974 resultados para flow-mediated dilation


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Background: In order to maintain cellular viability and genetic integrity cells must respond quickly following the induction of cytotoxic double strand DNA breaks (DSB). This response requires a number of processes including stabilisation of the DSB, signalling of the break and repair. It is becoming increasingly apparent that one key step in this process is chromatin remodelling. Results: Here we describe the chromodomain helicase DNA-binding protein (CHD4) as a target of ATM kinase. We show that ionising radiation (IR)-induced phosphorylation of CHD4 affects its intranuclear organization resulting in increased chromatin binding/retention. We also show assembly of phosphorylated CHD4 foci at sites of DNA damage, which might be required to fulfil its function in the regulation of DNA repair. Consistent with this, cells overexpressing a phospho-mutant version of CHD4 that cannot be phosphorylated by ATM fail to show enhanced chromatin retention after DSBs and display high rates of spontaneous damage. Conclusion: These results provide insight into how CHD4 phosphorylation might be required to remodel chromatin around DNA breaks allowing efficient DNA repair to occur.


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Human SSB1 (single-stranded binding protein 1 [hSSB1]) was recently identified as a part of the ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) signaling pathway. To investigate hSSB1 function, we performed tandem affinity purifications of hSSB1 mutants mimicking the unphosphorylated and ATM-phosphorylated states. Both hSSB1 mutants copurified a subset of Integrator complex subunits and the uncharacterized protein LOC58493/c9orf80 (henceforth minute INTS3/hSSB-associated element [MISE]). The INTS3–MISE–hSSB1 complex plays a key role in ATM activation and RAD51 recruitment to DNA damage foci during the response to genotoxic stresses. These effects on the DNA damage response are caused by the control of hSSB1 transcription via INTS3, demonstrating a new network controlling hSSB1 function.


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We assess the performance of an exponential integrator for advancing stiff, semidiscrete formulations of the unsaturated Richards equation in time. The scheme is of second order and explicit in nature but requires the action of the matrix function φ(A) where φ(z) = [exp(z) - 1]/z on a suitability defined vector v at each time step. When the matrix A is large and sparse, φ(A)v can be approximated by Krylov subspace methods that require only matrix-vector products with A. We prove that despite the use of this approximation the scheme remains second order. Furthermore, we provide a practical variable-stepsize implementation of the integrator by deriving an estimate of the local error that requires only a single additional function evaluation. Numerical experiments performed on two-dimensional test problems demonstrate that this implementation outperforms second-order, variable-stepsize implementations of the backward differentiation formulae.


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Similarity solutions for flow over an impermeable, non-linearly (quadratic) stretching sheet were studied recently by Raptis and Perdikis (Int. J. Non-linear Mech. 41 (2006) 527–529) using a stream function of the form ψ=αxf(η)+βx2g(η). A fundamental error in their problem formulation is pointed out. On correction, it is shown that similarity solutions do not exist for this choice of ψ


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Automated visual surveillance of crowds is a rapidly growing area of research. In this paper we focus on motion representation for the purpose of abnormality detection in crowded scenes. We propose a novel visual representation called textures of optical flow. The proposed representation measures the uniformity of a flow field in order to detect anomalous objects such as bicycles, vehicles and skateboarders; and can be combined with spatial information to detect other forms of abnormality. We demonstrate that the proposed approach outperforms state-of-the-art anomaly detection algorithms on a large, publicly-available dataset.


