do Biomphalaria straminea. Com a proposta de determinar a prevalência de esquistosomose mansônica no bairro do Maracajá-DAMOS, foi realizado um estudo transversal prospectivo no período entre março de 2011 a janeiro de 2012, através de inquérito coproscópico pelo método quantitativo de Kato-Katz, associado a inquérito sócio-demográfico e ambiental da localidade. Participaram do universo amostral 407 indivíduos incluídos na atenção da Estratégia Saúde da Família, que aceitaram espontaneamente participar da pesquisa, segundo os preceitos éticos vigentes. O perfil sócio-demográfico populacional mostrou predomínio da faixa etária entre 11 e 40 anos, sem diferenças quanto ao gênero, cuja ocupação de dona de casa e estudante, com ensino fundamental incompleto foram as mais citadas. A maioria dos moradores nasceu e procede do DAMOS, residentes no bairro do Maracajá há mais de 20 anos, sem relatos importantes de deslocamentos para outras localidades. A maioria das residências apresentaram serviço de água encanada, com banheiro interno, presença de sanitário com destino das fezes em fossa séptica. As coleções hídricas peridomiciliares se caracterizaram por valas de baixo fluxo e com pequena vazão de água, alta concentração de produtos orgânicos, presença de vegetação macrófitica e do vetor Biomphalaria straminea. Esta população referiu não ter contato com as coleções hídricas e desconhecer o planorbideo vetor, assim como a própria esquistossomose. O inquérito coproscópico resultou em 100% de lâminas negativas quanto a identificação de ovos do S. mansoni, levando a conclusão que embora o bairro do Maracajá ainda seja indene, possui vários fatores para a instalação de um foco de transmissão ativa de esquistossomose, mas ainda existe um frágil equilíbrio ecológico, sustentado pela reduzida exposição dos indivíduos às coleções hídricas, pouco deslocamento da população para áreas com focos estabelecidos da endemia e razoável cobertura de esgotamento sanitário. Este conjunto de variáveis tem funcionado como fatores limitantes ao processo de endemização da esquistossomose no bairro do Maracajá, entretanto deve ser mantido sob vigilância pelas peculiaridades propicias ao fechamento do ciclo do S. mansoni.


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Some aspects of the biology, reproduction and morphology of Gundlachia ticaga (MARCUS & MARCUS 1962) were studied and compared with literature data. A sample of similar to 100 specimens, collected in a darn in Ribeirao Preto, were maintained in Petri dishes at the laboratory during a period no longer than a month. The oviposition, number of capsules, and incubation time of eggs were registered for each individual. A morphologic study was carried out in both, alive and fixed specimens. Although some morphological discrepancies were identified, the majority of data confirms what was previously described for the species. Regarding the biology, however, the results were somewhat different from those previously reported. The incubation time of the eggs varied from 10 to 13 days, and the number of embryos in the interior of the ovigerous capsules varied from 1 to 4. In addition, each individual laid 9 eggs during the first month of the reproductive period. The formation of septa occurred in some animals and intermediary phases are figured.


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Patients with acute schistosomiasis were studied before and after oxamniquine treatment. They had been exposed to cercariae 5 to 9 weeks before, and presented compatible clinical manifestations, eosinophilia, and high levels of total IgE. Interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) and interleukin-4 were measured by ELISA in whole blood samples under soluble egg antigen or soluble adult worm preparation stimulation. After treatment, the reduction of leukocytosis and eosinophilia were not significant, but total IgE levels decreased significantly, in contrast to IFN-gamma levels that were significantly increased. The oxamniquine treatment of acute schistosomiasis patients is followed by an improvement of a Th1 response in vitro. If this response has a protective aspect is unknown, and some investigations need to be realized.


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Background: Schistosoma mansoni is the major causative agent of schistosomiasis. The parasite takes advantage of host signals to complete its development in the human body. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) is a human cytokine involved in skin inflammatory responses, and although its effect on the adult parasite's metabolism and egg-laying process has been previously described, a comprehensive assessment of the TNF-alpha pathway and its downstream molecular effects is lacking. Methodology/Principal Findings: In the present work we describe a possible TNF-alpha receptor (TNFR) homolog gene in S. mansoni (SmTNFR). SmTNFR encodes a complete receptor sequence composed of 599 amino acids, and contains four cysteine-rich domains as described for TNFR members. Real-time RT-PCR experiments revealed that SmTNFR highest expression level is in cercariae, 3.5 (+/- 0.7) times higher than in adult worms. Downstream members of the known human TNF-alpha pathway were identified by an in silico analysis, revealing a possible TNF-alpha signaling pathway in the parasite. In order to simulate parasite's exposure to human cytokine during penetration of the skin, schistosomula were exposed to human TNF-alpha just 3 h after cercariae-to-schistosomula in vitro transformation, and large-scale gene expression measurements were performed with microarrays. A total of 548 genes with significantly altered expression were detected, when compared to control parasites. In addition, treatment of adult worms with TNF-alpha caused a significantly altered expression of 1857 genes. Interestingly, the set of genes altered in adults is different from that of schistosomula, with 58 genes in common, representing 3% of altered genes in adults and 11% in 3 h-old early schistosomula. Conclusions/Significance: We describe the possible molecular elements and targets involved in human TNF-alpha effect on S. mansoni, highlighting the mechanism by which recently transformed schistosomula may sense and respond to this host mediator at the site of cercarial penetration into the skin.


