959 resultados para fibrillazione atriale, cuore, impedenza, ECI, vene polmonari, ablazione a RF
Background: Interventions to increase cooking skills (CS) and food skills (FS) as a route to improving overall diet are popular within public health. This study tested a comprehensive model of diet quality by assessing the influence of socio-demographic, knowledge- and psychological-related variables alongside perceived CS and FS abilities. The correspondence of two measures of diet quality further validated the Eating Choices Index (ECI) for use in quantitative research.
Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted in a quota-controlled nationally representative sample of 1049 adults aged 20–60 years drawn from the Island of Ireland. Surveys were administered in participants’ homes via computer-assisted personal interviewing (CAPI) assessing a range of socio-demographic, knowledge- and psychological-related variables alongside perceived CS and FS abilities. Regression models were used to model factors influencing diet quality. Correspondence between 2 measures of diet quality was assessed using chi-square and Pearson correlations.
Results: ECI score was significantly negatively correlated with DINE Fat intake (r = -0.24, p < 0.001), and ECI score was significantly positively correlated with DINE Fibre intake (r = 0.38, p < 0.001), demonstrating a high agreement. Findings indicated that males, younger respondents and those with no/few educational qualifications scored significantly lower on both CS and FS abilities. The relative influence of socio-demographic, knowledge, psychological variables and CS and FS abilities on dietary outcomes varied, with regression models explaining 10–20 % of diet quality variance. CS ability exerted the strongest relationship with saturated fat intake (β = -0.296, p < 0.001) and was a significant predictor of fibre intake (β = -0.113, p < 0.05), although not for healthy food choices (ECI) (β = 0.04, p > 0.05).
Conclusion: Greater CS and FS abilities may not lead directly to healthier dietary choices given the myriad of other factors implicated; however, CS appear to have differential influences on aspects of the diet, most notably in relation to lowering saturated fat intake. Findings suggest that CS and FS should not be singular targets of interventions designed to improve diet; but targeting specific sub-groups of the population e.g. males, younger adults, those with limited education might be more fruitful. A greater understanding of the interaction of factors influencing cooking and food practices within the home is needed.
L'obbiettivo del presente elaborato è quello di delineare la genesi del Libro del cibo gustoso e salutare (Kniga o vkusnoj i zdorovoj pišče), dai più considerato la "bibbia culinaria" dell'Unione Sovietica. Il lavoro è diviso in tre capitoli. Nel primo viene delineato il contesto politico-culturale degli anni antecedenti l’uscita del libro. Il secondo capitolo costituisce il cuore dell’elaborato ed è incentrato sulla descrizione del progetto del Commissario del popolo per l’industria alimentare Anastas Mikojan e della sua importanza, seguita dall’analisi delle due più importanti edizioni del Libro del cibo gustoso e salutare, la prima, del 1939, e quella del 1952. Infine, il terzo capitolo tratta della lettura in chiave social realista del Libro e delle reazioni che suscitò nei cittadini sovietici dell’epoca.
Per il mio elaborato finale ho scelto di proporre la traduzione della sezione Historia, del sito web dell'Atlético di Madrid, squadra spagnola che da sempre ha un posto importante nel mio cuore e con la quale mi sento molto identificato. La scelta di un argomento come il calcio per il mio elaborato finale nasce quindi anche dalla volontà di far notare quanto questo sport sia capaci di unire le persone, visto che, una volta in campo, non contano le nazionalità e lo status sociale: tutti siamo un’unica squadra. Nel primo capitolo di questa tesina di laurea mi concentrerò sulla descrizione dei siti internet, genere da me scelto, indagando sulle strategie di comunicazione sul web. Successivamente proporrò la mia traduzione della sessione Historia della pagina dell’Atlético de Madrid ed il commento alla stessa per poi concludere con le mie riflessioni finali sul lavoro svolto e sulle sfide che ho dovuto affrontare
L'elaborato riguarda l'analisi del ciclo di lavorazione di un assy center cutter, prodotto impiegato in macchinari (ad esempio: carotiere a cutter) per scavi verticali. In particolare verrà descritta brevemente l'azienda produttrice, per poi inoltrarsi nel cuore della tesi e analizzare il ciclo di lavorazione dei principali componenti del cutter, quali: carcassa, albero e perno. Seguirà una breve descrizione dei componenti secondari (guarnizioni, o-ring, sfere e rulli) e una panoramica generale sugli strumenti utilizzati per il controllo delle misure. In seguito verranno ripresi i cicli di lavorazione concentrandosi sugli utensili scelti per le varie operazioni. L'ultima parte tratterà la costificazione di ogni componente fino a giungere all'intero costo dell'assy center cutter secondo il metodo Full Costing.