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The functional properties of cartilaginous tissues are determined predominantly by the content, distribution, and organization of proteoglycan and collagen in the extracellular matrix. Extracellular matrix accumulates in tissue-engineered cartilage constructs by metabolism and transport of matrix molecules, processes that are modulated by physical and chemical factors. Constructs incubated under free-swelling conditions with freely permeable or highly permeable membranes exhibit symmetric surface regions of soft tissue. The variation in tissue properties with depth from the surfaces suggests the hypothesis that the transport processes mediated by the boundary conditions govern the distribution of proteoglycan in such constructs. A continuum model (DiMicco and Sah in Transport Porus Med 50:57-73, 2003) was extended to test the effects of membrane permeability and perfusion on proteoglycan accumulation in tissue-engineered cartilage. The concentrations of soluble, bound, and degraded proteoglycan were analyzed as functions of time, space, and non-dimensional parameters for several experimental configurations. The results of the model suggest that the boundary condition at the membrane surface and the rate of perfusion, described by non-dimensional parameters, are important determinants of the pattern of proteoglycan accumulation. With perfusion, the proteoglycan profile is skewed, and decreases or increases in magnitude depending on the level of flow-based stimulation. Utilization of a semi-permeable membrane with or without unidirectional flow may lead to tissues with depth-increasing proteoglycan content, resembling native articular cartilage.


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Variable Speed Limits (VSL) is a control tool of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) which can enhance traffic safety and which has the potential to contribute to traffic efficiency. This study presents the results of a calibration and operational analysis of a candidate VSL algorithm for high flow conditions on an urban motorway of Queensland, Australia. The analysis was done using a framework consisting of a microscopic simulation model combined with runtime API and a proposed efficiency index. The operational analysis includes impacts on speed-flow curve, travel time, speed deviation, fuel consumption and emission.


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Free surface flow past a two-dimensional semi-infinite curved plate is considered, with emphasis given to solving for the shape of the resulting wave train that appears downstream on the surface of the fluid. This flow configuration can be interpreted as applying near the stern of a wide blunt ship. For steady flow in a fluid of finite depth, we apply the Wiener-Hopf technique to solve a linearised problem, valid for small perturbations of the uniform stream. Weakly nonlinear results found using a forced KdV equation are also presented, as are numerical solutions to the fully nonlinear problem, computed using a conformal mapping and a boundary integral technique. By considering different families of shapes for the semi-infinite plate, it is shown how the amplitude of the waves can be minimised. For plates that increase in height as a function of the direction of flow, reach a local maximum, and then point slightly downwards at the point at which the free surface detaches, it appears the downstream wavetrain can be eliminated entirely.


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The hydrodynamic behaviour of a novel flat plate photocatalytic reactor for water treatment is investigated using CFD code FLUENT. The reactor consists of a reactive section that features negligible pressure drop and uniform illumination of the photocatalyst to ensure enhanced photocatalytic efficiency. The numerical simulations allowed the identification of several design issues in the original reactor, which include extensive boundary layer separation near the photocatalyst support and regions of flow recirculation that render a significant portion of the reactive area. The simulations reveal that this issue could be addressed by selecting the appropriate inlet positions and configurations. This modification can cause minimal pressure drop across the reactive zone and achieves significant uniformization of the tested pollutant on the photocatalyst surface. The influence of roughness elements type has also been studied with a view to identify their role on the distribution of pollutant concentration on the photocatalyst surface. The results presented here indicate that the flow and pollutant concentration field strongly depend on the geometric parameters and flow conditions.


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In this study a new immobilized flat plate photocatalytic reactor for wastewater treatment has been investigated using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The reactor consists of a reactor inlet, a reactive section where the catalyst is coated, and outlet parts. For simulation, the reactive section of the reactor was modelled with an array of baffles. In order to optimize the fluid mixing and reactor design, this study attempts to investigate the influence of baffles with differing heights on the flow field of the flat plate reactor. The results obtained from the simulation of a baffled flat plate reactor hydrodynamics for differing baffle heights for certain positions are presented. Under the conditions simulated, the qualitative flow features, such as the distribution of local stream lines, velocity contours, and high shear region, boundary layers separation, vortex formation, and the underlying mechanism are examined. At low and high Re numbers, the influence of baffle heights on the distribution of species mass fraction of a model pollutant are also highlighted. The simulation of qualitative and quantitative properties of fluid dynamics in a baffled reactor provides valuable insight to fully understand the effect of baffles and their role on the flow pattern, behaviour, and features of wastewater treatment using a photocatalytic reactor.