995 resultados para gene probe
We have studied the mechanism by which an acidic domain (amino acids 515-583) of the aromatic hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) transactivates a target gene. Studies with glutathione S-transferase fusion proteins demonstrate that the wild-type acidic domain associates in vitro with Myb-binding protein la, whereas a mutant domain (F542A, 1569A) does not. AhR-defective cells reconstituted with an AhR containing the wild-type acidic domain exhibit normal AhR function; however, cells reconstituted with an AhR containing the mutant acidic domain do not function normally. Transient transfection of Myb-binding protein la into mouse hepatoma cells is associated with augmentation of AhR-dependent gene expression. Such augmentation does not occur when Myb-binding protein la is transfected into AhR-defective cells that have been reconstituted with an AhR that lacks the acidic domain. We infer that 1) Myb-binding protein la associates with AhR, thereby enhancing transactivation, and 2) the presence of AhR's acidic domain is both necessary and sufficient for Myb-binding protein la to increase AhR-dependent gene expression.
Objective: To describe a new syndrome of X-linked myoclonic epilepsy with generalized spasticity and intellectual disability (XMESID) and identify the gene defect underlying this disorder. Methods: The authors studied a family in which six boys over two generations had intractable seizures using a validated seizure questionnaire, clinical examination, and EEG studies. Previous records and investigations were obtained. Information on seizure disorders was obtained on 271 members of the extended family. Molecular genetic analysis included linkage studies and mutational analysis using a positional candidate gene approach. Results: All six affected boys had myoclonic seizures and TCS; two had infantile spasms, but only one had hypsarrhythmia. EEG studies show diffuse background slowing with slow generalized spike wave activity. All affected boys had moderate to profound intellectual disability. Hyperreflexia was observed in obligate carrier women. A late-onset progressive spastic ataxia in the matriarch raises the possibility of late clinical manifestations in obligate carriers. The disorder was mapped to Xp11.2-22.2 with a maximum lod score of 1.8. As recently reported, a missense mutation (1058C>T/P353L) was identified within the homeodomain of the novel human Aristaless related homeobox gene (ARX). Conclusions: XMESID is a rare X-linked recessive myoclonic epilepsy with spasticity and intellectual disability in boys. Hyperreflexia is found in carrier women. XMESID is associated with a missense mutation in ARX. This disorder is allelic with X-linked infantile spasms (ISSX; MIM 308350) where polyalanine tract expansions are the commonly observed molecular defect. Mutations of ARX are associated with a wide range of phenotypes; functional studies in the future may lend insights to the neurobiology of myoclonic seizures and infantile spasms.
Clinical data from 50 mentally retarded (MR) males in nine X-linked MR families, syndromic and non-specific, with mutations (duplication, expansion, missense, and deletion mutations) in the Aristaless related homeobox gene, ARX, were analysed. Seizures were observed with all mutations and occurred in 29 patients, including one family with a novel myoclonic epilepsy syndrome associated with the missense mutation. Seventeen patients had infantile spasms. Other phenotypes included mild to moderate MR alone, or with combinations of dystonia, ataxia or autism. These data suggest that mutations in the ARX gene are important causes of MR, often associated with diverse neurological manifestations. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Two families, originally diagnosed as having nonsyndromic X-linked mental retardation (NSXLMR), were reviewed when it was shown that they had a 24-bp duplication (428-45 1dup(24bp)) in the ARX gene [Stromme et al., 2002: Nat Genet 30:441-445]. This same duplication had also been found in three other families: one with X-linked infantile spasms and hypsarrhythmia (X-linked West syndrome, MIM 308350) and two with XLMR and dystonic movements of the hands (Partington syndrome, MIM 309510). On review, manifestations of both West and Partington syndromes were found in some individuals from both families. In addition, it was found that one individual had autism and two had autistic behavior, one of whom had epilepsy. The degree of mental retardation ranged from mild to severe. A GCG trinucleotide expansion (GCG)10+7 and a deletion of 1,517 by in the ARX gene have also been found in association with the West syndrome, and a missense mutation (1058C >T) in a family with a newly recognized form of myoclonic