Questo elaborato si pone l’obiettivo principale di formulare una metodologia volta alla misura sperimentale della risposta impulsiva di ambienti indoor in ambito acustico. Lo studio della risposta impulsiva di una stanza trova diverse applicazioni nell’ambito dell’ingegneria acustica. Essa contiene infatti informazioni sulla geometria della stanza stessa, che può essere ricostruita con appositi algoritmi. È sovente impiegata anche in campo architettonico per progettare interventi di correzione o ottimizzazione acustica. In questo elaborato si darà spazio ad una terza applicazione: si utilizzerà la risposta impulsiva misurata in una determinata stanza per aggiungere effetti ambientali a suoni registrati in camere anecoiche. Per perseguire quest’obiettivo, nel capitolo 1 si richiamano i concetti di base riguardo i sistemi LTI, funzioni di trasferimento e risposta impulsiva, approfondendo gli aspetti legati alle tecniche tradizionalmente usate per la misura della risposta impulsiva in ambito acustico. Si pone poi la base teorica del metodo sperimentale che sarà sviluppato nel corso dell’elaborato, fondato sulla stima numerica dello spettro di segnali ad energia finita. Nel secondo capitolo s’illustra l’impostazione della catena di misura, chiarendo le scelte hardware intraprese, le motivazioni di tali scelte, il funzionamento generale dei dispositivi impiegati e le condizioni ottimali di misura. Il capitolo 3 rappresenta il cuore di questo elaborato, nel quale viene illustrata l’implementazione vera e propria della metodologia della misura della risposta impulsiva, a partire dal settaggio degli strumenti utilizzati, alla realizzazione del codice MATLAB per l’elaborazione dei dati, per giungere infine all’analisi dei risultati sperimentali ottenuti. Con il quarto ed ultimo capitolo si introduce il concetto di equalizzazione e si implementa una prima e grossolana soluzione al problema degli effetti distorcenti introdotti dai dispositivi non ideali.
La tesi descrive la mia esperienza di tirocinio presso l'azienda Marchesini Group, inserito all'interno dell'Ufficio Validazione Impianti. Dopo un'introduzione sul tema della qualità e dell'affidabilità, della loro evoluzione e della loro rilevanza nel mercato odierno, il cuore dell'elaborato descrive il progetto condotto all'interno dell'azienda. In particolare, la descrizione di uno strumento di standardizzazione per la compilazione di documenti di validazione. Infine è presente un modello di simulazione (realizzato con il software Arena Simulation) per l'analisi di congestioni e colli di bottiglia del macro processo di validazione. Lo stesso modello è stato poi utilizzato per lo studio del sistema dopo l'introduzione dello strumento standard.
Resumen Se realizó una prueba de establo para evaluar la eficacia residual de ivermectina 3,15% y los niveles plasmáticos en animales tratados con Ivomec GOLD® y con una formulación genérica frente a desafíos larvarios de Rhipicephalus (B.) microplus. En ambas formulaciones la eficacia residual presentó una gran dispersión en los días sin caída de garrapatas teleoginas post tratamiento. Descontando el ciclo parasitario la residualidad se presentó en un rango de 35 a 63 días. El análisis estadístico de los resultados de ambas formulaciones estudiadas a través de la mediana, demostró una residualidad de 52 días frente a larvas infestantes de R. (B) microplus. Los parámetros farmacocinéticos presentaron valores medios de: área bajo la curva (ABC) 1795±188 y 1351±118, picos plasmáticos (Tmax) a los 13,4±4,1 y 15,0±3,6 días post inoculación con concentración máxima (Cmax) de 65,4±1,5 y 41,1±0,3 ppb para la formulación de Ivomec GOLD® y la genérica respectivamente. Concentraciones inferiores a 10 ppb pueden representar el umbral por debajo del cual se logró desarrollar el ciclo parasitario hasta obtener garrapatas teleoginas. Los resultados obtenidos permitirán tener un mejor conocimiento para evaluar el comportamiento de las formulaciones en pruebas de establo y de campo tanto en el estudio de la eficacia, la residualidad y en el tiempo de espera para la faena.
