980 resultados para frères soeurs fratriarchat lévirat Gn12-50


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The present study tests the relationships between the three frequently used personality models evaluated by the Temperament Character Inventory-Revised (TCI-R), Neuroticism Extraversion Openness Five Factor Inventory – Revised (NEO-FFI-R) and Zuckerman-Kuhlman Personality Questionnaire-50- Cross-Cultural (ZKPQ-50-CC). The results were obtained with a sample of 928 volunteer subjects from the general population aged between 17 and 28 years old. Frequency distributions and alpha reliabilities with the three instruments were acceptable. Correlational and factorial analyses showed that several scales in the three instruments share an appreciable amount of common variance. Five factors emerged from principal components analysis. The first factor was integrated by A (Agreeableness), Co (Cooperativeness) and Agg-Host (Aggressiveness-Hostility), with secondary loadings in C (Conscientiousness) and SD (Self-directiveness) from other factors. The second factor was composed by N (Neuroticism), N-Anx (Neuroticism-Anxiety), HA (Harm Avoidance) and SD (Self-directiveness). The third factor was integrated by Sy (Sociability), E (Extraversion), RD (Reward Dependence), ImpSS (Impulsive Sensation Seeking) and NS (novelty Seeking). The fourth factor was integrated by Ps (Persistence), Act (Activity), and C, whereas the fifth and last factor was composed by O (Openness) and ST (Self- Transcendence). Confirmatory factor analyses indicate that the scales in each model are highly interrelated and define the specified latent dimension well. Similarities and differences between these three instruments are further discussed.


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El proppassat 20 de març, al Saló Victor Siurana de la UdL, els treballadors i treballadores socials de ponent vàrem commemorar els 50 anys dels estudis de Treball Social a la ciutat de Lleida.3 El que segueix és un breu relat de les vicissituds més importants de la trajectòria que han seguit aquests estudis i allò que han significat en les respectives contemporaneïtats que els ha tocat viure. Cal advertir, però, que és inevitablement una visió personal, construïda a partir de passar pel sedàs la meva pròpia trajectòria, primer com a alumne i després com a professional i docent, la qual crec que em permet interpretar amb certa perspectiva l’itinerari de la formació en Treball Social a la meva ciutat.


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