epilepsy, severe mental retardation, and spastic paraplegia [Scheffer et al., 2002: Neurology, in press]. Evidently all these disorders are expressions of mutations in the same gene. It remains to be seen what proportions of patients with infantile spasms, focal dystonia, autism, epilepsy, and nonsyndromic mental retardation are accounted for by mutations in the ARX gene. (C) 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Transfer of the herpes simplex virus type I thymidine kinase (HSV-TK) gene into tumor cells using virus-based vectors in conjunction with ganciclovir (GCV) exposure provides a potential gene therapy strategy for the treatment of cancer. Effective gene therapy,, depends on the efficient transfer and specific targeting of therapeutic genes and their protein products to target cells. The purpose of this study was to investigate the anti-tumor effect of Lentivirus-mediated and MUC1 antibody-targeted VP22-TK/GCV suicide gene therapy in animal models. Mouse models were generated with intraperitoneal injection of human epithelial ovarian cancer cells 3AO, which are MUC1-positive. HTV-1-based lentiviral vectors carrying VP22-TK or scFv-VP22-TK were prepared. The animals were injected intraperitoneally with lentivirus containing scFv-VP22-TK, VP22-TK followed by GCV treatment. Combined treatment of lentivirus-expressed scFv-VP22-TK or VP22-TK with GCV inhibited the proliferation and prolonged survival times compared with the control vector. The survival time of animals treated with scFv-VP22-TK/GCV was significantly longer than that of animals treated with VP22-TK/GCV (p = 0.006). Conclusion: Our results suggest that MUC1 antibody-targeted VP22-TK/GCV suicide gene therapy can efficiently inhibit ovarian tumor growth and increase survival in a nude mouse model of ovarian carcinoma. These data support the development of this method for human clinical trials.
The gregarious braconid wasp Cotesia congregata parasitizes host larvae of Manduca sexta, and several other sphingid species. Parasitism induces host immunosuppression due to the disruptive action of the wasp's polydnavirus (PDV) on host blood cells. During the initial stages of parasitism, these cells undergo apoptosis followed by cell clumping, which clears the hemolymph of a large number of cells. In this study, the persistence and expression of Cotesia congregata PDV (CcPDV) were examined using Southern and Nor-them blots, respectively. Digoxygenin-labelled total polydnaviral DNA was used to probe genomic DNA isolated from fat body and brains of hosts with emerged wasps taken 6 days following egress of the parasitoids, and significant cross-hybridization between the host fat body genomic DNA with viral DNA was seen. Thus, the virus persists in the host for the duration of parasitism. even during the post-emergence period, and may even be integrated in the host caterpillar DNA. Viral gene expression was examined using Northern blots and probes to the Cotesia rubecula CrV1 homolog, and the CrV1-like mRNAs were expressed as early as 4 h post-parasitization for at least 72 h and faint hybrization is even seen at the time the wasps eclose. In contrast, in Pieris rapae larvae the CrV1 transcript is expressed only for a brief time, during which time hemocyte function is disrupted. The effect is transitory, and hemocytes regain their normal functions after the parasites emerge as first instars. The genome of CcPDV contains one copy of the CrV1-like homolog as shown on Southern blots of viral genomic DNA. In conjunction with our earlier studies of the PDV-encoded early protein 1, the current work suggests multiple viral transcripts are produced following parasitization of the host. and likely target host hemocytes to induce their apoptosis, thereby preventing encapsulation of the parasitoid's eggs. Whether viral DNAs are integrated in the host's genomic DNA remains to be proven, but our results provide preliminary evidence that viral DNAs are detected in the host's fat body cells examined at the time of wasp ernergence and several days later. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The majority of common diseases such as cancer, allergy, diabetes, or heart disease are characterized by complex genetic traits, in which genetic and environmental components contribute to disease susceptibility. Our knowledge of the genetic factors underlying most of such diseases is limited. A major goal in the post-genomic era is to identify and characterize disease susceptibility genes and to use this knowledge for disease treatment and prevention. More than 500 genes are conserved across the invertebrate and vertebrate genomes. Because of gene conservation, various organisms including yeast, fruitfly, zebrafish, rat, and mouse have been used as genetic models.