Partendo dalla definizione di UAV e UAS, arrivando a quella di drone, nella tesi saranno definiti i termini precedenti, ossia un sistema aereo senza pilota a bordo, la nascita del termine drone e le tendenze attuali. Dopo una precisa classificazione nelle quattro categorie principali (droni per hobbisti, commerciali e militari di me- dia grandezza, militari specifici di grandi dimensioni e stealth da combattimento) saranno descritti gli ambiti di utilizzo: da un lato quello militare e della sicurezza, dall’altro quello civile e scientifico. I capitoli centrali della tesi saranno il cuore dell’opera: l’architettura dell’UAV sarà descritta analizzando la totalità delle sue componenti, sia hardware che software. Verranno, quindi, analizzati i problemi relativi alla sicurezza, focalizzandosi sull’hacking di un UAV, illustrandone le varie tecniche e contromisure (tra cui anche come nascondersi da un drone). Il lavoro della tesi prosegue nei capitoli successivi con un’attenta trattazione della normativa vigente e dell’etica dei droni (nonché del diritto ad uccidere con tali sistemi). Il capitolo relativo alla tecnologia stealth sarà importante per capire le modalità di occultamento, le tendenze attuali e i possibili sviluppi futuri degli UAV militari da combattimento. Il capitolo finale sugli sviluppi futuri esporrà le migliorie tecnologiche e gli obiettivi degli UAV negli anni a venire, insieme ad eventuali utilizzi sia militari che civili. La ricerca sarà orientata verso sistemi miniaturizzati, multiple UAV e swarming.
The association of an excessive blood pressure increase with exercise (EBPIE) on cardiovascular outcomes remains controversial. We sought to assess its impact on the risk of all-cause mortality and major cardiac events in patients with known or suspected coronary artery disease (CAD) referred for stress testing. Exercise echocardiography was performed in 10,047 patients with known or suspected CAD. An EBPIE was defined as an increase in systolic blood pressure with exercise ≥80 mmHg. The endpoints were all-cause mortality and major cardiac events (MACE), including cardiac death or nonfatal myocardial infarction (MI). Overall, 573 patients exhibited an EBPIE during the tests. Over a mean follow-up of 4.8 years, there were 1,950 deaths (including 725 cardiac deaths), 1,477 MI, and 1,900 MACE. The cumulative 10-year rates of all-cause mortality, cardiac death, nonfatal MI and MACE were 32.9%, 13.1%, 26,9% and 33% in patients who did not develop an EBPIE vs. 18.9%, 4.7%, 17.5% and 20.7% in those experiencing an EBPIE, respectively (p <0.001 for all comparisons). In Cox regression analyses, an EBPIE remained predictive of all-cause mortality (hazard ratio [HR] 0.73, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.59-0.91, p = 0.004), cardiac death (HR 0.67, 95% CI 0.46-0.98, p = 0.04), MI (HR 0.67, 95% CI 0.52-0.86, p = 0.002), and MACE (HR 0.69, 95% CI 0.56-0.86, p = 0.001). An EBPIE was associated with a significantly lower risk of mortality and MACE in patients with known or suspected CAD referred for stress testing.
