954 resultados para heart-rate variability


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Cardiotocographic data provide physicians information about foetal development and permit to assess conditions such as foetal distress. An incorrect evaluation of the foetal status can be of course very dangerous. To improve interpretation of cardiotocographic recordings, great interest has been dedicated to foetal heart rate variability spectral analysis. It is worth reminding, however, that foetal heart rate is intrinsically an uneven series, so in order to produce an evenly sampled series a zero-order, linear or cubic spline interpolation can be employed. This is not suitable for frequency analyses because interpolation introduces alterations in the foetal heart rate power spectrum. In particular, interpolation process can produce alterations of the power spectral density that, for example, affects the estimation of the sympatho-vagal balance (computed as low-frequency/high-frequency ratio), which represents an important clinical parameter. In order to estimate the frequency spectrum alterations of the foetal heart rate variability signal due to interpolation and cardiotocographic storage rates, in this work, we simulated uneven foetal heart rate series with set characteristics, their evenly spaced versions (with different orders of interpolation and storage rates) and computed the sympatho-vagal balance values by power spectral density. For power spectral density estimation, we chose the Lomb method, as suggested by other authors to study the uneven heart rate series in adults. Summarising, the obtained results show that the evaluation of SVB values on the evenly spaced FHR series provides its overestimation due to the interpolation process and to the storage rate. However, cubic spline interpolation produces more robust and accurate results. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Hospitals can experience difficulty in detecting and responding to early signs of patient deterioration leading to late intensive care referrals, excess mortality and morbidity, and increased hospital costs. Our study aims to explore potential indicators of physiological deterioration by the analysis of vital-signs. The dataset used comprises heart rate (HR) measurements from MIMIC II waveform database, taken from six patients admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and diagnosed with severe sepsis. Different indicators were considered: 1) generic early warning indicators used in ecosystems analysis (autocorrelation at-1-lag (ACF1), standard deviation (SD), skewness, kurtosis and heteroskedasticity) and 2) entropy analysis (kernel entropy and multi scale entropy). Our preliminary findings suggest that when a critical transition is approaching, the equilibrium state changes what is visible in the ACF1 and SD values, but also by the analysis of the entropy. Entropy allows to characterize the complexity of the time series during the hospital stay and can be used as an indicator of regime shifts in a patientâs condition. One of the main problems is its dependency of the scale used. Our results demonstrate that different entropy scales should be used depending of the level of entropy verified.


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Acknowledgments Dr Ashrafian acknowledges support from the BHF Center of Research Excellence, Oxford, UK. The research was also supported by the National Institute for Health Research Oxford Biomedical Research Center Program and by the National Institute for Health Research Rare Diseases Translational Research Collaboration (NIHR RD-TRC)


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Acknowledgments Dr Ashrafian acknowledges support from the BHF Center of Research Excellence, Oxford, UK. The research was also supported by the National Institute for Health Research Oxford Biomedical Research Center Program and by the National Institute for Health Research Rare Diseases Translational Research Collaboration (NIHR RD-TRC)


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Amphetamine enhances recovery after experimental ischaemia and has shown promise in small clinical trials when combined with motor or sensory stimulation. Amphetamine, a sympathomimetic, might have haemodynamic effects in stroke patients, although limited data have been published. Subjects were recruited 3-30 days post ischaemic stroke into a phase II randomised (1:1), double blind, placebo-controlled trial. Subjects received dexamphetamine (5mg initially, then 10mg for 10 subsequent doses with 3 or 4 day separations) or placebo in addition to inpatient physiotherapy. Recovery was assessed by motor scales (Fugl-Meyer, FM), and functional scales (Barthel index, BI and modified Rankin score, mRS). Peripheral blood pressure (BP), central haemodynamics and middle cerebral artery blood flow velocity were assessed before, and 90 minutes after, the first 2 doses. 33 subjects were recruited, age 33-88 (mean 71) years, males 52%, 4-30 (median 15) days post stroke to inclusion. 16 patients were randomised to placebo and 17 amphetamine. Amphetamine did not improve motor function at 90 days; mean (standard deviation) FM 37.6 (27.6) vs. control 35.2 (27.8) (p=0.81). Functional outcome (BI, mRS) did not differ between treatment groups. Peripheral and central systolic BP, and heart rate, were 11.2 mmHg (p=0.03), 9.5 mmHg (p=0.04) and 7 beats/minute (p=0.02) higher respectively with amphetamine, compared with control. A non-significant reduction in myocardial perfusion (Buckberg Index) was seen with amphetamine. Other cardiac and cerebral haemodynamics were unaffected. Amphetamine did not improve motor impairment or function after ischaemic stroke but did significantly increase BP and heart rate without altering cerebral haemodynamics.


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To determine whether the heart rate (HR) response to exercise in 21 highly trained cyclists (mean (SD) age 25 (3) years) was related to their heart dimensions. MethodsâBefore performing an incremental exercise test involving a ramp protocol with workload increases of 25 W/min, each subject underwent echocardiographic evaluation of the following variables: left ventricular end diastolic internal diameter (LVIDd), left ventricular posterior wall thickness at end diastole (LVPWTd), interventricular septal wall thickness at end diastole (IVSTd), left ventricular mass index (LVMI), left atrial dimension (LAD), longitudinal left atrial (LLAD) and right atrial (LRAD) dimensions, and the ratio of early to late (E/A) diastolic flow velocity. ResultsâThe HR response showed a de- flection point (HRd) at about 85% V~ O2MAX in 66.7% of subjects (D group; n = 14) and was linear in 33.3% (NoD group; n = 7). Several echocardiographic variables (LVMI, LAD, LLAD, LRAD) indicative of heart dimensions were similar in each group. However, mean LPWTd (p<0.01) and IVSTd (p<0.05) values were signifi- cantly higher in the D group. Finally, no significant diVerence between groups was found with respect to the E/A. The HR response is curvilinear during incremental exercise in a considerable number of highly trained endurance athletesâthat is, top level cyclists. The departure of HR increase from linearity may predominantly occur in athletes with thicker heart walls.


