999 resultados para hollow section joint


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Purpose The purpose of this study was to describe the preliminary results of prophylactic temporary balloon occlusion of the internal iliac arteries for bleeding control in patients with placenta accreta during cesarean hysterectomy. Methods From May 2006 to March 2010, 21 patients diagnosed with placenta accreta using ultrasound and/or magnetic resonance imaging were submitted to prophylactic balloon occlusion before hysterectomy. Fluoroscopy, balloon occlusion time, surgical duration, intraoperative blood loss, transfusion volume, and procedure complications were analyzed. Results The mean age was 30.5 years with a mean of 3.6 previous gestations. Imaging studies revealed that all patients had placenta accreta and all were submitted to cesarean hysterectomy. One hysterectomy was due to previous diagnosis of fetal death and another due to cesarean with uterine curettage. Mean fluoroscopy time was 7.5 min, balloon occlusion time was 164 min, and surgery duration was 260 min. Estimated blood loss was 1,671.5 ml with mean reposition fluids of 3,538 ml of crystalloids, 309.5 ml of colloids, and 1.24 ml of packed red blood cells. Two patients were submitted to thromboembolectomy due to prolonged surgical time. There was no maternal or fetal mortality related to the procedure. Conclusions The results demonstrated that prophylactic balloon occlusion of internal iliac artery is a safe method and appears to reduce blood loss and transfusion requirements in patients diagnosed with placenta accreta who undergo cesarean hysterectomy. Antenatal imaging diagnosis of placenta accreta enables preoperative planning.


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We characterize asymmetric equilibria in two-stage process innovation games and show that they are prevalent in the different models of R&D technology considered in the literature. Indeed, cooperation in R&D may be accompanied by high concentration in the product market. We show that while such an increase may be profitable, it may be socially inefficient.


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Nani FS, Torres MLA - Correlation between the Body Mass Index (BMI) of Pregnant Women and the Development of Hypotension after Spinal Anesthesia for Cesarean Section. Background and objectives: Very few publications correlate hypotension in obese pregnant women, and especially morbidly obese, after spinal anesthesia for cesarean section. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the incidence of hypotension according to the BMI. Methods: Forty-nine patients with pregestational BMI below 25 kg.m(-2) were included in the Eutrophia group, and 51 patients with BMI >= 25 kg.m(-2) were included in the Overweight group. After spinal anesthesia, blood pressure, volume of crystalloid infused, and dose of vasopressors used until delivery were recorded. A fall in systolic blood pressure below 100 mmHg or 10% reduction of the initial systolic blood pressure (SBP) was considered as hypotension and it was corrected by the administration of vasopressors. Results: Episodes of hypotension were fewer in the Eutrophia group (5.89 +/- 0.53 vs. 7.80 +/- 0.66, p = 0.027), as well as the amount of crystalloid administered (1,298 +/- 413.6 mL vs. 1,539 +/- 460.0 mL; p = 0.007), and use of vasopressors (5.87 +/- 3.45 bolus vs. 7.70 +/- 4.46 bolus; p = 0.023). As for associated diseases, we observed higher incidence of diabetes among obese pregnant women (29.41% vs. 9.76%, RR 1.60, 95%CI: 1.15-2.22, p = 0.036), however, differences in the incidence of pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIN) were not observe between both groups (overweight: 21.57%, normal weight: 12.20%, RR 1.30, 95%CI: 0.88-1.94, p = 0.28). Conclusions: In the study sample, pregestational BMI >= 25 kg.m(-2) was a risk factor for hypotension after spinal anesthesia in patients undergoing cesarean section. The same group of patients required higher doses of vasopressors. Those results indicate that the anesthetic techniques in those patients should be improved to reduce the consequences of post-spinal anesthesia hypotension, both in pregnant women and fetuses.


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Bliacheriene F, Carmona MJC, Barretti CFM, Haddad CMF, Mouchalwat ES, Bortlotto MRFL, Francisco RPV, Zugaib M - Use of a Minimally Invasive Uncalibrated Cardiac Output Monitor in Patients Undergoing Cesarean Section under Spinal Anesthesia: Report of Four Cases. Background and Objectives: Hemodynamic changes are observed during cesarean section under spinal anesthesia. Non-invasive blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) measurements are performed to diagnose these changes, but they are delayed and inaccurate. Other monitors such as filling pressure and cardiac output (CO) catheters with external calibration are very invasive or inaccurate. The objective of the present study was to report the cardiac output measurements obtained with a minimally invasive uncalibrated monitor (LiDCO rapid) in patients undergoing cesarean section under spinal anesthesia. Case report: After approval by the Ethics Commission, four patients agreed to participate in this study. They underwent cesarean section under spinal anesthesia while at the same time being connected to the LiDCO rapid by a radial artery line. Cardiac output, HR, and BP were recorded at baseline, after spinal anesthesia, after fetal and placental extraction, and after the infusion of oxytocin and metaraminol. We observed a fall in BP with an increase of HR and CO after spinal anesthesia and oxytocin infusion; and an increase in BP with a fall in HR and CO after bolus of the vasopressor. Conclusions: Although this monitor had not been calibrated, it showed a tendency for consistent hemodynamic data in obstetric patients and it may be used as a therapeutic guide or experimental tool.