A norma NP EN ISO/IEC 17025 descreve os requisitos gerais para o reconhecimento da competência de um laboratório em realizar ensaios e/ou calibrações, incluindo amostragem, que é utilizada pelos laboratórios para desenvolver os seus sistemas de gestão da qualidade e para as atividades administrativas e técnicas. Além da referência aos procedimentos de controlo da qualidade para monitorizar a validade dos ensaios e calibrações realizadas, é referida a necessidade dos laboratórios participarem em Ensaios de Comparação Interlaboratorial (ECI) como garantia da fiabilidade dos resultados. Neste trabalho, apresentam-se resultados da aplicação de cartas de controlo de qualidade para monitorização da estatística z-score (diferença entre o resultado obtido pelo laboratório participante e o valor de referência dividida pelo erro). Quando os dados analisados apresentam autocorrelação, é testado um modelo apropriado de série temporal, ou seja, um modelo que remova a autocorrelação dos dados aplicando cartas de controlo aos resíduos
Complex Impedance Measurement During RF Catheter Ablation: A More Accurate Measure of Power Delivery
Wideband frequency synthesisers have application in many areas, including test instrumentation and defence electronics. Miniaturisation of these devices provides many advantages to system designers, particularly in applications where extra space and weight are expensive. The purpose of this project was to miniaturise a wideband frequency synthesiser and package it for operation in several different environmental conditions while satisfying demanding technical specifications. The four primary and secondary goals to be achieved were: 1. an operating frequency range from low MHz to greater than 40 GHz, with resolution better than 1 MHz, 2. typical RF output power of +10 dBm, with maximum DC supply of 15 W, 3. synthesiser package of only 150 100 30 mm, and 4. operating temperatures from 20C to +71C, and vibration levels over 7 grms. This task was approached from multiple angles. Electrically, the system is designed to have as few functional blocks as possible. Off the shelf components are used for active functions instead of customised circuits. Mechanically, the synthesiser package is designed for efficient use of the available space. Two identical prototype synthesisers were manufactured to evaluate the design methodology and to show the repeatability of the design. Although further engineering development will improve the synthesiser’s performance, this project has successfully demonstrated a level of miniaturisation which sets a new benchmark for wideband synthesiser design. These synthesisers will meet the demands for smaller, lighter wideband sources. Potential applications include portable test equipment, radar and electronic surveillance systems on unmanned aerial vehicles. They are also useful for reducing the overall weight and power consumption of other systems, even if small dimensions are not essential.
This thesis reports on the investigations, simulations and analyses of novel power electronics topologies and control strategies. The research is financed by an Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage (07-09) grant. Therefore, in addition to developing original research and contributing to the available knowledge of power electronics, it also contributes to the design of a DC-DC converter for specific application to the auxiliary power supply in electric trains. Specifically, in this regard, it contributes to the design of a 7.5 kW DC-DC converter for the industrial partner (Schaffler and Associates Ltd) who supported this project. As the thesis is formatted as a ‘thesis by publication’, the contents are organized around published papers. The research has resulted in eleven papers, including seven peer reviewed and published conference papers, one published journal paper, two journal papers accepted for publication and one submitted journal paper (provisionally accepted subject to few changes). In this research, several novel DC-DC converter topologies are introduced, analysed, and tested. The similarity of all of the topologies devised lies in their ‘current circulating’ switching state, which allows them to store some energy in the inductor, as extra inductor current. The stored energy may be applied to enhance the performance of the converter in the occurrence of load current or input voltage disturbances. In addition, when there is an alternating load current, the ability to store energy allows the converter to perform satisfactorily despite frequently and highly varying load current. In this research, the capability of current storage has been utilised to design topologies for specific applications, and the enhancement of the performance of the considered applications has been illustrated. The simplest DC-DC converter topology, which has a ‘current circulating’ switching state, is the Positive Buck-Boost (PBB) converter (also known as the non-inverting Buck-Boost converter). Usually, the topology of the PBB converter is operating as a Buck or a Boost converter in applications with widely varying input voltage or output reference voltage. For example, in electric railways (the application of our industrial partner), the overhead line voltage alternates from 1000VDC to 500VDC and the required regulated voltage is 600VDC. In the course of this research, our industrial partner (Schaffler and Associates Ltd) industrialized a PBB converter–the ‘Mudo converter’–operating at 7.5 kW. Programming the onboard DSP and testing the PBB