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The trematode Schistosoma mansoni is the primary cause of schistosomiasis, a devastating neglected tropical disease that affects 200 million individuals. Identifying novel therapeutic targets for the treatment of schistosomiasis is therefore of great public interest. The catecholamines norepinephrine (NE) and dopamine (DA) are essential for the survival of the parasite as they cause muscular relaxation and a lengthening in the parasite and thereby control movement. Here we characterize a novel dopamine/norepinephrine transporter (SmDAT) gene transcript, from S. mansoni. The SmDAT is expressed in the adult form and in the sporocyst form (infected snails) of the parasite, and also in the egg and miracidium stage. It is absent in the cercariae stage but curiously a transcript missing the exon encoding transmembrane domain 8 was identified in this stage. Heterologous expression of the cDNA in mammalian cells resulted in saturable, dopamine transport activity with an apparent affinity for dopamine comparable to that of the human dopamine transporter. Efflux experiments reveal notably higher substrate selectivity compared with its mammalian counterparts as amphetamine is a much less potent efflux elicitor against SmDAT compared to the human DAT. Pharmacological characterization of the SmDAT revealed that most human DAT inhibitors including psychostimulants such as cocaine were significantly less potent in inhibiting SmDAT. Like DATs from other simpler organisms the pharmacology for SmDAT was more similar to the human norepinephrine transporter. We were not able to identify other dopamine transporting carriers within the completed parasite genome and we hypothesize that the SmDAT is the only catecholamine transporter in the parasite and could be responsible for not only clearing DA but also NE. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Introduction Human migration and the presence of natural vectors (mollusks) of Schistosoma mansoni are the primary causes of the expansion of mansoni schistosomiasis into southern areas of South America. Water conditions are favorable for the expansion of this disease because of the extensive hydrographic network, which includes the basins of the Paraná and Uruguay rivers and favors mollusk reproduction. These rivers also aid agriculture and tourism in the area. Despite these favorable conditions, natural infection by S. mansoni has not yet been reported in Argentina, Uruguay, or Paraguay. Methods Two species of planorbid from Argentina, Biomphalaria straminea and B. tenagophila, were exposed to the miracidia of five Brazilian strains of S. mansoni. Results Biomphalaria tenagophila (Atalaya, Buenos Aires province) was infected with the SJS strain (infection rate 3.3%), confirming the experimental susceptibility of this Argentinian species. Biomphalaria straminea (Rio Santa Lucía, Corrientes province) was susceptible to two Brazilian strains: SJS (infection rate 6.7%) and Sergipe (infection rate 6.7%). Conclusions These results demonstrate that species from Argentina have the potential to be natural hosts of S. mansoni and that the appearance of foci of mansoni schistosomiasis in Argentina is possible.


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Introduction Human neuroschistosomiasis has been reported in the literature, but the possibility of modeling neuroschistosomiasis in mice is controversial. Methods In two research laboratories in Brazil that maintain the Schistosoma mansoni life cycle in rodents, two mice developed signs of brain disease (hemiplegia and spinning), and both were autopsied. Results S. mansoni eggs, both with and without granuloma formation, were observed in the brain and meninges of both mice by optical microscopy. Conclusions This is the first description of eggs in the brains of symptomatic mice that were experimentally infected with S. mansoni. An investigation of experimental neuroschistosomiasis is now feasible.


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Heterophil antibodies could be detected in sera from normal or from patient with chronic schistosomiasis. Their hemolytic activities depend on the integrity of the complement classic pathway. The heterophil antibodies from patient sera presented a higher specificity for Schistosoma mansoni antigen preparations than those detected in normal sera. Most of the hemolytic activity observed in normal sera can be destroyed at 56ºC for 4 min. On the other hand, about 80% of the sera from infected patients are partially or totally resistant to this heat-treatment. The hemolytic activities of sera were eluted from a gel filtration column in different fractions of the first peak.