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OBJECTIVE. MRI and combined ankle and posterior subtalar MR arthrography in cadavers were used to evaluate the ligaments of the posterior and lateral talar processes. Subsequent anatomic and histologic correlation was performed. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Ten cadaveric ankles were used. Routine radiography and MRI were initially performed. Ankle and posterior subtalar MR arthrography, followed by anatomic and histologic analysis, was then performed to allow better assessment of the ligaments of the lateral and posterior talar process. RESULTS. In all subjects, MR arthrography provided superior delineation of the articular and periarticular structures, as well as the ligaments. The lateral talocalcaneal and medial talocalcaneal ligaments were best seen in the axial and coronal planes, respectively. The axial plane was best for visualizing the fibulotalocalcaneal ligament, and the sagittal plane was best for evaluating the posterior talocalcaneal ligament. The anterior and posterior talofibular ligaments and the posterior tibiotalar ligament (superficial and deep portions) were best seen in the axial plane. Histologic analysis was correlated to anatomic sectioning and showed the attachment sites of these ligaments. CONCLUSION. Combined ankle and posterior subtalar MR arthrography enhances visualization of the ligaments attaching to the posterior and lateral talar processes, including the posterior, lateral, and medial talocalcaneal and fibulotalocalcaneal ligaments.


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The aim of this study was to verify possible relationships between global body posture and temporomandibular joint internal derangement (TMJ-id), by comparing 30 subjects presenting typical TMJ-id signs to 20 healthy subjects. Body posture was assessed using the analysis of muscle chains on several photographs. Results show a higher frequency of lifted shoulders (p=0.04) and of changes in the antero-internal hip chain (p=0.02) in the test group, but no further differences were found significant between the control and test groups. The test group was then divided into three subgroups according to the Helkimo index of temporomandibular disorder severity. Again, no significant differences were found between the subgroups. However, there was a trend noticed in the group with the most severe dysfunction, to present a forward head and shoulders posture. Results are discussed in light of previous studies using the same sample.


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Objective: To present the clinical and radiographic results of a case series of patients with acute acromioclavicular dislocation (MD) treated by arthroscopic coracoclavicular fixation with suture anchors. Method: Twenty patients with AAD with less than 30 days since the injury were submitted to a coracoclavicular stabilization procedure using 2 suture anchors placed at the base of the coracoid process. Each suture anchor was connected to 2 strands of No.2 nonabsorbable-braided sutures, which were passed through the holes drilled in the clavicle and tied to the upper surface of the clavicle. The coracoclavicular distance was measured and compared to the opposite side using radiographic evaluation. Constant and UCLA scores were used to determine clinical and functional evaluation after 6 months. Results: Of the initial twenty cases, six were submitted to a new surgical procedure and were excluded from the study. Of the fourteen patients remaining, only two maintained the initial reduction, while the remainder presented some degree of reduction loss. The Constant and UCLA score averages were 94.79 (82-100) and 32.64 (26-35) respectively. Conclusion: The technique had a high incidence of reduction loss after 6 months of follow up. The clinical and functional evaluation was satisfactory, with a high average score. Level of Evidence: Level III, retrospective study.


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Atelectasis after either vaginal or Caesarean delivery has not been adequately quantified. This study addresses the hypothesis that atelectasis may be worse in women who undergo Caesarean section when compared with vaginal delivery under regional anaesthesia. Twenty healthy non-smoking women submitted to a chest computed tomography (CT) 2 h after delivery in a University Hospital, who had experienced vaginal delivery (n=10) under combined spinal-epidural analgesia or a Caesarean section (n=10) under spinal anaesthesia, were evaluated. The percentage cross-sectional area of atelectasis in dependent lung regions were measured from the CT images obtained at cross-section of the xiphoid process and the top of the diaphragm. The percentage cross-sectional area of atelectasis was 3.95% in the vaginal delivery group and 14.1% in the Caesarean group (P < 0.001, Mann-Whitney rank sum test). These results suggested that pulmonary atelectasis is greater after Caesarean section delivery under spinal anaesthesia than after vaginal delivery with combined spinal-epidural analgesia.