converter in experimental and nominal power and voltage was part of this research program. In the earlier stages of this research, the advantages and drawbacks of utilization of the ‘current circulating’ switching state in the positive Buck-Boost converter were investigated. In brief, the advantages were found to be robustness against input voltage and current load disturbances, and the drawback was extra conduction and switching loss. Although the robustness against disturbances is desirable for many applications, the price of energy loss must be minimized to attract attention to the utilization of the PBB converter. In further stages of this research, two novel control strategies for different applications were devised to minimise the extra energy loss while the advantages of the positive Buck-Boost converter were fully utilized. The first strategy is Smart Load Controller (SLC) for applications with pre-knowledge or predictability of input voltage and/or load current disturbances. A convenient example of these applications is electric/hybrid cars where a master controller commands all changes in loads and voltage sources. Therefore, the master controller has a pre-knowledge of the load and input voltage disturbances so it can apply the SLC strategy to utilize robustness of the PBB converter. Another strategy aiming to minimise energy loss and maximise the robustness in the face of disturbance is developed to cover applications with unexpected disturbances. This strategy is named Dynamic Hysteresis Band (DHB), and is used to manipulate the hysteresis band height after occurrence of disturbance to reduce dynamics of the output voltage. When no disturbance has occurred, the PBB converter works with minimum inductor current and minimum energy loss. New topologies based on the PBB converter have been introduced to address input voltage disturbances for different onboard applications. The research shows that the performance of applications of symmetrical/asymmetrical multi-level diode-clamped inverters, DC-networks, and linear-assisted RF amplifiers may be enhanced by the utilization of topologies based on the PBB converter. Multi-level diode-clamped inverters have the problem of DC-link voltage balancing when the power factor of their load closes to unity. This research has shown that this problem may be solved with a suitable multi-output DC-DC converter supplying DClink capacitors. Furthermore, the multi-level diode-clamped inverters supplied with asymmetrical DC-link voltages may improve the quality of load voltage and reduce the level of Electromagnetic Interference (EMI). Mathematical analyses and experiments on supplying symmetrical and asymmetrical multi-level inverters by specifically designed multi-output DC-DC converters have been reported in two journal papers. Another application in which the system performance can be improved by utilization of the ‘current circulating’ switching state is linear-assisted RF amplifiers in communicational receivers. The concept of ‘linear-assisted’ is to divide the signal into two frequency domains: low frequency, which should be amplified by a switching circuit; and the high frequency domain, which should be amplified by a linear amplifier. The objective is to minimize the overall power loss. This research suggests using the current storage capacity of a PBB based converter to increase its bandwidth, and to increase the domain of the switching converter. The PBB converter addresses the industrial demand for a DC-DC converter for the application of auxiliary power supply of a typical electric train. However, after testing the industrial prototype of the PBB converter, there were some voltage and current spikes because of switching. To attenuate this problem without significantly increasing the switching loss, the idea of Active Gate Signalling (AGS) is presented. AGS suggests a smart gate driver that selectively controls the switching process to reduce voltage/current spikes, without unacceptable reduction in the efficiency of switching.
The high morbidity and mortality associated with atherosclerotic coronary vascular disease (CVD) and its complications are being lessened by the increased knowledge of risk factors, effective preventative measures and proven therapeutic interventions. However, significant CVD morbidity remains and sudden cardiac death continues to be a presenting feature for some subsequently diagnosed with CVD. Coronary vascular disease is also the leading cause of anaesthesia related complications. Stress electrocardiography/exercise testing is predictive of 10 year risk of CVD events and the cardiovascular variables used to score this test are monitored peri-operatively. Similar physiological time-series datasets are being subjected to data mining methods for the prediction of medical diagnoses and outcomes. This study aims to find predictors of CVD using anaesthesia time-series data and patient risk factor data. Several pre-processing and predictive data mining methods are applied to this data. Physiological time-series data related to anaesthetic procedures are subjected to pre-processing methods for removal of outliers, calculation of moving averages as well as data summarisation and data abstraction methods. Feature selection methods of both wrapper and filter types are applied to derived physiological time-series variable sets alone and to the same variables combined with risk factor variables. The ability of these methods to identify subsets of highly correlated but non-redundant variables is