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Cardiovascular disease is one of the leading causes of death around the world. Resting heart rate has been shown to be a strong and independent risk marker for adverse cardiovascular events and mortality, and yet its role as a predictor of risk is somewhat overlooked in clinical practice. With the aim of highlighting its prognostic value, the role of resting heart rate as a risk marker for death and other adverse outcomes was further examined in a number of different patient populations. A systematic review of studies that previously assessed the prognostic value of resting heart rate for mortality and other adverse cardiovascular outcomes was presented. New analyses of nine clinical trials were carried out. Both the original and extended Cox model that allows for analysis of time-dependent covariates were used to evaluate and compare the predictive value of baseline and time-updated heart rate measurements for adverse outcomes in the CAPRICORN, EUROPA, PROSPER, PERFORM, BEAUTIFUL and SHIFT populations. Pooled individual patient meta-analyses of the CAPRICORN, EPHESUS, OPTIMAAL and VALIANT trials, and the BEAUTIFUL and SHIFT trials, were also performed. The discrimination and calibration of the models applied were evaluated using Harrellâs C-statistic and likelihood ratio tests, respectively. Finally, following on from the systematic review, meta-analyses of the relation between baseline and time-updated heart rate, and the risk of death from any cause and from cardiovascular causes, were conducted. Both elevated baseline and time-updated resting heart rates were found to be associated with an increase in the risk of mortality and other adverse cardiovascular events in all of the populations analysed. In some cases, elevated time-updated heart rate was associated with risk of events where baseline heart rate was not. Time-updated heart rate also contributed additional information about the risk of certain events despite knowledge of baseline heart rate or previous heart rate measurements. The addition of resting heart rate to the models where resting heart rate was found to be associated with risk of outcome improved both discrimination and calibration, and in general, the models including time-updated heart rate along with baseline or the previous heart rate measurement had the highest and similar C-statistics, and thus the greatest discriminative ability. The meta-analyses demonstrated that a 5bpm higher baseline heart rate was associated with a 7.9% and an 8.0% increase in the risk of all-cause and cardiovascular death, respectively (both p less than 0.001). Additionally, a 5bpm higher time-updated heart rate (adjusted for baseline heart rate in eight of the ten studies included in the analyses) was associated with a 12.8% (p less than 0.001) and a 10.9% (p less than 0.001) increase in the risk of all-cause and cardiovascular death, respectively. These findings may motivate health care professionals to routinely assess resting heart rate in order to identify individuals at a higher risk of adverse events. The fact that the addition of time-updated resting heart rate improved the discrimination and calibration of models for certain outcomes, even if only modestly, strengthens the case that it be added to traditional risk models. The findings, however, are of particular importance, and have greater implications for the clinical management of patients with pre-existing disease. An elevated, or increasing heart rate over time could be used as a tool, potentially alongside other established risk scores, to help doctors identify patient deterioration or those at higher risk, who might benefit from more intensive monitoring or treatment re-evaluation. Further exploration of the role of continuous recording of resting heart rate, say, when patients are at home, would be informative. In addition, investigation into the cost-effectiveness and optimal frequency of resting heart rate measurement is required. One of the most vital areas for future research is the definition of an objective cut-off value for the definition of a high resting heart rate.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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FUNDAMENTO: A recuperação da freqüência cardíaca após o eletrocardiograma de esforço em esteira ergométrica é modulada pelo sistema nervoso autônomo. A análise da variabilidade da freqüência cardíaca (VFC) pode fornecer informações valiosas sobre o controle do sistema nervoso autônomo sobre o sistema cardiovascular. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi testar a hipótese de associação entre a recuperação da freqüência cardíaca após teste de esforço em esteira ergométrica e a variabilidade da freqüência cardíaca. MÃTODOS: Foram estudamos 485 indivíduos sem evidência de cardiopatia com média de idade de 42± 12,1 (faixa etária de 15 a 82) anos, 281 (57.9%) dos quais do sexo feminino, submetidos a um teste de esforço em esteira ergométrica e avaliação da VFC nos domínios do tempo (SDNN, SDANN, SDNNi, rMSSD e pNN50) e da freqüência (LF, HF, VLF e razão LF/HF) durante monitoramento eletrocardiográfico ambulatorial de 24 horas. RESULTADOS: A recuperação da freqüência cardíaca foi de 30 ± 12 batimentos no 1º minuto e 52± 13 batimentos no 2º minuto após o exercício. Os indivíduos mais jovens de recuperaram mais rápido do 2º ao 5º minuto após o exercício (r = 0,19-0,35, P < 0,05). As mulheres se recuperaram mais rápido que os homens (4 ± 1,1 batimentos a menos no 1º minuto, p < 0,001; 5,7 ± 1,2 batimentos a menos no 2º minuto, p < 0,01; e 4,1± 1,1 batimentos a menos no 3º minuto, p < 0.001). Não houve correlação significante entre a recuperação da freqüência cardíaca e a VFC no 1º e 2º minutos após o exercício. Os índices SDNN, SDANN, SDNNi, rMSSD e pNN50 só apresentaram uma correlação significante com a recuperação da freqüência cardíaca no 3º e 4º minutos. CONCLUSÃO: A hipótese de associação entre recuperação da freqüência cardíaca e VFC em 24 horas nos primeiros dois minutos após o exercício não foi comprovada neste estudo. A recuperação da freqüência cardíaca foi associada com idade e sexo.