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Galectin-3 (Gal-3) is a member of the P-galactoside-binding lectins family and has been implicated in angiogenesis, tumor invasion, and metastatic process in vitro and in vivo. As we showed recently that advanced melanoma patients presented high serum level of Gal-3, we investigated the association of this protein with the outcome of melanoma patients. Whether this protein could be a biomarker has riot been assessed, and we compared the prognostic value of serum Gal-3 in multivariate analysis with lactate dehydrogenase, C-reactive protein and S100B. We conclude that Gal-3 could be of prognostic value in melanoma patients; more precisely, this protein has a strong independent prognostic signification with a cut-off value of 10 ng/ml. After these data, we believe that serum Gal-3 measurement can have an important role in the follow-up and management of advanced American Joint Commission on Cancer stage III and stage IV melanoma patients. Further studies will uncover whether Gal-3 will be able to open new therapeutic perspectives. Melanoma Res 19:316-320 (C) 2009 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.


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The biomechanics of the sacroiliac joint makes the pelvic segment responsible for proper weight distribution between lower extremities; however, it is known to be susceptible to altered mobility. The objective of this study was to analyze baropodometric responses following thrust manipulation on subjects with sacroiliac joint restrictions. Twenty asymptomatic subjects were submitted to computerized baropodometric analysis before, after, and seven days following sacroiliac manipulation. The variables peak pressure and contact area were obtained at each of these periods as the average of absolute values of the difference between the right and left foot based on three trials. Data revealed significant reduction only in peak pressure immediately after manipulation and at follow-up when compared to pre-manipulative values (p < 0.05). Strong correlation was found between the dominant foot and the foot with greater contact area (r - 0.978), as well as between the side of joint restriction and the foot with greater contact area (r = 0.884). Weak correlation was observed between the dominant foot and the foot with greater peak pressure (r = 0.501), as well as between the side of joint restriction and the foot with greater peak pressure (r = 0.694). The results suggest that sacroiliac joint manipulation can influence peak pressure distribution between feet, but contact area does not seem to be related to the biomechanical aspects addressed in this study. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The Golgi method has been used for over a century to describe the general morphology of neurons in the nervous system of different species. The ""single-section"" Golgi method of Gabbott and Somogyi (1984) and the modifications made by Izzo et al. (1987) are able to produce consistent results. Here, we describe procedures to show cortical and subcortical neurons of human brains immersed in formalin for months or even years. The tissue was sliced with a vibratome, post-fixed in a combination of paraformaldehyde and picric acid in phosphate buffer, followed by osmium tetroxide and potassium dicromate, ""sandwiched"" between cover slips, and immersed in silver nitrate. The whole procedure takes between 5 and 11 days to achieve good results. The Golgi method has its characteristic pitfalls but, with this procedure, neurons and glia appear well-impregnated, allowing qualitative and quantitative studies under light microscopy. This contribution adds to the basic techniques for the study of human nervous tissue with the same advantages described for the ""single-section"" Golgi method in other species; it is easy and fast, requires minimal equipment, and provides consistent results. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Leukotriene B-4 (LTB4) mediates different inflammatory events such as neutrophil migration and pain. The present study addressed the mechanisms of LTB4-mediated joint inflammation-induced hypernociception. It was observed that zymosan-induced articular hypernociception and neutrophil migration were reduced dose-dependently by the pretreatment with MK886 (1-9 mg/kg; LT synthesis inhibitor) as well as in 5-lypoxygenase-deficient mice (5LO(-/-)) or by the selective antagonist of the LTB4 receptor (CP105696; 3 mg/kg). Histological analysis showed reduced zymosan-induced articular inflammatory damage in 5LO(-/-) mice. The hypernociceptive role of LTB4 was confirmed further by the demonstration that joint injection of LTB4 induces a dose (8.3, 25, and 75 ng)-dependent articular hypernociception. Furthermore, zymosan induced an increase in joint LTB4 production. Investigating the mechanism underlying LTB4 mediation of zymosan-induced hypernociception, LTB4-induced hypernociception was reduced by indomethacin (5 mg/kg), MK886 (3 mg/kg), celecoxib (10 mg/kg), antineutrophil antibody (100 mu g, two doses), and fucoidan (20 mg/kg) treatments as well as in 5LO(-/-) mice. The production of LTB4 induced by zymosan in the joint was reduced by the pretreatment with fucoidan or antineutrophil antibody as well as the production of PGE(2) induced by LTB4. Therefore, besides reinforcing the role of endogenous LTB4 as an important mediator of inflamed joint hypernociception, these results also suggested that the mechanism of LTB4-induced articular hypernociception depends on prostanoid and neutrophil recruitment. Furthermore, the results also demonstrated clearly that LTB4-induced hypernociception depends on the additional release of endogenous LTs. Concluding, targeting LTB4 synthesis/action might constitute useful therapeutic approaches to inhibit articular inflammatory hypernociception.