assessed. The major dataset is derived from the entire anaesthesia population and subsets of this population are considered to be at increased anaesthesia risk based on their need for more intensive monitoring (invasive haemodynamic monitoring and additional ECG leads). Because of the unbalanced class distribution in the data, majority class under-sampling and Kappa statistic together with misclassification rate and area under the ROC curve (AUC) are used for evaluation of models generated using different prediction algorithms. The performance based on models derived from feature reduced datasets reveal the filter method, Cfs subset evaluation, to be most consistently effective although Consistency derived subsets tended to slightly increased accuracy but markedly increased complexity. The use of misclassification rate (MR) for model performance evaluation is influenced by class distribution. This could be eliminated by consideration of the AUC or Kappa statistic as well by evaluation of subsets with under-sampled majority class. The noise and outlier removal pre-processing methods produced models with MR ranging from 10.69 to 12.62 with the lowest value being for data from which both outliers and noise were removed (MR 10.69). For the raw time-series dataset, MR is 12.34. Feature selection results in reduction in MR to 9.8 to 10.16 with time segmented summary data (dataset F) MR being 9.8 and raw time-series summary data (dataset A) being 9.92. However, for all time-series only based datasets, the complexity is high. For most pre-processing methods, Cfs could identify a subset of correlated and non-redundant variables from the time-series alone datasets but models derived from these subsets are of one leaf only. MR values are consistent with class distribution in the subset folds evaluated in the n-cross validation method. For models based on Cfs selected time-series derived and risk factor (RF) variables, the MR ranges from 8.83 to 10.36 with dataset RF_A (raw time-series data and RF) being 8.85 and dataset RF_F (time segmented time-series variables and RF) being 9.09. The models based on counts of outliers and counts of data points outside normal range (Dataset RF_E) and derived variables based on time series transformed using Symbolic Aggregate Approximation (SAX) with associated time-series pattern cluster membership (Dataset RF_ G) perform the least well with MR of 10.25 and 10.36 respectively. For coronary vascular disease prediction, nearest neighbour (NNge) and the support vector machine based method, SMO, have the highest MR of 10.1 and 10.28 while logistic regression (LR) and the decision tree (DT) method, J48, have MR of 8.85 and 9.0 respectively. DT rules are most comprehensible and clinically relevant. The predictive accuracy increase achieved by addition of risk factor variables to time-series variable based models is significant. The addition of time-series derived variables to models based on risk factor variables alone is associated with a trend to improved performance. Data mining of feature reduced, anaesthesia time-series variables together with risk factor variables can produce compact and moderately accurate models able to predict coronary vascular disease. Decision tree analysis of time-series data combined with risk factor variables yields rules which are more accurate than models based on time-series data alone. The limited additional value provided by electrocardiographic variables when compared to use of risk factors alone is similar to recent suggestions that exercise electrocardiography (exECG) under standardised conditions has limited additional diagnostic value over risk factor analysis and symptom pattern. The effect of the pre-processing used in this study had limited effect when time-series variables and risk factor variables are used as model input. In the absence of risk factor input, the use of time-series variables after outlier removal and time series variables based on physiological variable values’ being outside the accepted normal range is associated with some improvement in model performance.
More than 13 Mha of nonfederal land in the southeastern U.S. are devoted to pastureland. Between 1982 and 1992, pastureland increased by 100,000 ha, with nearly 70% converted from cultivated land. We examined the potential for carbon (C) sequestration with improved pasture management and conversion into pastureland from cultivated land. Improved pasture management techniques, such as intensive grazing, fertilization, introduction of improved grass and legume species, and better irrigation systems can lead to sequestration of atmospheric C in soil. Literature values for the influence of changes in pasture management on soil C were summarized for several potential management changes in the Southeast. Soil C sequestration estimates for the Southeast were based on current pasture management practices and evaluated for a range of different adoption rates of improved practices. Conversion into pasture can also potentially sequester significant amounts of atmospheric C in soils. Land-use data from the National Resources Inventory and literature estimates of soil C changes following conversion to pasture were used to estimate historical (1982 to 1992) soil C sequestration in pastures. Potential future sequestration was estimated based on extrapolation of land-use trends between 1982 and 1992. With continued conversion into pasture and improvement of pasture management, southeastern U.S. pasture soils may be a significant C sink for several years.