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Schistosomiasis is a chronic and debilitating parasitic disease that affects over 200 million people throughout the world and causes about 500,000 deaths annually. Two specific characteristics of schistosome infection are of primordial importance to the development of a vaccine: schistosomes do not multiply within the tissues of their definitive hosts (unlike protozoan parasites) and a partial non-sterilizing immunity can have a marked effect on the incidence of pathology and on disease transmission. Since viable eggs are the cause of disease pathology, a reduction in worm fecundity whether or not accompanied by a reduction in parasite burden is a sufficient goal for vaccine induced immunity. We originally showed that IgE antibodies played in experimental models a pivotal role for the development of protective immunity. These laboratory findings have been now confirmed in human populations. Following the molecular cloning and expression of a protein 28 kDa protein of Schistosoma mansoni and its identification as a glutathion S-transferase, immunization experiments have been undertaken in several animal species (rats, mice, baboons). Together with a significant reduction in parasite burden, vaccination with Sm28 GST was recently shown to reduce significantly parasite fecundity and egg viability leading to a decrease in liver pathology. Whereas IgE antibodies were shown to be correlated with protection against infection, IgA antibodies have been identified as one of the factors affecting egg laying and viability. In human populations, a close association was found between IgA antibody production to Sm28 GST and the decrease of egg output. The use of appropriate monoclonal antibody probes has allowed the demonstration that the inhibition of parasite fecundity following immunization was related to the inhibition of enzymatic activity of the molecule. Epitope mapping of Sm28 GST has indicated the prominent role of the N and C terminal domains. Immunization with the corresponding synthetic peptides was followed by a decrease of 70% of parasite fecundity and egg viability. As a preliminary step towards phase I human trials, vaccination experiments have been performed in cattle, a natural model for Schistosoma bovis. Vaccination of calves with the S. bovis GST has led to a reduction of ever 80% of egg output and tissue egg count. Significant levels of protection were also observed in goats after immunization with the recombinant S. bovis GST. Increasing evidence of the participation of IgA antibodies in protective immunity has prompted us toward the development of mucosal immunization. Preliminary results indicate that significant levels of protection can be achieved following oral immunization with live attenuated vectors or liposomes. These studies seem to represent a promising approach towards the future development of a vaccine strategy against one of major human parasitic diseases.


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The abundance of snail hosts and the rates of infection with Schistosoma mansoni were monitored monthly for four years in two representative localities subjected to repeated chemotherapy of infected persons. Snail abundance varied from 1.0 to 4.4 collected per person/minute/station for Biomphalaria straminea and from 0.1 to 7.0 for B. glabrata. Infection rates of snails in nature varied from 0% to 15% for the former and from 0% to 70% for the latter species. Human infection increased from 35.5% to 61.9% in the locality occupied by B. straminea, and decreased from 40.3% to 20.8% in that occupied by B. glabrata. No relationship could be detected between human infection and the snail variables. Despite seasonal variations, natural infection persisted throughout the monitoring period in both snail species. It reached remarkably high levels in B. straminea when compared to those obtained by other authors probably because of differences in methodology. It is recommended that longitudinal studies should be carried out focally and periodically to avoid underestimating the prevalence of schistosome infection in snails.


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Paramyosin and Sm14 are two of the six antigens selected by the World Health Organization as candidates to compose a subunit vaccine against schistosomiasis. Both antigens are recognized by individuals naturally resistant to Schistosoma mansoni infection and induced protective immunity in the murine model. Three Sm14 epitopes and eleven paramyosin epitopes were selected by their ability to bind to different HLA-DR molecules using the TEPITOPE computer program, and these peptides were synthetically produced. The cellular recognition of Sm14 and paramyosin epitopes by peripheral blood mononuclear cells of individuals living in endemic area for schistosomiasis was tested by T cell proliferation assay. Among all Sm14 and paramyosin epitopes studied, Sm14-3 was preferentially recognized by individuals naturally resistant to S. mansoni infection while Para-5 was preferentially recognized by individuals resistant to reinfection. These two peptides represent promising antigens to be used in an experimental vaccine against schistosomiasis, since their preferential recognition by resistant individuals suggest their involvement in the induction of protective immunity.


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Human T cell leukemia virus type-I (HTLV-I) infection is associated with spontaneous T cell activation and uncontrolled lymphocyte proliferation. An exacerbated type-1 immune response with production of pro-inflammatory cytokines (interferon-gamma and tumor necrosis factor-alpha) is significantly higher in patients with myelopathy associated to HTLV-I than in HTLV-I asymptomatic carriers. In contrast with HTLV-I, a chronic Schistosoma mansoni infection is associated with a type-2 immune response with high levels of interleukin (IL-4, IL-5, and IL-10) and low levels of IFN-gamma. In this study, clinical and immunological consequences of the HTLV-I and S. mansoni infection were evaluated. The immune response in patients with schistosomiasis co-infected with HTLV-I showed low levels of IL-5 (p < 0.05) in peripheral blood mononuclear cells cultures stimulated with S. mansoni antigen (SWAP) and decreased SWAP-specific IgE levels when compared with patients with only schistosomiasis (p < 0.05). Liver fibrosis was mild in all HTLV-I co-infected patients. Immunological response was also compared in individuals who had only HTLV-I infection with those who were co-infected with HTLV-I and helminths (S. mansoni and Strongyloides stercoralis). In patients HTLV-I positive co-infected with helminths the IFN-gamma levels were lower than in individuals who had only HTLV-I. Moreover, there were fewer cells expressing IFN-gamma and more cells expressing IL-10 in individuals co-infected with HTLV-I and helminths. These dates indicate that HTLV-I infection decrease type 2-response and IgE synthesis and are inversely associated with the development of liver fibrosis. Moreover, helminths may protect HTLV-I infected patients to produce large quantities of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IFN-gamma.